Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 8

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Owing to increased _ interest inour `An versary Sale and the de- ,mand:. in some lines greater than the s ply, we will continue the Sale until Saturday. adding other ite to take the `place of goods sold. Merchandise moves qui y. If you would profit by `these Sales.` Offerings you mu take quick advantage. ~ I i Sale Closes at 9.30 p. m. V 11 Saturday. SOME 01-` THE }AR(;A1Ns: TO OUR PA'ERONS two nigh7ts7 in} the: "lectures, for a' per- phoreafter > " L, di{_i$&b_1`Q `ito l. .10-Vriiia ]?acket-A movement` is 0n'_i efgot to form a home -guard`, or :mii4;1a amerve, in. rillia. The` ' in-bers. a're'..as1`;e<.1 toi} undertake to beia-enav +.-. .-'ln+`.4...1. n;\--_1 - e two. on a charge of `Being intoxi- cated. V The total nes collected were $1,220, one man was sent to jail for four mont7hs,s a second of-, fence, and another to jail for one, month,` -unable to pay the ne. ~Six bottles of Whiskey, conscated-' at; Port 'MeNicol, were presented to Oril-lia General Hospital, and seven-I ty `bottles taken at `Waubaushenef were sold for $35 to the liquor shop! at Penetang: An examination of` the hotel premises revealed every- thing in a. sanitary and satisfactory condition. ' HOME GUARD Ad: ---Bargairi -Sale Lace .Curtai Brqs. _ aid _wgithin the near Tzmrpose of +rg_8niz8-i I; H, BUT'I_`E-RY. 'ickers 56 61 39 51 ii 'Set with Briliiants inj ve. de- signs, .neW, uisefitl and stylish. Regular 500. 15 inches AWide, good quality. natural` with red border. Regu1ar 12c. ' - 3. pieces best quality Taffeta. regular selling price $1.00, $1.25 and $1.35, V 1 Orillia P[acket-The Reeve `says the present - So1'on.s of `the County Town. _conStitute .the `funniest Icouneil he ever -sat `at. -Not being a humouris't, evidently, he com- plains. Let him read the reports of the doings of the "Toronto City. Council -and `be reconeilei 7 Raincoavts of. latest out and I'.n`a-tm -Vial, sizes 34 to 40; `A11.Ra.iTn-cbats are reduced, as an example: - ' 12 only Ladies and Misses Size: in Grey and Cardinal, Brown anlds Two-Tone; Regular $2.25 to $3.50. 7 *'LADlES lAMBSKlNGLOVES _ Tan, Brown and Black, Sizes'._6 to 7. 0.01 0. 24 0.03 626i 0.06 AAA BLACK TAFFETA SILKS TURKISH TOWELLING `Of. `Orillia -Packet -4- Oddriferous nuisances at the Five Points, in the 1;-o'Wnwof Barrie, are complained Out in Calgary, instead `of compl-ain-i`ng `they would instantly put several more oil companies on the market, on the strenlgth of the smells. - . ' LADIES RAINCOATS < SWEATER COATS BACK COMBS 0.2 ` 0.2 % tion. This is :1 przu-ti-:11 f'r1n of patriatism. which lo.-o:-v;-~ vn~"~1'T' n -fag'ement_. Mr. I.-auric. win 11:15 W? -!*,g`.ivi11g' corisiderablo ;1.<~i~i:nn-o to the Officers Of tile 10:11] :-<-:'! ` 115,11 `_dri1l iiistructor. is t11kin__" ;1nJ;1ct1ve ilnterest ip the fnrimltiun Hi the .Home Guard.` I [ Dated. Barrie. 23rd Oct., 1914. Notice is hreby given that a Court will be be! uranant to the Ontario Voters` List Act. b be A onour the Judge or the County Court of the County of Simcoe _at the Court House on 3 surday or November 1914, at 11 o'clock instlg; -torenoon when an determine voxnvlbmmo } errors and omissions of the Voter's List of * lunioipalny ot name for 1914. > -_`.