Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Mar 1915, p. 2

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F DR. M. H. EMBREE, PHgs11X Q11!` Q11`!-n-o'nn fr... ..-;..__ -_, _..-_..... KJ us vqy U15, L11 I gineer etc. Established 185' Office, Medical Building, S. E. corner Richmond `and Bay Sts., Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solicitors,- Bank of To- .ronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly. attended to. ~- P V I 1 D13; 1MORTIMvER LYON, 31 I .cn- I-nn .Q4- VI` ..... 1.- 1 . ~ .. .______.__.._..._.________._____.._. ;. G. SMITH & CO.,.PHONE s2. Established 1869. Undertakers. _Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Bar- 'rie, :On tarV1o. '4.V' vI'J..LV Qntario 9 .on.... A`..- '.L!.I.UIIU.l.'. I`.a_nd ` ---o u nunuu -- Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat fnvinonnnua-I ----- "`- -` ` us. 1ucUA.'1`.X. 110!) Street Barrie. DONALLD Ross, LL.B., ,B-AR- rister,. Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. _L_ { STRATHY & VESTEN, BARRI-S-I hers, `Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries 'Pufo1ic, Con- veyancers. Ofoes over the Bank ` [VP rFnmnn`A 1)-AV". 1 -`r . 6ffr:*s_W~I('>_i{"E-7Ef-ia-.i;IJ_I.," Titf .qn]`:n;fn-an ...B 1.1.. 4 ' Ori-lvlia :Sc11oo1v Boa:rd' gave, a con- tract for framing school pictures to -ghe T. Eaton Gd. because wthey were $4.00 lower than other tender-' a..,.1_ :. __-__, us. ...;. umuJLun, I11 I. DLKJLALV _a1'1'1d Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. C. Alexander.) Ofce and rai- dence Burton Ave., Allandale. Diseases of women and children and, nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. _ 22-ly. COWAN, SUC- `cessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, a Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining `probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and `General Soli- -cifor, Notary,` Conveyancer, etc. Oioes`: Hinds Block, No. 8 V Dunlap St. Money to loan. d. A.{{{T -F n I -f_n1- .Qn`Hn-Mn 'NTn4....._ T1,: 1- Barrie, 7 every .SattuVr'cla;" W 153; eases-Eye, Ear, V Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a_.m. to 5` p.m., and by appoint- ment, . .S'I1EW-mRT' f_&= 5S`TEWA.RT,' BAR- -RISTERS; "Solicitors, Notaries -Pu9`blic,_ and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any svums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13_ Owen St., Bar- rie. D. M. o-Stewart. ..LVJ.\J.l\o.1. 1A(1'J2:'I\a LI UN, "(3`.arlton St., Toronto, late" of Brooklyn (N.Y.), Eye and Ear` Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Saturday. Dis:' 99 Qcipvn Ta`.-... `TA 4- >12. H. A." DUGLAY, OSTEO- PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Office Hours--9 to K_ , . _ A4-`run- LA---- ....--- vuu. vxuuc 1.|.UUIB""U E0` '5; .o?her hours by appointment. Phone 565. 45-]y _% Dr. J. ART!-I91} Ross Q. 1'_I9,,L ' --_.... \;vv5AA.\.I vu Luunvxla ULLU 'U.|l1.y 13450 week, f when a farmer residing in Ennilskillen =br0u'-ght to Kerr s mill , a load. of Walnuxt `fence rails. and had them -turned inrto u-prigihts for a balustrade. ,' . ' ;;. 1.. _111.UJ.Vut1J.J1.4, urrnjuaj and residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.) Telephone 167. vv D.1|I\J7DD|3, rnrbmj-1AiV,l r`Sw11rg etc., L.R.lC.