Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1914, p. 2

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__..__..._. UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tnrio Lind Surve on, Engineers, otc. '-Eatabliahe .1852. Oeo, Hedicnl Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay Itrootl, Toronto. -Telephone, Main, 1338. Instructions loft with Btrathy O Eaton Belici- toro, Bank of Toronto nilding, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. - `*3-C-R 55 5- Edinbm`8h:.5M.F.P. & S. Glasgow ` ---SURGEON--. Eye. Ear. Nose 5 Throat. fnnvinn an.-.9 1 ....-`_. 15--. In - . _ _ _ ,,,_-~--v-r --dJ`7IDI| : gavingpent 4 years Post Graduate work in ritinh ospitals and having served as Clinical Auistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose Hospital. London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moor-elds); tor a term as Resident Surgon in Royal London hthalrnic Hospital; 3 lEye Hosg_il;`al', Bristo :and Birmingham I1o)lt`l`,`B` jingharnn: tgrgner Member of ------------.------------ G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertaken. Open e day end night. Morgue and chapel `in `connection. Barrie, Ontario. ' G. A.` BADENHURST, BARBISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, to. Omu, lot` oor Bunk of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. -~ _. STEATHY `& ESTEN BABRIBTERS, Solicitors in High curt of Justice, Notaries Public, Oonvayanceu. Of- Uicoo our the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rio. - Money to loan at lowest cur- :-Aub nnnn (1 II mlfil- DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON _8t., Toronto late of-:Brooklyn (N 2.), Eye an Ear nogpital, will b % 'W.`Gha'r1esA.' mun-in'g,e ,,;a.;m the Saskatchewan Farmers erative Elevator Company; was on-neatly discussing an important. matter in his Regina oice. The telephone bell 'rvang--a_nd he broke o at once to talk "with theeeore-h tary of a:`1oca1 grain growers "assooi-~ ation [255 miles away,. who wanted an -elevator put in; Had that secre-Q tary spent the necessary two days to oome to Raina, he wou1d_-have had to -wait an hour or so before get- ting speech with the busy manager. By telephone he saved four-fths V the expense, besides four orjve days lost time. ' ` ` " ` _n______ ___g_ 1 I I I V Alt GOWAN, SUC- essor "to Lnnox. Cowan & Brown, *B'ar`r'ister, Solicitor for obtaining " probate of _wills, guardianship and _ adnyhistration, and General ~Soli- citor, Notary, Oonveyancer, etc. Ocesz. `Hinds Block, No. 8 L Dunlop St. Money to loan. CR1-as '. CKE' .3. BELL, BAR~ ; ,~risterAs,` Solicitors of the, [Siipreme Co1ii`t~' oj Judiature bf Ontprio, ` Proctors, Ndtaes, Conveyancers, . etc. . Money to loan. Oice, Ross .blo.ck_,~ -Barrie. A. E. -H. Cres- _'f_wi<;ke, -K.O., W. A. _J_. Bell, K.O. Dg._%1_I; '1'. ABNALL. omen AND` -1 lI\__.-_L_ -_J DONALD B088, LL.B., BARRISTEB, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio. Money to loan. DR. W. H. OQHS A(S!I0OESS;(_)}% una `\TI 1'` `I `I T1711 111..-__2 -_ DR. M. H. EM.BREE,'PH`S_?SICIAN ' and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. 0. Alexander;) Oice and "resi- deurej Burton Ave, Allandale. Diseases of women `and children ; and nervous disorders a specialty. } Phone 269.