--cut I {Z Voters List Cw TREES ! ! TREES !! Allkinds of Fruit and Ornamental 1'l'0S Small Fruits. Evergreens. Rnsvs. Shrubs ` Climbers etc. Everything in the .\'urscr.\' "0 M Send list `of your wants for prim-s. Cata- 18lle Free. Apply For Terms AGENTS -WANTED EVERYWHERE T '11` I172___ , g . ~nu_:.. nut --n n at - vvnni I an nvnu n -- ..---- J` H- Winel`. Nurse":-yman. Port Elgin Ont- :- 1.`L17 --New ad elega T designs" in Wall Paper at D ball` Bros. 41-tf IV TRY Vedy `Special LA Rye Whisky {[;jsj,1.1o A QUART. -33 Miypicipality of Barrie Barrie Agents for Holcproof .v- -- HoAsi1'YA Special I I d Brussels Carpet ndrid " agfssortment of ` and colors. `For vaue never equalled. At Dougall ros. ' ' 41-ptf Rev. G. R. Turk -will p-reach An-' nivevrs-ary Services `_in 5-,the Central M-etn-ccdzist Church ' 11 t Sunday 5 morning, and Revf. P.fi'xA. J our~d'1n' ___,-V11 ____A__._1_ 3,, n,1I:-_.u n. -`-Tap`-es-try Squares, us 35c $5.98 Special $2.00 69c Special 60c 10c Sale For An-i Sunday; P. A. Jourdan Will. preach i11- '.C0ie ` St. In the evening` the pastor Oi each church will -occupy his owpyit. ' "Kerr `Masonic Lodge honored Bro.` Frahk Knight; fo/rmer_.Junior Steward, who is going with the second contingent, at. a {banquet last night and presented: him with 9;" wrist Watch. ' . I i1. !orseI Vcllini -Felt _FAo~o-twear ail kinds at zero prices -onl ,0-arey s_ Cut-. Rate" IShoe re.` Women s. `A11- Feltv "Boot om 55c a pair up. - elt Boots froin 990 a_ The rCanaJd;a `Gazette announces- the following promotion` in the 35th Regiment: To 'be `provisional lieu- tenant (.su-pernumerary) John Walker, gentleman, 14th September, 1914. ` ' . T 48$, _.--Iron Bed", Ma` . _s :.1ndT Springi complete for ._50, .at.' Dougall BIOS. _ A ' A . t . 4:1.-if -:When you Want to climb 7a give the motor more gasoline; when you Want to boom your - business give it more advertising--'in The Advance. 1. ` L Le,L. No. 452 \is`ho1d-inig a con?` cert`-"in lodge roon_;,'Dun1op St., to-night, the proceeds ; to given -to the Red Cross -Funsdi. --For real good owers-wedding or table Bouquets, Funeral ;.Designs, or Floral eects, put upin the most artistic manner; seeWbM.-'. 1`A'Y-IJOR, Dunlop St., Barrie. " 'tf. `County Council meets: , on Nov. 16th, when the amount `of the pro- posed Patriotic and Belgian Belief contributions will be `decided. _ 1` 'H. _Webb Chamberlain opens a_1A three night. engagement `at the Grand Opera House on Monday evening. ' _ . '. %, H .Wi11i , thg Jeweler, has removed? ' rectly opposite "the Queen s Marriage licenses issued. 20-tf pyyvvvv V v,vvvVVV_VVvVV_OV!'V 30FI.0CAl.`lN.TERES'f` :oooqoooooooooodqggooogo _ itM'r; J.T J. Maxis has Been` ap.14)c>int-T fed Clerk of Works -at the ; new -armouries being ,.ercted in Quee11_fs- Park, -'-Everythi:ng rinf " {prices only ei Shoe -Store. "`Foi)twear' at _Cut~` at Care-y s _-Cutj :oooooodooboboo3bo III` D 34 I C `nu-1-n-gu---- I F6 Aoo_ooo,oo-3 "c>_A;<'i"`-o"-o;::{"A6-9`-o9.`: | a9 %try 'and' i Dougall 41-tf v......... -._|.J'.|.;a.|.g..`>|.J"1.l4_ '+oot_I.,yu.t_:1' = `on 11'1- day gvning,` Oct. 30,, 1914, . Anin-Vie Bell, j-'be,1`o'ed r bf.-1VF;ixi`1ayV % fQampb_e11`,.fin her . ,1 ,. TA -S`t13'.11e_r ,`m;2`F,. (`arr I\'..J. an -{A4 A Lfujtzu-Bi4;`:'1v,`B."K5.: tnfa [F-mncis,. of . Toronto," to J oar; Mberlx, only `daughter of Rich- A f;;1dkRa1ke8,~ Esq., M.wD.,T of Mid-T VITNG-.