Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Sep 1914, p. 5

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A'Ai.Collections~ ` of. I11sets-T.na Gvraham 15, John Cowan 15, Frank `Cowan 15, Norman Pratt 7, Almira Taylor 7, Jean Goodfellgw v_ .(`1.-.1'I..A1.. .__, ,9 1-r .- ' -r l \ `mg 14. u\J'Iu'|JLUU J1, .L.uuut: D'Uub112L11 1U. _ Cookies--Jean Goodfellow 7, An- nie Southall 10, Del Robinson 2, Edith Allen 7, Edna Beellby 10,` Grace Wioe 17. ' ~ l Collection of Weeds--.Pear.-1' Wreg- gitt 7, Dorothy Sloan 7, Margaret Suther1and,10, Frank Cowan 15, H., Webb `14, Iva King"2. Collections of Weed, Seeds--Mar-' ,garet Sutherland 10, Gordon Suth- serlgnd 10, John Cowan 15,` Almira Taylor 7, Ina Black 11, Mary Guest 14, 'uU1'1 o, ueorgle nelve 7. 7 Cooking--Bread--Lena Graham 15, Chrissie Richards-on 11, Muriel Sharp 6,. Pearl Wreggitt 7, Muriel ,Jo'b|bitt 14, Annie S-ou"t.ha1l'10. `T ) I nn]f:nn 'l ...._._ (*1- , J1-J1` Sewing-Hand-made Apron--*Mta Hunter 8, Josie Reive 7, Muriel S-h`arp'e 6,- Hilda Hoover 11, Almira Taylor 7, Monetta 'J ago 12. ' ; PathW0rk--F1brence Be-elby . 10, Evelyn Reid 11, Pearl Wreggitt 7,.` ,LH-ilda Hoover 10, Bertie Miscamp- 'be1v1 3, Georgie Reive 7. ' T --- A I` ` A vu \.Jv.`r\ll.l- Io" ` Sveu>wing-Hand-made Aj ;Hunter Josie VS-h'arp'e 6, Taylor -7, J ago pa f;`i1I1wnm]r ,'Llc......... A - 1 : Pattereo-I1 7. - .:-'Specin'1ens`; of A Art---Irene Patter-I son 7 ; Buelah Ross 2, Josephine Green 1.1, Sadie Hu1'bert 12, Olene 1-7 -I `- Beautifying the. Fargn--;Ina Black 11, Audrey Fagan 11, `Pearl Wcniggirtt 7,- Gertie Nightingale 11, Alice Gljgen 11. . [1 Drawings_--Pl'an of Sta b1ing-J. S. Leonard 11,- `Bowman Allen 15, Florence _Bee1`by 10, Josie Raeive, , Frank CoW_an 115. . 0 . ` 1 `vH'a1ter-brokfen Co1t`--CI*iord W eUb Edson Wice, `Edgar Webb, Jack Fo1'bes ._W _ I ,. -V Best" Ca].f--Gordon Sutherland- 10, Willie Noible 7, Maurice Mar-` tin 15, _R. F. Bees 15, Edgar! `Thompson 8. ` " ' ' . ' `Essays --HoIw I_Gn1~eW My` P-lot I--'Maurice Reid 6, Elma Fagan 11, Izena Graham 15, Herbert Bee1'by 10, `Edith B. Allah 7 A V ((15. , 0...,` .7 ,..-,..uIu.u gal? m;.m `J U1. u_"\/1 111 U.l.'u. `Jack; Forbg -1 D valig and " 3, Evelyn. Beid_ 1}, E_`1i`..l 1O1:enF`_O`l11II' tain _- 7. _ . 1 Dift Cfol.t- -Clliord Webfb, ` Ed: 91-` .\I7Al-`:1. -T..,.1_ 13--.. ,- ; THE NORTHERN ADVHANL1: ` V 2 Peas -- Be`s.s:1e I 15 '1 4.4 `of Mi .."m91t.- `E . , Tvo" -relieye unemplqym-ent, Owen "S_.911;x;d[~OoVun_ci1 has, decided .91} con-. `t A` ctirasLL*p%rmaziea1t roawa ?_ the Ian addres's of we1'eome._ - Warden iWm. Wood. * Mr. Freeman C`ampibe11Coun~ty Engineer.` Reeve Wa'ttie. A . Dreputy Reeve Alex. IWiI.=.on, n Mr.` F. N. Marcellus, B.S.A. "Mr. C. N. Hickling. ` - Mr; J as. Coutts. ~ . Jvames Laixghland, . Diatri(t_ '*Bep1;esen`tative,. gave a short] wddress` tlthankin-g the .~Schoo-Cl _B`oardaandA all ;.others who took part in V the work" -V-for/their . _hearty suppmor-t.i ' 5 ` 1 J` _' '3 _ '- `AI1..:..:..~.. ._ - __._ _ i. ..u'rI-`~1 n" - -.-. . JJLUJ u .111 v 1 ug,-,=L-U116 (.l11VeI'Cl I -Gir1 taking the most prizes-- Luella Wilsovn 11, Elvivai Chappell 9. . L ~. iS'ch-ool making the best, exhibit- Ist. N019; 2nd, No. .,10'.' . ' -The fair -was -brought toa very` s'uc.cessfu1A close thy, a nu'm'ber of short addresses delivered by some of the visitors and, local men, who exnreseed appreciation of the splen- " did -_Vexhi`bit`s nmod11c.ed'J3y' the punvils i. of the schools of Vespra township` [and their. best wishes Afor"the future !_success of the fair. The following is- `a list of the sneakers: ` ` chairman. V A A * T ` ~Mr. `Lloyd Livingstone deliveredi r. nzlrle-A-L Ar ---1" ~ ig Mr. `Dan Quin`1a_n- acted eis`A_ '..