. DIED . 5 !A'RDA-G'H--In Barrie, on Tuesday, _ . - January 12th, 1915, at` Hill'- , crest, Frances M., widow of the , late Arthur Wellington Ardagh, -in' her 85th year, 1 ELLERBY--On Moridsay, . .Ian.` 11, 1915, at Wellesley Hospital, To-~ ronto, Marion Evelyn Sit- 0la'i-r',5 Ellerlby, daughter -of .Mary` E. anti: the l'a oe~ James St._. Clair, of Brad'- . ford, Ontario, in her -. 23rd year; V .. . .H'OOVIE-R---In vB`arrie,' jof 4_d'.ifph- , " . . theria, on `Jan. 9th,_19`15,V Olga` gt Madeline, ,1 daughter of Mel- r A villeHHoo__ver, -asged-"71 years. .:g_`j ,'MG_'CUA1lGi--In :0_r0... ;i?:li'- any ;~9.th.__ `R 1915, Flora; 1 wifejj,qf,'.:=. ` The young: people` continue to Lk active` around 0entra'1 Methodi_st 'G1urdh. Next Sunchy `. -morning the pastor will preach another eer- ; mu, uu uw mme Ulass of, young glgdies; and` the senno_n_- will :be ` youxig peqle` is composed of short ends from ev ment. It includes Dressgoods, I Table Linens, .To_we1lings, Cre1 Sateens, Prints, Lawns, Cottons, and Iookthem over. The price c V appeal to you, Curtain Scrims and Nets Besure to see thgse Handsome Curtainings. _ -_-.- --- -I Rnbbons About 25 ends Lovely Fancy French Ribbons, Pure Silk, Stripes, Moire `and Dresden effect, 4 to 6 inches wide, reg. 35. soc, 65c, 75c and 1.00. Sale price ........ .................. ..25c 360 yd.I-7{n:: Crvossbar Muslin for Waists, Ap- - rons and Children's Dresses, regular 2oc, sale price ....... .................. ..l2%c Or1W1}:;4:<)'o-y."ds. 7e_f,'v11::a:I-}'3J4o inch F atory Cotton, it s our regular 8c cloth. saIe.....6%c om} '33 So}. 1eft,"Vfi'z;::-:1-c? T seamless foot. Sizes 8 %, ` 50c, sale price ............. .. O) __ U _ X Boys Woollen Stocking? HPQKIII puma `K/'nn'I Aw ! ..-.`I-. 4... 4...- ..._ ._--_- Ladies ` C_ashme_re Hose Heavgr i ure :5; tno-V` `elastic. sizes 6, 6%, 7, 7% 25. sale price .. ' We are now presenting Bargains that are seldom duplicated. We are clearing tent winter stocks. It is certainly an advantage to you to buy when prices are as low as they now are. This is the lastweekn of the sale. It ends on Jan. 20 This Is A General Clearance All Our Winter Stocks iesure these I-Iandsc theteis an excellent choice ; 45 Curtain Net for . ` -_ _- Q) on Heavy F actory Cqtgqp Inlu TAr\n An lat`; L---_-`_ hit? ,_CI`.<>~~!mr _Mus1in -v- J.Jg_l_vJE by uk` - `*1-71-\.n\' inn. 3c 25c -_- Last can on Fa;c; 'I1'I `I '* I N-EX1; SUNDtAYi '3 i5'aii" 7':" SOME TIMELY OFFERINGS every depart- Dressgoods, F lannelettes, )_wellings, Cretonnes. {Art Inpunn (`-1-5-w A- - sa1ary;:~ reee.ivedn.:oy `the uhdersig-vea:n -F.red= a Man. a I_Bjarrij'aI*'I_Bd;n.{of -'Edu`ca3tiOn. ' J 2-3_ AIRBANKSFMORSE Gas `or . ."pr ..(:`rasoiline _ Engine, - for Quick 3.` {Sale Cheap. If _ you need _an_ _ `engine this is your chance to se- . `cure . a -A thoroughly-overhauled -.one, good as" new, at a big bar- ; gain. _ A-pply P.O. .Bo`x 751, A L Bari-i_e. ' ' . 