Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Oct 1914, p. 5

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I Unva- 0.15 0.10 For some time we shall ncentrateour effort to make Saturday business L hum, byhaving s i seriesof Saturday Bargain Days, commencing _next Saturday, 0 o_ber, 24th. " T s _ t p \ This will mean not nly a Icleanzup of odds and ends, but the sale of absolutely new lines purchased from time to time, as opportunity occurs, for the Sales. AT AT What S~ARJEANT &KING S 1ARG 25 C LDRE N S OOA-TS--New . Special for Saturday made wi new col-lar, Raglan Sleeve and opular length, in sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. -Saturday Bar- gain Day" $7.50 NE_W `C- LDRE`N IS 00 rmen -in the latest 1 d` B nketWC1oths, in ar V zes. Special fo A RE'N S .U-NDEB sizes of vests and drawers, at price Bargain Day_ 25c ro-DATL1 dogg- George -. Maynard discontin-I ued.tro11ing_ two `or `three weeks ago, -owing, to the shortening. days, says :The.; Orillia ]"3Pa91;et.._ `His ; record` ..f< _) 1_-e.).T. 3 _,Seaon_v is `Q4 ;m_b,skinonge, I. An immense crowd of people em- bracing the greater part of the population of the town and much of that of the.countryside, assem-. [bled along -the river banks east of the -_C.P.R. railway bridge to Wit- ness the ceremony of immersion as practised by the religious sect which is seeking ' to increase _ its numbers and . inuence in A1-liston, says Thef Herald. The preliminary consisted of a simple -gospel . service includ- ing. an exhortation by a stranger. This .{was* followed liy '_ the immer- sion of icfour candidates by two of the male menibers of the body in 1:he7 `ch-illy waters` of the . sswollen .jstrea._m. The immersing, -was done {While were Jbeing sung. BEST FIIS-HING ists are everywhere. . 1 ` How did she do `it? ~ Through! friends. For Russian revolut1on- 7'l1L'-_. 1--`L_-, ..__ '\T-.__ T _ , , . "J r."`.7Ti~1;:}.`1 1' -Now I spend] my life 1e1p1ng my brothers and lsisters rto.freedom,, declared she. [ 'I)__.....1....--1_`l2-_._. _31`I 2-1.; `L_-,_`I )7 Uxuuvso UU .l;L\/\4\J.\ll4ll, _ \.A\4bAl.tA ULL 011`). Russian soldiers will ght -hard, Miss =S-uklo testiced , and the Russian people will be proud -to be ghting. with. England. They woul not ght against her. `She is a big, ne country, whose people are 1...... 3, f A NEW RELIGIOUS -There for nine years `Miss Suklo remained in one of those prisons to whose inhaibitanrts tuuberculosis comes as a kind release. However, it was. appendicitis that came to her, and while _in the hospital she managed to make her escape. In time she reached Japan and from, thence America. V ' 1 I.n runs I36 Then dying her hair .she- once! more ' returned to Russia Where,` with four hundred others. she was again arrested at the rtime of the revglytion. T " eto `-Siuberia forever. &v V ULIAUJVJ-lo V`.`There were sizr other Women who were hanged, but I was sentenced -urn rsi :- T Siberia E clares she. III` 1 quished three years without a trial. Then when at the trial she tod the judge that; he did: not try his I prisoners by the law but by his own head she was `banished to Siberia. ,Ate1" three years she escaped to `Paris where she took up active work as a revolutionist. ' Have For ` Saturday Next Hats At $4.75 SATLJRDAY makes you one, de-E ISEOT IN ~AJ.LIST()N fs~i2iAsoN IN TVYEA-RS AT Sample Collars AT 75. IMPORTED BRITISH HOSeE--- AT % 2 In heavy_. Weight, for .'boys, and C girls. 30c and 35c value at}. .253 Justreceived from the maker some sample Wh-iwte Silk and Muslin Coat Collars that go on sale Saturday at one-athird off "regular price. ;.w.;.... .. ..; J.LJ..LJ \J`LJ\J V JJmJ*'LV1'cl.uU` with over sewn seams-. 