` ; 2:2-ly. |.W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., surgery] and Diseases of Wom_en_ especial- ly. Oce 58 Collier St. Phon .61. % 35- DB; W. A. BOSS, PHYSICIAN, mm] `cog, eta, L.B.C.S., Edin., L.n.c1>.,' - ' 13%.; an-J Call` nun- 4'a;u DuVC\.l`U`y U110 bUlU1.luU1lUo - Henry :McGregor l1ved' a-- Imle from hrs nearest nelghbor and ten 'miles from town. Before he and his: neighlbors had the telephone put `in, he was at the mercy of the egg, hog and cattle buyers who spoke of .``prices dropped` to -day when they hadn t,- and of hogs up a half- cent when they were v- a cent. In one such case alone, `where six- teen hogs- were sold at a half cent \below market under fear of a bigger drop, McG-regor lost $15.50; When he learned? the truth, he at once joined: with" others _ and `had a. `local telephone system put in. The year- ly cost to hiimw-as less than the sum ofmthe one loss.'_ ` .1 . A mi 1 `DR, H. A.` DUGLAY, OSTEO-1 PATHIC Physician, Ross Block,- Barrie, Ont. Oice Hou'rs-9 to 5; other hoursjby appointment. I Phone 565. 45-15 bllll J-JG! JLIISDIIUGI, `VIII [)9 ; %;J6wen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseasea-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 `III 5 fl!!! ant` `nu lhl\'\A:vI`vIuA-n` to-In -I-Alli! QIIZDIIIUIIUIIIII IIIJIIIU 11 am. to 5';.m., and by appointment. " a':;1is*{;:;.'3.*:?;3}3;'.`.`.ei f:``;`:e`.?} ?tiah75 pnt13a1mo1ogicu sac-tety. OFFICE-78 Duxmp smnnr. BARBIE. A Phone 51. p, 0, Box, 95, ...!`! s}-L Nois Public. Ill Caiiygygygcon. . Honey to `Ian: in _uy.-mm; fat 5. per cent, 015cc, 1! Oven 12., Banio. H. D. Stewart, 1- 1'. is " ling:-L "i'I1 o'." o`&2'"I.'& }'Z. i"a'3n`c',"'1'>z{3 lop street, Barrie. Tolophon 77. '10 `Au ale Jlqlwavlliaa 44.4951 JLAVJJ Residence cone: 3: vToronto and Elizabeth Streets. ( lite Eliza.- beth Street Methediet arch), Tele- Idnn-en. 1R7 WW1 iv` CV Bhono 167.. . `WWW UCOIIVC . ' A fo.rmer s .boy was suddenly: ill. the father telephoned `the doctor, eight miles away, describing , the eymptoms._ The doctortold him. ex- actly what to do, and inside ve minutes thehot and cold compresses and: other rst aids were - applied. The doctor had arrived `before, un? der theold way, he would have known of the trouble. The pneu- -monia was checked, and` the boy s l-ifs: saved-by the telephone. nu--. 'lI..(J_...-...\.. `I2--- .1. - --__'1_ -r.- 111$" (suoceuor "to u_:ei I; ID uxgvuu Iuu .L1\`AJvuIuu-uua . -uyvy ial ittention to Eye, Ea:-,Nose and` Throat. Glasses Adjusted. Oioe, Owen St. Phon 95. 14-}: o \I\IJ-AN) \\I\J\J\o---my-`av.-v ufo" bi PALLING), Physician, Surgeon and Acooucheur. Spec- :.1 'LOl-An}-:An In `Rum 'Wn1-'N'nnn and .__._...__.__._--._-____.:.-. Dr. J. A1_m_1yR ROSS IIIT\Aanc-`- _ MONEY ro LOAN B8 lm-on nmnnno -0 _ .-.._ uniznnuxnns. A ?-2'."2.:.`.'2.":`h.....2,;.':.__*=" aunvnizou. RING -263 CRAIG}-IURST, ONT. ILIOENSED AUCTIC'. 1g; _--._ __ ,__:: _-w--at voXI\ FOR THE counrv or sumcos. -Most rgasoable terms given 0:13`: Stock Sales Tn: Anuxcn: t circulation c Town- l COMMERCIAL DISLAY .lB'altes will beziV9n 011 9-Dblication. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in th ` m`.`;..'.::,*:a'::&`:'.:..:a`::,'o" :.,**d"=m~em?~ .1. no '1 k nd tb "t 1" "N . 