(`fi` 1"-'1` "ta`ian" _ k).I. J_`1'\J.LI1LlJO ` Boy- taking the most. L prizes--_A. Orchard 9, Robbie Campbell 10. (15.1 +..1-.';. .. u. - \J 111. '\. o Andrew R. Orchard 9, Alvin Graves 9. Ruth Grant 9: (`INT T 1'I{`lFl1Tr\`\' Ix-W -->___ _ A. : 1I"YS--Idefene Thompson 9. ~ I WE-ED SEED:S--Oliver `Wilson ill, Winnifred Young` 9, Frank sCou9:h1-in_.11, Olive" Johnston 9. V IN'SVE7CTS--Murray Ronald 9. Evelyn G1`aves 9, Nelson Chappell 9,_He]en Leadiley 15. A - iC?OLLECTIO:N_ OF` GRAINS AND 'GRA`SvSE1S--.Ro'bFbi_e Camu- bell 10, Morris Rowcelvl 10, A1v~i'n uGraves 9._ Andrew Orchard 9. T ;% 'C-OLLEC- 1`IO-N` 013` FLOW-ERJS ;--~AnnieT Anderson. 10,. Lena Or.-, chard 9, Pearl Ronald` 9, Win11ifred ` Young` 9. ~ BAREAD-I1i__C'u1ham ` 10, Kath- _ 1 -In-~r J-a.s." G. -Mohan, . T T2Z11ito1 ;1iveryIr'1a__11',,I E Midland,` _ has .mAade j` 3...]. , BEST P'AlIR--+'Luella Wilson 11-,9 Elvia Chappel 9, Melville !Wattie 6, "Annie Webfber 10. . BEST `_CvO C~KE'R:E'L - Marjory .Bowerman 9, Luella Wilson 11, Annie Webber 10, Elvia Chappel 9. BE-ST PULLE-T.-I.uella Wils011 11, Elvia Ghappel 9, Evelyn` Brett .5, Melville VVat tde 6. ` TUiRN`I*PFS-Claren`ce Knupp 10, Wal'ter J ._ Cook 15,` Alice Bowman 5, Elmer" Johnston, 15. , . ., . .v -ES.SAYS--H-ow` I Grewe My. Cro-ps--M-argaret -Copeland 5, I .E'thel Mclean 15. , _ I .VV'EEDS--'-Gertr_ude Prives't 9, ;Stella McLaughlin 11, Leona C-oughlin 11, Gladys M. Jolmston 9 ____vs.q 4I.L\J PE'A'S-e--Violet Elliott 10, " Edna Carson 5.- V POTATOES--Annie Anderson 10, Walter Bowermant 9, Elsie` Mc.Pha- den 9, Reta -Cjampabell 10, Islay (`ri 6; Lorne Barrett 6, {Kathleen {Orchard _-u ......uyy a, Jsrcuui unappeu H. H B A'RDEY-~'Reta Livingstone 9.- Viola Murphy ..5, Mary McLean 15, Geo; M'c~.D0naJd 5. ' ` } 5_EN. C`O`RiN----AIvin -Siwitzer 5. 9 SWEET =COARN--Vern'a Carter :9, Norman Elliott 10, Goldie Clute ?9, Winnifred H-ont'eith._ 6. T1TNAru v- _ , .,----,,_.., 5.:-an cu.uc_L U111: name: COL`TiS--Vera Knapp 9, Ralph Chappell 9, Andrew Orchard 9. r 1 *OAT*S-Ruth` Livingstone 9. Wes-1 Iey Allsopp 9, Frank Chappell 9. 12 A .`DT".1:wr .11 - - v"'.`:`A. \"': VJ` J] _J.o1n`ed 1n slngmg God _K'mg. ` ` . ' ` vuu u ad. QUL .L.lUU11, ice cream, soft drinks and fruit were very _much` in demand and? .t1,1y,s00n disposed their supply. The=priaze_ -n1'oney".'was paid to the winners` as soon as the judging was done. The following is a list of the winners in the tdierent classes, "the number `of the school `section `being given after the name: nn T trnn 1-v _ - POULT-`RY BEST FI;O4C*K--E{1via 9, Melville Wattie 6,_Hi1d 9, Annie Weibber 10. V 1')T:1`r1`n\ -rs A ---- v--_vv-\4 .vv\;a.\.a u4;u'1tu-IUULI yu LIIU Hal` ter by school pupils. The. `Athletic Association of Minesing ran a "booth. on the grounds and owing `to . ohe ._extreme heat- *-th-a`t afternoon, `I119 IIIl\r\`nA ..-_fL 1 ' 1 ` V ImmecIia`tely. after _the. judging ' in the hall was -completed the` colts were` judged `in the" school Agfounds. In the class of heavy colts there -were 'sev"neno entries and all the animals- were exh'ilbited on the" hal- +m. .1. --L--1 -.1 N `,' i'un off; After, 1':hiS was Vovr th e"`1oc*a1 `baseball `teams played a galne. V \ I > r_ ' > . Effvia Chappell Hilda G-raves 1 gar o. ; V - , ` Best Pu1lvet--Hildreth Lennox 7, _E.lme r ?Hunter. 9, ' Lloyd` Cunning`.- ham 11, Myrtle Coxworth 7, Mil- ton O Dell_ 9. 3 , . 2 ~ "LIV@AS'T~O`CK_ ' _ . _ 1 Draft Colt--'~H. O DeI1 _ 9. V.; Spiers 7, J. -Henry 6, Wm. Morris" 9'7; Percy Thomas 7, Chas. Spencer VHa~l1:er Brokeh _C`oI't-T--Wm; Mor- " i'__lj_s -7;, H, 'O De`1-I 9, Percy Thomas. I, -Shgncero 9, J. ,Hen1"y 6; V _ kl `..Be1st ' `Mervin Lennox_ 7. . . u -- A I ` ` - ~ P`OUL DRY 3 T Best Flo-ck---H-i1-drith Lenno-x 7,' Norman` Agar 3, Milton O Dell 9, Ethel-Wilson 9,. Elmer Hunter 9,% Hazel Goodrwin 5,. Gertrude, `Len-,' 'nox `15. _ E _\ and |-[LU I , -Best Cock\ere1--M-iltnn O DeH 9," MyrtIe Coxworth 7. Hildrith Len- 7nox 7.