-`G: . BLE'_-f xi Wedesd ` }_ . . .V _.ay, %%t;:..m.* 1; J::'R2:m ' `W-"'=Mass Mary`A. second daughter ` of Mr,` _g`1_11r~.]E[r_,.A- .31 (1....L1- `mL___.--L- BO'WtEN--`KELC`EY --- In Barrie, on Monday, November 2nd. 1914; _ by the Rev. E. B; Taylor, Charles Ernest Bowen, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen of A-1- lanidiale, to Irene Mabel, second daughter` of Mr.` and Mrs. `Wm. Kelcey of Barrie. FRANIC-]1S--RaAIKlEiS,-`-On. Satur: day, Oct.` 31, 1914, at - Trinity'- { vC=hu.rch. Barrie,`b Toy the . Rev.: E.- ` .'R _T ' T-~o "` 'R~Inmu ' V. 7 ~..,,,.v,,., 4 V ,r- I -Mc_QUA'R1RaIE-.~At `the .R.V. Hospi-J .ta1, Barrie, on Oct. 28, 1914, to_ `Mr. -and-. Mrs. J os. MoQuarrie, `a " son. ' A" `, A- WILSOvN--eOn_ October 29, 1914, to ` `Mr. and Mrs., Wilson, 6th" Vespra _ , (Barrie), a daughter. 1 ` V I 0RmWF01%'15-~In A11Aanda1-e, an Nov. 3nd',_ 1914, to Mr. and_Mrs. [` .A-1'bert -Crawford, Essa St., a son." '.ELRICiK-+In -Midland, _on Friday, Oct- 23rd, 1914, to,;C'apt. and `Mrs, E11-ick, (formerly of `the .S.-A.,i Barrie), a son. JOH-N.S l`OVN--A't1 Sbayner, on `Oct. 24,. 1914, "a daughter to Dr. ` and ` `Mrs: J ohns_ton[ (nee Miss Annie ',S1fig1ey.; ' 1 ' ` I I . 4 * -Ir rxvv . ...._.___ V IV-BROWNAA-t the .R.V. Hospital, I `Barrie, on October'28th, 51914, a? son to Dr. and Mrs. Brown, of: Ooiokstown. T -. ~ | He hada, served as "chairman of -the. Board of Education and was _a member` of the Town 3C-ouncil for several years`.-' At the time of his ldeath he was one of the Directors on the -Board of theVRoy'al' Victoria Hospital.` He leaves a Widow, the lel-der daughter of the late Robert Ross-, VProvincial _Lamd' ' Sur- `veyor, and one ~daug=hter, Mrs. ' M. P. -Bri-dgland, and. her` young Son . living in - Calgary. The funeral `took place from his late residence A11 lQIIw\4J.l\wv ...I.`A._..., _ . '1 " ..v..... yuauu 4__Lu4u 1.1-L5 1'cH.'U .l'US.l`Ll"dllUB} on _!Sund-ay afternoon, `the Reg James `W. W_i1ki_ns'on.V 'oiciaj:i11g. I Mr. Perkins was one of the lead-' '.ing -and? most su-ccessful merchants There for many years, retiring from {the groeeryh'business "ten years ago, 'I"T' q _ - , _T-he .pa1llbea/`rerls we re: H. Mr. Geo.l Ball, .'M~ayOr Cowan, `Messrs. E. Little, ex4'M-.P.P., G. Monkman, -C. A. iS~h-Vepard and-M1 Shanacy. , I .-Mr. Charles A. Perkins` p-assedi quietly. away on i -Fridray morning just as V the family physici-an, Dr. Little, arrived` at , his home, on .Mary St. He Was of`-Englis'h de,-. scent, and of? U.E-.t-Loyalist` `stock. Hi-s maternal grandfather, Mr. B. B. Crawford left his home in -New York State to settle - .in North Ox- ford`, so as tolbe `under the British V ag Later, he. went to. 'King s County, New Brun~swi-ck, leaving the land on which he ' had settled and his son, Mr. W. 0. Crawford`, iafterwards claimed and` occupied rthat. l-and. - -vvv-5;!` uuusuyl UL .1111`. ull 4 '_ Gamble, Thornton, 1:oT_. VT Klng,-` ; . 3 I gown mm C.A.PERKlNS} ...u.u._a. n. Jul-u` J.JVJgU,_ .LV`J..l-3`. . nLv.u1u1cy, Mrs. Mingay, Mrs. B'1iothers,. Mrs. T-urner, Mr. J. All-.an, Baptist -Church,. Judge V-ance, Mrs. Cald- well (`Crown Hi'1'l), G. W. Eastman, P-o`Wel`:1K & 00., -and Mr. J as. Good- fellow, 33- bushels of faotatoes, and Mr. James Allan,` 11 emprty "?bar1~e1s.! V D:onation~s r of} `cl-othing received froI;_1..the. 