AJ\AlJ\J\CI.LJ\I I at vC'O1ling'- ` Mr. Boys was rst called on. He dealt with the situation in re- gard to the German Professors of Toronto University. He expressed the View that they. should be called" as. U- The retiring President, Mr. J. Wilson Black, thanked the. mem- bers for their support during the `past year and congratulated the Associarti'on on the good Work done -at -the Provincial election. He va- cated the chair for the President- elect wlho acknowledged the honor oonzferred` on ~-him. Other officers were called on but each in turn de- clined to occupy the time of the l meeting and thereby deprive the members `of Parliament Whom all wanted to hear. 1*. n -' __---. .....,..., vv. .L.Lo JJUJB, .[L.'\J., ?M.P., and Alex. Ferguson, M.P.P.; Pres., Christopher Grose; 1st Vice., *.n'I`homa-s Sawyer; 2nd Vice, Rdbt. Gamble; 3rd Vice, Frank Beattie; .Sec y, W. Irwin; Treas., Alex. Ad-ams; Asst. Sec y., Robert `Stew- art. , ucnu. ab uuurulllll OI]. Jfrlay last, Was `one of the [most enthusiastic and best attended in years. I" Ofcers were elected as follows: Hon. vPres., W. A; Boys, K.-0., Q7111 nnnn A--- -`r-"T` V The annual meeting `of the In- nisl Conservative Aseociation, held at Churchill on Friday las_t, Wad `Aha A4-' 4-Ln `1l\l\.fI`I ..._L`L-,.' _Tea,_ coffee, -hot Vspeci I sandwiches, soups, etc. _` - OUR LUNCHE-ON-E E SERVIOE . `V If you are cold, if y tired, our 1u1;che`on -` will warm and refresh 3 Gift "P}hIemLE ; GERMAN TEACHERS Must BE nnomzn SAY CONSERVATIVES OLD. F~ASHIO"-N'ED -SED DOUGHNUTS, 10 doz. _Best gulity, ready`. `H I use. See. sample in o Come `in and we ` you the cake--cut. ALM-OND I-OI-NG,_ % T % lb. Same high qal year, almond iced decorated, made from Before you 1) your Xmas Gifts come in d see our stock of -in rate priced Fancy Gift . aokages of Chocolates. We f'er you ' the best `value in p kage and `bulk Chocolates "i town. CHRISTMAS. 0] Br y on s Store . ews -OHIRISTM:-AI Deposit `tL extra you have on hancl now- ou can .open anT ac- oount with ny sum,_ down-- to one - do1l_ar-and` aw interest on it. (Continued on Page 5) WHIPPED 0:1 CAKES, 30 {$1 .oo`PEa Auuuutnil Anvniuct IUIIILI G1`. Illl X373 L Bfcioms 20 Pint. wt . OANDY 37 as last tastefully 0 'l.L .. ____ = :3.W1E.7s7 :13. - window. '11 show Values that will encorage Gifts. Agents For Delifs .=II.ll4sln":(I_l')':`v_gs; Christmas Sale Of Fine Furs mg to 5o%pon= ALLFURS WHEN WILL on sAvI-:11= YOU DON T VE NOW? Though your salary or. income will no doubt crease, s0`wi1l`ybIur expenses--and any wmii that the latter more 11 keep ' pace _-with the former. ow is the time to e `F~unc1-~'and the T`?`\V'1' r\ 1? J. ram JACKSON Arrange br your sittitig to-day; - - A Photogr carries the` personal fee g that ' no >RAead_v-mad Gift can ton.` vey. conomicaftoo. (VOL. Lxm_. No`az` WI -.',lVOI'."fl; TKOMHSON cn:Iv,'Pu_ImgaIn . F. SH(bRT, Mngeru of Furs for `Chri;s"tmas.. 'Maei* of Portraits Bgrrie Branch. BEST} A ` L11 .giv.ef7` y_oi11;_1"" -. ~.f bgsiness ` 1 ____ _-- .. 1.511 tr.-.3';5"' No. 52 T WI-loi N6. '41"s'a' ~ ON caew. Pupusnln - . . T . aL.a.u'A >J1.|.vl.\.l. L ULJVJI UUU of $624.53, exclusive of $357.50 for indigents `in the RV. Hospital and. Board -of Health requirements, Which . were/5 uncontrollable. f This report elicited the commendation of Reeve C'aldWel1,'and' the A Mayor?" -jocularly , remarked- that if a`y` .inem'ber of `Council, ~.ea"rned-I ,.-his `.`salar`,y. it ' was 5 Hors'el_d, 5 . *Ca1d`w11 . .1`9F!1`._tied` 5 that th? tM1`.'13t5 ;-.