Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Oct 1914, p. 8

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'_, Penslar Liver Saline _ ,..._, _,......_.uy JJLIKIL auu OM16!` remedies of special worth com- bine to givekits extraordinary value, in tlght troublesome coughs. 25cent;s a bottle. , - An effervescing salt which when dissolved, a.`6rds an ideal 5 mineral water for regulating the liver and. kidneys. [Its taste is ag'reea.b1e,. its action is prompt and thorough, `but not drastic. Each package containsasanitary aluminum cup for measuring the exact dose. * TThese fo_ur are among sh` GEO, VICKERS uuunea mung of I, the real cause 0 ;e Dina Flash I 2 5c and I soc. . _` 9{emedies 15 Thai _ hey Are Not Secret % eat" the rst of the year. _It"iswr11mored thavt an "election! will be necessary in Essa Township -NeW and V 3 designs. in (Wall Paper at D Tros. 41-tf 1 Mr. L. J V ter, local manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Ehas been in Toronto acting as inspec- ior. ' - " L that every family should 11{l.\'(`. :.f1'HtIRsDAY, 00:17. -APA-ST MASTERS xnnrr % AT` C-O'RINTIII.A\.\' m1;m2 Last night was Pu.-I .\I;|\-tm._.7 Lodge, and a large 11111111,.`-r ..f mm; Ibers of-the craft; z1<:t`-v;n.n 1}. in, Vitation of W.M. Ralph Ii. Juhn. l,St0I1 and his OfCI's In }H- I);-(. ....1. ,, 1-,. .~ 10.34 Aarrnnocv xu \ ,uvvLL \JLll\4\4I. L`! IH' ~"fwo first degress wern <:.\;r-111pli(..~1' with the following Pzbt _\Iu.-t._.,-_,- oacupyqng the chair;,- -.1~' 1 .V.11..w,;. R. W.,Bro. Alex. (f)\ya11 .. \\'_3[_ : . `VFIIIJI A` - "Here isal laxative for general fV~mi1 use, Suitable alike for Childrn and adults. It is put `.113 in chocolate lozenges, vcry eable to the taste. Its 211'- on is positive, yet free from 113111821 Far superior to pills` dmore convenient than liquid attics, it is an ideal IlI`0(l1l('I. 10c andzcboxcs. `F01 kidney and bladder affec- tlons. cystitis. caturrh uf Ihc bladder, etc. This combination 01 _t:ime-tested remedies is. we behave, without an equal. Its .."a_ction is soothing and am isept iv. T overcoming the inamed condi- tions of these organs. The usq nf Livbr Saline m combimmun makes an` ideal treatment. 50c and $1.00. Penslar Buchu and Pal- % Iootto Composition `gkegulax n.` layati vn fn -......,. \,.,...... A,,__`,L Donald` Pu).~i~` Fred S11re:_1th.. I.P.M. Geo. ;\I0nkm:m WM. F. 31. .\IHI 1t',i`r>In01-y wi11pt'e.~'m1t the WT, D. H. Mar:La_rr-n KW. Jas. ShI`llbsn]t".. J.W. F. R.VRr3rl1itr. ('hap. `D T Atvn U Lu- S. --Bargain V -Seth. Lace . Curtains, Bros. Secret AA Com- ` position I Most Family. Remedies Are Volxi Jr')hn:~:'t`m . G. Ma1iue`.} Wesley .. Little .. Of Tyler " Q33: J.D. LG. Jjogn The` local compaliies of the 35th! Regt. had a good ttirnouf/at drill: on ' Tuesday` evening, V anclv are; .anx1ous1y' awaltmg the call `for en? listment. ` ' . ', g vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvog OF LOCAL INTEREST E OnaaaanaaadaaggaAAAAAAAAA4 ---Bryso1V1 s Lu heo ette is be: coming more .pop~u - eryt; day. _It `is. 