2 domes. Fine English Walking Wright. Worth $1.00 pair, Bargain Day 75c` TN_AP`P-A KID G~LOVES-`Made- Ori11ia.Pack-et-- On Friday after- noon, Harry Harding, an employee at` Ma-w s brickyard, was severely wounded `by? the accidental dis- charge of a 22- calilbre rie. He Twas`-seated o1'1.sa'pile of ties in the brickyard, talking to,` two compan- ions, when the ties sudkieniy rolled, discharging `the rifle. ~. The ball en- tered his _,right breast, and; passing throng-h'.g1:he._1u;1'g, `judged! in, his ack.` . rite, Has ib"e`e_`n'idoing, . Ty ' -While Claude Ellis and Ed. Ellis of Toronto were `out shooting on Thanksgiving Day the latter re- ceived three grains of shot, one of which struck him in the eye, says lThe Alliston Herald`. It was not a .' of mistaking a man for a rab- bit, but rather one of a better bore in a.` gun. than was known. Mr. -Ellis is not seriously injured nor is.his sight impaired, Font the ne grain of shot has got down between fthe lid and the eye and an x-ray examination will The necessary to locate it; The other two grains were readily extracted. 1 7 O A g. 0 O A [HUNTER RECEIVErD | Rev; J. A. Doyle, of Prince AI- bert was deputed. to make a survey of the non-English-speaking people of the west and to propose a pro- gressive policy for their assimila- tign._' A separate supefintendent of .....-.~........... __..... _`l-__'J-, 1 miss-ions was -Newfoundland. The Dominion Government will be asked to call a conference of all ;workers `among the Indians to deal with the question of Indian mission work- A message of encoui'age- ment has =been sent to the mission- aries in China and Japan. `is -1- us -._. .- Dominion-wide Request for Funds Necessary; Problem" of Missions A Dominion-wide campaign will be launched by the Methodist Church to raise $675,000 for mis- sion Work. The War stringency has made this necessary because of the {curtailing of the regular income. The following members were appoint- ed on a board for thepurpose:Dr.J. W. Flavelle, N. W. Rowell, J. H. Gundy, Hon. E. J. Davis, H. H. F udger, Rev. Dr. Endicott. Rev. J. H. 'A_rnup, Rev. James Allen and Rev. C. E. Manning. ' ' -I-x `A ,DominionV` bommittee will `be "called Within a month and every }member in Canadawvill be can- `vassed. ME-TH ODIS TS OPEN $075,000 CA~MI AIGN uuyvL 4;: uuuuvnx u U L decided . upon for SEHOT IN EYE ain MI`)`a.t<*r} .. A.D., 1 sq 1+u\RM FOR %SAIE% of 31f . . .,_ Part Of the Easoesst Ei:0n Of` 1, 2, 3, in 1st 300; es.` fr0P`.'.B?'~fz6T' ship *7 9 Road, cn``n1I'%'V`?i`? on the Ihdge ~ * acres. _ On the p barns and I repair, and. h011.'~:e. ' YT " . `T110 above farm .83 M0? 01' if preferred7'? :wO1i1 dmdcd to suit pur`(:h9.SG`.1,_,*._'.-., Temls, part ' cash a7nd.I'=the. on nmrbgage, T ~ L Apply to George Raiks; Premlses, or to Ba1`rie* P_. _ 6.61 % p1']:zll4l, or V rovisions L of the Revised Statutes 3` ` Ontario, 1914, (}`l1apter 121, '-S Ktion 56, no- tice is hereby givenhat all credi-, ton; gllltl persons ha .4 g any claims ag'ai11.~`t the estate of William Tribb'le `of the Toship of .I nnis- l in the County :: lSimc0e, Who died on or about he 9th day.`-,of. Septelnbcr A.D., 4," are required` on or before the . _ vemlwr A.D., 191 to send by"p0is,t,';` -othe ise deliver ,jl;0~ PI*RSUANT to the +77 Barrie, in the un-ty of Simcoe, and Province 0 'Ontario, So 1vic'i- tors for Mary 1 Trilblble, Rdbert Triluhle and 111` Trilbble, 13116 . last Will and of the said William their hristian, and `eur- naxms, addre es and descriptions,` and the full, articulars of their. c~laim.