GreekInB.C.I.i `of ~ Board of Education was held Von '-`Monday ` 7when all the members, with Sthe exception of Trustee Richardson, 2 were _p1`esent. Little business of mqment- was "v--.-Vu.I+y-A V ~-. , ` 1 -- A By.` ' motion, -it was decided `Ito , have. Greka. placed 0.115 the. a c11ri`iulu-Iri 0f V the` Form` _(}f;the =Collegi te;` - *3fQI!1e":tim' 38'.`l'3r.P`1`Pi.1..l'a5kd that -be lded Q tQ`.\,.th9f.:1iStAaofS119b:`7 je<:`t{s,s,;..tai1gliet, a'nd,._ ;,,atj rst it was] thoiiht. that ;anauhe .tea'cl'1 er would be ` required`, as the time of those` now on the staff who -are qualied. to teach Greek, is fully .taken_ up! with their other work, Some. cor-' -respondence passed between the sec- retary and the Department at T0`: srovnto, and it was decided. to ask Primei-pal` Redditxt `to interview thel Depurty-Minister while in Torontoi at Christmas time. This wa.s done, and a letter was received 4 frqm l Dep.-Minister Oolquhoun, that | Greek must be taught in the[ Fourth Form if a request is made; for it. Later the. H.S. Inspector. `will pay his regular visit toe thei school and determine i11 reference` to Greek instruction in the lower` forms. 1 ' ' 1 n a.vuu4:u When the schools re-opened arf-5 It-er Christmas all the teaching: staff `Of -1914 were T. in their accustomed `places, with the exception of Miss! Martin, who wrote from her home in Srtaynver that she was a victim to mumps. `Miss Reynolds has been` temporarily placed in charge. of her. clps. ' .... _ 4- \_,J.(IyCCI 'Uaretaker Walter Pearce '0f the: -B.C.I. tendered his resignation to! take eect on Feibruary 1st. He` received a salary of $700, and _ was refused an increase of $100. He claims that with the new heating appliances to look after the position` requires more than one man can do. Tenders will be` called fora new "caretaker. no u n A fteen-minute discussion of I the reports of the Collegiate was granted on request of Dr. Wallwin, but not for puIb1i v.n... ...-;:._L -n rn___.L-__ 1-'.@_. .-,_.`ll vu-u uuu nu pwuucuuvu. IOn motioh of Trustees Leve and 'Wa_1l:win. the Management Commit- `tee was `given power to advertise ;teachers for any vacancy that may; for, and,- where necessary, _ engage occur on the P.S. or B.C.I. stas` form191. 1 a `-1 . A" etc I .L\lIL .LU.LIJ `The tnder of Johnston & War- ren` for $133.4.5 for 1` Shades fgri TSIVT {U11 .l.UJ. 'v.p.|.uu.'x-J J.U.l` ` auuuca J.U.l' B.*C.I., excepting the Assembly ` Hall and Gymnasium, was accept- led`. ` I , nu s 4 .1 J\l`K '-`-q I Th tender ocf the Gldbe Furni- 'ture Co, for 225 chairs for the new Assembly Hall of the B.C.I. was accepted at $1.5Q per sitting. ' "l".L.. 1)-...._`l ...J1...--....'...'l ......1_. .....].| V'Barrie, Jan. 4th, `1915. ""7r713" "13o";"rdJ1E,`o1'mzied""1'y and` will meet again on the `second Monday in February. , _ T j 1 {Celebrate 12th Innisl District `Orange Lodge met at Allandale on Tuesday, , the langre, attendance and` enthusiastic reports vbeing optimistic , signs of I the healthy `condition of Orangeismi in South Simcoe. WJM, Lockh`art,| P. Grand [Master of Ontario West,I conducted the election _'and [installed the oicers for 1915, as follows: ' _.._. `V l I% D.D.M.-J. A. O01"-bettv, Thom ton No. 16. i . ' % 23?." 111 .1340. 000, - _ D. Sec.--Geo. Leslie,` Allandale No. 432. - .L 111. navy: u o_ 440 lszvsavv -- ., .___`__ . Treas. Gauley, Tvy No. -450. 'vLeicturers-G~eo. Neely, C-raigvale No. "605, and` Roy vStone, Allandale No. 432. -- i A 73'). of. C.-R. J.` Gamble, Church illvNo. 533. . . --_ on V - Mayor Craig and vDep.-Reeve` Robertson on, [behalf of Barrie- L.