'r11mored that election Township! ..;..4.`l...-. 12.4.4. .1.` a.1.._- ........ -I-Ilrlbllrlull. &}|OL \l .I-`@tI\J'9'|JI-`I C4UlL\-I. Curtamsfug 1Dou_ga.11 Bros. ` , 2 41-cf ` `Mr. T. A; Neely has been. buying` remount horses` for . the - British Government. To-morrow is de-' livery -`day "here, when they will be_ paid for. - I --Are we , do Buy your B Yickers. _ _ The Barrie Tannery has been working overtime of late, large or- ders for military equipment being rusheri through.- ' 3600099oooooooooooooooooz Al! I An 1 ! IlIlnIII'uIInu|-I .Inni.s1+P1ow-Iing Match will be held at nS'_troud on October 30th. V-Q+;e`en . otel. 7Marr1a_ge`lit:_enses` : %%Geb; 1am>ea\rei1F `, ;_.`;,mg')rr31,_:1gfv ; a. \-ll-LJ\I V U\I ILAA UV u-`Y vyyuvs UU IILLVi I 3 I I A. _The annual meetingTof the Bar] rie Curling -C`1u`b -'Wi'l1 "be h1dVt'0-' morrow (Friday) night; at the Olappenton St. rink. m '--Pure Crearf Bryson s all che --~Deer Licenses For Salelat The` _Advance Office. _ _ _433~tf. 1'63? .E. H ,.;VVy;; . ,` the Jeweler, 1 directly opposi-te -the. 7 Marriage lit:`_enses' .of being drunk and- hdis`or_d.erly, on ~ samu Miller of Inn-is`1, accused-if I I .' Monday went up for 20 days? ,i.n: - lieu`, of `a ~-ne of `$1: and` costs. `His ,=. ne" may paid by friei1d$",11bw-6` `ever, V ;W ' Tap-st and '. I` `l\..--.....1`|- Millinery showing is an theseatnoad Cream ` at ALI. ILKJII-L C5 IUD UL 1111111.) as E<;cv>,1)1e who iiooixed forward. .110 .seeing `this cenbertziining Aand if-in-' 59d _-structive exhibition. " There. had Em} been some diiculty over- V-the lack 4-131 : of a- travfllwing-` license and `the H19 show _ was held, upf at Lindsay and W" has since retu;`ne&' to ",the' U-.(S"._* ' --tA:e`_` w a i : i N513 161? see the New ' amt Ties _aao Geo . H: . 1 . .i . ....,....uu uuu.u.n.u4\.i,~7. .l.WU HHUWS Ullly. each night, opening at 7.30 pm. "Prices 5c and 100, no h1ghe'r. i" Mail Order, one `of the former . glories of_ the Dyment ~racing`sta5ble, ltooka notion to [try its speed` on 1 Dunlop St. yesterday morning. -5 The horse took fright at `some- `thing w11e "standing in front of 'Sco`tt\ -s, bookstore and .ho1tedn-to'- iwards the Five` Points -where the -buggy to which it was attached was vdemo-,1i.shed.wh*en` it collided with 9. _ wagon. `='No one was` injured. ' - ,, The Alaska-Siberia: Pictures had-"A M vertised. for `the V Grndh Operav ,1 House the hat three` nights. of .e1a st; ;` ` `week were cance1Led ,at'Vthe',l;a3t 'm`i,n-__-_ ,.', 11.t"e,v-m'u< :h`to 1;`he? regret of manyf. !.'v'mnn`1A mlm (`$1111. 1..~.-.1...;.:.~ .c,...........1 A --4Are we donwnh NOI3 E Old pri'cesA -ickers-. The Wm. A. Brady Motion Pic? 2 ture in 5 parts` The Dollar Mark. ?- willk be- shown at . the Grand Opera _. House on. .Friday and Saturday, _ Oct. -23 and 24.; It is a. 'srti1-rinng 5 -tale ..of the early Cdbalt days-. This [1 greatl_-feature was _ lately. shown -at the Strand Theatre, Toronto, to im-. mense audiences. _ Two shows only. a. Ann}: n;`o']n.+ mm.-.:..~ .