Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Jul 1914, p. 2

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. I shall not quoteh to-day any of 3 the utter-_a1 1ces I have objected to, and so far I havetouched but. the fringe of the subject. The people hhare shown unmistakwblyh that they -`h,",,_.ysv_Ai.I~l `not be dragfgon-ed` by ~m`en"w'hoAl only manifested their utt'er,:un- ! divvisdvom, but "have struck; a blow fat LU`! AZVLV j Eye. Eat-, vl;Iose Throat. lnuu.......-..a. -_A---- '\- ` 1'10. ' Juvuvy rent `rates. 1:mE;t:n1..' st"'o;'5..;;s::`B:;.::;';:e;;'*`9:t? urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 3.111. .to 5 p.m., and by appointment.` tut.-`.141, $' tsrio 'Land lS;r_ve;ors, Engineers,- etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- qond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Iuilding, BAH-in `ll 1.- .........._n_ -4 - ll, `WWO, JJeLUe\IeN-70 JEIIIIIIC, `I-leAUe\Ial. a, ndon. Olce uni! residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. 7 Telephone 77. I Valle Llo Lo 514151531:-lo \.r LLIJJ-I Laavgal Residence corner of Toronto` and Elizabeth Streets; ( Eosite Flin- 'beth Street Methodist urch), Tole- phone 167. . LULLJILLJLU `J L \ &` ('5 \JKLlUl-I L \lL` ".t..\'i`oronto, late of B1-ooklyn (N. Y.) , Eye and "Ea? Hospital, will be Q` n`-Inn Q` DIIDGI1: nuvnsnuv Ont - ----u vyuuuuaunululclll DUUICI:y. 0FFICE-78 Duxmr Smzm. BARRIE. Phone 51. P. 0.~Box. 96. "15'Aia1" 1>1'yiIiZ{ `es; 11ZcT{, A `Barrie, Ont. Oice Hours--9 to 5; other hours by appointment. Phone 565. _ . 45-1y _j__..._.._j.._._-.j.:.__._ VD:-.`J_. jgnrnun ROSS s1.oo r:ii""AnNu " "h"1' 7mvf'f" mos _ lqxumnnnn nmnnun avvnunnvhm-an '. PU. 1!l0UAl'l'l'liY. don Street. Barrie. fv \` f."""'uhv ` "`9P`P[Q,$U-" _H',Q`SS ST.. . JOHN 9,4;-xeu-s m,n,-jgqA-;JD` ron an. or Ioronto Building, a, will be promptly attended to. -T& MONEY ['0 Log" B It In!-on nvnnnnb -1 ._.-__ UNDEBTAKEB8. 4 . PHYSICIANS. RING 263 A 0 place it with the paper - inch. not afraid to pay th ' Advertisements grgme h space-12 lines nonpure(i:1 argedufemglrzlkilg 1. GI: It goes without saying that` there is no analogy whateverv be- tween the situation when I asked that `crimes proved to " have been committed ' shouhi be i denounced, and the situation when it -was a- question. of the judgment `of the `individual voter mas to which method `should. -be adopted in- dealing with an admitted evil, and as to the practical" value of which the ordinary man in a. cong1je`- gation ie--to put it; mildly--'quite as. good a judge as the clergyman` `who denounced him. . Lega' 1N o;tc.-.-First insertion on uent insertlon 5 cc - A ' mg notices, 10 `c ion ; 5 cent innrtlnn nf H-m n TRANBIEN1` otices. nu..- Auctxon 10 cents ms per `notice of intention t . week otherwise the Adam on Md|Y . v\IAV1l(AUT CHANGEE. Advertisers will please bear o chan e ad` mustbe handed into th :1? W satuxdny at 10 o'clock, 5131 la}? "' "'mm change mustbe in THE ADV ~. forum later than 12 o'clock n AM m A vertis "1 In; gay not be made public unti(irtf~:n\:l.2g:`fmat COYDENSED A I)\'wn-nm..-- neuulng notices, `cen{s"] insertion cents per lme for insertion of the same matter. `as wants of all kinds, lost and .,.,.-...-.u=u-.u AD\'ERTISEMExTs. Coniensed advertisements on 11. fo mpagem u d: ' for sale orto rent. speqxc articln pm) Cuts for adve'tisements must lam, case be mounted on soli ` CRAIGHURST. om". LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on 31 Stock Sales _Manufa.eturers of and De / ,__ - ...---"I IIIILL ' Limited W alers in 111; Rough and Dressed Lumbir mas noors.Sash. Blinds. lnteri ornlsh, C commns, Tanks and Water `rm 3 Planing, Matchirg. Moulding, R -S. HotBa DryingKiIn. 8 mg I -..:..A ----"` .1. J ---5 nun. " I paging and P;lis.shl;xe}iLlia`I!"dwood Floor; Contracting and Building Estimates given Ol l lCE-BAYF`|ELD ST, nun..