52-tf. SIX YOUNG _`SHOR'1.:I-ORN .BUIiLS, _ from 8 16 months ;ol bred from imported stock, ' for`;`?.ale,-7,c>n- reasonable terms`. Ap- -' ply A.~Purvis, Craigvaale. LD. T mm age. fject: The Pl-age of Y ' ' hood in Modern (`Sc expected .that. the re members will` have to |.nl'I111In n ..--L - i I evening prom j merit; `>'_'" V: bliuunl-Isa at plea smg prices ..._ .... .. 33c AA- .nau.s-IJHJRJ V concert in .-u,."~.`ij'7 ;.;....` -'.~._ `I T toe, no seams, and 8. regular .............. ..l9c 5, etc. Come :of each W1 19 17c 16c OREDITT S-ALE REIGISTER V 1`- -... ...wvu-n5 vvU.LuuLl` Modem `fSociety. V It is LL .. 1. A1. L P1396 Young Woman-| l]'...J-.__ Ma rms _O(1)Ni:CERT_} kconnct-,ijon with 1 next` Monday 1bjn9&L9f5u.n- `V neg'u1v2 'u- h_u.rch come early to __.-- - wvnc TTJ All coas for Women anChildren for a. rapid clearance, as: 25.00 Coats for 17.00 . _21.00 14.00 M 18.00 13.25 16.00 11.25 II 12.00 9.00 u; J.(u.L done }iow,an;1T?;11- plowing. chief- ly done; good large /barn on oe- "ment foundation, and `outbu-ild- ings; frame house; 1% miles from Edgar, .and.14 miles from Barrie. Possessoi-onuin spring, L 1915. . Ap- ' ply on premises or to George` Wynes, Edgar P.O. 45-tf% Clearance Ladies Coats Decisive an` complete All coats for Wnmpn an r`1.:1.a..-.. -,.- _ _ _ _ ___..' -:-vJrnn \I V `II I&II Only 39 pairs left of this heavy Black Overall, cut in full sizes, 32 to .44 waist. Only one style left ; viz : without the bib. A great big snap ..................................... ..50c 2 As the price of yarns is booked for an advance ladies having a "need for Children s Stock-~ ings or care to take advantage of these sav- ings may choose from this stock in Cream, Cardinal, Pink, Sky, Tan and Black, from 4 to 6% for ..................................... ..19c Onl'y -I'.(v);l_C]')_/v Silkw Bngtgscgs E-nv/'\l`i'c:vBlue, Navy and Black, beautifully made, worth V ` from 10.50 up to 16.50, sale price .... ..$8.69 Little Daisy Stockings 1 9c .Men.s . Black oxzerans La_.dis: ;_`Silk Dresses Dolly.\.;arden Cre `es for Spring,` in signs, in many co orings, also Black 'e a favbritc on sight. They are being zome very scarce- Prim ; 1 =- Mghs `Overcoats FARM `FOR SALE-~W.H. Lot 9, 30017.. 6, Orq, 100 acres, clay and sandy loam; -15 acres of hard- WOOdl- busih, balance under culti-' vation; 15 acres of fall seeding` gong now, and fall plowingchief-I AJAN- 141111, 1915. v Come ; ................ ..-...-$Ul,00 jits good qualities are L In and See 7 _.j I. - am} Children are priced P 22 ` .-. . All? Price 15. Corset-Makers, sir `castle you ve propose to get favor IT $E( ta: BORN n Barrie, on J an! % Mr. and Mrs. J o1_m- St., a daughter. 'R.V. Hospital, {on , 1915, to Mr. and T3` T}'.'_.._. r- ;1u.uL/u11J.'U'--.ln Uro, on Jan. 9th, 1915, Flora, wife of Mr. Hugh `VMc4Cuaig, aged 73 `years. A M3ORR1I.'SOl\T+-At Blake St, Bar- 7 rie,` on Jan. 9th, __.\19:15, -James " .-Morrison, aged ` 777~%..:j'-years. The! .- awas forward_ed.:;1-_to' -Elmvale _of1;'1}f_' Tuesday 01: -`iintei""_m_9nt, ~-?L V ~ __+u+j2 'DW.U`A;lI(LE.'