-+ Hon -4-- Ei- -*G0ing' hunutin-g. If yo 5 `to -be oomfortalble see. the 1 assortment of Carey -s and-made - ' waterproof Shoe , Lo-ng `Rub-' av -ber Boots, Hi d Elk and ' Chrome Boots-,' _ V V_ Leat-her Top" ' era, T also Heavy eat C arey s Cut-`Rate .Y-ou. 11 -save fen-oeu g~h, to- _ your `hunting license buy- ling a` Oarey s. * A I . and 14 inch \.rI\4vl V- ; ; VM1-.~ Wm ziletcherg G1'9S'e.St;,-left .l`ast Wedn'e'd-a'y__ for a visit to his` : _On `._Si"a,1%:'u~1`v-% % eth @613 :-r1`V 1- -A-~OpeAn for the season. Little Lake -Summer Resort. Boarbs for jHire. Board by day or week, and lunches and soft drinks at all hours. Mies Lawrence. _ 20tf John Curry, of Midland`; who was! up ,in the Police Court on ATueL,sday 1 after a week s A rema'n'd, was sent toy; the Central Prison - Faljrp `for -eix_ months. .` He had-* been examined to\his?5ani~t5'_. . ' W ' - 5 ` 'A nurnlber of -' townsrpeoplei re- ceived letters from friends in the {Canadian Contingent on Monday, They had -been -postetl -just . after T leaving: -on the boats and iwere held up at Gaspe Bay until the arrival of the troops in England. A1: `a, Military Euchre given on :Friday night ubyd four ladies, -the proceeds which - amounted to $14.60, were. handed to L the Red Cross Fund`. The prizes, won by the Irish table, h were four -silk dunidon jacks-.d x 4 T -d A box of ripe rasptberries, picked at .the residence of Mrs. Thompson, We11in:gt0n St., on October` 19th, was an unusual, though none -the less acceptalble gift at The A:dv.ance Office this -week. Barrie seems to be in the banana (belt this fall. Miss G1w1'adys J ones, soprano, and Miss Mary Willinvson, contralto, who are giving their s_vervi_cesCfree in aid"of the` Red Cross Concert in "St. AndreW s Church next Monday night, have /`(been disting'ui.shing themselves at `Massey "Hall in aid of the same cause, - ALL U See the The Epworth `League of Central Methodist Church will hold a Sil- ver Julb _i1ee c'e1ebr_ati~on on Monday evening. next, marking the quarter century anniversary -of the - found- ing of the league [in Barrie. Holly. Epworth League will visit them, on this occasion. A ' T ' Ipufbli-c` to patronize` ho _ V as much as atfr-`the esent` -time. Barrie-made S" will s~tan " the wear amf te A,, Ian-(E slu-sh.` For J cut-rate Ices on same see Carey * Shoe AGrandClleption 0fjthe % ATS FoRW;0MEN's AND CHlLDREN S -WEAR 1 - practical, yet 1 THE N:wEs'r"c `DAINTY wA1sVs %opfs1L1<,~ VESTINGS AND Musun :.: :.= TJLL O hckers. - ` -For reai -good o,1vers--wedding: `or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs,- or Floral ects,` put up the, most artistic manner; seeWIM. v Dunlap St.-, Barrie. . Mt; i_a_1'_1d Mrs.` _ Nqrtzhgrresives d.-Nantgfr - vgerg 911- Thgsf % in \OOL-.EMA-N-In~ Toronto, on? Mon- ,` adiay, Oct. _19, 1914, at the resi- ` ;:"d`ehCB `Of hgrgsbn, 74'DqIe Atfenue, V` I }iS.ophiaj, widow of ,the `late -oJ`dhn -2.-`C1ema1fi-V `Of 'C9kS ,W11, -,..agd .573 I .