}. =Nom-in-atio1 1s.-T:'he person nomi- nated" to ll 'e ach oice shall _be pro- posed and: seconded. (.Se'1-iatim), and [every such nomina1:ion_ {SHALL BE TKT TXTJDTTIWTITIV 7....) .. ........---.....J `X 3""r"`J """ """"""""""""""" ,N"""`.-"` ""f` `;N WRITING, jfand is `required to estate therein the full name, place of residence, and occupation of the candidate, `and shall he signed" by the proposer and ~seconder,. both of whom shall, be `present -,and 'be led [with the returning oicver. or. the chairman Within . ONE HOUR from the -time of opening of the meet- , `-Declar'ations--In cities, towns, `and incorporated. villages, every candi-date - for the oice of mayor, reeve, controller, alderman,` coun- cillor, water commissioner, `or street railway commissioner, `shall, `on the day of the nomination, or at, any time before i 9 o clock in the i 1 afternoon on the following day, le in the office of the clerk of the tmuniicipality a soleinn A declaration in_ accordance with `form 2 of The Municipal Act, or to the like effect, that he possesses `the "necessary qualications. for" the 'oi~ce, and in default ofvhis doing so, such candi- date shall be deemed -to have re- signed, and his name shall be re- lmovd "from. the list of -candidates, and shall" not be printed on the ballot papers. - ' I A nominating -or returning ofc-er; ishould not refuse to accept a nomination paper for ` the reason Ithat he has .a personal knowledge of the fact that the person nomi- inated thereby is not a legally quali- ed candidate; the responsibility of deciding this question. should the .left to the. Courts. At the close of "the nomination meeting -he should announce the names of the vcandi-.. dates p1_'aced in nomination. It" is not necessary ` that a person nomi~ Ina-ted should be present. 5 - I .'Councillor D. H. Coleman is in the eld for Deputy-`Reeve, and after his successful` municipal Vex-_ penience he, should make an excel- lent Deputy. Although his home is in the southern part of the [town- ship, the has always shown A a broad-_minded' spirit in regard to the general a"airs . of the ~who1e -t~0rw-nship, and has never allowed seetionalism to `bias him. The ratepayers "would do well to elevate` him to the position of -Depu-ty-I Dntknn ~ Resignations may -be `handed to the .retu_rn'ii1g oicer at nomination` meeting, or on the following day, at any time before 9 o clock p.m.A ` a For the Council, it is expected ithat C'ouncil1ors_. Martin and Allan `Will be prevailed upon` to stand for `another year, and it is said-_ that LT-hios. `Cook and John Hurst of Painswick and Geo. Dyer. of Holly \Will be in the eld; Deputy-Reeve Warnica has made no'defi.nite {pro- nouneement, as yet,` and it is not known wiether he will oppose ` Reeve Todd or contest the D~eputy s chair with` Councillor Martin. The nomination` is at `Churchill this year, on ' Monday next at noon. The nancial statement_, which has just `been 'issued, shows =t'he_ township s affair to be in good shape. ` .. i At . the" nomination "meeting, [candidates proposect may resign ; x'her.b`ally, `but after the v_ nomination meetin.g alln resignations must be in `writing . signed and . attested `by a ;witness, and -delivered to the clerk ior returning officer within the `- time 1 mentioned. %%\ TE8DAY ruunsw suumv evsmnn P_ollingh;fMonday, ]vanuar y 4th, (9 I5' I1T\T=1T_IIS%FI.L' WELEC A 1`-I0l\T.S 53 dozens of them, all b shapes and colorings ; LIE Town," `each. . . . . . . . . .; And a nice collection Ext The swing of the holiday owd is'this way and those who want to be sure of ' datisfactory choice will nd splendid aissortmentsd our Handkerchief Booth. Handkerchiefs done up n Folders, Boxes, Envelopes, etc. and in endless vari: y . . . . . . . . 