Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Feb 1915, p. 5

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D. & A. and E. T. Corsets, sizes tgto 30, w' h u ` V_ 3 ___A.,-- ..-_I.._ nut- . ' Ladies Planin Black Cotton Hose, sizes 8% {'0 9%, special value at 15c, for 2 ior. . . . ; o u o . o o n _ I ' .oo~ou0IOoO0 Colon:-econ Ladies , Boys and Children s' Ribbed Wool Hose, sizes 6 to 9%, special `value at `'9 25, for . . . . . . . . . . .`, . . . . . .T . . . . . . . .T | Men s Horsehide Mitts, with one ger and without, special value at 2 5c, for .... .. ..... .............. .................. I Iirchlar Pillow Cotton. 42 to 46 ihches wide, nice ne quality, regular 2 5c, for. .-:. . ' I C O C Q o o ouionnooo. on-QQOIOIIOIIIOO Sutcliffe s Leadr'-Se our Bar of Laun- dry Soap fot .... .................... ..-. .... .. Sutc1iffe s_ Spscial Laundry Soap, `8 bars 1'. _. XIZCXIUUUT ` g '1` 9A.- 7. \X (1. Gllhl 1.4. L. xuuaauuu, gangs .7_-.. J 4 hose supporters, extra value 7 5c, for..IIIIOO.IO.|OCOOU'OOIOOCO.I-ID FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEB Y. 26 and27 We give you 3. 5c. Coupon every dollar pur- chase, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See u the nice Vgoodsat small prices. Reg*u=lar; Ti-'y"i'.}i'ci 6ii"11'i&.$; 'uTs-e 'i'c'.' UYSCLS, DILCB 1y_|.U DU, vvu.u OO.'.5IO0CO.IlU$ y "lII|r\v \u\l\pb\I-I sow: extra vahie at I vo0OOouIoIlooo .`.3.`..' .`?.f.7TT".`f`.'TT .10 ?i?f :!?. Eff -25 ."f'. .s.`f`.".`? .125 .?. .35 cotton, deep 77 5 M$1"7 6X- ii` .12; :art_ .11 .11 `One only, Ladies Knitted Skating Suit, size , 34, Special value va\ue ht $9.50, _ , ' for ..................................... .. `Ladies Fine Quality Pink Flannelette Gowns, with` half 'and long sleeves, special "value at $1.00 ............................ .. I L`adies oWhite Flannelette Gowns, with long sleeves, button front, special value at 4 75, sale price ........................... .. I Ladies" Serge Brown, _Blue, Black and Blue Stripe Skirts, good value at $4.00 I sale price ............................ .. Ladies Coats, colors Black, Brown, Grey, -Green, and Red, this season's coats, made by the best makers. Now is the time to get a coat for a little money, prices were $9.75 10.00, 8.00, 7.00. - Sale price .... .. .............. . I Children's Wintr Cots, thi season s 'up-to- date styles, good colors, t ages 6, 8, lo, 12. I 3 yrs. Extra value at $6.00 and 5.00, sale price ...................... .. I Men s all Felt and Felt Foxed Lace Boots, Extra value at 2.2 5, for... Men s Fine Rubbers, special value at $1.00, {for .................................. .. Ladies Fine Rubbers, special value at 75c; for ............. .L ...................... .. l`\ len'is Blue, Grey and Brown Chinchilla Top Overcoats, shawlcollars, reg. 18.50 4 I _ and 18.50, sale price ............. .. Men. .s Winter Overcoats, Black Beaver with Fur Collar, well lined, also Tweeds with College Coll-ar, price were $Io.o_o I and 9.00, sale price ................ .. Merfs Odd Pants, Tweed, nice patterns, reg. _ -_ 1.`,-:J__- _....1 A A man l'L%II 9 \J\ILJ L I555? A IV\.4\a\a \a raw - - c - - --, _ .__`_ ) $2.00 and 2.25 ` Saturday only ..... ` ,Boy s Tweed and Worsfed Bloomer Pants, choice patterns, eizes 26,to 33. Ex- tra value at 1.25, for ...... ..% ........... .. I .Men s Black Mackinaw Coats with belt, well made, extra value 5.oo... :Men s Brown and Black, -Red and Black Check with shawl collar and belt,` sizes . 34. 38, regular 7.50 for ........... I Children s Felt Slippers. sizes 11 to 2 _- extra value at 45c, for ................... .. Ladies Patent and Dongola Bluchcr cut, dull top. Extra value at .50, for .... .. $ ......................... 2.59 Men s Box Calf Blucher, solid leather boots made by The Dayfoot, special value at 3.50,. for ................... .. I Men s Fine Black and White Stripe Shirts, sizes 14 to 18. Special value at 1.00, for ...................... .. . ......... .. I Men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts with collars, sizes 14 to 16%, special value at 1.25 V for ...................... .................. .. I Ladies Sweater Coats, with and without col- lars, Colors are Grey, Tan, Red, Black, Red and Black, etc., price was $3.25 and $3.90. Two days only ............. .. I if .75 $1.89 JST1 I9 f .25 .59 zoatsl aived len s line :1T.~', `Alu 13l5 13.9` 530 3.95 Ll LLLLU 1\Ve1=l T . ;\.1'n1st1`0n.,9; and la uresentat-i'on.made `O 11 F'1`-id`*.*Y l .e1915;t he eoxe` or Bigem l met -at the home- of go strong to!` express .td - eanedl *M1:s'.;. ` 3 James Carter their` appreciation; ;5'tl1ei1'. loyalt/y /in ?`hl1le'_i1fl i .two sons, who-lvfol-unytzeeredf to"serjve-. _' our mpire. 'Asl;thou:g'h_ Mr; ` `an _ V .\lr.<. Garter and: fa.mi'1y- have, lived} 7 in tl1eyc.*ommu_ni.ty sbut .lit)tle _ '11- year, their -am`-iaible d risp0s1'it.ions,l and; ]1()s])-ltaJl)le -manner have made _ for them many, st_auncl1= friends among . the _ 11eig.`-l1'bours. . Their two sons, \\'l1`O joined the ~ T-hilrd. Contingent` at Barrie, ware you-1\1~g1men ~-otf `s~13e=rl3 ing worth and they haire Won `the ' lmzu-ts of many` with whom ; rthey l1-ave come in contact. They 4- are leavu'ng a. circle M friends Whose g'()0'(lx wisIhes~ V wli-ll. f`01l*lioW _ rlfhem wherever -they;may lbe. TMlr.-- `Arm-~ strong and` Mrs. G-u-est 9 made an i<'l0n1l host and hostess. A;ter.'bein-g -nte1~.t.ai11`ed with music lay Mliss ll-azel -_Mayor and: Fennel, and also a s`0`11"g, W-hen J a-ck `Comes Ba(~l{, `by Gra'n1:"Mray\0r,-th-e follow- -ing address was read . by John` by If 1'. Mayor: `To Messrs Ernest aml- James Carter--We aremet to-| ;_notl1er .;to--ni=gl1t in -rec0g'.n'it.ion of] the l1i,r_:l1 services our young men are 1'm1(le1'ing' to our Eumprilre. It is :1 lay of destiny. We are ght-` in_ for n.ovt`l1`i1rg less; ol1Ja411 our life . _..