- o A G-OISL17NG--IN Barrie, on Sunday. L. Octolbyer-18th, 1914, -to Mr. and: .Mrs.J. W. G9s1ing,_ Maple Ave, a daughter. .. V ` A - ZMvEA:D'OW}S--4At `the General .Hos- pital, 4Woo (fstock,, Ont., on Octo- ._ iberi 13th, 1914, `to - Mr. and Mrs. ' E. E. Meadoiwsg. (nee ` Miss M. Meeking) `a daughter. T I WE'ARINGE- TI I~6[T1;~S-ON - Ar. tstrathroy, on Oct. 10th, 1914, by the Rev; J. D. M'oLaeh1an, Rt ' .4B.Th.,t Marjorie `Eleanor, t e , `elder-' daughter ~of ~ Mrs. Colin * Thompson, was marrieci '" very - quietly to t-Mr. Joseph `Wearing, . `M.A'., Acting -Crown _'Attorney of t_ the County it of ` Petenborough, ..ai1d" L Velvdest son `of Mr. and W`_e`ar: ing,.Gu1;hrie.___'? - ; V ` ' uu4LuuwULU ,l.|vaJ LlU].' u1'I"B5'[B(]. as he was about to board the even- ing train, andthe rie, Wrapped in paper, -was? found under his coat. VVhen he appeared in Pdlice Court on -S-aturday morning the charge had` been changed `to one of theft, the assault A charge `being dropped; Gadsiby ' pleaded for leniency, say- ing he had a sick wife and a little child to_ support in Toronto. A ne of "$10 was imposed, the costs to be taken out of the ne, and -the young man went away impressed with the fact that it is, a costly !thing' to take he `law into one s own hands _ and to use violence to collect . a disputed account. H. Gadsby, a `collector for 001-` lier -s book -agency, on Saturday] `morning -was ned $10 `for the theft`? of a rie from i'Creswicke s rlawi oioes. Gadsby went into `the. ofces o_n Fridav to collect for ea; book `sold to Mr. J. Gr uise~Bag-1ey,~. who repud-iateds the debt as he cllaimed misrepresentation, and had written the rm to sue in the Div- jision Court` or take back the book. T-he_ collector was: insistent, how- ever. and refused to go out of the- oices when ordered to, and when Mr. Bagley atternpted to phone for the police, Gad-sby is alleged to have -.assau_ltedr him. In defences Mr. Bagley picked up a rie that Ihannened to be standing nearby and made a motion as to `strike assailant, `but the latter Wrenched the rie away and knocking -Mr.` _B agley down left the offices with _the rie in his possession. An as-` sault charge "was laid `and a Warrant ~t for Gadsby s' arrest was obtained. `Constable Rayner arrested Gnadsbyi was he wnq a!l'xn1-1+ +,. e.L......,1 4.1.... -_-_- doulble bereavement,_ Sf favther T and ibr-other," will not be known to Mr. F1etc:her"until his arrival in Eng- ll-and. - ` ' -. Thieves stole two. horses, from `Mr. R. F. 'C"aldwel1 s stables in Oro on Thursday night. One was a sorrel, -` one of _a prize-winning matohsed team, and the other .a "Clyde, _ and `-it. is` thought the thieves were looking for the. matched "team, one of which had? been sold. Albout -noon on Fri-day, `Mr. H. _Black found the horses in a eld albout ve miles north of Crown Hill, and it is `thought the thieves were ly- ing_ in wit until darkness came. $l0Fine For Book Collector -Are we. dL New Raincbats. - `Vtickers. tnented the newest of fasf1ion s fancies ancl es we bought ance in price the same moderate prices will . prevail. NORTHERN ADVANCE . ,. ...;.u JJL.L.I.U.l.