< respeo vely, properly veri- ed. 21ml of held lay thom and` that after, the l ` 6:ths day -of t I e securities, if any, . said (late th `- said , executors Will proc(ml_ to the .~'ui lot-`ase(l among the` parties entitlz-=.l tlrreto, `having 1 regard 011l.\' to tlme claims of which they shall .tl1(_-11 aave notice, and that ll1`.V tlw .- i(l- executors, ._Wi`=ll not, then lw liule. for the assets", 01' any Dart tlxm- f, so distrbmted `to. any per: " whose shall not have been receiv `claims. notice. ed at the ..- .1 ,, film of ,4 ch distribution. T\._. 1 - 1 4-.1 0 I\ strirbute 11'he* assets, of 1 1 I 43-4}; _ In. of boiling beetroots them in the oven. -5T-he avor be mu<;-h improved`. NOTICE TO c;I% g3D1ToRs{ John W., Garvin. Toronto, Sept., 1914. " T _ ~ = In the hate of ills that mar, Never again shall the "WaV19-lortd drt -aid . > a Throttle the toilers peace; Never 2m*_ai11 shall Ambition s- trea Tramp]-e the 'earth s increiase-;; For the peope, -strong in 1ihe`1dve. Hf I`igh.t,, ` Will ~ri.~`_o in their multitudinu Imght A - And conquer War. T 1 71'? IN I ` . : Trouble the seas--foam11ir1ei_4;,_. f For down _in the deeps of,1;he _he"ar'tsJ of men ` ~ And up on the spirit s"height,s, The` dense, dark clouds are lifting` agell, ; " . V ' And there is Iighrtj I ' . Never S::111 shiall the swomrg` Redden fchue soil of the! world; Never 1:1;rz11 111 shall the _dre`adn'ou.ht:s.' '90 - 5 _. AFTER? THE W0eR'L_-D .. ,w,.u. . ` - i M . KTISHELD and, f:fFg(:,n5-9Centra1- location. ;;7..AdvanC 0fce- w. V . Jun. ` I ladies property are basement vstwblens; 511' ,_ _ __-~__1`.'1.-. \, 1-J11]. -IRIJIJ Ul\J 5 . A .. '(RES`VVI-C*KE & BELL, 4 M i7th day Ff 0ctob~er;f at? the said Town of Barrie,` " Solici-.t0I`_S for EXeu`~f0'rS a' The 5 75 , 15 v13; 2 15 UGDULIIUILD uwuxcv, `Lu. ~53-(v\.A, a good sized rouV`*gh_tj' a; } 1914;`? .C1.UQU1u'1115 uu (VAl.J.1Lv\A;1.\4\4;..|.n\;;;.,>.,.,..,..\_.\, on Monday Mr. J. -M'ar1gv\ey is. now! master mechanic over Ontario lines for the Grand.` Trunk, `with head- qu,arters in Toronto. Mr. J. R. Donnelly `is assistant master me- Achanic; of Ontario lines. with head`-. quarters at 'A11an.d3a1e, `and; the title `of ' "Master Mechanic of Northern Division i-sialbolished. Thisiis but -following up the po1`icv_ announced ;some` time ago by. the G.T.-R.` -of central-izing, the control of the! system in Ontario." Mr. Mark-ey was for a . number` of years Master Mechanic .-of the . -Northern Division at 'A11anda18`,"i>` geoming. here "from `-"Stratfofrd.. j '5-iHe.'f: -has rapidly [risen ~ in_ the .. ser`vic_e, a ofgrthe company, ' and ` welliine since 1eayji.ng__ .A1_Ianda1e has _ inf `Torontoi and -'-his .,p'romot1on1.isI, ` N '."D"0nnelly. ..-will '1 `rell *hia*: ' work-_ bermuehaeeit k h`~10th`1f,; we _;}_ I vC,d11ing-wood` "Messenger - ,The morning train on Thursday last met with an accident at the Sand "Hill whereby a number of cars .Went off the. track. There was a sharp rain in the morning and a heap of sand had` been Washed down the` hill on to the.` crossing and when the train came along it struck this olbstructieon and ran off the track. When, the noon train came along, the passengers and mail were transferred! to rigs. and brought to town. The track was torn up for about 50 yards, `-and` 2 rails were bent but the rolling stock was not injured. a The -aiuxiliary -was `sent up from Allandale. and the crane car hoisted the cars on the track again and Sthey came into -town. - No one was` hurt and the track was re- `paired in time for the 3.10; train to pulll out for Toronioay I I I .1 I-_St.Oc-kings V10 J..