Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Oct 1914, p. 6

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73Y?in-Aged bull, 0. M. srfig-I -1ey._ `Bull iialf, R. Graham. Milch cow, 1 and 2 O. M. Srigley, R.- -.hGraham. -Two-`year-old heifer, ..R. `Graham, 0.` M. Srigleyt - Yearling `I-Iei .fer alf, C. M; 'S_rigl_ey. heifer, C. M. Srigley, R. Gigahgpmr A'......1.:...... 11:14. -..._ 1:?! " Herefords--Mi1-ch cow, ` s. A |nA4UIsLno I Warnica. Yearling heifer,` TS. Carr- Bull calf , .F. Wamica, S. 03.21`-.. . L ` % - 1 Carr. Twosyear-old heifer; T Fred E. `E. -n--1 tn _ CANADI WN BANK OFCOMM RCE I I]. L . UUIIIISDUII, J31'.lJ Geo. Plowright. ? Brood` mare, Plowright, G. Hea1eyV& Son.- `|l'_'...._'~1'l..'_ .... -- c4:.....1- .n.--..;. . Durham---S. Dymetit took prizes in this class except m_iikin`g `cow and "third in calf, both of which wentv-~to Grfafhanl. " 7 . 1 11-01 1 % - V sm nnutmn WAl.KER.C.V; ..LL.n D.C.L.'PreIidti I . ~ IIEAICDER LAIRD. JOB . Au't Ge_nenl Home KJLIUCL Do - Cart horse, Hy. Pratt. T Me11en- s_id-e `?`foa1, (1st not ma$ked_ in_ judge s` Ibook but is said to be Thea.` Speers), I. Speers, os. Ca1dwe1_l.. Yearling {by Mellensid,` I. Speers,[ E. M. Freak, A. Dyer; Foal f1)y Upperton, J. D`. Knapp, Albert Orchard, J. W. Orchard. Foa1"by Islay, J. T. Johnston, J os. Fralick, Geo. Plowrig-ht.` . - A.....:...'_1A.--._..'I 1\.r....L..,1 `..-:.. IT \J u I1|:I\11l.DU.I..I., .109 .l.IIU\'.7o UU, . U V A . ' G-eneral Purpose---4MatcheZi 'pa1r, Wm Copeland, T. McBride,. Wal- lace Brown. Two-y_earold, A. A; Armstrong`. Yearling, Thos, Ke1`1. Foal, J. T-. Johnston, J. F`ra1i_ck, n__ T\1_#___:__1_L -n___.1."._._-_._ n .L J\J VV 1. 1511 U, \-I O -I-L\/BILL!" \Il KJ\IA&0 Misce`1laneous-Single _ turn-out, `V ' John {Bun-dy, F. ' Wiseman, B." J. Barclay. Farmers T open trot, Roy Tesky, J. "R. `Ruth-erford.: Lady driver, Miss Barclay, Miss Cave, `Miss: Thompson. .- T. ` uvu. .L 1uvv:.15u.u. Agri-cn1tura1-~Matched pair, `J. MoArt'hur,' R. Roe. Two-year-old-, J. McArthur', J. Rowell, Jos. Chap - pell. Yearling, A. Bell}, E; M. Freek, A. Dyer. Foal, J. D. Knapp, R, Roe, B. Webb. Brood. mare, R. Roe, C. G. Atkinson, R. Roe." n_-..,_....1 1: ..... .... .1r..4.,.1.::a -....:..| upgrarde. Careful attention ie giwfen fevety . Small accounts Ilrevelcomed. -Accounts may be opened and counts may be opened in the names of two 1' {note persons: dfawals to be made by any, one of them or by th survivor. j w 831 .. Cotswold-*A8`d _fJ;_- 1?-ga-LS'an7;; Vfderson. fsanderseonef .'Shar1ifng;;.' mm, .F.:AL:,S;anderson, 5*`_-$3dI?Af:- ."v cmm. s15.uuo,uun nesegwsfunu, 313,500,000 SAVINGS BANK Ac0UNTS , I{:1c1:-I1'(ey.-1E'I"ai7'iia, TIH. 7B1ao_k? V CATTLE BARRIE BRANC` all "t.11<-3 3rd . 'n` .l1e.if3? LLLLL UL H. J. Gii.iEY1'_. Mansger; .:.a gun uuuuv DUO, !.'UUl\ LL. IV. , \J- Byam; hen, ' C. H. Byam. Wyan-i dottes, `A.O.V., cock, G. Whiting, R.- Bjdwell; hen, R. Bidwell, D. ` Doran. `Bantams, B.B. Red, /Gama, cook, G._ Whiting, hen, G. Whiting, Faux. `_A.-O.V., cock, F, Wals,-_ _G. `Whiting; hen, G_. 'Whiting,"E.` _` Wales`. Cochin, cock, F. Wals, G W7hit,ing;~ `,hen,'_ G. "Whiting, A. W. Pratt. ,~African, _'cock,; F; AWa1es`, G _1_; Whiti_ng,;fhen, P; '_.Walc-s,` G. Whit-j' ing.` "iS`ebright`,_.cQck,` G.,iWhitin`g. 1 J.T. Do`__uga1l he`i1,f Whiting, (.J.~[?` ['17- '2-Diliigal-.1;-V _a Pyles. ciock, - Wa1]S'-:*,i?"}i hen, - Wal W.'C.B.', cock, F. WaleS;- hen, F. Wales. Polands, 'A.O.V.,`~ cock, F, `Wales, N. Gibfgey; `hen; F; `Wales, W. N. Gi-bneyy R.` I. Reds, cock, W. L. .Mibch1l, Dot -am ; `hm. `T...T .'|t:4...1....`I`l` n1n_:4.