\4-:...-. f\.... lnrxn-nn+-. nun -H1-\-r|:1.-'I_ THUR:sq)AY, "E3135? 25:-11,191-5%. 111;; J U1 IL-Uu.uu.1f,' Luca uuau.11 'uu.1. .L1lf\J a. nation. Our -hea,,rts are t-hri1xl- (=11 w1he'11 we see the tower of our. `_\'(:1Hl1`]l1'i1]1hO0d sacricillg every- Thin-_<,v for 110n1e_a11d .ooun'try. W|O1rd!S u-.111 never express -0urT~g*.ra'tit11die for your 1o,valty. and~we ask you to ac-' mt t11is slight tolken of our deep` -mhnir-a'tig11. Prayer is said` for V /`(|_,, r _.,'l- -_,, J.- L'-__1.1- ..... .. \l.L \_I|.|L W, -mhnirastion. vvol-y x7'o1urntieer C`a.11ad-a sen~d!s forth and we `hop-e and trust that youl ;n1d?'1na11-y more of our -C`anadi'a`n ~`01di01'S `willl _r-eItui'n. Then right hearty will be our Wel-com -wihceni dn11g.z`er s tro-uibled nitg*hrt `depart and the Star of Peace retu.m1.-i(.Sig'n- m1*)---H.t B. Arm/s_.tr-on!g, ,W. M-aym: Mr. Cart-er reblied-. for his| sons in a `mo-st su=i't:a.b1e tm.am1e.i'.1 His reply ' w-a_s_ sincere and; showed that he ztppreci-ated the i-mp'o1'.tan;c'e and greatness of the step` his sons (7 1IG ' BAY `1a0I~1~Ii;r%%` BARGAINS FOR FRI. AND SAT. L21 (1 i 05 J1il(llL`5 illlll Lzluluxcua .1.\;LUIu\4\.A. u u u u . . V .- 01` Ribbed Cashmere Hose, sizes 5?; to 10. Bargain Price, per pair ., 210 l.a.;lies and Children s Plain Cashmere. Hose. sizes 5 to 9%, *we1\e_i-100 pair. j . .l3argai11 Days, per pair. . .. . . .. . 290 lladiost `Kids Gloves, Black or Tan shades. Bargain Days, -per pair .. 590 `Ladies House Dress-es---Dark colors, were $1.25. Bargain Days 89c ladies Dark Co10redAVV.aists-'-'VVere` 5.00" and 60c each. a Bargain Days . ,.. 390 Ladies White Lawn Wa`ists_-~Were` _$1.00 "to $2.50. Bargain'Days 50c Lalies `\V`hite 'Shirtwaists-'.-Good value - ' at $1.50. Bargain Days, each . 95c Ladies Net . VVaists-~In .B_1,a-ck" and Ecru, a few only, were $3.75 to A $5.00. Bargain Days . . . . . . . $2.75 T,-Mics" ?Cors~ets--4Reg`ula_r 75c _pair for 49c_ -Regular $1.50. for . . . . . . . . . $1.19 Blue and' White Striped lKi1_'nona Cloth, 9 Regular 50c yd. Bargain Days ._.. -u5Cl -Ladies and Chi1dren- sl `Ooati_ng;s, at -1} price Fl-annelette Sheeting, 2, yds. wide, regn- V ' M 1 in--.~-: nu... - om. J'luHuC1L`ULC '|-)'Jl'L7\;|J1Ll.5, a, guy. ----av, -vc,~- l_dI' 350 yd. Bargain,-Days ..' 250` 'Yo`uths Ssu`its----Sizes 33 to 36, a11 fWere V 87.50 to $10.00. T'Bargain ` Days $3-93 0.Me11 s Suits and] Overcoatsall reduced in mice. Mn s Odd Pa11ts-Barg"ain" Days . .. $1.25 -Raegular $2.00.` Bar-gain Days .. $1550 `Regular $2.75. Bargain Days .. $2.25 Ladies Whitewear, Wsuch` as .Night Dresses. Corsaet Covrs, Underskirts, Draw- `ers and Princes?s lS1ips 1~educed`- away -down in price. mweed Suitings44,Suifa~b1e -fora Ladiesf a11cl`_Chi=ldren s`oSuits_.' . - _ Were 60c yd. Bargain Days . . ; . 