A-secilvclea nce \:v"ilVl b!`c made this week of broken lines in ; Fall Suits, J` Suits neaxgly all sizes of Serges, Tweed and Pana- ` ma Cloth, _or_igina La? priced from $15.00 to $20.00. On sale now. QRAND OPERA HOUSE si\fe(sATUgnAY om A The ] :.N ORATHWV Y _ sh_a'}VJe-keeping garments are exception- gliylow in `price this` ason at $5.00, $10.00, $1 3. 50, $15.00 and 18.50. o, ' FREE srrrcs p _:Th ere< is no` use eva V g_ the feet that business is not as brisk a`s`usual _on account of t `War and the Manufacturers are feeling ;.it.most, As a. fesult we ave opportunities to purchase goods at cut prices and the cons V er gets the benet. Wait o clo_ sharp each evening ?5ARJEANT%&] ;1N;;,t;imite'd Buyers. land is `a good clay: loam .we11 femml andfin g`ood`_'-tate Of" cultivation. There is a blockrof 18 acres of h21I`dWO0d' bush. _V - The above farm would `be .sold1 en b1_oc, or V if preferred Would: be] dlvided to wit purchaser. ` T Terms, part cash and the. Balance % A um] __ . I`! -\ o u ` Fan] suits at $10.00 [OTO-DRAMA or [Grate an apple into your horse-` radish. and you will A give it a n-e avor. - t /[The P1/'inVcewT(>f-" To-night will seen at the Grand,` Barrie, on Wed- nesday of next Week. i-perplexing role in an admirable manner.` Eva_ `Phelps, as the tom- boyish Bonnie Stuart, could not be improved` upon. A special feature _of the scenic fete is the dancing of ;Tbm McKnight and Ruth Wilkins, the former` Ibeing a Toronto boy ;w`ho_ has madeua mark, in his profes- sion. A Special ment-ion must be made of the Work of Chas. Corwin, as the Gardener, and Frank Harsh, .a Daniel Stuart. , w. H KENNEDY Proprietor` . Opp. Weulngton Hotel, - `Barrie Phone 6333 ` 19tt W .'*:`_.: -4:. On the property are barns and bn.~tement stables, iii gob'd-"- repair, and a: good sized rb fT` `house. - A V " 1 - Lig uor Store Lsarunbnv OMITTED) The New NO COLLECTION Stock for Early oats F.-XRM FOR_.SALEh l\ . Part of the East Half `elf '1, 2, 3, in 1st concession of `Togg- ship of ()1'j>. 3 miles on the Ridge `Road, containing.';.1fZ6 acres. ' . A * a11d_l_m.~iement Municipality of th . Barrie, County 0 Simcioe'?.i1 Notice is hereby iven tliat ;}m.-e t.1'a11sm1tted _ or delivered aghe .pe1's0ns 111 I1t1iO-I1 .to be .50 `t1'ax1smi tt- of the list, made ursu;an1;_to 'id_' Act, of all perso * appeari1'1g._b?y the? `last revised Asses ent R011 i-of tli `said Municipa']`it_ V V vote in-the saic Municipality Kati 'Eiect-ions for '31` bers ofithei Leg.-`f islativve Asscinb _ . V A paiE1Ctiu11.s; ' d that the"'"said"l 1st__* was rst puste u.p at my "0"':ice : at` -Barrie,, on t e -18h day <.)f,_VS,ep,- teniber, 1914. for inspec-ti011. And I here have any er- rs or omissions "1:-_"6* r -'i rected a(:c0r to law. -i V ~ v Barrie. Sept miberi 25th, 1914,. - E. -D_ONN'ELL, M41 ~ Barrie .i `in: sectin-`V9; `of The Onmrio V0 V8 L17-'S`tS- Actf: ;the copies required y said section'sj or de'l_iverd_ - to be e`nvtit1'e`d: to-1 _ and at; 'Mi`1 hi-ci- and remains " t1_1er " call upon a11.,.xt5iif.f,S` `to take imm (hate ..prooeedipgS:`:tOi `Clerk of the Municiipalitypifi 0 -re1nv\iu lware, rub t -'C0m'mn11 .1.) Tn.