Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 2

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7]IvI'o misc; cu pvuun Put 5 per cent. Ou,` ; ii. 1:'.?...:. ~ tr n gy._*; wl ovgrompth attended to. arouse nuudi-ng, UNDEBTAKER8. pa vaJ.\AI 9U -n PHYSICIANS. RING 263 33747} [LIcEN15i5 'A'6'rf61i1'Ez:n E33 `Pint: A;-.._._.. __ The report that 9. `gr-andson I of Charles Dickens; serving- with the" {Red Cross in France recalisan in-F novelist with the last Franco-Prusu sian war, which broke out within a few weeks of his death. Forster re- cords that when Jules Favre went to meet Bismarck outside the walls 'of Paris in the fruitless {hope of `persuading him not to attack the city; a silent` gure sat in one corn-. er of the -room, -read'ing intently, apparently undisturbed. by the dis- cussion. It was =Mo1tke, and the book that absorbed him was Little teresting association of `the glveatl Dorriti . V. T ,____ __'-v--\rA1|.l..J~l\ ron Tl-IE coun-rv or smcoe. Most reasonable terms given on a} Stock Sales gun nu-nut UHANG ES. Advertiaers will please bear in ' 4 notice of intention to chan Ve ad\'e?`tlin um mustbe handed mto theo (:3 not later um Satugdsy at 10 o'clock, and the cop for sucn ,...,:8:.,;:.~:;?;r:,:::;`i`.".?.,: 2.: !:;~*cE nn.vl..-. semen "GU-o Uuwrvuse me Vertiser s annwa mg 1-, 5 . oun mg? ` `"410 Dugc untxl the week CONDENSED ADVERTISEMFNTQ Condensed adve t` as wants of all kinrdslis.ell:!\lEtn.E..(a"1.f.1_I,3t. 98 JO_HN JENIVEE largest cireulati t have u. Tam. .1... ..' `"*~ou Luce; t`. I at the largest subscrlpuo` `it! . If you have any a,qv:l:8`}.&'l`t! M not afraid to pay the price, placoit with the paper that reaches the . Advertisements are chared accordi gage--A12 lines nonpareil measure mk'`..f`3 _..v (p; d` inch _12 lines nonpareilr m'`Jm org! t 'rnAnsmN1- mvzna-zsnsa - Legal Notices. Auctxon bale etc.-F`irst insertion 10 cents 8' Am~mmn 1 an uncut insertlon 5 cents per Fr me em 33' notices 10 cents p 1" gnggggcn ; _cents iaer line. for :1:-1.x..'f .f '8 ,lIlUCl'l.rlULI UI be per line. uuluU_|ll1186 ne 1n '.l`.l later than 12 o'clock : week, otherwise the :4 'II'|8.' unit has man. was 8n1A);c1-ibers ow in arrest-.3 `for `three month and over wfillbbo charged $1.50 per nn_num. % P asvxvlgzs of alilcl:i(;:'(ilss,ell:)]:f3n1((i)'}o1:1x:=?(t1 page. 3% x for sale orto rent. ape '11 - ' Niven; must be accompanied W(hct}?:f;l3(iE' `-- EM. 3 . Q 4 _ .5 auu uuuu1Il:! r.sI1mates givrn oFI?;:::BAYFlELD s"r.. BARRlE.( f\"2 rm: mm mmm; Mmjce Llmite d Manufaeturers of and Dealers in all kind; Rough and Dressed Lumber Door-s,Sash. Blinds. Int ior Finish. E2 columns. `ranks and ater Trou 9. Planing, Match 1;, Mouldimr. Hot B ast Drying Kiln. Laying and Polishing Hard a Specialty Contracting and Building Estimates OFFICE--BAYFlELn err 13 . .....- -, RC`-S1.\\'h`,;: Wood Floor; . _ --.v vthUIl- Cuts for advertisements must I _ H Ulcfy case bemourrted on solid metal bases Mahufaeturers -1 Dnnrsnel-u lan...a.. u...-_._ _. Drusgist. T`ztHtmsDAY, NOV. ISL J0:!lAll__&~ Brooke " " `V-4 -- \anJ\.\.uvnn-no h `mt stick) . and gloves may be _"l n few_ moments after using it-% Ptxce 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. KL? :`L`riuhhea ' cu` H ` I.mo,m$e c3n?3t s?ac`o`e.~tn51>m = v1noeot0ntsrio.LCcnada . every Thursday M91-ning, by '3 Brewed Enrelu from the Finest Mal! and Hops. T3(!{E?!E9!'.'?.d%rvl MAKES YOUR sxn? LIKE VELVET-- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. . a marvellous effect on tough `skin. `One or two applica- tion: will remove the" mugnncss. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glycedonia :3 _-L -L!_`l, C coumcncut. menu _ Rates will begivenoon application. DUVNLOP STREET EAST BWA R R I E BMHHE A BREWING GBMPANY 75'aMa a General Bankil 3'uaI.;I'Ieaa . . . . Notes Diacmdd Vat Lroiponablc ram. . . .. Collec- ._Notes and Accounts 9 `.0 Iuued payable anywhere. a!