lonel, ne_1"; -.u..-.\.vu.-u ..l.(lrS '|J'CJ..l.l.1l.u..- Barrie has always Ibeen in the -_ forefront in military matters. In * 18-56 or 57 Barrie formed the first ; Volunteer Rie Company organ- ized` in. the. `County of. Sim-coe; in 1861, at the __ time of the Trent -A.`air, -when a'lmost every man - who coluld .`bear arms in the County Company was ready for service; in .1864, the`(}ompany went ' to the ifront at the time of the St. Al'ban `Raid; `in 1870 it again contri-but-ed to ;.the Red iRiver.`;Expediti-o-n`,` has also in 1885 when the whole 35th Battalion went to the Northwest, land` lastly our contingent of the bother day. But `look at.__ the com-` iuposition of this last contingent. iHow many native `born Cana-dians or 'Barrie"1nen went with "it?" It `is an awful slur 011 the loyalty and ipatr-iotism of our young men. If `after. all the eacrices the men who liave. -borne the lhrunt of the battle- have made, should meet defeat for {want of proper support, a period -of ihumiliation would come when those thatshirked their; duty would }neoeive.scant co11sideration.~. ., ` Wake up boys! I ~ of?iSim2c0e volunteered, the Barrie,` Featuring Hazel Dawh. '1' T . The Pink Lady Q,-Theymost gtdipcncidus Phot Play ever . Ol 3. CORE." ` -_n;eh Vc'!_n` at 1.30 ix ]PR1cs am: 10; --- _......`. .;s\.avvu;.A.v\J I ` I Sir,-I was `surprised when {at home the other day. to learn that recruiting had practically come to an end in Barrie, and that no young men were offering for "active service. What is the cause` of this"? Are the young men afraid of, hardship or of zbeingshot? Any- how it shows a great lack of -tpatritism in `the hour of the Em- pi1_ie s greatest" tneed, when` even th `ff who were supposed t-ojbe_hos- a " .A ' s-hoiild lag `behind- I)......:.. 1.-- -1 ` ' MON.-and ES. A across GRAND PERA HOUSE Cbrrespohdent Deplores Lack of Local Volunteersigi irst A Canadian Contingent T The Editor The >Advan'<.3eT: ARE BARRIE voum; MEN % L UNPATRIOTIC :2 AA vuagrapn nab ran; Ls THIS YOU? f`RANK MOIBERLY 19 17-0. `Peter and `Aex. Mor`reau,? iawait-I trial on the {charge of murder` ` in?gI' Rdbt. - Hayde, near Midflgind, in I h -.v;._ 1;: y_~aa.5ga;Le. - Mai? last, have vcondenqe that the EL outcome of their trial will (be in! wake` have?1>e9n 1ook.r%Ig.l _ , I '-Theqthree prisoners charged`. with! F? . , Imurder, who have -`been 1n the! L. County Jail here, since last May,; % will taken to Bracebridge` ` next ] %Mon`d-ay' ti) stand their trial at .the1 Muskoka" Assizes; which open ' -there 0.11;`. with M13" Justice Len. wnox;-fpresiding. A . ` " M . .. :1) A --L-.. --_ `I I1- ' `ll V 1 us u.Auuu.u av .\J uclpu, A Stayner man` who came to town for the holiday, felt so thank- iful that he got gloriusly stewed. {The ne and costs amounted to $6i25 and now he is not so thank- `fu; . T A ' I MURDER TRIALS AT i . ; X BRACEBRIDGE msusxzmsg ....... ' "Alex. Mc`C`raney, no addrasss, was accused of vagrancy yesterday and was -?rem_a1_1ded for a week to look up his '_1j-eeord. P.C. Lam4bie gather- ed ~in. . | vvdbuvv uu.A\/ uuubul. 3 DU 1'CpUl'b U11 111111.; Mat Casey will Work on the In- dustrial Farm at Gudlph for 6! 