-J ~C -` an . `.t.r _"a 'drI_18`giIst.` '* You gm .711hine ..for,. uinine~ ` V` 4-.1" Ta .V`mI+..+`-g..-... a;; ?1.~`1 , ,--....\. .1.-U1. qu.u1lI_1e tms morni "`Is. that so_? -?A--vrpl1edA_;th_ 1 Vgiit, ` iThen';_;Y9_11f. owe `/bwex -...__i___ 9.`_- -- -`Sarjeant and , H. Arm Vh-axve rcihange -of `the? .aftert-teat .p1_-o- ` -.. .,_...-....; kiln metnoalst Uhurch tea room. Boys, aged 6 to 14' years, a_re_` invited. The `boy officers of the ,Legion and Messrs. _`Grand3y, SF; strong will gram. -J * A ___...,... .4u.v.LJL1'\J'J.`J LBULUN The Ladies of the Women s Christian Temcperarnce Union ar enrte'rtain:i11g the members of the Loyal ' Temperance `Legion and - their friendsv on ` Thursday, T Jan. 144tzh.. "Tea 'vwil1~`b;e' served at 530 -in Cgolliyer st. Methodist crmulch T tea Boys, to 14`years, "I tare` invited. .The Gm nm...,...~ . -n A-- =` TEA E03 U ---__ --- .,.......u.._,. Beeton WorId.--Six additional county boarders were received at the House of Refuge i during the] past ten! days, /as follows: John,` Bunwick, _e0mmit'*ted`- by Reeve! Scott of Nottawasaga; Ira vSizer,! committed {by Deputy-_reeve _Warn- ica of Innisl; John " and Joseph _Ham'ilton, committed `by Mayor`. Mistehell of Alliston; Emily 'Mason,E, committed by Reeve Train of F1os;. Alonzo .Warner, committed b Reeve _ Potter of Tottenham. _ I Farmvers--Get your butter` paper! `printed at The Advance. We. have [a large stock of the nes parch- jmen-t;. pa'_p`er---cleaVr and _White-- chve` 'lci.nd .-that does not discolor your `butter. ;Send your order in"`noW and `We will, have it` ready for you when "you call on .Satu-rdvajr. `D..-1.-.-- nr, 11 no I -'-4Ciarejr;s `N-ar` ellixxg 'Men"sb {Heavy 1' Buckle Gum Rufblbers for $1.35 a pa.ir.; ' I At the annual -meeting of the I'vy-Thornt-on Teleplhone t Company` the f`o11owin;~ ofcers were lectedif for} the ensuing year: Prestidnt, Geo. Davis, Sr.; Vice-President, ,J0h11 *C`o1`,b'ett; Treasurer, _Wsal1ace Car-I ru-thers; Secretay, W. H. H-atton; Directors, T W. E.` Banting, C.` _Nixon, Geo. tDavis, Jr., B.rL. Bant-~ %i1rg, ' John Goodwill, S. McQuay,. W. J. McLean. H 1 ` I I I --E. _ H. Wi'11i.ams, the Jeweler, opposite the T. Queen s Hotel, for. ,highe'stv grade jewelry, watches, lclocsks; etc. Marriage licenes is-I r'sued. I t.f. At - meeing V Trtr_r[`]-anwnl-A-~ r-1---'1- V I` i U -Men s 14 Buckle Waterproof] ,Tap- Overshoes, all sizes, for 99c Aa lpair, at Ca1\ey s semi~annua1 Shoe Sale. ' . Henry Couse, Codkstovvn, While `hunting with T the_ C-o0xks.t.ouwn Hunt :C1uJb in Muskoka in November had! unprecedented success, having kill-I ed three deer `Wil three shots in! l,a,'bout one minute. {Two of the deer dropped dead and the third wen-t a_bout twerrty yards after be- iimg sholt. - ' ` ` ---Br_in'g all `the `children _to See: the Canadian soldiers at .Va1~ca1~tier] |'C'a-mm. `t-he Canadian tro0ps,_ some` [of whom have left for Europe to! ght for` the Red`, W nite and -Blue, ,at Dreamland.