3 oc oc , a e co 1 H....g. tynnstbe in THE ADVANC " IuUv1- II nrvurwvivlillvoil uoo ran nnmnm An`vA1w:3 untrm .s:`urrns suasozxsnggs ~ $1.50 mAI_:vANc,: ..'."......"*`.z:'...':.;-.a'*:;.:'*.:.*.::,`%T *1``.;..;*% " B-5`.-IL... ..-_. .|._ _.--_.. 1.... 4|_'__;_._'_4u,- :;::,*:t1.:;;r;:*::%;,':g:tigg,.8;g1aa ...,. may not be made pu ic until the "`!I& - cowmmsnn ADVERTISEMENTS Conlenaed 8(. \'ertise.mnnoa -- .._,. must be accompanied witn the c vvr can any AU V atfvertisements on rstpage, gs wants of all kinds. los_t and f_ound, pjwengg for sale or to rent. specrc amclea, ash. Cuts for adve-'tiscment must may case be mounted on sohd met al bag THE am mums MR6 Llmlte d Planing, Mtltitciiing. M oulding. -+";.";:;:.:;3"s,2::;`5 2ui:b: W Door ILBII ds.l t i F c_olu|:I'::.s'l`ankns an?! ?i;I'Ig{er""l!f-2' .. ;;Aul- ' and Poll hing Hardwood n I uw` a `Specialty "` Contracting and Building Estimates given, OFFlCE-BAYl"lELn s-r In: an... --., u uuuuung LS oFi.:A"r1eLn s'r.. JOHN J1-:NNEi"f [$1. J_q|m__&i Brooke 1'19.,.!iE!! E9 lmfvl ... V.` V - vwvv, V unaihcv, .-von.nbnI, writes in the Canadian `:00'llI1'tl'y. on `fHeHo at First_ Cost, as _folloyvs.f; NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERJYD I - -____ __. n MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE. VELVET-- _Monkmnn s Glycedpnia. ' _HIas a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two applica- t1ons-will remove the rougnncss, and by its occasional use the 336511 acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia :- n.-A _A!_I, O " ""J is not-sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Bntvln-elu from the Finest " Malt and Ham. __; DUNLOP smear us? BARBIE % BREWING GBMPANY ' V ` . .. OF. . . Iii 1-Ag _____ RATEs '- VII-Ll`l.bUl' UL BUIVHSB. . of the `*te1ephonv in _` g.~,'.'_~ ,:',.~: "9-P W T;Beecrult `Splendid ALE and roman The Best and Brightest V In Cask and Bottle lo nl{(rP:ll%1-gezgcscin CASTINGS, , , , , _ _ -__ -___-_., `~\,. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and ptationary nmchinery made and repmregl on shoxtcst notice and moderate pnces. Alwork done b expert machin- ist and guarantee first class. la 0 n for all orders in MI REPAIRS, &c. _go. MbNKMAl\]. ABANKERS MANUFACTURERS. `Expert Machinists 'p'n*o}u's' icie" 6. CO. Manager - --..---c II. I`.. BARRIEONT THE RURAL PHONE * A A. '1'. Maoredie; ]3'.A., B.s..4.,` Barrie. Amlsriifulm 'rm'"Ea?;i's3'"uTmm' ""5 muixuic .'.".I'-." :50 9!'I!* 50 vet!!!-sin--i - Thanh by `:u'7naa{u1-nox. ` mung Ann-upon:-oh. ;-L-`- Andi; further take notice, that af- V vter said, last me_ntionedT date` the said `Exocutors will ` to" distribute . the assets.'of the among the J partieS.ntitled' zhgmto. having. jgaxrd _only.`;Tto__ Vthos j`.ola' - ` NOTICIE is hereby given pursu- ant to Statutes of Ontario, 1 George, V., Chap. 26, and' amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims against the `Estate. of the said} Alfred Walalwin, -who died; on or about the 26th-day of May, AD. 1914,! are required on or before the 18th day of July, 1 1914, to send by post prepaid. or to deliver to Messrs; Stewart & Stewart, V Owen St., Barrie, Solicitors -for-the" Execu- tors `of the Will of the said` Alfred Wallwin, their christian `anti. sur- names,` addresses and" d_escriptions,_ _ full particulars of;the_ir.