Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 1

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Barrie, Barrie, Residence Out. Out. - To New: S_u`bscribers --The Ad- vance. from; now to_ the" end of ,19.15-fou-rten= 'm6nth~s-T-for $190- ;.y name and. `.$1;t 44'-tf 9: I DEELR ISEASON LS Alzl deer are on '0 John Deere .00. ' Call` and A130 agents for _Melotte QLTQN, '. W E TODD, `Bung wgu -nay-U /Juan LI.Ua.bUU. 11.1. | ; e The A Council ..adiourned before 8.30, the, next -meeting` to be on November 16th. ` ' Ald. Wallace and Fisher s motion to grant the Barrie members "of the a second overseas contingent the sum of $25 each, was heartily concurred in, the Mayor , saying that care )wou1d_"be taken " to see that those" ;who get the grant are bona d-e '.resid_ents `of Barrie and not strag- glerst who -have just oated in. - 5 . "l`.`I..,. ' (1-----.:1 ..J_'-________ 1-0, , I an .u.Lu.tIJ.v A.l.VUa I . D. ITamieson S aptpliciation ifor, permission to lay a tile drain on`; Mary St. was referred to the Medi- `cal Oicer of Health, Town `En- gineer `and? Chairman` of `Sewers Committee 0 A11` TI"I'1'I ---'-'I- - .u.uuu, uupna 1J.l.\J1J'\./LU`) La .l1'UU oaus. *Later a motion was put through that the Mayor write M~iss~ `King `an explanatory` letter, which caused` him to reinark that ` indiscriminate tree trimming was a dangerous [practice for the Council to sane-` ition. y-. R. _ Dwors-ky asked and was given -permission to erect an overhanging `sign at the cornerpf Elizabeth _St. ;and Maple Ave. ' - tr .1'\ '-'r_.__:~-_-_,9_' v_,, ,1- .- ":- vvogspod vv ALI. , A1. uv (ALL yuoolulco ! =:Miss,_E. F. King wrote:_--During our albsence from home last week, Mr. R. A.` Stephens was caught in` the act of sawing a- limb oif onel. of our trees. When asked who gave` `him permission he said the, Coun- icil` did. Wliile not complaining Y about the rem-oval of the limb, -I do thinli such permis-s"io=n, should not" have been given in our absence. It is not pleasant fo.r`W-6men to feel` jthat during _their absence from home 'their -property is not safe. 1 I T..J.,... .. .....4.:,._. __-.. "ML L1, A- liberal grant, said the` Mayor, but every cent will be needed, and While We as a munici- ,pality will have to contribute our, share of that, we should also do` ,something -ourselves, and we cer- ltainly will, if at all possible. .1\,r:.-- B` D T7:-_-- ___..L. T\ 5 AAAUUL an u-'\.I.`AAJ.5 Q1 11160115- .- .iReeve Ball ..of Oro had told Ald.-` Fisher that he Was going to advo- cate that the County Council give $50,000. - ((A 1`! `I I *A deputation headed by Messrs.` Geo. Vi-ekers and Wm. Aird asked `for a grant of $1000 in aid of. thel ,fund for the r destitute Belgians! |Mr. Viekers making a strong ap- peal. Mayor Corwan `reminded the deputation that the Council had to `remember their duty to. the people V they represent and wanted to "do, their duty by those who are suffer- ing through the war- The Legis- lature having given sanction to such grants, there is now no doubt as to legality, The County will doubt- less make a big grant, `but regardless of its size, it would not be too much for. the gallant, though un-. fortunate, Belgians, who were mak- , ing such a heroicys-tand against the, `gmarawdiiiig Germans. 1) A 1 1 ` 7D..-.__ -11 -0 r\ 1 1 - `Ir r.vv. U.'.LaJ._U.LV, W. . 