Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Jun 1914, p. 8

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; i %?i?HUR$DAY in. suck stand net, .36 choice never fuse after Wort11 , feed 13114 .;If you I in Trust; i W Mic'Turk_i will speak on one of '1ih6'\._fo1l0s_v-ing isubject.`~': "Care of the ~E ye'sig`ht';, "Chii-*1 Training in the :Ho`n)'e; _ -Keep on the Siniiiy Side? 'AFOr Home and C'ountz',v;" "Held `An -aiddres V on "(`iIize11~fhip" will E be given. . MARKET Prompt Prompt l)eli\'cr_v ew a man \\`h-) ythingr his wife a trial a11'\\';1'. `ting such do'.&cin` OOOQ90005000OOOOOOOOOO1 OF LOCAL INTEREST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAA br_ut-9" is an nhl saying. ant to put your husband good humor that he will rlthat new dress or bon- before him :1 piece of our ,_`tnder A roast beef. We 1 base a Man " ' " L `_roast could re- his wzmted Jh de}ic-ions meats. ... A[STuI`1dzie.or -a "at!-.VBry-A json s. is tr11ly ; T1fy on'e.. A 'n11mber of Barrie peoplt went- on the Orillia Sons of Scotland ex-% cursion to Muskoka yesterday. " _'l`L.-Man 'R[.-......,. n .L'..........-,... .......2I....;J. wuss-Iovot vu .uau~.>uv;:u Juuvvnuwg-o ' `Thomas Moran, a :form`er.res_sident bf Oraiglmurst; died in_- -'._I`or ontb on Monday. Two brothers, J 01111 and Edward? Moran live Lag Cra..ighurst." I-I vsoua . yo IVVOI-{I 12th, 1915. P y . A big Orange Demonstration _is` -being planned for Barrie on July -1.o4.'|.. 1 n1 1 ~ ' 9--~Bryso1v1 s Pure ream Ice Cream` Bricks ' st. - V _ toooooooodooooobooooooooz - `L C I mjj > Nemo and A La Grace ` Corsets % alisf of "harem that will appeal to Economicuyers-* STORE AN% AVE.*. x 5 rattems Fine Lace and. l?t/"F1:'ilT`1\iY1=g ;i.I1 the wante_ds' widths, Ivory and _White`. Regu1ar`selling' 25c and.`730c,- for . T. 150 Child.?=s' Li:t1.;:V`-1)a{isyv_ cashmere Hose, ne 1x1" Rib with seamless foot; Pink, Black, Tan, Qream, Cardvint_1l and Pale Bule; Sizes 4 _to`_6}._' `Regular 2-5c, fgr .. . ` Ladies -Black, White, Cream -and Tan Cot- ton Hose, sizes 9, 9; and 10. "Regular. .250, for . .. .Col_ uo'.19c vvoc .n.v-av ` vanadium: V v 3 won`; dowry -v~ ..-._- `. .25c,}'or.... . Ladies 'F7in Lace and Lisle Hose, in" Ta need 0 . ` I n; "190- -=_y`V'hit9 and Black.` Sizes 9, 9; ar_1dI'_`10._ (`HA1 `_'V lIlU\_'J ClIl\L Regular 350;" 5} . . vac Klvlvllv v, v; v-._. . .. .~ Ladies" Extra Fine Lisle and) Embroidered` ' Cotton and` Lace Lisle I-Idse` `in: Tan, White and Black, sizes 9 and .91}. lar 40c and 450, for . . . . . . . .. 1.. . 290 Ladiies Fine Silk Lisle ' and ..S'i1k. Boot- Stockings in best grades, Black`, Tan and.` ' Whitey sizes 9 and 92;. 'Regu-la-r. '.t50c,' for . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . ., . . . . . 396 Ldiesf P1ain Black iootton HE, withf Seamless Ifoot, "sizes 8;, 9, 9% ar,1d.10. ` 3R.eg'u~lar`15c,,,-fox-_ . .. . . .. . . .-:'10c'; A. - - our Save 9 ! riins_ Saieen Stvckiss 1 ward LA-lp-opt _-of: Ori-llki, ` Rev; `L Mqleod, `D=;D.,V~:_-pegfprmingz the .'ce1".. I mo1'1;v__tinA,the .pmsncg%*-oi150 imviteii ` gue7&s`t_a;` f_, 1"he; beautim *.birid'e;* . her.._::Ea1er h. | `(y_\3lW": ##6## '-UL `. 1-4-I : 1 i z1v; f5 I;i;-.9 9` % e ~01 M`.r$`..