Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Dec 1914, p. 5

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Everyboir says the same :--- Useful s this year. Santa open for business Wednesday and Thursday Nights, December 23rd and 24th, to 10 p. m, ' l vlazvuauu " 'OWi.118 to the recent ouvbreak of! ;D;.ip!hthe.1f`iaT in "the 6th Ward among` we ch'i1dr'en, `we deemed} it! ;negesj_S a 1*5f",;4to c 1ose_..the school `for at Tgga-'se,Vs4 were of, a` ""` 6 Q, and? no deathsi,-manned.` L.`J.1Ii;..`i.`:}.s..'. ILA- "LIA; ..L;._- `Ivan uJuuL\JuuLJ $&.l.\J (AD JnU1J.U'VVD g Scarlet Fever, 47 cases, no deaths; Typhoid Fever, 7 `cases, no deaths; Small Pox, 4 cases; no deaths; Chicken Box, 22 cases, no deaths; Diphtheria, T - 19 cases, two deaths; Tubercu-losis`, 4 cases, eight deaths; - Mumps, 9" cases; Whooping K _______ ., T . (L.-- ...1. Ndvtaags, U > \allrV\J 0 All ~.ca_SeS of Mumps and Whoop- ing `Cough have not H been reported to our seciretary, so`. also` Tuber- J1.1,9Si-A A , _ ,1 '-'4-..=uv rev: 9. V uv<~W '.VV*'*$"" E _ collection.-rhas been. car- '.j1-i_'e{ out-;;i1j1__a. satisfactory manner, ` -}'|Z,h` Gf_ . O16lj : _`d_uties' -pv6rfbrmed. ` 'ol{1f1}s]170_I1;'a1~1r'cI;*%l1is: mfn_.J_ ` I L-.. ""ll'.--' V` let ` fever, chicken pox and diphtheri-a [at different times during the year, there were no deaths recorded from these epidemics. Tuberculosis was re- sponsible for eight deaths, but all the cases have_not been reported to the authorities. , ` Contagiougsi diseases ' reported. to your secretarypare as follows: ;Q........`L.1. .r .'l.1__._..x AH "J F > ' Ha7g?% `-LILLQ , VJJILO IIVJJL (NJ-l\Lv LIJJC JJJVJILO ` -51 had constructed?` no _sewers this :.;.L\ LL \JL L,l\JL \.\A U11-L1 VV U`). Ax. Mayor said hat the Goun- year on its own initiative, `a`l1 be- ing either on petition or- by order: of the Board of Health. A ' /N 1`! 11 `l ` /hy not get a ........ ..50c ....... ..25c- Compare them b with agything you can nd"; E The up-to-date igoods in plaid and i plain `colors, with `high collar, best quality. Prices-- $5.00,. 4.00,` 3.75, 3.00, 2,50, 2.25, 1.50, 75C. Mcn s Swcafcr Coats Dolls, Dolls, Kid, dressed, extra value 75c, price 39c Extra value at {$1.00, price ............. ............ ..69c We have other dressed dolls at.....-. .... ..25c, 15c, 10c. Kid body Do1Is,.extra special at .......... ..50c and 25c. ` Carving Sets, inlhandsomc Plush Cases,- Knife, Fork and Steel, extra value 21t$3.25, only $52.75 Ladies Fancy Velvet and Check Felt Slippers at small prices ..................... ..... "$1.25 to 75c Misse Check Felt Slippers, sies 11 to 2, price..45c .l_We pvl/ill give you 21 5c Coupon with ever dollar purchase, redeemable atour prcmxum counter. You can havedolls. books, etc., at small prices. Deputy Sprott, under ' the head-. ing of enquiries, a_sked if the Conn-I (`ii were aware that a persistent rumor was being circulated f that the East End sewerage _ system was put in at the instance of the I-}m1r of Wbrks. Such was not the 4f`.~'L, he said, as we Board of. lie-altli had ordered `the -w1o.rk.