'Rp1jesentave,"_ ..Loca1 Agent '13}. IU1)-.U, .Trhen -I ll be --Chairman of thel Markets and Parks, and will seem it that"'someth`ing is done, said ` His" Worship rather bestily. \ A1,; n-,,.,,,,D-,,+ ,...,J .c:.._-_- ----N -1 `LL15 .vvu1'5u1p T817110!` Destuy. ( 'A1d Dyment and Simon were the only absentees. - I _`l`._'_,_L_;' 1 Y " " vvu.u.usvuuc 1UJ.uDUU. (:0 ZIOCBPE elEI1 I`~ of two tenders for heating appara- tus and recommended instead that a former tender, not approved `by the Engineer ,' be accepted. When ' Council voted to refer this report `back to the committee, the Reeve stated that he Would: have nothing further to do `with it.` ?On Monday inght, after a lapse of two Weeks, `Mayor Cowan asked the Reeve What `steps he was taking. to` prevent the lavatories from freezing this. Winter. Reeve Cald-` well v reiterated his intention of sticking to his former resolve, and isaid it Was up to the Council to, accept either tender they thought 51 t to. t i `LAn,- echo of ' the recent con- ~ troversary in reference to the heat- ing of the Town Hall was heard at 'Monday s Council meeting, when Mayor. `Cowan informed Reeve Caldwell that he would exercise his prerogative as Ohief Magistrate and take the Chairmanship of the -Markets and ' Parks {Committee for the; time being. It will be remem- bered` that the Markets and Parks Committee` refused to accept either; 0+. +.C|`l1r].cn9a -pnu L.nnJ--.---- -' . 2nd Contingent.--- Mayor Council Gfarits $25 tb Each of IsChairn'1an"of Markets I $1000 GRANT w Z [ ASKED FOR % BELGIAN} RELIEF , Beautiful Sets of Black and Rd Fox, Black or Grey Wolf, `Ra'coo'n,' Marten," Hudson Seal, Persiary Lamb, Mink, Sable, 'etc., { ctc; & I914 1 large this Ias We have a Three Stock of Overcoat up to the minute Style. A straigh' ` saving of from $3. to $0.00 is guaran- teed everu man ho buns his overcoat here. our Ov coat sales have been eek. Astraight saving .00 appeals to most men. n. Sir '2 come early for best HUNTER BROS., BARBIE. ousand Dollar Every overcoat of $3.00 to Does it to selection. [Overcoat Time Is Her; At 1;; OOMPANY ORDERS . A Co., .35theReg't. -' The company will parade for drill at the Armouries every Wednesday evening, at 7.30. All members are obliged to a;ttend. Recruits Want- ma ` VV.L.L1.|. 11`U.l\1'l`J 1,, Collingwood `has organized a home guard with the following oili- cers: Captain, P. C. Palin; 1st lieutenant, H. Duncan; 2nd lieu- tenant, H. Duncan; 2nd lieutenant, T. E. Hawkins; ICol.-Sergveant, C. Bellamy; 'Sergeants-4Messr-s. `Crop- pey, A. Hammond, G. Royal -and W. Lee. Corporals--H. C. -Macdon- lald, W. H. Trott, F. Mason, E. Pod- tmore. - ., __..v...J . AT ALLAN DALE A Home Guard and `rie associa- -tion was formed at Allanrdale [Y.M.-C.'A. on `Tuesday evening, `When a membership of 70 Was re- ported. The following oicers were elected: -Capt, Jos. Legeer; tSec., Ja-s;e C1arke;_ Treas., John `Little; Executive--The oioers and A. C-on-1 Ion, A. Marshall, Sam 1 North. and A.- R; Walker. A Two or three suitable sites for ranges {are in view and a selection rwill be made shortly. and active Vwork commenced. ' COLLINGAW-OOD I-N LINE T ' WITH HOME GUARD (j>l\]];11(TTI7f\r\r] IL.-.1-. ----~- BRYSQN 5'| F HOME GUARD I5 on's Spe al Bread For unters yuou 111 ubblllg TBTIIIS. `Col, MePhee, who has been ' chosen as one of the transport oi- eers on the staff of the second con- tingent, leaves. this week for To- r-onto`mob1lization centre. During - his term as} colonel, the 35th Regi- ment reached the pinnacle of its perfection, and he was one of the most_ popular a11d efficient com- manding officers in attendance at `_N.iag*.ara Camp at that time. `Since "his retirement from- the command of the "35th, he has frequently served- as `brigade o`icer at Niagara, and. when the rst contingent was being organized, offered his services in laDV (`..5lT\5Irh1.