-S.,; Edin.,' LR.-C.P., London. Ofce - and residence, Dunlap St., Barrie. Telephone 165.` ' V. A. LEWIS, M.D.ci.M., sm-gey and Diseases of Women especial- 1y. Office 58 Collier St. Phone 61. 1 35-- .....,. u. J..l.o \J`\./\.l.1A3 \'IDUlJ'lJ1`41DDU`I`io to Dr. Palhng), Physicxan, Sur- geon . and Accoucheur. Spec1a1 Throat. Glasses adjusted. Ofce, ' . ,Phone 95. 14-157. '7 A -.---j__.. jf%A.Ttm 3"W=*%~ "*.*""*?% v-.zJu:1\A.:L-Du \J.|J.lL"U'3 U\_ eI' of Toronto, Barrie. Money to loan at " lowest current. `rates. G. H. Esten. V-W vv.L\/`J-3.-Ll ' W _ DDJJJJ, M. ri_sters, Soliwcitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, em Mnnnv +1`; 1AA [\`n" T` nvsvvbl, JJGLVIVIUI wicke, K. 0., W _ _-....v.-u, ;.1uvaL.|%, \/UIlVey32 et_c. Money to loan. Oice, bl_ock, Barrie. ` A. __E. H. -.-.....`l-.. T711 -rrv - - 4.4;. .Lv4J..|JJ1+.V 4.1. U .l.IJ J. , DI1IVIC1' I ;ter, Solicitor, Notary - Public, &c. 'Oice, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. `Money to loan at1ow- -est rates. I Pet1'o!1i:a A:`dve11ti'ser--Ann evidence of -the vast .q~u:antirties' of walnut that -once stood` throughout the d'i'S- trict came to Pentrolia one `day 1at wuzeplr wmlncm no 4`.,......,... ......:.J.:.`.._ --- FOR_ T MONEY ro LOAN an bu-an gm.-m..a. ..a __--_ A 7. A. `ROSS, PHYSIC-IAN Z3011 o+n T D {W G T.`J_'__ ,1 tnz:bnnrAxnna.. sunvzionn. rnriimms. name '26:: I)L~_' IY & Jlj-1N, -Surveyors, En Fad-n'L`I.',.L-J """` wuuuu. . .1. xty uxuuwu. JIUUUKB -F0 L `J. Tante, of `La ` Pzaltrie, Mon-A treal. His famher, the -late J; Is- rael, would have sent the order to Orill-ia faensciers, but a ski-n.-g has arisen -who knows not Joseph. !i9::h`8 niiJgL'n_' sf `A 45-" - _. _ _ M.{~:u{;~Ac-:rz';r_rz_m-z'2-(';17 ' Buggies, Carriages, `Wagon! Sleigh: .and__Cuttex_-s. _ V A; .- Andrew Small Fruits. Eve reens. Roses, Shrub! Climbers etc. Every ng in the Nursery line Send list of your wunts for 1-ices. Cata- 108lIeFreo. ' Apply For erms AosnI'rs wnnrransvamrwmsnz 'J.H. Winner. Nurse:-yuan. Port Elgin On!- 43-17 J CRAIGHURST, om`. [LICENSED AUCTIONIZER ;Most reasonable terms given on a! Stock Sales The man -who complained that `he! had been ruined by aidivertis-i_ng,| fumher explained 11haa:t he had fool- ishly Ia-nd obstin-a*te1y -a_l1owed- his rivals to` do it all,` and rtake his 21*:-cilia Druggist. p `u _v ta Beaver and Bishopbric Wall Board Cedar Shingles. Memmc Cemn Anything in the Lumber Lino GET oun PRICES BEFORE "you THE Blll PLANING Mlll Telephone I09 .... -. 0? % I-09 BARRIE- I ,,.,__ ,-.......v -uvual nu mind I notice of intentxon to charge a.d\`(-rtise ce h"~._ mustbe handed into theo not Iz;1:;.Dmr` Satfuday at 10 o'clock, and thc'copy for 8?`? change must be 1n THE ADVAN(:J: ot(,-en`; later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday week, otherwise the ac}vert1s_er s ann ' m gnay not be made public unml the week i ` mg, ' V CONDENSED ADVERTISEME.\"l`S. Condensed advertisements on first page 3,1,. " as wants of all kmds, lost and found " . . v N` r` z for sale or to rent, specrc artxclos, L'Icp:g,]_ must be accomnamcd vntn -the cash. ` Cuts for advertisements must In cv . , , en -1 case bemourrzcd on sohd metal base}: Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica-V txons will remove therougnncss, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using ..