39c" IWere 50c yd. -- Bargain .Days..v.. . . 35c Were 750 yd. Bargain Days`. . . -._. 499 Miss Hunt has returned after spending a month studying the styles, If` you contemplate hayinganything made this season, come in and seeher and hear all abnut the beautifulhhstyles she hasseen. Needless to say our Dress'Cvoods `and .SuitingfS_tockf is the best ever. coats ` gq ?11'i1dre11 s Ribbd Woollen TT-_- ~-_-- -:1 DEVLIN & MURCHISON S haviei't81, - He aIsO*l`3`.!1g~ -~a paltriotid song, entitleii, .-Shamrock, .?aI..1di~ 1._3,.os,e.. . A ..,:...~,.aJ3i 1 !`*.k_ ring: up ~73Ii*`"[:fg:i11Hring',`*'a;7` 'sumpfBuous;;; lunch was xservedii Vtby, the ladies of Big Bay'VP0ivn't, and, saying /far~,- well, they prayed that He .- who is. able to keep us, `be with them till_ `they meet again. " " 4 ORO. `STA-T I~ON" Feb.` 23rd.e-Mr.` E. C; Dhruvry, `of Crown '*H_i-11, Peresident of the United F.ar_mers of ._ Onrtarib, visited the Oro %S;ta1;i011 Farmex- s 'C'1u'ab on 'Mo{nd`ay .evem11-g,u .the.- ..`?r2nd. An open 'meeting was held and the ha]; _.__.. '1`,Jl1 '\l'_'1__.1_ -11 L"""'* ".""`""5 "W9 *` .`-" '*`V" "" """" `was full, ~ Mritclhell ' Square "and Guthrie e1=11Ibs nbeirig we1 l `represent- ed; -Mr. T. E. Ross of Gu.*t:h1wie was chairman, and "Mr. Drury spoke on co~.Operatio11 rand) is looking for. great" things to ~beA acoorrnplished in the near fu.rtur'e. Geo. _CrawIf0rd', Pres. of- -O-ro `Staztion Club, was ap- poinvted de1Teg'-ate to the annual - eon- Vemsion of the United F-a1-.mers~ of Ontanio, - to be held in -Toronto -on Tihumsdvay, 25th `inst. ' ' Iii ' ; HOLLY T I '. Feb. 23rd.--4Mrs.. Roib-t.` Gilpin of |Wi1i1Iipeg1viseited her cousin, Mrs. ['.Dh~ompson. Campibell , _ and 1 renewed . voldi Ia-cqu=ai11'ta`11*cres in this vicxinity}' last: week. . .. . "Miss Emily Gui-g~an". `of Ga'enfe1..v'isi'ted= am Mr. J-os. Gib-4` s-0~n s _over -Su116d'.a'y. . .. .T M1`. Maifc-!. land Wiley onf S- croud `spent Sundiay .w!i-th `friends here. .;. . Mr`. Li Bsloxham and son, Reuben, of A1- laandiazle, 'visJirted w~it'11 *t:_he. form_er s fa; t;heVr` here on- Sunday. . . M1`. 1-.a'1_1dr_Iv_Irs.`*Le _-P1~`at`t ani(1rM:issnIne11e D`t1`Ux-Ilwlll 2111111 sun, ntmvuvcii, U1 :11" J.Uuuvvuo, -re. Hub, .4, foi-lmer the load . . . . . . . . . father` .~. "Mr. -Apples, No. 1, ' winter l-and Mrs. Lee -Pratt and Miss Irene, Apples, second- quahty of Stroud= vis-it-ed, at Mr. George: Eggs, per dozen . . . . Dyer s. on Sunday. . .. . =Mr._anrd Butter, per 1'b.' . l-Mrs. . I-Ienb. Lou-gheedl attended` the : Butter, by the `basket funeral of Mr. ' and Mrs.. Kivtel:`y .s` Chicken. dressed, infant `child on. Sunday. .. . Mr. and_'| Ducks . . . . . .. . . Mrs. T. ,Reclfern .v.isi'ted._f1'iendsi -at Turkeys . .. . . . . . . . iig Bay Point last week. . .. .