~- Eh-n-er Hunter 9, Norman Agar 3. V - V .y .11-. -rv.-un- - -- `Six Turnips--G1en-son j Scott 3,; Lefoy McDonald 15. Beta C1o11~g11- [1ve_v_7. Nunn 1.1,V Hilda Den- lney 9. ` , ' ' 'I'\./\'-rv- pm-`-._ ii." u. ' ! _ ISix Ears--C`Iair McC]~ean 6, Matthew Lowrie 7, Donald Barnes? 4, Fanny Kerr 6. Lizzie Dunn 3. 1 _, ` POTATOES `Best Kept {P10-t-Edythe Arnold. 7. Jim -Wilson 9, Rdbt. 'Ayot 9, Jim Taylor 5, Irene Barlow 6, Vernon Spiers 7, Johnnie Baker 5, Sadie`GreWer 6. ' \ ` Best .Dozen 'Pota`toes--4Stan1ey_5 `Kerr '6, Geo. Scott 3, Joel Thomp-_i `son ,9, Joel` Mason 11. Hazel Hig-_` gin-son 9, Harold" O DelI 9,` Norman `Agar 3, Violet MeMaster 5. A B B TURNIPS i_ . Best fKept P1ot-Glen-son B Scott 3, Reta Cloughley 7, VVi11ie'Nunn `11 A . -SWE:ET j CORN Best Kept P1ot--4CIa-ir 6. `Stella, Arnold 7, Ross C! VF1o'rence Barlow 6, Marjo ning 5. ' -In .-..- . SO11 vv- us Best, Five ` S't.'aIks--`C}1as. Bas-I lingthworth 5, Frank Higginson 9,! Gordon Spencer 9, Gordon .Henr 9, Arthur Woodland 5. ,Five Ears--Gordon _ Spencer '9, Gordon Henry 9, Frank Higgin-A crrn 13:" 3'! Best. PIot-KathIeen Baker 5 Irene-_ Lowrie-7, _Redvers Ikin 1. ENSILAGE CORN - Best P1ot-Arthur VVoo~dland 15, Jean Higginson 9, Gordon Spen - oer 9. 9 Best Ga11on-Ma;be1 Hilton Lnnox. 5, Ive ,G'enevieve Jamieson 9,` 1-Donald 15. . "1 - " v for -Best Gallon of Grain---Hubert Cun11ing'h2im 15,` Elwood Jennett 7, Harvey Spiers 15. . :2 `-Best -Sheaf---oFIens.on Scott`_ 53, Geo. Scott 3, Elwood Jennett 7, Herman Jennett 10. 1 `Best P1'ot--Elwood Jennett O P 1. Frank Lennox Harvey Spiers 15. I _ -.u.u1.1yI-D-I, Jl.1'IR:'SE U000- win 6,AEImer Denney 11- Best Sheaf-Gordon4 J acolb 11 Geo. Scott 3, Elwood Bone 6, Har- old Truax 9 - j ` - BARLEY `T1 - 1*` ` .g.:. Best Kept P1ot-5E1wood Bone 6, Percy,Tho-mas'7, Jas-.,Dunn 3. i Best Gallon of Grain--Reg'gie ;McKenzie 9. Lloyd Cunningham 11, `Theodore Morris. 7, Ernest Good- 6, Elmer ' ..-- uu uucu. .u'uu1 LI1OI'I113011. {Co-mpetition `was keen for all the prizes, `and the judges`, who were the same.` as a-:-ted-' at Ivy the previous day, praised the quality of `the exhibits. The 'oomnetition was ionen `to all the schools in E.=~*~a and No.A 10, Innisxl. The result of the la-wa_rd for the school winning [the largest _numher of prize: has.not yet been decided, but S.S. No 6., 7 and 15 of Essa and No. 9. Innis-' l, were the closest competitors.l : l The prize winners were as` fol-il lows, the number after the name denoting the school section: I r 'OA=T=S T5 4 '7" .,,_e,. .,wu uh a.u.y acuuul Iu1r' new In the County The .,Ivy Band kindly gave theinvservicesv and "enlivened, the day s _proceed`ings w1th many! Well rendered selections. t I Ivy has, good accommodation for_ a fair, their Town Hall, with .b'ase-: ment and main oor, for the dis-; `play of the exhibits `being excel-` lent, and thewel]-kept park at the rear afforded space for sports of various kinds. While the judgingh iwas in progress, ball games were; played, Ivy winning from Cooks- town and then from Thornton. _ j: 5(`.f\YY1Y\1\+:-`-1`n-- -__--- 1 _ Township, held at Ivy 7last Friday . _ - . KT` . ,. , The first SC:hooIg_lF aii'c for 'Esa! afternoon, .was. an unqualied suc- cess. Excellent weather, -comloined with a hearty interest in the work. of ,' the. school children, drew a crowd of about 700 people, who spent a pleasant afternoon and en-, joyed the exhilbition immens-ely.g The. Hon. J. S..Du , Minister of} Agriculture, and many prominent `men from the district were present' giving their encouragement to the! young agricultural _students, and; many t\vere_ the eommendat.ory- re- l marks on the excellence of the dis-: ;play, which was posjsilbly the best. \ [GREAT INTEREST '15. -Ma)be1 A Truax 9, '1 Irene Lowry 7`, ` .