+1'r c:"-----v..'.` VAL any Capacity. On Tuesday evening " was tendered Lt.'uCol. 'M_oPhee at v'the'Barrie Club, _when he Dr. P.al`ling presided and about 30 members were , present. Patriotic songs were -sung by Dr. Arnall and` Mr. -W. LA. Boys, M.P., and short `eulogiistic addresses were given by Mayor Cowan on behalf of the 'TOWI1,"CO1. Sneath on behalf of the 35th 'Reg't{, and Mr. W. A. Boys, M.P., and Major Preece. The presentation was made by. Presi- dent Palling and Col Me-Phee re- 'p1ied' in tting terms. . .{`!n] 7M',..'DL- 1 Banquet and Presentation For ~ . ,. Popular Soldier, Who ' Leaves This Week LIEUT; J. POWELL, `Com. A 00. CHRI STM As} GIFTS] I -- {$1.00 PER ANNUMM! ADVANC I nmau: CDHII lhall: enur- _Phpne 2C v~v r E-rl FIIIIVIIIJW` CQHIC fhilll CINTI Rev. "F J1 E! Trinity Church ,p1-ices ? The disco ancial jndependenoej. _|,..- - `the money in h swell your bank `b V ` will have a good " ` Barrie -Bia A D2 1155" .""" " BANK OF CA-N:.4 o .anr\f\`I\f\YV 111 `)1 The Annual Meeting ` Hort ' W V `V Soc: icultural and -'1-`.own`I-11P % men? ety will be held inthe BQ11?9' fhamber on Friday, NOv;'33t!?.,%T11.. sfoclock, to receive .AthQ-:5.` I31 stat V K 45'j1cers imnsact for the ensg`1j__""` other necess ' .'v.I `I v---r 1,531 a while if `in. You know` Iliow more when you ha credit. Why not,_ Sa\'i11g'.~`; Account v\n'\TTf run n-A.1\T.A -vol .I. Iulllkla ' '8 . . '/rthese servxces.-v "x": lie 45' ` Lo L ' ' . '7 K - V - . . W V0 1'1-l..OMH3o;N~ CHEW; Pqousdg . * _ FURS FOR Preg. ` N otic R. J. `Vicar A Inc: vs : Ev. P. A. Jourdianyw lfything cots. _ 't0_T ..buy on actlce self-d-a- arya Open ia. 4.1. .. TT\`r1'r\ xv uycu u. i the UNION , and, 4 wi.t h buy at C-ash will help to , and you rtowards n- V?` A010`-I-guy. .._._ small a;g, _sor_n hat` reluctantly, to` be sure.` `But, 2. ofmy surprise, I] never had such ioe- bread; ` and v I will sllways `buy 'sher s St-ar Flour now. You ' Jaee T rt 'is- considerably] :'hea.per `and it In` es %i11.St as much bread 33.16 high -P1.`.ifcedr gbrands, a.nd= `ha-ebragrir Point-Sr out we help1n'g`?to [sup rjf. 1: _lo_ca,l_"'in- r k~e;'=-xse~ ' do makg. , _ Yes, I `o [feel a little proud? of that bre '. You see we have been ` buying our made ' in `Keewa-2 er place, `and, my .tin or - some husband gald bur V,n,1o11;ey_:~in_ small ba,g,__s0n_1 _ _ be *sur`e.' !But,-;_ qumy gsu_rpr1se. I never T sudh ' Why, `M . Brown, what`dae1igIht` I Af\'uz1d21,V, ANOVVQ 8th, 1914.: 1-, a 0~-H0],}' C`ommunion._ V ' .U--.\I;n.ins and Sermon. ' _ .()-.\',:ml-.1y School` and Bble (`l.21.~'s0S. ' ` " 1 A7-0--`lCw_-11:~:011g a11d Sermon. T ' luabcuu. ' Tlhe convoy. has split into "three portions, two portions `having gone northwai` up the Irish Channel. We. a1fe.'j~1n the 3rd; portion, going up the English Channel. `The. land` we have just passed is LanEl s End. V At last We5 -know where . we are anldjing. It _ is now 4 p.m. We are psteaming` Pup TP1ymou1Jh pi IS ound.=. It is .a. . glorious sight. 'HT'he -Sergeants with. the: .Barrie draft are:- 1Co1.