7i"enT{i V the. dil nn-.A `Sound and - one '_.of the` rm, `of Ryan *Bros., of '.Gu1ph_ and Owen Sound. He ,started in business for himself, 1;} Orangeville forty yea,-rs'_ ago, and later moved to vBarrie'- and nally to Guelph, where. he `has `spent the list _twenty-eight yealgi Mr.` Ryan became` connected with T the , `Owen `Sound branch of` the business about gso, when he joined with Mr. J. Ryan and founded the firm of Ryan Bros; iMr. J C: Ryan had lbeen-in business in-Owen Sound for nearly thirty-one years, -having com- for -himself, `in -January", 1:_8L84,. and ]by "honest, straightfor- Wiilrd business dealing, has built up a, business which is a household Word in Owen Sound` and the sur-` rounding country. The . Guelph - Mercury has the following; reference , to Mr. G. B`. Ryan :--Mr. G. B. Ryan is receiving the "congratula- tions of his friends on having com- [plated 40 years of active business. this time over 28` has been spent ` ' -.f:"'-' ".lL'G?U6 .LlLl's -l.|'r.7`l-.l.|., I8 a'_DIfO1;11- [er of Mr.`J. C=.-~Ryan*- of Owen. ,. r. I in this city. Four` years in Barrie, and seven and a half years in Orangeville, where he first started in.`=business for himself. There` was nothing of the brass band variety about the opening of the G. B. Ryan est'a olishment in 1874, the principal reason being that Mr. Ryan `did not have the wherewithal to ? pay for the band, for, according tci. his own admission, his paid up capital of nine" dollars would not stand any such extravagance. Abso- liite honesty and fair dealing with- te public. has been ` the secret of Ryanfs succvss, for he has suc- `fceedd. `V His rm is known in all the best . markets in Canada, the United `States, England, Ireland,` Scotland, France, Germany and Switzerland. The `Mercury hopes that Mr. Ryan s-business interests. will remain centred where they are --right here .in Guelph; The city can `stand more men of his outlook : and integrity. Wellington .l'l;t-e_|-.__!?nrds, Barrie] lSatu:s1;ez3I_:a1.z11thl |Auc'r1og SALE} . - The Citizens `Band are arranging,` for a big day of sports on Civic. |H`o1iday, August 10th. T `July Julie an aavbvvvau wv vv V with calf, at. 1} Extra Good . old, with _,ca1f o.fc foot. 1 `Roan.Oo:w,- ` 01!}, due 1st of old, due to 'c'aIve 5 1 Urgd. ol`s_tei`n Ciinw, f 5 yrs 5 old, due b d.abe~ of sale. %1 Ayreshipe ' w,8yrs old, due lat -`of Angus yrs old, dug 24th pf. ?1 Roan Cow :Ju1y.I _ V > L ._ '1. Holstein; geifer, `due 1st ,August.. [ V1 . =-5vyrsAo1d:, duerbydate pf sle. ; ' T ~ '- & ` IN BUSINESS lllgnduxg home, - #2! The o11owing'F`o1ipping ` from The Qwer; Sound Sun will be of __inter- ;est1;o many Barrie people: I :`M`r.~ G. B. Ryan of Guelph, who` _._....`I ..-..---v rvvrgv . ig spnding a ew` days _in town this ._w,eek,< has recently :_ `celebrated the. fl"tieth' ,`'anniversary of his advent Into busmvess. Mr. Ryan. is a broth- mt ml-' Mr- T n `D__-_ Ayreshire VVINQ:-+ ' - - Cows, 5 and 7 at foot. , A 4 yrs old, with 4 arid 5 yrs old, ! THE WEATHER V Lowest Highest; Rginl AT?` V62 60 53 49 53 51 .50.. 47 56 52 ..n;\ r. H."BU 1"1`ER.i 88 ~75. 74 68 58 55 an mg; 66 73 74 79 AA 574 0.01 0.36 I `Nervy Burglars ` Yetat Large, I Nervy house-breakers have been operating in town during the past week.