|{8 on outside banks cuhai 'l.l0IO_e}I_raO`aq/`cadences. ems. `A9;{(_Eafuna-10 to 4 IStra/cf Herald-`Another epi - rulcs o+ +11n {ln-nn-01' -Pb`-~'-"`-`-A DOOGFIOO RATES 3_l|lend|d ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightes In Cask and Bottle [Beecroft 6:. CO. _-__. _,--wu, gyvu Boilers. Engines and all ki-ndsof farm and statlonary machinery made and repairegl on shoxtcst notlcc um`. moderate pnces. Al work done by expert machin- ist. and guaranteed first class. Gl::J0. MONKMAN. Is 0 en for all orders in CASTINGS, MI L REPAIRS. &.:=._ i1 REPAIRS, &c. w\1- CRAIGHURST, ONT. nu-1-94:: --- BANKERS VXUEIOI CREW HIHEEII. 9 . I.- MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinists CONTRACT (nuns ES PH I75" Ian... 1._, Barrie, Ont. i P}?! oh`: _ { afs Hanger NOTE AN_D OOMMEENT j .uu0U m ; `folio , vvvl MI maklclago IO Barrie. Imus pr SUBSCRIPTION. vv uLLvJo ' , _=We , are looking for the co-.0per- ation ahd support of all Iight`thil11{- ing -indivi:d`uals, - and of the town`: ship, village `*and: (town. corporations within the county. Such A co-oper-` ation. may he offered '.%by_ -acquain-ting ils -with cases _Q_f` neglected and de-_ pendent .ehild11'e'11,. When will be prompt1y'Aa_1_1`d'. kh pjlghly [investi- gatdr" a130he.:h'1>Y-L 1'I0W31'd- the heavy ieg` 1ses7;`<>f-.<:arryinge e on ndh?idbn8ti9I.i3 '59-%f>rW8i`df?id:.1I1><= thhe;f`;Ag`61it;`it%*`3hi" ;--'_A._.i V [535 . . (V \4\J.lL U1 1 ll Ll'U1`\J.l1C Dhe general- `effect. of the Act of 1913, is to make 'C=h-ildrene Aid. So`- cieties-, county organizations, and the whole province has; since the z passage of that `Act, been organized so that one society--a county so-' ciety-exists{ in each county or un- "ion. of "counties. The result has been in the -County` `of 'Simcoe, that all branches` or -societies, except the one whose headquarters are at the Town of Barrie, have ceased` to ex- ist as; separate organizations. This society having its -.headq1ia.rte_rs in Barr'ie,- ~ in the past been doing work throughout .the `whole county, n as,` occasion might require, in dis - -`tricts where no other fsocietyv exist-_ ed, and nine-tenths -of the children who have been cared_ for zbyithe so- ciety n have come. from _ outside, the "town. It will now, however, be the (duty of `the,-society tofAta1;e"'-charg.: of - this workthroughout `the, whole .f<-Xmnty; y T r 1 luv \J U V\l CALL: number of years. `Under its provis- i-ons, _Childr_en.s Aid Societies were formed `throughout the Province, in some cases as town societies, in others townships or groups of town- formed 8. society, and others again a county organization. re The .objects of -the society are to rescue neglected and .dependent children, to care for them in temporary homes until they can `be placed in suitable permanent homes, and to provide a temporary shelter for the children. Under the Act, the cost of maintenanoel of the children in a temporary shelter has been met by the `County Council, and all other expenses, -including the investigation The nlilifildrien-s Protection ,eAct has of complaints, securing possession" of the children, the procuring and . maintenas-ce of v a. temporary shelter is `met by private donations and contributions Ibeen on the statute. books for =-a ? -III n .1 A . 4` VWHAT IS THE 0HILDREN s A-ID SOCIETY? The rS:imcoe ICounty Ohil-dirensp Aid `Society, having ' received` its new char"oer,. a few words of explan-.. ation as. rto "its aims and scope will bemgf to all. V `V the hearty support of every loyal citizen, -and every citizen can sup- port -his town by patronizing lhome industries and the - local merchants. `Barrie is a prosperous -town -and will_ grow. _to be even 'more prosperous, as its loyal citizens begin to realize to the full the -important part they can play by trading at home. The large metropolitan cities do not need our orders for goods but our local mer- chants are catering for our trade and we should? -be loyal enough to give. them -the support they justly deserve. `By helping local industry we are helping ourselves. Do not; therefore, send your money .out of I `At the present time Barrie needs town for the -support of A others,1 While at home you are receiving your share of Barrie s `nrosperiity. _e lag.