- --. we ........ u uuu uunulnfl 1'45` 0I"l"lCE- BBAYFIELD ST.. " 7/Recen't references _9a :d by va"rious giiergynven in respect to the criticism `.'Of pulpit politics wjoiced by `Sir . James Whitney on the day follow- ing the "Ontario electiogs, have brought another statement from ` the Prime Miniter. V On Saturdayj he said: 2 ` J ' ' 9, JOHN JENNE ` Brewed Entirely from the Finest ` ' Mall and Hops. _j nvvuulug LIUIIICCS 10 Cen r" "He Insertion i)er ea 1, nsertion m . Sllbsea 0 per line. utter. Obmmrv Poe!!! - ` COMMERCIAL msuy Riven on 8DD|ication CONTRACT CIIAN'G[-jg A_dv"e1-liners will ulna... `._- -`Bates will )St. J_qhn_ _& Brooke A T The NewFoundry| TNEXTDOOR Tn Tu: 1- T1 ?m:x1' noon TO THE TANNEny Is 0 n for all 0 d ' CAST .' Mlf REPA1RrS,e;Scm MS` Boilers. Engines and all ki-ndsof farm and stationary machinerv made and repaired on ehoxtcst notfce and moderate prices. ' GEO. MONKMAN U Druzkist. 38" MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkman's Glycgdonia. - (J __wv---v-- Has a marvellous ' effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, andeby its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be `worn : few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. 8153` JAMES_ AND THE GLERGY j DUNLOP STREET EAST BfATB_R I E BARBIE saewmc cnmrnnv a General Ban-WW Igainua . . . . Notes Discozmivd foaoonable ram. . . .. Collec- Notes and Accounts 95! auenzion. Igaucd payable am 0- aztcnorr. - [Been % aco. P? on Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brlghtes .:,44- ,, --_-- `.,-...-up Al Work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rs! class. . BANKERS As I have already said,]the_re isl no stone to -be "cast at the greatjma- jority of .th'e' clergym.-en Vof t-1;_e province on account- of anything they-did or said-the oenders are not many in number; r_1ati_yl_y. > speaking. _ MANUFACTURERS, .-Ir :uv- ---.. __-_, In cask and Bottle Expert Machinists -P-I-lVO'N`E i 1 36 inn AnvEn'rxHEMEs1~s vertisements first ginds, logt (oundmgema mt, specxc ar!1c1es,' p I t o em, anied mm the cash. em Manager . K < , . . . . -sci! EIVCH. .. BARRIEJZNT /. It seems that my *m_a_nners are `bad--at `le.ast"that is the opinion of. `Rev. J; A. Macdonald, who `has within the last few days blossomed, out as an arbiter elegantiarum. How- ever, let that pass for a moment. Note the -contrast, however. between this _man s language and the venom w-hieh is indicates, and the" tone and language of Rev, Dr. `C-arman, whose sincerity and ehonesty`-of pur- 'pose no; one can question. Barrie. f'_`,"1`Vh e `demagogic `clerical and their friends are not satised, it Seems. Verv well, this `is a free `country-' no thanks to them---anditiis to be hoped that satisfaction will come -sooner or later. Tot-day Ilwi-l1=deal `with one point in their defence, and `perhaps I will take the matter up again later. . ~. 2 `.`It is suggested thatprevious` to 1905 I called` for the help of the clergy. and that it is. inconsistent of me to_ object to their action _now. Let us see. Ballots had'b-een. switch- ed`, -burned and otherwise destroyed. Government maladniinistration of theliquor laws had been undisguis-_ ed, and general devilment had been abroad with reference to. the con~d-u'ct of elections.. There was no question of opinion; the facts were known and had been proved in open day._ `.`What was the situation the other day? The evils of the liquor trafc and habit were undisputed, `but men diifered as to the. methods to-be used in dealing with it. Every person, clerical and lay, in the province had an ~undoubted right to- express his opinion on the s-uoject, but our contention , and the opinion of the vast majority of the `people, was and is that no clergymen V was justied in going into his pulpit a.n_d denouncing `in violent. intem- perate and asbusivec language all ..voters who did not See eye `to eye with Mr. Rowell as to the remedy which should be applied. fthe `-the j}conse`q'uences `of which very. likely they did not fealize. `Panniers " " 6 A --b--n- Q-Q . n-:1 CANADA. NE-IARING FIETIE: I`H ,BI`RT`-I-IDAY. V L Canada has` completed. the forty- sixth` year` of .Confederation -and is now going on towards the _ha1f_ce'n-- . tu ry,_,mark which will Poe/1Feached' in " .