` vOn ,'1`uesday evening of last week Mr. H. R. Tate of Collier St. -1ost`_9_. gold watch and some money, and the same V evening Judge Ardagh s home was entered and $25 taken from his clothes. At H. R. Tate s the -thief mounted a ladder and using a long pole sh- ed a pair of wpa-ntrs out of a. win- dow just as Mrs. Tate awakened. The -trousers were f01_;Ild_*Q_Xt _d_gy on Mr. D. H. MacLaren s aiainugl 9. gold watch and some `money. At.` T--J...... A ...J;....1..7.~ LL- L1..2......... IP60. -On Tuesday . afternoon of last hweek a suit of -clothes was taken from Mr. B.'D. _O Nei1 s tailor shop, _and the A same night {someone at- [tempted to force an entrance to _Mr. "Albert Berry s home in Allandale. Two. or~three boathotlses have been 'broken into and small articles; stolen." ! I `N _.,,-_1-_-_1 H---` LA-59 bl-svzzyg u " ? "Ju'lfg"S"A`g1" Qt-he. chieves ransacked several rooms, and n-ally eMiss Ardagh, who had been awaken- ted on-hearing them, walked almost into the arms of one of them,` who dropned a vest containing a gold` watch, but who clung to the balance of 9. sui-t belonging to Judge A1-dagh,4in one pocket of which was! into! A fntimberi H of unemployed men` have been .oating- into town and the` ynolice `are daily rounding no vagrants. Severe sentences await |va;znants who cannot explain their fractions; A . g *9 W3. ll]: lUl UId._ ' _ A | It is interesting to note that on very few occasions . has it rained enough to `in any way spoil an Orange celebration in this district. . Phe` sfollowinag record of the places --'I-I...-L-3.... ...E LL- Ii.-n'n-in or %""2.76 for R Thompson;; Barrie 1 . . Q . Majority : Vespra . . . .. Ma-joi-ity 1 Flos . . . Majority 1 "Su`nni'da1e. . Majority : Tiny I .. . . Majority - [ Penetang . . I Majority : Next Monday Barrie L.O.L. No. 452, will go.to Bracebridge to cele- brate the anniversary of . the Battle of the Boyne, and on Saturday Allandale and- all the other lodges in` the Innisl distriej: will_ celebrate in; Agrofa. V _,-_L!,: __ L, _...4... LL..1. nu; V 118 Iuuuwuug n:u.u.u u; .uuU_ [II-I.~\4vv f celelbration of the Barrie lodg or the. past fo_u.1_'teenV years is in- teresting. : 1914-At Bracebridge and Aurora 1913--`At Allandale--rain ` 1912--Elmva1e---ne `1911--At ` Barrie--ne ~ 1910---aMe`aford-.-tpartly fair . | 1909--Ba1-rie `-to Pgeton; celebration l `.11 1,` _ .10 U ` 3 U LJCILAAU IIV JJYVUVAA , t "Al1andale-.-1ie _ .I.UUO"'bQloi|,yu_!7L"-uuU 1905--_-Mid.l.ind`--rain, afternoon ne rain in morn- `ing, ne arfterrioon; 1903--Orillia--one - V g i L1902}-r-Barrie--ne ' . 1 . F199-e0oI1inewood+ne % & Mr. B.-T'I:ho1i1pson, M.P.-e1e'ct for - Gen-tr `Simcoe, is " recovering niqe1y fLrom` injuries reeeiveti when a `cgickt ball? struck `him in the eye in a, gsimi, at (Pane-tang on` the holi- day.;_:. .TheE_sig11'_t of hieeyes will not b_`eT.Vinn')9,ir63 *"and he_ .wi11`soon be. IT"-The, 'oi cial returns ;fo1_' ' Centre giincoe` '~asA given out,by_ ` Mr. A. nary, the Returning , Oicer, give Mr. A. B. Thompson a majority of} I 276 over Mr. H. E. Jory, the Liber-. al candidate. -The discrepancy in: l-the `gures . given last week" (268 majority) is accounted for by wrong! returns from Pvenetang, where M11-.[ Thompson had 23 of a majority} ilwtead of 15 as given. This makes a turn over Vsince 1911 of 74;, votes in Penetang, and an increase[ in Mr. Thompsoxfs niajority from" 95 to 276 "in the riding. v_-i:1g;x_x`:e's_-`are as fol- klowisi , . ' - L1 sup- Paglia`: ~ ~ j`Ba1-ir_ieg_ Qd{fe11dws have T. `arranged. gto Orillia on ' 7 _`12th. N The ` Mid- A `also an EYESIJGH-T ALL RIGHT TWELFTH 01* JULY 191 for Thompson, .' . . . . . . .. 