>son[ 9,` Beta Mac-t . AT ESSA FAIR? S es: H` G- ; G. Plo Bag- 'A. Hill on 9, The 1 , 7 .dS';rappy--Y-es, it _serves. Vthem .4 4-- . men, 4..--u.;.w ;. J. L: .LV .L`k)`.l.L`;VL.l`J'.LVf.l. Mrs_. S'c-:app-:Statist;ics show that married men live longer than single . ~ , .` _ - - ._ ~ - DESERVE % THE 1_>AI_I_1\IIs_I+I-M:1*,_`g~Iy1j :`II',,_ (`I _.- P`: A _..-> \.IILV.IL|\.Il\JL Ydu are` not supposed td turn around in it, replied the agent, idly; `.`We are letting. apartments, not ballrooms.--U.tica Press. I 4 I can; u L1.lULlt.'1'Cll;U price 1:oAp1ck It. A The writer suggests that use . might be made of the rhubarb pro,- % rhmbanb, put i11 `jars, duced by many city gardens, and gives a- reclpe. which. calls for four ounces of sugar._ to a pound of sealed and then rco-oked. -She also advises the combination of `rhubarb with berries, _ grapese or plums, with enough sugar. to make `jam. } This apartment is not big enough to turn around `111, sald Mr, Grouchver. (IT? - - . __--.-..., \.lLl . . . . . . . .. o W 3 E. Rogers, valuing sheep -1 25 "' C. Seeley, do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -1 00 7 Advance to S. S. 100 . . . . .. 50 00 7 W. Switzer, Div. Court fees 4 00 H. Scott, funeral expenses re Wm. Johnston ....... .. 35 `O0 ) ,R. S. Flemming, cedar for B ' culverts ................... .. 6 O0 9 __ W. Leonard, rep. culvert... 4 O0 ' ;J. J. Dumont, cement for 3 Dunn Bridge . . . . . . . . . . .. 434 50 g J. J.4Du1nont, abutinents re fl . Dunn Bridge .... .. 6-56 45 L F. Coulson, gravel, do 1'8 00 H. Ma.\wel'l, gravel do 16 00 i Plowman, stone, do 105 00 - & Co.,'- steel top do 1550 00 , The following resolution was r passed: That a. cheque of $10.00 E be given to each of the following "residents of Sunnidale noW memi ' bers of the 48th, Highlanders . and .in'Ca1np at Valcartier, viz., `Lieut. L: "J. R. Bell; Color Sergeant, Guth- _ _ rie Bell; Private Gordon Switzer. fl Council adjourned to'meet at" I Sunnidal-e Corners, Thursday, Oct.- _ lst. ' uu. 1-anus UUE WWhat many `city `people need to` learn is thrift, and to take pleasure in it, instead of .going to the ve-A eent shows, where 21 V 5:00;]: many spend more than would keep them in" fruit the year round._ _ ' e Many farmers --would ' be. wi.1-1-ing; to give fruit if they could get help at a moderate price to` pick it. 1:7-n1`!-n-n n........-~a-~ }, ,One Who Has Lived on a Farm says- that farmers -wives have too muc'h to do at this time to under- ,take added burdens, much as they ;would like to help the poor in the ieities from the abundance wasting- on the farm. She goes on: If fruit were `sent to -the needy would they look after it themselves-, or would the out--of-works turn to and ,help the mother with putting it up as those on farms do? `.4... v ..AJ.LJ \l`J.V J.` What .l(3~,11n dc +lnsu'-I-'+ n-AJ 1- ADVICJE FROM TONE WHO `HA-S LIV-ED ON FARM (o {\.;.-H. `T71..- TT T .a.V\J (`This s. s. i0 ................... .. 5 s. s. 11 .................... - 5 S S`. 13 ................... .. 4 The following orders were sued, viz; A. D. Harkin, sheep ki'll`ed, two-third value . . . . . . . .. 3 J. Moir, do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. F Mumberson, do .......... .. J. W. Mathers,` do . . . . .. W. Barkler, do ........... . J. Mumberson, do .... .. J. J. Dumont, do '13` D ...V- 1' ,--, .._ ---Jus:.v\.A 1.1. UU Trustes ofMS.S. asking levy, as fol-lojvs: ' ' .$10 TO EACH Vv0LU'N-'T'E*ER ;* FROM SUNNIDIALE COITNCTL i Minutes September session of i,Sunnidale Council. All members `present and the Reeve in the chair. _' The following co1nmuni- tions were received:- T Report of Sheep Valuator as to thevvahue of sheep killed by dogs, v1z: A.eD. Harkin, 2 sheep .... .. $21 00 T. W. Mather, 1 sheep 10 50 J. Moir, 1 kil-led, 1_ injured 11 50 Vl`.......1...