` vine Va Such is the opiniori of one of New York s foremost papers, but it is questionable justhowi far this feel- ing that the German gassurnce of hands. o America is to be relied [upon is shared by the thinking men of.England amd; `Canada. in case the Germans were victors in the great eonict n-ow being waged; | .\IJ. V vs-avvv u L\JlJ.DIvIf4J4DLIlJ6 9511119 8 JJU ports are "being built? ' In England the most popular game is `still that of dividing up the German Empire. `Seriously speaking, it is _-wise.-of the Germans to make it clear that they have no thought of seeking South American territory in the event o of their conquering .the Allies, There isa great deal of loose talk to this i effect going the -rtounds-.-that' we shall `have Germany on our necks if she .wins. _ Every assurance which she can give that this will not be `her policy, if it i-s.based- on something more denite . than a` scrap of paper, will be to her ad- 0,, 1. 9- LL- - - i n`. -n-vr I we. not read that "su:bmarine`* trans-z I 1 . , ii0fe.?h6 Ii1'* s* eD5_trine ; need `keep ` `no one awake ~"o h nights, t jeitiher he1'e.or.._=_in_. _-the; .IDomi.n~ion,j _" says The Evening `-Post, ' i of New V York.. `A little "trie slike "the_ British eet *stil1 _stande ' -in f the way. But this harmless: -inte]1eetual\ e_xer- aise -of conquering oversea, domain" by fancy is being V-indulged in 7 .'al'1 sides. There are no doubt Ger- A mans in plenty who rmly believe that their troops will enter London ' ere long. Was there not a rumor a little while ago thatfty armored lighters are being built at Kiel, each to carry 500 Prussians of the expeditionary force which is to hunt` Kitchener in his `lair as soon as the German submarines have dis of J e1~1ioe s remaining ships? Do : I 11'-rrx W'\.f\` ...u..J ;L..4. '......L............_ -L-....... PRA:C~TIGAL PATRIVOTISIM` : Brae-ebridge is having somewhat the same d'ifcul ty `over a money by-law that was experienced "in Bar- rie over the 'Collegiate by-I-`aw, the difference in _-Barrie being that the indebtedness incurredi at the time of the `Collegiate by-law defeat Wu comparatively small , ~being' conned to architects fees and minor dis- Ibursements; The Huntsville Fores- ter `says-: ;'By the ratepayers defeat -of a debenture` by-law submitted for -their -appmval Why the Council a short time ago, a peculiar anomaly has been brought .to4the surface in .the_ nancing of Bracebridge. It appears, that '-the -Light and Power _,C_ommis,sion had incurred` expenses 1n`excess.`of their 1111001118 to -the ex- tent _of $10,000. " They asked" the ",Coun ci1'_toi `submit a by-law to take `up, the loverdraftt. byea debenture t fsue. _ '.[`_he'jiratepa'yers_ voted? -the FINANCING '-PU:BLI=C= WORK AT BRACEBRIDGJE A NEW `psemroms . - :1 IN jRA=I'IJ_WAY OPERATION E, '.l.lhe_. I.'indsay_ Post says: Mr, R. ' Heels, Supervisorfo ,T-racks, -has re- ` 'turned- to ;town after accompanying the Grand I Trunk Inspection party from Portland to -Lond0[r1_._ The `fty V railway oicials were- drawn` ' from -all parts of the .'-Grand, Trunk Sys~ . tem. and . included. 'VicedPresident Howard G. fKel-ley, H. G.` '~Staord, Chief Engineer,. `and! `General Super- intendents H. E. Whittenberger, U. E. Gillen and *0. -E. -Bowker. Tlhis 5000-mile trip is a new departure in , Canadian railway operation. The railway j men are travelling in a ' -special train of nine cars, includ~ ' ing an inspection car fitted.