360 -for Jory, 28. .. 319, 'f' E6; ' 'c$r' for Thompson, A .469 285 Jory, 35. 347 SE A} ' :16;}1i;s3{ Jory Thompson '} _`-.. I 7 4. ' 23'. 965 46 332 342 V119} 250 Vv\/L7 uv uuv 5 wvvosuc. ' d The late Mr. Stewart was `a great supporter of the Thornton Band, which he originally organized many years ago and of which he was secretary until the time of his death. He was one of the, oldest members of the Thornton L.O'.L. No. 16, having joined the .Order `I8 years ago. He was a Past Master of the Lodge, a Past District Master and a Past VCount_v Master, and always took a ` deep interest _ in the welfare of the or- iier. About 200 Orangemen turned out to` the fuenral to pay a last mark of respect to their deceased comrade. He was also amember of Cookstown Masonic Lodge and of the A.O.U.W. He was a staunch Conservative and an Anglican. 11'- ---_._.2.__`l L- '\l'...............A. Orahgeniian F or F Half [Century - Passes Away_ I 2 1 l (Ill L.l116L1\4lA.L.l.n I * .He was married to Margaret Murphy, who survives, as _well as V~ two "daughters and` four sons-+Mr's. Callighen of Thornton, John. a traveller of Toronto, Lewis of Thornton. Asaph of Hargersville and Willard at home. All the family {were present at the funeral but John, who was home a week ago and who is now on his way to the Coast. Mr. Alex. Stewart of Thornton is a brother. -and Mrs. Watson of Toronto. and Mrs. Wat- son of Listowell are sisters. Mr. R. W. Stewart of the Central School staff. Barrie ,is a nephew. _ I ' I1 . I` 11, , _.. -_.-:L....- AI `LA ` WDCTVIUUK abu ll. .I.)ill 1 IC .13 u 1l\.z1llI\/vv . E A nurdber of the members of the. I O 0 ` 0 $Ba1-rxe Masomc Lodges and Mmerva *Masonic Lodge. Stroud. as well as many` friends from Barrie attenderl }the funeral on Tuesday. . Id-ay of- Mr .A'John .A. Stewart re- moves one the `best known and [most hi-ghly_-respected: residents of lthat district. .Fer several years Mr. EStewart had been in failing health sand on :Thu1sd~ay of last week was taking suddenly ill and rapidly gunk until the end came on Saturday. The 1D+A V- Qh-uu....4. -...... `L.-.---- 3 uuvs Lvuuluvu LU 13ll'>1.ll.lllg. 7` The funeral to the Anglican Cemetery, held on Tuesday, was one of the largest ever held in Thornton. The -cortege was proceed- ed by the Thomton Band, the representatives of Manitoba Mason- ic Lodge, -Cookstown, and Thornton L.O.L. No. 16. Rev. T. Dew, of the `Anglican Church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Dunlop conducted the services and Masonic rites were ob- served at the graveside.` TL- 1..L_ 111. cu____L N. - uuuu Luv euu (381118 011 baturday. | , The late Mr. Stewart was born in Tecumseth 62' years ago, came to Thornton when a young man, and has been a resident ever since, always takingan active interest in. `the affairs of the village and neigh- lborhood. For some years he was `engaged in. the` hotel business and later returned to farming. T110 rsavsnn` LA 1-1-- A N `J. nr---1 tuna w-- - ---- - V-- Continental Motor. 4 cylinder, 1; P.- Standard Tread. 96 inch wheelbase. Left Drive, Centre Cont;-01." enter from either side. Sliding Gear Transmission, Stream- line Rndv_ Wire Wheels. 