Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 8

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On Roads A La Grace and Nemo Corsets i'._.A'1int Julia know.~: just what will please the masculine galoot. and from the tall strawberry trees she plucks the crimson fruit. Then` in thhikitchen she prncet-.l;< to mix some" kinds of dough. that will sup- ply all human iieecls. and banish lgrief `and woe. Her forniula? I -knVo_w it n0t-sl1e keeps it neatl1 hef tile; but oh. her sliortcake. steaming bet. would nmkc a Timon smile! She di. up a gorgeous lump, a chunk the galls might eat, with cream that never knew a pump, and sugar that is sweet. A-`. ;-restaurants and swell hotel< much Csliortcakel have I lmiiglit. and drear- ily the7maem r,v dwoll~` within my dqme of thought: they use `one berry I to la cake--wliicli l>err_v _1s 3 scream--and it gnos ._~`Wln1mll1g in a lake of blue and }:lm5tl_\' cream G0, tour `the world `front Nome N Ro'me`,.no short.c:1l will F011 nd? jsnoh things are mily nimle atvhome. lli)y`78unt`s of earnest mind. .\ot all 'the;ski1l of learned . who 000k fbr qtiieens and kings, can take the la els from our aunts in bet?! L:_u_r.' at '_ .-:__._-` n*\T'I` \fAQO:`l. i . - _ .-`Love may be blincl. hut fsmall, brother sees things. E5 And one good action is _worth .1I_l0_l'e than a hundred good H133 't1ons. ~ Gobd judgment frvqueutly enables a man to use the g-and judgment of .thers~ - _ if .0189 qpplled on :1 warm da\. '.o`therw1se the oil is likelv to 00', a; on the` surface instead f,f bein,,g$: -sonbed by the `dust. and in thisaeo idition it is taken up by the wheerll; `oflvehicles and the feet of W195. gtrians. For t_he rst day or two a strong odour IS noticeable. but after "that there is no 1u1p1e:1%a11t11ss from fthis cause. If coarse :~:z1ud or grave] 0\' 1' the oil 3 better surface is obtained than when the `oil alone is u:~:ed. One--third of a gallon of oil is enough to tI`3atr)11e .~squai'e yard of road. An incidental but important benefit is that thgoil disinfects the zlust and at the same time drives away ies, mosquitoe; and other isnec-t~`. iIl>'tP11 of attract- ing them, as in the cuae with street -watering. {`.k`t;T THE SIIORTCAKE Arrangements have . ben made for ` a return match in Barrie on. Saturday next. ' V. ` `Pictorial Pattefns and Magazine We Sell worth `ood inten- '.\{A5$f. 0 V the girl 5 1914 The closing; exercises - of the Kindergarten took place `on Friday morning, June 26th, a number of the parents and friends of the `children being preseht. Vm... ......... .__- ...._LA..'l,_ .1---_.-L`_3J _* "Sw'eater Goat.` , ,i;1derWi11.....ple}a88 1eave~ . at V _-he" ";Adw\njq.: ' of: = I v mzvp '4' A In each of following townshipsri Essa, Innisl, F103 and: Vespra. Some rst-class farms at reasonwble prices and terms to suit purchasers. It will` pay intending purchasers to call on me and see my listing of` farm properties in Simcoe County; -JA.S. ARNOLD, Bank of Toron- to Bldg, Owen ~St.,_Barrie. 