` with glass `panels, allowing an uninter- . rupted view of the :line,-. and with electrically`,-controlled apparatus for recording the impressions of the ob- -servers. It, has seats arranged _ in tiers, `row above row, in order that every occupant of the car may view the right-of-way as the train pro- ceeds` on its journey. Thu-s every yard of track, jbridrge and culvert comes in for the closest scrutiny . from half" a hundred men, whose work is track construction and maintenance. Inspections h-ave been made in the past -by Ohief Engineers .Sta'ord, by a limited nuniberiof oicials, `but it was decid-I ed this year to broaden the inspec- tion. The object is to make the men actually doing the work A the judges of what has been done in the way `of track" "improvement. The track superintendents and _ track supervisors were summoned, as well la-s other representatives, to assist their superiors in the inspection. The work of inspection continues daily` from six in the morning till six in the evening. `Each day a committee is -appointed-, composed! of. track supervisors. -One of these` men is delegated -to examine rail joints, another the spacing of the ties, other ballast distribution, neat-, ness, of station grounds -and build-l ing"s,. fencing, spikes, sidetracks, and} the level and guage of the rails. Before each man is -a. series of elec. tric push buttons, and as each mile , post is passed he gives his report,: awarding `points according to the; excellence of the work `he is. inspect-t ting. -These awards are ashed up: on an indicator board and clerks -re-: cord them. At the `end .of every section-four miles of -double `track or -ve miles of single--~an average is made, and the section showing the Ibest -results .in each division of the line will -shortly hear a board -announcing the , fact. There is ` naturally the keenest competition. I to obtain "these honors. Section is . competing against section, and div-_ ision against division. . I _ M32 ~a".zi-aces For Vthn Latest Novel or Work so to I ff`"ISTKj%opTORONIO BARRIE AND ALLANDALE BRANCHES H./A. s1Ms, Manager ._....- . .-.-um sL.\_J\J,\ll.JLV Lu :uvuC_u.` .uu.CICUb 13 `paid on Balances hilt-yearly. , . ' ; MONEY ORDERS and Drartssoxa; DEPOSITS OF $I.do and upwardsfccefved _ SAFETY DEPOSIT aoxas FOR RENT ma Funa.{. . .51 1,3o7;ooo Tam OA_er....;.h ...... ..sso,925,ooo `SAVINGS `ACCOUIT;I:S in`vited.' L Intcrc/ ot'is __2.I -.. LL1- ,- %TH.E: NORTEIERN ADVA1\\TC EV 1655) e; % Samar Pnnsoxux. A`llI*`!oN PAID TO (:7 u . MA nmgciunim} or Buggies, Carriages. Wagans% Sleigh: and Cuttegs." _ miflf Man; A n C9 lW;'j:_!Y.FJ if 3371 [W.__Q:Andrew I 'Dhese rates aresexclusive of rail"- way and livery rates. Employer -r'e- sponsibe for si1ch. Nurses entitled to 6 hours off duty during 24. . I If eggs have boiled [too hard, take the vessel from the re_ and [quickly place it under the cold- xwater s-p-igot, The shock of the change from hot to cold softens the n-....... eggs- the Alumnae Association of ` the graduate nurses `of the General Hospital held on Tuesday, Septem-. ber 17t~h, it was decided to publish the tariff forithe `benet of the pub lic: ` c - $18 a week forgeneral nursing. $21 a week for. infectious and con-~ tagious cases. ` . . 2 2 U $3 a day for a few days. $3 a Week for each additional patient. 2 2 ' ` a 2 $5 a day for smallpox cases. $25 -a week for alcoholic cases. $25 a Week for mental ceases; $25 a Week for tubercular cases. 2 $3 for attending obstetric. cases during hours of connement only. $3 foraattending operative cases during operation only. ' $2 for night calls. . 500 for professional visits of one hour and 250 for each additional` hour. _ , r O-rillia l acket-At a meeting of` law down, and placed_ the Cornmisw eion in the awkward position of; hav- ing` -zvincurreti indebtedness- which the ratepayers refused to sanction. It [is now, proposed to re~su'bmit the by- law, -in the hope that the ratepayers will see the folly of withholding _en- dorsement of expenditures `already incurredi, andj which must inevitably 'be met, if not by the sale of deben- tures, then most certainly by direct current levy. ' =uo~ nan UNITED STATES SU`B$RIBlllgS ` $1.-so IN ADVANCE. 3'80 new name will be added to the nub Icription List_until the mopey is paid. W-in haves $200,000.60 wcth of `houses and propeg-ty in `Barrie :angAnand1e. . ' u.---so L &lIIIlI\JClI\vg Small dash payments. Balancg as rent. Farmsjor Sale. TH9MAs jwm Ral EsttWanVi Insumnce ` Phone 530. Bosanko Block. Barrie own YOUR own HOME, Cease wasting your money rent. . V . A - Repairs of aill kinds Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone _627. 164; G. S. RANKIN TARI-FLF TOF NURJS~ES FEES oI3|=7osu?"I5c-s.'r. JOHN BARR? OLD SBAND ,pu`bliehing- and printing. business7 which has been 'publ.-is'hed regularly . for over 60 iyears, "ias _ the 'ol tlest} V oldest published `north " of 7Toronto_. ` 1852', it `being. the suooessorb-.1;o .-The,-5 The Herald, which `later ncalledl if _ The JSpirit.-'of The Age, `Was-j`.-p" ` 7-lishedv from `1853,_,"_b}_lt i ceased? ?-'.;`icatiQn-;5u1. :_ 1862, . a"f'9,r ..T-he amalgamation of the print- ing businesses of The 'Barrie Ex- aminer and The Barrie _'Saturday `Morning .is announced. The Ex- aminer hhasi moved into The Satur4 day Morning premuisaes, and for a time both papers will be issued. Four newspapers in a townthe/size of Barrie has long `been recognized as two too many and the elimin- ation of one will -be hailed as -one step nearer the nal solu-tion_ of the vwhicgha is inevitable. The Advance, 3 paper published in `Barrie, and ` The Advance was` established in Mag'net"whiel1' was [ .e'stabli&'ejg'l_V" by ` the late '-Thos. )Fox"f,-Davies in "1847 Contractor & Builder 3" __....__.__->'1'C ___;__3 uyuce l1Ou7'8-1u . OFT. uv --J -' U*`V`- \/ VVI-IJ\J. JJQVU \.LI.DL}~la[1.l]JULl against the three-fths requirement in -localvoption may well ask them- selves. Tihe Methodist `Church, Gen- eral Superintenduent `Garman con- strued`, demands a three-fourths ma-' jority for the grave constituti`ona.1 change -to give equal rights for `wo- men. `Will opponents of the three- fths clause now direct their wrath at the great Methodist denomina-tion~ over its three-fourths clause It is . diicult to see that one his more ex- curs-a?b1e _!than the other, and `if there is a good! defence for one the same. defence applies to the other. .__...___... _.-.__..._ mrwm, Mnn as ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors Engineers, etc. Established 1552. once, Kodienl Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Tdaphono, Main, 1336. Instruction}. . -1 v0 `Jill Q I`\ ` U I gaving spent; years Post Graduate work in ritish Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8: Nose Hospital. London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Su. eon in Royal London Oirhthalmjc Hospital; 2&1 Eye Hos ital. Bristo ;and Birmingham osaaital. R8-min `am zformer Member of phthalmol cal Society. ' OFFICE-78 DUm.oP STREET. BARBIE. Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. G. 9. SMITH is C0., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakora. Open day and night, Morgue and chapel in connection. Bame, Ontario. _.----` 3`? ' L.R.C.P. 8c s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. as s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- QDR. MORTIMER LYON, '31 CARLTON St_. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. i 1.)`, I Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday.` Diseases'--Eye, Ear, Nose and Thrash Consultation hours, 11 3.121. to 5 p.m., and by appointment.` _.__.___________.________________ as-x __ __ ._,, inn M. H. EMEBREE, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C . C. Alexander.) Oice and resi- dence Burton Ave, Allandale. Diseases `of Women and children and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. 22-15. DR. H. T. ARNAI:.Le.A OFFICE ANDI Residence corner of . Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. ( osite Eliza- beth Street Methodist arch), Tele- `- phone 167.. - l IDR. H. A. DUGLAY, osTEo-I 'P_ATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, `Ont. Office Hour_s-9 to ` -5; other` hours by` appointment. ` Phone 565. ' V 45-ly 3131:. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR-I I eon, otc., L.R_.