8_it1 a lming` Uenr `lransmxzsuuln, curvatu- line Body. Wire `Wheels. Thirty Miles to one gallon of Gasoline W0 Miles to one quart. of Oil. Half a. cent a mile for fuel. one fourth of a cent per mile per passenger. MAKES GOOD EVERYWHERE strendth - Durability - Economy A- Y: LWDSAY '?i'9' SAXON $540 A Good Low-Priced Car {C1330 Fi Aamuu m ADVANCI > ml` 9'CC. THWII CCU?` SOME SAXON FEATURES: .. rs Think of it--Eve ing in Plain View--No Dar ox-ners M; l_3rfson a--Perte Clean- . I neas--Come`. See. At ou:s...a:\y Fotintain oda Eat Your %ae~ 3.!` 8 Phoile 7 - V Bgrrle 26-28p V ,I."ax`gr 4l_':_:_zjlo rs-in 'I'*u ~ .rvvv\-ll. e the of a uitoes tt1_'act- street wuu LOTC aown ur sIgn$.;-?.!;,; o `Vertlsmg Black Bass baccO"or;.I;!!_}_?:f ._0therof our outdoor `gas in and: Wound Barrie. 5.30 a.n1.--IIn1y Communion. 5 11.0 a.m.-.\Iatins and. Sermon. "*3-0 p.m.-Sunlay School , a !{!_df Bible Class. , 7-00 p.In.---lvensong and :S8_}W1lv Rev. E. R. J . Biggs, L, $.30` F. T. SHORT, l2)per cent. re Inc: 1011 on all the Furs bought `M hm \\'u'l*n HM-..~m datasa. IJULY 20m to AUGUSf20th A upc1'l'.Uul.1'L'Hl(_'1l()ll()ll all mu rurs uouxnu " bet ween these dates. q We also stow Ihc Furs purchased for tjhbf? balance of the r`. ummex, free of charge. ' THE DOMINION "ron\cC0% Tnrigxity C-hutch S1111lz1.\-_ J'u1.\' 12th, 1914. SI NI?) .j\Y AFTER >TRINITf$i1i Mid-Summef; % L, wkmwl zpend ll10l1t`)'_\ sely. Sud tion i11 thrift ud saving invaluable in fter life; Barrie Br ch. . r1_\' 94 Papine MOM: . 9:; L 1i `and ml Savings Aid-_. fumbles ent~ofV " chilareggg to SaVe `L:, mortunizties _-to x'a`inin-g in sely. Such an: will I`-um Mwo-Icu N'6*..I41o ` Punuoun T 7 ~ - OF . J- ._.- -v~-O3-' uuvuuww mvuuuy, August 10th,`. as the. Civic.` Holiday. `_ " Communications a e " q ' Chief Smith of the Fire -Depart.-` ment in cal-lingattention to Ward 6 reha.ll-, which has recently been under discussion, said that Dep. Reeve Sprott, Chairman of the Fire `and Police Aid. Lowe and Ald. Campbell and Rusk -had visited, the hall to ascertain.whatiwa.s required to put the hall --in shape. He re- commended thata shed: `be built for sand in the adjoining laneway, al- so that shutters be. placed on the front windows, as they are constant- a ly~ being broken into, and good bolts on doors. Anumber of accessorie are required , to complete the equip- ment. ` The appointment of Mr. H. ~ Riddell as caretaker at $40 per year Ewifs recommended and also that a. `phone be placed in his residence op- posite hall. Two more men are xiecessarjr `as six are i'ns11icint;`. ; '- - M"-.. 151 ..... ._ .._.1..._1 2--. _ 12.1.; -Blouse. _ Mrs. Armstrong, 290 Dunlon St.`,A asked for and was gxven permission- to cut down a maple tree in. front of her 'p:1_o1erty. _ - ` I ' i , .0 __ittaees Clhairrnafm Rusk if time` Water and Light Comm,ittee,_r`eoor1_1mended that the Commission be gsked to proceed allationr - of ' the lights, A. agreed upon~ with_as_*1i_ttle delay `gs > ;.a e Fwd .;1i,8'1it7s were ?19!4[:.m,l1. IIPL The Provincial Dept. of Public Heizlvth wants information as to, `what precautions are being taken 1 this summer to. reduce _infa'nt mor- ; talgty.` - ' L?` 5| 7' `CW5? .-HVV. ` A.- D. T71-.. 'I'\ T` `ll - nam, WIUUUUI U Live, 1.. .ssvuauu,........ J. Buchanan, _E. A. Sib-bald, F. Wiseman-;' J._ Bing-ham", -A. E. Lowe and a number of other grocers "end butchers asked for a `by-law compel- ling grocers and fruit dealers to `close their shops at 7 except on uSatu`r`day.s `and= preceding public holidays. ' " `.'