25-27v" Du . DUWIV) , me. o , `FARM F-OR SALE-eLot 22, 9th Con. of Essa, 100 acres more or less; a_ll`cleared?. Soil elay loam;_ good. brick house and large bank `barn -and good .oubuildings; gdod -~ iwindmill and all I_n_odern"_,conven-V iences. On rural niail route, tale-` phone, and only one and a half ~, V, _ ' miles from school. and church, andi Fountain. , within 9 miles of `Barrie. ' For kinds 2 fzfurther particulars apply told Charles Banting, Ivy. . 26-28 WANTED-CM-aid for general housework. Oice. 20- FI'RS'.I.`-CLAS-S CHEF open- for en- gagement--H-otel, club, -private `home or boat. Apply in rst in- stance to Box .175, V Advance Office. I - 25- 'FOR` SALE~--As a going concern, crop, stock and implements of East Half of `Lot No. 30, Con. '2, Oro, 100 acres, more or less. Price $3,500; about $1000 cash, . balance very easy terms. Apply H. McCuaig, on the proper- ty. 24-27 7 w .1 8.llIl81'F0.1_1 ` ;~Ave., Tor`onto,. or _ Box 254, ;,Ba1_"'-., ' ' -2 `s ` 26-3-8 `Cream Bricks` ' The df .Toronto `V1.1: will J the corner` stone `:fcf;:..the`new}_St; P-aulfs -Church, `c'Paii_1s_wiql:, ' on ' ' Wed-'_ iiesdaa Jlu1x?.8b1n A: garden party: will be `held: on the same ~dat6..Tand- `it is expected that the clergyl of they Deanery of! South .'Si1nco_e and neighboring clergy `will be present. -`-You will :nd * V , rbest Ice rysorfs -Sanitary, ty ,Neapolitaine, "all - ach. . . . W. F. Foucar, `M-.A;, sense of L,f1>., Foucar, Tottenham,. new principal of . Mitchell High School,- and 9. Apply at Advance former-Collegiate teacher at Barrie, - has accepted the; principalship of \ Morri_sbu`rg,Ool_13g iate Institute at a salary of $1800 per annum. ` --The success of your lawn; social depends of your Ice Ore` will help you. - of side of ten-roo1n- _ beauti- .. and ' rge garage. For price and ms, apply to W. 0. Thompso 15 Owen St. Phone. - ryson s Pure ` P,` .I-IUILOKVY K1149! IIVVU DUIUIISCTI on property. "orchard." 5l`ow'1'1_ water. Easy,torms.? Apply` to S. .Sewrey, Palmersfon -Ave, Torbnto, dr Bax?- irie. ' ' 26-38 FARM FOR SALE--Lot - 9th (1.... ...c 'D...;... inn ...._.... .......- ;._ ' I::'VV'e;2:;1;` 1? I 1`. Allan 11 A T_T-,J....-.. n . % NEW; ADvEnmsE3;;ENrs& BARBIE GOLF CLUB FARMS`; {*0}; SALE 9% x Viiagh 3 ~T. Beecroft 0 J. H. Bennett -0 ` E. A. Wismer 0 H.C`alderwood. 0 -III Cr -LILK? ew - Barrie - _ - uwgy Acct Uuuuuwuv auv uaa a POI.` The work of .drainin'g the river manent xindustry. at Port Severn for the construction ` of locks in connection with the lb-ent Valley `Canal that has been The Barrie ollin laces and the `going on for some weeks back, ms oicere in c'ha1I`)gIe fgr pOntario Elec- ELEC'T'ION OFFIC`ERS revealed many strange things andl . e discoveries have been _made at differ 't``5 J. 29th Where 33 f1' lows: . _ .. _ Ward I.--4Caldiwel1 s. Shop; Char- lotte S~t.--A. Outram, Dep., D. C`. I-Iowepd, Clerk. . A ~ . V . We-'rd II.-(a) .Neil MeEacher-h s -Shop, Collier 'St'.--J`ohn Clayton, Dep., Geo.` Cameron, Clerk," ` `5Ward `II.--(b). J. J. Marks Shop, Mulcaeter (St.--;-H. C. _Channe=_n,. -Dep., Geo. `Livingstone, Clerk. 1 I `Ward III.--F. Do"bson e- Shop, Bayeld St.-F. 5 C. Lower, _:John Merrick, 5~~Ole;-k. i g L '5.` g ',W9rd"ie" * 1'7--.,-+a) e ; olfendqm, Plumbing `;Sh9I,f.`.`" E-liwzabefth -E, _Le`n,no.x_, t. D.ep._, __F. 4 =Powell';:5 Clerk; -`W.