10c up to 150 A'Special Purc ase in Men s Ties gorge hefe to uyuf Dolls and Toys ` You11' Vqtg ah nflu-nvge ` `T 7 :RfSB:`, _t_f;;1Iy V V A Time ies you know aln` `itwvill pay yen to buy HERE and NOW. - We are % ering such excellent values- Come and "see them, ice them and when it comes to I `buy-please y_oursel not coercion here. You can gladden the heartof e _little-ones at small cost. psi Three for a bollar Sox for Men We have placed the holiday bu - o regularvpric . be`st>.~..,_ See the ,P1eas%e S116! This is Dr. Jaeger s 1 It is extra and is sd .quantity. Sizes 93 I 3 f A splendid gift for New stock, incl Songs and sele T 'Farratf, Alma I "Caruso, Madam Selections suc -Home Guards `_ etc. _ We have We "are showing a d_ in Hair Orname " V (We are sole sel_l Side Combs, Ba ummwmgm` shoWing.,_ ........ V - is large. The Saving o*two pieces alike, Fancy ets, Vestees, etc. The range "re from 20 to 50 per cent. .18 on our .0: In! I r- 180 Samples Neckweai:-V Flares, `Collar and Cu ' _less foot line 999. No store in town give` * you bett store in town can s N w you the of our Hosiery Sto Here is Fine 1 x '1 Rib Pur Cashmere `t is elastic sizes 8% to 10. On _ regular 50 Christmas Oerin - pair; ..... .. e pairs 75c Handkerchif Ladies flair Ornaments PLEASESHOP MORNII xuomg-..,:o..%; wacome Christ- mas Fesivalis upo us ind the spirit of `friendship and ndlincss is every- Neckwegr for Ladies arly a.;1d got: -'_ very happy? for yout visitvto this V liable and `Econ- sal vii - v,.----V pa-van VA ~aJvI|.u \Ill UIAIV `V` r. `Hafs age rqdticed, from to .7assortrrj1ent `is good, seryxce us _ WI:M1l1ir_1ery- .Bargains.. `he happy possessor of a Victrola. ijng -Christmas Carols, Sacred .ions by Clara Butt. Geraldine luqk, Tetrazinna,` Lucy Marsh, `Kirby L-ufm, ,McCormack, Band :a's_ Coldstream _ Guards Band, _nd,.+Pryors Band. Sousa s Band, am -6 I1'L`3;.'.'.'.'i'."26I 23, 55. 21-; ;.:;i'so Rtor Records to`ck ofjl-`Lats on sale for Emplete line of the newest ideas _of the celebrated Granby make. fig agents. for Barrie) Barrettes. : Combs, Sets, etc., make a most heat interest is centred` in our ......... ........... .._15 up to 4.50 of % Milliriery pecial Black Cashmere Sock. lling on sight. We have any 10, 104} and l1.A Pair .......... ..35 gr 1.00.` (Boxed) : ~ you i better values and no range and quantity isa special for ladies `Cashmere Hose with seam- _ is-elastic and good wearing, "regular 50c line. For Special` {s of all kinds iced separately, the newest Ddoubtedly the best value in .............. .. 2'5E'3?:ci'S0 Fine 'I'i.es at . . . . . . . . . . .. 75 afs for Ladies }'rHE MORNING ~%W0RD CKERS _ ----an-- `-\o--` S. . . .. 10 to 2.50 1914] /15*: Respcctfully Wed fof the` . Electio of b I '4 Your Vote and Inuence Is Respectfully licited -for the " Elc non of _ Val. 03 \I.I. LlIa|vL\.LVV \I\J\.L lILl3'l-Lo ' I *:}T`}`1e above farm wouldbe sold, en bloc, `Or `if preferred woulcl be _% divided to suit purchaser. mnxinaa ..n_L Ana}. .