-- E F` F` ,.-`,--..u..... u, 1'4. uuuuulgnam 5. . Bouquet of Flowers--Guy Ma- Olean 6, Kathleen Baker 5, Jae. Maw 6, Harry Adams 9. A _.---..u;; 44\n.;oUu U. Drawing Barn Plan--~Stan1o,v .Kr'r 6, Edwin Harvey 7. Reggie McKenzie 9', E. `Cunningham 5. Rn11n11o+ n-9 171----A-7' r` .. -vv-vA& II Beautifying the Farm Ho-me-- Geo; Simpson 11, Reggie McKenzie 9, Eldron Harvey 7, Earl Grose 6. Hilton `Lee-son 5. T\_.- A How I Grew My 'P1ot-l-Jas. S. Taylor 5, Matthew Lowrie 7, Beth Watson 7." 1115 --n - V.-55-.1 _Cookies--Vio1a Rachanv 9. Jean Turn'bul'I11, Mildred Lennox 7, Beth Watson Z 7 t I-....wuu.. u, uoucuu n1l,'DI'l(1t9 J. I " Patch`-work_--Wilma Leeson 5, {Fanny Kerr 6, . Vera Elliott 11, ; Violet McMaster 5. Bread--'Bessive Leunox 6. Frda `Gardner 7, Fanny Kerr 6, Hildreth Lennox. 7. go.- l --u;.u .111; Hand-made Apron-Hi1dred Len- lnox 7, Irene Barlow. 6, Violet Me-V `Master 5, Estellfz McBride 3. " 'D..4mL.......`l_ v.....vv,.. ., 4.2. uuuuu;-5'uuu1 10. V -Collection of: Native Woods--Ha1~ hry Adams}9_,,. Harvey Spiers 15, 1Howa'rd M- c.C`1ean 15,- E. Cun1iii1g- ham 1-5. ` ' NO DANCING FLOOR l]___ '_.'__ 1.3,` fM.erwood Burl;iri'g 6, V Adie Mc- Cul 1och 7, E. `Cunning-ham" 15.` .(`1,;`l`l......4.:--- -1 -\T_1..' , ESSAYS $14 00 7 66 1'2 66 7' 00 36 00 7'00 , Th ]71'r]>vI'ty' will _be sdld 511%-`I 3'9"? fr n rmervecl bid. ' t;F11,1'1:-1* mrticulars and. Tcoindii-_ .011: m`. sale will be f made -known Rf tho. hmo nfxthe sale andvin the` 11-r.>x1mm: may be learneii fron;-. ; (`F1111 I r-n-r-I--r-r n- --churn-urn-1'5;-5 is- D Vend TF4 The 10th day fem`-w<~r, 1914. j nany- eig-h- . Rod-_ ` '```;` - \JL' D-).('1'.I.J.I._'lo .L\l W17 `:51-llll. T]II111-(-11990 mmley at the time of Q ' o I ' . '99 and the balance w1th-1n 30 days, .`the1'<'-afto1-. ` . T1 -_..... .\uuu)Lf1' Z-ti) gsaveeana except. `he W(`.~'Ter]y 84 feet of both of said lot`) t:;_- with a right of Way (]>\`r aj lane 10 feet Wide -and 36 `feet `-09; ! _1wf\voon the Nj0r*t;h and South ?31'T-` Hf .<-aid Lot Number Three 111 mmmml with the owner and ""`I'dHT of said lot. T Th<`I'~" is said to be erected upon 7 )9 I~':1i property a comfortable ]r{'_\1:`-1l<':1~*t d.we11ing' with` Summer It<-hr-n and -WOOd.` shed; ` ` TFDKYCV INT-1 r11-I-Tw A, '---dun (HHI '\\"()OG. SD60. V -' `TERMS OF SALE: -10 `per cent- OT` ]un'(-hn.~`o money "` `Z"?'~`- "111V~l1 [V-I11 UV PLUUUUGU at [hr time of the sale there will: 119 I 4:?ff(`1`C(1 for sale by Public Auctmn at the Queen s Hotel in the 'J`mm of Barrie; on `Saturday, the I3rd day of October, 1914, at 2 o`(:]u<,"]{ ]`).I1].,` the V3111` b1e_tm\'n property invthe Town of B-arrxe in the Counlty {of Simcoe; nrl bcillg composed of Lot- Num- b1'.Fnr and the south half of Lot-. '.:1; .v.-1- 'I`1mee 011 the West side of 5:`.:1Inl Stxx -ct in the said Tblwn 01 'B2II`I'1<*. according to Registered} Plan ;\'nmher 245 (saveand except H10" 'r..+,...1__ cm :- {'I.L1_ _t'._ Moftgage Sale of Valuable Town Property I.'I1f1U1` lial by virtue Of the POW-_-} 61' mt S2110 <,-_01'1_tained_ in a .cve r_tain% M0N-"21;Ic w:h1c-h will be. produced} 511 flu; +..\.\ ,..L LL- _...'|- LL__._ A '11, )5 -) 3,.-vrf) " ,\'o'1fm: is hereby giveif 13113,: the a.1>(wo-nmneci . has .made an as- gsig.-mncnt to me for the benet of icrodiToI'.~`. The creditors are notied to meet at my oico, 64- 'We1lingto11 Street W, 'I`o`1-onto, o11 Monday, the 21st day of Sept, 1914, at Srthree 0 (:100k p.i11.. for the purpose of receiving a . of aifairs, for the con- .sidemtio11 and disposal of `any_ om-.~: for the assets, for the appoint- ment of-i11spe'citor-3,. xing heir fees. 1111;] for "the ordering of other a'm'r.