#1'd_7, ,Wi[9 sW Sliop. C01`-5 ent pointsialong the river bed. Some weeks ago a eoer dam was built `across the `mouth of the river to hold `back the water of the bay, and up the `river about a mile aeimilar structure `was -placed to throw the `water into. another channel. `Upon completion of this work the water in ,that section of T the river . between the two dams was -pumped : out and the of the river laid Tbgre. Among the many sh , that `were__~ .thue\``-entreppeci , the workmen fou`nd* "in, one of; the __~pools 93 r sturgeon- .weighii1g upwards of :two".: `Eh d}md~ pounds. '-which furnished a, meal`. ;,f,er; _the-1'workmen_.in -camp; ' =`1 h&.1,t_`po17ti11 `Of the driver; 3 th.at e,;j;drai,n,ed:;;* appsmii Marie and w,1>., So , S e 0`? I _ \ ii1_odefrn c_onveniences'. Apply to. . Mrs. Jas. Keenan, Barrie. $6-28 -S$LW`wo .lots* on ` `Grove 5 'St'.,` Vn etween Bayeld-hand F Lountr Sts., two house,'s';m'd-'s`table` _....'......L.. fl--.` .- i'Ii6i'I:sE T_Q_~ L ssayaeld St. Semi-detached`; all- ; :oooO..9_9-.?..99,9OO_01999991192. `nsdngdhhdin-1;" aaaaaoa `no u... n AAA _. ---E. H ;Wil1iams has removed to ' Queen rs issued. . y opposite the Marriage licenses ` 20-tf Midland Argus--Ony Friday even- ing last after practice` the choir of Knox Ghureh, Midland, gathered and" presented their leader; Mr. Eaton, with an address and at hand- some-_ clu`b; `bag as a to"ken.of their respect 4 and esteem for him. a Mr. {Eaton, who formerly `lived; at Shanty Bay and Barrie; leaxm this week for England,,,, where he will remain for some time and perhaps permanently. ` ` ` i I -For real good owers--wedding or table Bouquets, Funeral` Designs, or Floral effects, put up in the most_ artistic rmanner; see WM. `TAYLOR, _Dunlop` St, Barrie. ' ` . tf. .--Open for the season. Little. Lake Summer Resort. Boats for Hire, Board by daybor week, and lunches and soft drinks at all hours. Miss Lawrence. - e 20ti In Monday mo_rning s police `court Chas. Kennedy, arrested on Saturday by. Constable Rayner as a vagrant, was given the option of paying"*$1 and xeosts or 10 days with hard labor. Donald `McDonald, arrested by P.C. `Sweeney on `a similar charge, get $1 and costs or 15 days "with hard Vlalbor. Both men had previously been `warned to get out of town `or go `to work, an& new they will earn their keep, for a `few days at . Castle `Stoddart, ` YVVIG, QJS {an tha_1_:, :6ooqo;`oo9ooo 6,95 o; c_670.9 1min". `Agra: "` C The total assessment of /the town of, Newmarket, - as per the new as- sessment roll, is now $1,428,025, an increase of $154,000 over last year, while the increase in population is 73. T-here are now 653 children `between the age, of 5. and 16 years. 92 births vwere`registered- during: the year, which is "albout 40 more `the. usua1,`a1_1d' only 23 deaths. ` I I _A LARGE S-'1"U-RGEON M % ~ .0IAUG_HTA AT SEVEIRN I I W3 -refuae}.~t 6.`iud8*e `a .riian s ~ch a,,r-L. M9? by hi t*n~<%4%iI.~:;vub1i~ .% Closingofthe . Kindergarten v-.,,.:.-,-`::e--T- -v--A.-.-2-eve o [f:QOfdOOQ;OO"Q OOQOO0,._C_ 4. oogouo I W. son L. P. of. teacher t11e.gprincipalship M'orri_s-burg Coll-Eiate Institute salary per -'I_.