-..- I "W2A1te1'. ._. \/LU. ' the \'vendor s Sfoligit-<;i"'.;s; Dated the 10th day of, :_Sept.*,V 1914. t . f ' .38,-4()_* aw fr tions of sale will bemrade ant? we time of the sale and ",.195=-, Emeantime may be learned 'f1 _01I.1.. \JL.`LJLAb aaaa uuo ~ Further partlculars nd k .cvond'1-- STRATHY & it in will Em-d T0wnshi.p, , j.'g3_0;1- J hundred acres 111019 91f.._.,. --V The farm is sa.id.**1jO" sday and 013.'Y'1`03msv '3 11`i`_ fate have 21 good creek 1_:hr Tf There is sai2;1' to ffihe said P1'0D1'tY . -"94 i frame `house, @150 none foundat101_1, also_a, sh _p]emen`t house and other ` TERMS OF SALE`: gt the time of .ga1e.:__and. 81' Within 30 dtays-the1:ea-f1:er.__.__,_ The property W11.1..be`.{b.1d- uib - = ~J-ect to a_'refse1'ved 1nd,; a1'_jd;=,gg `b'%`];: 7) the X1S:'[111g` lease. 1'.t_..:-Lm. n-_11vHn111-are urn}: ' .;.}._~.'! 38:40. V ` H1194 ? ..13lE?3id'8nt ;.?:'. - f.}1 greejg'Jb1y;z .`:inip1`!si;edf:`;3i?ith.,;;:the{55syI {' "`X dEf;2i u-h a from` Pfinee -Rupert; % Aofliwial, `party } ii1sj1a"1'rived, hem -mam the; east, thi being 1fhe"1j;stA,.of!i' inspection` of '.the: "Pine sirje`it__'_`Wii`; `.LLJl3II Jg4vLA ybaa axial .1.` `fB.C., on _Mo1id5a.y" says :1 -The G.T.P " did ' candi 1fC;k:*.:-';`.VH9 : - 5 .-r 1'1.s3. ."~ ', tQ-3` 5-O"?1'.` L N 3? ' 3`j5{ "` L :5-_.. __.,, 7'. ` 1 VI pleased A. __wi.th. the; ;_;excel1e,noe`;_ `of j:;.,1:_1:13_` ;.*1.` . ` `i...iY"L in am; am _ vuunvp I1: ishreporte on good authority . that` zbhr A_Ha'm`i' `ton and `,S`t1"atford _ Divierivons are to bve.~'aIdded_~to the'}` `Barrie Division, uvnd[erj5_MVr;.-Lynoh s'_ : supervisi'on.'.`.-`Color is 1ejnt to th_`i'{s;' .L ` rumor byijthe-gfaact. `jat V" _ne'W_" Jaime . cards -just? izs'rued.;`_ include . e1;rtr)a'_.`tWo_,7divis_ibns' Wi`hhr'th ;11;_(')i"}1_'-.` a em-~.~0r'7ALBa'r1fi; wmsim; ~* is. j~`e`=~4% pedted:2.th at_-zthe `takj {mace 9an1Yi$nxitf"h1Qht$'L`V A .. A "L r - `i._1*.-...'.;.:.;'|.`:L .~.-Dr.-":._ ..`.g `n`.'--.;;; SALE 1 \JLJ 1.00 V \lLNI. J`y .A.n~ the employ of the1G.T. ' are asked to `aontriibwte not less- than a` day s pay .,-to he 'Pq1;ridtLc 'Fu'nd;' Ci;-c.u1ars to .this` e_f,ferq1:_vyereV I issued; h-ere . `on % Mayday and the` + pnopecte are `that `a4 large` sumT%Wi1'1 `Qbe cdlleoted for-' the fund" from the [" local , employegs, who. `are `ever - ready`. * to "put 1Jheir,- ~hand,s~4'in_ _.t}_;`gir - :in- --a - __rt1iy .2 .. 1' :. _._~;-g;..`_1 _._.*u '.__n_.___-;_? mi`)`:1.ring the fwenarly h1orTn_ing of Saturday, Mr; Peter V_ CS1-ark, t)h" night yardmaster, received a had shaking up -by being caught Vtween"`,the shunter and `a, big Don- gola `coal-car. His'heai1- was cu-t open, neess:i t.-a.tin'g . a numbexj of .stitches, - .and_' ._'_he_ ,-Was` lso bruised; about the-'b0`dy, but. ignow prC>`g 1`&* 1 ing` very fav'ora'b]5': 4 ,. " A1n-n.- ;......1___-- `av '-;1%`r-'-'-'- - Mr. Robt. Groves, 7 G.T.