~ ' 'I`1 '\ Y I i -would like to impress on your Board the necessity of a regularly apxiointed medical inspection of our schools,. as recommended. aim} car- friecf Outfby - many of our cities and tr It ;wo`p ld;,,be of great ser- L i ` est 7 J. of i&1e9`ifn ` 6 .. -uaululu-.L uuu1uL Do ' T-he refuse matter from our `y Tannery has at last been taken care iof. A e sedimentation tank has been ginstalled, which we hope will do Lawaye with our. water pollutions 7frerm that source. ' ` ' 111-: o` A marked improvement is to be seen in; _the care of the {slaughter ihouses and also in the marketing` {of the meat, |both`by the large and ; smgy dealers- . made careful inspection of our dairies, including the cow byres, bot- tling kitchens, &_c. He has made milk tests from all the milk dealers in the municipality and with few }.exceptions, the tests came up to the standard} ' %LETUS Hm `Tojdecide what to give. .Nothing is easier than to nd satisfactory pres- ents here. Satisfactory to both the giver and the re- `cipient. We have gifts suited to the most casual aquaintance as well as those appropriate for the most intimate friend. ' ' ' ' ' """""Jb ` (Continueriz from Page, 1) 1 as balance,_ and this notwithstand-ing the unexpected grants of $500 to the Belgian Fund. and grants`, to. the soldiers, for which 110 estimates had been made. All the committees had been most economical in the public interest, and they showed expenditures bless than `estimated. The interest item also. had been kept down to $736, While last .yeai`_ `it was over $1000. A- A1t`og'ether, the` ratepayers shroulrl be pleased that[ 9 the Town s business - had be.~e11_so| well conducted at such aifeompara-` tively low cost, and that during this year of precarious nancing,` the balance was on the right side. s\1,1 v:,.1.,... 1...; 1..-u_-J - .1 _l ...\ uuuuu-ex, vvuo U11 L~uU' .I.15uJu a1uc. I AM. Fisher had looked over. the] :'f:p01`-ts of other j towns and noted: That Barrie had been most fortun-I ate i11 selling its `debentures at a better gure than most places, Vthusl . the ratepayers consider-able` m-110) . ` --4;x v Al L {eeye Caldwell had A21 few ,O?bJ'eCt_' riuns to make, but they werenort ufvlkl received. - ` -u ' ,c - - Mayor Cowan s Valeditoryf /(V\*:'v\I-I1\:J .L'........-13-..- serve you` beti_e r` We trust tat we V" in us `for the /` co V_ premises and be `Salaries . .. . . .q. . . . _ _ Public -Schools . ._' _. .. . ; .'..'. `Collegiate Institute . ._ .`-'.-;-.v .3 .q_ ;:. ' `Coupons not pre`sentd:`;1V ; Barrie Carriage .`QoV,, 1 -an-Ah ` _ `i;:er;;`.". . :=..:: .. T.::fi`;. . Water and "Light Dept.;_ share -0_f. a}1d1j__ Rent of Market`-Stall ;..i. .. .r.._. Cash in Bank . .(,. . 3 T Electric % Lig~1}t,'1"'-1815: :-ee .Al.I.lb14|I.l.l.uIv\4|luIa\J`a-ta _ vv -->-9-- , ..._.. _,._ U , ' (say) .`..;_. _=Li_g1_1't'111'8' p`_. ts. 63: %3?`5 1914 ? - . Un.pa.id - Taxes, 1914 .. . . ;. _. . . . . .$ Unpaid Taxes, Arrears" . . - ' Sewer Rates, unpaid to date. -. ..i Street OiIing',%uI'1~paidi to date` .' ._. `Spencer Industr-ia`1s .. Canada Producer_ and -G. E. Co., ov_`e1_--. due` instalments and interestT:'.;;'ifV Barrie :Carria.g -e .*Co.,` overdu.V.insta1n'_1'e~I;, E1ec1T:1vi Light ]2Vept., X Debenture ad`. 1913 '..';'.`.' 7.]. -. Canada Producer; ahdi Gr. :=0b.,-=sw and ~Light;.:1913-%' A % 4 * Manufactu1;grs"'L' l..._._\ vuuaouuuuqg '\J`gllU!