- nr_;,, Cu): ABIIJJ 0 G1-ades--Mileh -cow, R. Grahain, T 1 and 2 C. `M. Srigley. Two_4year- j old heifer, -C. M. ..Srig1ey, R; -Graham. -Yearling heifer, C. M. Srigley. Heifer? calf, C. M. Srig- ley. ' ' ' x Class 18--'Beef herd, S`. Dymen`-t. A Milching herd,` C. _. M; ` Srig1ey. .1Bii1l` of beef breed, -S. Dyment. Female beef -*breed,: ~S. V,Cavr_1:. j :Bull, -.miJf;he; ing h1:e_ed,' C.,M-., Srigley. ;.milchi;g. yggaham; 1 _: `W _: j Fat cow or heifex-v--'A.`.'J; vTi`1k.L < n. 4.1. .a.u.1.uuucu, 1_J. uvruu; ] EEK W.~ L. _`Mit.che11. ite Wyan-. .L'.;++..-5 ,;.-...I- A `D Tum--_ .117 -57" . ni;:ees;' },o`i:,`"`.7." i`i.' % Gibneyhgn W. N. =Gi'bneyA 1 and 2.` Buff Wyandgttes cock, 0. ` Dun. . 1...... I)_-_-- T`l'T-4- Carscadden. Ram lamb, .1 and 2 -R. F. Carscadden; " Aged ewe, 1 and 2, R".--Oarscadden. TGimmer,_ R. [F. Carscadden. Ewe lanib, `R. Cars-K ?cadelen._ . m - 3` SvouthdoV vns-~Gnim1'ner',[ AL A `strong. \ l q . 1-. `A. n - .--. ,A1-mstrong. `Ewe:_,1amb,, A. "A. ' . _Shrop`shire--G. Crawford _`(Mine- ;sing), G._ S. Clark, A, A. Arm- lstroug. Shearling ram, Gr". Craw- ford. " Ram lamb; A. E. Bower- book)-. Aged `ewe, G. Crawford, A. A. A; oArmstrong, G. Crawford. }man land 2, (3rd not marked in` Gimmer. 1 and 2, A. A. Armstrong, A. ,E. Bowermanr Ewe lamb, 1 and 2, G. Crawford, A. -E. Bowerman. ('\_.L'__.`.`l T\___-._ A_...J _...__. T IT Andalusians--'Cock, C. Fletcher; `hen, C. Fletcher. ` Dark A Brahma-s~, icock, F. Wal-es; hen, F. Wales. `Light Brahmas, cock, F. Wales;` lw. N. Gisbney; hen, 1 and 2, o. Fletcher. Cochins; partridge, cock, F. Wales, 0. H. Byam; `hen, C.iH. Byam, C. C. `Hinds. .- Silver Grey. Dor'king_s, cock, F VVales; _ hen, F. Wales. - Games, B. B. Red, cock, F. Wales; -,,.hen, F .. . Wales, Geo. ' ,Whiting. T` Games`,-_ Intlian, cock, F. .Wales; . F. Nixon; A.O.V., cock, F. Wales; hen, Geo. Whiting. Langshans-,. cock, G. |Whiting, F. Wales; hen, F; Wales, G. Whiting. Leghoms, .S.C.gWhite, cock, F. Wales, W._ N. Gibney; hen, F- Wales, 4 H.- Walker. Leghorns, White R.C., cock, `G. `Whiting; h-en, G. White. Brown Leghorns, S.C., cock, 0. Moffatt, F. ,Wales;' hem") and .2, W. D. ,Minniken. ' Br. .horns, R20,` cock, W. 'J. Scott, G, Wrhiting; hen, W. J. Scott. .Bu`~' Leghorns. `cock, F. Wales, W. N. Gibney; `hen, W. N. Gi-bney',. Hy. Hulse. I-Ioudans, cock, , F. Wales,` D.. Doran; hen, , R;-`Leadley,c D. lDoran. Black Hamburgs, cock, F -Wales; hen, F. Wales. .'Hi1mburgs, A.'O..V., _ cock, F. -Wales, -F. -,Nixonv; hen, D. Doran, G. `Whiting.`_ Span- ish, cock, W. Gi.-bney, F._ Wales: fhen, W. Gibney, '.Wales`.,. Minorcas, cock, .1 and 2, F. Nixon; `hen, 1. and 2, ' F. Nigton. Barred ' Rocks, -c'oc,k,_, Hy. fHulse, 0. Robert-' son;< hen; C.` `C. Hinds, _`Hy "Hulse. White -Rocks, cock, A. Malconison, F. I Wales; hen, `A4. Malcomson, 2 Miss Malkin. Bu Rocks, cock,` 0. H.` {Byafm;- hen, By,am.- ',Polanc1, : jTK7.l"1 13" ..-;.1- -"D TIT..1-`.;- FL-.. . 6, \Au \JLuvv.LLI1. 0 a V1 LILIALLO L Oxford DoW;s-:Ag`t_2`d `1'J2:m:`J. H.` Kerswell, `A. McLean. 'Shearling ram, J. H. Kerswell, A. M-eLean. `Ram lamb, 1 an'd..2 J. H. Kerswell, .A. McLean." Aged "ewe, 1 and 2 J. H. Kversw-ell, A. McLean. Grimmer, g1 and 2 J. H`.,KeArsWe1l, A. McLean. `Ewe lamb, 1 and 2 J. H. Kerswell, IA. McLean. - . _ K TC1as7s ,2(4_1__-_a`Ten long ivd $11eei), R. 'F . Cars-cadden,_']3en- `short W001 is-heep, J. H. Kerswell. - ~ ~ PIGS" Tam:vo1Eths-Bbar,.' A. A. V strong. " Boar of 1914, A. I` stron ` f I Yorkshires-Bo"ar, J. - H.` Kers- we11,'A~. Me-Lean. Bosirof 1914, TA - McLean, .H. Kerswell. Sow, A. McLean`, J. A. Kerswelli Sow"of Ana; 1!