- rclaizns, ' a 1958-tementv `of; theii?-- thje: 7 iattnre-.soi the secutsr any>tt`1n'e1de ,uby;* *n-.- . e . ' -* ~.-..`-__ ~. _ -mu: _ LIV-FIJI. \lU J]; 05 IIICUILJ \I_IIl\.lA IJII U V7 115! These charges are under control - of the -Railway Board, in order to Lsecn-re proper economies in nanc- ing. One requirement is that the cost of ab-uild-ing the system must be wiped out in ten- years, in ad'- dition to qperating and: maintenance expenses. The Board insists . on equipment being standard, so as to make service cotinuously eicient. ' In the matter of the esta'te of AL? IJVDHD mArrm1n7 1.1.. .`.x .11.. ` The Grey -and Morris system in Huron County has some 1,100 phones, and: an annual cost per sub- scrifber--or use:--~of $11.36. The neighsboring system of Huron andl Kinloss covers costs. by a ch-argejof $10` yearly. They have nearly 700 telephones. The same charge is made by the -Tay township system, with its" centre at Victoria Hanbor, which has some 270 telephones. The one system costinglas much as $14 is that of Bruce, which is solarge as to require ve central switch-. boards in as many different towns. VIVL--- ..L_.....-.. -..- --...`I-_ .'-_.A._.-'l ` }'1`hn iii?iirie.. : `provinces . i Yeff a `Inf-Ontario thsB;a11;aie,ls:i11';pow9;'"~ : trunk Var, longedistancef lines. `In the .rural ` districts there are }now v\1uv\.'l IV-lllll-`-`lllvn _UJUUlL_lo',`_ " i Canada: Own` acndi . OP8 !9_g'te mheicri phone systems 3- -pi).'l>lri< i`?-`utility;. ful` = and. ,of,..*eou-r`se, i e_icient,,. ~ ;w1th' . . ntrol of most city systems and all so many `indepemdent, -co-bperatively or ,rniun-'icip_ally:.owned local systems , `that? litigation has been provided; to facilitate their. systematic W creation and operation, and to compel the `Bell to yield to them the a use of long-distance` connections. A Bell su:`hscri*ber_ in Toronto, Montreal or`_ elsewhere can now talk.- with any sulbscriber anywhere on an` indepen- dent line, _ and` ' the farmer with- a local independent telephone can talk with a New York Bell user. A sulbscritber to `the Canadian Countryman in Bruce County, says can callup Market Editor Sangtser, day or night, and get advice on prices of hogs or cattle which may save or earn him twenty dollars! Or the farmer who wishes to build up a line of city customers any- where Withn -three hundred miles, can make combination use of the telephone and the parcels post to de- velop a highly protable trade in what he has for`sa1`e. .p . . _ I IIIILIIUII U\JIU1llI\J'L`1(7'|.l5U-I50 _ ' I The cost? From $10 to $14 per" year, which pays interest and` repay-. ment of capital,` ma'inten~ance ex- -pense, operation and everything. These gu-res are taken from the experiences of forty-veOntario mun- icipalitics who have -estalblished sys- tems. - . e /I 1 -Ir TIUIIHIT IIIIIII CD093 VIII Iii UTIU `HI ' --@'r|I.lntIl(Vomt-1 eta '-.,:ma..:tE."f,z'"='A Qunnllhnnnr nail!!! .