` Sergt. - Groom, :Ori1lia; Sergt. Benton, Orillia; Sergt. Saunders, M-id-land; Sergt. Smith, Barfrie; -Se_rgt._ Weeks, 001- Iingwood; Sta-Sergt.A Ro'bb,. Bar- rie; ` and -Sta -Sergt. 'Weir,- Port ! MciNtico1.` , '-Ou-r treatment on `board? has been splentdoid, ` -though there has been a bit of grumibling amongst the men, sometimes with just cause, though it is a soldi,er s_eprivilege to grumble. Of dnill we couldn t do much on board, physical exercises, signalling` instead. and ma'rehing order were servedm up 'i 14th Oct.-i~We have just sighted I land on our sport-side. It is now- 1O a;m. Itis the south c-o.ast_ of England, " but What .part ieu`lar part ~~'I do not know; A511 our haversacks have `been, taken -in and boiled: in coffee to make them a khaki color. `It is still blovwing alga-le. To-mor- -row should. see. us in port. Our destination is still unknown. There has been n6_ sickness vonboard. All the Barrie boys are well. Tedd-y `Walton has been on police duty on board. My assistant, J. _Fraser~,-hand myself, have done quite a bit to- `Wards 7looking after the soles (shoes) of the men. We -are ; all getting fed up _ with this inaction, and will be glad to get to Work _ again._ As I look at the chart-at_noo11_to- day, I see that we ? have changed our course slightly to the south, _an=d are now passdngvthe south of - Ireland and heading for the E'ng'-- -'lis'eh 'O,hanne1.V It is `blowing a gale to-day. (13*th' 0013.), -but we cannot ` grumb1e,. as `we-_ have -had exception- ally ne Weather up `till now. 1.1 f\ "' .- gv---\.A.' -uJ_ .L.1.o.LIl.u|J- \] 1UI'y {by one of. the` latest Drearnoughts, name unknown. The a`bove_ is about- all. :Seve1'-al ships" were stopped ego- ing West,` but being British, were % allowed to go; I will finish the let- 3-ter Wren we know where we land. 1,, n g g 1s.s. Tyrolia, * i . Plymouth, . Englandl` of ships,` and the `bugle calls of the 4th Batt.-, -which will cover `nearly everything that ' has ,, occurred on - '-board. -As I write this I rhea-r cheering. On going to investigate I nd We have. sighted sea gulls. `Land cannot - be far o ._ We `left ` Valcartier. 3 p.m. ri}d.ay, . 25th -Sept. Got on board` yrolia 9 p.m. same` night. i ' On Monday, 5th Oct.,-` a man fell overboard? from Royal -Ed'Ward5 and was quickly picked up by ISJS. Manatu. Thesame day we Were joined: by H.M..S. Glory and '-by" of latest I - 4153} `Segt. Robb \1Vr;t:-}sIi1t#ere%st.i,rIg j Lettc-,r.-Cigar,et Famine % '01 : Board `.`Tyrolia . Table Conversation lAJ..L_NLL U uIuAJ.\.|vIJ.J o `Medical examination was held on Tuesday, and only 40 of the `men! were able to_ qualify, all` of` the re- jected coming from Port McNicol and outside A points. "`A. Co. of vBarrie. is now c'a\11ing for ten` vol-' unteers to make` up @this deciency, .`:ijn the outside companies, and ap-I plication should: be made to Lieut. John ',P?oWe1li,'.commandiing A 00., Barrie;-, at. once. ` ` v4.1 uuu au\.au:.;u. uu1;u1.u.5'u.I.J.u. | The fty, men from the_35th as-' -sembled here on Monday and Tues- day, using the earm=ou*ri-es for sleep ing quarters anti taking their meals] -at Bolger -s restaurant. Major! Preece is in commanvd:. -` They ex-.` pect, to be here until Saturday` ;morning, when they will go to To- `ronto to -mdbilize `-at. `the Exhibition Grounds, Where-they will V1ike1y're- main `until January. ~ I .1r'_T_-1:--_1 -_..-_.-.'