-O.L., were present, and extended a hearty invitation" to the lodges in Innisl District to take part in the {big celebration `planned for Barrie on July 12 next. The in- vitation` was most at favor-afbly ceived and" the matter will be set-` "tied at the County meeting at Allis- ton on February 2nd". -r In :1 0.1 Norton is hereby given` that the Annual `,Meeting of the 'Sh'are1hso_1d- ' pany, (Lirmi-ted), wi`l1 take place at [the oice "of the Company,_ `Brad- ford Street; in the Town of Barrie, on TUE'SfDAY`, the 19th -day of JANUARY, 1915, at 3 o c1-ock 'p.m., for the purpose of receiving the re- port of the Directors for the past year, electing Directors of the said Company for the ensuing year and transacting such other business of the Comp-a'ny as may be expedient. By order of. the Board. 11v A r1rVt'\rI"|f'l1 ers of the Barrie Tanning 1 C0011? ` avg- V..- .. `--V- ..__. ____.- :s. N. Hurst and John smith] were at the Orilli-a District meeting on Tuesday and: the sfeeling seemed Junanimous to come to Barrie cele- bration ivf sanotiond by the County meeting at Penetantg. ` i V 1 n 1 y.:(.Z`h_2{-1;1'ai_11"-xAlex. Adams, Church- I'I `KT- E00 `(Thursday) at 2 Ap.-m. ---.uv..-.. -- .. ___._n__, `Bari-ie District meets here _to-day '1': w;,;u;.n, ma No. `printed matter and advertising `literature that` he uses. It is of virtual importance to the growth and] developmentt of his business that he use only such printed `ma`ter_' as will make a favorable " impression for his Business on\ the mind -of -the` reai'peien't.-ie~Qu-ids Quads - 'lL'..V A .l... ._~'..n4-n `mans ' Ann +1311 D._ Stewart, Thorn- ` LUUBINIULID-' "'V l..I.'.lU.B auq. Q \.Luu.-3 The Advance has one of the tbest-equipped job printing: depart- \ments in `any town. in Canada, am} `can `handle your jab printing LorderS~= rwitlh 'satisfaQtion; You '*f-`mi.-I-1`?i`.'j our. prices gal delightful s u1iprie, - as j.11'e -; }] .z3.'ye:. 'fl*1_i?" {ciiliitiesv to` . - produce ' 1 =Prin1:in`g at a-'-L-mii1;in1um,,~ In Barrie`, "and descrirptions, and the.fu`l1%Ipar PURSUA-N T to the nroyisions off the Revised Staxturtes of Ontario, ] 1914, Chapter 121, Section -56, no-la tice is hereby given that-all eredi- [I] tors and persons having any claims 4 against the estate of Thomas Alex- 1 a 1 `| ander Foster of the Township of . Essa, in the County `of Simcoe, who died on or about the 16th` day of June A.D., 1914, are required on or before the 10th day of F'e`.bru- ary, ,A.D., 1915, ite.~.semd1by post, , prep-aid, or otherwise deliver to ': Creswieke & Bell, of the Town of , Barrie, in the County of ISimooe, and Province of Ontario, solicitors ~ for Margaret Woolsey, the .adminis- ` tratrix ocf the estate `of the said Thomas Alexander Foster, their 1 christian and surnames, addresses ticulars of their claims` respectively, - properly veried, andof th'e._.securi-, ties, if any, helds by _them and; -that after -the said date the said. ad- ininistratrix will proceed to distri- bunte the assets of the said deceased among the .pai'-ties enttittled thereto, having regard: only to those claims of which she shall then have. notice and that she, the said aadntinistra trix, will not then be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so dis- tributed to any `person of whose claims notice ' shall not have been received at the time of such dis- tribution. ' ' ` ' 1x A rn111\ .1 L111, Jn,, _f 'r__..-...... mvoackmc rmastms Illsj FIRST ADDRESSi `:'vV(Co1i i.;iiIued frorrx1 Page 1) -Asdlid.` ceptre. While we may not e'X'P$rience ' the so called booms, we never s-uvf from the` deadness which from` time, to time is felt in 'VVL4I&\.ILJ- .LAv. many of Province`. `XVI . ' .1. 1 U V L~1_Avv. a When _thisf as icloud shows in Canada,`-- .aJbo`u't! to experience a {signs of _a silver_1inin- , are we not, period -of . -I`11`n}11si1a"Ip Vbilusines activity. l`I_; thseviews 3' are not optimis-w ` `tic;s whats must we, as a:._Couni1, do: to get _ our share of the prosperity `p which must follow. What We want *is.