` . Siime . 1867.]; .Wha]t_ changes 1 aye. ._ o_ccun-_e_d,;. _ what development has . takenV`~p1iaoe ._ gndT~Twham;.4p. ..' V- .I3:1)13i?`-'}i.asTt_1Ii`si:.,pb.1`t 7o'-.- . `x 19 The Board of Health is com- niendwbly active in reference to the enforcement of the by-laws in re- tference to outside V conveniences in private homes, and cases. have been prequent during. the past fewiyeans of prosecutions for i infractions of [sanitary laws, In the interests` of `the pulblic health, however, 1 it- would be well '50 have an inspection made of the. "lava- tories in some of the . pm-'k's'.V The so-called conveniences in St. V.inoent s (by all odds ' the prettiest `park in town); twould, 7d;is'grace~ `a Hottentot village, `and ehou-lci re- ceive immediate. `attention. a _ . .1 The , optimism of President Viekers annual repo-rt to the Board-1 of Trade, is, but an" index of the` general feeling of nine-tenths of the residents o-f Barrie. We have, as` in the past when depression-has come upon other places, every rea- son to be thankful. .Whether we uappreciate the stability `as well as lthe beauty of Beautif1_11 Barrie, is.` ltsomtimes a matter of doubt. ' .[ am%ofw a,e%%m;., ,0 ( _._ - A--- WW9`?! 4 inzi :M'%t3;'8ht3% write yvinat is ca*1ed= a: 111<,1er in ' L For ~in8gnce 1;7"e1la" ` I horse as V 1A} `oann_ot 7 oollec_t~ the note [from B. as `there -"1;:r'gs` (`ca nztotal " _ faLilfur~a of _ _` oo_nidfero~ti on} V ` j `%if ` .:;`V`:';-l)0f01'.$ _ matn,.rit`yV `jtrti`I1Sf.e rTe:.':,;v1;h_.` note -to ' C`, who takes it ond` for, value- without `notice ,at 'ti1Iieofaiiy dgfect in, `As ti-t1e,`C., can compel B so "pay no.f._'o;. The question as. to .wheth_or a Wtitfeg` ipstrument is. a promissory note `or `not is, therefore, sometimes of great importance as affecting` the . rights anggliwbilities of the parties: " ._, n . 4`. any uuopuxupa yx u_1v yas'uxcug ' `V , '.$vry.eomix_1on 'doc1_zinentV.iri Cin- ada today is the s"oA-called lien note, which is the same as an ordinary note with. a long state-V ment `inluded, the eect of whic`hi is that. the right land: title to` the article? sold remains in the seller until the `buyer has paisdt the pure chase price `in full,_ and that the seller may re-peesesi the property in case [pf default. ' l - - ' 1 held` .by A the-_ Courts of.` Ontario, New Brunswick and` the 'N.W. `Territories that such` instru- ments are not promissory notes, while the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island holds that they are. Manitoba seems to make a.distinc- tion between different classes of lien notes, !but the general `rule in that province seems to he that. the ordinary lien note is not a promissory note. within the "meaning of the Billsof Exc-hange Act.--,Can- adian Countryman. " UM IUICI uua l|1UlC_ ~ . If those so aiicted ' -m.ediineh containin `wh,i'ch..menaceTthe_ ou =gndL%:1:`st take-the p ' sauna uvuuuco ~ j would stop taking lcohol or dz-Au 9 "mg '_q'1'iestie1'i hast ' V0, whether these" instruments are promissory notes has arisen several times in * Canada, and the weight of authority is that they are not, 7 ` . 