=R. agent {at Markham, `was -in town on Thursday and took his mother back home _With -him. Mrs. Grove/s has not been in the best ofhealth for. sometime. ` . . ` A large crowd turned out on } '.U1_1ursd'ay night - to . the Patriotic `Concert .given by the Sons of Eng- land and ,all enjoyed the evening to the _fu!11es't. The proteeds W are in aid of the Patriotic Fund; ' ` f Mr. W. J .e Patterson, ..who. has been travelling out of here to Hamilton and ,west `for the "C. B. .Day:fo ot 00., of Georgetown, has been etransferred~ to "new territory "between Norh Bay and Fort `W-il-I '1-iam,... and` `left on Tuesday. His 1` jfamiily will remain `here " for ~ the gpresenrt.` ~ - ; -'7 _`. 'I'T3,1, 9 P "` "" " -tin. vv\JLA.' a r. Vfke 5 f0 LDF; "Goods Si11 7 % On VS-aturday evening _v the young son of` W. M'cCaus1and received a. -nasty, gash` on the -head," while play- inrgj near Pa.`terso"n s_ store. Several estibchves` W e1fee'1_fequ'i'read _to dose ` the wound. . ` - lj g (13333 r--vv vv \._vxx_ Au. .LUIULl bU I16 Was called` to the bar andi reoiwed the full] status a !a.Wyer. AA _ [ T~he 1;-any friends of. Walldnn" i Lwwr will be pleased -to learn that last Week in Toronto he was ca11`e_d tn 1-ilm'1m.. ..'..,1- ...._.':_-J -1 -' `- }Mrs. Armstrong, who has been visiting her_ son, `Wi-114ian'1,, return- ed= home` on Tuesday, .a2ccaomrp}.nied by Mrs.. .Wm. Armstrong and _son_. s The G;-T.R. has started a gang .of men laying the. heavy steel from Birch J unc.tti'on to Penetang in `or- der to -run the heavy "engines into Penvetang. ' r111 vv vun-D. K ' :The Allvandale Bowling Club; Kwfoux `up the season with ya ' most swacessful concert in the Y.M.C.A. on Tuesday eyening. ' ' `Ir--- Ho;17 %J:1`1st:ice`LI:en_11ox; mofrd family from -their summer, cottage `to "Toronto on Monday. ` D Mr, Mike Gu`ai411ahe1;~ of % Gueaph! spent Over Sfiiiday-; with his old railway `mates in -this Ward.` ' _ -_+vFor Ladzies _- and, V i11'171'f:IeI1"sV Raincoats go to V ers. V `Mr. Fred Whitney 1?'turnedr " on V-Saturday, a after_ a. weekis vacation, 1 11 'l"n_.-.;..4- A - -- '1 yv vv vua. uug , a.l.'DU.I.' in Torontb and` ` `I- , ,,_ ._q . V uc_ugyLg3u1Uu'B_ Rainqoatg go tJ?i;:`]-sers. ' ~. ;Mr. Jno. Lawn `visited; in Thorn`- infyjand LMeafon`:1=` last week "for_ a %few days-. " ` T 71- -' 1[iE;f~1%`i;i;rdaoaay`%L of Tom,` vnisirted relations on Monday and ` Tuesday. .`~--{For} . Ge_r_'1tIe men s`A Raintzoats t ickers.- . ,- ~- .'u'_. 1' '-' ' ` ` J, C. `has gene"'t:_o**Kyingsvtor_1_. to take `a. spgeoi1aJl `course in ina_f)he- `f.m'at?ir- art` Queen,?s. Un~iIversit'y.'- ~ `B. Per-k_inS ` nd c'hi1dIren 11-QaAve: re'tAur'11ed_`from a_, visit in Rich- jmond, Que.' ' - T ] ---Vicl.<"_ers if Mr." Jno. cake .2 y -s 'S1 ,1't Was ir v.-can. V gward. ens%%'i'9n%-M9nd@$A. i I _V , _y_.{s Su'~}_ts._ V ~ _Mr. '_Ha1I'1`bpn'fM9oore) Ham'i1- ` `T-\ton= is rnewing Laloquarfisances here.: 4 l. Mr; Jno. Hi1rt_011ing~sU.'.h-213%-` moved` Ti % into -Mrs. G;~61e s' vhou'seL 91_'1_ Brock ` S13; .. ` ` "int-73 `S13.`_`=,; .. ,---..-d a.v_IIuLJ.J.\/Ll ; _ U11 aturday, h a. week s vacation : other nlaees, _ _ Mr. and Mrs." 021']. Fletcher .rnecl- home ` on Saturday, after` siting in Toromto and o l7her vints for two weeks. ' T 4105365 in mzmv i11S'an063;vjh`V'9-Ygi. -"_3.1'9 II111<:l1 .