-`nvIIp.I&-I In Ontario,` a petition signed; by ten or `more landowners, addressed to the municipal council, will 'bring the `service promptly. Such a peti- tion is easy to secure. The Ontario eRai.l.way and` Municipal Board , "at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, has an expert a_nd everything else required to help a -municipality start right. All they need is a let-- -ter of inquiry! The Board and the municipal authorities will do the `rest. If `you, g-entle reader, are lwithout a telephone, put _in your, appl.icati_o-n and become one of the million telephone-users. "lVL_.. _....L9 `II|....... min .|.- Q-IA ......." 9 ` -GLIIIIKI I VII VVJIOUV `ICU -I-`CCU JUL VKIIIJO The farmer who has not yet join- ed- his local telephone system, " will see the advantages of joining at once. Where there" is no such local system, `it is a kimple matter to so- cure same in \0ntario, Manitdba, `Saskatchewan `or Alberta. 7 ` C `III I 'i \ 1 WY` V 2*i`71'd,i'`t1ie- muggxa estab1i2sh+~ men: ofr ~:"ii_1;1ependent ompanies of `makel-9 of ' `telephone _equi.pmeht,_ and` of users of tihat equipment. ' .` l l\-Ina-`In 4-_..`A_..L' -` --A`-~--V3 vua u cquzyuu:-u la -";F7'ZI{-`th,`5`the` development `of niui.- cipal, provincial and dth\1' publicly owned systems`, inally, was *-in On-' tario, Vwimh Acomj)ulsory~ ' _interchange of service with .`the B611 system .'l`1..-. '-1........ .......:_.- .__..-__ . -7 - vvvu o ,- r 95-r't'S? to; ...._backiI_1gF fo1t7;i.1e `e9sta:B*l'is ' ` `t :5*o_f te1e.1>lr16;1ev serving. . _O`,,;.,.'.'";-,1-- -5: a.`l..'. .'._....*.-.-_.`.u..___ 3`! A I `-` ,*='-U_J.' - VIN! vvuvlw. 3VV1V-9-.= *2 ::vref8niz1?i6n' -, 5Ih" Bell 1nio`n0po_1 y." 1.nider_-pa char_ters, .-for local and lontdistiance serv1ce. --' . , ~ L H _` _ g -v'x _ -..-_ _ `NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'F3i5E15'"1"5.7iL'i1v:?1'3`{r,"i7z'i'2 "Jr `ii? Township of Vespra, in the Coun- ty of Simcae, Farmer, Dece_ased. T _O ~A Court of Revision will be held on the 6th day of July, 1914, at 9 a.m., at the Council Chamber, Bar- rie,.for the purpose of hearing. com- plaints against the proposed: assess- ments or accuracy. of the frontage measurements and any other `com- plaint in eonnection with the above mentioned works, which persons interested may desire to make, and which is by law cognizable by the s E. DONNELL, `-1"\".L`-J .15 `I '. -I" V -- `- Town `Clerk; ll \JlV f'D9._tcl, Barrie,` June 22nd, 191g._ I V<;,1'-;`z5:;;'c'eet,'1':c>`1i:Te1-I T1130 oo| 'I_`own s sha1f'e_...-. 68009 Thstimated life `of the work is Sophia and" Ross, total 'l`own_ s share . . . . . . . Bradford Street Ea of Essa Road, total . . . . . Tovwn s share..... Berczy . Street between - iuisg }}1a'bo11i,' ti 0 I I 0 5 ccglier Street` West: '33: -I-`J11 LUV u\J I4lC`J \.\/`CV53 `J1. \J\JLlI\4` . Street. Also. o_n Collier Street, from Berczy Street to -a point 490 feet West of Centre of Berczy Street._ Intend to and will assess the cost thereof upon the property of the re-`. spective ratepayers abutting` thereon; and rbenetted thereby, to the eig- tent and` at _the rate of Forty-Five Cents 7 per foot frontage (exclusive of . street intersections) and other` 'wise}in -accordance with the provis- ions of g'enera1_By-Law No. 759, and that. a statement showing the lands liable to pay the said Assess- ment -and the names of the owners thereof as far as they can be ascer- tained` from the last revised Assess- lment Roll, is now on file in" the oice of the _Clerk -of the Municipality, for inspection during office hours. The costof the work is $23,350.00, of which"$2179.95 is to be provided out of the funds of the.