'fol'1ow~ing.: Miss Hunt, Mrs`. Walker, Mrs.` 1W. E.. Partridge, Moqaje &- Armstrong, Lady em- ployees-= Bell Telephone; -Mrs. H. :`0tton, Mrs.` Dnury, Mrs. J .. H. Ben- ' 'nett, ;Mrs`. P. MclCartey, Mrs; Bird, Mrs-. Edwards, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs-.` 0. May, Dr. 1McLeod, -`Mrs. ,`C. A. 'iS'hvepaard`, Mrs. Wright, Miss` O - Brien, Mrs-. M-i-lbee,; Mrs.` Willfbers, Mrs. W. A- Boys; Mrs. MeKinIey, I -R`-`:I1l`ff.1YT `UM -no. ` 12...`.-4.L.\.... `If..- "Cash received `to total of '-$82.50, as follows: 7F.` R} Porritt `$25.00, Wm. -'A_a_ird_ $25.00, _F1ji1id $1.00, Misses .13. and. F. _King';$2_._O0, V "R. Martin $1100, Geo . Ottaway $1.00, Judge Vance , $5.00, 0. A. Shepard $10.00, Miss JEnw7ay $2.00,` Mr_s."D; IM. rSte_w'art $5.50, `-Mrs. F A. `G. ;Ardagh $5.00. . . _--vCarey s can Save 3 -ncno nan-\+ r\-rm ....--.. ., r`1j,11`eV Barrie :*Be1gian Relief . So-"5 .-ciety, `-`with: oi'ces `at . the. }'o1d_Bank. ,of *-Toronto, `Owen " -S-t., through Secretary R. King, nrezport Vthe 'fo}i1owing donations mp to J une. 3r : ' I Q . DEsTITUIE%j%BEmIANsl CONTRIBUTIONS E03 2 V L % save . very large _ -abest makes, in offer every rubber in at cut-rate T-prices. ` _ I V _ Owing to th ` dropping of" a line , _ % _ 7 g -up.occurred in the ist ofgoi I ` ':y_ofL',tAhe7Barrie Curli Club. pu11)lish d;.-last; `week. The ogre 1is't._:fo' ~'o'icers ele_cted' is hf 'as fblilsowsf-`V ,_ ' " ' Mr. Ch-as. No_rthg'raves' of Nan- _tyr left at The Advance Office ;on Saturday one of the largest piotatgoes ever _ grown in this ' section. 9 It measured 11 inches in `length Hind twelve -in circumference, and: weigh- edthreepounds,` _man, A V! uLvug . .l.LV LUOZ The`fo11owin'g-.wa-3 handed in :__for ppu'b1i'cation by a stranger on Tues- Iday: Dear-Friend-- God gave me \a' TTIHQSLROVA +k`o+ TAB`!!! ;..A--1 1 i _ g POWELL` , The officers -of the Patriotic Fund- :and of the "Red `Cross `Society wis-h '!to acknowledge their indebtedness to] tM.jr.4 Addison and the members - of the , Barrie, Band, as `well as the` vocalists who gave their assistance,` `in-.making'v the concert , on Sunday evening, October 25th, such a sue-` cess. They also wish -to thank Mr. Powell for the 1-o_:an of the Opera _House. V` _e The net proceeds, $46.74, have been_eq'ua1ly divided between the [two funds; . ~ In the schoo1r0om- of Trinity Church, on -October` 23rd,*1:hef Cross .Sot:iety held~ an exhibition of the Work prepared for their latest consignment to Toronto; in: ' tenest was shown in jarticles dis- played`, V which .inc1udladf the' foilow-*9 ing :. : 90 -pairs ' ocks, ; 8 cholera` "helm," i 121` pairsjwristlets, 21 `m_ittens, ' '35, mufflers. V25 'I5.3i1`S ; .115: i};1}i1,hd!$Qi'hIe:fii..Ai.*2O`Lv1bus9wiV9S:Ci 26 MPRE.DEO~T.S J END OF Tffrxv-I-su ,,,.__j... g V - v JJAAAJ I _;e.~Pine Grove, the meme of Mn! and Mrs. Henry -Bowles, Bradfor.d?,[ was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday of last Week, when- their daughter, Alberta, was mar- ried to Henry Tolman, `son of Mr. and Mrs. _John Tolman, Toront`o,l by Rev . Mr. Crei~g1h:ton.i The bride,` _who was given away `by her father, wore `a gown of ivory charmeuse with "-overdress of br-oeaded crepe, `her veil `being arranged as a mob icap. -After `dejeuner. the happy couple mo_tored;~ to Toronto _to catch the-train for New York `and Atlan- tic