` T V_: T A 7 `I1 HORSES e . __Ca.rriage-_-spane in `ha_rness,f". Jos. Coulber, F. Wiseman. Two-year-9 A old`, H. B1ackstock,' R. D. Coutts.{ Yearling, _ H. Blackstock, Isatcl Speers, R. D. Coutts. Mare with foal, A. E. Little. Foal of 1914, Isaac Speers, 2 and 3 R. D. Coutts. Single horse attachved, H. M." Stew- art. Wm. Rusk, A. Adams. Three- `year-old, I-. T. McsM:ahon, J. M . `r 111- J," Ber1 ,Wm. Peafce, A. `E. BoWe1:man.. Boarof 1914, 1 and 2`, G. Plowright; Sow; G. Plow- ri-ght, W. Pearce. Sow `of 1914, G. P1'0Wl`ight,. W,` Pearce. , V` i'iZ,""X. cahn, J; D_..L ,,_ ,1 L'_____ .A.n.vn\: -LC/L L, `Li, `I I Bes-t pen of bacon Lean, `C. ~Ro1)e'rtson,. POULTRYL "A`." I{e:';e3"vvi1: *hog's-A. Mc-. __J.' A. `Kers- Arm- Arm- >_";' V'_., v : `_ v .. -h..,....,__.(:,_ ~. , :5, -' It . ~l`fS; fema,-le,-.-C.-G." `Har'r1s.* v1 ._ek1n,j male, H; -Hu1'se}; N. G'i5b`ney; -fe ma1e,_H. Hulse, W. - N-" Gi-bney. ` IE-Iztiig Runner,-A ma_1:a,_ W. N. Gi~`bney;l TI ? `T A Wales-; pilllet, - V I UtgL:u1un_,. l:UUAU1.'U1,. U-_ 1.1.. ugauz, .1.- ,...;C.` H. . Byam, F. Wales. ` _Silver `Grey Dorkings, gcockerel, ' F. Wales; bullet, F. ' Wales. Games, B.B..`,Red, cogikei-g2_I, F. ,Wav1es; "pullet, F. Wales. In- dian Games, "`;cockered,. F. Wales; I pullet, F. Wales. Games, ' A.O.V., *7 codkerel, F F Wales; pullet, `F. Wa1es.F Langshans, cockerel; A. B. .Wice;_ Fpullet-, A. B. Wi-ce,_ 1117-1-.. 11TL:4.... T.....1...;........ Q 3 L . Z` Leghorns, ~coekerel, F. Wales. W. N._ Gribney; pul-let, F. `Wales, W. ' N. - Wales, `C. H. Byam; " Wales, O. NH. Byam. Black Ham - F. Wales. -' Whiting; - Minorcas, -_ Nixon; pul_let,.1 and 2, F. Nixon. - "let, G. I-I_.lBya`m. Polands A.O.V., u '` pullet, R Wales; ` F." Nixon. Brown Le'gl1oArns,\-S .rC., cockerel, 1' land 2. ` 1 s 3 1; ,\\..c ,` I|,|vl1\/U LL! o I Wales. Whitev. 7_I;h61:1l,W S.'(L3`. : cOc_kerel,- ~ F. Wales, ` NH. _ Walker; ' C.*`Moatt_;` pullet, `=1 and 2, C . N-Mfoatt. Brown-_ _ Leghorns, R.C., eock:erel,. 1"andv 2, .W. J . Scott; p.u`l'1et,`,1 and 2, J. Scott. Buff ~. Gi!b1A1ey.t -cockerel, F pullet, , F Houdans, 'burgs, cockerel; F. Wales; pullet, Spanish, cockerel, G. ; pullet, ` Gr. Whiting. cockerel, 1 and 2, F. Barred Rocks, cocker_e1, (L C. Hinds,.O. Roibertson; pu1let,' J.'W. Orchafd, Hy, Hulse. White Rocks, Cock-erel 1 and 2 A.Malcomson; pul- let, 1 ancl 2; A. Malcomson. Bu `Rocks, cockerel, C. H. Byam; pul- _ _ _1_..._.-1 `I3 TIY..1.... . T.` A .n.. `AL- Prize Winners/ at Barrie F air_ ouuuuv, J..l.o\Jo V o, .Ll.KLoo Cavena, C.` C. Hinds. Cauliower," Mrs. J. Campbell, C-. C. A_Hinds.'~ `Early H-o~rn_ Carrots, W. J. Scott, C. G. "Harris. Chautenay Carrots, D`. C. Camplbell, `A. L. .Raynham. Long .Reil' "Carro't`s, W. ,J ." Scott, "Mrs. -Cavena. -Parsnips, ' W. E. .. Brown, "A. Dart. _Paris' Golden -Ce1ery,..J__as. Marlin, `C. `G. Harris. [Pink . Oe.1ery,._..J,' Marlin, D. C.` C-amptbell . P-ink Celery, J . Marlin. D. _ C. Campbell. White, Plume _ Cel-ery,; `C. G.`.Harris, T J. , Marlin. Winter Core , J. "Marlin, A.: Dart. ` __C.apsi(;ums,r }.~**Hines,' O. `C. Hindgs. Corn, Moore, `'0. AC. . Hinds. 7.T`a __l3'le Be/ans _,in pod, W. 3.. `-$g_:'ott,`\_ A. '71)`. .Ca"n 1pbe1l.l Long Bed .;Be_efs,' . Campbell, . 1.]. Seo..tt,: :'1`111`:hfp_.Beetss,. W." _;J; . "Scott; .W A M. Uampbell. Egg: Plant. fruit; J . , .Oakes.,r' S1isfy; ...W;, .M. Camxibell. `W J C-_ Long_"_R;aclishi3s,a'W. - 4A-=:jL_ Raynham. `,'I3u_rnip V. _ ` " `;W.*'M.`...-Campbe11;= MA '1"I'.91b1.eV Iurni; , .A. L -Raynh m..:.D-M C Cgmpgi. Jeru- _us.a1em Artichokes, I:-D. C,. Camplbell, A 13.. B` lawn W Brown. ..Y*e11ow _j P-lolgwihn, C. - C. . Onzens; 1-`Q . 