~'i1_1dus'tries, and, while the "present lmoment may not be the most op- p we should formulate our ideas, and with the aid of our industrial committee, prepare for Ian.` aggressive campaign. We have iiprabtieally _every'thing .' in Barrrie `except our share `of incl-ustries. Let us earnestly devote ourselves-to this feature and: be prepared to lsu-pply its wants when the oppor- [tunity presents itself. I ' T L.._.. _1___-__ ' 1'___-__'-J LL _ | 01.1.1; kIL\l\l\JAJU~J JIha\4-AIL: . i I_l 1ave always favored 4 the con- . -struction of bathing-houses for the ; i`boy-.s and girls of our Town." At . `the present time there is. no place - whatever where the `boys can SWH11 `gzithout girjnmitting a breachl of our _y-Iaews. very -boy and gir should ' learn to swim if the opportunity tpresents itself. In Barrie we have leverything but the bathing-houses. I would like to express the hope that before the summer is- overz- a- stacrt with, this bII;11C`h _d needed im- provement may ma e. l I _also think that a mevemen-t gxleadinzg to the improvement of our {water-front should be launched, filrnd the asslilstance of the Gnand ' Irunk in t is regard he enlisted. I do not suggest that any large expendizture of money . should be incurred this year, but plans lead- ing to a -permanent imprrovement might be considered. and possibly _ a commencement made this year. My idea would be to l in part of tire grater-flats a]1'3<;1;%d1d the head; of 't e _ay, rom e ? Street to Allandvale Wharf. The water is ~ qugte sli_:a1.11l_`owV the w1ayfzt1r01}n'd,V `an -a1ng oy or yeet > '3:rid'e might be undertaklen, and a iveway Vth-ereon shou d" prove a !useful and- delightful improvement. ` I offer this suggestion for the con- sideration `of. the Council. V 11 i u1\l\/L CEUJUAL KIA. Usxu \J\Jl.L.l1\,I;A. I "In .c'onc1tus'ion I wish you all a` Happy and Prosperous New Year}; `and; trust `the Corporation under` our administration may experience the same. . _ ` `I 1'! t\'r\A'rt'1 'Il' LREV. J. J; REDD-I'1T , $1,000; i An estate of $14,222.50 was left by the late Rev. John James Red- ditt, formerly assistant steward of} the Methodist Book Room, and a; former pastor of Collier St. Meth- odist Church, Barrie, deceased on 19th December._ He possessed $600 in furniture, $6,610 in stocks, $1,012.50 on deposit` with the `Methodist Publishing House, and $6,000 vested in his residence at No. 18 Summerhill Ave., Toronto. The stocks consist of :-One 1 1 V t I l 1 1. , share E -F. N. Burt C0., com., $65; 7 shares ' {F. N, Burt C0., 'pre'f., $623; 500 1 ing, com., nil; Consolidated Oil, nix]; Western _ Mausoleum, 10 0 3 5 shares Can. Rogers, pfd., 2 Can. Rogers, com., $170; $297;- $425; i 10 shares Peace River Land, $1,000; _ 10 `shares Nastional Trust, $2,230 ; -r J! _ J r~_11,-..... lshares Mex. Exploration, c0m., nil; H I200 shares Empire State Gold Min-i 100 shares Union` shares ` f Winnipeg, f shares Wm. A. Rogers,` LU BIJWJCD J.` awxuuux .1. L uvu, qua :-vv , 2 shares Ontario Ladies Cbllege,, nil; 8 shares Brit. Can. -Luniber, Mbmtregh $800. . ` Tun-.. 1...1............1. ..,:n V '.l.a11II.lDt!'I', .L!LU1.lw.l'\':zu, IpOUU., Under a brief holograph will` (gated Dec., 1914--just fteen _ "I,_ _ J--A.L LL` J-An`-'n4I-rs-In E; the -Vlvllaa v uausu. -.n_u_1 .uvu., 4:41;: Ju-Iv .......,.,-- days before "his death-,-the testator lbequeabhs the entire estate` to his -widow, _who is also sole executrrix. There are no children. That the Ontario`t' `will -in.tr_odu:ce legislation at the -coming `session of the House, shortening the hours of business of, the hotels of rtrhe province is the` belief of many well informed per-l H- `_-_.. FIVLA '.`l`..1..........~. 'D..n..-.331. `UU.I.'l1 UL 1110413 wcu. 1.|l.J.\.IJ..