~.:.:`9d totolimids`. f, "`*5thi3tn. ' H , vv aa_`A`va-V: /`Iv Ian-I J-`&lJJII6_lr..|_LG\.'lo. V > ~ _> -- - % ,'DheM nanclal " `statement , _w,_a.s; :p9n,tgg1;,by Ald ,S:93fa;saang:..I land; Sr `.. . ` ,-, 4 `J '. > A*zry1*.o zth" T-he F-ire and Police Commitvtee reported. that their total expendi- ture .Was "$500 less than estimated. 1 The Fire Dept. v had cos-.t $250; less I [` than estimated; notwithsta-`ding I _th-at"$200 more was .- paid .for jre calls than ' estimated; `the renewal of the electric alarm ` system was; `$200 less than estimated; :-C-o.unc.il. -Clhamlber renovation" was`; $20.00, less` and, Police $30 les.s.';' Ald.` Lowe `is the vai_r.rn,a:n.` '_ A V v s ' f ' nlij I ;, -.. uznv \_;.ua.u._1.u_au.. 0 Ald. Rusk -reported that, the Water and Light Committee spent a total of $4590.80, which was $400 less than, estimated. _e "`L. T.-_ J! L, `. ......m yuan, cauuualx-Ju. _ i ~ I The Indigent Committee under 'Ald. Horseld reported` expenditure V5 .31r.n:l11a:vv.\ A1 908,75` .y..u.u.u uv u.uuoU.u. ` } The. annual eport of the Board ' of ' Health" and t-he _letter.- from` 3 County Clerk Fletcher in reference to the County .`Patriotic_VFund, both of which . are ~`gi_v_en anotheg oolumn, "were the only communica- tions. ` ' ' I -on n ' -'- I - `years `of his serve the town well. looked upon our success with some 1 Jealousy.. as possible, ' day evening, when the last act- was .pe_r.f=ormed and the. various p -mittee clra-irm'en' handed in- their nal reports for`, the. , year. , The nancial statement. was showing a surplus of $41.56. Alder- men Taylor, Ca`mpl.be_ll- -and Simon were unavoid?a`bly absent. - No` drastic ;legislation was proposed in the dying hours `of the - iiiuni-eipal body,` and little ':discussion took place, _the Reeve, as usual voicing as few kicks, directed against several reports, but he was the 0nly{objector. "All -the others seem- ed pleased that in this year of de- pression and rdifcult municipal nancing, the Council was able. to Cittme ou-t with a small balance. I Beore vacating the chair, His `Worship, Mayor Cowan ,said good- ` bye to this confreres. and `hoped all might be returned next year. This -would be the last meeting -of `the and pleasure of presiding over, of , the .1; Council during the scientious in. their endeavor to In looking. back with-' pleasure over his three-' year,-term, `and in view of the fact that-he Was retiring -from munici- -pal life for the present, His Wor- ship said. -that he had acted, accord- ing tohis best judgment 'in all _things-in the interest of the Town and not of friends or .~o_f any clique. So long` as municipal representa- tives bear this in `mind they will steer, clear of rocks. had been a busy one, and the"busi- ness of the Town had conducted. complimented the Council `nights ago, had privately blessed with excellent ad_II1lI1iS"l3I'a_.l3lO'I1.l This fact -apparent that other municipal ` was so i municipalities ' The meetings Xhadfbeen conductedas near the` rules and I usages of parliamentary procedure, dicted for his successor courtesy as had` been-' tended to himself. VITL- , ` the same The curtain was C jung down on it the Town -Counciltof "1914 ._.on' Mon-. ~ com- ` presented A Council he would have the honor Cookst-own -. . -and whte he had not seen eye to I Vine . eye wi' every member ` _ tp-ast ' fthaee; ' ' occupa ion 0 e ' ' Mayor s Chair, he had endeavored! Iljef-1:05: 1' to do his best and thought his fs1--lCr=11 W 9 -.1oW-members had `been `equally