4._1?5low- : `T t I I \ I female, ' H.?Hu1s3,( W.f- India -Runner; male, .fem_a1e,` w. Gibney. CHICKS ' ` 2 Andalusians, 'cockerel, L1 and 2, C. F1etcher;_ hen, 1` and" 2, O. Fltcher. Dark Brahma Pullet, F. Wales. ' cockerel, 13`. Wales; pullet, F. ' "Wales. Partridge C`qchins,. cockenel, Byam,' F. ` 117-1--. ,__`I1_;.` IV . `D D........ T.` .CLo\Jo ll. . Buchanan. ' IUD, \/o .L.l,o .L \JLI-I&.I.\4|bJ, A.l.o\.II V a, v cockerel, -FjJuWF7a1es ;. 'pullet, F. Wales: .R.I. Reds. cockerel, 1 and .2, W. L. Mitchell; `pullet, :F. Wales, W. L. .Mitchell. White .Wyan- dottes, W. N. Gilbnev; J. D..H-ines; pullet, S. Sarjeant, W. N.` Gixbney. Bu veockerel and pullet, C. H., Byam. Wyandvottes, A.O..V., cock-h erel, C. H. Byam,` F. Long*hurst;. pullet, J F._ Longhurst, A. 0. Brick- er. Bantams, B.B.. Red, ~-Game, `c"bcke`rel, ; Geo. Whi-ting, ._ Fred - `Nixon; pullet, 1` and `2, .F. Nixon. I A.`-O.V. Ga-me, cockerel, F. Wales, Rf .I.eadley;_ pul-let, F. Wales, R,` Leadley. Cochins. Acockerel, Wales; A. F. A. Ma-lcomson;-, pul~. let, A. Malcomgson," F. Wales African,` cockerel, Geo. Whit'ing;` pullet,` Geo. VV-hiting. Sebright,! cockerel, F. Wales,` A. B. Wic~e;! pullet, J. Dougall, F. Wa1es. Pyle,} Game, * -cockerel and pullet, F.` `Wales. English Red Caps, coekerel! pul et, F. Wales. and `pullet, G. Whiting. White: Orpingtons," cockenel, 1 and 2, 0.; Faux; pullet, 1 and 2, C. F aux ; A.~(. V. .Orping'tons coclferel andl ~ `I\ ` Scotc`h. Kale,` D. `C. Campbell, Dart. Red `Cabbage, C. C. Hinds, M. Mooring; Carlibage, A'.O.V., ' Mrs._l IV......._.. ` 'I',,`I':_..II... t`1..-_121]'-__-_. an-I.nA.I'L:1 u -&J\ItI vvuauxag VI 9 .LV 0 \)I Mu ligy. A:O.V.,_ E. THar1_'is_,. S. `l)__ _`l-__.-_. I '.l.`urkeys-.Bron2e, male, .A; 4'jD.1 Campbe1l,. Mrs. J_. Campbell`; '-"fe-! male, A. D; Campbell, Mrs. Jno.` Camplbell. - 1 I `I 1-1-v 17 .v:li_;4V11<:s----Ayllsibury, male, W. G:i'b1V1-ey; female, Hy. Hulse, NH ."Gi`bney. Roqen, male, H. .Hu_1se,l -C. G. Harris; female, H. Hufls-e,. W. N.` Gi'b_ney. _Pekin, male, H.i Hulse, _ W. N. Gi'bney; female, W.` N. G_ibney,_ 1rI._Hu1se. India-Rum ner, male and female, W. N. `Gib- .ney'. `- V ' .... .. . -_,.l P.igeons--Tumfblers, J. and 2, 0.} 0.. Hinds. Jaoofnins, 1 and 2, A. Mal_comson.T Fantails,` Jno. Dou- gall, A. `E.--Ki!-vi-ngton. Owls, 1 and` 2, A. Ma-lcomson.` Bouters, 1` and 2, A..` Malcomson. Homers, Jno. " Dougall, A. Malcomson. Bigeons, A.O.V.. W. D. Minniken. > Rarb\bits'--Lop-eared, W. _ N. Gi\b- ! A f\ TT '1?` T`l'..__.!_ .l..|.\.qu.vL uua1., \Jo Jllo lg}. 1510. . 4 `V Ayrshires--Milch cow, V M} S1-igvley. n,,_,1-_ 1:21,-.1, . 11." n 1 GARDEN PRODUCE fTHE% NORTHERN A1)VAN.c3E Applique---Miss Lynch, Mrs. C, Butcher. .Battenburg-- Mlss J B. J. Gilchrist, Mrs. Norman Campbell. . Bed-room furnish- , ings-`--Mrs.= Butcher. - Babys . bonnet-'-Miss Hester Judklnsy _: Miss L. Blueman. Baby~ s `coat +Mrs. N. Mc_Eac_hern. Boudoir cap--,Mis_ Eya S_trang.ways,v M365 ;._ McCuaig. _ Ch1ld s dress--M1ss i~Blueman, MISS M. E. Campbell. Crochet_ work, cott_on---M1ss .M. Campbell, Miss Blueman. - Crochet work, wool--Mrs. Butch- ; er,`Miss _M. E. Campbell. Crochet . collar-'-Mrs. J. W. Willmott, _jMiss. J.` `Quantz._- Colored centre _Spiecer---Miss Jean Marshall, MISS Bella Gilchrist. Fancy calendar .--Mrs. Bridgland, Miss V Ross. Darning on stocking-- ' Mrs. J. W. Willmott, MISS M. E. l'Camp`bell.. Dining `table ce.nt.I`er - lace--Mrs. Butcher, _Mrs. T. Mil- , bee. Dining table centre, col- ._lored embroidery--Mrs. Butcher, . Miss M.>E..Campbell. Din_1ngt.a-Ll .,ble centre, white embro1dery--` Miss M. Campbell,` Miss Jean , Marshall. Drawn work on lin- ien4-Mrs. Willmott, Miss M. E. *=,Campbell. Embroidery on bolt- 3'ing clo_t.h--~eMiss H. C.