` Municipal- ity, divided as follows:- ,. _ Maple Avenue south of EI_ iz,abeth, total TTown s' share . . . . . . . . . Maple " Avenue _ `tween .' TNVOTIOE that whereas" the Local Board? of Health of the Municipal Corporation of the of Barrie having recommend-l ed the `construction of sewers on A the following streets: Maple" Avenue south of Elizabeth - Street, Maple Avenue ' between Ross and Sophia Streets; Bradford Street East of Essa" Street; Berczy Street and Col- lier Street, and . -it was therefore necessary and` desirable in the Pub- lic interest on sanitary grounds ,.to -construct such sewers" according to such recommendations as a Local Improvement, and the` Municipal Council of the" saiti Corporation of i the Town of Barrie having con- stucted mwers on said streets as fol- lows: - - `On Maple Avenue, from centre of Elizabeth 'Street to a point 250 3...). ....--J.`L -3 'C`12_-I_-L'L C1J.__-A. _ Fe2"5Eh 3f""i31iro:h M's`Zze`Ia"t"; also `on Maple. Avenue from Sophia Street to Rose Street a distance of 375 feet. Also on Bradford Street, from Essa Roadi to`_,a point-140 feet E'ast of _ Essa Road. L There are spme ' 1:0 drugged `ills o" overcome co ds. ne ` `t , and who ' terayed non better, but r_'ev1;'ITa_ Ai;_ they fearjtzgzayf 3 beam 4 WV 7 Also on Berczy. Street; from the .~ existing manhole `at the "intersec- tion of Louise and Berczy Streets 1365 feet to the centre of Collier Punuc ~ NOTICE :-v-rtwuwjvj 3&3 WTC -`W '-~ 1y V 13-aveenm o Travellers Oh " nee endnettere ot Credits:-eiseu toruseonthe Con- tinent. orin Mediterranean. African. Asian or Australian ports, or in West indies. . DOMESTIC cRIDl'l`8fIreissued vtor travellers in North America. H%lY Btein d ' th Credits eng%.:eb(:ai ne neeedg. out dela or inconvenience. Con- ..llIlt our eneger eboutit. . B:e\fri%e and AllandaLle _Bran:cl:1e V F ' H..A. SIMS, Mggager V -- % l5..ettr_g_ For For the Latest Novel or W Stamlardwork opTORONTO Ill! auvu (I JUW CJSIJUIIDU . `The great majority (if the people; here and in- tiq United States, at `first failed. to realize the general usefulness of ,the telephone, or even ' its; possibilities of: profit [to vinventozi `and organizer A of SGPVIOO. ',.'-NVL` L:..:.-....__ -5 A`,_ -.-1 -1 " a $19000` 3074 1855 . `*%a"~u's. .` ..... 695 00 426 51 750 00 573 32 535 00 413 73` `.'e-27,: I-`~ \. * For maps and conditions of sale apply -to the undersigned or. the Crown Timber Agents at Thessalon, Sault `Ste. Marie, Wdbiwdod and Sudbury. ` - 11-7' -rv -rs--A-..._.._ present-day life; as compared with -throughout the -continent. `In no our vast continental network of `The inventor of the telephone, `Dr. Alexander Graham Bell_-a- Canadian, of Brantford, On.tario-is still lvivin-g`, and still `-working. `hard and usefully! When we thin~k=of it, we are struck by the wonder of- how immensely richer we are in our our grandfathers. - There is no more remarkable story than that of the extension of telephone service line-jnot even -in the ereatiozi, of railways--ha s' the gemris of , inven-; tion and organization. `together, `so: eiciently applietl thelnselves to human service. i In none have the `people, poor and rich, so beneattegd at such a low` expense.