-....]' LL- 1....1".-.. A... coum PATRIOTIC 11F-`nun; ;:;;umga;;:; ` o%;%%.gai1yz% ; % f 1 M1i,nici_pa`1i,ty`~ 3-`$`ii . at S~0c1ety-`P .'FAIR-A1\{}{`S-1s`[_~01?_iSE A Gas _o`r saw!/u\\3t ' Oxi the Vproperty are -erected lerge barns and basement sta-bles, in good _ repair, and a_._good, sized. roughtvcast house. ' ' `I 1 0 . -1. 1 ~ 1 ' -I. J_J..J..I. A43-J.` -LIJKI JJAI-\.I'LULJ'J-J \.lII\3 .or Gasoline `Engine for _Quick Sale Cheap.` If` you A need an `engine this is your chance to se- cure a "thoroughly-overhauled` . `one, good as new, at 3 big bar-.. gain. `. Apply ]?.O. Box 175, Barrie. , ' 52-tf. .\WA.NT-{ED--Girl to take `care of child in afternoons-. Apply J ud`ge Ard~ag7l1. ` 51-t.f. I I `SIX YOUNG ` ps1-1012': HORN BULLS, from 8 -too 16 months old, bred-* from :imported- stock, ply `A. :`Purvis, Craigva,-le. LD. - t for sale on reasonable` terms. Ap-V Phone in house. - 44-tf _.FA].'h-M FOR SALE--W.H=. Lot. 9, ; .11-`. o (L... -inn ._-_.-_ -1`__ -_.1 4 FARM F-OB SALE M ! Part oflthe East Half v of Lots: 1, 2, :3,` in 1st concession of Town-I ship of Oro.r 3 miles from '.Barrie on `the Ridge`R0ad, containing 17 n ac;x'es.- V . 11' The land is`a_1good c1ay loam well fenced a_nd in `good state of cultivation. iher " is a blbck of 18;.11cres` of hardwood `b`ush. I1 = v[ J 9" V ` - . ' . 1.FT~he-_.fu11 np.zne,j _ag_,,v orzner `ocup'a_tio11__;_.A a11di.{`1jesidenoe_? j ': : . ;at_tachq toe gNumber_in+ azx;i1y% f'$`f1C.1f`.' their; a -LA-v\lLLL UAJLQ \.l\lIA_J.LU .7 ' LILLY I-\L\J\;I. UU Usllll 1JI.lL\JlL6Nl3_'\JLu I V ;Te1_'ms, part cash and the -balance. on mortgage.. . A_...'l__ 1.- (`1..;.....- 1)-.1;-; -.. LL`. Apply George Rai*ke s-., on the premises-, or to Barrie P.O. '37-tf.l . `County. Clerk R. J. `FIeteher_ forwarded a copy of the following letter" to 'al1~the members of` the `County Councilr _and `the municpal clerks: ' . _Wit-h referenice to the grant of ` $25,000 made _'by the C ounty7to the Belgian -Relief Fund, the 3 Red: Cross, Society _ and the .Patriotic~ .`Fund,. the Gommittee appointed by the-. County -C`o'un,c'_if1 d'e`si re to fdl:-L 6ai.;I1_`, `the following 7 informati_on, so. as tom , -_e[na:b1e A: i, them '3 , to 1;e'aommend' an]; iiquita.-ble` division "to f` - sai BI..1mv{' : :lget3;fvg=,'n_;".17h`e: Aa:bo.ve0 j soesiatibng, o`t1.\ie'.~ .rsame?0i`~ti'me *9-'rC0t9ct%7 oth; fam-J ; ~an ax C011, 6, Oro, 100 acres, clay and sandy loam; 15 acres of hard- WOOid bush, `balance under culti- va-tion; 15 acres of fall seeding done now, and fall plowing chief-3 ly `done; good large barn on ce-' ment` foundation, and outbuild- ings-;, frame house; 1% miles from Edgar, and 14' miles from Barrie. Possession in spring, I915. `Ap- p1y..on premises or to George ,Wyne`s, Edgar 'P.O. ` N45,-if ;Vdf % Your Vote anii Inuence AS 1/bnrun REEVE MW ADV-.ER1mE1W:NrJ:s I-'R MAYOR F Mayor P0121915 'Di)uty * R e`V) dj ' , it the ' % Rink?-`-T`usd ay, ay and Saturday evenings._'_ . A The urlig 7451;." `the %=`~sg5n "was. on Friday night. LBa r`rie ` Curl- ing Climb `selected their skips ' on Monday` night. % % 7 I ---.