City. The bride travelled in midni=g'-ht blue and hat with plumes T to match and Persian lamb furs. Among the many guests` was the -:bride s grandmother, -Mrs. Ann- -fstrong, Who. came. from Moosejaw, _..f...., Y Af4:u1L JJJ._\JlJJUULl wcre vueitea room hggteseses, -and assisting ihem were Miss vEdn-a. `Comarty, in- `her bridesmaid s frock of pink and `ap- 'ple-g`ree_n, and `Miss . Josephine `Carlisle. In *her drawing-room Mrs. G_a11'ie~11a!d; arranged glarge `yellow 'c:hr`y-sa7sUh'emums "very eectiirely, and on the-Wtea table a basketfull. of pink `button c'h1`y-santhemums. rested upon the lace cover of the polished -table. " A , u.u.7u.' Uu. `Dung-ay. V . -`Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matthria-s Hiekling, of T Barrie; announce the H 'engag`.em`en1j`o_cf their youngest daugh- ter, `Lauir-a Lena, to. Mr. -Melvin J osepih Wesley "Caldwell, eldest son- of Min, and Mrs. Joseph `Caldwell, Crown Hill, the `marriage . to take place the latter part `of this month. Toronto T .Grlobe--A =bride of early spring, -Mrs. W. E. Gallie,` held her irst reception gsinee flier marriage (October 30th),` at ier new home in Poplar Plains road. With her was `her mother, Mrs. Hart, .who wore ` a .-hand-storne black gown touch- ed with cerise,` While -Mrs. G.a.ll'ie looked very stately, in her wedding robe` of ivory satin eharmeuse, with` `lI'\`I1rn `4-an-:- .......'I J-.- ' l n; UVIJ-l\J '7 I.I.`L"> -wua u; J.vu1'y_b'u1,1I1 cnarmeuvse, with: its long '-train and drapings of sha-1 Edow lae. T Miss Gladys Gum-ey and! `Miss Vivian Mic-'Lo1d were_ the` tea] `|`.f\t\.V|n (1144-'r\ nn I\ n J yfuubu Mrs.*Frank Hinds of. Oriilia W-18` *in Town` on Monday on the way to Oollingwood to attend the funeral. of '-her brother-in-law, .Mr. P. J. Stone, Who died on Sunday. -Mr, and Mva Tna.~..L' 1r_LL1 op! _u.l.U uaugrrucr, WI10 13-` very _1.[l. ` Mr.,and,Mrs.' AD. .T.t Rees left on Monday for their Winter home. in New Orleans-, after spending the past six months. at Grlen Ormond, ..their_ summer home, Blake - rSt. T Mr. Mrs. 'Wa.1_ter Urry were called` . to Toronto` on wSaturda y, the latter s father, `Mr . Henry Ineg-ram, having `passed `away in his 85th yef. . e A ` . 1 '71-. - - A - " Jas. _. Beatty " of "Welland has '-be_en~~the gfuet `of - Miss Harris` of Buffalo was the guest,_o`fr her. `sister; Mrs. ' Leece, - `Maple - Ave., `over ~ ` Miss - Myrtle `Leeee, who has been at 'Smit~h s Falls for several mon th3,, returned to `town on Saturday. a ` - `Mr. ~-`W. `A. '-Boys, K.*C-'.,-M.P.,. pre- sided at. a patriotic concert in C01- lingwood last Thursday evening. l _T 1-I11-1 no.:\ 1-... .~.L _ , , 3 .- BA.-RRI`-E `RED (moss $001 111.15 vvvuutl xuajb _lx_uu-rsuay evenlng. . Mrs. `J. Eraser, `Whose husband is with the 35th 3Regt. rst contingent at Salisbury P1a'i_n~s Camp, left for. 1 England on Tuesday to see her lit- jtle daughter, who is.` ill. .Mr on;-I 15"....-T`: '1` `D--- 1 I`. O AV AAALLAAAAA4 - AA :q9ooooo9o99o,: I :Q-4--4--g ______'.L T-ODMAN--aB()`WLES , ` THE No*R2rHLRN ADVANCE I.J\JJ.. WORLD IN 1932 151- Al LllI.\.L _ J os;aph' Jl:Iatt`hri`a-s ....., ...uuu.5:-au.nu. .1111. WUIU wr*D1'eaen- es of the law in local. option muni- 'c_i pa,-Iiigies, 'inine` *of ._ the; convictions 1 being` `for selling H _j1iquor_5 wihout 3 9; icensaand _twD`fOi: . . V. o o`1iq11;i o . QQJAHIVA v5.I.