`he your will help e-1 have A` for eaale--Resid ful Iot, ,. `and price side of ten-room- Phone P-Vuree beauti- ' 26-241 `L 7f'f1,. uixn r1ieg:V trait; s';ervic'e 'is _nov .effeot1ve. , ' ` " - 'p;per-::-$;1.25 e} `rea'x n ` at The Advance` Ogioe.` V - `_ Yes`terd a'y:. was the 47 iannivver-` sary of -rthe "Ooiif6dr;ition (if the Provinces - of Canada. L ~.. ': Wedding Invittionsliatest styles in t_y.pe, aft_' _fI`he `Advance Oce.` _-= ' [ }:m;; .piggas'4 Ba`nd% `wi-11A `~`give,;a conoertzjin ~"Qben s Park; `to-night `(`v'.l`thur_sday)_, T ' J T&;iir; nci1iiieets ?`i:exg%%'Moi:a$y lliams `Jeweler, I 1 opposite . ,..,.. \JL ...._... .,........ ..........,. ._ I T The fact that comparatively few children, nbout thirty in all,'_- were present seems to sffow that the par- `ents of the town are not fully alive to the advantages gained by ' the child from the Kimdergarten _co urae. In the Kindergarten, not Only. are little ngers `trained to be, nimble but the child [mind is stored `with -T treasures. pf verse and song, lessons U of politeness andcourtesy nge learn-1 xed, ,;,theV_1tim_idity nntu_ral. toil Liehildren is eve;'eome,- scope is" given` fez-_ grginality. and `.c1vBt_ifYe ~' oJbi`lity,- mud child}-.i` -so l.rdin0d`?th8 ., '.a9`nwb1easm V the. `indigartgo 1 ` ` f ic or is e quality P-ure `will you`.`> u-yyvuu uuuyu: uuu. .u5`mwu,v_u1--vvv .1 . 0011168, A _a f_ew. Ed. Partridlge, Clerk. f =1< W1! _ Ward ; V.---(a~) Lwlor_ s_;_ Shop, -91yW!'8 -.BradfordL St.-%--W. J. ` Gray; Dp., _. John~. erk; V nr..`...`.1 "/.1.\ n;_;_;s_ A. `J V\vL JlI\4I SIICWIII IL In-|ll4III\JL \IL\.lVJl ~I'. To-day the tlmtput of -Vtlle Arfactolry istwelve cars per week,` and it is. very likely the number will be shortly increased to at least twenty- ve. Steady operation is consistent. with the general policy of the con- cern, who do not propose to run the factory at full blast for a few months and then shut down for the remainder of the year, throwing hundreds of men out of employment. On the contrary they will keep the plant running` `steadily throughout the "winter without any shut-`downy 'AL.-__'I_- -.._.-.....-.......L_ ...`.- -.. _._.- ward % 1\f.-'(a5` Wo1fedr1 Iumbing ` S1191}; ` Elizabeth St.-"-A. Lennoxa Dep., .F. Powell`, Clerk. -Ward`-L _IV.--(=b) . Wice sv Shop, `In-J3` .....J 'D.1'2:..'.1.`..LL` `I171! ct- -3.` . `it .1`, $1 L-Dap.;3'i-A. 4 Berry,` Volegkf; fi A, g__. 1:* iII3.`A`uu_. Q /n.,\ n. 1-\ , . _ ELECTION OFFI-OERS ,. . !T-he` polling places-..a.nd officers charge for Ontario Elec- {:iox;s on J une `29th-,_ fol-I owe: V 7" *iaE%;f' $f'-'lZi$3 ..Y;`r:1:!<;;st s % Stpre, radfbrd St.--JOhn Cuthbprt, `Dap. , ,-W; G. Gordon, Qlel-41<.n.j ` _ .'I'.l _ .1 -is being .made to secure more.__ `If wfheviiactory has now 7a `staff of one hundred men and an attempt twenty-ve more experienced auto- mobile mechanics could be obtain: ed" the company would be enafbIed to increase the number of hands to two hundred`. The. factory is now running full time and with the present number of men is unable ,to to take care of the `business that is oering. This will give the `people of `0rillia an idea of the favor with which the Fisher car is being re- ceived, lboth ' in Canada generally. and in the `Town of Orillia as well, where the company is getting good business. T-he product of the Fish-\ er eMotor -Company is superior _to anything in the `market to-day, and an evidence of this is found in the ever increasing nuniber of" orders. -. J-`-__ LL- -__1.