\I.l..l.`.l " The .annua1. megating of the Sim- Cou,nty ` Beekeepersv Assc_>ci'aA:ion fwillj jbe .heId:.~ -ii1 V.A_the_` Police Court %:G'he2m`biearss-iF-]13.ai?ie J A 8&,t11rd8',{ " x` "Many Barriepeople will be in- terested in `the announcement at Toronto of -the engagement of Miss `Efthel Suckling, second` daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Suckling, to ;Mr. Walter Nicholle, second son of George St;'j Mr. Walter , N-icholls is "Mr. .F.red`eric Nicholls, 79 -Ste` a'- lieutenant in the Queen s Own '.vice {with the trst Canadian con- tingent. T A - ~ Rires, and! -has 1eft`:for' active ser- ; SAC,'RE-D` CIONOEERT - ON SUNDAY EVENING A saJcr.e( patriotcic conceit will be given .in _the- Opera _House next Sunday "evening, in which _the ' Ci'ti;e1i's 3 Band, -Mrs. `Laidman, M-ise Laurie} TB'ai1ey, f Mr. W. A, -Boys and Mr." J. `H; Mozfgan will take. part .'J:he V. programme "will commence at * 8.30 and ~a'_. silver collection will-be L:,taken;,f1;hec T enoceeda to `be equally '_`divide& the : een the `Pa.t1viot,i'c` and Gross Iunda BEEKEEPERS 1" Mr. and Mrs. Morley Black re- .I turned from their Wedding trip last ;.week and will reside in `Mr. vMa1e y s ;;*h_ouse, Sophia St. _ ' '1. Messrs. H. E. Jory and W. A. -; Boys were in Toronto on- Tuesday ', attending the Ontario Curling As- `. sociation annual meeting. t I Mr; and Mrs; Ed. `C`atc;h'er `are moving to town from Hamilton. sels Carpet I` -Tapest`ry assortment of . Squares, s-plen` ; ` new designs and o For value` they were 3 er eq lled. At Do-u-gall Bros. '- ' ` 41-tf~ I T The- schools wi1l`_7oe closed to-mor- _ .row,_ the teachers being in "attend ,- ancev at the annual- convention,{ which is this year `being held} in V 'Hamiltor.1.; V . _. ' Mrs. G." R. Turk `will receive at the, Collier St._ `Parsonage .to-day from 3 to 6 p.m., -and-afterwards on ,the third and fourth Wednesdaya. L Mrs. J. D. Rodgers `and Mrs-.-\ Ather- ton will receive_ with her this after- noon, r`To-night, Rev.. , Mr. Turk will hold -a reception for men from O 1.... 1n -!-'I__.'I_ . . vv A-.. ggva 'J.\.I\J\./I 8 to 10 o :3lOck. la Mr. and Mrs. U. Rhyndress (formerly of? Barrie) V announe the vengagemente of` their daughter, Vera Fern, to -Mr. Herbert G. Humlhle of Saskatoon, second `son of Capt. and- Mrs`. Humble of Bro,ckvil1e. The marriage will take `place quietly next` .W-ednesd-ay even-. 3 -1ng. ` `Rev. Dr. Hudson, of New York, was the` guest of. -htis brother-in- . aw, "Mr. J. R.- Hambly, last _ week, Iandi `Mrs. O. M. Hudson of Toronto 5 spent the weekend" with her Ubrothver, Mr. Hambly, T V . :ooo9oooooooooc00009999:i VVVOQOOOOOOOOQOC socw. AND PI-2RSONAl; LALAAALLAAAAAAA AAAAAAA A A A 4 O :..........;..............I Mrs.` Aubrey Poole- and MaaWatt, who were guests of VMrs.