1565 1200 10_O0 Ann 1i 125' E .E_J ] 6 75 15 13; V1 10 60 1- 10 60 75' 19 00 5 80 .E'l`\l\ 1 25 30 29 _ 15 12 15 16 In an vs. 28 -AA ! .aaa V\lLA\4\4I. wu '\Jl.-llllavo ' ' Wm. Th mp_/son and wife of Eg- bert are visiting the f-ormer s broth- er, Herman, here. f`1,\.,........1._-1.__'-,,'.. A '`|'` "'A :50 UU 50 ........v, .-u yuuuaw -uu yuu 11101;) UL? UVCI1 as soon as o1_1e.baki_ng' powder or X er rising kmed=iumJ has sadd- F ` V A Tn Torrder to insure iiiitnvess Fin 3, cake, fit shouldi he put .int'o'.the oven no '-a4-u-um an, 41:.` ` L.s7I_.'_-..'- ucuucu. wruu L116 IIILIBSE results. h At the close of the -service Rev. Mr. iSomervi~l1e was conducted to the door of the church where he" was introtdiuced ,to those present as . they retired; _ Afterwards -a bountiful re- past was -served in vhe1-basement of the Orange Hall `by the of the IA1-|1'I'$lI%I ~ V \.-\_J uuuuulux a\u.u. 5 [all-L`-U0 V ` Rev. D. A; McKenzie addressed the people, giving advice as to 11heir attitude to the minister and . the church if the pas-tombee is to be at- tended. wih the fud1est res1_11ts. 1AA. 4.1....` -1--- _t` I- ........J \u. uuu uvuuclx ~uau.. `Rev. A. V._ -Brown -of Allandale addressed the minister," congratulat- ing both the minister and; the peo- p1e--4the former on `being selected to min-isfter to sudh splendid; con- gregations in a field rich with op-_ portunity, and: the latter u-pon se- ' curving a young`. minister of -such power and great gifts, and one -who `gave `every promise of being a wige counsellor and guide. T\ A `D.-... ` - 1r__'r7i- .- 11 - atry of he Golden ~C`a1f._ .......u-Jo vL1.\.r vJ.\Au1u.cI.h1UJ.1a1L\t'1'l1U.uULlUIl of their new pastor; the Rev. Robt. H. Somervi'l1e,' formerly `assistant to Rev. Dr. hMc:Leod. at -St. Andrew s, Barrie. The weather was not of the best, a pouring rain [beating down while vhe ceremony took place. Rev. `W. G. Hanna of Ciookstown presid- ed `and ?preac'hed' -a. thoughtful dis- course on Moses Inberbession for the `people of Israel after the Idol-' -AA-nq u q .1)-_ A mav, K H. SOMERVILLE I mnucnzn AT my ' Detroit and Toron_to: -v-.uu, ut.LIJ\/1. v:.ou.uu5` 11n:uu,.3 1lt51_'. `Miss Minnie Ayerst has returned, after a lengthy visit with friends in 'I.l"_ z\'.u-. . Ivy PneSbyteria1i Church wads` crowded `last `T-hursd-ay daftemoon to `witness the ordination and induction t\-I -Ir].-un:;.. u-A--- ------L---' L1 -g;b' \J.L uJ..I.\J \..I..l\J-1]. o E ` A full d'escriptioi1 of the new Vchurch building is unavoidably left over` for our next issue. V lv\J\.I.A'\./LJ.\u\Jo The keynote of the .s-ervices for` the day was O, `Come, let us wor- ship and fall down and kneel before the Lord, our maker. The Bishop Was,_m_uch pleased with the hearti- ness of the services and the sing- ling of the choir. - ' 1,31 1. R .1 in us UL`. It is a place for sacrice---the sacrice of ourselves and our sub- stance, as the apostle says. present- ing our" bodies a living sacrice in remembrance of the death and pas- sion of our Lord_Jesus Christ. It is a place for instruction `in the Word; of God . We take too much for granted that people know about the fundamentals of? our Christian faith; when they do not. They are a hungering for the word of God. -We need to pay heed? to the rst principIes-1_'epentance, faith, dbfidience. ' (Continued from Page '1) worshipped God. The Israelitiesr in their wilderness- journey erected.` the Tabernale after the plan shown unto Moses i11 the Mount. David prepared material for the great temple, and Solomon builded it V ex- ceeding magnicent. The syna- gogue. answered- for. meeting place wherever Jews were found. Our Lord, by example and precept, en- joined the gathering _ together in the House of God. So it has -been through all the ages. V T4. 