|11x.L,|, rI\/O sons, says The -Telegram. Premier` 11-Iearst has been -asked What the in- tention of the Government is in |t`his . direction, but he refuses to` discuss the subject. `While not `denying the `rumor, the Hon. Mr. Hearst" says that -as far as the Government `is concerned, there is nothing to jrbe said about the main! 1.... I Er. wr. V , 1 The memher of the calbinet have} VISITS ORUJL1 A `strong temperance leanings. and inf -Orillia "Bimes-0n Monday even- View of the present nancial condi- _ ing last the oi-cers of Lodge Rose "iti0n,s',i1'. is -argued that it would be of Couohichinlg Sons of England a beneeitwl move on `the part ofl Benet Society, were installed by Qbvemment to close the bars the District` Deputy,` .Mr. H. C. ;of `the Province earlier" in the even- -Oha-nnen, of Barrie. There was a. 5118- . * T113 G0.V91`11ment Pe1`-3n'b3$g8'- good attendance of members and a -the bar receipts -` during the, few visitors from Barrie and A1- V 1a,t_=:.5" ea.r , was. much lower than -be- landaale. At the close of the cere- ` efoerig-V; 1n&*'tihisi'onIy goes -to show monies refreshments . were served. V ?13he`_'e,(it?_- of the `nancial strin- The new President, Mr. J. T. Q n - T S'tu"bley, took the chair and handled _ `M.r,.~`_/He_ar_st .Was.1:he program. Son-gs were given 7 dell? that the by G. A. Smith, Fred; Leaking, R. I considering, fnew W. `C1aa.11ke,_ Thos. Smyth, S. P. .,;for_ `A the coming A'y-les and Chris. H-orseld, of Bar- "gd'?i::;:;]1}g_4:1;e was` rie. ,Everyone who -could speak did r -A1 1.i'-14--.. -- `D = 7 `(M-inin. so, ink:1udil1'Lg'. 7 H. O. fhannene-' and` .oLosE `_ALL BARS AT 7 PM. SCIIUJ, Sometime" ggo Mr. Hearst was! `asked if he would deny that the. Government ~ was considering new liquor -legv_i-._s1ation for the coming {. session, and -he replied thart he was '- *j:g;p1_,~ ;;ir1*3 *5e.{.j; p"(1:;si-1:\ion* to discuss "`thj" 5; ifo1'n, 7o6h'er sources it ` is. The _Qther' Towns of the _IIJlAJ\4, ,UU UALAAV 1'0 .I.\4L|l 11; LEAVES. $14,222.50' LTROUD CRAIG, Major.` rm aucmm GRANT-4 `J or ABSENCE `,3 3., .._~-.. A rfoni fagem 1) wismble here . on Monday, the 18th of` rthis~ month, but I will be able to continue my duties until the 35th s `quota is ordered away from Barrie. "l`....;.L3..... ....\..... L nnnnn ..nLI.-. L...'l-. Iiuv Inn .10 \lL\5\.l&\a\.l. I-Iavv (NJ .|,AvLLI. .1165!-LL\n --'I`,rust'_ing_ your honourable." body .may be. able to grant my request, 'I,rema1_n, . _ . ` `I1 L)` :Enq.uiries1 . Hdrsteld. asked if`~$'- `some scheme could not -be devised to pro- `-vide funds for the men. lo were [out of W0l`k. He was cbnstant1y being asked` for help and had` found many desti-tute cases, some so bad that they were compelled to stay in bed to keep from freezing. They had never received a cent `from the patriotic fund and he wanted the martter Teonsidered. , ` Aupnvvub \.a\.rLL~JA\A\.IL uuo I011 Reeve" Bennett s suggestion the Finance Committee `will con- sider wppropriating $500 to th-at purpose, a plan of co-operation to prevent over-lapping to be organ- ized. The best way to do it, if it` is necessary, is in the form of an assessment upon the whole people, added the Reeve; then, those who are the best able to pay, must put up the largest amount. T\......-L-- 1')...'L....4....-.... `IT. 1...... .11 HALL; 1001 vvu QQLJIV : U1 V-' l Deputy Robertson---We have all got to face the issue and might as Well reconcile ourselves to meet- ing most unusual circumstances. A Tribute to the Dead Wil~kes-Gray-_-`That the deep sense of loss experienced by the community in the death of the late G. G. Smith, who had been Chief of the Fire Brigade for 28 years. be recorded, and that the Clerk be requested to convey the Council s heartfelt sympathy ` to Mrs. Smith and` her family. The motion was carried by.a standing vote in a si- lence more eloquent than words. l`1,,_,, T),,`_1, 7'I`L-:. T TIT C`,....1.6. JDLJVU .I..I.