O .0 .-gaaoaaoooooooooooooQ6 $900o$oooo6dd}6obbo66o6I Oct. 14, 1914 98 10 55 '_ 5 60 19 -00 14} 00 11 oo vvv 13 7 70 11 00 90 70 70 .A.v 951 75 75: 700! A6 00 75 '20 O0 15 oo 12 oo 10 oo A.-`AA 60 UU U11: Mr. and Mrs-. J. Spence are` spending ~ Thanksgiving in Port Sydney; T `Mi_ss Pamila _2`md.a friend| V-4 128 7:3 24 an of the Ardennes and the Heslbayel will die of hunger by the hundreds,.l lthrough the absolute impossibility of procuring a. piece of bread. -There are here presently more than! '50(} families which have ed from the devastation of the rich country of Waremme and Tirlemont, with- out a cent,, without other clothes than V the. ones they had on; they are living in the bathing cabins, in the public park and receive twice av [day a soup prepared by the munici+` |.pality.e How `long will it last? In. Brussels there are thousands of re-l fugees in similar condition and the `German army has requisi-ti-oned: all `the food. The ravaged eld, the! cattle all killed will not allow this? population to procure their living! * before a year. I an -.1 I - V ' l` It is" therefore indispensable .that| from everywhere Clharity comes to! Ivour help.` tOur_ country is small, the fortunes _have been `cut down too much Iby the war and the Ger-' `man occupation so that we cannot [alone relieve` the "misfortune which [We undergo, certainly as much for` France and England as for our-i Selves . ` A I -.z\./Av\A.: Would youotry to interest S01]".'3i -Canadian personalities and some! inuential newspapers to the 1111-; .hap_py_lot of our. brave popu 1ations? Canadacis rich and" generous; let` it. come to our assistance. A pub- lic subscription should? be made inl order to charter a 'vesse'l., which [would bring us` our (no wheat `since the majority of our` our millsewill be destroyed) `bacon, the good national pork and beans salt, old clothing and shoes,` `and thick; blankets and cotton T goods of the- Icommonest quality, just the indis-l pensalblue to prevent our `poor rui11ed farrners_ to `die of starvation and} cold: th1s winter. 1 Tut`; - .1 1 . .l \/\ro- - IA Iv Asvva-0 1 If Canada will -take advantage to advertise the emigration of our farmers towards its ridh Western y Pronv_inces, the opportunity will be a `good one, and Canada will `obtain easily a great number of first class! workers whom adversity will have rendered more ardent [for work. '1 1 14- on `Speak of it on my behalf and-,, if `necessary. publish my letter in the papers; "Canada will no doubt belt,` us. It is our peaceful Belgiuml which supports `all the horror of I CARPET SQUJ l.L\.ILA\.L\arJ Mr. `ax:-5: Morren of , Orchard. `I? `II SE33 iallx Priced at $8, $1 For lootaooo. suppose you choose Brantford AIPIIALT Roofing. The founda- tion it pure wool felt. The saturation is Asphalt - that durable. waterproof material with which streets are paved. You secure complete roong-protection against watezy. snow, frost. alkali. acids V or re. Quickly laid. ts smoothly. never `lcomes sticky. The cost is -o no greater than for many "sham" toofinu. mm 839$ Ourexperience his sho us that many good=looking roongs are mere sha . Made to sell--not to .wea_r.