1 11- .u 4. g T-"he crowods -which att_end- the band concerts furni-s-h ample proof V of the popularity of this form of enter- ltainment. V T V " . ' V The electibns. are over---th-z;.'1-1-1-: go_0dness-whic'h is more than can yet be said of the. agony they `caused Vsomeof our friends". of the opposition. vdrorpped in the political thermometer `As we prdicted the mercury of Centre'Sim'coe ' betwee11"'the day of the Liberal Convven-tion at Elm-1 vale and the day of the. election; The past month has acclimated; us to all sorts of weather, It has` blown hot and cold, wet and dry,` so that no matter what July hands out to` `us `we will be prepared for it. ' t ' V7 . V 1 . _ That election campaign was o-f short duration, but it was long enough to suit some of the Centre Simcoe Grits. Another wee-k s can- vas up and down the. sidel-ines by Gnritfexhorters and Mr. "T-hom1 )son s -majority might have been doubled. . What s become of the old Cili-{ thum-pians who once were the fea- ture of Dominion Day celebrations ` in the cross-roads` villages? % NOTE ANDL COMMEN-T Of the makers of Canada, the pioneer farmers `also deserve a fore-. most place. `They came into. the woods of the quartette of provinces and hewed out homes for themselves `and their families, thus building for those who were to come after. They provided for their own im- mediate needs and at the same time. added smaterially to the future wealth and` prosperity of the coun- try. To these` men and women this , country owes muh. Our politicians of the earlier days are also to be ocredited with _much `of the success that has been `attained. :The men`- 'who staked their political existence," on the success " or `otherwise "of,gg` federation of. the provinces .-}iri`l worthy .`.0'f . the highest preamp ind; lgneatest con`sider,at'ion. '.~They ier combined was that of the` prov- since of ...;'Ontario or [Quebec at pres- ent-; by many thousands_ ` and . was sca'ttered..here and there over a; wide w'a_ys or steamboat lines, roads, tele- graphi or 5 telephone lines. There was-*`no gs[ocia.l intercourse to bring the people together. It was only loyalty to the `motherland that caused the. children` on this side of would not -only_ be a credit, but an aid _ and * a support to her. The foundations laid nearly half a cen- tury ago were well and truly laid and to-day there stands upo-n them a young, robust Dominion, com- prising not, only "four, but nine provinces, and extending clear across a continent. Instead of liv- ing more or less isolated, with local or at the most provincial thoughts, all are to-day one great body with mutual interests `in greater an_d more important questions. that aect Nova _,Scotia on the east, Ontario or Manitoba in the interior, also have a bearing on British Colum- bia on the extreme west, and vice versa. Our development has been marvellous. Industrially Canada is prominent in the eyes of civilized "countries. With scarcely any fac- tories in 1867 we now have them in every city and town, the products `going out not only to the Canadian people, but, in face of the keenest `competition, to the markets of the l I 1 | agricultural interests have. also been developed until the world. Our Dominion is recognized as the great- est wheat-`growing country of the world. In the eastern p'rovincesat- tention is paid to mixed farming, while in the west -the expansive prair- ies, eight hundrecl miles square, have been converted from Indian hunting grounds to the nest and richest Our timber and mineral re- sources are extensively. worked and farms. add to the Wealth of the population. Our shipping has grown enormously andto keep pace with it the coun- try is now building its own ships, the output of the yards, including steel vessels, being unsurpassed "in pect to equip-mcnt, workman- ship "or adaptability. Education has not been neglected and to-day dier- ent cities enjoy the distinction o-f having in their midst universities enjoying reputations for successful work, while almost every totwn has public and high schools and the rural districts their little red`school- house asWell equipped as that of their urban neighbors. Religion h.as and "development of V the Canadian people and the story of the pioneers -most interesting chapters. It can- not be' told here, but all honor 1S due them. V - t ` the Atlantic to unite to take up the Subjects. area! neither bound together by rail- . task. of building here a, nation that ~ I also `been associated" with the rise _ of the `Great .Master is one of" the i %;?!9:i;!5`*"'*"%:`!