|..II.I Fsee EYE Nv? lhildraen T | 7T;he/Or_di'nanLce_ of.,ABI,-ievers , Bap- Yvil1;.%b ndministfed in thei; `B5. titghurch neizday eveni 3.; = muck we 4 - = - bulyingv Bry- n v wh'never bought .ca'u !i't is \cheaper I W.'Mrsf, (Rev.) Aldridge, `sof Endg-' '_1;and,f.;motherr of, Rev. Mr. A-ldridge, "1bf`Elmva1 e Methodist Church, will conduct the services in`. Burton _Ave. Methodist Church next `Sun-A day. l. ' _._.,..l ,- J_..-,_.,..-...- usuuxvu uu uulrs -u.1V.lb", ion was yesterday [ma1_jr'ied to Miss -Gladys Mayor` of Big Bay Point. `They will Vreside on Essa St. 11.1. uuc -'U.lJ ;1`:W;li1e :.M;0.A. - . Mr? JeH1'A$ V:V9bb,' one of gthe V to `order at ' ` 41-tf {nost popular remen on this div_is-A 1nn 11-roe -rrnad-n...J.-.__ ..._...._;_'_,1 . IA _ _ i'1i1 Iv 4`~:.:.xu:.-our 7' ~`-""; Kernpenfeldt" -Lodge S.O;E. are holding` their annual At Home `in th_~.Orang\e Hall to-night; e _ `Dr. F. A. -..Ro`ss -gave an interest-_ in-g lecture in Essa -St. Presibyteriari hurch on Mpnday evening. - Mrs. E. H.r.ris+.is lseisilously ill with typhoiidi _in the RV. `Hospital, _and .Mr. -Harris was_ called home `I . from " Schreiber. A 5 .-Mr"; J. `Hall won the first `prize, land Mr. W. Craighurst the second priiz-e in the l)i11Iiar tournament .m~_'.+.'lm vxrn A `.3; `*M[1'sJ, 1`ricke_14, moved_ to -Fqrt 'W.zillia1En ` a. year isj,_ vis-itinfg ,f1'.i_end >s here.T J ' '_. f7e --A.1'e we_ 'down.h '. `No;!f Brand" .n`w- Gloves just_ ' ~ 1- G.0riI1"Ag`-Ti?` alidf %4cwov V children VA arg visiting Ori11ija friends.-. ' J._Hal1ett qf Loiidon i1as_e` been -I -. . ` . . u.(;-.nn---.-- - '1 "` renewing 51 7 Accord1ng' ,to announcement} _made -'II __- J__ 1.2. -R`-(\{CA17.f'|`I'7 1,. ~ril\1I1 55 75% l\r\ .$$``.` T sO{ j?'V`v:o.39699909900006: ."S toIie'h*a1"n has; moved `from; ".l`_ii1_1 to Br0ck St"; ' . I ' . > T V*~1 AI`\`a&L7_'&n$`p.yJ% V Wm . kn ` V j - BAP -I_f]3S'M&A'L E . ..--` ' .:_. ,~ " ' ` . ..."i.A - --....Q0 . , - ,,,- vVv.vv`V`V_TVT7v` \ iAcnossmE BAY QLLA4 A1` A - V.' ~"`*9' 1` hckers. acijuaihtances i ` `this Fa%d2~ No: 700 persons at S103 P0111148, as uquu Mr,";Jame;.T01ai'k.- '33: Allandale; "Mr, Harry Atm- `Barrie; J; is LSec.1~- PUDU1U1V : MISSIONAJRY INSTITUTE ; ` TO BE HELD IN BARBIE, I A -Missionary Institue will be held in Barrie, on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. -2 and 3, 1914, under the direction of" prominent` mis- sionary leaders eonnected with the. Missionary Educational ` Move- ment, . formerly the Young Peoples ' Missionary Movement. This movement , .4 is intier-deno_mi- national in ~'-eharaeter, "not, ,,however, in the sense oflbeing _=_'a `separate,- distinct organization, _ but, rather intrawdenominaitional, in that it is the union of an the denominational .Missio-nary Boards in the. creating `and 'diusing_ of` ,aI'1~-intelligent mis- ,sionary-ninberest. ` y" y ,- '.r1.- -____._.,.-.. -, 1... ..,....:-4. '1... 