2, .13.... _---__..- - :1 V V U` V \JLl\r'1l9J-GUI` DU LL13 yCUP1Uo Abovq all, it is a place `for pray- er, where we ask that our imper- fect and nebellious wills "may b 1131'] +r\ t1l'\Vi1Dt'\:-IIr'\l'\1\/J Aunj AAAAA A:Jn ---:l-L nu-,u uuu .l.'LaLl\J11.l\Jl/ID .VVvu.1D 111uy'uU led to correspond and coincide with the innite and all-'kn0Wab1e God. It is not a `place for the glib repe- tition of well-known prayers, but thevplace of prayer, where, God -can be worshipped only in spirit and. in truth. ` [New St. Paul s 1 vsasvu 4.; us; l.Il.l.\J (ABLE- ` It 13` for pra1Se, for the many merc1-es and blesslngs V which are ever vouchsafed: to His people. AL.-.-..~. TI 24. I .. _-1_-.. -1'- ,, "John. Hughes, agedl '*seventy-six , years, who has been a resident of -Gr-eemore for six" years, died there` on October A 22nd.` `He -was born in Ireland and came to this country wl_1en- nineteen years, of ` age, and some time` later settled in_ `Essa `township, near Ivy.` He afterwards moved to Sunnidale township, where` he lived for over thirty-two years, respected and esteemed.` On retiring from the farm he went to Crreemoreto livenin July, 1913. He joined the Orange Order when eighteen years old, and had taken many of its degrees. He w_as- a Presbyterian and a Conservative. In 1874: he married Miss iOl-.iv.i`ai Patterson,` -who survives him, with three sons and one daughter, ,who `are: 'William, near "S-tayner; Alex-' =ander, V.S., Creemore ; John K., New Lowell, and- Mrs. Stoutenburg, rSaskatc'hewan. - . ..4 v ua. V4 1.: :.w.|1.'\_;, .L U1. U11 UU. ` -Mrs. Bert Chapin of Orillia is visltmg her parents, Mr. and? Mrs-. Alex. Stewart, here. `I _ ,, \I7.. --.J.A-, .1 . -ur A was aaamgnacmmgayg L? ';An lican... Mrs. ,"Neilly died-eight `y rs! but `ve sons. viz.: Wm; J., `iS troud%; ' -Robert? -and ` George, Craigvle; E. `J ., Squamish, |B.iC ; AChas., Stroud. .His only sur- viviing `Ibroher is Alexander Neilly of Craigvale. Rev.` J. W. Perry conducted 4:he services of the An- glican Church, {and the Orangemen conducted` their service at -he grave in 481;. Paul s cemetery. Thene wag a very large attendance. Those who ,.,carried' .-the pal-1 were Geo. Webb, ' KIT... T -.L Il1-L'l_ TIT T T..1.-......_ Lot A-Webb, W. 3'.V`ia{Hr, Wm.` Latim-er,.7 Robert Black -and J amesi Fl./KhLLL\JI,|, vuuu tr-coma. Iv vuu, ` -h1_ ,1, Blk. %SUNNI-D A'LE PION-EE-R ' i : T D'LECD rAf1` CIREEMO-RjE Opened Sunday` __....., .._..uu. '.Lu..I.. uy1v was marmedl in 1890 =to the youngest dautgthter of the` late D. *W. . Cumming'of Clarks-? `burg and` {has two dang-hte1'.s.. The new Crown Attorney [ has been an \J'-L 7\JI'.LUJ.'l.L \J\JUM.l.I Thornbury Hera1d---`Mr. '1`. II. Dyre, -bar-risrter of this town, . has been appointed Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace for the County -of Grey. Mr. Dyre has been a resi- ,'-dentmof T-horn-bury for upwards of thirty years. He e been in prac- tice there sinoeo1883 ` and has been osol-ie~itor' for ` the town since` its in- corporation. }He was cfhairman of ft-he Public _vSAchoo1 Board for `ten years-'a1`_1& has been Town Treasurer sinee.'{1903`; .- -Mr, Dyre was marriegi in `Y!ID'|lnA:\(-IL J - J -1 ---.....v,,. L ` Further partic. will be made kn sale and in the flearned; from 45-A47 .-. \IL \JJ.J. uvc -Mr. and Mrs-. George Crossley have returned to their `home in To~ ronto, `after visiting friendsih'e1jg. \,.`m. `.\,r.'....:.. :`_._.__.L :a,_. 1 The property i Painswick, alm post '-ofce and -1 TERMS OF at the time of s within thirty da 'l`.1m ..