`**!**!*l K _ -:-- unwtg.` ...- _-'. of %Cr%eVd`it Ll"-"or 1- f ._ . "I3ra:v,elli`.-rs 7"1`ris.'va14.-1`1e"rs' Chuquenazvmd Letters. or Oroditareiisu arms on the Con- tinent. ojrin Me Vi erraxiep; Afriogn. Asian or Austraiian ports. `or in- West Indies. . nomasc Iti`.IiI'r$. &re1ssi;ea t_or traveiiexfsin North Amarica. MONEY can be obt_ained on these . Credits and Ceequea as needed, with- out delay or inconvenience. Con- Iuit ouf Manager nbout it. A e Barrie aLndAl,land;le Branches A " '`;':}As' " ogfrranro Fm` the Lgtest Novel o1f .anvvL5tandard Work %%TH'E4Nb` 1z'fERN ADVANCE 1-l.;.A. sms, Mmggr ;ai1ence, while, if neg you hav the first` sy tom of ag rut-do\xi'v3. `system; and nervous eople too.often.,con- ;-ceal their aches and pains nnd.suer;in ctgd, this couditibn _q1t:nf`toretuns more} : 'i.1..;1._.. _. _m:-a.-.I _..-.`.'I.1 ..L'._ 1-1.1-...` looking in-to7 the future` and they saw what -they believed" .- would .be a successful and satisfactory out` come. They were right ' and as Canadians we rejoice that they were. so persistent` and carried their ideas into eect.. By this country y_ they will long be revered-. V a Canada is truly the worthy heir of British power and British -liberty, and we Canadians of 1914 are proud to belong to a landoiof which it hat been said, a light among the nations, till nations are no more. - In the matter of the estate of AL- mnmn 1nA1'rrl7r1rr 7.1.. ,. ll... |, NOTIGE is hereby given _,pursu.- ant to Statutes of Ontario, 1 George V., Chap. 26, and amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims against `the Estate A `of the said! Alfred Wallwin, who "died" on or about the 26th day o-f May, A.D. 11914, are required on or before the 18th day of July, AD. 1914, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Messrs. Stewart & `Stewart, Owen St., Barrie, Solicitors for the Execu- tors of the Will of the said Alfred Wallwin, their christian and sur- names,` addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them; _ V I .1 . 2 Ln .1 . ' A And` further take notice that af-l ter said last -mentioned `date the said Emecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of thedeceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to those claims of which they shall have notice, and the said Executors will not he lialbl-e for the lsaid assets or any part thereof to any person ofiwhose claims notice shall not have been. received by them at the date of such` distribu- tion. ' ` . . __ Dated 19th day o.f June, 1914.?` 26-29 ,L I have $200,000.00 worth /of `houses "and property in Barrie and A1landale.+ V A 1 .\ ` Small cash"paymen ts.. Balance as _rent. -- \. Farms for Sale. Xiiiann . 4 --- - ; RealvB;s;a-t`;:nd insurance ` . % Plgonesal. losanko Block . Barrie wumvou Euznvws own voun own HOME Cease wasting your money `in rent. - - A - 1` ' NOTICE To CREDITORS lb I/"IV In/ll/Uuvl U, UIIIII vuuvvvv II `Ll-J FRED _WALLWIN, late of the I 17--___.. _`L_ 11-. 11-..- J. JUJJJJ V7 `J-lJ.lJ'VVJ.A.V , UKAIUV U VIUV 1?ow-nshzp`of Vespra, in the Coun- ty "ofTS1.mco:e, `Farmer, Deceased. Contractor . &e Builder Repairs of all. kinds Residence. I64 Bayeld Street Phone 627. . 13. G. S. RANKIN - av: uliilbg T.E!9.!@3 _WARD% STEWART & S'1`.E'W-ARaT,. 'D....,.--4..\._..9 ca .1: __'L___. Von. e> ma ,`;;;,j-` ,& . ."_FI;b|\Ih 9du-om the once. --'-:`..*:.`:s::=.