- V-On Beef, hind quarter . ._ Tuesclayv afternoon of last week` the . ' forequarter. . y!oun~g ladies of this place jour.nvey- Mutton . . .. . . . |ed to the home of Mr. B. E. Ca-rr, `Lambs, each . .. 4. of Paiinswick, and! presented M-rs. Lamb, rper lb. . . . l'C`arr w~it.l1 a set of pearl handiled=Hogs, live, select . . .. knives and forks, accompanied by dressed . .. .. . the following address: To Mrs. `Ed Sows, live . .. . . . . . wvards C`-arr-,-Dear ;Sadie,-|We, your Butcher Cattle . . 250` Ladies White or Grey Vests with long .s_]eeves, good Weight. Were 25 each. Bargain Days " Ladies , -C.hi.`1dlren s and Men s Under-x jwear--1O per cent. off -all Underwear. 19c Un`b1ea.ched` ':Sheetin'g-2 yds. Wide. Was 250 yd. `Bargain Days . . ~.Was 30c yd._ `Ba-rgain Days .. - nWas 35c yd. Bargain Days . B1eached-30c yd. Bargain Days Hem Hand Towelings-`- Was. 10c yd. `B-ar-gfam -Days 3 yds: Red and xW}rite Checked `Tea 'Torw!e1ii1g. Regu1ar_1()c yd. Bargain` Day 3 yds,.f.... .. All -Linen Towelling, 17 inches wide. Regular 12c yd. ` Bargain Days .. . Heavy Wool Sweaters; 24 to 30. Regu- lar 500; _ Bargain Days . . . . . . . Regular $1.00. Bargain Days . . . . Regular $1.25. `Bargain Days . . . . Boys Suits--A few only, good Tweeds, ' sizes 22 -to 28. 'Reg`11l=ar $3-00 `B9-1'-' gain Days .; $2.19 EReg11'1-ar $3.50. Bargain Days . . $2-69 1')_._-'I-.. Sizes 29 to 33- Begular $4.00.` 1 'Regu1a1-;$5.00. 'I)-.__'I.... QH nn DIZES Z7] `MI 0()"- `Bamvwg-ain Days . . $2.90 ` - -Ba-rgain Days . . $3.90. Regular $7.00. A Bargain Days_ $5.85 Regular $10.00. . Bargain Days . .. $8.50 .Boys 3-piece `Suit, 29 0 33.` Your. . 01l0i08_Of.'10 IS11 -its ' for, each . $2.50 L Vyvovvo i:;u?ir $5.00. Regular $7 .00. ' -Barrie, Feb. 24, 1915 . 3 Whealt, wholesale . .. . 1 . Barley, Wholesale . .. ~ '75 H ' l Peas, wholesale . . 1 50 71 '} Buckwheat . . _. _. . u T. . 75 L`Rye'..`..`.. ;. 9,5; 1 . H-ay, per.to_n 18 00 20' Flour, per nblbl. ('S"bar' 8 r_Pastry F1ouvr',p'-er .bIb1' . 8 .1 Potatoes, per bag . .. 50 Potatoes, her bag, by L1,,` 'I__J An ' A ffiends,.1)ve 1.1iei;>tceher to`: show ygu a slight `token of -j-01111` esteem for you. It was with the psi regret that we _1eam1edL of, _ "3""l_~___:_.._ .---_ ....-(.2.J|~l- Tu 1na.;n(`r! "3 IUELWD uuwu ' WU _IL\Ju/Luzxzsa, _\._.__. leaving our `In 1osin-Q` you we __1os one, who was always wislling to help in `League, Sundiazy Sclhiool and Other social gatherings. We shaill? often feel that your place` will hard} to `ll and ofroen think of the .joIl:1y times we have had to- -_-u_-.. 13__2. ..._ 4....-.}..4 +L.n+ +1". nno hada. e and n this `good pvent pt Co. `U1. U110 -J-u.ux_y `|.t.l..I..L|\n3 vvv uu.-.v-V uwu II\a gather. But we vtrusst that the one who has `taken you to `love and to cherish may -appreciate your 11-ll value. We assure you that with knives and` forks goes 01ir_bes;t , ,*`.1':n_ __._1 L......,....,.