~Bryson. -s vbest `qnal' lmond. Paste, .30c- per lb. - y to'use. ' The Canadian Jubilee Singers ; drew a faiirvsized audience: in the Central `Methodist Ohurdh last -`Saturday evening, and the enter- _ tainment was much appreciated. '_ The .basso, GirardeMi1lar,. scored -a ' distixmt "success in. his solos, ;*and ' f:he other; numbers were almost , equally '.me`rito1".ious. The J ubile Singers_' contributed ve . nunbers on "'Su`n`d ay 5: evening, when `the 5 `church _ waswarovwded. ' I. _ Y-fciu* may not * only 1 _ssax're,T 'Inoney' . by hf, reading`? the advertisements` f in '1_ this `issue of7fThe -bi71't_ you AO'1 1i`iij "we11+sti>ckcI.hi" j`st01`1.BSi A " [of . Wi11- nd: the ixianyre suggestions I I i {held#`iiIi:"e.1ri@ilaii:.;n7i3?oui' ipnfrchase ` ` " "1-".,a ":1, V.-. [V "Fish ' 1' ".'- .. J` ' '~.n"i'2 9 9 %"oF%LocAL1rrrsRs1' , nAAAA".A-A4ALAAA-AA Az4`AmA'AAA'LA 3006906obooooo696$Q$:3 . RX I 3% I. ECW311131 '. __._j`_...- : OOO`O`9`O.Q"_'6"0'0 'oo;;;:;Q3:;l .Mus1c Stor Both disc and (34 _ ' gnd _ latest }% J. E. Ea;-ewe11, who pleadbd -`to (six ; charges of [mis-% %.represen118tin by `eb110ting.:jf11nds `fqr? ~ allgged. *patrio1',i_c] ` 'cb,9nged .Ehi'$" .;D1ea .'W11.`e`n'. he j %.1>ef`re%.%?A~Iuds'eV;; 1Van<:e& +~ for % `@011: LS. sar`:ip1iaaded%%~notAgui1:V; %fy;J`i:`%%% H91` ' % tfh `Jan . . %``h* .59 me me I ALL-' and ?w.i11-hot ` r-fop-e'n ;11}ntil- Ja 1 1)r'y7 Y ' ;Doung'al1_ B * I 5 .414:f The Wbyn fnoz'1bvf" .m;-_as` as ` Mi_net s,'~ Point on `Thursday evening .__la_st. ' T .. ; ; :_ ' '_ There was an immense crowd} at the Mammoth` Ri1tk.1ast`%Th11rs;d ay' evening, ' "the -` i'st_'ska'ting of the %season .. .V _ ` _ v -. G; Keenan s is- for a11.Christmp._s C Stationery. i 8' day Soho ' 1'8 man named "Burke who was loaded to the Plimsoll at the G.'I`-.R. depot on Wed'11esd'ay last and he got-v3 %Weeks to. sober up. _ _` _ - ` .+Brymn s es at 25c. fperilb. are ; . V D I .-Constajlvmle VRayner' _`arrsted a j There will be no parade of the ` Barrie Home Guard '~ until a` after "New ?Year ,s. A Last Friday - `evening t?hei'e was a good Tatendran-ce, "the drill :being*he1d in "the Town Hall. --See . `the array 0 ` Christmas Gifts '-at `Williams elry Store, opp. . Queen s ' censes iss A. ` tf Marriage Li- ` Saturday -J-OS. Sullivan l_be~'. came obstreperous in IrWin s livery stable, while on a pre-Christmas jag, and kicked Wm. -Irwin. `As it was his second offence in two Weeks` he was given four months in the ICentral. ' T A > 7._=4_4_{;,:` .` . --Sometl1in.g ifor ev member of the family :'at nan s Book- , store.` G_ive T mething_ 7 `useful. Keenan s ep are `lowest for ihighest ' ` " ' the nan Give . highest - e goods; V ~ 'j The .Soia1 and Working Guild of Trinity Church held` a most successful S'ale of Work and Enter- tainment last T~hu`rs`daiy aternoon~ ,and evening, half the proceeds be- iing donated to the So1diers"Fie1d` iComforts Fund. A ' V T _. I es while -.--`Mo1V1.t`h' Orgas "Vat V A .00 3`;_1Vp, gat `they last; violins ` 1 Keenan- s-' ' -tome, : ---N-o C'hristmasAGifTt such permanent sat iPian_o. J. G. Kee ifor the TBe1l `a `Best at mos. ' Mr. H.` Bo_ag,V, who_uh'as been_ 'away on a -trip, bought a carload 90f ne- young cattle and shipped Vthem here last week. On `Saturday they were sold `at the Barrie Hostel` by _Auctioneer T Meonkey, and many farmers got ~-some bargains,` as they sold -very cheaply. It is` expected that more may be brought in hortly. ` ' n '.1 'p.. . -'1 up .1 A % e-- -Th'e "LA. of the Central Meth- todist Church will hold their annual ltea and concert on Monday, Jan.A 18th. A ' 51-52 In this day `of albnormally-priced then fruit, it is