|\.l1\/ \4~\i\.1Q.A\.dLL U u;nu. \I g-uu 3 Gray-R1isk-That J. -W. Scott be allowed to use the Town grader, Von Ald. Horseld becoming respon- lsible for same. 011 "I'\1 A 1`, DILJLG JUL DGIJIJLII Robertson-Wilkes-That Clerk advertise for tenders `position of assessor. `[:`:..L..... .(`1`l...1- 'l"L..4. 41... E & sum. V _ LIIIIIUUU. - _ Deputy Soules--That is a matter :7:`.f(_)l` the Committee. ! Reeve Bennett--I am heartily in ; accord -with the motion. I would ;hate to have it go abroad that I qwas a member of the only Council .in Canada that objected` to paying the salary of one of its employees . while he was taking my place at n .1 n n 1111, , L_.-,__1- 3.-. ...,-. ,.]n,*. 7 F I , lJUa.I. UAULL U ucvvoovxo % F ish-er-4C1ark-T-hat the soldiers `mdbilizing: here on the 18th be `granted the use of` certain sections [of `the Polce Court buildings; ` VITL .L L`. _ f"._....... U IJLIC LUILVS \/UuLI: l}l.l1l\.llll5\Jl 1 Fisher-*Brother--That the Town Engineer be granted .leave of ab- sence while engaged on active ser- & vi-ce. 13 `I . 7`l'VL_ _-_____,_:;. % D;apu=ty Robertson-The. commit.- Ktee Wil-1 meeton Friday night; let ;`that stancl over.- (I 11 T;9,, ,,!..L.L ____ 4.,` ` I.I.Llar`U UIICII-all]. UVDLQ } % ld. AHorsA-e,1d--I-t s right up to this Council ;and"1et xthe Council [decide it right now. There is nothing for-any committee to con- {siideh 1- `I 7111, ,,__ __ ___|,__:_,____ `A U'1UU1'o_ . Ald. Fisher-Th-ere is nothmg to wait ,for; we know now all We would know then; there is only one thing to do. u A11 111:1}--- 'l`Lmm am can-n1v tnmg LU e (10. A1 . Wti1kes-There are surely no two opinions on this matter. `Mr. Macdonell is severing his home" ties and friendships to do for some of us What some of us should he doing_ for ourselves; by all means grant his request and also pay his salary. 9 'Depu~t_v Ro|bertson--I don t think there is a member who would: ob- ject to granting the absence, but I think it should go to the Com- mittee. ' n 1,- rm; :- ..'..,...++.-n. Wnlle ne W115 Lmuug Lug 1.;-up u. the front. The troulble is we don t properly` appreciate 1 our position; imagine what would happen if none .of these men went; our homes and `our families might be destroyed any day and I am -Willing to go~0n paying as long as my circum-. stances -will permit. What are a few paltry dollars, when our very existence is at stake. We don t `know who .may be next; it may be the Chief of Police, or one of our Policemen ,and I m certainly going to help them "by every means in my power. They are ghting for you and me, and it s the least we lcaxgdo to pay them for it. ,, ,L!-_- _-....1.-J vv:kkI1+ nnv can UQ LU pay u.1\".7u1 ,|_\.u. . . 5-.The motion carried without any ifurther dissenting. `I A1d.`Fis-her asked to be advised _ of an-y n~eeded repairs or sanding` and promised- to have it done. . Lt Mr. A; B. Coutts asked for the . use of the Police Court Chambers ' on the 20th inst. for a meeting of ' the Vespra Telephone Co. The :_ Mayor ., will arrange it. ' DISTRJIOT DEPUTY . v ' VTSTT-S `ii-"I`-&1`e"ai1-11ia1mee1ing Peflephone C_o., Limiteci, will_ b_e{he1a'dv. .. 1.1.- nmntun U611` .QA-1-n-n1:1"r'..:'. nix. S0, 1nK3luG|l~Illg' 11. U. L/|Ll:l_ uu.\:u. nu :A]d5-rman T. B. Cramp,` of Orillia. The programme being` nished, those present settled down to pass the ` time ;- until the morning train due" .dands_ and. _cajn'>_et ball. DI U .L .L VISIT-S ORILLIA the for the R." A. =SUTH'ERIJAND,- Presidenjz N. LENNOX BLACK, Secretary; AGRICULTURAL-SOCIETY L1'l`Ull b1U11. DAT-EID the 7th day of anuary,.'_ ' A.D., 1915. IORES-W I`C-KE & BELL, _ Of the Town of -Barrie, Solicitors. 2-5 "For the said? '_Ad_.ministra.trix. I on-` ,.!,-uuyuuuc ugh, _.1J1u;.nu\'{u._ .vvAa., ..;y;...\,,.,,,._A. :1 Orange Ha"11,`;`@R.' V-ednesd`a`y,. J ~anu:a1_'y 20th; 1 191%; _ 9 `I - -1, -` 1 :6 "Apply W. C. Thompson, `15 `Owen 100 acres of rst-class land with good; buildings, price about $8000; Will give `$5500 worth _of real estate (r-st-class property in Bar- rie) and $2500 cash as `payment. 