-... .. un uu.uu.cnI:5 2 it. Price 15c and 25c. ful {after shaving. ` ~- ,.v- oaaavl COMMERCIAL DISLAY Rates will be given on application. must be the o l'I,I`-Inn`! nvlta `L - - TRANSIENT ADVER'l`lSI.\ H Legal Notices. _Auct1on bales, Amust; etc.-Firstinsert1on 10 cents per line 9 4 sub 1'1entinsertlon/5cents pcrlinc. ' '4- R mg notices, 10 _cents per line for % insertion ; 5cents per lme for each snxhspnu ' insertion of the same matter. Obituarv pojf r. 50 Der line. if noun.--...-...- . _ , MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkman's Glycedonia. Tam ADVANCE. 13 prove tn 1"l`I`l)'%e:.t circulation ofany paper in th21:`;e{h recei ta . Y far the [largest subscn-pt. Th fatter fact (1 `` ts patrons. It you hi??? Il1?)ta;_E1s`.(E,-1:10. quaint, place it _with the paper that reaches W18 to d; not afraid to pay the price. `C Deon Advertisements are charged "act, ` J 8D&ce--l2 1' - Pdin inch. mes nonpareil measure x11a1(e30: c TRANSIENT An\'l .. -Ori'11i-a -Packet -_-Last week, Mr. C. `C. `Hinds, of Barrie, 'ha'I9f-a-dozen Plymourth Books to` T. -11" ' " % T A-L` T - T 'The Newfoundryl NEXTDOOR Tn `run -2-. g... NEXTDOOR TO THE ` jE9sI;:' 'F;OSS $1 gens."-mun s 01.1; sun nus Noxmizn ADVANCE Battle, Ont Transact a. General Bani.-in_; Business. . . . . Notes Discozrml at reasozzable rates. . . . . C oIlu-- tibn 9/` Notes and Accounts given special attention. . . . . Drafts Issued payable anytrlu rz-. `on most favorable `arms. i THURSDAY, MA-ROH T. B E EC R0 FT, Manager T.Beecrnft nggist. GEO. MONKMAN. being installed]: Wiil*T'l1eyv-;7.`e ;;` one hour ahead for the summer months? 9 , , . _ --- ------.a, uuvo Boilers. Engines and all kind farm and stationary machinery m and repaired on shox test notice a moderate prices. I ll, Is open for all orders in CAS'I`I.\'G MILL REPAIRS, &c. . I'\-~: - ADVERT L 15:39 was! -31 --.._.#_, Oce H ours--1 0 to 4 `,(-v_, , Ll work "done by expert niiachim and guaranteed first class. MANUFAc'r_U_13ERs. l f% _Expert Machinist Anvngcn CT I VIVIIVQ `lTr\-4-nun-gr... [- s'r. JQHN -YlIlDDi Il....|.x._n.. 6:. CO. `T1. IE- proven :1 of any the 4 Subscri demonstrates the 1 have any ad vc'rti aner that 1-.....,:.,., . yvt 1111(5- as line r or. sub or .` _ se r. Obituarv 190:2, xff A `V :51) kinds of. xnprv 1-n..A.. TANNERYU 1)`e1'i}}':`: -5 UV`: ' Eimned owmuo T _ , - --- -.-u-1:131 t3'No new name will be added t6 the sub- aolfipuon List until the money is paid. . b e ` Subscribers now in arrests for three` months and qver will be charged $1.50 per annum. 4th Barrie. up U1- v' made cc and { ~,Oril-]:iL s- new oiiioe ciock invstalldl. Will .they set one }`Inn!1- 9-hand. '4-`nu. +1-A r------- -Jirdblaahea from the omoe; 123 Dunlap" street, . ' - Barrie. in the County or simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every L M Thursday Morning.` by ' Qllnsv A---- ---- ` In times ' of V 'W'a.1_` prepaite for? peace. This` is Can~ada s duty at the present `time. -.- --nu a..ua.1vau. Jul` AUVANL UNITED STATES SUBXRIBFITS $1.50 IN ADVANCE j`\- _--- -- Review Herald ..Q.