`\Vill1nott, ,!Mlrs. Willmott. Etmbroidery n .'sik---M1:s. \Vill1no t, Miss Wi .. l % xnohgt. Eiiibgoidefify boninensilllk 2 -- '. G. . eb A "rs. v i _ J!l-]lOttr.S_Ell1bI`OldF -I'Y on linen, cot- :lton-Miss J. Graham, Miss Anah "Bailey., Embroidered. Pillow Cases-Miss M. Lough, Miss J. V Gfahlll. Five) o clock tlable gov.- . er- iss J. ~uantz, lliss ean -`Bailey. Guests towels-Miss Ji. , Quantz, Mrs.~\Vh1tlaw. Flannel ,sh1rt--'A. D. Campbell, Mrs. Jno. !Campbell. Lace handkerchief- }DIIrs.dkBut%he;, Mrs. I\'M_Ganip`l/gellll. -' an `ere 1e. case-- ISS ll .. , mortt, _l\C/{rs.d\Vfillmott. Handlvliag .-emiroi ere m co ors --'-- IS .3-k\)Villmott,h Bluginan. EH`aIrlP3 _v. at croc e e - . rs. . . c:1_7t~m1;q, l\Irs1,`.I G. SN\\ %})bE I1{lem_- s.1c 1 -- . . - - Miss` JI.lgQuanrtSz. Irish `gzrolcfhgtl -i .Mr_s. _Wilmott, Miss M. E. Bo/ss. -Ciinlttiigt rwlvool-TMrs. McCulloch, rs. uc er. {nitting cotton- Miss Jean Marshall, Miss J. L|Quantz. Lamp shades -`- Mus. LIP. Love. Ladys. apron, plain-l `Mrs. McEachern. Mrs. McCul_, : loch. Lad_v s apron Afancy+-Miss IBl1(iier,nan, Mrs. M M.c1/Iacigheiin. ' 3-. YS VVI`aD'DeI'-.- rs. c ac - - ,1?/PHI. 'hLlad3&s_. \voIold1,:acket--L Mists .= asa ,1ss u1ns.., cloth--Miss Anah Bailey, llllfigs Clllrl [Luncheon .;let-Miss An- a ai ey, Mr.s.,W it la . `L _`. centre. piece `D white-` Iisvs,_ B:l(l3 -, ggllchlrist. rs. '1.t Milbee. Laun- - ry ag`--. iss , M` - }1\uK{_illm1&tt.E`. CMacrl;:1r11::lI(:gn:av{I,o11;l[{ I-SE: pk ISS .3 ._ amp cw, piss _ _ - Ross. Netting-_~M1ss M. E. Ross, ' 32: 3~r.W:2~ i .*" ., _. __11n0 rs.` 1 mo . . Pl_ll0w s:hams_--Mrs. ,McEacher'n, *`:"%*M Port _- Is. .uc er, ..v- or o L Patch B WOIik'--Miss~'Blueman,Mr% ' McEachern.... Poker work_ `on- 'lS`I`aI18 Wafs,- _' Po~ke`r _ work - " 193thP-- "I58".-.F_. M. `Bailey. Em- r 'broidered~ photo frame: _--4 Miss ~ VVl11mOtt;2.Mr`s: Willmott. Lace . hoto _frame--Mis . M. E'.~~-Ross-,. ,. 1_n-- cushion. .s;_.Wi'1ltn_ot"t, - .M1ss:Jean BiaiIey.s Pierced brass . Jr Tuck. 'Mi.s`s.. F. M; Bailey. ; Qmrlt .for;>.cr&d-le-,-as Mrs.` Btutcher. DQJWDD .Im.1t-=Mi ss _ .`0vliy. _M'!.S.S. A--i .Acon,1sey..rr. W1!ite 11tIui,.1;-+ -.`e . M1.ss. -B'3_" Mc`C}1_}a'ig, Mrs...-. Mccu ~`33.n9,l?9.!1'-`s."fP9it$11 E ~ . Miigs Jean .1g_=M;u- ..ot,hes..,.r.ths ` L itsiinn - n,.M 2?? _ v_'i $lletfoii`4 of. A 0. *T`:5:_ . ;1G.. Har;gis,.f?iD:;`:'=(3. ;_j;_ amp y , M .nA1nY.`PnoDUcE... 1 ` ..Ten`lbs'._~butte`r :in.1:ol1se+M`x;_ss. B.; McC1.1aig,_ Mrs.. D. M.(~(Ju;a_1g,__ Mrs. -T. M'*Cullo.c4hs.. -.20~~lb. omck j b_utter--Mrs. A. Gilchrisft,` ; -Mrs. 1 D._`M_cCuaig, Mrs; J.. Campbell. Ten lb; crock butter-LMrs`. Mc- Culloch, M.iss B. "-M'cCua,ig,` Mrs. `D. .McCuai'g'. . Ten lbs. butter 111 .2 lb. Jrolls--Mrs. McC'ulloch,MIfs. Campbell, ~- A. _ D. Campbell. .Farm'e'rs' cheese--Mrs'-. D. Mc-_* Guaig, Mrs. J. Camp`bell.-Farm- ers ' cured hame--Mrs-.' D." Mc- Cuajg, Miss B.'Mc..Cuaig. Loaf home-made bread--A. D. Camp- bel, Mrs. J. Campbell, ;Mrs. = D. MoCuaig. .Maple- Molasses--J.` NV. Orchard, Mrs . D. McCuaig`. Clover Honey--.-`Mrs. W. C. Hew-- `itt. B'asswood honey--- Mrs. Hewitt. Buckwheat honey --Mrs. Hewitt. Collection of honey-- Mrs. Hewitt, A.AE. Kelvington. Honxe'-.-made `pickles--D.C.Camp- bell, W. J. Scott. `Canned Fruit `--`Mr's. T-. MoCulloch,. Miss B. Mlccuaig. -Dozeneggs -- Fred. N1xof1, J.'M. `Ness. Assortmenr of c_ake-Mrs. MoCulloch, Mrs. Hewltt. alrleej Turkey -. Mrs. V Mculloch.