`u(\_au . V ._ * . , . V \ 0 Mayor s_ Hoxprgrimv Statement of Current Assets` and Liabilnitnies` TOWN, GENE`RA!v._ ACCOUNT. , V Exclusive of Road Improvement, -Sewers, TA Waterworks and Electric Light Departments, as of December 15th; 1914." FIVE: POINTS . %.`J : HARDWARE I.'I'ABILI_ .[_`iES` AvSSrETgS \J.I4..n.a'.L1.n..4'.n. \~~\/\Ju, .n.\Jo\1\Av, \/v i `by Druggxists, 75c.. Take Ha11 s Family Pills for _ constipation. `V 7We will give One Hundred-_Do1- lars for any ~ case of Deafness (caused by. Catarrh) that canndt `be cured by 'Ha1l s .Ca,tarrh- Cure. -Send Tfor. irculars free. ' . V" { DEAFNE~S.S OANNOT BE -CU-RED by local =app1i_caitions, -as _they can- not reach he diseased portion of the ear. There is only one. way to % cure deafness,` and that _ is -by con-. I stitutional '` remedies. `Deafness isi caused by an inamed-r condition- of _the mucous lining of the Eustachian 'Tu|be. When his tube is inamed you have a rum'blin-g [sound or im- a perfect hearing, and when itis en-i tirely A closed`, Deafness is _the _ re- sult, and unless the" inammation can be taken out and this tube re- stored to its normal -cond'ition,i Ihearing _w.:i11 be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused ,*by Catarrih, ` which is nothing but an invamed` condition of ~ the 'm1'1;c ous .s`ur'faces.n_ -ov ' -u u -x 1 I ' Tlhe Ma.yor s- honorarium of $100 i was ' Voted, f-01-lloweci by " applause, ` and the ` Oouncil . adjourned ` sine 1 gdie at 8.30. I uaau, 4.t.I.u\Jt1(.bJ_ULCo - ` ` `I . The Reeve ,co11tinu to obgect because he claimed the item never `passed the Board of" Works in com- m uuu\:uv1uu1g' UI une neeve, 3131381` I have assured him personally [that- Hzhe amount` as istatedf is all the ' Town hasp-aid, to continue to bring this" matter up. Apparently he is doing it for some reason, but as- suredly it is n:o-t -in the `interests of the ratepayers. TL ,. 1') _ , 1' 'see; This "Work properly tbelongedg to the Reeve, `as Chairman Jof ;P*arks,- but the Council eaddledi it mnmo me. Now, I {have -done my `best in the town s ,interests, and it `is unbecoming of the Reeve, after T `In-nvvn (`I(`."V1I'Imt\.] `LI--- -- - - 11 '1 ' % J. OHENTEY &.op., Toledo, 0. -C1 , "I ,1 `I `l'\_,,, ___.3.1... ?'W'ab%j .$ 10008.83. . 2016 7o T%37s 62 I 472 65 -5526 88 j % 930 16 15078 : 64 7092 79. r\At\ an 4200 00 1000 00 6052 29 15o?oo % 60!O0 1s22 3s 950 00 4696 '48 500 00 A55oHoo4 190 00% 31688 ; 35 ._ The chair.1pn-an after compliment- ing` Mr; ;Boys_ on his speech; called `j M` Alex" Efgu59_11:- rWh o after ` ` - ` ;:me;b_ -`of he:-As- * A t `pt 12h'ej`1a1te :- p-1aoLu1.'1..u 111 uuuuua. Mr. Boys reviewed the war situa- tion. He dealt with t`he nancial situation and enlarged on the easy. manner in which the enormous British war loan of 1 3-4 billion had} been over sulbscribed, -part of which was to be -advanced to Can- ada and Australia- He called at- tention to the balance_ of `exchange _ hetwe-en Great Britain and the United States,~ am-oruntingt /to 250 millions, the latter country having. had to ask time for payment of 100 million of the same. He` touched on the accomplishments ofl the Navy`, and -`said . the ' present] war indicated that Britain is in '. very TI`11th`;t_hC. Mistress of the Seas, andlthose features`-when fully appreciated: tend,` to. establish 6 the] assertion so often made that we belong -to the greatest Empire the "World `has `ever seen. Mr. Boys- 'oo`ncl'uded;` .,by-..]expressing his views `that the "war goould ._have but one -termina'ti`9n.v `-`The Al1'ies`. "had a, .total. ghting.