4.1". B1 _DUJ. V1 The "aims of the Institute are to bring! the largest jpossiible spiritual uplift to each-community, to -enlist young people i `. a ' campaign of mission , study, to` introduce wise plans of 'misio_nary' er1 11J-cation in .Sunda`y-Sc_"hoo`1s,_>_to promote the practieof ~ fsystematic giving `to mission-S; to ~-emphasize pray-er. as a .'nl'1issioiiary._'e4force,t to present the 0pporit{1_11irhie9.,`for` '-Ohristian . `service 3 `Tlife work-,* and to aid the local ;'ch_u%1chg? '1`by~7 =-inerei_si`r,1g.' the i eiciency, ,7 J V Worker, if P1`O"' '1I"-f;hE3f~;fbi7Wg1iddi 4m. f01i1t:Q I L` 15.? '1'l`'::ifa-Q;-I`*ai'I}:s5`fi` Alliston Herald4-The South-vvest Simcoe Teachers Institute held on `Thur-sday and Friday of last week their annua convention in Alilis- -ton opera hall. Both from the view point Of attendance and of interest taken in the work, as evidenced by `the discussions that followed the reading of the respective papers given by members of the Institute, the meeting was one of the most successful in the history of the as- sociation. Mr. White of Toronto - Normal discussed Modern` Methods of "Geography on Thursday and on Friday he gave `a `most interesting [illustrated talk on the Birds of Ontario. Papers or: addresses were also given by several of the South _S-imcoe _ teachers. On Thursday evening -a larger and ' appreciative audience "gathered in the town hall to -listen to two very alblle address- es on the European situat~ ion.- This meeting -7 was such a success that the school purposes Ibringing `another lecturer to the town before the close of the fall -term.- The institute closed "With a vote of thanks to the 'mem'bers of the town council for their kindness in placing the townl hall y./at their -disposal. Barr-ie -was chosen." for next year s camping ground. - ` -DLUIJCILJ l.l..I.I.f\4L\.1\IUo Its, pnrpose is. to assist in 4 the` missionary education in. the Churches by "training leaders at Conferences and fEd=_ucationa1 - In stitutes, to` pyomotev g'ivin8`,.`to4 fos- ter 'prayer for emissions end to en- Hist young men and `Women in mis- sionary `service as. as life. Work. mL_ ` .-....._~ .1 J.`-.`.' T...;-.4-'-N--.-.4-.3. naon Deceased was the eldest of the four. 1, He {held pastorates in New Durham, Fergus, _SpeedlW.e11* and Woodstock, in` Ontario, before a twelve-year. pastorate. of a C'oI`1'gre- gationali Church in - a _ sufburb of London, and" at J arrow-on-the-Tyne in the north of England. After re- turning to Canada he was settled in Barrie and Ayersclie, Quoebec. ' van; '\/.LAu.A V./LL, .LU.l.\l.l..lb\)'u ` He went to `Woodstock nine years_ ago, ' and` for the past three years . had been` agent of the Children s` Aid Society. He/was a.-- Pas-t Presi- [dent of the Woodstock Canadian Club and of the Ministerial Assoc- iation"of that city. `His"wife and four children survvive. I IBARRIE NEXT MEETING } PILAOE 012* TEAJCHERS3 linmrn on "FORMER j s o gs ; ~OQNGREG'ATIONAL PA-STQR . A despatch from .Woods*tock Ont.,'vdated October 16th, announces the death tlhere on Friday last, af- lter . about a year s illness, of . Rev. Charles S`. Pedley, formerly pastor of the I Congregational lIChurch in. Woodstock,. and latterly -{Secretary and Agent for -the `Oxford Child.- ren -s Society. Deceasecl was ' sixtyrfour years of age, his birth- place `being Cobourg, Ont. He was one `of a four brothers who entered ' the :C`ongregationa1` = Church minis- try,.the oher three `being: `Hilton, a missionary to Japan; Rev. Hugh, pastor V of Emanuel ` Church, Mo-n- j treal; Rev. J ames`- "W., pastor West- I ern Church, Toronto. 9 I 1\_`_`-____1 ___A 11 . n .1 I C0ntri`bu~t-ions_ clo"thin-g-. in goodl 'repair and clean have also been asked for. These can be left at these rooms also. The key of, rooms _can be found ;at Mr." Donald! Ross i'f - e .# >v`i-gigs appeal is made by . the Bel- , gian =_ Relief Committee organized on Monday. e . ' _-- ....... yupwu, an: -aoncu uu xcavn them at the oices en Owen S-t:, lately occupied `by the Bank - of Toronto; where the women"of Bar- rie have '6 uhdertakexi to prepare them _for jdgrying "and? shipment to England and Belgium. ii 30 30 29 15 12 15` 16 00 An -; Last`` Week `the Government `sent 01117 .an"3PPe31 to the people of On~ itario for dr_ied `apples for shipment to -the Be1g~1an people. Any person 12910139 'l\$' V4-`van 45.1..