-mg... --A Tlskus on Stynscnmnon" -1 - --A--- _ I `.9... The `Reformer was hand- ed. {anj Janticle for_ `pulblication pro- -plaipning the home merchant a.nd V4A\/A"I- uwu. pouysc. . ` ` ' ` 1 Ontario would provide less loose` `, money for the pl-underers _ of -the widow and the orphan if women `could: [buy their own .5 per oen_t./ mu~nicipa;1 debentures with the money that now rots i11 the iba-1 1'k af-' Q -I-\t\Iu .-Ln.-.-L ----1-3] - ...._..,J .,....u Vuuw 4uua 111 L116 '~Uu-11K at` 3 per cent. until some phi1'an- Ithropist persuades the v owners to exchange their savings -for city lots in the west or" for worth1esssto~ck. I Toronto Telegram--4Onta1rio mun- -icipalities, outside of the large cen- tres,_ at -`least, should sell bonds to- their 01W-I1 people. A ` {Tut-.-....'.. -..--_-11! -- - "' ` " ....u ;_:1vu1.uJu'J.`y nauvucw nerala says:-Some one was wai-ling--: Why don't We get wmvovre recruits from the rural districts Z-.-when 1S ILOCAL _.SALE.$ 0.1:` -l\{IUl\*f[C'IP`A-L`! 1 j BIOINDS % I ` rn - Various -c-ompvlaiuts -are` coming from the merchants .in regard to ligvht"`weight `butter put up -in poundl iprints, says The Orilli-a News-Let ,_' ter. `The cause of this, may be de- 1 tfective scales of-` the "farmers, but , whatever the` reason it is a 'very - serious matter to the merchant as well as to the farmer. `Any person selling ligvht ,\\'l'g`-ht ibuctter is ~lia`bl'e . to a ne up to' $200, and though 7 , the merchant pays the farmer_ for V a pound and gets only 15 ounces, hep; ` is liable -if he resells it for -a .p0und.! Recently a. resident gbouglit .42`. prints and founvcl` he .had* -only 38 _. pounds. The ichancnes are most `of _- `the light weights is due to careless4 j ness. .`but with the provincial inspec- I tor or -local police likely to make, ` tests at any time, -it is important :1 to bu'ttenmaAkers to: see that their 9 , _scales are -albsolutely -correct. , _ (4 Iv_BUTTrELR P.Rz;INsT.-S. the. i countries engaged , iet, _~ qulanctisty or q-urality _ hence; , every U1. `D116 U15` .....n/J :uuu,u Uu'U, ~Wt7J...l.-da1`C ltrict, the country -and? the Ein1pire,u `both now and hereafter. With all pri-ncIiJpa1l , `European supply in deadly con- -there will -be no produce of coming from They will not only require ounce for -their own con- ; suzmption, but will be compelled? to pu=rcih=ase. largely from neurtra-l coun- tries. Great Bnimain above all, _W1i|l'l have to the fed and clad`, and `Oaiir * Iadca being her largest, nearest and ? -aJbsoliute ally, will have in great ' ' zmeasuire to fu-mitsh the necessities. * Nor will Great Britain be the only rmemsber of` our Empire that will - need Wlvalt We oani prodiuce. New T Zealaxndi and Ausltnalia will also be _- importers. Thus then, the markets ; are i assured for years to. come, practically for all time, and not ` only for grain, but. also for live stock, for, B18 the seasons pass, the ,: latter bid air to become soarcer 1 and scarcer. Clattle cannot be bred, raised and placed on the market .9 in one sea,s`onA; 11or can horses; nor 1. can sheep, whence the demand for ( action -is instant. In `short, Can- ada"s opupontun1'i ty is right . now-. _l] .: vv-AALIIVV usxv vv'aL wuu lI_.l1t7 uvuluuu it is causing for supplies, especiiav - ly foodistuifs, are _ the main rea- sons 'for -he Batriosti sm and iducrtion ' camplahgn,` the subject aspe-at than -_the immediate npresenrt. Tzhey mean he welfare of the _1 is- J-...',..L .LL_ _-_,_,.L 1' vu-v vsdv '.I.