jc_on- - ` Sllilllt The past year: the C-oicersm` of St. George s Society for the poor of Barrie was metin been well` the most liberal faslii-on, .. J udge` Vance, who had "standing a few7 mands `upon -the public for contri- assured` butions to His Worship. that he_ meant everylfunds. word he said,--that- Barrie had been' collector, as he has been for a nuI.n- C her of years, were : scarcely a- `refusal As a result Santa` Claus enalbled to bring Christmas . into many a home that `otherwise would vbe a dre'arylplac_e this Christ- an-d -His Worship pre-`mas- F E . J i C I I On Saturday the `treasurer, _ Mr. al-ways ex- G, G,/. ' buying .,u ..__..- uuv a.3a.n.v FILL gum` . _ _ uwvp In Us many miles in all `directions will 0( Christmas Buying. After the `big r1 have sorted up `from surplus stock, offerings that will `make your dollar known "to do `duty before. i C There will be "single fare; on ve radiate in all directions from -the to Will. (be an immense crowd in town. 1 whom. have not had an opportunity Buying upto the present, will -be out the many, `unprecedented offerings of are. presventiiig to meet the present The mercli-ants `all advise the townspe at all possible, but for those who can on Wednesday and Thursday eveiiing S ' .zSPiE*C`I-AL FARES `ON There will be single fare onal-l Thursday, and fare-and-one-third "on for Thursday and the train time are Station Time- "Fare `Co Lv. 9.3.2 a.m. .. 550 ;.A Thornton . .. . 9.45 . . 350 N 9.53 .. 25 E 9.45 . . 700 P- i9.5s . . 450 M -10.05` 40c `H 10.16 250 G: s soc. T WILL EISTRIBUTE CHRISTMAS cum The annual V Christmas`a_p.peal by ..._. -_., oi won the am 'tha ' the day bas on I ing pho Lit` Ga: mat son one 1: the notwith- the r _inany unusual de- the various patriotic Mr. Henry Pentonl was the the donations liberal, and `* waspimet with. .will'- be cheer `and surprisingly Smith, supplies. spent" several ' hours They . included MAYOR COWAN S ~; mzmcronv T0 TOWN COUNCIL Barr} g ombarded W=hiP'. '. 1-as mrr:`m-:s*rs or B}A-RR,IiE', CUNTYTOFISIMCOE. N-TA~R.IO,. DECEMBER 24. 19:4 - ,treasurer,- _Mr. G. G. spent" several" hours buyixlg` supplies. T-.hey..' included Echickensg our, ~me'arl:, - sugar, `tea, some V oranges and} also V a" little ltdbaoeoe be warm the .h'eartse of a lfew `old fellows vto rwh-(mi `the S-t.l }Georqge s gift is `their on1;`r'Christ- `mas; The kiddies * have -. nod; bee_n_ j -forgotten `and the loicers '4 will try 1 t`oAmake_ as` many Lof the `little people ` happy ' as the moneyj will `permit. m1-A o...-:.-.L__' :.'. ...___ _ . V .._-_L- fryd |rl`~) II.AL\J 1.1:`-IWJ.A\z'] _y gul Lilli). . _ The Soclety` 1s _g'enu;ne13_ grate- ful for the donatlons . ' of-_' money, I Bradford . . Gilford '. Lefroy L. . .-Craig'vale . . . . _. .-._.a any...` 1 will siiigle fans branches c . Thursday, . [fare-and-one-third "011 Wednesday." for` avnd-the` as folowsvz 1 Time .` Lv. a.m. . . . . . Vine _. . . 9.53. . 25c Bradford . ' V. . . . . ' ;. . -10,05 . . - . . Colwell . . . . 3 .Ang*us . . . . , New Lowe1l.. Elmvale . . . 1?h'elpston Minesing ; . . _Ha.Wkestone Gowan . . ` . . fa- -__ \' .,.._. ..vv-an ;a..n\/J.\..LALI-LLUCI are .pre.sventing` meet the present situation. of .money` stringency.` merch-ants all townspeople to Shop in the Morning, at for those-who cannot, all the .stores. wi11 be 6pen I . u on` and Thursday eveni11gs.` .iVsh:s;t __expkess` td. p[ ledforsof A` `V.Vst Si'm`cjoe_,his-best w gsffotj al A`aAI=';aII:'. ` 'l'H' `:'oun'1'-1v"or-1Ism`ao': AND ms -,nouI'I_uau` r 9.58 ' {Lt..co1. O Brien Lt.