-I .Gr0ose----Mrs.' Hewitt, vMrs. _Mc- Culloch. Ducks--A.. E. Kelvlngu t n, Mrs. Hewitt. F0wl--V-Miss B. Mcquaig, Mrs. McCull'och. POULTRY FOR. TABLE: LADIES. WORK. _ Duchesske of Oldenburg:-- G. Oram, C. W. Nash. St. Lawr- encle, `C. T. Thompson_, Hy, Pratt. ;A_lexander--J. T. Qumlan, Jas. Coutts. Maolntosh , Redo --- J. lCout,..tsb, A. 0. Bricker. Snow - W. M. Campbell, I. Speers. `Gold- en `Russett-W. M._ Campbell, J.- W. Orchard. ,Red Pound --. H. Pratt,` `,W. M. Campbell-. Pe- wa,ukjee:--J, T. Quinlan, AE. M. Freekg. Spy- J..T. Quinlan, Al- bert Orchard. Maiden Blush--- Albert, `Orchard, T. Connell. Bald- [win--` Ca..v0r_am,` E. M, Free . _'Gol1ze_rt-Gr. Ora mr.l G. Ottaway. Wagner G. . Ottaway, Jas. qCout.t$3 r-Ribstone Pippin-G: Ot- jtavway`--G; Tf.- Thompson. Weal- =1h~y.`-;~Ed"`. Mfurphy, Mrs. Cavena`. :.Yel'low;.;Bel_l;flowe,r 1. Spears, Qttaway-: King off,'I,`0mPkiDS 2; g.- fttayvay-.-4-W_.` Orchard. . 1`. Thompson, - Bailey, W--Miss Bailey, Mrs. Its. 3;` $.:.~;*Cafrfr.ii)li`e11l. ..MGua1s. :11grrs';I`.gampbg:11~; .W.ooI1`en:`;gloves '.~McGua.ig.'- 1l__Ir_.s.. ...MQCul, _lo"ch., "Woollen mits--.-`Mrs-.` Me- Cul`l~o;h, ,. ~ ~ Mualg. 1, Gray ?weOl~len_ Vyarn; -+- Mrs.;. Mccuaig, -,M'rs,`. Campbell. .Wh`ite. wool- _1e,n- yarn-)-* Mrs. McGuaiR.. Mrs. Campb.ell. White ` cotton under- >vs;e_ar-'i-V Miss M. E. . Qampbell, Miss Eva Strangways; Collec- tion of children's work-:.- Mabel McEacher_n,' Marjorie Robinson. . .FI`N_E ARTS. . :Oils-gu're-Miss E. Waddell, Miss Palling. Landscape--M1ss Waddell,.-M,rs._, -L. C. O Keefe. .Marine--1-Mrs. _O Keefe. Miss F. M. `Bailey. Animals-- Mrs. O - Peefe,r Miss Waddell. Inanimate -`0bjects--M-Miss F. M. Bailey, `Mrs. Plowman- . Water colors,` land- scape---Miss Bailey, Mrs. O - Keefe. Marine-- Mrs. O Keefe, Mrs.- M. Adamson. Inanimate QbjAects--Mrs. O~ Keefe, Miss Bai.. fey. Figure - Mrs. O Keefe, Miss E. Fraser. - Animals--Miss Mrs. O Keefe. Pen and ink sketch-Miss Bailey, Mrs. O'Keefe. Pencil drawing -Miss Palling , Mrs. Bridgland. Char- coal drawing-Mrs. O Keefe,Miss Palling. Ink drawing `on wood % M. lAdam- China painting -- Mrs. Mrs. Plowman. Crayon Mica` \X.79rldp]l E/'..e a- W20". s5)l}l %e.n".?si.)e V S011. ` `u1'u.. UuLaI'lO-V-J. '1'. UllIl'll&Ll,V C. -T. Tham so-n. Wolf -River `---W~. Ms e%!1%LGe-L Lem Seek ""13Z11ed .A*ngus---Milch cov, B. G:'};."~"F'-. 1 `u an A. _- ..... Oats-.-W. Alsopp, R. Living-, stone, Percy Brown. Barley--- R. Livingston, ,_ M. Hunter, P. Brown. Peas--- 1. Patterson, L. G ah_am,_E.' Scott. Potatoes-- tar Livingston, Ruth -Living_ .ston, Orewhard. Collection of` weeds-Margaret `Sutherland, Frank, Cowan, Bertie Morris. Weed seeds - O. Wilson, M. Sutherland, G. Sutherland. In- sects--F. Cowan, Jno. Cow-an, L. Graham. Nati,-v.e _wood_s +- C. "Webb, B. Goodfellow, F. Gowan. Hand-made .apron-_--M. Haunter, A. McFadden, V. Murphy.`Patch-`=' work--'-Ft Beelby, N. -Chappel, H. Hoover.../4 School exhibit - Stroud, M- ine'sing,, I - A FRUI'1`S_ .DlYLUIlB1', lV.l1'. .l.`lUWu1au.. u1u_yuu. --`~Mr.s.A O Keefe,. Miss" VV ddell. Collection of photos -- Fred Brooks, Mrs. O Keefe. Collec- tion of pain_ting--Miss E. Fras- V GRAIN Wainter wheat-.-E. M. Freek, R. Lcadla'y. Six_rowed barley-W. M. "Campbell. Barley, a.0.v.--J.- 'V\. Orchard. \Vhite oats -- J. WV. Orchard, \V. M. Campbell. ,0ats (lst prize not marked -- Small peas--W. J. Scott, J. W. Orchard. Yellow corn - \V. E. Brown, \V. J. Scott. \Vhite corn --W.\ J. Scott, H. Tate. Red clover` seed-J. W. Orchard, A D. Campbell. Alsike seed- Hy Pratt; Timothy seed -- J. W. `Orchard. Ensil-age corn -`- L. KI1rledY. IG. `Oram. Sheaf )o,fi -I .1 2 J. xv. O_rcha_rd. L SCHOOL CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT t'L',_ 1V11'S. Dl.'1u5|a.uu., _ ' Fo.r Go. of Simcoe O_nly-F1g_ ure painting in oil-Miss Acon- ley, Miss Palling. Landscape in oil--Miss _ Margaret: Buchanan, Miss Strangway. Marine Paint- ing . in oil.