--------L [ vvAuLL.l1L uullhy `(la % The ro rt p y _ to a `reserved b1 is" g` the saidi prop frame rd} 11in small ' ba c * foundation. IT mortgage \ hich will be produced at` the time o the sale, there will be offered] for ale by Public Auction at the Qu $ Hotel in the Town of"Barrie 0 Saturday, the 5th day of December, 1914, at 2 o clock p.m.,` the followin valuable property in the "Village" Painswick, 'in the Township of nnisl and County of Simcoe, a being composed of thatpart of No. 13 in the 13th. es " Township of; A 1cu1 ly `described Mortgxe Sale of Valuable, 'llage Property TT-.. .1 ._ _. V DONALD ROSS. Solicitor for the Executrix. Dated Barrie, October 11th, _1914. % T % 44-46 AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned- date t-he executrix will proceed to distribute the 7 assets of the said deceased ` amorig the parties `entitled `thereto jahaving regard -only to the claims ,of which she shalfi then have had notice, and" that she will not be] lialble for -the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose` claim notice shall not. have been` ;received_ at the time of such dis-tri-- V butlon. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE. is hereby given, pur- suant to the Trustee Ac-t,'that aill creditors of Elizabeth Lambie, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of -Simcoe,iWidow, deceased. who died: on orabout the ,fourth day of August, .1914, are required, oneorbefore the twenty-rst day of Novemlber, _1914, to deliver to -the undersigned Solicitor `for t-he exe- cutrix of `the said deceased, their names with full particulars of their claims. V Aiirb NOTICE `AL 1' 1 1 . 1-...1. _, V THORNTON ` Nov. 211d.--Mr. and -Mrs. VV. J. C. Boake visi:te`d friends in Stroud on `Sunday. ' ` ]f_ ,.-- .1 'II"_,_, T 'r\ -1 H. H.d `illuminated, Ventil ed Oven-OriginalDuplex'Grates-I atentcri Indestructible Oye Datrxper--Large Broiler and Toasting Donn. Everlasting Covers nd Centres-Built on Pure Merit only, We have sold th se stoves in Barrie for 30 years and guarantor- every `stove sold t be satisfactory. CROWN ATTORNEY `V 3 `OF GREY COUNTY s.e..L....`.. T1` A nd by virtue of the! le contained in a certaml at be` `.10 n1n L-.. 11 1,1` Buy One If K --_-v u -V.- 1/11 fnnisl anl Bounty composed t __ V1cu1% described] ,f_.___,____ _ '1'-1111 !oADENHURsT, Vendor -s Solicitors, ` Barrie; AAAIAIJILALB &'\/.|.l.\7/I. u.L '.lA1l._tJ1'\} V \Z2.L11CJ.1 U0. Your correspondent has not heard of any Volunteers enlisting from this district. ars asd`condi aionS[ n at the time of` meantime `may. to . erected on I by comfortable I louse `and `also a; stable . on stone 1 iii: 10 per cent.l e and the balance. thereafter. ' 11 be sold subject ` _and the exisrtingi .in the Village of t` adjoining the rxn] KTTON & SON Vow And Have Comfort In The Home EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 44-46 } J1 '- .W11;n ims, Iamuy. vu--_T `en. Sound alm0St m. 1; `still keep his ,Ad -twill make V91? ~i5_ ' VLL 5.! UI..AA\Ll.wJ 0 Mr. and Mrs. J ames Boake have returned from visiting` friends 111 Toronto. * 1 ..- A. - Boys & 3\f111'(-11i. ~ Solicitors. Barrie, Ont.` at` Barrie this 23rd day >1 r 1914 44' e._ . A -' . ' {.--; 1 .. Ililz - ` ` ' notice is further -`iwn I` after the Ninth day of .\W>\'<'1"""' 1.914. the Assignee will ,.w-I distribute the assets of Hw v~Ii~*' "8_iIlOng'St the parties entitled tlxmvw .tO,;;_,,1ha\r'ing regard only W W -`.01'$ims of-vwhich notice shall H1 i:'.hi5iVe7 1)veen given, and that he M 'Vl1_'(_>t -be liable for the sS0f-*3 V `"`_ .PE!1`.t'..thereof, so_ distributed t0 W` i;..P.?3.1 1= or.. persons he Shim 1* 31'1_10n";ha15e had notice. 1 .A . . A_B_co17'_`1TT&. ~< V: n-nfli`. y .u.|UUu1.ug. --v 6\a.lL\.11l..l. ucxxcuu UL 111.