` pcpulationi of '53 mil-I ._ lion; .:e'XCl1 1siv'e.~. Of:,I1idi&'. While Ger-'2 flma1iY 5;?nd7=Au:=`_1*ia. had aeonlxe 22 mil- :'.1..,i.4._)'1s1-'i}"i">.:.l-..l1 iie *-nat11r&1i`a-a ;Wea1thi _oi -the s v`erf..j200i7bi1li0n whilei I :5 and e e was a 3`? bi11i<>nt Tirade? 1 I ' =Mr. Boys referred to the actions of the citizens of Ottawa who pre-l [vented Henri Bourassa from mak- ing_ his anti-British speech the other evening. He was glad no violence was resorted to and com- mended the continuous singing of God Save the King, _Rule Britan- nia, The Red, White and Blue, etc. 9110 tire him.- Bourassa, having rst refused to gtakean-dd wave ag Union Jack Which a soldier offered him,` left-__in disgust. This `man, said Mr. Boys, .is practically a trairtor. He OPDOSed the sending of troops A to South" Africa and to-dayi .he. is opposing the action of Sir Robert Borden and his Cabinet in `connection with the Canadian Ex- lpeditionary Forces and he should not be _allowed_ to express his` Nationalistic Ifads and ideas on any platform in C'a,1_1ada.1 ' .`II __ "n___. ---,. 1 - allegiance. In `addition, the esrpri~on- I (Cont-i'nu.ed from Page` 1) it upon to" resign u'ncondi~tional1y. `We are under no olbligaktion to re-_ tai11 the services of these men who are partly paid out -of grants of; purblie vmoney. We are at War with a nation` to whom they `have sworn. age system "of the German War! Oi,ce_is so treacherous and exvten-1 sive that "it is unsafe and unwise] to take the slightest chance.- VWhen'swe "read the account; at the! bonrbardrnent of a -defenceless sum- 3 mer resort (Scarborough) we real- izethatGerman "ideas `of fair play` -differ widely from ours andit is "-jufst as well to operate on the safe side. The1'e are _men i11 _Canada ,cap=alble of `instructing. the` students ` of Toronto University iii the Ger- man` language., which the speaker ho.ped before: long might be a dead` glanguage; let hem be engaged, and `give. the professors in. question a their passports. A ' German Teachers Milst be Droppedi 1.1.. JJ. - d'l1.lll1UD'U11 ' |iB.%1;). O Nei11 J. F. Jackson T ?Andi'ew Hay , ' Fred Loth Harry.Hook~ 4* Fgw. Otton `AP-. DOVe,; lSk.` ~Byr0n King, Sk. A .7 4. \ . 8 J. O`. Bennion . W. E. V Foley Gus May ` H. R. Graham J. Nee1_ahd~s J *0. Cameron I T. Crew : v . J. F. Gilmour 2 [R.Ma-1c'oms011,Sk.- J. Pattersoxl, S'k.I 9 ` V 10 `.17. T)" (`w ' ' I !_'V-.' Bi"-Sivmmoi1s Jas. Clark W. H. Read W.` W. Rainsford Geo. Rinkin J. G. Scott j D. A. McNive11 A.f'Bro_Wn1ee,`Sk. _H. E. VJ-ory, Sk. L , V . V ._ Z, _`M.'D,. `O,l\T-icliiols ' . T7Bern a`rd ` rPitt F. `Carpe_n1;er- H`; Lem1o_x McDonald L D=o[n-ald . Ross - ' Kennedy Alex; `Ha.bbick lA. D. Sirnos,` :Sk.* .G.Ma1comson `Sk. t . [Elmore White. .A1x. Cowan [.J.. J. Moore H. A. Latimer I` A. -Malcomson :0. Patterson` A.E.-St7ap1eton,`+S~k. Jas. ,Va-ir, % Sk. ' . K . A-(V445, \_Ju_.._.l.