._--A.:__- --.,__ 1,11 1 ._ , EA surplus of Barrie volunteers answered_ the call for recruits for the second contingent, 14 being ask- ed for hand. 25 volunteering. It, was a d-ii-cult task choosing, as all were bright, active young fellows, all anxious to go in the service of the Empire, -and the d-is-appoinment of those not chosen is keen. Those having given the best service in the local or- other , regiments, other things being equal, `Were necessar- lily given the preference, and Bar- lrie. `has- every reason to feel proud` of her representati-o-n of native born on the second - contingent. 4 _ , ' "TL - .J.'L_, __ -_'_ 0,. _ __, L1, :1 -I 1 `I , 9 J.` o .lJ`C11o as. Devine. ' jf ` Harry Weblb. 'J. H.` Nixon. A. F. McGuire. G; A. Brown. Chas-. Lawrence. `Geo. RiGh'ard~son.e `Frank C-arpemter. Bugler Walter Nugent. 1 ` Knight. Pte. D. _Step-hxevns. . V "A. E; Jons. `T ' W. 'N. Bell. 99 Sergt. `Sidney F awcett. Corol. D. Lambert. ' 79. 11 1r - 1 - - * Wan. . 1 \-V -L a `LA JKIIIIIJQII. Is Caada taking. tful Place in the ; usical ANumb%_er._s:.-I, V SP6 bal Oering the B xlding F upd. en in". +1.--- -.____, --_ `LIGHT. Lumen` _ can be got at any time or `the da low prices. Sand wiches. for ac. colfee -, `Tea and; all hot 4d ks .50.` a cup. ` `Ice Creu.m'o;nd Drink `winter. our Home-tn -ways wholos_ot_n'e and t .;j_e'g_:!2_l;dA0!J.lh`VP1'!_(3'95B.Y.t- Candy is al- 'ill`be served all` war l_aasn"t_ at List _of Founrteen Who win! Represent Barrie on 2nd - I % Contingent | . T-he fo'11-owing have been selected from those" who 'volun17eer~ecl `- and [will go with the second-contingent. % (-Barrie was -all-owed` to send but 14 5 ?1f5r3i1it *+ TEA 'lheULYMPlA Candy: Work yvlt_h their Ice. H on Afte Mbre Reruits % Wanted at Once . O1-'. BARBIE, ' THE I I , q enj0} . Capt. 0. n K.` :s. Madoneil Liveut. `J. .33. Morgan -. . . . . `R. J. Biggs John `Walker Sergt. -Sidney Fawcet.t. .. .. Corpl. `D. Lambert . . . . . . . Frank -.Knig'.ht . .Pte. . `Armstrong .. 77 4 F. Bristow " _'M. D. Stephens .. . v A. E. Jones 77 117 `KT 1x11. _..--...\I . . VB-ugler Walter Nugent '.- .[ . . 18 `Pte, Frank Carpenter . .. . 19 V mnamsm or 35th* Rncmm wno % VOLUNTEERED ma 2-I comma:-zm ,(OontinuecE `on. ~ 5) Jas.4DevinVeA..' .. `Harry We-bb . .. . . "Harry Tait .. .. J. H. :N`iX'0I'1,.-...-A. Geo, Richardson . .. Walter Bayliss . . . Geo. Montgomery _ . . `AXW. Durrant .. A. J as. Shepherd . . . .. `A. F. McGuire .. . G. A. BrrownV.. . \.~n AA. ..l.JL'\.WVV1J. '0 9 V "Chas. Lawrence '0 U U113: . `1. gall TY N-avme V6 startd in coinuectidn _ In and Candy Parlors n `and Evening . _ .00M L:TEhoixLe 8>(}`3 FROM .A 00. }%`iZa1?e{.e2;1}'pm3,!5 f wh M1 d1axs4A {TOWN *\Em'E rAXESm.4% \I.L \J \l\J-O At 7 o clock ' the church" was ll- ed! again, the text being Genesis 28--T'h-is is none other but the `House of God, b-a-sing his thoughts on` J a.~cob s vision and convictions -when seeking to get away from the presence of God. he was brought in*t'o:j_ His pres`ene.e., In answer to the question: What` is -a` church for? he said~.:~~--J-t is Godfsihause, It" is the Lo'rd 5" House. ` `Through all time andi`-among all people, `even the heathen, there has been the ap- pointed] place for worship. _ sWher- ieyer" Abrzghame `went in 7 __'-his` many :journeys5n_hee_:builded`n`his' altar and_ i At this service the Bishop p-re-I faced` his sermon by .corhplimenting the Rector and parishioners on what he termed` a sensible church ---p'1a-in," good", V Well-proportioned, workable, commodi-ou-s and attrac- tive, and built. in such a short - gtime. He -I'1_0.ped and prayed that it might -be the. means-. of building up` the people in the fear and. love .4: (1.: ........y. , ; At. 3 o7elock, the heavy rain g brought disappointment to a very . large number wvho were -expecting _ to -`be present. The nave and choir [ were comfortably lled -at this ser-' , vice, nevert'heles's. The s-ermon Was ;' based: -on I Cor. 3,-16: Know ye ; not that ye are a temple of G:o'd.:? Inheautiful and simple language, the Bishop pointed out the place -and` Work. of the individ'ua1 in the. spiritual body of iC*hrist, which is` His Church. Even as` the stones; ` in the material temple _ have their respective places of useful-ness and .ad-ornment, -so -each `in-clividu-a1_ has `his particular place to ll in the ; bu.i1~ding- up -of the .great spiritual . temple. Some stones may fall. out j [of the material temple without in- . ujury `to the temple, but nevertheless ` {defacing its beauty, so. some in- ` dividuals may, for` vari-ous reasons, ` fall; out of -the church, interfering with its even cou'_rse for-` the time heing, butt in .t'heTendJ being of greatil. `a-dlviantage Eton the `working. of the Church. A 5 ? A T` * i1 II a. m,--R` , G. Turk; 71).. m.-- , e Pastgr, ' `I The. servi-es. of the day opened- Wi*t,'h the administr-ati-on of the Holy ~C-ommunion at 10 o c1-ock, and at 11 o cl:o*ek the dedicastiondxceremony took place, when the church was-_ llledi The Bishop preached on 'Pu!bl'ic-vWorship under {four heads- ` We worship, VWhere we should` - `Worship, When we s-hou1d'wors'hip, How We should worship. TAA. 0 9" Under very pleasant circum-I -stances the new St. Paul s Church Paiinswick, was opened` and ded_i-, cated .for public Worship on Sundvay| last. It was a great pleasure and I -honor to have the Rev. Dr. Reeve,` -the assistant Bishop of the Didces-e, "as the pastor for the occasion, and- the interest` manifesteclin `the cer- iemony -of'..the. dedication of . the fliandsomne new place of Worship was widespread. (`impressive Sermons By Bish- I op Reeve hat Dedication '. ' of New T Church "Collivngwood, On-tr . . . Ba:-rile, Ont. ; South Wales` `. .. . - .. . Barrie, . Ont. fEng*l,and. . . . . T. . . . Barrie, Ont. England`. . . . . .. .. . . . . Barrie, Ont. En-g~landV . .' . . . . . . . ._ Barrie, Ont. Scotland . . . .- ,. . . . Barri-e,. Ont. Meaford, -Ont._ . . . . . . Barrie, `Ont. Barrie, Ont. L . . . . . . . E-arrie, Ont. `Georgetown, Ont. . -. . - arrie, Ont. V .'Glen Cairn, "Ont. Glen Cairn, Ont. -Klineburg, Ont. . . . . .Barrie,- Ont. : Barrie, Ont. . . . . . . .. Barrie,` Ont. Barrie, Ont. . . . . . . . `Barrie, Ont. . Scotland . . . . . . . . . . Barrle,` Ont. Oraigvale, Ont. . . . Craigvale, Ont. 'We11an:d`, Ont. . . . .. Barrie, Ont. Painswic-k, Ont. . . Pvainswi-ck, Ont. Painswick, Ont. . . Painswick, Ont.. Barrie, Ont. . . . . . . Barrie`, Ont. _Eng1-and . . . . O. . Craigvale, Ont. En-gland . . . . . . . . . . Barrie, Ont. `England . . . .' . . . '. . . Barrie, Ont. Midhurst,. Ont. Midhurst, "Ont. 'C"oHin-gwood, Ont. Collingvwood, Ont. England: -. . . .. . . . . . . Barrie, Ont. y New St. Paul;; Opened Sunday] .(Coninud on- Page 4) Birthplace k, Ont.` .'.'P'aH k, .. Pai .' '70}-: ooa, Un-t ; .. Bal Vales Ba] .. Ban . . . . .. Ba] .; Bax .. Ba: )nt ' Ba: wn, .-.. -Bar f\ 1 Do your Christmas buying early.

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