~n1z1lUler than ,3` graao, and in .~'eve1'a1 i1istqI1_@e$` ;i1i21 {We gain~ are reportaedr _-_:~j' v v v y VVVVV` Aga$rm BAY` @110`. " :i3Vek:end% @111 *thi_S 3_; S` I - \ 3 I 55 Coats at] RiJn _ Tfdrond orV'0.f\K.-C.M.Gn. at the hands of the` 1 Duke of -C=on_na'u`g5h't, Govnernor~_Gen-_ \ _era'1. J'Outside of _ his ' political 5} career, Sir [James was __always a`-I _tive in the service of the -Church` ` "of En'gtand', `to ,whi dh' he. belonged,` and Was. fa -me'mbe1f of the `Diocesan, 1 -'I .1_'owti11`.i`aI,e iaand .vGen'er`a1*_ Synod. ' _1?r'e`vio'aui_s'_ to_ his '311I131.'5',,h..intvo~_Vt-11`e_ i1b.j;ure'*he `la Hi`gh School; trurste"ei:_a 1'1df iii`.-:c?6mmi_s's_ibAner fo 1"4_on- ; g_sol_i`cI`ati1_1g= the stat_1_1't~S, -`11iTer' the` f:,.GOveifIiIi1e1;t5$}bf.{ '-$,i'1Q1i`V81f` ,M.OW9t~' T lhee. "'ehhfa;e-Queen s. Chouhsel : .k T ; the; t T hielicy eheeehf~,of:e`. .eejtradee ; Sire: 1 and I" 1`: . _' ":: -,ggA.,.r.;.::,=iz_}1,_<'a'1"-`ciae1z`g0i-e* - -..v trva uuuu U1. LLuu{1'ucy kIt:11UI"d.J Ias well as the Premiership, though` `he. relinquished the former ofce, and took the p'residency~ of . the i.Counci1. In the general election of 1908; his Government had be- come. entrenched in the good ` opin- ion of the Province and a; Conser- 'vative `majority of 66 .1Vas returned out of a . total representation " of 1106.; In I 1911 his` Government was again", sustained V `by a very large` majority, and again in the recent election this year. ' e " _ ., Kn'isg`5hth_Ood Conferred in ` 19081 -On V the ocea_ion_.-' of the tercen`ten- ary of._the founding ofVQuebec City,` .,which Was h_e1,d*~in 1908, the present. _Kin'g", then. ~'Prince',_" of Wales, con. ferred upon_;the'. o0ntario Premier the-Jt'i"tl_e. of knighthood.` 1911` he i-represented the '1, i~ov.ince of Ontario . Hp London .'o'n,'theNo`ccasion of the-In I oronation .:o_f iKing' V`. ; In` t1913 r,-1116 received thg- add-iTtio1np31.;hon-' 1 i L .. .1 4-` 7. L-n3K.1"r. IN 1'r.nu7 . Preinir in 1905 i On the defeat 70f the Ross Gov- ernment following -the sensational Gamey charges in 1905, the` Conser- vative party came into power in `Ontario, and the leader of the Op- position since 1896 .became' Premier with a n1?`ajority"which gave him condence hand power. He assumed` the portfolio of Attorneyi-Grenera ac ml! "no. '4-1-..`-. "I3.........2......`l_:_. LL- 1 ' Zme. m lljtzllclv U1. "ta i11r11uu,gf11 most of `the -;l9a(_1.-__,] ; :]aH::\'_T(`1I1< continge ' to _ :.losse$1' mm t.ha.n~ In 91913? 111 m2lll_V 111stances;howQver' `VoIluntee_1.'ed- in 1866 i. `* In 1866, satthe. age of 23, `James Whitney volunteered for active ser- vice, and for -a period of ve `months he took `part in the cam- -invasiuon. Throughout his subsequent career, he has been a consistent - friend of A the militia and an active member of the Dundas Reserve, of which id=irv'is'ion he ultimately -beg ipaign of resistance to the Fenian came iieutenant-colonel. Sir James practiced hisprifaes-in sion in the "little Atown of Morris- `burg, where n` be .:for many "years maintained a typical oice . of a __ `lawyer in a small Ontar-1,0 town. His residence `in Morridburg was a cornfortaible, but quite unpreten- tious-,A *brick, house, with `a fair -sized lot a. on First street, `with, a picket {fence in front.: _ ' `Mr. Whitney "waie called to the" tB.