` Jan. 15 and 16,_ with `a Saturday matin~ee for s-chooli lchildren: 4 V 5 ! 1 COLhi]@WO0d . Police Magistrate! imposed nes -_agreg'-a;tin-g $2,588 dur-I ing the past year. I Me1'arrcth=on Totvvn-shjip, Duerin A-County, took action against Adam M:.cK`ibIb-on to compel him` to re- move -his `fence from the roadway, rthe land in dispute being "worth about $30. The` costs ehmounted to about $248.18 mludi defen-d'a11t had 3to pay this, besides his own costs. I .-31,000 V_Can:e1'c1(i(2;1v:' Troops` at Valcartier `Camp, including mem- bers of the. 35th Regt., at Dream-I 1and,J-an. 15 and 16. [ -.-q T -;33Piictures .- \.r vv,-y-4 hl\`/L.I.\ILIl-Q framed "to `order af };Dq1'175g_a1IBios; V 41-tf Mrs. % Gauley; aged 82, dmpped dead _at _E`v er_1Jt last weekf 1 _T-OO'I`H--eIn Barrie, on J anu.ar'y . ` V 5th, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Tooth," 'WCLSEMlAN-In the R.V HQ$pi:bal, 1\_1rs(.'rV'CT}7leo1:g:<.e-,E.ia r mg, U; M-oV_EItGH-In Barrie-A, _o'n` Jan. 8th, 1915, to Mr. ahd Mrs. D.` McVeigh, Ellen St._, a son. V V fsIM,M-0N1s--0n Jan. 71ih, 1915, at 464 'We11esley 5S't., Tor011t'o,v -to ' Mr. and VM;'s. George Raym-on-d_ Sim- mons, a son (Wil'1iam1George.'-) .!SanIord` St; a draughter. on January 711b, 1915, t6 Mr, `and Mrs. Wm. Wiseman, gi d-aujgvhter, ' VV`AJ.J ! r1e. `rile. ' V ' ' tf. ; Alliston `next Monday. - V- __ ......v :; m;-, .n.:uu. ' I Agricultural classes, _under -the direction of Mr. -J. L`aug'h1a.nd,` Dist. TRe:presentartive- ' of .- the" Ont.! Dept. of Agriculture. will open at`: ' I n-A l'\l'\!\ "` -T.h5L ii3;;;{I;;j 'ii)'ii"W]S(ii:1`iiiisAifieV1i: erin`;Co.,V. died i`ast'Week, angedh 9'2. He was `one of the rst `settlers of Mulmer Tp;, hand `was a` shoemaker until ' his healmh cailed several years a-go. One son,_; the `Rev. _Hug;h' Brown, of `the Methodist Church, is on active ser_vi-ce. 9 ---For real -good owers.---wed-I ding or table bouquets, Funeral Des;igns,v or F1-oral e ects', `put up in- the most artis-ic manner,.. see} UFTUI 'T`Avrnn 1 n -n 111 um 1-u-USU arusrmc manner,- . see} V57-M.4TAY-LOR, "Dunlop S., Bar-I `mt: `I __--4.'Ca1`-ey ,is fthe man;_~that~ j)ut care in the careful se1eeti`o of -un-' :appr_oach'aJb1e values `in `footwear for Ca1e5y s ,semi-annual. Shoe Saile hlifrr n-n J Ainegg, 4a,-4 former t< aachVer`l at "Nantyr; has- been `appointed? lteagher of the Utopia_sohoo1. _ ,,o_o__oVo: _o6oQ?_io,-,6qIo__ooowtoooqibo. :6bo3ob$6$go3'I L mafzrd :3 nawtne my -wet tovW1;>_i1[1 South Simeoe-. " that so ? -" rplied A Then. ypuki owe ztyventy-_v_e '1`Ii.E;\ WEATHER Lowest -Highest Rain Snow L . 7 -- j -- 5 . . . . 14 . 37 - - 3 . . . 25 39 0.08 -- r 30 ~34 0.12 0.4%, I A on - ./ILU L 1.1.] TEMPE 58 21 " ""."\-' LLIU. Lmigrnmgp . +1.; .1-_-__ `ii-`BUTTER? -'A'RIJTTT--A*b 4 H-ayvwood Ave.,- Ni.agara ZFaI'ls, Ont., -Jan. 12th,_to Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Arlitt (nee Dorius -Sim-monrs) -a son. ' GUI-LFOYLE--In `the R.V. Hospi-`I bal, on January 5th, 1915,- to Mr. and Mrs. Frank G_ui-Ifoyl-e, a daughter. 