-..__A. ,_'_E LL- _..-n_-;.__ Dllv VV ILIVUL IV Avanvu U U015`, uuuaulv uv vv ALI` Alreadyrrangements are in pro- gress for "the 1915 models, and` in the Fisher Motor Company Orillia may feeleondent she has a` per- `xindustljy. ` o . H\L\|W\I Kb` J19`-Ill` V 9 U`-1|-I\1'l`I `mlils was evident that the children. are much interested` in their work for they entered` with `keen enjoy- ment into all the exercises of the mrning. The `singing and march*-- ing were especially good, whilst the `easy grace with which the little tots went through the various move- ments of the games * delighteci` the onlookers. The books of the seniors, with their art work, paper-cutting, folding and weaving showed much ;-honest, painstaking eort. on `the I part of their small, ._ ,_ V` ; I W Neil Mc.9E?achei`:-h Cameron, " 4.!-I +llJL_"L" , \,1LU.l. . sw3g%g?13oksare, ,L+,..y7,;_u.,,:~ uo7j'_*_. .. * '03?11ns * % *1<~.f . `Mrs. N; F. Crossland-, of the Germantown" Hospital, `Philadelphia, and her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)_ Iveyl and child, of Landsdowne,Pa., arrived | this week to spend three` moriths [with Mrs. O. F. Wright` and `her mother, Mrs, Thompson,. who is over 904 years of age..L _The occasion is remarkable, as there are ve gen- erations gathered together for the nst time. 'r The Orillia Times says: It will be of great interest to the people of `Orillia to learn that the Fisher: Motor 00., Limited, `-have decided denitely not to move their factory `away from -Orillia. In_ fact, says Mr. F. W. Vollans, one of the Directors of. the company, who is in charge here, it never was the in- - tention` of the company to close! down .the Orillia V works, although they did- at one time consider, the qt_1e=:tion.- ' m1..- J_`_-L-___ L_;. _--__ "A `-L-m -1- 'AXl|='l3l-I I V IIIII LI'II.`DQIIll~ 0 Jack %RodgersL`lgo.ve .t.his_~,week on a vist to_ West'ern_ Canadjan `point; -Miss" G. Graham has returned` to 'TO1fofrto, after a visitwith her sis- ter, Miss Gedrgie Graham, Grove` St., who haskbeeh seriously ill but is now ;,progres s'i.ng.` favorably. The marriage of Mr.- Frank ,S. Wvelsman, "of ;'1`o1"onto, and Helen Mangart, eldest daughter of Mr; and -Mrs. H. J .. Grasett, of Barrie , will take place' quietly in Barrie on July 6th. ` ` `7 V " . i .'*?-t` '-" L'M`r. and-`Mrs'. Alexandege Adams,| -Villa. Vino, Lefro5',,. anno rice the engagement of t1he'ir'secox_1 da-ug'1i- ter,- Min-iei Bernese, -tq Mr. Dalton W; White; Acton Island, Muskoka Lakes, marriage to take. place .I_u1y I 22nd. - A I A v-\v-v---- iei added an ..*'. kw-h.-.. Ubllltbl UJL IIVJJJE *I&\JULlU. - 1` The room was prettilv decorated with small baskets, cleverly made -by the children, and lled with white ma;r`guerites. , B1ackboard' drawings of. margu-_erites and butter- ~'IJ__?ZI'IIuI_ [Il_`If' I IJIIUVIIIIIV; Richardson, who for 12 years` was Supt. of `Collier. St. Methodist Sunday School, was on Sunday presented with a `pair of binoculars by the. teachers and oicers of the `school, _ as a slight token of remem- brance and festeem. Mr. T. H. Preston read the address and ML A. F. A. Malcomson` made the presentation. "Mr; A. J. Sarjeant a11Id`iRev. G. `R. Turk" also spoke in highest terms of Dr. Richardson. I LFISHER CARS` WILL |* %% S-TILL B-E M_ADE THE moms ADvANJ%E -`* AT ORILLIA} "' """.".