\JtI`l.I. U1. U.l1`\JUU_ WUU Eie ghting for the Empire on-* the` baJtt}e'eIds of Eu'rdpe? A far more per.t1nent `question to ask would the 1:his--Why do1i t We,-get more re-. ' cruifts. from {the `ranks of the unem- ployed in our cities, rtowns and vi'11wges ? ' ' ' ` -v -""- 19%!`-".7 ` ~'1'<.~'.u`.' -,.- 1' UW ' aorbhr :[.f: rgo towhe th rultral Viiistrricts, who is .`t(}_j~i1;akwe; offs -big extrav amps` ..-toi-hfeed them 2 "DI1_r' is `really a -lqt of. l is_tmen-t business. A Under: normal .cond:itionls `farmers have abourt [all h vhey can do fo harvest their crops `safeliy, .`but with a vastly increased acreage `u-nder cu:ltiva=t1i-on it must obvious that they will "require more help -this year than alast. If the farmers fail to, do their work eectively on .t-hergrain elds; What about the -food supp y of hose who are 42.n.L+:...... 4"... 4.1.- 17_____:_, .. fool -talk-going on'a:bout }'thi`sV hen`-I .Packet- replies: 'Editing a Weekly NOn-the~Side in the Toronto: ews says: -The Editor of the" Coilingwoodi Messenger reminds the prriliat 1:acketftha1): he bhasl playt in -a own 00 a , .ows, 0'0, cricket and She roarin game. CW6 often wanteg to be editor of a Weekly paper. It is an activity of` the leisured classes. The Orill-i-a paper no doulbt looks easy. -So does sawingv wood--un'ti=1 one has to make a business of it. `But the life elysian recalled _'by the editor of the Messenger ante-dates` his V connection with the press and the - reference is -therefore mis-leading. On-the-+Side will do well to stick to the job he has. At present he. gets .' more bouquets than *bric'k!bats, and in the future he mayjbe able. to. re- tire on theineome from'th'at'book of poems understoocl to `be now in the press. i ` i I .SO0PE OF THE TC=A~'MJ?-AIGN ' ..WhiJe the War and. the dern:_1n`d `fgis mims .;FA~ILR? Minsrv W.EIGJ-I P'Q.UN D , ,_-_D .. ...,.. .u.uooU1n5CJ.;`-'.1.|.l1G pI'1Ce' for "an ovevdbse of luqueor and creatmg `a derstunban-ce irn Orllha `is -gnadually -being reduced. The A-last offender, Wi~l1iaxm Foster, was only ned $12.60 by Police Magistrate Olasrk on Tuesday morning. Ths ne "apparently works, out at $10 for being 1druVn`k and. $2.60. for dis;-; /,- _ V _.-.-J.n..\'\JI .I.`.l.J..L'J U`. Coingwood Mess-engelj--"] `an ovevd ose_ Iuqw _.---`4.n4 .1. ALL) 1. .I.'J.l-UK) ~ --~- I >1 Bruce Herad-VVi:th the men s side of the House of ~Refuge_ here 9` full to overowitng and -applications! 3 pouring in from 'gents in vaxrious 1 parts of tihet counrty seeki-ng,_` aId!m`is- -7si`on,v Bruce nds -itself unable to 3 accommodate the .p-auper males that 3 are trying to ea.tc1h'a. place in the ' free food ` works. In. erecting the T House, -Bruce made the mistake of t equ-a1ly.divi=d?ing -the space between % the Women `and the . men, and like t `in other counties, it now. nds" Ithat ' Vt-he indfigenyt, miales exceed the` fe- L males to the exltenrt of two to one, and! rth-at e while there is: lots _of room still for -meme wmnene there is not!" sufdient cot space for the men, who are already so thickly huddedl together` that they are almost ru:b-i lbing noses with their neighbors; I ..... vvu -n.xLIJ:.LUu1l.kL1ll5,_ `lb UECUJ UU full anerdinary gas 'eng~.i11e. The in- vestor estimates . that with the use of a `plant capable of caring for the ,5 -ewarge -of a town of -10,000 in- .'ha'bi.tants, , 150,000t- horse" power couti be I developed. Up "-to the present the -system is in operation .in only -one town in Australia.