`ar_" in ; 1.837 6, and began the practice -= of _ hue. profession _'aa't 1Mo`rris:`ourg. In -1881} he eonbeste c1__Dundas for the ,.seat,.-in the v-Ontario, House, but defeated by the small majority of -25. The successful -candidate wa u-nsieated at _. the endjof the ses- sion,.m`and in the sbye-election which "ensued on January 31st, 1888, `Mr. V Whitney was elected to the Legis- . lature for = the rst time ,by a ma- jority of 28, three more than his opponent had been ` accredited with `previously. ' From that time 2 on- ward, he has represented` his home . constituency. Win, the Legislature, a . period of some twenty-six yeah". In ,April, .1896, Mr. Whitney, on the {retirement of. Mr. .Marter, ` was opposition, and through the long. ` yearssof he-ii side s minority in the o -chosen leader` of the party, then in) House, `he _ug-ht with undiminish- ed vigor `and determination.` In [1902 he was granted the degree of 'LL.D`. by Toronto University, the ,degree of D.C.L. Iby Trinity Uni- ..v-eisity of `Toronto, and of LL.D. from" Queen s University, of Kings- ton, in_ 1903. = ' " '33} .}`-ta"rAio,f Canada, Since .`:1905`,- and `lead- '_`: _er?. of the /`Con`serv'at'i'co 9'-party 'iin"`..th?3 = ;;I 1:fov*i-1_`1ci'*1 House sinceaf_1895,` was " . . 7VVi1-liamsijbulig, ~ ~Du'nd:axs ` County; Ontario`, _'in ; +183,~--I 5_b_eing.. , 9.` _onV~ of <'_R_ihard_vV31itxiey 2%.-and,-,_ - ;G.1ariSSa:otiJaneo Fairmoan;t`" `nwif; 5 f;.nfd"`a de%soe11`dant,' ofUnite`d Empire -`Loyalist `stock ' ' [ " _ ` 3 ._ J ame7s "Whitney spent the -early `Yboyhooid of zis -lifemon a in the Townhi-p" ' of f O'sna1bro~ok,, in the I, _ County of ~ Stormont, ..on the St. ` renoe _front, where his`; parents moved a few years afterihis `birth. tH-e was educated in the - local Pub-. .lic1rSohoo1 and at the historic Corn- a V 1 .' . ' ` `% z1s:Ir. Wi:-itney was B`_ar_ `i1_1_. 1876,_ and the ,_.m ung an we zn-1storic.Corn- .-'wal1V 'Gr_gmme__r, \ He 7 began `the; study of *1av_v_"in the vofce of the 1at'e'i `John iSa1:1d-eld. _Maodonald-, Prelhier -[of the old .'Province` `of- I Canada ibefore :Confe`d'eraj;ion, and %Laeut_enanz;c315ne1 Hanomhie {;'Ja:f1_1es ~;_1:l11y, Whitney; Kt..` I byv11;n_ u_1e_ 1:r1 nj(_:,e_ 0-1` T_.ly.>U" I11_,gl_1|;, .ahl ' % %pcera*,}~use;` `Barr i`3;y . ' _'. 'r1-.;i:_`-.~ --. :-n-_;;.-2 at vvauyuxxa PLKIJ \I.lLI-G-Lo . s Mr. .TuA1ily/ -sa1;1u?h`at no date had been .set for ,the wedding any morej `denitely than T some time next year. v U01. vv';..|. 4. LLLAJ , G U IJ.ll.Ul. U1. \J'ILlbl1' `the Tentmaker and many other successful plays, -admitted= last night that he was engaged to marry M-iss Gladys C. Hanna,` the daughter of Rev. and -Mrs", "J. A.4Hanna of Mid-_'- land; Ont.` '_ A ' C 7 n Mr.