< of \the estate genera1'1y.i T .-U] pt`-1'sO11S claimingvto rank up-' on tho o.~"tate of the said insolvent mn le their claims, proved "by ; .:1frI with me prior to the date ` of A the aforesaid `meeting after i Wilioil time I will proceed to d-is-'- ril-alto the assets of the said estate ' 4 122m'11g- re;z'a1"d to those _c1a1ms' only : n,i_\\'i1i0i1 I shall then `have ree1ved _ : imt-P, Phone 6333. Ldge. ..\1\T(Il The Liquor Stre T. (`m'rntIro1'.-, rfillsoniburg, On- m1'i.v Solicitor for Asslgnee, 1,; H29 maffer of _D.R. McINTYRE, frcuIz'_n,r/ as` McINTYRE MFG. . ('()'_, AIIi.s't0n,V j0/nt.,' Insolvent. A \'e11d01"s' So]ic.ito_rs, Barrie. Data] T110 10th day Of Sept`-y . V 1914; ` 38-40 IIHUIC 11-\'U"9 : "" """"""` "f' A U: U11 stone fou11dat10n, also a shed, im p]`9me_n-t. house and other *bu1'ld:ings'.;* TERMS OF SALE: 10, percent. at the time Of sale" and the balan within 30 days thereafter. ' T he property Wi]'1 be sold suTb- ject to a _1-eiserved bld. and subject V, the -e.\'1s~t1ng lease. . V Further pa1`ticu1a.rs and c0Iid'i- tions of sale will be made known at the tinujof the sale and in the meantizno may be learned from A, r'~rn1-\ A r1\'r1-~rv- A ~-.-..._:__ NOTICE TO (IREDITORS 'f1-ame ]1o11se,.' also barn 36 x 84 on" (J - -'v [U uuvv -- . 3?- There. is s-ard to be erected upon the smd pI'0D1`t_Y a oomfortable -- Jfnnnr]-;|Hnn glen 9 Q1113.-I aw. erof Sale conta._inedf- `in a :13 the time of the sale there / be oem-d` .for 5.313" `by PIIHEQ` U Auction at the Q-ueen s ' Hotel ' the 3rd day Of Ocwbera 1914;-"""3.tV if T Under and `by Vi1`tue' Wage which will . be .pr()d1j9d' the Tm\'.11 of Ba-rrie on Sat1i_1'day',~ 9 09c]og];, p.m., the f.o1l'ovWing-..va`1uV-~ 3,19 farm p_roperjsy In thg T_o'wz_1-_` > ship of I111_11sfQ 111 the County of_ smog and be1ng'c0mpose_d* of-the south 11a]t:`0.f Lot Number in the lh1rd_ Cb11cess1~gn_- of the said Townshlp, con-ta1n1ng'. one ,hundred acres _m'0ne or less. ' T T The farm is said to be "mostly day and c1y'1'0a=m, all fenced, and to have a good creek through it. 7 A -.~.:vJ- 4-. Ln A..- _.1.`.__'I , W. H. KENNEDY Sig}, . . 840 list, A Proprietor --_ . 9 9. Wellington otgl; - B a`Ifr|_e__j Errtsase 5* Farm Property The New % IIC 1k76ll 1lC7\.I. .11 V11}. `s'T ATHY & ES:T1EI<{. . OSLER WADE, F.C.A. A ..._E 4, STRATHY & E;-S-TEN; JAl..L_ uo .l.J'l\J.l..l_441.~ Vendor s Solivcitorsfn; JV. -4 of s;;;:' .n. I\JO.L Assignee. l9tf 38-39% I 57e t:3' 1?id1et5-Ma:x:V}%. wailae i1, % 5N9rth9v;aves 8;x;Lottie V 4 1:.-.m._.:;en.,::1n.'n. an aux; - .1 11 mail-.J>! U 0 K} I.` UlI\.I.I. I-Iutlul-\.l .l.\Il Best Cockef1-Max_ jwanace 11, Bessie Northgraves 8, Lottie St6ck- e 1j 8, `B ,1: -tsuthar-. ~ -` Bid._`,1._`Lj1;:ggg `"Ii' turnips? -John ` Cowan 15, Harold Wdblb; 14, Tom Taylor 7, Ma`bel I-Iickling 13, Morgan Pratt In Poultry, b,est ,f\l'oc:k-`--Max WaTl`a;oe 11, Lottie Stocker 8, Bessie North- -graves 8,- Clifford .Webb 10,- Evelyn: Reid 11, Patrici-a Blackmore 13, W. }J.Suth< 3`rla`1.1d.`_110.".. ` - - ' `.'i'i'1'_`l1;,, 4-4 Olly t its I. Plot _df -Turnirps---vMo 1_'g'ar'1 _Pratt 7, Tom Taylor 7, Agnes Todd 3, J no. Hooper 13, alter Faibrotherg Dozenw potatoes--=M1i1ton `Loug- -heed 12, Edgar Sturgeon 3. Marian` Reid 15, Gordon Canning 7,'Ma.`beI '_Ro5b*`in'son` 8, "Wilson Emxtick `.8, Evelyn` Reid 11, Olene Patterson F7, Bglfle Givens 7, C'1'arence_ Mon-. yroe ; ` . '1-1 .zV .4L4 -Au,-wL.y 4---.u~v&v,4.45 44- [ Potatoes, best -kept p1ot-~De11l `Robinson '2, Edna Beelby 10, Clara Beelfby 19, Ewart R-a'1-sto-n 8, Ina %Ra-lston 11,` C`har`ley._ Sproule 10, Li1]3ian_`Whitncey 10, ' A1-Ian Black 11O,_ Audrey Fagan '11, E.lmagFagan . Best ve` e.a'r`-'_`-FVra1i-k ,Cowan 15, Robert F. Rees 15, Allan Todd`3, Almira Taylor , Lahmer Look- hart 15. A , J . Best .v_e of corn--%Rex Guestt14,' R. F. Rees - 15, `Willie Reive_ Lahmr Lockh-art 12. - ' Sweet Corn; bst kept p`1ot---Lena Minnikin 12, Lottie Srigl-ey 12, . Lorehe: Clement 3, Georgie Reive 7, vHaro1d' Smith 2, .Aggier~ Robertson 2, Frank Rolberitson 7. . ' " . .Best ve ars corn--Lot,tie Srig- ley 12, Harold-E. Smith 2, Herbert j.Somers- 15, Kenneth Sturgeon 12, .L'ena Minrkin 12, .Me1vin King 4, ,Mary Armstrong` 14. DAL 4.