1. ` G`RJEE-N--In Barrie, on_ Jan. 7 th, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Green,..= Henry St., a daughter. `I `JOHNS*ON-~In 2111; KING-I11 the' RV. Hbspital, TonT . 4th, 1915, to John- son`, Donald St., January 7th, ` Mrs. George E. King, a son. ~. MoVEIGH--I ` gaarrgez ._o'nA r J.an.`.I: 01.1.` -an.` u - \J,vIIUll. GI: Tuesday `Myrna . -"' {he oicers af - VII .;uu.:u.u.ug.lJU11 1 ;IS!.E3b` CHAIR `or OHALP. . ....a. .L'- n. rorrm . . . % Miss Bolster . Porritt Children . . . .. . S., G. Underhill . .. . . . . . R.` H. Underhill . .. . . . . . St. Georgels C.h.,' A1-l:anda.1e E. A; Little . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Goiosdla-11 . . . .. . Miss O"Bri_ne ..... .. ziss K. Ke111'1l11edy . iss Mary anrpson .. .. Miss Susan Porrirbt, 7. . . Mrs. F. .R. Porritt ., `M1-s. Lot` Weblb _('Penetamg 2 1Rd., .S~troud) .. . , ._'.= .-. .f. . . - M{a. 1ur.;I:>.1.... . ,,, _.__.......-4u .I.u.l.J.l.J1.'J.`J.II- I3 UT L LTRIBUTIOINS {Previously aoknotwledgved ` -Mrs. `F. R. Porri-t-t ., . I M:ua 'D..`I..4..... f BELGrIAIN__ Monday, J an y `18th.-,--Tyhe under-l signed has received instructions! from C. W. Blacvkstodk to sell by public autetion, all his farm stock` and implements, at the Johnston Farm, Kempenfeldt Hill, Barrie. Sale. at 1 p.m. VV. A. MConkey, Auctioneer. Tuesday; Jlan y 19t-h.--Mr. T. M;.` -"Fletcher, lot 18, Con. 9, Essa, `Willi sell a.t his "farm stock and imple- nienbs, Wirthourt reserve, as he is giv- ing up `fanning. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. MdConkey, Auctioneer. _e uuua They also wish to tvha_n~k Mr. Al-I flied Hamlin for the Iise of `the rink' on January 11/ch,. when in the! llnei-gh|borhvooid' of $160.00 was real- lized from the Carnival on that gdabe. RED CROSS FUND G*.RJOWS .The oieers of the Red Cross So- lciety gratefully acknowledge vr'e-- ceiprt of $50.30 from Mr. and Mrs.l ,C.. H. Beatty, `being the proceeds` `of the benet pe1'.for'm`a_ncveS held at`. l Dreaymlandi on J anuuary 4th 517h;_` and they extend their thanvks to Mr. Beatty for helping so li!bver- ally with the advertising '_ nection wi-th this and other bene- FY11 Barfie, I J ail. 121711, , T RUMMAGE SALE i _ 5319 Of` secon clothing] at much reduced Prices will -be held` on>kThursday `afternoon "of next 3m?;`%at d**ck in Ivwilu bf; nopaecrxis whim; tk tea-room '11 be 1d"Lf` % a and cake W1 . Sio I 01' 10C. A .box for lci)nrtrLl;uc1_on's. to the Plqgr Fund will ,fc`hS` hI}1`0V1ded. It 1s hoped thact . -039 W 0 do not can-e to buy will [at east come; and have their jafter- ln'`0n `C93: 0'1` 1_f uI_1.aJblce to vabten-d will] .Send a`contr1I1}u`tmo.n. for the box. .4Further contrrbutlon ~ of clothing lg ? - earnestly r_equested. `Ethel I` 118`-gs, May Creswycke. - T T I ` FIELD CDMEORTS TEA - i `On Tuesday next, January 19th, iMrs} Plurmmer will give a tea from ve to_ seven, ' at her r esiden ce,i Penruth, P-eel St., in aid of the Field Comforts Fund. During