` \I\\:.. :l`- A meetmg of the creditm-s \}t-! be -held` at the ofces of the mui Signed Solicitors at the 'l'm\ H ~-Barrie in the County of .\`i1m~w ~ 'Friday, the Sixth day >f".\':\'1-mg ; her. 1914,.at the houf of two A-1 in the `_-afternoon, to reoeivo :1 I:I"` _ment' of affairs, appoint in.-1><"*"`~ ,and for the ordering of the ;:';xi1'~' of the estate ge11-erally. (`m1ir_->2" ate requested to "le their 1;xm:. [With the Assignee, with p1'm~l'~ mxv. .. ' 2-! ;~part1culars as required= by thu ~:1 Act, on `or `before the day of ~``-`-'` meeting; ` A.'\T`l\ ___L,',, - n .1 :.-... Hm. ,--.c.- ....e .....\... me under the Assig"11:1m1t~ Preferences Act, R.:S.(). (`hm 134,.ofe `all -his estate and (`n-vI~ the general benet` of his ox-Mi - A. n .3 1-. _._-,A' NOTICE is he'reD.V :1'von Ihuf " above named Edward H0111`_\' l ::I' rrldige has made an z1s. ' , ,1 .1 A - . `.4- NOTICE TO cmzmoas IN THE MATTER of /-AZ: . Henry Part1'1}dge.0f I/ac .'/'~']3' . `Barrie in the Couniy of -"W _. T_Grocer, Insolvent. 43-46 3;.-vuv Mr. Geo. M-aneer is improving hiss .1. . vv . .u.|.u.uu.\3Lo W 111.16 '11U.l.Co `house by putting a new -cement foundation thereunder and `is also making general `improvement-s. `7,\___`_ _A____..._.__ -_- J_,,L 1 I '1 1 .14 |.u|4\.'LI. A.D., 1914:. PU RSUANTto the 111-m'i~ir.;_ the Revised Statutes of My 1914, Chapter 12-1, S0("[l<>11 3:1. tice is hereby given that all - tors and persons having: ;I11j.' Ii ,against ' the estate of \\'if 'Pri'bb41ecof-the To'w11.~:l1ip of i; l in the County of Slilllvw. died. on or about the nth hr Sept-ember A.D., 1014, -.m> on or before the 16th day vember A.D.,A191-l, to '>'(`ll l:_\' 3 prepaid, or othc1'vwi. Cneswicke & Bell. of the Barrie, in the County of 53:; and Province of Ont;u'i. so tors for Mary Ann T1-ihhhw. Ii-i Tribble and Arthur '.l`ril.hh;. executors of the - last "Will Testament of the said \\'fj 'Tri`bble, their C`~l1risti-.111 and names, addresses and (low-E3? iand the, full particillars. of claims respectively. pi-ope:-ly ed, and of the.sec11ritic<. E: . held by them. and that z12'm' said date the said eXcc1xt~1'~ gprocevedto distribute the ;1~~:-T~ lthe said deceased among` the put` entitled thereto,_ 11-aviu:_~' 2"--_v only to those`claim.s of wlniwh ` shall then have notice, and` they the said executors. will then be liaible for the assets. vr part thereof so. distributed to persons of Whose cl:1im~ 1: shallnot have been recciwjni :1? time of such distribution. _ Dated this 17th day of (ht- A T\ -in-1,4: NOTICE TO CREDITORS 11TT-1o(`1`r`r A xrrn . of'the `Said Town M" 1321 Solici-tors for lixm-:1 '_`(:`_;RESW`IC`"I`{E - }1 :1.':`1.1.. Smooth and Ele gant. Easily kept clean. The most economical on fuel ever built. Quick. est and most even baking oven in the world. Five Pdin ts Hardware "guest of F. W. _Ma qhe}'s whi1_e her_e. Uuv-A u uiw, KJt4.AJ1lo Tax Collector * 1). J. M-c~.C1'111ough: was in our village on Friday `last. distributing `tax bills, and was the then . will any ` 2111) not -., \\/LL!-I54 W. M6450 `Miss Mamie Black iarnived home. on Thursday last from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. J as, Black, at Sin- taluta, Sask. . FI`-_ P(-`l1--L___~1\ T 1r r~4'11 .1 I Mr. John Br-itton, who has work- *ed for Mr.. D. Lennox, leaves for Scotland 011 Novembier 8th. " 1 `I Wf)".ii7f "ILn}1S{Thippe carlo_a,d-I of potatoes on Friday`. Th}e pr1ce_ was 45 cents per bag. ~1\r.:~,. mr___-:- -r)1~--1- A______-4__1 JVUAJIJ VV\J\.`l\. ON I} '\_/A-1.1.515 V ClaL\Jl -Mr. Hamilton` Young ma-de a bus111ess trip -to Toront -0 011 F1"-1day last. X ' ' AJLJ-\/.L J.\J-I. The hog market has been rather "last week at Cnazigvale. A quiet, E. T. 