-.... L-_A. L....._1. _,1,.;. .1'\_.`l`l `Ensilage Corn, `best kept p1ovt-E '- Allan Todd 3, Willie Reive 7,. Allie Taylor 7. Lahmer Lockharty 15,. Walter Fountain 7. V Best two nuarts peas--Irene [Pat- terson 7, Willie Sproule 11, Beulah 1R-oss 2,` Lena Graham `15, May -Allen 2. ' ` I Pas, K` `best I kept I p1A'ot---Le, na `Graham 15, Heribert TBeel'by 10, "Beul-aih Ross 2,[ James `Sloan 7, '1\/fr.-. A TIL... D 4.1 \/ VIAIAILL .LU\JCD May Allen 2. l`}p15, --vv4;n .54-t, ; Irwin 14. .V ._ - --- I , IShegvf of barley--Meta Hunter 8, Oscar Bowman 15, Bessie > Cunning- ham 12, Lloyd Forbes 8, `Edmund Tr1rr1'n 111 Best kept plot " of bar1ey--Os-car Bowman 15, Meta Hunter 8, Mar- `v-in Booth 17, Marv Reid 11, Maur_-I lice Martin 15. ' . ' ; 4 Best gallon --bar1ey--M~eta Hunter 8, Bertie Miscampbell 3, Morris VV. Booth 17, MauricefMar-tin 15, Lyal Guise 14." ~ - . - . --- ~ I ; 'Best_ Sheaf `of .Oats--Wa`1ter' *Keas*t 6, Pearl Wriggitt ,7, Lila `Forbes 8,. Edson Wice 14, Geo. `Hunter 11. - ' . ` ' H _u-uuuu u, u arvu-\J'UUuIBJJO`\V 14. _ ` ' Oats, best ga1lon--Pearl Wrig-I gitt 7, Elmer Dyer.1-2, Clatus Ir- Win. 14, Arnold Reid 11, Lila ;Fonbes 8. Allan '.Webb 11; Thos; lSproule 11." ` U Oats, ` best "kept p1'ot-F'erris G-ood-fellow S.sS. 7, Max, VVa11ace .11, j Pearl `Wriggitt 7, Monetta }Jag'o 12, .Reggie"Sri'gley 12, Lila -Forsbes 8, VWard.Goodfellowv 14. nan 1.--; _-n-,, n 1 . iThvere was very close. comj3eti- tion between the different `schools for, the special prize which goes to` the school carrying _ o the largest number `of prizes . School sections `number 7, 8, 10, 11, 14'Vand 15 were all close competitors. 1' The following` is a ilis-t of the` prize winners` in the different cI-a_ss- Rs?-- I ,_-_-.,. . -v-was ouuu u'1'1uU11b'1UI1'S WED" intwos years after its inaurguration and. said that they. must i have a band- -next year and that if they h`ad thought of it sooner they -would have had a band this year. This speaks well for the enthusiasm with `which the people are entering this work axid warrants its success in: the "future. ' ' i v_, ....,,...5 was ucung _uone. .1n tact or some of V the events the entries were so "large" that they had. to "be run o in three heats. ` I A number of the members of the different trustee boards expressed their surprise that Innisl Fair `should reach su-eh dri-mensions with- [ih +;1Ul'\'17no1va .-.-`-'4-.\.. I \I|,IIJ uu.u. auywcu; _b.[1BIIl on `one halter.` The heat Was very 0ppr'es's'-ive but notwithstanding there were a large number of boys and girls taking part_ in the sports during the time the judging was" being done. .In fact ,V'Fnr Qnrno A4-' +1.... ....;-a-- A ' ' rasa. and ` imes. _ ....-u r... uu.uUUt_: puunty -ISOQK place } at Stroud on_ Thursday, Sept. 17th. ., >Th ere were .- over -1000 ` people pres- . ent. The entries in every were very liar-gve; In one class of potatoes ` there were 87 exhibits. '- The, poultry `exhibit was large comprisingi some 140 -`~birds;A .T?hep exh*i'b-its in the ` hall occupied over" 300 feet of talble space. The ow.