91., Barrie. Phone 288; ' 5V3-tf.` coon FARM \_7VAl_`lT_ED_ .Re1_ne`mbe:rV that; the tgyle d` L1- _ Es{.c.1I1)V`vsi}"L%CEER SGOTT, Q 1-nnmnpl-`n `I11 sso %::;::eE:2`.`::3g TIGKETS 3`J'er5.`;`.`.`.'.?a:?.?o. lin. Dymentvoyse. Ross B1903- NQTICE - Monday llightiaml Every 1 Afternoon .`Comp;1} Season Tickets - milf 150. procured from Ma.nager~ Alt; Hamlin, at the Rink, or from Ambrose Esta.- mm `Race Black. . tf : s. Muc-AAd1am, Secretary-Treas. LJXVV 111., j Pres-ident. TUESDAY \ '|'.||l||lS'Y' L smwv` EVENING can-V LJ\./'\J .1. J- Secrett` ,ry.` ,: oooooooooo6_'o`ofi M %};~",w`J}, in th_eir hall-`Von B-uliton Ave. "L V, T--C*arey s' are jselliing 'Won_1en s [low heel Rulbibers for 25c a pan`. `NA 1 oJ\t\4o_ -.. gv; -vv .. r--- `Mrs. P~ai'nter- returned oI1"}MOI1-`iiay` from a, short visit `in Toronto.` A " V"I`v_11o1iiia;(V:`rr'337' J T of Hamilton; is visiting with his family. on `Essa 1* Mr. Geo. Wilson has opened a_ {real `estate oiceiin Mr. AJE. Pat~ terson s store on_ Tiin :St., former- ily used by Mr. Patterson as an ice lcnearm parlor. , is 0 1 1 The` 1i1_;t1e.tsh_ xgillage on thejiayl is` doing quite a"!b1'1siness- this week. The herrinvg seem :to he very _ plenti- p__1 - `- `- -- I .I..L-I\J ful. While at work last ` Alder-. man Rusk had the misfortune to have the back of his right hand cut ,open -with an axe, ' I\n -ru-voi `I 1- A` v-vv--- r----__. . -'+See the Bardrie rbdys under can-5 vas with the First Oanadian Con-T timgrent :at/ Valcartier. ' A V feature attraction at Dreamland, Jan. 15. and 16. ' . A - .-.oon.n-uu_u-d- --..-.. n.,-vv--_ ._v.`, _ . -.*_._@V_` jOn F1"idayT morning the eO`o%balt train arrived here ive hours late 01'yin\g_ to four cars 9, of coal being dlbched at Utterson. = ` - A -`boring local `oprtion town- _ V yum; .n v About two weeks ago a supposed- conpse in a* casket `passed through here to a northern town. Since; it is rumored that the shell. "did not coxitain human remains but that it was loaded with `booze for a- neigh- `I1 .]'3and at` the T Rink-V-T-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings.` r~:a_`IL I """""E ""`_ 'L'."" ` ' ' ' -*C5arey"s have pv_u:t -a1-1 previous sales in the shade in this, their mid-`winter, semi-'a nn_uIal Shoe -Sale. Misses Don-g. Blu\ohers, '_worth $1.50 for 89c a pair. W 'en s Don-g. Bluciler Bals, worth 1.75 {for 99c Ia pair. _ _ - I I -;'L, Bills are out announcing .' the` annual carnival of `Burton Ave. `Ep- League at the. Mammoth` Rin'k on January 25th'.g Good prizes are `being offered, and, as usual, the aair promises to be one of` the (best held. _ held next -Week, the oupvposing teams` |lbeimg captained `by Athol Marshall men`t will `be held to decide the -amateur bhampionshixp `of ' Simcoe. County. . . ~ V _a -v--- . I . s 1 0 1 U A' ihtween `the 1 local players _ of A11`anda-le will be ` and Arch. Walker. Later -a tou1'na- I `---Pictures of the rst Canadian` Contingent will be shown at |'Dream1and on Friday `and Satur- ld-ay, J anuary_.15 and 1-6. _ A I il\7I_1:.w -Eldon Hunt captured a live -hedxge hog near I en-tang on Satur- day, and some of the French people say it is a sign ofxan open winter, The animal was quite dazed`{.' It is, rather tame and is heeoming quite a pet with the railway `men at Penetang. . ' ` --Every4body -will be Wei-come at the Arnnwal Tea and: Concert of the Central Methodist Ladies Aid which will be held on_ Monday, Januuary 18th. Tea . from 6 foo 8 p.m. Tickets 250. Good program- e--- - t . - `1_o saw... so > 9?` ..