`,". .".".`."..1u'i.$,.3 'J. '0'o'wa'u 6. Inst Deut?---`Cooing. Doves . .. . . Miss A; MacPhaden `~Mis I. Leman '7. Inst. Solo--Home Sweet Home , . . . . . .-. . Master F. Moore 8. Voca1-Tick, Took . . . . T . . . . . .` ' , . .. .A . .. . -Miss` G. -O Ne%i1l 9. Inst. Solo-The Dream . . . . . . . . . Miss A. MacDonald 10. Instpolo--Ba;gVe`te1le ."..`T.; . ;. Master N. Moran 11. Violin. Duet--Bonnie Doon .. Master F. Greatrex and Master J; .M.0Cal. V1.1,' ` Accompanist--zMis Cross1and- ' _12.' Inst. VSo19-'.mj1 _Sh$phei'i `Boy -'I".3..-.....`..L.._ _..-~--. Aug .a.n.vau.|L u-uu. JJLIGD J.`.Io Crossland 2. Violin, Solo--Mamh . . . .v . . . . . . . . Master F. Greatrex 3, Inst. S'o.lo-V-~B.lossorm Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .; Miss Wright. " 4. A S o1o --sI_)'aVnse Gwacgnse . . 'Il`!_ ..-- -so.-V vi navov .n.IuL: IsJI.l\I1I1-|Ul.lJ.JJ\J"y o . .. .. . Mlss` A, Lxvmgston 13. Inst Solo---Tournament . .. . _ . Master II. Mil1._1;.a _ - - Part_ 3.` V ` ` -. `1.fD-net---The Beetles *Dan<':e' .`. .. Master 11. ' * The first match for the Hodgson Cup was played in Collingwood on Friday last, when the home players proved: successful. The following was the score: T ` St. `Josephs % Musical Recital_ A On Wednesday_ evening, June 24, a delightful '_ musical recital was given by the pupils of the Sisters of St. Joseph, .Ba1-rie. The pro- gramme was an excellent` one and showed careful training. `The pupils performed very creditable,` ,. the " youthful violinists - especially ` de-" lighting the audience. `Miss Evelyn _-Shanalhan, who has just passed her Junior Piano Examination, Toronto. University, displayed much taste in her expression and exibility, in; execvu-tion.. : Very Reverend Dean` Moyna afterwards addressed those, present encouraging and commend-i ing the parents for the advantages they were giving their children and -I praising highly the work done in "music by the Sisters. Following! a.re the names of those who took`? part in the programme: Part A. t a Miss M. __Wilkinson 1'. Du_et-A Hunting and A We llGo . . M_iss J ; Cowan 2-. Inst. . So'lo--4Annie Laurie. .~ . . . ' . Miss` I, :3. Inst. `Solo--.Birt_hday ! tiMarch. . . . . . . Miss M. Wilkinson y_4:. Inst. Sol<>--'Dhe` Rainihow Fairy. l I Mina M nlorlr and even in Barrie-in regard to, the wisdom of using oil on the roads -as a means; of laying the dust. Here is the op.in'ion of The Mon- -treal Gazette on the question: I _ The use of crude` petroleum onl macadam, gravel or earth roads has; passed the experimental stage and has been proved efficacious in many communities after years of trial. Toronto tried it seven or eight years ago, and the results achieved have led to its constantly extended use in that city, while the example has been followed in many towns and villagw throughout the Province of Ontario." Now the famrers along main-travelled highways are investi- gat_iIrg `the advantages of oil in do- mg away with the dust nuisance, and" a start has been made in some- rural localities in its application.