-Col . William .,E-drwvami' O Brien died at his }wte_ . .res iden7c, . 7`.`_fI`;h e WOOCL Shanty B'.8.'Y. 011 `Tuesday, 'after a -1engthy. i llness.`.He dfie .'of the early resident~\,0:fg-:thvat' di: trict and, was L wid_eI,`L'y'_?k11{;\>w1z_"1A`VasT5a military man, 'bi1`_1;g f- ;,af i>2`1e_.`o`f ; the _first `colonelsj of. this The funer_\1`. >T1e'avv -Sha A fty 2 Bax ;_?9ec._.`=i26th,_-.;at ` `against attacks 0 competency by 1]UiS'IN:ESS . ;_- .VBa1id' at?" the Eriday and ` Sa. `11?d35 ? $1..-li 81i?.9<; "i F`h`*S % "jd2ay: .ea;-1a`jer. `thise_;week-.l 1i` of ,.u. vvuuu .1, _ Avv_. ur. 1`-ooze 1, Forbes 2, Alex. Si11Iair~' 1, A. Car- son 1, Dr. _Pa11ing 2`, E. . Byrne 1, `W. 0. Andrew .50," S._J. Fisher, 1 ibarre1~ our -$6.00 ;' J;-.}; Saso, oranges; `.0. Brown, bread; S". `J. Yair, candy; WE. `Arms-p`.rong,r candy;-. Ag} E. 'I:ow, nnnc-+ Lnnr. 1:1 11'1':......... , . Arms-u'ong',- can.uy;; A; 11}. Lowe, roast beef; F. Wisem_an,`;;'roast beef; J110. Bingham, roast beef ;, -Bryson "R1-ne "Ry-and - W N 1'--~---~-4~ uu:U. uuxguuln, Dee]: -jjryg-on BIOS-a Bread; H." 4- O. Gl3'annen jcand.'Y3 J. M. Both'we1l, _` fru1t;_ AR, `Nikon lwnxri-F-. W` (1...........`- 9. 0---_. 43 1 A . J `Bell Creswickevl,` Aiex." Oowan 1,. R. 1 Fletcher 1, E. G. Turnlbull 1, A.'P. Wilkes 3, Wm. E. Foley 2, W. Kennedy 1, Dr. A. -Little 2. -E. A. Little 5', Geo. Raikes 3, G. H. Esten 1, R. 1, Judge" Vance 5, Jno. McCos'h 1, `G. S. Wdlib 1,m W12, `J.mGi`1ks _2, D TKT..L1_ -1` ,.,....uJ , u. .uu.. uuo1;'wt:u,_ lrult; It.` _ 3` Vair, candy. j _ Wilson, bef WQ Gragery & Son` 1; J. D. Wisdom & Co;';i"gj11)ceries; Lll Webb 1, Win; J. Gilks 2," B. ..WebbA 1, A . 1`-`o9ke`1,r_ Tmukm. n n._ 01 _-__, rvv. Pyuyxuy wuu , .Ll'i1V6 IIEUIB ones and the 'ofc"e'rst will be glad to give them- some - reminder that world -is not a1way sVas'd*ark as it looks`, and that thevy have not ,ben foirgotten by. Santa Claus. - 'F11-.3 M...-4...:1..-;.:__-- 1 If any person knows of. `a deserv- ring family, they are asked -`to tele- D'hone Mr. G. G. Smith, Mr. E. A. '16-`iitzrtle, Mr. V. E. Knight _or 1'I`he azette, and some prbvision Wil be made for them. VThere` are ,a1W,ayS. some poor people who have 'little `(Thou ant} +1..-. '-.E.-'--}`- " "- ` our, groceries, meat, coal and wood, and while_ its officers may be the source of conveying pleasure ` and cheer, they` are not forgetting 4that it is the public who furnished `the means; - Wednesday and .Thurs- day will be devoted. to` phckin-g` baskets of supplies .- to be delivered on Ciristmasj Eve. ' 0 T1. -,. THE % RA'I DWAY of the Wednesday.` The A- .L'...'l -_... - |JAL\_I \J o .I. o.l.I. Special 6.3% is :1 remot in M ssiibility.- MEN AND % W0-;;]l;E}fN,; p . , .-___-.. `-J..'...a..~ f_OF 'G_NNADA OUR ORlT$`lON. "fa `U11. 250 350 i 500 _7 5c 65c , 45c gg I UIHALI V-wood_%. ` vJ.L\J A1. 1.11) LALUGLID UGDJ IJU 11:11. He 1s_ survived by 1118 wife, two s1'sber~s and three `brothers, viz., Mrs. Rose of Newmarket, Mr. Beverley Redd-itt of, Toronto, Mr. George Redditt - of, oRiehmond Hill, and Alfived `S-. Reddittv of Barrie. ` Mr. T, H. Redditt, gPrin'eipa1 of the .BJC`.I., is an uncle, and -Messrs. F. R- and" E. -G. Redditt of Barrie `are cousins.` i The funeral service . was held in Yonge St.` Methodist Church, To- ronto, I on Monday `at 2.30 p.m., in- 'terme nt being made in Forest . _;M_a3ieQleum,. York Mills, Mr. ;Fr_ed:-" Marigg; p. felose ..riendsofo ' de- 1,:f.,un81f8l. A .