=,:v or % 2 1 Thnudsy urn mom-now |A.Il.l. \II `KJ.L`.I.JV' Executnrs Solicitors, Owen St., Barrie. , S . F . "' . W` `-7 .` _ ` . \ :.f.`~`.'i$-.~...`... p:.:.. Hormhoenns I L - ~ ` 4_: )"gg.j-gt`. 'I|l,\.,Q: 4... ' .m.yufmE-rungm or Buggies. Carriages, Wagons fffSleighs `an|'7 Cuttera. \ l.`3f!_1noriPnizsann. = - `-Ir-~== ~ -` * V-ZBTEW .B_T,. BARRIE- Notanoq Public, and Qqgvgynn Money ' to loan in ` djay= 1t? 5- -per cent.-Oice, 13 `Owjen 8t., Barrie. H. D. Stewart, AL_L-.D., D. M. Stewart. ! . ALEXANDER COWAN,_. 1_, "I'_....A-o nncnnn .8. G. 4'. RADENHURST, BARBISTER, , Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Office, - 1.It. Voor Bank of Toronto Building. - Moneyf to"loun at lowest rates. -ORESWICKE '& BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Pfoctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, `etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross '.`blo.c_k, ' Barrie. A. _E. H. Cres- `A owicke, K.C., W. A. J. Bell, K.C. ~ WC? -$I-v --v-v-vw-I- --1 -CZ v~---v wrun- Ialytion ml! until the money 13 paid. V ` unrrm smwrns sU_BabRI8ER8 ' , 01.50 m ADVANlLf"_; av, _ ._ _ 'No"now name will be addil L... L. __....`....; A._ A.I.L..'_ _.-"~_`.,lf'_'" I -- STBATHY & ESTEN BABBISTERS, Solicitors in High ourt of Justice, ` Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the of '1`oronto,@ar- ` rie. Money to `loan at lowest cur- ---` ....L..- (1 `I1 Fintan. "I U I` Wehave a lax-g ntloweat current ratee.either in amount on the neon ty of ood cCAR'l`HY. BOYS E M on Bands. at (0 LOAN e nmount of VDONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRISTEE, Solicitor, etc. - Bank of Toronto ` Building, Barrio. Money to Joan. DB. W. H. ' OOHS (SUOOESSOR TO DB. PALLIN G), Physician, Surgeon and Acoouchamu. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Far, Nose and Thnoat. Glasses Adjusted. Oioe, i n St. gh_one 95. 14-}y T. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ' H` 'nIu\nn 11:4-A A3 D-Anbiun [KT `D1_z_._; 'r. ABNALL. ` ormcm AND! ___-_ -_-_;.-. __J I L.R.C.P. & s. rcaixlrhni-g;n_; M.F.P. 8c s. Glasgow --SURG-EON-- `Hospital dllooreid 7 _.-w-v gavivhg spent; years Post Grnduate work in ritish Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8; Nose Hospital, Londoxr Royal London Ophthalmic s) ; for a term as Resident S1113;-.)on in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; E lEyel-I ital. Bristo :and _Birmingham as e _Ho%ml. Bmingham ; former Member of ash hthalmological Society. 0lc`ll'tnl?_9n `nu... .. u__--- - - ---- '.W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgeryl and Diseases of . Women `especial- ely. Oce 58 Collier St. Phone 61. V . D3; w. A., ROSS, PHYSICIAN, sun-I `{:n,etc., L.~R.C.S., Edin.,` L.R.C.P.,l Onn nn `IA;aAIIl| nun. gAREE LIEN NOTES `NOTES? *1`-he advantages of `a: promissory i1ote- over: an drdinary account or practically" any ot1l1_9r' ;wi'itten` _' 'ev i;-_ DR. H. A. `DU.G_LAY, OSTEO-1 1\lfI1T"lT'fI TI DR.` M. H. EMZBREE, PHYSICIAN _and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. 0. `Alexander.) ` Office and resi- dence Burton' Ave., Allandale. Diseases of women. -and children and nervous disorders a specialty. Phone 269. ' ` 22-ly. - ___._-_-::.:.e .__ J4mBN0LD llr.` Bosanko 3. G. SMITH _& CO., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1-869. Undertaken. Open day and` night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. J;.l1pJ;..A.LV -IJ_al.`J.|.|I . NJ .. \/ c>e"sisor4to Lennox,`Cowa.n 82 Brown, BgrfiBter;. Solicitor `for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and nadmhistration, and General Soli- citor, _. Notary, Cornveyancer, etc. Oces: ;Hi,i`1ds ~B1bck, No. 8 \J-\J: VI LLAV,` , Dunlap S15. '-Money. to loam. we--yvv-vw -o--\- no-no -Ina outrun; up ` _ t ` T ' be h t at ' `th i 3!! -?`u$1u" "..':.'.'i"i`i'oA.fe`;;A-9

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