vhe 3a=fternoon an interesti11~g- musi-cal ! I jof-town artistes. Mars. Plummet`. Iextends `a cordial invitation tol everyone interested in patriotic` work. `An, admission fee of -fty [cents will be charged. ` FIELD. O OM:F:OR'I\S _' I l A bale of. socks, cholera bands~,i gscarves, mitts, etc., will be sent. to: ]S~a11isIbury on S*a:tuIr.d;ay, Jan. 16th., IA.ny_ contributions will gladly bel lrec-eived by Mr`s..D. M. Stewart,` :SPeel St., or Miss Svpry, 52 High ~ -t. . I I Mr; Homer Denny, foreman of {one "of the departments` of `Under- ghills Shoe, Factory, has I gone to `lMilton,.to accept a similar position. It is expected that a number of} out-of-town guests wil-1 be present at the military dance .to be given Iin the, Town `Hall next Wednesday evening, January 20th. _ This` is the same nilgh-t Cfollingvwood Juniors play our` Junior O.H.-A. team here, "and a number of -Co11ing1woOd' people will attend the dance arfter [viewing the game. ` ! Messrs. Ira Pavtridge, Joseph ,QuiI;.l-an` and Cecil -Ro{b~ertson\ have gone ,to_ Guelph to` take a course at the Agrciultupal College there, ' if TT` M`"isses..F1=oren'ce_ aind vM=ay _Quin-`E Ian '-have returned to Tomnto Uni- Iv-eVr_sity, 'aaf`ter spending_ their _vaica- gtion at their homes here. .-- at. 1 p.m. W. A. McC`on_key, I -V e "I Thursday, J an y 14t_h.--Mr. L; 1' Bloxham, nont-h 1701; 5, Con. 10, Inni-sl, will sell without reserve all -his farm _stock_ and implements. M1; Blbxham has sold, .1_1is [fa.nm. Auctioneer. x I .\. 7.-.,`--- I Mrs. N. `B. _John-ston " returned to; town` ' on. Fffdigiy, after 7visiting her) parents ."who -have .'both lb-een ill, ..in Toronto. V V ` " i Mis :I. -A. Johnston refui-Ii-ed-~ to Whiby on Friday, after -a \'rthree ymonmhs visit with her brother, Mr. _ } N. B.` Johnston. ., '9 iO1;aS. $-'l,vl`i(-'.,V`l.'l'113 of `Kindefs-, Aley, Sask.,'. Ais yisinfing his brot1iers`,` A`. J. and'Wa1'ter Sbrjeant. . '17 -I-\ - V Mr. vRssE311 Neilly )has'~T.'t-Ike11 _~2at_! position with .Mr.:M. Webb as fu:n-.' -eral_ .d'i1'ector. -. _ V 2 ' ` Mrs{.' ` W-hit.,t1e~%V .-of `_ Mi.d1aV'nd hasl been the ,g:i1esf5" 651' Mrs. R. jAnr ' A'nn.-n- D. ...C! ...1 .1- -Gla... ` navy:-L .IJA1\J g drew, ' 2 . `Min; Thos. oif _;Td;_'piifb` was in. town on Saturday, 3 " fl `Dr. `Or3gk, M.P.,` `orf".Le _Pas, is` visirting I relavtives. in 1>oWn'_ _and ' Vic-in-ity. V ' " ' - v v v v v v v vvVVV7VVV_VVVVT`V7V I`:6oooobbg: I vu` UASULL IU5u13l' v'A',.'1V1-ilght, J an. 1212.11; " -Friday, J an y 15sth.--Mrs. Fred. Maaiel, lot 5, Con. 7, Innis--1, will sell all farm ' stock -and implemenrbs without reserve. Sale at .1 p .-m. W. A. McICon=key, Auctioneer. x N0%RLTH&ER1"\AfI);VANC\tE h, 1915. 7- Merrick; '. lei: 515' T `D '!'I.,"'3 mm. C_ON- E XRTQ ` ."$476 57l |a.1e. . T15 00 25 oo 25 00. 1000 1000 5 00 .. T200 run- $61479] u.-v.-uuu. uu auu: pu1'cu_u='er. ' Terms, part cash and `the balance on mortgage. - ' Apply to George Raikes, on the premises, or to Barrie P.O. '37`-tf.! 1