-v. . A run~o of a freight? -train T at Porwa-ssan yesterday blocked ' the line for considerable [oi the day, the passengers on No. 44 from North Bay being-`transferred to an- other train. Engineer Service was . at the throttle and `he and his crew were uninjured. Tkmelve ears and the tender left the track, and the `Allan-d`a1e wneeking crew were , at work most of the day clearing up the wreck. . . _. ; `On *S.un.d'ay a new railway time Ioard makes. its appearance. The only changes on" this division are ._ that of "trains No. 41 and 44. N0.- M1 twill` run from Toronto to Huvntsville only, and not _t7o North Bay, as formerly, and No`. 44 will irun from Huntsville to _ Toronto. There is -a little. difference" -in the time of No. 41. as it leaves Toronto at 7.45 mm. instead: \ of 8.00 a.m., `and arrives here 15 rminutes earlier. __ --. . -f?'l-'I% A ta-A;.\.q. yo--- - v~ --v- Neil McVicar billliard tournament, the ' nal game ibeing -played on Thursday evening 4-ponent. The tournament has been in progress for some time and the `contest had narrowed!` "down to` N._ MeVi_car, who secured the 4150: re- lquirecl. to ` win, and- Karl Marshall, [who made 62 out `of the 150 he re-' `quired, s ttecl travel- ling case was ' by` "Secre- -tary -Clarke. to Mr. MoVicar as wine [ner of the tournament. ~ 1 `I `I1 ., -last "with Karl Marshall as his op- V ' `The local Brotherhood held `a 1 meeting last week regarding the '1 proposed decrease in the G.T.R. 1. employees salaries, and it was un- ' ianimously decided not to accept 9 {any reduction, but, beyond this, - `nothing could, at present, he done ` `till a, more` denite ann ou_ncemen-t j was received regarding` _the. terms of lthe reduction from the company. The -tr-ain1nen s j schedule * runs out i on ` April. 1st, and it is the general " opinion of railway men all `over `the system that this is just a gentle scare so that a they will not ask for ' .a.__1a'r-geriwage that what etheyhare ;now getting, _` :when* the" present eagreement - :I-t ..i.,9f 9 hate ,ane'wareemQnt Wm: 81?f1mk; 4 ACROSS THE BAY V Notice is hereby given that -the "Annual meeting of; the eShzareho']:d`- ers orf the Barrie Union Cemetery will be held in the Police Court jv(/`hamhers, C-01-lier _St., "Barrie, v on Monday, the 18th January, 1915, at, 4 o clock, p.m., for the purpose of; receiving` the Annual ` Reports, for the eleetion of Directors, eonrm-' ; ng new by-laws and sIu`ch other {business as may be required. l -71 717 11 0 1 9; ivvih H ":f<`>'e1:'~=]3zau-.1-e -by 1 game. _A1landale gl-ayers are .wonderfu;'l1y, in. their fthe " on ~ Tuesday . Tevening, find great interest is _-being: manifested in this . popular amuse- 3 ment at the Y. The scores -and -players are as follows: A .n.._.. .1.-.1 .. 1:2,,,.,.;D ,,.a,,..-.a E... A`ll'a1'1da1e Won` A 1171!, ST'EOIAL CDO BEET-ON 151.1; .A.- an...-.g. .-. ._.w-_._. j .___ > `wTh`eJ `Ainnu-all `(if iS01z1~1i:1i1. -Simrooe `Cbnservtartiv-e " `Association wililwbe held at Beeton on Friday, Jan. 15, 1915, at two o clock. A special train will leave Barrie at one o c1ook, stopping at All-and`-ale Vine, Thtornttbn, Cboksrt-owwn and Randall.` Returning leaves Beveton "at 5.30_ pm. Reduced Fares. IHOCKEY NOTES} 11 '1lhe game of the season in Bar- rie will be on Wednesdav evening of next week,` when Collingwood plays here. These two teams are the pick of the district group, and it will be a ne exhibition of hockey. `Barrie plays f the return game at Cbllingwood two nights later, Friday, J -anuary: 22nd; when it is likely a special train will be arranged for. ` , V A . . Steve Vair was the unanimous choice for 1-ast nig~ht .s O.I-LA game `between St-ayner and 7 Barrie. As we go to press in time to catch. the Wednesday evening mails, we can- 'not- give a report of the game in lthis issue. Bernhardt $111 referee the Barrie-.Me'aford game at the latter town on Frildlay evening. A special train is being run up to Mearford; leaving Barrie at 5.45 p.m., and there will be a big crowd on board good team to beat Meacford on their own ice--4but that is just what we to cheer our boys on. It takes a. have this year. Ciollingvwood also plays at Stayner on Friday night.