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., - unflh nmnn ant` '-an~:JAnnA hum, ` _. .V.,..w.,L-u;.u .;.;_-u;u..nu--'[.L11UuuU1.` cpl` sod-e at the General Conference. may well set Liberal` Methodists `think- ing. Th-e Conference voted `by 1-94 to 99---v'irtual1.y two to 0ne-in favor of -wiping out the sex differ- ence in the lai-ty of the church, with reference , to representation _ on church courts-, conferences, etc. But it was the 194 -that lost; the 99 Won. -Why? those who. have disclajimed ........:...,.1. AL- L`L_,-- nmrl _ V ~ G. A. RABENHURST, BARRISTEB, Q. `Aa- `I46- Q: A `A M I OOWAN,o sU-d- `I'_._._I`1___. `l5____. wnnuny % ls ESTEN BABRIBTERS, Solicitors in High ourt of Justic:,. DONALD ROSS, `LL.IB., BARRISTEE, Solicitor, ate. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio. Money to loan. DR. W. H. OCHS (SUOOESSOR TO DR PA-LLIN G), Physician, Surgeon and Amoucheur. Spec~ 2-1 -L1.-..1._'-._'J.- 'l1V_- TR-.. 11'--- ___J LEWIS, M.D.C.M._, Surger'y| 1 and Diseases of Women especial- } ly. Office 58 Collier St. Phone 1 61. 35- ORESWIOKE & BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. i Money to loan. Oice, Ross block,` Bari-ie. A. E.- H. Cres- ___-1__ 1'7n 11-7 A -r 'n_`n-'-rrn Dr. Basankn -;u u A|.\)'l!AULV -- _Eye. Ear, Nosg Throat. rnur{vn-an a-.--4 lop street, Bawrie. Telephone 77. zvvnn, vvva, J.Ju.A.Ir_a\JoIJe, -lillllo, 4.1 .I. A 0 min). Oice and residencej,-]\)J;111': The Ontario Hydro-Electric Com- mission is busy hunting up cus- tomers for the electrical power Whieh is to be developed at Eugenia F-aljls. On Thursday the village of Flesherton voted 011 a propositionv _anJdI a few days, ago the ,o1eials.of the Commission` were at Shelburne d-isous-sing -the s-ucbject with the rate- payers. In the course of the dis- eu/ss-ion it was said that the power will cost, $17 per` horse power at the plant, and that the transmission, maintenance and upkeep to get the energy into 'She1'burnewou1d_require an additional $22, a totalof $39 per horse power. The falls are` said to be capable of developing 6,000 horse power and already twelve towns have made apvp]JiCatiOn. Compared with the present charges in Shel- burne it was gured out that the entrance of hydro -would mean a . great saving.-Exchange. STEWART, . BARBIE- torn, Notanu Pniilic, ma Qohvbybyeoug Ruby `to Join in `E. 5.P'."v 1`; 0.9. 1.3! JDIVIUTIQ III I-`J51 \IU|ll V `IL I! |u|DIllIiIO,l Notnrios Public, Convoyancers. Of- lcos over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rio. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent ratel. ' G. H. Eaton. I "ew ","n`3'c?.`r'"1 'n'1ie';"inc"." "o`&1'S} in loot Bank of Toronto Building. Korey to 1081* at lowest rates. ,4 r to" Ieiinox; Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of` wills, guardianship and admhistra.-tion,i and General Soli- citor, Notary. Conveyancer, etc. Qqgs: nH'inds Block: No. 8 AILVVAQ, JJJDLL AVG - \.1.L\.na `wicks, K.c., W. E J7'B'1'I, KC. .v-_$-w-- urn... -os;.rvn~vu-wvn-- -sztrvv I attention` to Eye, Ear, Nose and` 'I"L___.L I`l`I-._..-_. A .`I_',,_A.-J I\@ ,_ i`hn:at. Glasses Adjusted. Oioe,| Owen St. Phone 95. 14-}yl \lJ.I.l.\Ol-J3 I J-L uIJL\I\ll&, .5. \ Durilop V St. money to loan: :While we are contributing to- the funds for the suifering Belgians,` and `for other equally meretorious causes, let us not forget theohi1d- ` ren in charge of the Children s Aid `Society. , There `have been eight or nine children- in the Barrie Shelter, and warm Winter clothing is need- I ed for "them. It is praiseworthy of the people -of Barrie that they have `and are still giving `liberally of -their means` to assi-st_ the different patriotic funds-bu-t We should not forget that charity begins at home. -See the Secretary of the Ohl'ldren s Aid Society and nd out what is needed to make these unfortunates warm 1. and comfortable for the win- ter.

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