- Foundation is otton cloth, jute or shoddy. And` the sa ration, just refuse a from factories, such as pitch, tar or some greasy pre aration. These roong-deeeivers you ca avoid by selecting "anyone of th ines of Learn the Tru\li about Roofings Br`a`ntford Roofing` Tape.st ry' Rugs in Floral and patterns, bought at` greatly bel values-3x3;, .A 3x4, 35x4. Special discount of 5 per Nqw Designs In Wall P`1pers Sgldi _JBarr-i By Uxvuax us Miss M. Livingston will be very much missed in Minesing, 7- having taken her departure to Toronto, to remain there for `a few months. . 1- A 11--- SPECIALS IN . " j1HiIRSDAY, 0013. 15m, I avunvgnuu uu Kl\4.L\JL\J IVl1LL\/Ln l I arrived here last 'l`l1ur~"iu_v by the last train which left l'3r:x.~-or-'=.<. before the surrounding of tho tmvn. During` 15` daysil have (lone my ut- , most duty with the civil ,Q'u:u'-l: 1;` `and, sometimes` 16 hmirs mm-11 daily, at bridges and 1`ail\\'z_\}' tru -l<~'. -On Wednesday at mi(lni_u'l1t um- ithe battle of Louvain it \-:;~.~ .l~-~ ucided not to defend Br11.~'.~`vL in ,]der to avoid the l)0I11l)2lI`(lIl]Iul)'._ -.1" lthetown. The civil gUi1I`(l.~` x-.-mlr lto' leave their weapons. in A1 _tmi~.1 `for Antwerp and were My brother Jean rmmlim-l.l in Brussels with his family nnl nits moher left Jemelle by the l:1~I` ; train` on August 3rd. Attm` Tim . train all bridges between .\';uu:u' and Arlon have been blown m. A It! I 1 urn..--4 vv-vwwv - ~ . ; no J _ I interrupted my letter in ..ri.p 130 go for news`. It is 0111' Hlll_\' pm-- occupation. or rather our (rllly ..(.\ lcupation in our perpetual zlrxxis-15-_ It `is conrmai without .1.-1411 that Namur was taken. -11 g\- through the gap lbetween )I>n,- ;m~l Lille _t`hat the Germans ])u.~~ 1.. Wards `Paris and they ;1.1m1_..} quick. V Let us hope Russia alsu will ml` " Vance quickly. ' this catadysm. T 3_.1.-....___.A._J ` \1|.|A\/a.nI hope Vance V Please `busy yourself with the lsu cription. that will l>rin_~' us. he We need assistance in r'.....1 and clothing rather than 111nm-y_ 3:, _even `With money we -eoultl lI:u'll\' gprocure "What is necessary. l.-I tllu charitalble people answer our :m;w;:l promptly, so that the a.~_~i~t:m~n_ |reaches us before winter. ' A111 communications with irw sels are interrupt.ed. I111p-~iI.L- receivge any` authentic 1ww< fr |there, nothing `but cm1truii-:-- lsayings. T I _ . _ A -. |`,|.IL.l\.I. LALJVAL Anuvu ULLLL 'uA\Ivv II I ,_L L1,, , ,,_,,,, L I'UI.H.l11.l1 U1_1U1'U J.U'l. Cl. LUVV Luuuuuuo Mrs. -Bruce Richardson of Allan- dale spent ai few days with `Mr. and Mrs. Wood. ' ' `~ vua 4:150- I have not the c011rz1,<.1'o tn ~;w:1'i< .'of `business. Nobody thi11k~' mi" it here. The money qllestimn i~ ;:1 together accessory. Ever,vlw:l,v xvi `be half ruined and 1m1n_v <->111pI-Tv- ly, `but one does not think at` in One Will see after. `The n111,v-p_r"` ,occupation is the fear of 1w -xII1II'- ~ `German and of la-ckingr of I'~~`1; neg xwinteg. ` `I . .\.\ Ix` . ` RCA ` W 111 DUI. II ` Pleiase telegraph me at DZ} 11 Ostend, a few words. _ -Let us -hope for better tnn-2 Yours cordia: l1_\: :!|l`Hl .-.vunAu \4\IA (Signed) LA1`171i1` )1 .\1n )1` DPOD in and. get an Interesting _ 508 book (free) also pnces os. x. 2. 3)-Brantford crystal V sampleg of Brantford Asphalt : 03- 1. 2.3)-Brantford Rubber V e-weight. heavy)-Ilohawk I \\\\\v' \\\>` % DiA.~LSITON % ` Oct. 12th.--*.The much-needed rain on Saturday night will be a help to Tthe faltmers. - V ,__L__;._-'-,] 1..__.._,_ 0Q for cash. Medallion w pxesent Qand $12 n, 1914. llaulc H15 V11l11115 (10 U. VV o .l-IL\JVV1& The Women s Institute inteniil holding a Patriotic Social on Oct. 3%. i 5 1 `Ir 1" (`C . , _,__ 9;; I)i~_'H Il'UII1'b11t: VVU5b .l'al2ULJa _v _ The ,Than'ksgiving services inl the Congregational` Church on Sun- day Were largely attended. ` h-_ 1r_. 1r--......-- 1,`.-....._-. -Pm. Tun- from -the West lgtg-3-Iy. U but: .I.tuLuU1~v. J os. Edwards returnued home V wish him VVUI. U 1:4,; EVA. uuUuLLuvu. | ua.'y . Rev. Mr. Murray leaves for Lan- ark to-day. The Dalston, people success; in- 1.1is new eld`. ` A11--- W131]. 111111 -Du'l;L}Uca 111- I110 .u.uvv u ::.u Mr. and Mrs. Harris. of Allztn: -dlale are visiting at J. W. Brown s. 'rrr__._ .___7.. T..,.4..'A..-4... :...+.....'.J ~:3ooo60'oo996oooooooo: ' ` K'I-LLY'LEA'G+H Oct. 13th.--Mr; `Geo; Raikes. oft Barrie "conducted the service .in -St. J ohn s Church on `Sunday, in the absence of I:Lev._ Mr. Browne. 1-Ir t`1'`l_, LILLBD .L auurua IV 1111 um unxu. are .home for_ the holiday.` 0.1.16 (IlIJU\.7l.L\LI UL Dr. and Mrs. of Edgar 0 .LlJ.vvv_L.Lvo spent Sunday with Mr. Thos. `Hill. LMr._ Wm. Calhoun of Toronto is. visiting his sister, Mrs. V_Vm_. Glennie. ' `vs II n 117 . H ! V `Miss F2` is v1.s1t1n:g Gaston. -rs Rose` Sheield of IorontoA spent `Thanksgiving at her home here. ' A `II? '?T"`I1 a `UN miir. Chas. Alexander and Mr. 0. Simpson of Toronto spent Thanks- giving in `this village. . V I |I-l\J.L \/0 Mr. Alan Hill of Everett is` vis-V iting his father, Capt. Hill; Miss =Smedfley' of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Robt. Crai C T_- 'C1___1.`L____.J 1.. _.2...2L.!...... 6LlLII3U `\JAL .LILJQu LUVUUO \J&l4v.lO `Mr. Jas. Southward `is visiting` relativ at Vineland`, -Ont. _ `If... T... 'I)I_.__:.. ...E .A...L.... "II':11'.. L$1`ItU1V`JD (IOU V .111`./L(Il.I\aI>" WU! Mrs. J a B1nn1e of 'Anten -M1118 is v1s1t1ng her son, Mr, Geo. B111- me. ` ` ysn 7 A1 ' 1 9 11' t\ Oct. 12th.-'Mr. and Mrs. Wice were Sunday guests of friends _ at Thornton. ' `I .. 1 1 HI` I -Oct. 12th.--4Mi'. and Mrs._ Fred '.AiJsen and Mr. and Mrs. .-(}hrist ie of Toronto spent the ..holiday "with M1; ` an.` Mrs. Tom .fX|1~1 en. : _ _ A _. LL - gt -1- ._L `JUL LL ULII-Lo _ `Miss Taylor attended `the coi1ven- tion of. teachers at _Ori]lia last VI \J\.Jllc Miss `Jean Quinlan spent the- ho3:idays at her home. 1 .'II'__ ..__J. ."Il'_... 1'7`:..`I,JZ_.-- .._..1 ..... I I Part of thei East Eiialfozf Lots. .1, 2, 3, in 1st concession of Town'- ship of Oro. 3 miles from Barrie on the Ridge `Road, containing 17 _6 n;._n_ Iav\L\.A3v V On the property are erected large! barnsand basement stafbles, in- goodl repair, anti 9. good- sized rought cast` house. ' I `I 1 0 1 1 1 Jl\.IIl'1\.ll-4|`, IJ uu J-I\./L .ll\Il14I\1I Mr; and: -Mrs. Fielding and fam-' ily are moving to theirfnewghome. -Anniversary services will be held, , , .. . , .L\} (4Ic\IL\JD UL .Ll.(Il.\.L'VV\J\7kL ULKV The above farm would soldderi bloc, or if preferred , would: be divided to suit p urchas_r.v ' m-....... _....;. -..-1. .......J .n.... 1'...1..;..... \JJ- vsuayg V-A`1`)`ply to George _Rai*kes, .011 the "premises, or to Barrie P.O. ` 37-`tf. FARM FOR SALE V. The South Half {of Lot Number Fourteeen in the`Nin1:`h and Tenth Concessions East` of the .Su:n nidaIe in the Township `of. -.Sun'ni-I _,da1e,- in -the. County of Simeoe, .up-'.: on which there is. a eomfortable frame `house good: `frame"T:barn- hezieluelble s't,9Me-= 1 eS?oi1. clay The land is. a good clay loam! well fenced and in good state of cultivation. There . is a 7 block of 18macres` of hardwood-1b`ush; _ ' ' 11'V,v> \.lL-V-l\A_\/`.1; vu uu:.u 1JI.l.L\/A.||.a\J\I.I.u Terms, part cash and _;_the -Balance on mortgage. `- ' A_._1__ 1. \JII.lo l lLI\.I| on .1. v.55` A-L--\Iau G_harl1e Preston `is V on Inst. -. A ~ A \.r- .1-I '_o (`1 _ A __ Miss 2. ' 1 `Lizzie S_harpe_ is FARM CRAIGHURSIT OBJOIWN MINEISING Daby of West Toronto her sister, Mrs. G. O. FOR SALE - . East Half gfm L013) the sick around `here last Week. _ V Mr. ami Mrs. Rodgers spent Sun-V day` with friend in Thornton. , . .'If.. .....`I; If`... 1:` W anonf visiting lein the Methbdist uelgumhnexresun-I :da'y.- B. -S.` Fr_a1_ickof Victoria 'HlrPo61'will`j, p`reaeh 7 eat" 11 o clockj and 7 . o clock. yOn~.Monday evening Mr. 3 Fralick will give a lecture Across ,Canada from the `Atlantic t-h .P;L?`. i``?'- . T. I .3 ' 1 Hm. ` having` his to-day (Thursda_y.) ' .lI'.',.... "l`..._'I -v__ -1.` TI`--.-_.1.- __... `gciagc will be withdragivn in thej Church _of England. next Sunday evening. ' J` . `Oct; 12th.---Mrs. Griiths mot r" `is lying-dangerously ill at the ho e of her so'n-in-law, Mr. Ru 1. }`Gggnth. `I -I 1- /V ` run" "vifis `.:E;`;7iI3' Toronto spent a few` days with her sister, Miss 'E. Taylor.` ' ' T a-_.____.' __:n 1- _:;.1- :|-.-_:,, ,~ 11,- evenmg. ' l % Everyone was `glad _ _co see time rain. " V PllIou~ghin`g" was` almost at" a-- ` I stands-till-' u,nti1 the ._-rai game. Mr. imd Mrs. George Ciossly Ylforonto are spending a brief, Va ltion among their friends hre. II"-1-- 13_1._:-A._'- f1-___.._.1. `L-1.`l _-' I IJL\I'L& I4u4.|\ILL5 U-Ltvab -L5 O\JLL\l\J ad. `The Patriotic Concert held in Orange _ Hall . last Thiirsday fairly `well patronized, ..notwi standing the unfavorable weath `Those who _ took part : acquit themselves. creditably. `The sum |$5O was realized. The Wome Institute is also collecting fu for the Red Cross _ Fund.` and meTeting_ with fairly good %uc 2. .....J.. _......L..u`|...'I.. J.L-L LL- `L- I | . .0. `Banting, the account of W~h J.lkl\/\J Ill-L15 VA; `J.I.ILLJ.`, EUUQ \7|I\.4\4 ` -It is not probable that the _ba `ball game scheduled to be played Ivy on, Monday (to-day)` will L played, owing to the death of will be seen-in a later issue of A paper. 1171-- -L _;|_:_1- ,,___ -512, ., - .L!L_lBD JJLLLLU uuuxyu `.u2_ v-vavaub fiiends in `Barrie. __ . . Mr. and TMrs. John Tho'mpsoh of `Toronto renewed old , acq1iainta nce'sT around here lastweek. % ` .. 1 `II _,`I._._,_ __.__.L .0-__:. \I.\IL&I.lL 0 Very favorazble comments hearcl on the dleanliness of - _ Graham s slaughter house. ` certainly can '/speak` very highly the condition in which the shop'- kept, and also of the gentlemai treatment - meted out to his patro a V7..;.. ..........'-.........J'....J. 'L...J L x"~.vw-- - - Wheat, which was .selling `at dollar arid" fteen "cents a sh 1 time ago,` _ is now only worth kdol-lfar. - ' A 11 """""'."`-""" """"""-` V?" "V ""' k""" V I Your correspondent had t pleasure of a -shake of. the ha from the esteemed representative S. Simcoe in the Commons, W. A. Boys, -in the village rece =1y. He is certainly one of t `boys. (No pun, Mr.-'Editor.) o (`1..-.....Z.. ' 1 :..,. `D....l-... ...,.:4. `VVJ' \4~' run: 4-uh --*-*-/ Miss Georgie Boake visit `friends `in Str`oud recently. `A The recent rains have ibenett the farmers greatly. J . I :'IA'_. 13 . _ _ _ -_. -1 l`1--.1-..L,........ J2 L1 _|.uU1J..L.I.\.I.I.|J sbvtnusag iMr. Readman of iCoo'kstown -di posed of a carloa.-(f of `cattle to t `farmers of this vicinity, no dou. [for feeding purposes. 1L. 11T-..,..__ .'l.1`I..4.-L.... -:.. '... .....4.: m.'ir`?ut;e Rev. and ' Mrs. `Si1 npson Brampton visited the forme daughter, `Mrs. J. A. Lennox, cently. ._ . "If- 7'` TIT T.._..,... V AI 'T`r\cir\ -W` Avvwue yv--'rv-- ` Mr. Wesey Fletcher `is ierecti `Ia beautiful residence on his far and'we hope he will not be 1; long in `bringing in one of E {fair daughters to -brighten his 11 home. ` ` 1 `-1 n o is V 1 Wt`;-1'aI inail is sgiiring; goof} sat faction to the patrons in this d trict. ` V 1` 1'-Ir (`I0 \JL/ W. .Lennox of Tom. visited -friends here last we _'Pleased~ . to see him able to around again, after his recent negs. -up-n - ru 1 1 The Misses Sproule have retu ed` from visiting their brother.` W. B. Sproule, at Th`essa-lo'n, aso their sister, Mrs. Wilson`, Weiibbwood.` 1 1'1 'ua._y Wlhu .I.11Uu\}D 11.1 .n.u-ua.uuv.u. , `Mr, and Mrs.` F. W. Hindle spent Tuesday at the home of the "Misses Sharpe. . _ ` , ` Miss T-illie Boake, [Miss Pho Crossley, -Miss Amanda Hicks, and Mrs. Corbett and young ter Wilson of Toronto; IV`. `I1 1 i .1 I` ,. 001- V V A.I.c\.I1.I. \.I.]. .1. VJ. vuuv. i Mrs. H. A. Callighan and fa `are. visiting` her, husband in Alg iquin Park. Pleased to state | authentic authority 1 that. `Mr. A. Callighan is one of the m efficient -government employees th_>rPar`k`. ' A V ` (`la , 1 1' II`___-_; The recent showers of rain, have put the ground in ne shape for 'fall plowing. . . Mr. Norman Kirkupe came up from *-the Queen City to spend the holiday at his home on the 9th line, . .. . The- concert held in - the school house last Wednesday night was 3. great success, A good programme was given "and refreshments` served. . . . ._` `Miss: Hazel Daelbs-on is {spending}; few weeks with friends -at` Utopia. . . . '_*Cxhest. `Thompson arrived .home from the West V last week. looking-ne. . . .. . Miss Osborne v of I 'WIidii1f1l`St spent a. few days `last! week with her friend,.- ' [Miss Sommers. A p 2 V ` 1 M110 .1. (1.113. 1, Alex, -Stewart of _ Toron iwho has been visiting frlends and; `around? Angus, called frijends . here i recently. . `I'1T'1,P,,.1 A -___L ,1! LL; TT__:- .11 1C7l.I.`\LD |l.l\1.l\/ . A \/ Mr. Wilfredvgi`-eu;';;{;' of the Unij {Bank is visitmg his parents. Oct. 13rth.--Miss `Laura Coughlin` spent a few days `with friends Just . . Mrs.. Ferrier of Mid-` lanci is visiting Mrs. Lefrenie. . . . A. Clarke, A Mrs. -MacDonald, Mrs. ` Opwan -and "Mr. :Grover *Reyn-. olds `of Mi&la;11& spent `the holiday, with Mrs-'Oo1fey-L .-_-;.a `Harm fC`a'rs_ V _a{i1d Harrison jandj .ALnnie:'"Rennie of-:f1`oronto.- vapent ; . 7th LI-N'.E ,VE1SPR_A THORNTON ' pinesi` of 'his frlen s, 51- .ways kept up a keen interest in all `that affected `Canada and the Em- pire, he never, ceased to mourn the : `loss of the wifehe so fondl 7 islyed and loved. y che1;- % Oct. 12th.--Miss` Young of; To-I ronto spent Thanksgiving at? home. 11",`. l`1--A1..:.... -. nZ.;]: Ln .5f\*l\ ~ I vatr 5-` the H gen: V I-UV! V `.1 IAJALL I-II_ 'UUU|'\~|1l\/J5 `J\51-'1-V`- -I WW1 V-L Episcopal Church. r e, was a ' generous giver, to -the limit of his means, somuetimes beyond it, per- haps, to all] people in need` of as- ` sistance and was highly respected : and -; esteemed, and will `be grate- fully rememhered hy all who knew - him.. He served in- the Township -_ and Cou,nty Councils for a number 3; of years "but was .fonder of . his >l.home than of `public life. Long V hefore any .good.` roads movement was thought `of,"he realized the im- portance of better highways, , an-`idi to",-lleisl enterprise,; and `to some ex- ` tent`, iby '; generous- contributions ` ;from.'his,, own means, the `people, of his neighborhood owed` the opieriingl .I up `aindfimprovement of roads at a _ ftime-. when.,et:he means. of communi- `DOW. _ - .. `catio`n- were not -what they V, -are 1 Mr. I LenI_1ox va~s o always a con- }sistent, though moderate, Conser- ivative and a_ staunch supporter of ` ' ` - ' T1 - ,,,, _ _ _ ` 4.1.- `lF..2..__._-`l f`t1.-____.'L -_ For many, years ,Mr. Lennoxhas, made his home with `Mrs, J, T. Sproule, ;s..\ .. niece `by _marriage, where `that Lthoughtfdlness anti are could i do for him was @4511?-`;;"`H"? WW3 . 0."iti?eI1s: = 9 THE " NORTHERN ADVANCE mu Organize a Send 4 2 P Aid to %Detitue' Belgians` ii(Cntinudii..rsni, Pag 15, . r in` all the <'._-ountrgyi. west. of "a straight `line passing by Louvaih and Huy` from north to _ south. -Everything, is ravaged; `burned vdluntarily, _a_nd thousands: ' of :civi1ians, men, women andj children have simply been "mur- dered; All that had a- sernblaiice `of _..pretence -in. the very. compre- hensilble [lack of - eagerness _ , of our, populations to obey the -most humi- liating requisitions of the Germans, but -`it exceeds anything imaginable. In Brussels and -in `Flanders there have been less brutalities, they say; but, no doubt, the slightest pretext will suice to make them begin. As for our manufasturing region in Liege and Hainau-t, it is ravaged by the battles going on there`. There must he _ south of the S-am bre 200,000 French and English (the latter` at Mons) . against 300,000 Germans, and almost as many on the front of the Meuse (Givet- _ Namur.) rrp __ `L-_1_--L _.-,.:..1.-.J ..J.T:.......n ......J .LVa1 U1.) ~ `If We had not resisted at Liege and }all along the line from" Liege to Louvain. . .; . .- . - The English papers" have not failed to recognize loyally the importance of the effort made by us, and the -immense ser- vice` so rendered to France and. England. It i cannot be denied ; itl is known. that after 48 hours of` ghting at ' Liege 120,000 Germans against 35,000 Belgians have had to ask a 24 hour armistice t-o take` away their dead and wounded, and` that our General Leman has re-! fused the armistice. Still, we had| not had a Week to prepare the de-' `fense of the intervals {between the forts and We have.real'1y been at- tacked !by surprise. -Such a valor deserves a Jbetter lot, and it brings u-s only an atrocious hatred from them Germans. ' 011:1 ':,a 7 1- J_ ___`_| I T BORN AND DIED AT IVY M-r. Thos. R. Banting breathed. [his last on Saturday, at the home Where he was born 57 years and _11 `months ago. .Last December he lsuffered 3,` nervous breakdown .and- never fpl'ly .recovered. . . l fI"`I 1', , 3 -__ `L_`I._`l _- 1r__....1__- Luuc '\J!U11uuL1D. - What will `become bf us; I do noti daze to jzhink of it,` ,,L _f 1.1_-| - JLUILUU I1 3. Mr. Ward, principal -of the Mince sing Public School, T and Miss ,Ra1s-| ton, assistant` teacher, spent the holiday at their respective homes. | amt `Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. hlorren Barrie visited Mrs. W. L15-[U IIU I.Il.l.l.ll]`.\. U.l. 1|:-' ` . ' I send you an extract of the iLondon `Times [of August 23rd or 24th. Try to 'get the original` `article which shows the urgent` necessity of sending .to, .Belgium [help infood afzd cgothing. `r--- -A-4--A 4-Jar; rrxn-|v'F11]! I I061/[J '(/lb. [uuw www I/uuizlootoy. ` ` -You cannot imagine the fearful` misery -in which our beautiful country will be within some weeks; [I can a'ssu_re you without any ex-| iagegation, that our-brave farmers] v-. Lu!-AJJ . -I.\Jv\I v V... w'i'he funeral was had oa Mohday, l after a service in -the. English I Church at Ivy, which*he `had al- ways attended. I ' J "' """""""" | 1 Mr. Banting was married on two | `occasions, and is survived bv his widow, and three daughters, Mrs. Oscar Whitesides of _Elmgrove, Li- la and Gertie at home, and twol sons, William and Elmer. - His lrst wife died in February 1899; ` ___ ,__. _ _ __ _,___,___,d ___ He was a Conservative and an Orangeman and was buried with Orange honors . - ` PzA-RTSH OF VE'.SvPRA ~! `Tuesday; 18th October, '1914. . Childrens Day ' 'Minesing,' 11 a.m.--Specia1 Ser- vice for Ch`i`1d'ren; Vesv_pra--.~Sunday School 2 p.m.; Midhurst, 3 p.m.- ;`Special Service for Children; Ves- pra-7 p.m. jRev. Arthur Strother, Rector. _ Oct. 12th.---Mrs. Chas. Leith and little daughter spent a few days in` Orillia this Week. . .. . Dr. David J amieson, of Whitechurch, who has spent a few weeks with his brother, Dr; G. B. Jam-ieson, left for his home on Thursday. . . . . Miss Cely Blueman of Barrie izvas home for IT'hanksgiving. . .. ., Mr.eW. R. Best returned" home. on |TueSd~ay from a three-1'non'ths ` trip to the Old Coun-' try. . .. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bles- ser, are " home from an, extended vis,i-t*t`o the West. ` i \a A vvszr .n..A.u.\.I\J\7 J.` V. Calf - skms, green, . Fl`|-.'l'I-__ THE LATEST MARKETS Barrie, T Kerfoot s. IULIUU Dpvuu .I.uauAo51v.1u.5 uu uyusu Mrs. C1u`bine and`, her son of Newmarket are staying at` Thos._ v 1 9 ,,-;._1 ,1` ;.L- 11".`..-