` _' fnr. R. D. Orok, -M.P.P. "for Lei `Pas; New in_ Ontario. . V Toronto News--Dr. R_ D. Orok, -M.P.P. for the new riding of Le -Pas, .-_-resident of the new town o that name, the new temninus of the new Hudson Bay Railway. through the territory newly acquired by Manitdbta, is in `town to-day. 7111-- L-___ ~..:.J 1.... ........ J-1r|`1nnr\| The annual meeting of the` Bar- ie Agricultural Society 'e1d in the Council Ciham'ber, Bar-4 rie, on Ihursday, January 21512,. 915, at I 7p.m,- " ~' ` TELLS OF vRE4SOUR1CES j . J % or NORTH COUNTRY .L!.la1l..lUU'LR1, .13 .11]. U\JVV.u. UU \AuJo \ The town, said The, was V three `years old, and already had every` thing. Toronto had! `except street cars and. potpuamion, and he inti- malted it would rival Toronto in a few years in these `also. . A I. rm.-.~_,.:1....... :- ........ cmn -rn;]nh [LUW ycura 111 11111355 amu. [' Tthe ra,i1vway is. now 200 miles north and in the spring. will be pushed on towards Slolit, Lake and Nelson, the post, and also to Ohurelrill. They were planning freight yards for 40,000 cars at Le Pas. The Hudson Bay route was `quite praciticalble. A ` _ _ .- The country ?-gold, silver, nickel -ca1blbages, six times the size of Toron12o s-.-all grains and vegetalbles plan-ted}. late and reaped early, for the summer nights there are only four hours `long; fru-it unvaried by, 1' _.L I \V.7eA have in our ' district one+ -`bhild of all the electric power ill: `Canada he said, addging, and wit ` sineerifiy, `that when that {country is opened up it will be the richest in {She twprld. _ new country teem-. _- ___1 :1... ..-.._..........;.._ ) ing with promise and its representa- tive throlblbing .wirbh enthusiasm; such is -the impression of Dr. R. D. Orok, M.L.A.,` speaking of ithe country` he` represents, Le Pas, to- wards the ,.Hud'_son .Bay. ` i:MU.s'r NOT` REOEIV1: PUBLIC, MONEY WHILE ,___ ___._ -.... ......,...,. N. McVicar A . Marshall I YY`P'11 ` .LII.C&I.Q'LLIl1l. .1. A; \.II Uta v 4.5.5 X:Wi1'kins on O -F -Dunn , Finlays0n- 4...-I. -H. `Beale _ `R. `Walker 1 'Ayerst,= J; Brun-ton ,2- PL` Roberts6n * w"1tinM'f3iR_6F c61kI-01Ll A raltaher peculiar case came be- fore Judge _ Fisher recently, i-n which the law in reference: to tak- ing public money while a member -.C .. cnnn`v\'.1|l'|:'Y\.l`\1 nA11YI'l1':`l'TI7OQ`QY'n]n;n- mg P110116 luuuqy wuuu a LLI\:sA.nuu.n. of a muniloipal council was explain- ed. The Orvangeville Sun says-:- ( On Thursday Wesley South 2113- `1 pearecl before i I-his "Honor Judge 1 Fisher. to answer "to the charge of fraudulently collecting money from , the town. T-his is the case Where James Marhhews, owner of the local , planing mill, suxptplied the town } zwirh lumiber while a memlber of the counciil -and used -.SoutJh .s name, i with his `consent, to eolleet the bills. The -prosecution was started by ex- Chief Marshall, .*who was `forced to , resign by a _majority of the council ` `several weeks ua`7go; {Popular L sym- y . apathy was with South: who received ',- ` y W 9 'ssion or_ `recompense for all- .. -owing` hiszname to be used andlwvho 5' was -_enitir'ely; innocent of anytinten-V 3 ftion j. of wrong -doing.o ~JudIge-]?-isvher [_ this view of the _ca`_s_e _ and : let rt: O3 . ~ 794 . .'1"-','i< i, .`dtl -' s 553 `R. ;J. .F-LETCHE R:,;_'Sec.l ame Unioh Cemetery] A M;gJmNq;1 G+0oDrM1mREs=sIoN The" earlier a man begins- to make a goodjmpression, a11dJ*.uses every -.hon`'b1e~.means t0 -that` end, "bhe fu:.t3=:er.he<% in go in1ife~-` -4 5...1\,-51'] 5. IUTEHBI U 'W'll'1 111 J:-Ava . V | ..The 1".`bus1ness 'm'a_n _s _ good 11 !l`D'1'S- ` "s1o1i`3`1S.,.'m*1d?~:i.1`5?{bV the `s1>ati9nersJ% . 13 YUM L G. KeVenan . ` -B.- Aiken Garvin- .'P 3P NORTHERN * ADVANCE Barrie _ ' `TY Won 12 NOTICE To cnaplrbasi