-n 11ne_se KI11VBSV2LI1|(1__;.` lurks guus -Uu.1` ucau Wishes `for -long-_1ife and happiness in your new 'home.--"Signed `on `be- .hu1f~ of the g.i1-ls-vC1'arIa Brorw.n,,l IIEI-ora Dyer,` Annie Redfern, Merill 'I'1-.__,_1 J... , ; The regular meeting 3 of the W.C.'T.U. will be held in their pear- lors, Owen` SAt., ` on Monday after- n-oaovn, ` March 1st,, at 3 o clock. '.l..='.L\JLu: JJJI Reynolds. JJLIUUUL, VJ UL-l\J Ulunxvu -.. . 12 iD11cks.... 13 .. ' . 13 O0 fore . quarter. .' 11 00 .. "900 .. V500 18 = Hogs, 10.50 .. .. . . 5 00 TOWELLINGS BOYS SUITS. nus LATEST MARKETS SHEETINGS O 0 0 I EB:t;.rga.ir1. Bargain Bargain sizes, .D.a.ys' Days Days 75' V 75 THE `NORTHERN ADVANCE 53% 28 25 25 $3133 190 24c 9&0 .211 it madie` 11? 1| [390 zc ` 45 2- 75 1 25 .28 27 14 15 18 14- O0 12 00 10 00 4.nA T45 60 H Priced's<> very mu ch less than ordinary for these .two days only, so come and get your share of the bargains Rippelette, Stripes ad , Checks, good assort- ment of colors, new goods, just cheap, `I 21 I5c,for..`..i....._.` . . . . . . . . 5 -2 Dress Gingham,,ChAecl-: and Str.ipe, traAva1ueIoc,for. . . . . - -T - - - - - White cotton, 35 "inches wide, extra value 8c,-fo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Whi`t e Cotton, 3 5_ inches wide, free of dressing, extra value I IC,.f0r. . . . . . .Grey Co.tton,v 40 inches wide, `free of dressing, extra big vzilue I 5, for. . . . White Flainnelette, 3; inches wide, ex- I . .tra value at 20c, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cream Flannelette, 27 inches wide, ex- 8 Itra heavy, special value at 10c, for-. " I Pink and White,` Blue and White, ne stripe, T 34 inches wide, extra value at I4c, 121 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2 Doub_le Fold Ticking, 58 inches wide; good _va}ue at` soc, for . . . . . . . . . . . . Heavy Blue and white Stripe Shirting, the best shitting for hard wear, extra val-A 1 5 ueqat 17c, for . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . | Glass Towelling, 28. inches wide, stripe, extra value at 15c, for. . . . .v . . . . . . . . . I Red and White Check Glass Towelling, extra value at 12%, for . . . . . . . . . . . . Roller Towuelling, extra heavy, secial > ~ value at 12%;, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Cotton Sheets with hemsitehed ends, full dou- ble bed sizes, nice quality of cotton, extra- \ value, 2.00, for . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .. Pillow Slips, ne quality I white hem, sizes 40, 42, 44, value 20c, for 15c or 2 for Fine Laces and Insertions, V good value at 5c and 6c yard, for . - . . . - - - . .2c or 15 doz. Linen Tor_chon "Lace and Insertion, extra value at Ioc yard, for- . . - - . - - . - . . - 5c or 45 doz

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