- ers, fruit, 'cookin'g,`~sewing` and. col= lections of ` weeds-, weedseeds, native, Weeds and specimens of art were worthf of special mention. The exhibit of live stock was good and it was remarkable how well some of the Iboys had their animals hal- ter broken. Cliord `Webb, t a school boy of Stroud, drove ' his team of colts down to the fair in the harness and- then -singled them out and showed: them the` halter. ` l1ao+ Inn- ---~----- - l 11 U! V1151 up V-up U, \_..A.J\lvU-I\/. Lluvuu `foiiora wwb%`1o}:. Vlnnrisl Rm: School Fair < was 15.119 11`3`;r8'95t'f School fair held 1n S1mcoe County -took ` Lqvf.'l`n1`Ir1~ {VI} rllvliuu-n:V,1A.. C"_, 1 iscnom mus WERE succnssrutl F91; `whit. -h ever place -1 I7L`L '.A.JIrv\.4IHnnu-vvQQ\4| v.a. -\/v-pnaa vv \r\!\.I., '11 ADV J L|'\.lri-, ` ed tahe sewing, cooking and -owers, "while." Mr.- Marcellus of the Poultry, Den`t., 'O.A.C'., Guelph, jud*ged the cbaickens. and Messfs. Carrol "of Bramntqn and Hinman of `New- Amarketi judged the other exhibits. . They, had` no easy task in`p13cifr}'g:j{`l;heil `-wwards as `the `competition _:fo"r fhhe; , various prizes; was iyery keen; judkingg `iii, the. hall vgas co!hDv1Qsad"' Iv gun-. no-V s~4;uu-xa \44na.;:.uu-u The jud's- "were as` foi.IoWsT: Mrs; Laughland _of v.C.o'l1ingfwood, who judg-. _'l 4.1.- __-__ .. _-`l_ lJQ\r\.I.vl\/\4A\/AA u_.L Any-ru uaut; I By-9 o clock the pupils beganotol bring their exhibits `and from then", there was Va steady stream ofl potatoes, grain, roots, sewing`, cook-l ing, nature collections, e to.: pouring, into the hall until 1130, when' everything was `in palace. There were two rows of tables the,_1en::th of the rink and these, were lled `with the yarious exhi'b`its*. ' I `Vespra Township Rural School F-air held in the skating rink at Minesing on `Wednesday, Sept. 16,` was a decided success. The weather was ideal and between, 600 and 700 people were in attendance. . A The `Trustee Board a't Minesing and a number of farmers in that coratedthe hall with corn, -etc. The day `before and` early on the. morning of the fair -the ladies of Edenvale and Minvesing vWom-an s Institute assisted` in arranging for the fair and supplying fancy Work and otherexhiibits which added very much to the attractiveness _of the hall. Everylbody was very enthus- iastic in `making the fair .a success x which was shown 9by -the large num-` ` her who brought` in excellent speci- mens of roots, corn, fruit, -"pump-j kins,- etc. The .d*isp'lag' of {this kind was, splendid hind -showed '`the pos- s-irbilities. of Vespra to_ wnshfip_ in. the pr0d uctio1'1 of these crops, ' ' t\ _9_1`, ,`I A !vicinity put up the tables and .,de- .'l 7 .. 5 `Vlth vasmws FIRST muzw ma CROWD,` ~ \/ vua-IL u:1u J./, gvlazy IIIIIIS Colectlon of A-pp1e.s--Frank Cow- an 15, Ailflen Todd 3, .Ja'ck`Co~wan H -1`. -VT. q],,,,,, A.`l`I-_- 11'? an .. Bo-uquet Mixed, F1owers---Ag11tes Cg "Allen 7, Lois Todd 3, Mam`-ice Wdbb 14, {Mary Sproule 12, Hilda Hoover 10, Reta,~LHooverA 10, Lottie ?.Cochrane` 12, Mary Armstrong 14, (311 IX`? A .v1-rx-1115 1:`--A --- `- -au 13, A-men load 25, J a-ck ` Um '15`, `JJV Sloan 7, Allen Webb 11. Northgraves-; 8,a Maryligdy 11.uWvW Asbers--~DeWight Nelson -4,` Bern-k lard` J abbitt 14, - Margaret Suthex-I land. 10, Roger Webb 14,* Irene Kell 19 ~ -vc`..\ 12. \8, Meta -Hunter 18, Chrissie` Rich- jard-son 11, Harold Webb 13, Maur- .4.;A1au. u-mun LU, uuam-1e aproule 11. Five Pears--IBess'1-e Northgraves a 5 3 I i<=e..Wdvb Ia 5 `WH<')'vyers-- . - Northgraves-V Mary Reid .Ae+naT\...:...L4. '1\T__'l_ - ,, 1 H. . j 1 F ruit-Five . Spys-Wil'fred Booth 10, J. S. Leonard 11, Lorne *Giib- son 12,` Laura Nvorbhgra-ves 8, Violet] Sproufe 11. _ b Five Sn~oWs--=LauAra . Northgravesf :8, Ina Black `11, Wilfrid Booth 10 ` x .9 Allan Black -10, Charlie Sproule 11.} `Don-nu IDt\.~ p~.i:.n AGo'od'fellovw 13, Clifford Webb 10, `11._ ..|.a.`y1UJ.' 4, uuau hUr00ClIellO'W t. v I -Collection -of Native VVoods--~Ro3? LIoyd4B0oth 17, Frank Cowan 15; John '~Cochrane 12, Geo. vE..'Foster`

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