-.-......l. _..____J._.__ c\I 'IIAJ\I J.l\JL5au jin Barrie `or the adjacent country. .,Whow ould care to contribut ` apples 01` this object, are -asked. to leave, `+}'|n-nm .4. `4.1.... -12 .-- n . F The Belgians 'rHE% No:R'i`HERN `7AivANcE Such was the earnest -declaration of Marie -Suklo, Russian revolu- tionist and? refugee from =SiIberia, when -We asked -her why per - people were so ocking to ght -for the }zar. _Daughter` '-of a Russian rpeasjant, Marie =`Suk1o' tells you she .ly.|.`l$- 'DUl$1U.IJ. 'J.Ll1.311ULl. VV.lu1.l '|lL1\J uxu we had seen Alla Nazimova ash forth when she told of ~the strug- gles of the countrymen. Hollow are the olive cheeks of Marie Sukloff, she has spent nine years in Siberian prisons and slender of body is she. But. there is a re in`. her eyes and a rmness. to :her slender frame that tells of an iron 'soirit V L .r\I '1 ~1-1__-__.1I.. $1.. .,,.,,,,,4. D8115 0.1 an 11vu wuu..n.u vv`LuuLuu She has had} need` of it. When but 16 she wrote` a letter to a tionist " friend -in which she inci- dentally said a few words, about the Governor, in much the same man- *_ne1_' that we ~mig~ht_. -remark`, _`011r MJP. is a there -s'tick; . .jf How- A1i1:.t.,:so _&;appened" _&;er.-. reyolutiqn.-1 _ ,4: _-_- v-.;..h.-.~.>.;=.;.:.~1'3.-1;;.;...1..+432w `ever, 11`. .-S0 `nappenepx K181` l'B.VQ1uu11gu- `friencl was arrested, . her letter jiaeized. and] she was ` arretedi and} V ' ' & into? prison: wvhgrg she L1an*-11, D~ This is not a war waged by the Russian Government. It is a war lwaged by the Russian people. Our people have gladly entered into this struggle. ,They have suered from despotism Fnu-t D the German military despotism `is even gworse than ours. We will help Europe _to `be free frome their despots. Then the Russian people hope they will "gain freedom. We help the allies to -bring freedom from the Germans, then -we hope the allies `will see that we get freedom. 25 40 00 28 A- What is life "to a, Russian peas? ant? she asks. -#1-t is one long struggle with the `hungry tax-cob lector twho represents the Czar. What education can-- we get? None` at.al1., The. IOhrAistians if they-[have $500 a` year 7rt_o_spend-can have their children go school; but education is fonbidden to t-he'Jews. But` they learn somehow. " ., - _ M:T`1`1`stvi1:e.1: so-ft ;bro2w eyes of] Miss` -Siukloff ashed with the rel --___- A11... .-KT`.-u-.:uu-arse-n -an-5:111 lRussian People % | Glad of Wari Dominion Meroenltile Col, which re- cently purchased the_ Churchill bankrupt stock and opened out in the old stand on Saturday. is a `~Suklo, the manager of the `Russian by .'birth and has a sister who is not only an able platform exponent of the rights of the Rus- sian people, but is also an author of some repute, who A has contri- `buted` several remarkalble articles to some of the best known magazines. At present she is visiting in To- ronto, and Cornelia Writing of -her in _The Telegram a few, days a`go says: If 25c- : *A1' % C`HILDRE'N U-N-DeElR.'WEA-R - S;a_b_-eant 8: King, Limited For -rgainy Day thiVsAvV eel{---we offer orie doz.` stylish new Hats just created by our millinery artists. n Sale at much belowtheir value, on Saturday at ........................................ ..$4.75 5.00 7.50

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