'months. When P.C. Lamlbie ar-I rested him on Tuesday evening he? was rolling empty ubarrels from the! Queen s Hotel laiieway on Mulcas- ter St. He claimed to have cut a lot of Wood near Kem-penfeldt. and for the lack of any other convey- ance, he said lie` was going to pack V the `wood in the barrels and roll it [in to market. He had paid for the rbarrels, but a man with an inven- {tive intellect such as his was con- vsid-ered_ `better A in the employ of the Government at Guelph.` A .q'+nYPv\r\& '--A-- L- ...v.-xguu; vxiuxxucll U. 1 John Curry, `of Midland,_ alo-E said to,be decient in grey matter,: was also given a week s respite, to allow the doctor s to report on him. Mo (`nun-.-- ".311 ._.-._`L _, L` `r `,......O, .1 `A1119 upuxuuv WLJUU L'il.l.'I")'ll_lg| ea rie were somewhat suspicious, and he is also said to have `threaten- ed to shoot his employer. A week vs remand was given and in the mean-; time the doctors will examine his; mental equipment. ' `. ` T...L... P1 ____ __ 0 1r- 11 <- ` l ` - *R'obert`Younge1", who worked for} jMr. Lightfoot, at the north-east} end of the town, was -up beforei P.M`. Radenhurst "on Tuesday morn-' ing, `as his actions While `carryingl ,, ,.;,q,, ,,,'m.o Ac..,.,..,...,1.,.; -.--------H. THREE WEAK-MIND-ED IN POLICE COURT m1'?<'e`11nie. was taken to Bracebridge -on Friday morning -by Chief Me- I i Connell of that town; i l."""" ' ' . ' The couple were known to few! people in Barrie. They had` rooms; at . Mrs. Sharpe so over ' the `Singer! Sewing `MaE`h_ine Co. oice, and the arrest. of her supposed hu-band' was a great shock `to the young` Imiv ' ` V lady. % | Acting under instructions from: [Chief McConnell of A. the Brace- bridge Police, P10 . Lambie, on Thursday evening last, arrested Hugh E. Rennie on the charge of bigamy, Rennie, who ' is about 28 years" of age, was employed as salesman in a local store. and had. been in town but a few weeks`. It is said that he was married` at Guelph to a young lady from Drayton, and "that. after a few! years ' separation, he a went through g the form of marriage with a Miss! `Armstrong, 20 years of age, of Bracebridge, about four months ago. IIis} .rst Wife is said to have appeared at 1BraceIbriclg e and dis-I "covering the second marriage, had placed her case in _the hands of the pOllC`; A` TF1. 1 fBigamy Charge A Against Clerk; `J ,_ _r,_--..d, --vvvvv\J&o Barrie `stores are stocked with the finest lwith surprise that they never expected to assorted stocks in all lines, nor prices Whiel with the lowest in larger centres, as are to be regulated `stores. ` ' ' Be loyal to your country, be loyal to your community. Carry your Patrlotism into you you `in more Ways than one. Many people arebpa-triotic, beyond a national patriotism-yet many of them (3 enough to earn'their money in Barrie and short-sighted policy, however. -`town. u i -1) 'patriotirism--yet`do We practice practical patriotism? Do larger. portion of our money out of town tion,s--hiut they are actuated by the belief times for all of us. ring ` these strenuous War times, we hear much on all sides of We buy in e, of necessity, have to, and spend` the These are pertinent ques- that a 1itt1e_more practical ty would result in better Barrieijust those things which patriotism. and loyalty to our; own communi N (`.4 CARRYYOUR PATRIOTISM INTO YOUR BUYING I5. 1914 .n,xxuu vv 1 u.u. out: 11.11351; procurajblq have `travelled extensively, have" 7 nnvmv Avnnnf-or] 4-,. 2...} _' 1 1 Mr. J. M. H. ~MeGuire has been appointed Collector of Customs at Penetanguishene to ll the vacancy` caused by the death of Mr. H. H. |Ross. The appointment is a popu- Alar one and Mr. McGuire,who was a former student at Barrie Col- legiate, and is well-known here, . is to `be congratulated. V -_..,..v ALL .Lbl\.I U, raveled extensively, proclaimed nd such large and well or which compared so favorwbly 35, to be found in Barrie s we11~ 'A:PPOI`NT-EID O0-LLEOTOR AT PENET'AJNGUDSHEN-E \4oA\/ 'L .1. VVilliam Ruttan, the self-confess- ed slayer of `Mrs. Alf. Courte- [march and her 'brother-in-law, ;George . -Courtemarch- at `Hons-ey s fRapids, on May 21st, `had been lworrying a great deal, however, ! and looks despairing and haunted. lHe is small of stature and much Wizened. It will be remem'here `how he terrorized the whole neigh- 1borhood_ of Hous`ey s Rapids in .Muskoka for days before his cap- ture, and surrendered only when `starving. iHe is considerably rpast lmiddle life.- He has given the `jail authorities no trouble,` however, since his incarceration. TL--- u....v...u 1.110 .|u.\.a1\;CLab1Uu. . F These prisoners -were brought to ,Ba1-rie Jail in May (by Provincial [authorities `because the Bracdbridge }Jail was not considened safe. {most serious charge in the criminal % . . . , . (`(31413 n1\1 ] 11;-.-.n. --- --- `-:4vuI/ u\.;uJuc pucllgt 111 LUC code, and have 111va1'1a'b]y -been cheerfu1._ `try-11- ' - U vva..u.ua.Ax.ILIuL'o The question of the best farm lprocluct to give was discussed` at llength on S_at11rda,v, many favor- ing potatoes, of which iVespra farmers always have such a plenti- ful supply,- but as thev would have to be harrelled for ocean transport ;this was not considerevl feasible, land -the same conclusion was ar- `rivved at in regard to apples. En- 'quiries are being made, however, if potatoes and apples in sacks will be acceptable, and if so it ,?thought that large quantities of ithese, as well as oats, will `be given. A ] It is expected that shipment will {be made albout October 27th or l28th, and the canvassers will give all details in regard to dellivery of [contributions at central points, . 80 Dunlop St, , ' Vespra Council lield an im- promptu `meeting on Saturday and decided to assist the patriotic fund by the -contribution of products of the farm, in accordance with the Warden s request, as published "in another column. Oats were de- cided upon as being the best gift under the_ circumstances, and each councillor was apportioned a dis- trict to canvas. Each councillor lwilll appoint men to work with him [and everv :farmer in the township {will be called upon and asked to ; contribute. A f`c_t'd o'ur~ -prices yet._ V IJIIEITI IJUISUIID time of the day Ham Sandwiches Tea and `allhot dr Ice Cream and .Dri ks can 09 got. at. any `low pnces. be served all or 5c.co_tfee. ' s 5c. a cup winter. Our Hom '-mad Candy is al-. ways wholesome and the r hasn't af- 1` h``1":b3 giver} that` thei` Share} 11 Annual Meeting of the_ :-Iiage 0f the Ca?- take 1. 7. `1 a`15 (L1m1te will- . I&d<'c at the Head Oce pfthe Town "j[1.1" , _EHen -Street, _1n the THE 1l.1B``e `"1 M`1`mAYx 1914 qgl.:.DA OF 00'1`0BER= -pu,p 0Q; T-3'50 .0_C1_0ck p.m.,V for "the rule `D.f>I recelvmg. the repo1`t0f e1ectinM1I%~;tors for 'thie:p21;stTye:a1f,.% `my 11%} plrectors 'o.f the `stud "iransac-t)'r the ensmng 5'9"? .`,``di ;;.he_ C6`11]11ar fuch other t)113,ll1e`r:-:f-: o f: ; ffansact,edpthg; .eata$ may - . ~ AL I `>4 OLYMPIA CANDY LIQHT LUNCHE can be got at any ma nf the dnv `law nrinm: TEA\RO0M Candy Work` avestarted in connection L with their Ic ream and Candy Parlors . an Afte oon and Evening The\0l.YMPlA 1 to your friends, be" loyal tovyour into your Buying--it will pay espra Farmers Will Give Oats nest. procura1ble--in fact, 3Yf')YIQ1-v71\1vv L---- ' V ( {$1.00 PER ANNUMJN ADVANCE UINIILC UPIlI T-hlll CONT. V zontimie `to 1lI~1;i`l.vt;iQtiC spend it elsewhere. It is a doubt, the sense of VI... - - :nhf;n11n '4-A A " KORK5 j no A363 n:.<'1`1vA1. OF ST. LU-1 Children s Day S.30--IIoly Communion. 711.U--.\Iz1Ii11s and 7Serm0n. 3.0--('l1i](lre11 s Services. ; 7-0~-Ev011s'011g and Sermoh. },`DA_,'T1 -e11eta.11guishene-,,~:`-1. A -'74-Il\J.LI.L -.1:'J.'J'.LV .I.'J.L_1l_).J.V',\.` .j. % --e: -e;1eEa11guig:hnQ; ;b;r2}I;.`h:."2 :10-Wino` Erlosf !`S_oc1qby:j,._pLagkeAdf Qaheadb a `eh 2&3-rghut \ quarters m~:_ `case: 94`V';..-.:J;.1.:" t 2% ) i lonel`. cri-pt. -1- ,lDnIu-I= ac 1,110.)` .1V5`,""'_I T ' 1' "`J 9 : ansactned thereat. ' `l9?ated this 6th Day Of Heater F. T. SHORT. \' -V % M.a%i1_a.>.ge1A-I El The Barrjirg_a1ryaige Co; : Art s}.1.v..;;I';qg.'T2sAy IN GOOD %cQNDm(;)j1wV;,:% CD1`? riath. `counts inithe UN Each n1aturing s s11ou'Id have 21 pers same regularly, a how to expend mo an edut.-ation in t - will prove` invalu Come A In And , See [Them Lm Hat for Fall and Win ' Tter Wear.- Trinity "C-hunch BALMACAAN S'.I11<];1 K ;LxIII. No. 42 WHo L'a V VOLT:-toMP1soN cm-zw. P a.u.'m._..._- N' - 413$} Warm and Cdxnfortable -P.O Box 781 hr "I`h4e A4l;-' vanc_e pmce Ehr?*. hly, R`: j.__Bi~ggs, Vicar` ME`.N S NEW F. A. LETT, President. J. B. BARR, Sec1et~ar5p Barrie ranch. October` 18th, 1914. % portuni'ties_ -to training -in__ y Wisely. xSuch rift '.and saving 1e in later life. priz. 316151 and daughter a'1 Savings Ac- -n~r 1-` n `w... _ AA EppOrt11f1i'ties_ L`. LUKE yrail the {h9te1 at` `Ciaig1iurst; iS"V604 ECU`-.l.l1u. UL.LlJ.'C `_VV 1u1.11.|.A vuu. . lung 0. | Alan , McDoinald.,_-' `-who * formerly .in'g* `four months V EOr""ii1e1g`al , :traHe' in _-liq1'1 or"Ti;1'1 ~ _.VLi.i`?it *3"7 :1`-IWL James Mike, :1 A_-Swede, was charg- ed with attempting to `do bodily harm to. his wife, to whom he had been marriedliut three, days, and will serve three months. -in Castle Stoddart on the hill. -The trial` lasted: three `days, `before Ifagistrate Wardell, at Port -McNichol, and it [was shown, after a sordid. story of diom"sti e~' infelicity on the part, of the `bride, `who is a Pollock", hid been unfolded, that the prisoner! iattuempted "` to: woun'd_,: -her with al talhle `7'_`e:~I/inife. 1 received hiit ': -s-ligiits-;'1'wounds onj:i-,'1'g_he` 3; cheek T and? aer5n_'i,' and 5as she; lbore ~ an unsavory re1iutation,: shewas~ giv;."en? but :a' ;rs'ho_`rt time to'\. ima-k_e "__. `her ; ~ presence sa;e,n '- `The_,_' prisoner ,~-was . `employ- von ` the '- docks at fthel` C.`-Pf.*R.r*~ele-- }.v9;1;`o!-ig_..`.N "A. _ 11-. "."5-it"\T0 1' l1 V ,,, ,-_' Axiother Port =McNicho1.man is! !'doing fa term forf ingfdrunk in 9.3 L-local .option mu;`1ic`1'f`1iy` for- ,the{ sec`o1ndt.imne}withinv ttg.".d yS._,f` ` f .1r T\7_-_.'_`-1 __L; .4!.._.`..;-_.1 __. t.es Gub-v o -5 _ 1 V In . -i` the x County Constafble L. `J . Bennett of ~. Port _ MONiChO1 ibrought .. two more prisoners }fmm `the lake port [terminus of .-the .vCT.'P.`R on. Thurs- 5 day. ' F 1-...-- 1:21-- .9 'c1__...1.- _-- -1;-_._'. EWOUNDED U-N'EAvITHvFUL ? `Bumpy: -VWI'TE[` KNIF-E, {Mn D Arcy Hinds,_ of Osgoode` fall, was last Friday elected presi- ` `amt of the West V Toronto Rate-. pa'y"e rs Associatiox}. _ . I - -.1.../, u-`sun av-vu 'KIA\l\JJALl . ..LA1I.4 .lUu V G0 also `are as gren as t ey usually are in summer. It is -an uncom- mon sight for Octorber 13th. I 4 `October raspberries are -somewhat` g-common this fa11,-~but. a bran-ch 5o:'-.! a `bush-VIbrought_ to The Advance by"! Mr. Chas. Jones, is an exceedingly ne specimen -of__1ate development, `Over a cupful of ripe berries were ; on -Tuesday picked o the` bush; from {Which the branch was taken. 1 ;and .-the branch is loadede with full! formed zberries, some of which are ripe, and als'ogbloom. .The leaves are green_ ae they 4/uu ; 411.1. .1. 1.u'u.uU1u1uU. ` .. I Weelive ill a terrible nightmare,i _and_ still it is` less frightful than the reality. After two days of ,7g`hting, the French `- `army retiresi {from the S_am"bre-_'Meuse line (Givet-" ?Dinant-Nam_ur-`Charleroi) to estab-_ llishitself on the defensive behind the_French frontier. Our garrison at Namur which could thavewbeen of suolr great help is thereby isolated and condemned-' to surrender `soon. -VIVL _ n__`L -1 - .4.n.\.L \. v1.LuI.u.I.L1LL\J\.L UU D U11 1. ULl\.l'U1' 'DUU.llo The whole country, save the en- closure of Antwerp and a "small lcorner of _F1an-ders North of a line .pavssing approximately [by Ter- gmondej and Thourout, which cannot} escape.-occupation long, is 'oec.up_ied~i by the Germans." ' - xr- ,-,_ 1-- o -1 n -.1 3.; y |.A..I\.- \Jl \.JA ;;1u11oo LYou`c_an have no idea of the saw! age destruction `and the,atrocities.i committed. by the German soldiersi (Continued on" Page 4). V ! . Ostend, Aug. 26th,` 1914.; Dear :MI'.`1.)I`11d hOII1.II.1`e`. TIT-` 1, -...-..-,,..uu;o~ nu. 'ucm51u111:.. l_ I would 'be'- glad if all ladies-and gentlemen interested in aiding. the Belgians would meet in the Police Court Room, on Monday, the 19th,` at 8 pm., when arrangements will be made -for collecting and ship-` nping elothing,*food, etc. I i Already? a number -of {bales have been made _up and? are being shipped ` to catch a bo-at "leaving Montreal` next week. ' pg. - ~- L U0? ...v. addressed`, has agreed to a look after all donations, V `whether money, clothes or food and to" see` that` they are duly forwarded to the Belgians. His address is 59 St. Peter { St}, M-ontar-ea l._ Packages of clothing, etc., should "be consigned to him charges collect, 1'1. 1.]. -,, ' Pfud 411'omme;`to whom it' is vcsusava LIULLUUU, If there is a people on earth `Who deserve our 'symp_athy,A a11d generous help surely it is -the -' unfortunate but `brave and? noble sons and daughters, of -Belgium: ` K T n-7.-....LJ -`l..A- ~1-J '1' "' " " ` . Barrie; Ont., Oct. 13th,.1914 To "The" Editor of The_ Advance. : T1he enc1osed= `letter was sent to me and through your cbiumns I `hope 1 to_ abring`- it to the` attention of the ` residents of Barrie and surround- ing countiy and trust you 'Wil1~be ablg to 1')uJbli-sh it in this week s is- sue. - - `MORE _ LA.T~E LRA=SP`]3`,]eB1RI-EIS` WILL 0RGANlZE AND SEND AID T0 %m2sm'mz BELGIUM Si11c_vere1_v Yours, W. A. 10Ys.. BAR RIE;_ COUNTY OF SIMCOE. O`N'TARIQ.O OCTOBER rmbefs I :..x'Vr<:a:.j`T;'I.i:`k51d- commitf `bf Taiiiies " Threatening weather on; _Friday E afternoon interfereddfou some extent! with the .Col3_`egiatef F.ield`Day, and # l"a1lV the vents were not contested. ` ,. _],`hey may, V`-hqvieyer; ;!beT gompbeted 1 .. 4 :T_sqn_:gj_* evlgening; yegk, . W > ` I `J `The Dominion Mercantile 00., which <'boug-ht ou-t the bankrupt boot and shoe stock of J. 'ChurchilI,-have `added to the stock _ several other ;lines, V and will openxbutt on Satur- lday next with one of the most _sen- gsational A Bargain Sales` ever `staged `in Barrie. -':v1'he.sto;'en is small but the . bargains ` proztiised . are 5-`big and `there is;su're -to-(be 5 big` crush. ` See their .fu11V- page' . announc_:ement_- Ionback page of;~thV'1s,__issue._ ' ,..; uuuuu an. an \Ju1u.u.I.'1uuLl. V iThere Awere 22 models `in all, iaibout equally. divided` between Eng- lish, French and `Canadian artists. , F The second prize of $500 __ went to F. Fleming Baxter, . of London, England. The jury of award was composed of Sir Edmund Walker, Dr.` -Alexander Fraser, and the Rev. Canon Greene, of Toront-o;_ Wi,1_-i 1-iam"B1-ymner, of Montreal, presi- dent of the Royal Canadian `Academy of? Arts; .Eric .Bro`=wn,A director of the National Art Gal- ` try, Ottawa, and F. L. Maegachen land J. P.` Downey, `Oril`lia. ' A NEW; FIRM -| H I `The jury of award on Saturday awarded first place i11 thetcompe`ti- `,tion for the proposed monument to _';r_Samuel'de Champlain at Orillia,., `V111 `connection with the three-_ "i hundredth anniversary` of that ex-' `}plorer s visit to Ontario, to a model Hswbmi-tted by Vernon March, -of _ % Goddend-e'ne,' Farnborough, England.- .l When completed "the monument lwitll .'be about 30 feet high. On ; each side ,- of ' the` pedestal are groups illustrating the introduc-* -, ing of Christianity and the-. Work of . "the courier du' Fbois. The pedestall ,will- be surmounted by a her_oicl libronze statue of. Champlain, 12; g feet high. ` ` n11__~.___ ,~_n 1 --- A - i I .a.uv_u 11151.1. l The "successful competitor is a; Iyoung English -sculptor who has; already done Work of much prom- vise. There `are seven ~statu-et`tes- done `by him'in the National Art VGa1- lery, Ottawa. His brother, `Sydney |March, is the -scullptor of the fame: lous _ -equestrian statue of ' Lord] . I ' iKitdhener at Omdurman. .,m_[__A _,_e_ ,,,, . , . -- Ori llia To Have Champlain! Statue by English Sculptor. } "-9-22 In Competition ` ~ f EDESIGN SELECTED 9 Hon NEW MONUMENT; .... .5 .;uuu\..;q.uu1.. I ' Th-3 -synod held "three sederuntsi yes.terday,;aIid the invitation from Orillia to have n-ext year s-se.s;~:io11" `held there -was was considered. . . 4 I [`ue$- The Presbyterian -Synod of To? ronto - and Kingston open-ed "its an- , nual session in" St. James A Square] , Church, Toronto, on Tuesday night. , There Was a ' fair attendance ` of . d_elegates "at the p, opening meeting when the chief item of . business ' was the election of a moderator for the -ensuing year to -succeed Rev.. , D. A. Thomson, of. Hastings, the . reti-ring moderator. The -remaindler of the -meeting" was `devoted to de- votional, exercises .. and* the sermon R by the retiring `moderator, who dea'\lt with the spiritual force of Christianity and its superiority to . all other religions. Two nominafti-ons for. moderator . were received, `one from -the Presby- : teries of Guelph and Petenboro for i Rev. A. B. 'DoIbson, of Saugeen, ' {who Was second" `choice last year; : the other for Rev. Dr. _Buchanan, I of Elmvale, the latter `being chosen ; 'by .a considerable majority. In .ad- 1 dressing the synod on his election, < `Dr. `Buchanan referred to the sha- 4 dow `of the great calamity under 2 which the meeting was being he1d,}j land declared that Canada shouldw be prepared to 'uphold with _her last t -man the principles . for which the`: Empire stands. At>the con~_clu~sion ] lhof Dr. B.uchanan s remarks a Avotei 2 `of thanks was tendered. to the re-Q c tiring moderator. i {-1 mL_ -,..111~ -' ` -Of-V Presby.feria*gy-nod of T o- ` And Ki1igston.-Canada * `Must Be Prepared REV.DR;BUCHANAN OF ELMVALE WAS - CHOSEN MODERATOR ,OPrEN=-S A QUT BUSINESS X ,, -v\. "`There is ,a man- who never drinks, Nor smokes, -nor chews, nor_ Swears . V Who never ganrbles, never irts; `Arid shuns all sinful snares." I He ~'s paralyzed. _There is'a man who never does A thing tha is `not right, V hHis wife can. tell just -where he is At` morning, noon and night. e He s dead. .- V ' `gun... uuuur \/Lug. \Vu1laU11 Uilllle 011} `to Napier St. and defended thel town against an attack by the main -`body, the latter overpowering the defenders; who were in occu- " pation of, the`o'ld-. isolation hospital _.property. The Whole force return- `ed- to town` about -7.30 a.m., well pleased with the night s Work. ' A Aibout thirty members of the local companies" of the 35th prac- {tised tactical. exercises on the holi- fday. They marched out on Sunday evening; bivouacking _.near Little `Lake. tAt 5.30 a.m. the advance guard under Corp. Walton came 011. `_ ___;,_ `I I` 1 `I -V "+/\ 1\T.w..',... O 1 A BARBIE ATTAOKED, THA_N:KSGnIVIN'G DAY