~`(NIJUG_L;'I.U,l{J.1o '_ _, D Tankard eSl ;a`ps_- -j-A.' SIIIIOII, A. The", `,_1';i nks "in`_, the _ President jvs. 1Vd"ce -.President:i games, were select--_} ed` as ` 01-lows, the rst games to be! `played on or Before K New Years: 3 1 . . ,. r'.ura\vvn_1ee.'-/4 -' " als.' Patter-f son, O:,_Pattef1Hfso_n. " j _ m . _A_1,A,,-a on-`W - ;.._`.-... ;.L 0i1d'ay7z: eeIiing7A = the 'fo*l1ov?i'ng`; .sI;igg`.` wares `sV_Te_o1:ed--" for.I' gfthe -jvariousf bmpetitionsz - ' f , L eC1u:b -Skips-;e 1).` SS-imon, Geo. ;. 1EMa1on:is0n, "Byron `King J. Patter- son ; Vair, R. EM-a1oo'ms'on, A. ;St,ap1eb'on, -`AA. Brownle, P. Lov_e,_ H. E.-'J_ory.j ' .1\r,m1- __n_._- A r~n'- ~ *' I `. .n..V.-. .44: __;~ U V: 1 V.` /: Baevre 62/ Is: ..,-4.-.,-.-4. .1(\(L.]I.. - '. ' - V > [%V %Meoanhy_` Cup 'S1~:{i:p's--W., H.[ Kennedy, _.A...E. Stapletdn, , Geo." .__M'a1`coms_on,] O. Ifatterson. V T .. 5QTi11j.3: ; D. S-im~oz`i, `Prh'mn]Bb`. / - x I` .\ !"1ing Club Rinks TOWN TREASURER S STATE- MENT suows SMALL SURPLUS %Berna;d&5m 1 1 . , I Lennox 1 "~D=o}n-ald Alex; `H ababi ck ,G.Ma1c0mson Sk. f mieson H. ga THE % NAOR'l`HER1N ADVANCE sor of so eminent, energetic, hon- est and generally competent at lstatesman as the late premier of Ontario. Hon. Mr. ` Hearst had made good in the Dept. over `which he had control- during the past_ few years, and would continue to make good in the high position he had been called` upon to ll. . , _ I In his judgment the `German pro- gfessors in Toronto should be `dis- missed, and he` would; be -only willing tocarry out _.the wish of the - Association by either "forwarding a Iv resolution _to the Premief -. or _pI1ac- 'ingua pet'ition"1.`beore: the la- ture when` that illfeets, 1 . "i ;' "n-u;_ m..'._1-....u -.c A... ........a.:...`.. -.....'...;.`.` scH00L4 NII.3:E.. % gtructive .addresses. "The" {1.7n12?"of"13?e E`eEhg-were tendered to ,Mr.- Boys and Mr. Fer- gus-on` .or their 'exce11`ent andi in- ` .5l~,15`_ , `_ ;.'_- ;th:{,' 13$? {+1:astem' JEIEQE. _ LULJv" V -IJ Medical Oioer of Healthg 1):. A, -T. Little has p_resen1;ed:'_h:%fo1-,` }1Qvi_11g'i..annual _ 1`,ve#I_)'(`21'.t: .`.,`bA(")" the :>0dum?.l1.'A`:?:Whi 1 ` hb.%%h_;w. j V '7 DUI [LX501 V U (l-\.l`\al.L\7DA2C/Dn . .A. resolution of condolence, was! `to Mr,` Boys at` -death` 9,41, -__ LL-` ` `LL- - 'I"'__J..- .Kimonas, in Crepe annd nderdown, prices from .... .. ......... "$1.50 to 35.00 Remarkably Good Showing, Considering The Depression Everywhere This Year` 1' Men s leather SIippers,p ecial value at $1.50 and 1.25 Men's Neck Ties,. hand$o goods, price..- . Compare these w h others at 75c. Ladies and Gent s Neck Sc fs, handsome goods at _ small prices ........ . ...... .. .50, 1.00, 65c, 50c, 25d. The prices, too, are vari ed, butthe qu ity is always the best obtainable. Bring your Christ- mas list_ now, While the rush` is n so great and we can give you individual attention. We Wish You All A Very Merry Christmas Reeve Caldwell was assured by the Mayor that $305 was the _full amount paid by the town for the P._O.- roadway to date, `but contin- ued to force enquiries in regard to this matter, This caused. the Mayor to remark: There is `no nig-t ger in'the ifence, so for as I can

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