-- ! Huntsvile Forester. ' __.._--...-4 a-n\u.uJu3g U] nournox anzw. rununn. fl1 -OIWFERVFROM SEWAG-E I E s I _ question somewhat closely for the iDvI;S-P_OS'A*L PLANTSF Mr. Wm. T-urnbull,Vw-ho has been l:Eol:lowin'g the sewage, disposal `past. year or two, has handed us a `copy of an Ediniburgh paper con-l ta`in_ing parvic-`u~lars of an `interest- ing discovery relative to -the "user of . gas -from sewage dispos-a`l -plants. _ The discovery has `been made by- an Austranlrian ' named! W-arloaw, tihalt` the ` [gas which is so` offensive 21 by-pro-I druct of the ise-wagve disposal plant, is capable` of rendering very effi- 'cient and A economic service -as -an ` de . To the se tic` power pro u or p grtanks which are a p-arfc of all sew- I Iagei disposal plants, ' pfi~pi_ng is ` at-g tadhed; and the gas, which has al-; -ways -been an offence dgo the neigh-I .b'orhood'ssurrou-ncling',_ `is used} to run] a nus r\ttJu\r\x\n-- ...- --A- --- 4.J.\4vuAL\.\z gsuo `uvnxv J12, .L11U LUULUL`Ju' ' ', `er has done it, 'and what. is the re-' _ward*? As soon as there is any ap- pearance of .a falling off of trade the advertisements are ordereci outv of the papers; buyers may go toi rthe ibotw-`wows and trade connec- tions which have occupied years; to! build up become dissolved} and lost: forever. In the meantime the newspapers must keep on boosting "the home merchant. Is it a fair deal? ' ~ V A I any Standard Work go to " lar iherchant who. `asked? for `the! . free boost for himself, `and got `it, it had! yet to spend one dollar in ad- vertising i11 `The `Reformer, and : this, *by rthe iway, is that .sp-lendid pa.per s siixtieth year of pu'b1_ication.. "He .-al-so emphasized the fact that L Week after `Week the Weeklies preach _ against the =buhy-away~fro'm-home - practice ind`u1g`ed in by so many- the business -people not being, ex- ; cepbed-yet their work goes unap- ' preci-ated. Wirth Editor 'D0n'ly we quite agree, but he Vrnigrht have gone further and given instances ~wh-ere newspapers have not once or twice, but many_ times, tuurnedi down good fat contracts for adver- ` rtising -offereds by city departmentalsli because o '1-0y~a=1ty rto the -home towngi on the part of the pulblisher. Thel3 `Advance has done it, The Reform-3 A- Lam .J._..... - .-__.J' ___J-_L `, 11 -DIISITURBI`NrG F`! 11' MORE PAUPERS or-TORONTO ' are proving to be allvery great convenienceto many pf out friends. ` With these accountsxeither of two or more persons 1n the house- hold may deposit or withdraw money, and in the event of the" death of either, the survivor may withdraw the money WITH- OUT DELAY ORFORMALITY. `Interest paid on all sav- - ' ' _ings balances twice a year. 4 L BRANCHES AT BARRIE AND ALLANDALE Total Assets Ovr u.v Luulv JLUU, V \V.l.l1 IU'clK6 . forelock, and `see thrart O-rvillia dloes its share Tltowa-rds vdirec.1:i`11g travel -toiwardsi us. I Joint L% avings F. Accounts _ _-.... 1.- `L- - ___.._- ___.__4_ _-_.____._-.._- 1.. ...A.... -1` -....` THE NORTHERN AWDVANCE H. A. SIMS, Manager Or `tiuconronnrzn nu) I WAJNT son" GIIOVT. JOBS . Ottawa, Feb. 24,-A` member of `P_zmrli.ament is little more than an i employment agent, dec-'1ared. An- drew Broder, 'M..P. It -is surpris- ing fhe number -of` young men who, wfihou-t sand enough to ght the '-battle of life, want soft government jobs. T This is one reason w~hy.I am! Ac-_i.vi1 servants. from voting` [Federal elections. ' T --._.uu _u/vanilla ivsowards her. I The opinion that 'Mus'ko1ta, min-J clludling Orillia T and Lakes Simcoe and -Couchidhirng generally, will gain more summer visitor business from war condrirtions next season` than these resorts will lose appears to be shared by many, says T-he_ Orillia. Packet- It is certain that thousands, , in Canadxa. and the United Srtantes, who would have i gone albroad had conditions been normal, will be looking for acoor_n- modtation nearer home, and) it is :3 reason-a;ble to suppose that consider-" J aible of vhis business will come our. ' way. Our Board of Trade, we] doubt not, {will take time by the; 9111:]! 130 +.l~noA- (\...Zl`I.'.- JI-~ -__-v vva-nI Real Etate and Insurance % Phonesai. Bosanko Block. Barrie Rsidence. I Phone 627, '1/111;) D [0 German .. . . u . ; n : u HVJIIIC. Small cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. THOMAS _yvARD 'D-..I 13-4 A -V-ihavye $200,000.00 Worth [of ;houses and property _ in 7Barrie `and Allandgle. rent. 't11rb{hg the deer that roam Ori11*i3a os `streets. ' . I OWN YOUR OWN HOME i-I'Io'Na 033' NOT-E AN-D oom:ME=N~T '. H. Kennedy ONE _ BARBIE: `Repairs of All kinds Contractor & Builder Opp; _` MIhe `P08 I `I. $61,900,000 I64 Bayeld Street '*"Whi'1e the |Cana'di'an contin-gent! {is doing its part at the front and. the Cianadian Ibusiness man `is do- ing his part at home, it remains {for rthe 'xC3anradia1'1 citizen also to d=o his part; It is patriortic `and it isl good lbusinves's to `buy goods, rst,_' that are made and :so-1d- in our `own town, second,` in -our own country, and third, in -our own B-ritish Em- pire. ` 16-tf In U I` I. I I U Wehave a. large amount atlowest current ratea.either in LOA N of money to loan small Q1-in large amount on the ty of g farm mort- cCARTHY. BOYS'& MURCHISON. unlon Barrie VA nuiIVIho:r at zoodfarngs and Town Pio- ` I pihjqs tor site on any terms. , ___.'- (snoceeaor. to the late R. L. Barwieln Fire and Life Insurance . Real Estate Agency e . \ e Money to Loan }A.R_NLD Hospitals and having `served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square `Bar, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London Oiihthalmic Hospital; Bristl Eye Hos ital, Bristo mind Birmingham gyie os ital, B ingham :former Member of tish phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. --.y C: C-llll g I`\ ` I Having spent; years Post Graduate work in British seryed Anniafont :. n-IA-- -* -- |lrJ."`Bosanko __.---7Q` WW L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8!. 5. Glasgow T --SURGEON-- ' '5 an ........, V...uu up-nu; uuzau. uuucl.` wuucx ers.* Such is civic pat-niotism-even in Oriiklia, where .it was supposed) that [everybody is 10ya1-even a school` trustee rwtho Iis simply `spend- ing the people s money. '

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