\/Ls) LLLUII Gill 1. on October 13th, for the `quarterly meeting. Although there: -are no licenses for liquor selling in ,the "riding of East Svimcoe' as consti- 'tu"red now" for" Brovincia purposes, `yet `the department have decided to leave. the hotels in Penetanguishenet under~ 1fh_`e_ jurisdi-ition `of the East `Simcoe'Board. 7 . . 1. _-r_V_,,,-, -1-1-1 - -- _.___- ...-`4.v ` -sod~fE.'rY The Annual `Meeting of "the: `Sim -V (300 County Chi_1d_ren s Aid Society will `be held on Wednesday, iNorv. 18h, in the |Co`unci:1 Chambers; Bar- rie, at '4 p.m. This Society, having now become `a Oounty organization,`- it is hoped that `this meeting` be attended by- representatives from every part of` the country. ' Who` are inteiestecl in the _ welfare `of.- needy children are earnestly. invited i , to be present- Rev. Ban-ie, is thefsecivetaryg `% `L -Inspector Fisher made` his quar- terly nreport,, . covering the period since June 6,. the_,_date of last meet- ing. ';l.`he1we_` hadzwbeen thirteen cases `tr-ied, ~.with eleven Lgonvidtions . and two dismissals; for 1'n-each- Em A4. +1..-. 1.....e:...1i_`__1 i_-.2` L- The` E'aat 'Simcoe License Com-4 IIIISSIOIIBPS met at Penetanguishene] nn nnmlmw 1.92+1. 4:..- 4.1.... -.._.'_L-.- I Mr. and Mrs, W. J. G-ozzard of Sunnidalve township `had; a some- what exciting experience on Sunday evening, - Oct. 25th. With" their family of four children and another .lad-y they were d-riv.ing" `home and as they crossed the iron bridge over the river about a mile below Glen- cairn, one of the horses, shied; which turned -the -V democrat -so abruptly the Whole party were dumped out on the edge of the ibrindige- -Mrs. Gozzard was carrying her baby in `her arms and -before she realized '-what -had happened -it dropped out -of the shawl in which it was wrap- ped into about four__ ,feet of Water "under the bridge. a Fortunately ` the current is not swift there, _and the chi-ld s clothing kept it aoat until" it was rescued, not `much the worse for its involuntary bath. . .y A ILIQUOR FINES BABY -S NARROW ESOAP-E N emo and . ,A La Grace Corsets T In` 12 vcombinations of colors, - ' `sizes 3 to 6. Regular 25c. Best Britisf1__mde Flannelett, in % 10 different stripes. Regular 15c. ` ' ' A `Tapestry, Silko and l Drill stamped for "working. Regular 25c and 39c. l 27. inches wide, heavy cord, `splendid quality, `Black, Cardinal, Gr_een, and: Brown only. Regular nu ANNUAL Ma1E~TING- OF jsm-I 00:19 O0-UI_\TTY OHILDREMS I rm A .4`;---up---- DRESS GOODS FOR GIRLS} In Panama rC1oth, Covert Cloth `Serge, Twed e-ect. ` In Grey, V'B1ue-, Brorn, Fawh, etc. Regu- lar 50c. . . ' A umna DAISY srocmcs . New stock just in. Tan, Pink, Sky, Cardinal,, -Cream and Black. ;Siz es 4, _5 `and 6%. -~-Regular. 25c. snuma FLANNELETTE CHILDS W001. GLOVES CORDUROY VELVET .PECI AL cusmou TOPS L T SIM-COE J. -Stone, the -wel`1-knoV7n.Co1- lvingwood horseman, died in the Hospital there on "Monday from injuries sustained in a fall at the Oshawa Fair races in `September. Mr. Stone was We-I-1-kno.wn in Bar- -rie and` throughout the province as at. turfman who always could be" counted on to "enter some nners --C.araey -. 2 _ _ depart- ment is" in the near their store` With a rst-cI actlcal man in charge V sharing prots Wit` is~ aj precr

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