` Spry, High S-t., returnvd to Toron-I to on Tuesday. ' ' . . i Miss Hattie crw returned from Toronto on Saturday, and on Tues- day Went to Thornlbury, where her I aunt, Mrs. (Cdl-.) Rorke is seriously. ill; . - 'Miss*A1meida VI.eWis,v is spending` a month visiting friends in Toron- to. T V - V ' - , k I Chief Mc|Conne11 of ' Bracebridge came down` on_ Monday morning - for .the- Morreau` Bros. a'nd= Ru12tan',! who Were taken back there to stand trial on murder charges. i D ` '7Mis5s -Eva Weaymouth is` visiting ,wi1:h her aunt, Mrs. W. Morley, in ; Toponto. - E i Mr. Se1'by Smith, of Weyfbuyn, `,:Sa,sk., who is -recovering from an > :attack of typhoid fever, is visiting his mother, Mrs. ,Thos. Smith. : V I Mrs. -I. Johnston of `is -the guest of her brothe_r, B; J oh1`1ston.~ _ 9A ard party in aid Vof this Red Cross Funds i-s (being `held in the Town Hall t'o-night. I 'Mr. Wm. Ham_i1ton_,A of Gu.eIp'h,l formerly proprietor` of ' the Vespra, House, wad in town this. week. | Mrs. (Rev.) J ohn Nelson V of Atherley 'vis~i-ted -_ with her cousin, Miss 0. Lewis, High St; this week- IN BARBIE Whitby Mr. N. ' {that gives -the most honey -and `least trouble from swarming. Everybody Welcome; ` Hy. C-ouse, Presg, Cookstown ; Denis Nolan, S-ec y, Newton Robinson. ` 'At` the annual meeting of the .`Thist1e Curling Club on Thursihay Hand Mr. J. F.` Palling. "evening last, the, following oicers were electedz` ` . Hon. `Pres.--W. A. Boys, Hon. Vice-Pres.-- -Judge Vance "Pres:-R. H. Welib. ` Vice Pres;-;-O. G. Hart. I *Sec.- I`reas.--H. Gr. Robertson. Chaplain-.-Rev. G. R. Turk. Rep. .to- 'O'.`C.~A.--J. H. Bennett; A_l1`r/ernatce, Dr. V. Hart. ITVI1 The Fire Brigade had a run to `a blazing chimney ongthe-residvengce of Mr. George Cooper, _ Elizabeth] St., on Friday afternoon.` : | e-The -W.lC'.T.U.~ will; hold` a par-, lor social at the -home of Mrs-. Gor- don, Bayeld `-St., on Thursday} evening,` Oct. 22nd, -Bakery lun-ch a yson s. Mr. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C`.`,, is `Crown Prosecutor at the Brace-| ibridge Assizes this week, Mr.` Justice Lennox presiding. ` 1.454:-u\4J.L.|.I.a.v\I, .LJ 0 :. Exec. Com:-4L'Iles'E. `A. W11- fliams, J, D.'Milne, W. B. Aiken, i . W. V Moore,_ B. W. Payne. -` .'I)__ -.u VLIUL 0, ll: YV 0 ..L axuls. ` "7Rp'. Bun Joint =Com.-W. A. J. Bell, E. Williams, 'W. N. Duf`f._ !DHI ~STDE CURLING CLUB V `51h,717511819-r71i9hi0 on1y`by,o drug store in each com-I ;3'5_.L19ct:0;4'i -01" ,Sba. 'Iig. . Thus the Penslzn `V i,,%1?:1;W97%3;.ev?YW1iere asth si of a good drug St e' :iGiii`?'iS.'t1:7PeiIL1fjDni_SpQr Qt Athi j qwn. . An_d~[it enables us to tell 'ou Whether or not- any'1$a1'ticLzI;xz' I en- slar Remedy is suitedto. you needs. ' On the label of every; ehslar Remedy you will nd the l`.\'{lL`l formula. or- prescription f m`whichit is prepared, printed in plain English. ' A . ~ . This `know ex acnly what; you are ingrqdienb. _simply means Qha. when you take a Penslar Re1ned.\' W1 king, t_-he name and amount 01 AL I One Thing Thati We Specially `Like Abbut The Penslar Wliite Pine and Spine: Balsam What Do You Know` Abput e Medicine Y O Take? Cc j?TnQi Cdii-Z28 O _:oooooooo6oooo000900900

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