'MeC011key paying $7 .00 `-11"-. TT- _,,`_"|L- 1 .3 busihel for wheat. There was co'nsiderab1eV grein moving at Craigvale during ` last week. Mr. A. W. Greene paid $1.07_ `I At the Plowing Match on Thurs-- day last, `Mr. Ch-as". s (Woodbridge) father and grand`- father of Tshornhil-1 were interested spectators. The former was` success: ful in defeating `Chas. Walkington, -the holder of the Ontario champion- ship. .-_- .-'--.v-uv "'LO.L. No. 605, Craigvaleg `have arranged a oer1ebra_tion of Guy Fawks Night for Wednesday of ' this Week, Mr. ' W. A. Boys, M.P., having kindly consented} to _take the chair. .. O Vboobboooooooooo691 Nov.v2.+ -\Am6iig.1i1ie7`7`1oee1`j1ui1te1-a ` have . succumbea to -"he.11_n-e of. " the'Wi1ds' of VNo1*-thern% -Ontajiio ih quest "of the eet-footed; deer; are: eBenj._:'1nd George Webb, ,' E. Guest, Thos. Soules, and Art Trebble, /who go` to j:he~'Bay `of Many `Islands, Maganetawan River; T-hos. Foster, ' !Qha.s. Tribble and` Harvey Foribes go to -Whitney; S; Reynolds, -F. W. '*.'Mathers- -`and . Woolman go four -_ teen miles` `in from Falkenbrg. "].`hey~ be` away two` weeks and each hopes t-o -bring a deer home with -him. ` ' Mr. Andrew Wallace, who been dangerously ill for the past three months, is, somewhat better, and his friends are looking forward to `his recovery.` - ---r\--- 1`. --..-u.u.u;vu uu. UA,uU.u.!:u.U '~.~" " -:.; There -is' no doubt that "57 7 umh. st: Jude s%V=iast gbbat .rii'9ft. VQn1y; -tb'-::1_'1}e%' 355dQoo6ooo9ooo9ooo:] ....v4.4uu.u.:, '.l.\1\-I_\J.lL'UV1. O - . . IO1win-g` _to anniyersary services. 9.13: ; {9r02L % `C9!iI!!iT;1?11"91'e Wi1it_':bV"10 %ser;j ` ;;i`#"ic;i25iI3?7~`+:_ZI1"o1ii:?"vGhuihh o gnaam. `Mr. Geo; Mair visitedf his brother] . zit: `the `.B9 5wek-_-'. ' * `Mr W H~%%M99?e`! A.-l.V\JALLl.J.6` V1'LuQ\,|1 ;11cuua 115113. `Mr. and, Patterson .of Bgllym grant `v1s1tec]}`.1_he1r uncle, Mr, VD. {MeLean, I\:...:.....' .4... 3-.......-_...__-_ ; --- ~ vvgs vvvutrzvu .u'.uU u'tp1'U. `Mrs: -Frank Hill-1 ama; chilndren of Q _ O O I O *Barne arev1s1-t1ng- frlends her , .M.:m; c...`:.. o-.1.*-1-1 - r- A 1 * .n.-|.oLa.L\J_ uLu> V1010:-115 .I.1`1U11U5 .Il6I'U. JMiss .-Susie _Schel1 of Caledon Ls-pent -Sunday Ta1f'~l1er home here. TM - ......:I , '11:.-.._ n- A `Avening visiteds` friens here." aycub -Duuuuy awner 1101116 nere. Mr. and M193 `Carruthers of '1]/I'.`. ..__J -`ru- on-rs-ui % ' Nov. 2rid.-~Anniversary services were held `in Zion v Church on_ day last. . -Rev. M. F. `Cree of . Allis- ton occupied the" pulpit. ` - n\,f.... 1:'......1-- "[] :1J -_ 1- ' .1:-1 1 ' 0 vv LAuSvc)';I`1e of our 'pople. attendeci th 'ann'iversgary and fowl supper at Burn s Church last Sajbbath. uuu 41.I.vL\.a1J.J.\/LJAJJ UL 1411!`: WUZ1h11b'.l'. T-he farmers contributed veiy liberally to the relief fund 11-ere`. ..-RJ..nvvu- '1r.1\l\A4- --E A--LY-LA- 1 vu uu;J \J_.ll.I.'\J.lo _ The` choir as much indeabfed to -:=Mr. W. J ; VLen`n'ox, -of. Ivy,` who ably assisted th_n_1_ on a '_bs;nd;ins1;1i11II1en.t,_ .....uu.u..uJ vu uua LUIJUJ. .l.Ll1J.u ;Ll`l'3I'8. .'Many bags of potatoes have been shipped from Baxter the past week A.. 1...... -un. uuu .LJun uuj. 1.1 JULIUS`: - Mr. J 03 -McvKn:ig'ht s sale "was a d;ec1ded success, notw1th.stand111g the inclemency of the Weather. rm... 4.-.......-_-. _-,,L-1 - 1 uvvA_L\|\/\A uu-., 4u.-uuuozuu. . _ 1 `Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Robson visi-ted Beeton anrdi Thompsonvi-lle .friend's a week ago. ` . -l[:____ 1,3 "3 V `('1 ` 11: ' g A 11: . [ .. VV\t\JJX `J83. . Miss Minnie 1Sme1lie of Alliston visited Baxter friends. ']l',, T 1r'rr-1.- `I I TANOV. 