` Tu 1ly_sai-d.` he had {met Miss Hanna .o_1y'a. -few `months. ago 1-while he was toui-inga,uCanada.wAit_h a company paying 0mar. ` `LT- m_-m__ .....:_`I ;_L`_;. _-- J-.L, 1 . 1' I V `vvc"x.figh;;w]`!tkes "AF`I`1*tv1`t;$1 1gmet1aJ _ `_ New Ybrk, ~Sept. ~27.--Richa1~d` [Walton Tully, authczr of Omar LL I\ 7. _._ 1...- A 1.. _ __99 ENGAGED` T0 MARRY % ~ ` MIDLAND YOUNG LADY om} Tu-11y, 1 Well-known Play-j `-n-rn:n-`my!-~. lfnlynn A ..'.}...................._J. JSef>i'tmfber toiithe 15t1i day of ceI'ni_`per in any year, both days in- clu's-Ive. Grouse,- pheasants, prairie _-fo'W1,. or partridge, . 15th October to 15th November,` both days incl 3 ive; Black and grey -squi-rre1s,"1; :E Ndvember _ to ._1st day of .Decembei,J both days inclusive. Hares, 1st day of October to 15th day of De- .ceI'n`ber, both days inclusive. Deer, Ndvezrfber .1st to Novenbere` 15th, both days jinolusiveg Muskrat, De-A cem'ber 1st -to May 1st. Mink, No- vember -1st to May 1st.` "All sports: men are requested to assist in pre- serving the law. A ` T A full range of all sizes and weiglts of Fall Underwer how in no LAAU1l;E'.(l:'.L`. V .. ., _ APPIS In George Raikes, on the Pr9m1S*s. to Barrie 13.0; '-37-`of. L Hats in the very latest style; afrivals of last , eekthat cost us a trie more,than formey, but we .]_are still maintaining the low prices whi prevailed `at the commencement of the season. stunning New sghes In Headwear EXHIBITED IN WLLINERY PARLORS I -..5\.......,.v;u.;uJ `coo cI....l~..lu.U"btl.VC1', ,IaJ1iSl in love with Virginia Stuart. This lady has a number `of such con- quests to her credit, and, treating the life-saver as she chad others be- fore`-him, she drives him to. seek solace from the old gardener, who came to .Fl'orid'a_ before Columbus, land who is guardian of the weird century-p'lant. Under the spell of` the, old man s ' powers, the life-i saver is transformed -into` Karl of ' Luni1?_ania,. the Prince of -To-night. I ;W'hi'-le host at a water-fete on_."the `beach the Prince again meets V,ir- g'i,I,1i'a..S.'tuart,. who is.`d~isguised as` a _g'yp_S'-'y~ fortunerteller. With the: imoonfivbout to set, this ending his weigh` of one night, the Prince. nds ;`_in-iivinginia his desire. ,Tqm,._Arn- 'oid,";`as - the Prince, `is partieiilarlye f-effective, .whiIe-Malbel W_LaIn, i OJ------L ~ `` uuv Vi: .. .........w. u... Lu-Lus'ULl.LU uu DLIU 'ctpj_JUa1"'i ance of that -gorgeous musical` spectacle, at the Grand`, Toronto, last` week. The .scene is laid in Florida, Where Jim -Sutherland, a. _ d,own-a'nd'-out college graduate, ww- ? inggtempbrarily as va.lifesa'ver, _fa:l`Isl lh lnvn 1n;.{-11 `Ts'a.n.3-n.:n QL.-.._.;_ .an unusually ca-palble chorus, and splendid scenic effects, the Prince of To-night should prove an 210-] ceptaible offering; says The Toron-i to -Globe. in reference to the 'appear~| anon r-F +1104 -W--'*-" *"*=' 1 E `I With some very clever acting, MUSIOAL s1>EC;m:0i,E J - Li OOMING TO BARBIE` uccuvu, .wn11e"" M31061 `.LaIIiI1, 71rg1n1a__Stuart, susba1n`s' a rather ~ mafde it necessary to `O Cl`{EA'l`ION Into