---Miss Ida Creswicke, Miss Ruth `Vance; Figure paint- ing in water colors-Miss May Shaw.` Landscape, water colors -*-'Miss Strangways, Miss" Shaw. Marine (water colors -- Miss Shaw, eMiss Aconley. Collection of pastels--`-Miss Palling, Miss Mabel Stone. Hand painted sat- in sofa cushion --- Miss Jean Wismer, Miss Strangwys. ` -Collection of field roots-- W . M. Campbell, `Mrs. _J. Campbell. A1-2 Tubers, long white early--W. M. Campbell, G. Healey. .12 Tubers, `long or oblong,`wl11te early, P. F. I :.1rscud1en, W. M. |Campbell. Tubers, long red or `pink, eat-ly--D. C. Campbe1l,| Mrs. J.. Campbell. Tubers, roundisli or oblong, I). C. Camp- bell, James Coutts. Tubers, long white, late,_ \V. M. Camp- bell, Mrs..J. Campbell. Tubers, roundish `or oblong, white lat.e- G. Healey, J. \V..0rchar_d. Tub- ers, long, red or pink, late-Mrs. J. Campbell, A. D. Campbell. Tubers, round or oblong, red or pink, late-M:r:<. J. Campbell,/'.l M. Campbell. Collection of po- tatoes---W. M. Campbell, D. C. Campbell. Swede turnips -- G. Healey, W . E. Brown. Aber- deen turnips--.-G. `Healey, W. M. Campbell. \V'hite Globe turnips -W. J. Scott, G. Healey. Grey- stone turnips---W. J. Scott,-Mrs. J. Campbell. White eld carrots -`\V. J. Scott W. M. Campbell. Red eld carrots-W. J. Scott, \V., M. Campbell. Long red mangol;ds--,W. J. Scott, W. M. Campbell. .Yellow mangolds--'- L. Kennedy, NV. M. Campbell. Sugar beets--Jos. Chappel, W. ]M. Campbell. `Pumpkins -- L. `Kennedy, Jno. Hines. - ` ROOTS THURSDAY, * -Hairgingvbaskets`-v-- - . ;Mrs . _W.` H. Myers. I{1c};g;`ell. ..R*.,B1dwe-ll. Single Geraniulll ` R_.f....Bid_vvell. Double umms` +3. 'Bi.dwell,' H. Tate. c..;..} ;R.iBidwell. Begonias ` 3` Wel.l_.- Ferns --. R. Bir_l\\'ell' C 1 lectlpn of Green House rlzinlf .R. Bidwell. Plants in .` Cc... Campbell. C0ll(`Clml1' `B5 _g'0n1as'.- R. Bidwell. Rubber plante--D. C. Campbell, G -Mrs. Cavena. Impatiens _ R Bidwell. Collection of . --_-PZ Love, D. C. CE11ll[)lJ(`ll MI iBi_dwell. -Collection Ewe... P. Love, G._Vickers_. D. C. Camp" bell. Pans1es- P. ]',:m., A ` John, D. (3. Campbell. Peas1---_D. T. ees, A; B Cnuul`. '10 varleties Gladiuli - (_;_ V-A ' ers, D. C. Campbell. 1 \-31-my Gladi0li7-P.. I.m'(-V. I), (1. ` bell. Plnk Aster.~'--(;, \';(.k,v.,.\. H. H0Ok. \Vhite A.~'ts-I'.< ~ ;\_ Q St. John, Hy. Honk. l 111~p1.-`.\,.[_' 'eI`S'--\V. Patte1':< ll. llcmk Crimson Asters-P. lmw, l).'(`.' Campbell. V Mauve .\.~`t-4-.< 5 1." Love, W. Pattersml. 'J.`\\~..-_.1W1_' ed Astex-s-\V'. I atI:1~.s..n, Hy. Hook. Collectinn of zmnual.-\p_ Lo_ve, D._ C. Camnlwll. Sinczlp .Petunias--D. T. ll.-5. (1, \v_ Nash. `Double Pvlunia.~' -- I), T_ % Rees, Hy. \\'0rtl-y. l llluX In-um_ m0n(li--D. C. Canlpln-ll. .l. llinu.-, Perennial Phlox - H. \'i--km, Mrs. Cavena. Sln('l.~' -- ]>_ (1, ~ Campbell, P. I._m-. '/.inni:1.--1 _ ' Love, Miss Cl'(`L~2\\'l(`l{o'. .\l2u~i- g0ldS--- P. Love, I). ll. ('.:1mpl)..-1|. ' D_ahliaS---`A. S. St. .l'l1n, H. _ VVhiti-ng. Nastu1'tiu1n.< -- .\...sl,. '.John, _P. Ij0\'e. l)ianllm.< ---l), I C. Campbell. II_\'lI`:11l;.u-;1 __ }{_ Bidwell, P.L0\'(*. >':1lpo_-(;`ln.~`.~'i.s' ' -G. Vickers, 1\I1".s._l'.z1\'o-nu. S:-ill- ` i0sa- -P. Love. A. St. Jnlm. .\Iw- ' mone--R. Bidwu-ll,. \'m~l.-n;._ : D. T.-Rees, J. Ilinr-.~'. l:lln[).~il.3' M110 r`n\-nnn lllnillun-.li .ers. " K0chia--D. C. Cllll'l[)l)9l| A &\F\.K'I 4\lA vv T a_ demand. Ro"adstars---Team, E. .and, R. Rowe, W. J. Amos; _Mrs. VJno.' Cainpibell. Yearling`, C. R_oIbertson,: VA. Dyer, Jno. Buridy; Mare` With"| foal," A.. W. G.re-en, J os. Fralick, Parker.