3rdL-`-Quite e number from Where attended -the induction at Ivy of, Rev. R. H. Somerville` on Thurs-` day. The Ivy ladies have need to be congratulated _on "the dainty re- past provided for the people who `attended the induction. ." .'If_. __, 1. If RobertsohRodgers [A pretty iwedldiing was .solemnized on -Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. `Robert Rodgers-, when their daughter, Marquet Emily, be- came the wife of Mr. George Rob- ertson of Ivy. The ceremony -was performed by -Rev. Mr. Dunlop of Thornton, under an arch of ever-; greens and maple -trimmings. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of cream cash- -mere, seed _ pearl trimmed, with , tons, to Misses !Bryson` and. Allen, ` customary vei-1 of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet -of white. chry_santhemums.. She n was ' at-~ tended by her sister, Miss .Libbie Rodgers, who wore `cream cashmere and carried; a `bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. . Mr. J. A. Daw- son. of Ivy, was best man." Miss `Bryson, of '-Barrie, played the wed- ding march, and-', during the sign- ing of the register, Miss Labelle. Allen sang Because. 'The groom s gift to the bride was a gold `brooch, to the bridesmaid a locket and chain,_ to the groomsman cuff hut- vbar pins. Mr..an:d.",Mrs.. Robertson 7 left on the evening train for points .' north and on their return will re- : side at Ivy. ' ` C v ' vva.vuo 'Mi\z[r. J.VMciO1"e1111a11 of Sundridg -s-pent a few days last week` with Mr. Abe Ridhardso. ' :11 -I Q ;uu.uu, -u-a.u V-10101115 .Lu.'.L. 4).. U111) . The orange concert and box 30-! cial on Friday night.was aadecidedl su-c-eessp Mr. H. G. Robertson .of Barrie -occupied the chair and made_ an. ideal ' chairman. Mr. Eddie Pigott and Mr. 'Haro1di Rich of "To- ron-to are rst-c-las-3* entertainers. ,Mr. ohn Jennett acted as auction- eer-. A - ' ,s. .t.__ ...-u;;;. .wMTiss' -Sfarardiner of Newmarket is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J as. Hewitt; . ' \l\IL 0 The =Sacram_ent of the Lord s Supper was observed in the Meth- odist Church here last - Sabbath morning. V g _ Your ' correspondent` has had the pleasure of . listening to many orange sermons, but the discou-rste delivered by the Rev. J. Dew, .. who preached to - the Orangemen of ~L.O,L. 'No. 16 and; visiting brethren ":las-t Sabbath,` stands` without a peer. _The `services were of a most im- -pressive and practical character. Tvhe. lessons were taken from Dan- =_ie1, the v". |Chap.,. and also the vii. 7 Chap. of St. Mathews Gospel. The text was taken from the vii Chap.` *of Mathew,-the 16th verse;---`-By "-their friends ye shall `know them. Belonging to 'a- church -or to _ an] `order is" not the test of a. true brother; but. by their _~ friends `yell ,_shall know -them. Much C0'l1l(]f beg -{7;s'aid' on the sermon; but isuffrcient ~ z.i_to:say that it was one.~of` the most?` ..practica1 that i could` ._be_ .aJdIdr_esac-'1 . 1"-' -I .LI.Ll.d J..I.ULa J.U1U'L1(l1LlDU11n ' ~'1\I I'. VV. Looker of Allandale is visiting Mr. W. Burch. Duyyu \/.5. .u.L:..-.LvuuuLu '\J-1.6015: . '1 `Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of Coulson spent Sunday with `Mr. J. C. Thorn-ton. ' ' A.` Stewait of `Torontois the guest of Mr. Robert -Craig. AL. ....q mr..- 1,1.-. rl Nov, 2n:d._--Those who left here! on Friday night for their annual` deer hunt at Naiscoat were: Roy Watson, -Bri1ce,Watson_' andz` John Jamieson of ` Dalston, David J ami-e- son of Barrie, and J Hewitt, ,eField~ Ca-ston and` Richard Williams 1 of -this place. T mr_. -_-_1`1r___ on -r, 0 rn \.lJ- va.a.a.-u yavvvv I `Mr. and -S. J dry, of To- ronto, are visiting A. J ary.` I rn11n rvnnvnnvr. pgnu-. I\t\un 4-.