.. "M." D. Cwbitt Nichols asked per- missiono to--1brick"the Clarkeonc -- o `n A.......;;.-.... Q90 T}nn1dn Stgi iicess-ar'3r `as iii ar`e i`ns`ucien,t;`. Mrs. Plummer asked for 2; light on Peel street where there is none- fogmix wv'}`1o1e_b1_ I . - A . n v\ 1,10 Sarjeant & King, D. J.` Mc- ?Dou'ga1~l, D; Waisberg and nine `other dry good houses asked that a by-law _- be passed compelling` dry goods merchants to close their- p1ace,s of business. at 7 ip.m., every; business day except. Saturday and days before holidays. . ' ` 1' `KT.-`lap. Duc;.`.n~nnu-u W T I `u.u,y'a uc~u.uc uuatuu am r J. M. N_ess, W. Buchanan, W. J.` Lang, A. W. Beardsley, Mrs. J.` J. Allison, J. G. Fitzgerald and a score of others asked for lights _on' J amqs, Eugenia and, other streets. ' W. C. Thompson, Mrs. E. Bur`ton,_ ;Mrs. Mnnsbridge. Foster and. iothers asked for a hydrant rat the} cornerof John street south and, Innisl street. ' . - Hinds Bros., R .Bo_th-well,- Jfia. Vair, E. H. Partridge, A._F1eet- lvxanjx`, Wisdom & 00., AP. Kearns, .H. --4.-_.... 1:! A Q:I..k..1A. T1`_ 9;. vol!) All I! IICI 0 Despite the__ heat, halil the memlbersi were present, but there was no in- ination to make speeches and the meeting was of short duration.. I-Iis Worship declared= Monday, 10th, Civic Bunken Creek Wdrl To f n....i_cmc i~i.;;1afa2i.,:`% Aug, not 10 -9`-'OtThr` Newh :_of Y _ _ 2; Council %Meet%ing` I " night _s V Council 1 meeting, when of `over 75-sper` cent. of" those en? businesses, ' ens presented asking for the passage of ' such by-laws. As the law states that the Council must pass a by-law if three-quar- ters of the merchants engaged in certa.in lines of husiness present casings 1,y.1.}.}s A.;s;ii:1;'.:}het passed -seems certain -awfter Monday `petitions ; ,;conta ining the 1 signatures. gagedt in the * dry goods and grocery EARRIE will V - and 3 31.13 'VlII|\J _\QIAvaAAB young Int! J 4-awn.` lthepremises. Memfbers of the fam- . ily heard a shot near the house at ."5 o clock in the morning, and found` L Robert` lying dead. -The charge had Mentored his stomach. He had gone out only a `few minutes before to ,, shoot at the V c ows. , \A widowed mother and brot ers survive._ - luuuuu .puaacu.- . ` aS'prott---Fis`her-- -That the catph basins on Dunlop St, be placed In proper order. * 1 113..`..-... - 1.)-.n" Tho` " `nun at. De SWBIJB. _ _ ,4 Taylor-.-Simon-That the Engin- eexinspect the holes on Berczfr St. .-find advise some means of cleaning ..., vvvunu. .,,,,..,..., ,, Ald. Dyment-Is it necessary to! `get a permit to brick the Clarkson` House `from this Council? He was told it was neccessa-ry`: but that the `building would be four inches on! the` street gfter it ewgia` done. _Ull\J GUI `WU I-IL UVJL LU VVIIE VJVLIVO - Sprott--Sarjea nt--T.hat... W. D; Minniken be paid $7.75, -balance due on culvert across Toronto and Owen Sts. V A . ' 7 ` 11"!` 'I\ , . 1 1 .1.-. , ' JI`.._S__ \l WWII. K) 000 Ald`. Dyment aked that a drain- be put under? the` sidewalk at the {corner of _McDonald and James Sts._. becmxsej it ooded the walk near L thgahgaol. ' L` __ ...-....L.-4 J LL- n_np\1 nts`-:r\1`<|a_ , ; w:":ra` gl~;1ests of the gaol, factions-I Hy suggested Deputy Sprott, `and the` imotion passed. . \- 0..-- .1:`:....L.... "l`L-4. um ....