` Foal, J. W._Orchard,' Ben Parker, J 0s. Fralick. Two-year-old, Cameron, K. Gizbon, Geo. ,Hu\`b- bert. Three-year-old, attached, J. W. Henry, T. C. Devine, -F. Long-. \hur.st. Single attached, Jno. \Bun'- dy,_ D. J. Barclay, I._` -Spevers. ' *1; :1-Q;I3fuln,% M `t . ` l)2`3h 3 . Na _~Inl't,Qh aw In r I V. QQ low `h`1!1:`<;1\\of ghan ill ` I1 ` ~ Of ' Q 90 `U1 `kg of! ` .Ihe&QQ.1`111erKxxmhlfixtmn. ~. . . ind ll th of .`1K~ ~ Rlsqd Whig um who ere \),1t.1~{xx. aqnmwwsmvw . Q)" 0 t'11.\ St *:: age t1`f `b~& f 911 `H Ow %%wwwm ` ht!) fart a11d\tf0]. mi be the f in N `ard. El v '_(`?y F11] (:9tt"lR 211-riad is on I) 1;`. Q Vhmhunn .fg {*<~s.,&e it t %:%%m$ ~. W `t1d.lI'gd fall ;~,f::7` *`.9()1h r Q`~l1 a`ld~ . @wm@@&wuwm $01. 1 in of trii ztmd "1`l1(x,: dnle -2dI~Q% t~ `S01. 0011; &`1~s:,,? *\1*1e."\**`wf`s 8st `1.~ `thso `1dd0;;>n. { G 111;] " `n fare Qatl xu$`\'1 megs I` tol 1-V OmI.5t3,- of f1lIc0(?k It alled. lllgh the Ker ` .Dl'l'EalIl Wu`; 1u\:n - "er `farmer to furmsh eat meat, 0 `_j " wh ' Fawn? pou1t:ry~jx'and eggs . to .-izhe. onvportun1t.Y , 1_ :..,.mns1n Ovportllll ILJ - masinsr ,3` of `J o 1tLxLcI,_ U. 11 I.((1|I_!l;_V_]_) I-Mrs. Cavena. ('liaill;n--liu - l), 0. `Campbell, Hy. \\'nrtl.-_v, 1,111.5 --MPS. Cavena. llvli;u1llm.~-ll. Bidwell, Miss C1-r-:<-\\'i*l<~*. Cnnuly- tuft-- P, LOW), .\I1'.~`. lI:1\`.-n21. Gockscomb -- P. l.n\`-, .A\._>'L ,J0hn. Mignnnolte -- H. \'irlu-I-s, D. C. Campbell. S:1l\`i:1 - \\'. Patterson. H. Hunk. >'in;'."l,- (lur- a11iums-D. T. Ila-u-.-, .\li.~'.~` (`.1--_<- wicke. Douhlc UI`l'illlllllll.~`-- ll. T._Rees, H. \\'n1`llc,*_\'. H21.~'lU`l ml" cut flowel-;~:-I`).b_L:, clmnpll.-ll, \\'. Patterson. Tablc` llurul n1'n:1_ I11eI1t--EH. Hook, 1). ll. limnplwll. Table b0uquet--H. llomk. Hm. -Vickers. Hand l,mllqllo'l - ll. Hook, `\V. Patt.'r. l"lur;1l lawn ornament-I), ll. lmnplwll. R. ' Bidwoll. ' J. Liaughland, District 1{cpro_ ative of the Ontario .Dvp:1rtme11t of Ag'ric1'1l*t-ure for Simc-09 (`0un_ty. calls attention to the marked In` crease in pasture land during the past few years, stating that Ontano has` over 3,300,000 acw undcr grassy This condition is 1ar."~*`l." the result of a scarcity of f=""_" V1a`b.our.0 Land insuiciontly cult" bcame Iweedy and 1x11P"*"h"" ytihve with no other c0`urs`o OPP hm 399d it down and -use it for 1-_1`Z' Lingmpurposes. ,__--L __.-__ __ A... .\ .\v1;\( fPP\`l :1`ARM LABOUR AND (`RUP 7P7RODUC1`IO.\'T ` `Thl,`e-3:931`-Old` (`OH or 11I11<'1`-7:{. lA. .-Stephens, II. 1;: 'z11'1>`. 1. Hum- nelley. \ \ 1 C!1._`I`I,'_, - A ,1,` ]_ /u 1 [)_jY_,, A`. LUV. `V (ll: 16116 I ' 1 -Stallions to vehic]c-(`. l.. I- ;H. Leadley. ` % Farmers contost-F. >`witzvr. Stggley, M. Mah0no,v. T nzlizx` 11 , 'l`.}. I\JUIa&_ AIL: .LVLlAllK'll\" Open Farmers Tr;t--II~= J. R. Rutherford. v N ess. stock. Open Trot or Pa('0-I .. Jzn-l<~'~m, G. V W. 'Kenney. T. TImI~' :11. AAA ' (`V Y` C .ILL4llll\`V a .1. o "'2.:%E> C1ass--Ed. ii{l{-1;L\\'. .r. Gilks, R. N. Rowat, 7I`L_-.' _..--_. _`l `I M] .. 7. PL-ANTS AND _ 1`L0\\'I SPEEDI.\'(} VERS ri of, Or- P:1i`.v_v, J-u;.l`11Joi'o1J, Iare., Dymnennt, A. Dyment. Heavy draught, match- -ed pair. I-If J. Barnhardt, M. Ma-` honey. Trwo-year-o'1d, H. J. Barn ( hardt, A. A. Arr_ns'tron`g. Y_ear1ing,i I. Speers, H. J.- Barnhardt, R Rowe.- Entire yearlilig, A Wm. Sharpe, Foal, Thos. Speers, J O Brien. H. J. Barnhardt. Brood mare, T. Speers, H. J. Barnhardt, W. J. O Brien. Mare or gelding, any age,-H. J. Barnhardt .(2nd not marked in jud-ge s book), Thos. n__.L 1... tr. V'[)....u. 1\L.'11....,

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