- . E. J. Olmbine of Barrie, Mrs. C. ,-4. azecoxlingwgm `at New- ? j . % % ti :G.1'ou`p;A 3, O.-H.`A. intermediate (series; met at >Bradfo1d and drew }_,upi the! following schedule: ' T..'.. 0 .`l)._...:I.c.;__-.1 -; ~r~,11~ Adv!-\.lA\/J_ \J\JJ.%Uu - ` H `had served the` Methodist -Church T in many: -capacities, and the` position he leaves` vacant i-s one by no means [easy to -1_I. ' D `:5 n-11;:-o-:vv1\;J L-- L:- ---.-BA L U Vrvvbi o'At the time of his death Dr. Red- Vditt was one of the vice-presidents of the Methodist Union, Secretary for the Board of the `Methodist. Deaconess Home," Secretary for the Committee of the new- hymn and tune -book, and also the new Sunday School hymn book, in ad- dition to` being Dr. Brigg 4s rst,as- sistant at. the Methodist Book Room. V He was also one of the `board `of governors of Whitby Latdries , i_Cgl1ege. - ' . ______,_"`I' .1 ` `Ir .1 \4vIaL.l.l_\-I .4..Loo.1oua1u: LJLCWEIILL. During his pastorate in `Barrie, from31901 to 1905, Rev. Mr. R-ed- ditt lives an Tindefatiglble Worker for theichureh, and it was during this term that the new Collier St. Sun-v day School was built to replace the old one which stood on the east side of the church property and which had been used for-half 31 centurvtbeforc. In 1905 `he was -elected` President_ of the _Toronto Conference, which held its, sessions wv in the Collier 'St. Church here that `year. v, A L .1 ,c' 1:1: - -- - as a proibationer, Whe ere lling the requirement of a` year -or two at Victoria College, then in -Cobourg. As a minister he served in ~She1- burne Z and Uxbridge, and at Collier St. Church, Barrie, and Went from here . to Toronto some ten: years -ago. There he became` pastor of the Yonge St. Methodist Church, at the time the church was at the corner of Yonge and Marl-borough Sts., and was largely instrumental in raising the funds for the build- Wig of_the new Yonge St. Church. He W-a,s.*subsequent.-1y the rst pastor of North vPark-dale Methodist -Cfhurdh and then took up the work in con- nection with the Book Room and became Assistant Steward. T\--_2_'_ -_ `I-2_ , ,1 - ' ed the Methodist Episco a1 Church i -rs uu uv uxxd .1L1`UL.u.'G1.ll:. -Rev. J. J. Redditt was born in Ever-sley, `some. two and one-half miles distant from King City, xork County, sixty-tW_o years `ago. When still quite young he took a position as clerk in the general store of Ben. Lloyd at King City. _He then entered the Richmond Hill High School, and completed `his course there by taking his matricu- lation. At this juncture hes enter- ed Methodist ai an El `I'\1It\n`\f\`1.l\\r\r\Q. ...L:]Q 1.; __ I111` ' u.uu_ nauu. uuvzx. Du1.I.Ul.11l.5 LIULLI can- cer, rst being taken to the General Hospital for an operation, which was not performed on the advice of. specialists, and later he was re- moved to his home. For some days before his `death his condition was so serious that the end was expect- ed at any moment. ' D4... -T T 15,11`1: Rev. Dr. J. J. Redditt, a form- er . pastor of Collier -St. Methodist -Church, `Barrie, and ' oneof the -best kI10W- gures of Canadian 'Methodism, who for the past seven years has been assistant steward" -of the `Methodist Book _and Publish- 'ing House, Toronto, died at 9.30 a.m. on Saturday -at his home, 18 Summerhill Ave., Toronto. For ;upWards of ve `months, Dr. Red- ditt, -had -been suffering from can: not: ..,.+ `L....'..... 4..-1_-_- 1 iFORMER BARRIE i PREACHER DIED ; I IN TORONTO} at na%rw<:>Ira.?L at "*Brsid~ , at `Golng- - W18 6! 01' I ortra1t "" %|lElEIEh:-Elg 1