-- J L___ -- I v;~.uuuu _a.v_.|.1u xguux-5'10 yuunc 1ou_I;11u1J. A busload from here attendedil the -Presbyterian -Church concert at Churchill. on Friday evening last. A pleasant time was spent. 7 `Quad 3 V . "Mr. and ..Mrs. J. Thomps`on,t {Marl Thompson, -Mrs. Wran A of To- ronto and .'Mrs. J ames Henry and, Miss La'u'ra Thempson attended the rfuneral _of. the late Mr. Eerkins in recently. . `Barrie on Sunday. . v . _ _V `Mrs. J a'ck -`Carrol of .Thornbu-ry visited her father, J. I. Corbett, `Miss Vetta Ross-, of Cookstowh, visited Miss -Georgie Boake recently .3! 'A Lunl I\A\ .L'...-....,. 1.-.... ..J.A. --_ J - J- , -gr; :25-uyggu .Miss_ Bu1`?1'eigh'o f "C_oQksto?wn v_is- lted Miss `Ethel Corbett over Sun- ay. ` , . - . ' -.1r.. '_,.,1 111,. 1' m1 , ,. -in-1 > `Vt ~W*--. . EV Mr.4C1`1lp.of-_th_e Union Bank, Barrie, is "relieving M1-.. 1 W. .0`. nIfIenr'yn as manager` here. `.4 " ' ` Miss, M. Henry is: visiting `the .[I}ev_. and ,'Mrs.' G. A; I. Craw at 111.1` II \lIQ IJII-l\J` Il\IIuIII I-Ll-V. `IL - ULIVJ Kill '3' `tr -4` mi` . Black adf i 101-"onto. are vmtxng her; ' 1r 1 1r , 1- 1 f`-1` ' ' 1'???` `ter. 118 av; guqaguvg, .s.I.I.LU. o \ALLI\I.u.o !` Rv. "an d?Mrs. Fry Toronto "are visiting the -Rev. and Mrs. `Dun- V101: Ihreq. A % / ' .t`L_ 1_; -,p`L1_- 1'1` 9., `n- 1 ' ~ 'Spri.'ng1eldV.J: 13 ,, 11!`: _- ,l.)1i_$L'.lS. `U1 :ll)l'U11|rU- .'1'U V.I'1I;.lI1g' .[.I.CTU ` Mrs. Mimgan andj Mfs. : J. will Son of _Toi;fon1:o are visiting -here. ` ? `Mr-s.'f Brdwhe of ``-Beeton is visit- Vi-ngj her daughter, `Mr Ed. Gibson. S. D`'.;_ -.'_..1 11'... 111.... -1 rn__-_-t- 'AJ1 '.1:`he% threatning weather `Ebony fty of. the order at-_ . ... 1...: SUN.NIDALE- OtORNE-RS KILLYLEAGH QRAIGHURST B(;AXvT`E;R L H Hiigs ~;.'. .,'I'I'V. .'I'I'-rt:-K v. `VI-Ivbbbl If your correspondent is any judge of a man, the Presbyterians have made no mistake in -their dhoice of a -spiritual adviser in the person of the Rev. R. H. Somer- ville, M.A., whose ordination and] induction took place in -the Ivy` Presbyterian Church -last Thurs.- day. Rev. Mr. .-Somerville will have charge of the joint congregations of Ivy, Town Line and Baxter congregations. INA-` _-_`_ L_>1_L. . . 1r - `.- x O-C`-lC|J\I J-54`-3 I I O I W ed % qol . .`. un~w__as*" ed: .. III; x I . vvwuvwv, _|I'LdL uu.5, VJ` the load . "V -Apples, No. 1, winter, Apples, second qu ahty '_Eggs, per doz. ' Butter, per Bb `Butter, -by the Beskegi Chickens, dressed, ' lb. [Hens`, pe1_- lib.` ,Ducks'.... .T-uerkeys . . . . . .. . . Beef, hind quarter (C I -.L`....- --- -4--- ....u..u nu. uux. yuuaxj Pastrgr 1Flour, per *bib1. Potatoes, per bag . .; Potatoes, _ner bag,` Lby; +1.- 1--.: _._--.., av`. Wheat, Wh-Qesale . . . Barley, wholesale . Peas, w1o1`es~a1_e ;. . . -Buckwheat . A. .. .. . . Rye . .. '. uHay, per ton Flour, per bibl. (sij 1)oo-I--nu-u '91.... _..... ,`L_1A .., gu`; 4- -5+ \J.L .Lu\.I'JJ1_'l.I.v .1. LV J. Innistl lost` an old? and "much- esteemed `res-ident_' on Thursday, -Oetober 15th, when Robert Nei1_1y. departed this life at the -home fof his son George. He was in his 76th year, and for 60 years -was a -re$i- dent of _1:h_.at township- `For forty years he was a member of L.O.L. No. 605, Oraigvale, and before r1h'_at belonged to -No. -533, Churchill. He L: AA.I\JLI. `UL UJ .lJU.VVl11 o'uu1'y. fI`=he Council adjourned to meet! on November 23rd, at 10 a.m._ A. B; OIOUTT-S, *01e1;] DEATH BF -ROBEERT NEILL;-`Y 'r....:-1'_-1 1-..). - `Y uuuuu u. . r Ha.r1fi-s;-Knupp __- That Deputy- Reeve Wi1so11 see about road [com-" plained of by Edwin Story. '1-`:1\l\ (V.-...-..,.."l ..,J.'