- 4--An` sign-A-'.:J._ -.f.J;L- _--u_.1 A Jl.l.'.lLlUB '.LU1`ULlB.U, Apr}1_ 15], 1914. N.B.` No una-u-bhonzed publication [of this notice will be` paid` for.` 17-27 TENDERS `will A be received by the undersignetl up to noon of the 6th day of July, 1914, for the might to cut the Red` and -White Pine timber on Berths 1 B,-1 C, and 1 D. in -the Missi$aga `Forest Reserve tributary towthe north shore of Lake Huron, each Berth containing an area of 36 square miles, more or T` vvsuu vuu usuuU11'J- ` I Wee here! Haven t you got an` automatic player .attach-ment?--; Judge. ` % I when Squilbob Iinded in heavn, he was handed_,a golden harp. `He bawled out bitterly.` 40,5`..- L.-.....l 'D'-_.....JL .._.__ ....;. ._ A A -A maid of twenty tries` to act like a widow of forty, a widow of fbrty tries to act like a maid of twenty- 'and/ there you are. ' AHCHITSCT` ' Plans prepared. Estimates given with or with` out perponal nope:-viaiion. _ {PHILIP c.LI=_u_aLIN, o.A;A. -uv- #- } Phone" sao. ` _ ------v >vv `TOT 1' ' l L [RVo a.l'Estate and Insurgnce 1 fhoneqs. losanko Block . Ian-I_e I have $200,000.00 worth of houses and property in `Barrie and`~-Allandale. `~ ' ` Small cash" payments. Bala'nc_er ,.as rent. L. V 'Fat_ms for Sale 0 Z.-Ln-` g '----Ar ` The lonely fa_rmer s wife,t.kieeaten- ed by the` tramp, if a phone. is `on the wall has the prompt -protection of hurrying neighlbors. even- ings are less lonely where neighlbors ` are linked up by the talking` line. A few calls, if the sign is right, and a little or, -big gathering is ma(le" up,` to pass a pleasant hour or two, or to discuss matters of common -interest. The invalid conned to the house can forget the discomfort andi lonesomeness of `it. The storm-closed road or the sick driving horse are; una. ble- to- prevent a full intercourse with the- outsifje world. 0 own mun own noun} ten}: ` llead one}. connuniawoon; on-r. Ihn QKII `Repairs cf all kinds Residence. I64 Bayeldu Street Phone 627. >164 : G. S. RANKIN mt- Cease wasting your money Fish worms came out ` `To look around, And then that last Freeze froze the ground, And they were -froze . From heads to tails, And dad used son3e Of . them for 11'aTi1, ,; MODE-RN QEIMAND - TIMBER SALE vuuvauv vvva.&uo ` -Life on -the farm means, inmost gases, a consideralble Tisolation. Meditation and the development` of ni1in_ character require some szblitffide, but not too much, Where fbnhiiuss lie far apart,-life some- % ,mes seems hardly ,_wQrth ]ivii1g"- - _n-less the te1ephone a magic wire bing neighbor and neig`_h`bor,~ friend: w:.`.; f'i?nd- T { A .1 ' . I I` DAD -SA MISTAKE 8} "l3}iil'ci} C0nra.ctor LU` JICNIASQ , A -;-Houst.on The farmer with one, to ve bind-1 ers at wrok,t finds it would cost himl more than a year-s s telephone ex- pense in case of a `breakdown, if he had to drive to town for repairs, insteacl of phoning for them. There is no wasted time looking for stray- ed stock in the district covered by telephone lines. A few calls on the phone locas thehanimals, -and they. are then 3 Med` in the shortest pos- si-hle time. ` ` 1 n I on` .u'1

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