+,.L BOONE--In Allandale. `on Sunday, ' July 5th , 1914,` to Mr. and Mrs. John Boone. of North Bay, a daughter; ' . I `BO-LGER--On Thursday, _July 2nd, . 1914,; to Mr; and Mrs.- `Thos. I.` 7--Bolgex-,' Barrie", a son. " , ' ' 'OO0BER-In Barrie, on J un-e 29, ` 1914, to Mr, and Arthur I`I___...` "l"-'.._. A 5,... prupvr urucr. N _isher-'eWa1la ce=-That " `?Bradior`51 S11 be: swegt. ` -_- rI`L-L L1-.. \Med?for;i Main Killed While` Driving 1 ` ' ' `The Birds Away. Meaford, July 7 .-Robert Eagle, ,25 years of age, `was instantly kill- ed` whi1e_:drivig'crows away from .u_- __.-...-_-.. 1r.....(L-..- -r u... 1-... BI & neath tcake, imdn -LII-1'8 IIU .LA_ IQ almanac can v-cu- Cooper, Ma`r5{_ -Strvua son.- ' `FIRTH-4Aut tlie l~R.V. Hospital, on 9 7Wednesday, July 1st, 1914, to , Mr._ and Mrs. Wilfridj Firth, a M$5KUs4LAN13-In the "R. V. Hospitgl," Barrie, on Thursday, July-1914, to Mr. and Mrs. : Stqn1ey.;McCausland, t-win daugh- ters, ` ' LPLAE-NT-1;-In 'Al1hda1e; `(Am July 1st`;` ` 19:14; B d-`31l3`hte1', to Mr. and Mrs, .Abrah_am Blant._` V } - 81:`!-EA-:-.In* :`Al1'anda1e, on`= July 8th, 1914'," ;to-the wife of Mr. ~NeIson `(ma1e nu_rse at Simcoe %Han>0e=o1ine. st. Ananalev 1"` `'``'`'`>` VVW VV 5 UNl8l_' U115 LLIULI Ulla It s obligatqry upon` us to pass those by-laws,` 1f` they are [properly `signed: according to the Act, ex- plained the Mayor. T A1,! 'u'-_..n_1_1 .'_1___1 21- u-__`- ._.- Vggked if those `pe- titions cova_red- fruit stores as if so,- he would dbpose it. x. ~ T... 2 A1) 'l\.........L A presented within ....uuau._vv uuuco ..Lb puaseu SarjeVant--4-Fisher ---That the Clerk ascertain if. the petitions fdr clos-. inc the storesare `signed `by the necessary 7-5 per cent. ,of those en.- ga-ged in those businesses, and if so that the, necessary ` by-lavws ` be ~ one month. T49- _.1_'l! _.-L_-. F ~ lldhm-ie, on ' Friday, jJu_1y` 3rd,` 1914,, to Mr. and-% Mrs. A Jph91`sanba1d, _ _a daughter. % " JOHNS In '. n1~;_-:.A..",`._.~-.-. `I'.....`:.*"0A 1014 `J IVE J._'\._I LV `-"\J`J..I._'_Q Jll-.l`.JJ.'J'.|.IILJ"" .|.u Toroh6&,?'9i1_ June `24, 14, Herb- . exit V Johnston of _Minesing ` Sta-V vtibn Aargd` Miss ;(~}1ar:1'(}hia;nbers. V. `MURPHY-`--H0 OK4-In Tor-onto, on iwednday. Juhe 94h.L1914,% VMi.as f` --`0live- "daughter ; of . Mr, ' and ` 5 'Mrs.V Jas. Hgbk, >Dalto'n St}, BVa"r[-_; "e,.,.,_:.toiL 1Mr.iJ. Murphyf; the cross?` "1118 V0I1fE_8S`a': St. opposite Baldwin St-. be repaired; ` ' " % Ald. Ru9k-_-`-That's urgent and % hou1d..be do e. It passed, l n`L-A_ A1. , [N1 1 won: . to: _`;be. done d ~I` soorii dig .p 6__s-T WV! LIV much drear- my one A as. a. In a team. ..uauu4VI. .;. '. "!`lit.*f f the iusual salaries ,and ac-` 5counts` . ; ~,;m;me,1aea %;ag.% , --:-7v--o,,\I!-I 5 I 7 `having-V- `etate<,i (to the (Reeve that the boys. were bathing near`: his property "he (Mr; Rees), ,:had._vo1unteered-to build: zi plate for. .-them where,they could`. dness .' and- `, u nd1_es..,f -:This."`ma.tter will be _ taken `up with" VM1-.1 Rees.` -' , U -eMo.tions ` ' `Wallace?--`-F_i's1`1er--T'hat the Mayor ;and Ald. __Sanjeant be a V Committee ;to . `brot'ec`tV the `Town s interests `should any appeals _ with reference [to assssments be made. l`1...___'..IL -11 ` 1-: ,~ .1 Tsuws%M;A3h;;mk%;o; };g,_-4.1..-..".1.,.1.-;.... .. -- ~ SH-OT SELF, NOT` onows T. f ilinduities, BORN: c_o,I.,uufI-V 9! nfiqn'1.` 1.'u-in qoumioia Aor`.duAoIA9,0R..nn1-u. v * . ` .W` 1 diae . worth `inm-