........._'l. 1.. -H--L g `RV. Hospital, balance _fees township patient . $13.20; D. Banks`, `work opp. lot 12, `Con- 10, $19.50; L. Carson and` G. Pain, -contract, s.r. _5 an'd- 6, Con. 5,. $50.00; M. Keast, work on bridge, opp. lot 10, `Com. 1 , $1.50; A. Debcnharn, gravel, s.r. 25 and! 26, `$2.10; Sar- jeant Co., account. $2.50;-T. Sart- ton, 2 culverts, s.r.-15 and 16, Con. A2,.$3.50; H. -Bertram, gravel, 40,0; Geo. Pain, wood for hal-1, $5.50; P. Doran, lling washout, $1.50; Robt. ~M. Bell,` `sheep killed by dogs, $15.3`3._- - 0 -'7 --nu VESPR-A COUNIOIL . oThe -Council met `on `the 26th inst., all members present, Reeve in the dhair. . _ ' . `Communications were read from L.. J. Looby, ,re Finlay Brivdxge; P. J. Lynch, Supt. G.T.`R., that cul- _`ve1'-t would be installed by the Com- pany on 10th `Con. line at an early date; M. Coughlin, re rent for ground used as a `highway while Marl Creek bridge was .in course of construction; Wm. Wood, VV-arden of the County of Simcoe, re contri- bution of `certain articles for war relief; R. M.- Bell, afd-avi-t rews-beep killed !by dogs. ' . w.rv.L4b.\45cIuVL\l.I.L'0n `Congratulatm-ns to Mr. anda Mrs-. `J. -Speers. on the arrival of a daugh- `fnr ' PA-RI'S*H OF V;E-SPRA T FSund1ay, 8th ,Nov., 1914. 1 Midhurst, 11 a_.m., H01-y Com- munion; Vespra, 2.30 p.m., Holy Communion; Minesing, 7 pm. 1),... A .;LL-__- 01-. _ L1- - EDGAR - e d Nov.- .2nd`.--The following hun- . ters left last Ffiday -and'Satu1'.d:ay for their -annual` two weeks ` sport near -Su'd`_bury: Messrs. J as. Cock- burn, -Sr.,e J-osi. Hewitt, Geo. B. J amieson and J-as`. V-Cockburin, J r.. . I The Women s Institu.te `will meet I in the public hall on Wed., Nov, 11th, -at 2 p.m. . .. . -The Mitchell Square. and: Dalston Institutes have lbeeninvited to meet wi-th the Ed gar `friends and they will take charge of _- the meeting. An invita- tion is extended to all ladies to at- lrtend this .meeting. a i V ' week. . 'Calbd-W611 of Barrie was _'the `guest of her cousin, Miss r-' :~Mamie C'aIdwelI__, f01.` a. few days this ' 1'If\l\" vL4_.ra,.LgIuu1'b`u was but: V guns `UI `ma LATEST MARKETS; .:.J;wIa\.lJ.\JJ.\.l. LIHOU VVUUIX. ! We understand thwt Mr. A. Boyverman has disposed of. his pro-' perty in this burg, and: will shortly be removing from here. .- .'M`._.. 1|r,...1____._ n--.:,:. I -uu a.vAA.|\.Iv.lLJ.6 J.J.UJ.l.1 ucfc. 9 . . Meakum, Barrie, 1s- staying a few days at ' Mr-s. R. Murphy s. T 1!-190 *-E` .-D:}\n<`~ -:n. -1r\1\un-ours --1-A u: .L\./vv undo uu 4!+1'D. LII. D, `-F. S. -Pmest 13 ;home, after a ,feW days v1s1t .1n Peterboro. r` ' ' uu. L) uuqa a1. UC1 1._L_UU1.l. ' / Rev. Hmld `Tbye will -prac*h' next -S1'1nd=ay" afternoon. There `Will be the _qu-`arterly sacramental ser- v.icea~t._2.30.; " L MIN\ESING' L . _~ ; Nov. L2nd .--Rev. A. Strother _at- tended the Archdeaconal meeting in Bricriford `last week`. . - . 'Q r . j Ensign Richardson of Barrie preached in" the Mehodirt Ghuroh on -Sunday afternoon. `K .1)-.. n=:r.....~,.1.1 -~m'-.__- -Wru \/L Congratulaions to Mr. George Robinson of Ivy on his recent `mar- riage to Miss Rodgers of Kil1y- leag31.- T . J-V\Il VV IL =L"Nov. 2;dL-- - II'*1}1s11V`1ere o4.f: 11-a;i`g!hurst was the of ..v..._._., ` ` L'Mrs. WW-ice etertainedi fa humber 1_9f young _people on Monday 1 even- .I`Iv|:u' ..-.,,... .- I The following accounts were pago- ~I -_'._ -...-Jun. , AILALLLOLLLS, 6 1!-.lJ..l. Rev. Arthur Strother. Rector. `I111 Barrie, Nox}. 4, 1914.". THE NORTHERN ADVANCE- 156 '75 /'\r\ 27 14 10 ' interred at -O-rillia. ..... .. .,,-u\,u'u.nu, JLUAU. . \Ve e.\t_e11d our synlpathy to :\I1'. James A. J.-amieson in the loss she recently sustainved by the death of her father, Mr. Dreyer, who died. at Blind River and Whose body was TTT, , -u .. '- -'-.