something to have yhens laying at _all, but" Mr. Sid. Sher-lock, iPenetang St., has -2. Rhode "I-slan-d Red pullet that ?broke the record the other day; when it `produced ' a perfectly; formed egg `measuring 6%" x 87/3 inches. Al few hens like this one. would be` quite a gold, mine just inovy-. " l > \ ````'`, ""`* -"' """""" l:"-- " `" `give pleasure all t year round. `Both and` c ' der .machines, and rds; at Keenan s 1.'Music` Stor Everything in music. ` The teachers `of the North` Sim`- coe Inspectorate held a `meeting in` iBarrie on Sat_urday,and it is under- stoc:d' that they decided to register a formal `protest `against the a`boli'- tion of the uniform promotion ens .aminations; by the -County Council. It `is hkely at petition `Will be pre-| sented at the? -January -session, ac- `compani'ed',by a deputation? ' ' nething T fdr , ` -atbers , oaks and rates. to , Sun-_' W1 11 . 1 > phrtiular; A K',':,(.. 'of; jggsteale > ,_ an;a;-ea`tt `.ff1 :1"v *` v,_ > " `Inear Ead-y, `where _A hef app1ied':_ for ,$on'1ethin'g" to 5;"1ast;`:Thursda1 *`.;- a`;,I1_d" was": given ineals. * _He'_ was ttrailedf A eixghteen Ixiil 7; by O'_0nsta`b1e "Jnnett -of 'Craig=hurst,T t `and. bro.'ug'1it to Barrie J ail; `On `Monday he appeared be- fore; Raikes, J.P., at` Shanty Bay and was committed for trial. _ --'-For -`1:.e_a1.e goodv owe'rs--we`d- d_-in_g 01: .2 'ta'bl` iboulquets, Funeral Designs, or ~F1-oral effects, put up in ' the most "-artistic `manner, see TAYILOR, .. Dunlop Sg, Bar- %iya f 3'9u'* on?~saturdaz~ % --vvlvvw C A "1-'-,-(}'o1lin;Q`.w0O1dt at Mgafo;-ii; ABe:rrie . atli fsmyner. ri} -, -r-` i_.c1 . `-1 . _ e . __I`.I. ssnsteatoefv-Ixursclasr` ni:htj.89I1ef`ffeSh 4 was froii1" "ch'"Ii1inary department of "Glar*kson' House, (and Veloneyi and John Pigeo 7 were arrested by P.C.t Lambie on suspicion ijof L implicated. . These men had `been sleeping in the lock-up for `a week previous, and` Pigeon was identied "as the man who asked for' food at the Clark- son House the night "of" the theft. On Friday they were given time to get out of town or be committed `as vagrants.` ` v vv vvv v vvvvvvvvvvvv VVVVVV seem. AND PERSVONAI. l ooooooooooooooooooooooo[ [First Hockey on v Christmas! was 1\7uu1a_Do ' `~W"f i%J1;eV:s`t;hedule for ' Group No. 1} , %`~O.H.A; Junior ;?series, `in which EBar1'-ie?s'fJu11fi'o_ 1-s "are ..grouped; V was _argang9d. at .. asj fo1 [-1.4-avw ~55` .. .- .. ...........,,. , Mr. and Mrs. W. Christmas and family, of Montreal, {will spend the yuletide season with "Mrs. Christ-I -mas father, Rev. G-. R. Turk. "' _' ` Miss Irene Rorke visited . . her _aunt, Mrs. O.- F. Wright, on Tues- day, on her Way .home'_ from -To- rono to Thornfbury. ' T............' 'U'...........' _-L- 1.4- L- --- ;.m 4-.:.. 'b.Ivv.L1.L\.aLvL.IIU, .|J.J.1.. , ' The bride, who looked charming and? sweet, was gowned in a gown of rich cream `brocaded silk and carried a shower bouquet, of white chrysanthemumsw and e migin-onett'e.' After the usual toasts and con- gratulations the Wedding guests re- paired to the, dining room where a s dainty luncheon was served. Immediately afterwards the bvride donned her < travelling dress " of dainty V brown ladies cloth, and hat `to match,,she'a1so'wtore a beautiful set of Vfozi furs, the gift of e `the groom. After a short honeymoon, in `Hamilton J and other cities, the happy` young couple "Will `reside o_a-`bout two `miles south- of Thorn- gtonlyy. `jTh,eir host of ` friends wish them every" _-happiness -an-dd pros- Vyu; gwufuuu JJGJ :,VVll.l.Uu. an, U2kLl.1'l._P.l' tion match will be played between the Barrie J uniors arid` the Mid- land}, Juni-ore, he.._proceed,s to go to the ;]'s`un . The Barrie J`unim's*-- 7 '-are ag`, Womisingslookigl :bunI_c11;.f'andn [will make the most of 1;h_em- .ihue?tIe. . Tlhe yare` getting ._ in` }pr9}tiG6S and. wil:I*_be-in`1ie .sh arp gm Christmas. `I`` ` ' - lw 'nu.'- _-_1.-1.1;.L.o '-;w- 4 - Frank -CTre>sv.vick-e is 1`1[om:e] from `school 9.3 Oqkville, ` V L ; 1I..`I u. Aauugu _4;x .1. a.uu.uu.u.u I (I-LIUJ ,. L1 . .1. o I W6%1. TMcPhee returned from the` Second "G0ntinge`n1_:' Camp at Toron-` to 011 Monday. ' ' `IA . .._._1 15'..- TIT ru, 9,; ', 1 I a-vnnvv II\.I LALVALUUILLJO ` James Home, Who has been in` }Westem Canada and latterly in| `American cities, [is holidaying with {his father, Mr. Wm. .Horne, Dun- ilop "St. E. v V ` _ . 7 R. H.XSo_mervi1le, B.-A- ' I I DUT~GHER--GREY [ A very pretty -house wedding took. place at the home of Mrs. W. F. Grey, Thornton, on Tuesday, December 15th. when her second} _ daughter, Lillie V~._.- became the wife of Mr. Chas. E. Dutchjenl The hride and groom were unat-`A tended. Promptly at 3 o clock- `to the strains of Mende1ssohn s Wed- ding march played -by F. E.` E. Dutcher, _the bride and groom took their place beneath an arch of ever-l green and` bridal roses and large White wedding `bell. The marriage `ceremony was performed "by Rev. 7111.... 'L..:`.J- ___L- 1--._1_.-.1 ,1,_ . - .I.1,I.U ..u. ', ucuauu W-lu. upeu `U11 hrismnazwity an, exhibi- '4f:'.... ...-;..n_ _'__-11-'1, -`L_,, staying! at . Mrs. G. .B. McLean s`, and left` yesterday for her home in E1mva1_e.` `Ar..- 'm__`_',1 113,, ,4 ` \I A UUALa\l I 445V: " ' -M. J. Gaughan, who has been in `Wes-tern LC a-nada for several months, was in town` last week. `I12- TT-_',,,' T1- 1, `II -51.5`/b4lIlJL|~J VV (AID J11 UUIV Ll. Luau VVCCI\ 2 day to spend the "winter "With his daughters _in Pleasant Vally, N.Y. -Mr. Henry Penton left on Mon-i ! n,.1 1r..1)rL-.. ._,.4.--.......1 12. AL. iongrtulations are. being oeredi `W, Arnold Carr who successfully L. passvedz `his examinations in` Wthei %Commercia1 Department of the` `Barrie Business College and ob-` tained his diploma` with highest honors. ' V ' " i wu;;vv._;a. \IILlV lllnl-\Jr I V M1-s; ilea-dows, and little daugh- ter of Woo=dbto'ck_ are Yisiting Mr. M fiBeifui11y%%so1i% ad fc*>Ar tIQ1V'`A,f`::13A.fleV`<:;VL- J \A\l|(\JL\4IIAv Mrs. ];1g'ham has gone tspnd C!hris1:_mas with her son Orangville. T IV, `I .' 1 `I 1 uuuxc 1.11 .1`4.I.u.lV'a tooooqooooooooooonoon: ..;.__.-_ __..___ The A. eason. will open fon '|'|o:'utl'-vvnkna hnrvv `-u-11.3.... ..- _ ....1.~.'lL2! % NORTH ERN ADVA 111 Fox THE ClVIc NOMINATIONS I`_here` pro?mieeiSV tone; in- .tei'est taken` . in jheu local :iunicip.a:1_ nominations Qvlgich W111 be `Lela in the 'T_oswn AHa11:.?f=a;t `V ,30 ..on Monday ,next.-*5" fhe i-various, ocesv to lled effe *``3a.s : follows: Mayor, Reeve," _1st' `-and 2nd Deputy.-. |Reeves, L and?-T%vo_ Oouncillors for each ward; One (Water and. Light Com_mission_er, `nd _ three members of "he'f Bo2ird `of Education. ; The following` inforinationi in re- ference to nomina1;i-on? proceedings will be of interest at 'this'time: