Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Oct 1914, p. 4

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\lc5l.I. G1}-IE` G10-I-llluluco V. ` . Mr: J oh.n -A. J amieson, receive}; a carload of apples last Week. from Georgetown, and "disposed of them easily. ' ' - 1r_ 'n--.1..--_. ,.;...,.,`I- ..'l..':.......-... Ca`D1l.Jo , Mr. Reedman, ` stock. shipper, brbught into the station -here last week another carload .of- stdckers, ,which were quiclily snapped up by 1 neighboring farmers. " A 1r_. ___.1 `IL.-. 117` 1: a;.Q]J-.4. its`: and Mrs. L1;1ci_a,s,'V' as they aL19""_vVer y des1rab1'e. c1t1zens. ' ' W ` ` ~- , ,,-'_,-_-'1 _| Norpog: is- NOTIIOE. isK$y . g1{ 1ns-\`- J-A 4-`an "F..-_..1._- A - `mg; `1a,.2:.a;;;e A Barrie in the 0 ` :91-ocer, Insolveni {E12 my T_J.4MEsi :.....o..................: CROWN HHL I ._.-.v van UALAELLIIJ 7 on business as in the Town of; of Simcoe, -and Eario, Insolvent. urt=her_ orivnen that ay- of November, will proceed to ts of the estate es entitled there-I only to the otice shall then and that he_ will the assets, or any 1istri-buted- to any ru LA ' m1...-.111 __._L baby given that 2.. L- H ____.1., _- I . Asvvsguvv S & `M111 -chisonn, ors. Barrie. Ont. _this 23rd day of ~ . 44-45 S .xa-uvn. ALI\A|.'\. '\.I LILLJ s he"s`}J1a1" not v v-\-wo B. C.OUTT_S, ER of Edward bf the'Town _of [mtg/`of Simcoe; [ROS-S, Executrix. I 'that after date the distribute d deceased 9. led thereto the `claims uch distri- 44489` 11th, 1 - The Woman s Institute intend going to Dalston on Friday evening A] to assist at the patriotic social] there. ' ` _ l pToRSI .J.J..A.IkJ, Assignee. .._J._______ _n. pur- , that" afll 44--16 ..V..- -..b ...- .V -'Sav1ngs 1 Vxckers. V -l\/Ll\JL I-In `The Rev. Mr. Dunlop took ;his text last Sabbath Vevening `is `akis`s over a. telephene `like a. straw hat? `And -the [answer was: Because it is never felt. V The Rev.` `Mr. Dew ' will preach`: to the Orangemen here next Sab-I bath incommemoration of the Gun- powder Plot. It is'hoped many who! ;are seeking further knowledge in? T,reg'ard 'to `Orangeism will avail 3themselves of the opportunity of? hearing Mr; ]_3-eext Sunday. ,l',.._-7... C'|__I -Q.\...........-. .1. The `Rev. -Mr; Dew, in `St. J udve s Church here last 'Sabbath, took as his text Ephesians, vi chapter, from] `the 14th to the 17th verses. The lsermon was Well prepared and de- livered, a practical Se 11. i I --Buy Nemo" t Vickers. ` Miss? M001-ean of Ivy -`is visiting` the Misses Donnelly `here. I CORRESPONDENCE F -{Cd With; "RevolvingJan.d VSl;1aking` Grat which removes thc as we'_1la1_.{he ashes. Bums wood or V al. A handsome 1%hfr;;4Made in fdur styles and cs. Moderate in `*4 % .'B`iY`3x nnnnnnnn t. THE CHEERFUI. OAK Plgh at_A. F. Malc1nson s Office. \0pens,Monday, Nov, rm: EARL PA An All Star -Ca'st Lawrence Prices :--.s1.50, $1.00, 75` 50c. Gallery 25. Sgecially Priced at $8, $ and $12 The Penslar Remedies are sold only by one ug-store in each com"? munity, selected for its high standi Thus _'the Penslarg . sign is. known ew7erywhere as the"-sign) 9.` good,-.drug[ store_ __ Ours is the Penslar Drug Store of _thi_s `_to V ` - A L ` CARPE:F6UjRES 1 New Designs In V\/all apers Special . discount of 5 per Cent ? for cash. Tapestry. Rugs in-Floral arid edallion patterns, bought at greatly belo, ' ptesent va_1utes--3x5%. 3x4. A3%> The Distinguished 12.] Singl and Double Hear \J4bII 5.1 uasuud 0 V . Ien s Sults In His Fame` Spe,ci* Scenery and Effects at The officers of Orillia mi ensuing year are: P21trrn1 {nu} `t-roness`, Mr. and .\[r:~:. .J. I}. `hope; President, D. A. M21 I Vice President, J.` Ed. Jm..1~; ! retary, T. C. Doidge; a.<. iretary, W. D. Craw; 'J`rm~=.:z~ `L. MacGVachen. Exemltiw t-rm bee, L. J. Kearns, G. T. Mn 11. A. Raney, E. G. ('ux'2';:n E. B. Farwe1.I.' This simply means that when know exactly what you are taking, ingredient). - - 3 1 --Savinos V ic-keg? the Mthodist Church Iwrv, [im- the 27th chapter and 26th \'| Thyrowers have br011;_"}|t H11-!~ 1 to great waters; the c,- -t wind taken thee 1n the . mist of seas. - CURLING` _TiEIURSDAY, 00'1". --1Shop)7(:kers-It Pa Flisli Comedian Play Five Points Hardware On the labe1 of every_Pens1ar. medy `you Will pd the exafcb 1] _1(})l'IIil.11g. or prescription from whi_ it._is prepared, printed` in plain ng 1s . . A . * ' Dunlap . St. And it ex/1ab1es us to tell you W}? slar Remedy is suited to your needs One Thing That We Spacially Like About Thgv WhatDoYou now About The Me A cine Robertson s Drug\ Store. 58: 85, [J16 P831 CHEIIBQOI U116 UUll.8'll. Wlirfte Pine Bark,` Red Spruce Gum, Tamar,-acv Bark and other remedies of special worth com- bine to give its extraordinaryg value, in tight. troublesome eonghs. T 25_c_ents.a. bottle. acts on the - Mentholated) [Here is a. jCough`Remed3? that rinciple of Healing the iname lining of the air pas- nna-nn, the 115.9] mu-ma nfthp. nnncrh . DIIU xnuuuwu 11111115 Ullallb lull.` P53 saies, the real causenf the cough. W ite fluuoun Tnnnnnnn Dan`: and lu"'\l|- An effervescing salt which when dissolved. aifords an ideal mineral waterfor regulating the liver and kidneys. Its taste is agreeable, its action is prompt and thorough, but not` drastic, Each package oontainsasanitary aluminum cup fox; measuring the exact dose. _ ' Penslar. White Pine and J Spruce Balsam *These. four are among those `chi every`. family should hdve. Penslar Liver Saline 2 5c afld 5oc.v A % emedi es Is That They re Not Scret M Oct. 26t1'1.--V:l`lie1?eT hgye ' been 25 carloads -'of potatoes shipped` from this sitat-ion_ during the past week. _ __..__.-fL,... 'L..\..A nun 11-rn+/>11- `uuuzuu LLUAU 'LJ|.ll.J.\.lv-U. uu uouvo - Oct. 19th.-The meeting of the Women s Institute . was` held at the home of yMrs-., E. I -C`. Drury . oh Tuesday afternoon. gO-ct. 13th. Nine ladies present. An interesting` read! ing was given` by * Mrs. A S. . Duns-` -more, entitled Easter Lie. Paper on The Bath and how to take it, given by .Miss Winnie Caldwell. Next meeting Willl be on "the 2nd Tuesday in Novem'9ber,' -and will lben held at the home of Miss Caldwell. Sulbject, co-operation between home {and school. This paper will be `given by Miss Taylor, our school! Wteacher. We hope more of onrl .mem"bers- will be present, -we also will welcome any others to our `Society. V LUIS lJ'd,lJ1'U1.l._ uuxugg IJLLU yuan "yum.- Qulte a number `here are Watch-I mg the comet every night. It 1s} ` Church next Sunday at .2.30. -ADI, FITL- __......L_._... u take a Penslar Remedy you he name and amount of each ktheror not any particular `Pen- ` 1:161; the c}.ste._'i'ts' ac- positive, yet free I from Far superior to pills ice, it is an` ideal nroduct. 10c and 250 boxes. ie oonvonignt than liquid.` Penslar Bach and Pal-. metto Composition For kidney_a.nd bladder affec- ions. cystitls, c_:a.ta.rrh ._of the ladder, etc Thls combmatlon f time-tested remedies is, we elieve, without an equal. Its tion is soothing and antiseptic, vex-coming the ina.med`condi- one of these organs. Thense of ver Saline 1n `combination kes an ideal treatment. we and $1.00. . . %::_Eon;m'ng Lucille Read It in Tfhe Torbnto Sunday The Gmtst Serial? Picture :EverL Produced A -Will be `-Shgvn At` _Drani1-an-d1 ORAIGHURST Regulax ) lav-ofsltvn fnvi than : ee `Every ` nstalment. Secret Com-F position J Most Family _ Remedies, Are v wlv(fi::WI`l`L;c~Las is preparing to move into the house he. purchased recent- 1'y.in' our villiige. vThom1'.on people w-izl extend the ilgd ,'hand to_ p'rowves. 'If_, {VJ yllSa'f'1::%6-harley Gilpin is expected to go up to New Ontario `to see to the sale `of some pulpwood en. a section L... ........... _-_. 1.L-.._ uuuu u; -av.u1U yu1.]_JWUUU.- U11 11. SCUEIUII he owns up there. 'He'wi1l accom- pany the rst party of hunters as !far` as.Sou_h River V - o 1 0 Drum An item appeared: in Thornton news last week` to ,the efect that Miss Mary Sharpe had `been mar- `ried to a Mr. Brennan. Such is not the. case` andgwve regret the mis- ~'s c'at`rament. T - ` * I \.|'I|V.]' o _` The rst contingent of _deer `hunt- erg from this _district left. for South River. on Monday morning. The party was composed of the following: Rev. Dr. Horton, Harry .'Hicks, G. B. Henry, J. Nicol and Charles" Cunningham. This con- tingent will `ibe followed later by Messrs. W. A -0. Henry and Andrew Moore. Many` of _; these are dld- timers -in stalking the antlered `lmonardhs-, and, no doubt, the party {will give` -a good account of their Viiunvvnnaru u vuu -uuuuLv.u .u.G.lG Luau WUUIS. , I f Misses Georgie Bdake and Edith .-Blackstock attended the anniver- sary services at Braden e V last Su- gday. V ' V` D ` ,5 _ A u N... .L5\u. yqxuxlvo Laou vvccn. - "I Two potatoes, the join Weight of I ,which was -v-e and a " quarter pounds, were left at the Post Oioe here. recently; -Mr. R. Al1`in~gh.am says he can pick thirty tufbers `out of. his crop which will Weigh ninety IPl.`1* ` o n . .. - - rv \AJ&\.L'-/O _ Three cars of coal were unfloaded at the station here last Week. . ` r:---_ mum ' h v 1 1 was: a Oct. 26th.--JReV'. J. Muir, a re.- pnesentative of `the Dvdminion- A1.- 'liance, occupied the pulpit in the. '\Methodist Church on Sunday. T 1-v . 1. THORNTON ' Oct.` 26th.-T'he induction of the Rev. R. Somerville into the pastor- ate there w"i11"takeAp1'ace -in the Ivy, hPr-esbyerian Church` on Thursday,| Ocjt; 29511,-` * ` ..`-g - - ._. - _ V I Ell Ull-O ; vrs. Hr`b- Black of C raig'va1e vis-_ ited` her parents lastrweek. ' ` Fl".,,,, ___,,A...A.'....,. .A_'L_ ' `I - "I 3 v a\.u.;\./J.-.10 j l I Rumors -are heard that _a munici- gpal election is almost `certain _in lInnis*.1 this" year. It -is rumored that Messrs. Geo. Dyer apd T1103. 1 Cook, Will; again -be in -the run- ningu - `I .4` . 1n 1*? . `ALL \.I % Viclgers selg v-ices on _-Sunday of -Stroud Method- iist Church were largely `attended . On [Monday evening the fowl sup- per and. entertainment was`Va huge success, as such affairs v invariably -are at Stroud,' and the building was crowded` -t-o the doors for the de- -lig'-htful entertainment. The Col- lier -St. `Methodist Ohoir, assisted -by Mrs. Laidman, Miss Reeve, and Mr. .A. Monkman nas soloists and male and mixed .`quartet-tes, furnish- ed the musical -program,_ and resi- dent clergymen `gave short address- ` 'l?Oct. 28th...--The T anniversary seri es. There was a (large attendance from Barrie and all surrounding places, and about twenty motor -cars were ranged in .fno-nt at one time. The proceeds amounted to Ea-bout $240. 1 -Remembe . at Vickers. The plowing match at David Mc- Water s farm will,` no doubt, draw a big crowd on Thursday- : I |Q......'.,...... 1... `D4. 01 '1 1 ' 11 \J\IL3C T M1`. and AM-rs. R.o1>t.. Jo hnston of Barrie calleck on friends `here dur- ing` the week. _ 4.. I - .'|r___' 1'17 1`\_`l.__~ `ALE '7 \JI-DI I.` > . ._ Mrs. W. Da;-1_'es as L v1s1tmg at } Penetangulshene. V "III-.. l`l1_-_- TTT_L`I,_` -, ', 0:` * AU]:`[;;;_`VI`T=Cf1`s`a.`1,?`a;.vVE;atkiAns is visiting relatives at` 'Apto. ` 'lA _- ;t`-;.;.-__- _t- A1`l-,.,,,; ,1 - T"i"LT."03Etn`"Sf All-enwo od is he guest of 1 Mr Jas. Castpn. - .'I l'_ 1'.V_, ' `I Dalston, `Crown Hill and Edgari `Leagues intend celelbratin-g the sil-I iver jubilee anniversary ` at Dalston I on Nov. 4. A special programme will be given. Collection in aid of General Ep-worth League Fund. auvvv \J.L..A_J.n.L):o 0 L7. `\/aouuuo I Mr. Fret} Weeks arrived; home from the W at on ;Saturda_y. '- 'Mrs. R. Atkinson` of Hillsdale is visiting Mrs. Wm. White.` `--.Savings' 5 -Boy s Suits an 'Vickei/'.r _ I 8.7:!`-ll-Ivll 'KJ (III) -I-11$ V-IJ>\-ll-Li J-1519: V. Mrs.` `J. J. Martin of Barrie is `visiting ' frie'i 1ds- in this llocality. " " Mr. A. J ary attended- the Court of `Revision for Flos at` Elmvale on Mondayjin the interest of the Con- servative party and `succeeded z_ a twenty-vej, names `to tlr voters list. . . -,Bay Nemo Vickers. : `Mr. Geo. Binnie spent a few days in Toronto. last week, The Rev. C. Browne has started a reading room for the boys at the parsonage. It will be open twice _a 3 week. A 1`|r 1\1.---1 _ 4 6IE.'oEi;, _to Mg, and` Mrs. Henry .. Minty, a daughter. `ll . .'D..._....z. 1:1... ._ 'n-___: _ uuv Hvab uayyvd we dov Wickers sells for/l strhig~ht% in line` with :1_`v'A11at.'isV 3.3. the `fbig dipper.- ' ' do T? No(!, 1-vlb 1`: 11 n - u ' ~-.I.lJ..I.LLuJ, I IIJJDIJ-51.I.U\V./Lo Emery of Barrie {spent -Sunday at his hclme-T here; ' 1 T T "If...-. ."Il'.._L2_. - 1')__.._'- _'_ STROUD THE NORTHERN ADVANCE H-e_arted: ?` No! --4Are `we downhs :2 -No! Vickers sells for_ S. _ A _ I Suits I at -.1 91 t-. --an-vu, u.u-J yLvvvu My" umuuvlb on or before -the date of S h meeting.- Andi notice` is further 'ven that after the i-`st day of December, 1914, the As-signee will; distribute the Assets` of E be Estate amongst the parties enti ecf there- to, having` regard.` fonl` ` ' V " claims` of which notice:-= WXx"n'$tiII $iliw ' held` in the] Boa1\d~of Trade Bu 'ng in the! Vcity of _Hamilton, Ontario, on Thursday, the twenty lnth day of Octolber, at two o cl p.m., to re- ceivea statement of a airs, appoint Inspectors_ and for th ordering of the affa3ii's4 of the Est e generally. L ` The creditors are he by"1_'e,-quest;-. ed to le theirolaim " l I .L.V'\I.l--I-5\J.L'J` `I3 `.116 the said James `Assignment ` ment Edward VII., his estate worth, T Acountant, - benet of his c 1jed-ibo A_ = ' g ,: -11 n 1.- _L-__ and Prefer 1 my ir has; made an the gwen man I NOTICE up CREDITORS uvy.-.-v DONALD Solicitor for 1711 Dated Barrie, `October . y 1914." . M1, MAI? I AND TAKE NOTIO such `-last` mentioned executrix will proceed` the assets of the s 4 among the parties entil `having regard `only, to ' of which she shalll the notice, and that she liable `for the said asse part -thereof to any pers I. claim notice shall no i received at the time `of tbution- ` ' _. V 4.-v_g4- u 4Aua-pp`, 61. 11; 1JLlL' isuant to the` Trustee Ac "that" creditors of Elizabeth L hie, late; \of the Town of `Barr , in` the County of Simcoe,Wido -deceased, who died on or about e fourth day _of August, 1914, a required, on or before the twenty- _ rst day of Novem'ber,; 1914, to del er to thei undersigned uS`oIicito_ri r the exe-1' cutrix of the` said dece ed, ' their names with full particul rs of their claims. 1 A -xvi` -u . o___ __ _ _..A _. Ensignv Richar.;1"so11 of -S..A'., `Bai rie, will preach in the VA "Methodist; NOTICE TO cm-:1 -McCarthy, Bo Solic- at Barri ~ October, 1914. NOTICE To CREDITORS oqgvv u-.pa ~A'ND notice is after the Ninth 1914, the Assign distribute the -as amongst the pa to, having rega claims-` of which have "been given, not be liable -`for part thereof, so person or 'perso then have had me ,,.i...... .,..M.., u_L .9 ,.i....m_,..,. Apmeeting of creditors will be held at` the oi s- of, the under- signed Solicitors the Town of Barrie in the Con y of -Simooe on [Friday, the Sixth day of Novem- ber, 1914, `atthe h 1r of two o clock in the afternoon, - receive a state- ment of aairs, point inspectors, and for the order g of the aairs of the estate ge rally. Creditors are requested to e their claims with the Assign with proofs and particulars as req irecl by the said Act, on or befor `the day ofisuch meeting. A.'\T`l\ ,,-L,'-- ' .1 . .. .1 .IN,, THE.. MAT? ~ NOTICE is here -aibove named Edw richge has made a `me under the signments . and Preferences. Act,. .:S.O. Chapter 134, of all -his esta A" and veects for thai genergl benet of his creditors. _. _ _L- Henry Part- -assignment to Lgiv {hat the Herb Black of Toronto is at present visiting friends here. _ J Mr. and Mrs. James Boake `are visiting friends in Toronto. One of our young ladies asked. a lady friend the other day: Why D111 VG LUIJUL III? .Ll\l1.LI '\l'Ill.JLI.L \7U\JUAV1Auo _ M1-s.~ (Dr.) .Cu,rtisV left for her home in North Dakota this week,'| after visiting her mother, who~ is] 11 ` ' I 11615-u:uu;.'1ug _1a1u:v;. K I Mr. and Mrs.` -W. E. -Stoddart of Cookstown paid our village 1a y- ing Visit last Week, ~ ..-.ApP1%s are not _a very plentiful `crop in this Iocaity this fall, de- spite reports from~ other sections. 1 1:... /h_\ n_-..;.:.. 1-134. 4.`-.. 1... :00 boooooooooooooooouo: -

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