| The merits Of the process are two- fold. In the first place, it elimin- I Devlin ates the clouds of dust which are so distressing and destructive a fea- ture of-summe_r traic in both city and country d1str1cts. The surface dust when treated with oil is made A- L....___ LL-A. _ _ . vio1inTs;oT1o--01d Black Jae ' . . . Master J. McCarthy Inst. Solo--+Schottisc'he . .. Master` D. Beatty Inst Solo-Sonatine in G. . .; . . T . . . . ..MissJ.'O6wan Inst. Solo-`March-The Fire-y. . T ~ Miss J. Maxwell _Voca1--The Seret . . . . . . . . . . . .; Miss I. Ludlow ' .. Miss Blueman ' `Reading-7Se1ected . . . . . . . . . . .' ` . Miss A. C1ayton* . Inst. ' So1o'--Happiness . . . .` . .. . V -. , . . . Misg Crossland scar =32 .Tf , 'ley .r` n ;So1<>-%-fE`1'<`>jsi`vG' i Atn* '_Mi`se== M - '0 R'ea:d'ing'---~S'e:1ect; . . . '.. . .; . `III... 1' IN--- SALE OF" '--lie told us of his intentions toiclear out . were starting on the manufacture of `Win M` Last Friday we received amessa cf styles to sell from $150 up `to $4.00, represented. As our dealings had alw statement that theywere a BIG B arrived and truly they are a magni at . $1.09," $1.29, You may want a ni F. A. H-odgson 0 J. Hunter 1% Dr. Irwin 0 Dr. Clonnolly `1 J. F. Telfer 1:} J. Birnie 0 `J. Telfer 1 We Sell Hoieproof Hose for Men, Women and Children Sb1o--Birthday TM'ai-ch. . .. M. Raimbow . .. . . .. . Miss Clark Part B. I Much controversary has been, heard in some neighhoring towns-; , Barrie-in regard *f' `-as a` laying i ; question: ! nzavnv vrcuzzt; 10 1151.11. o The. best Amsults are secureth when the oil used i of the thick variety, `with a heavy asphalt body. It `should be Eneated where possi'bl-3, or vuuuav vvuvu ousancu. Wlbll U11 1.: umuu -so heavy that even strong winds or the rapid passage of . automobiles raises it only an inch or two above the road, and it immediately sinks again by its own weight, instead of being dispersed into the air and carried into houses and across elds, or taking into the lungs of human beings. In the second place, the roiling is a protection to the lroadway itself, as traic binds the Ioil-soaked dust into a \ cohesive covering `for the road surface, and being waterproof it sheds the. rain- fall xanud` helps to resist frost. Its Ladvantages overstreet watering are lclai-med; to ,be obvious, for instead 1 of requiring daily or hourly renew- `al, one application is suicient for two or `three months on heavily-` , travelledi roads, or for all summer` j`-`where traic is light mka Lars` .:_.\~--`L.. -.., _--- - 1 ` 3` makers f W ` . . 0T _11iS~"'.tOck+_;a bargain to s<;)meor111;tCaalStS . 4 ~9'=r99mte a `Wmber in the lot msdth :s;';jy\_r:,_`lf`* m thg cqllection all sizes '.0lde "P wxth ith1s.. maker we had faith = ` V1_gALN..;.a11d`aaccepted his offer on the spot T1. ` `3 _t:.lot.: E _We have divided them into three lots . ~r= kc gor 15 ` and ** , $1.49. A " 1` `Cd in Se). y{>u do, here. is an oppdrtunity to save, oo11ingw61~'

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