`.R0})t7` V ` ` L St Andrew 3 Presxbyteriaxi Church was the Tscenkq -V, ..of, a Vfashionasble June Wedd-il1g`&O7'l1~ -Saturday \-8.ftga1"'- I `noon, J une 20th,` r whe n.. the .mar-` .riaa;re 5 was ['olemn`ize]d% "of 2 `Miss : Ruth ` `0gi1yie, II1arv.ey;`L`;_d=aughtqrhf andiii`Mr8i`-:.::VY.= :H 41iv;.. `:3..nd_` `Dr; Al or` " % .' I Eav Mylott, th \\.*or1hd'-fa1`nl; Australian contralto,_ who` gives, a` cmcert in ~ Collier St. ?-.Methodist Church -`on ,Frid ay`.e'ven_ing,, and he: ' celerated ~ accompanist,_'-_-Miss. Iiouis Stuart `Hons`-inger-, . will be enteri. tnined While in Barrie by Mrsgfhase Dr-u1., Lduisa St. After. the*`con- cert the Ladies ;_4Ari \ ywill _ ;m'>Id.~a' 3 're_caption Vin` tlld pd'.r1o_`ui's-, 0, `v_-,th"aL : |c11i1rch.`;- _ A 1 `_ oua an-uv-_ uu vuv uuanu - , _ Mr. and ,. Mrs. . Sci, _Sewrey, who have been the gguests; .of Barrie friends, 1' seve ra`1_fwe.eks', returned, . to Toront on .S*a'tu-rday,. % - , .1\,r..g 1\,r m on..:.:...1.._.1.- --_-.1 -- I H wgss I,.oui1t`,_ _Mrs.. D:,' M. `Stewart and Miss O'rd_e'en1:ertai11ed at -the Golf Cldb on 'Saturda',v`1a'.$t. _ This week, the hoste'ss'es.`- \_vi1l" .be "Miss Spry, Mrs._,.H'._ .M.~I)ymea1_t and;.,"Mrs.: ` Sims. . , -~. 'I' --o-.: -I -4- - Mrs. E. ` Little,;CharIotte _St.,- is` visiting her sister, Mrs. G.'Hewson, at _Co11ing'w0od'. . , . Mr, Robert G. B. ks, of Toron-' tq,-." is the -guest" of _'Barrie relatives for a. fewvweeks. . _ *Miss Hazel Smith -is~on _a. visit to relatives in Westernmada, go-~ ing first. to the Coast. " ' ',l'_ _'_. J `If , (V vo 4;. J.Ut\1ua, .Lu-tu'_y- Db I3`, and. Mrs. Duncan 'Tur_n'er of Torontci - -announce the ' `engagement of `their. eldest (laughter, .R2ichel` Mildrbd, and Dr John Beverley Pattersovn` of Stayngr. Marriage in July. V - mr:-,. 'r.._..; 1: . ~n`v-r "'- '1 T 0; Ihornnbury " viited Barrie `relatives last Friday; ~ 1- `II `IV ` vv. gun w .n. Iv unga- ' `iii; dial. 3`. ' Smith "of 1;efe1-fboro `is visiting his brother, ADp.-Sheriff B~_W~ who 2 ` av .4. U4 U1: UU` U51 _ IJCIU U1 -`J. p my 1 Mrs. M. `P. B1:id-gland!` Charles, of Calgary, `are . Vthe form7e'r s parents, M131 0. A. Perkins, Mary St. I h____,___ V I/TX. n I'\ A ],&~ a`11- . v1;i`1,i'1-A1_)ot of. Orillia are; in town 01: a few days.~' `RI. (1.. 1.1 n Mr. Mark Scanlon, aL W611-'kn`own ,_ `barrister at B-radfondl for: many fears,` died `bu Sundhy at,his home, 84 Oriole Road, Toronto, inmis 78th year. v-Sneventeen . yearg he; 1,n_ov-ed? .to Toxfqnto, V. after , gliyiyxgj I'i'n7. _ Bra,dfp~rd for-J ;j".?nu11i?q'er *~.sy9 a,.1",s.'-T: V `R0e'V.- 1.3? ' *'S.?331i1Iis , 5}&1':r.i,fl,1`;`k * Brakifrdr is ,yv.vunu slavv ' I IJIIUIQIIIIII V ' I OOOOOOOOOOOOO,.O'09000O OOO_OO: ` Mr. 0 `walls of Edmonton is in_ - U . \-: ` 'Miss"A1dos Ihas goh Nebr.ask'a` to visit'_ her b rother. _T T. V Miss; I-IVe'1t%ie Kennedy V :has A ggmel Wto jMoose Jmuv` on a `visit. ' In c vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!900900999 1 I ! ANDPERSONAI. ooooooooooooooo90900090:% O 6 ggg-an` A--A :-:-A->A--A- ` _,) ' J a. .JALP%0B`_~IARvEi CV V 3Usefu1V,A their cost first `year of" wearing. * -- ` ` Our whole` stock ..of Raicoats is_ `oiferd at 1 av /redluced price for 4 days only. They- . oomprisefthe pick Of the best II1&I1U.f8.Ct\_11`.' ed` coats, with `Cotton, S'i=lk, Wool and Poplin Cloths`, Gray, Brown, Navy, Black, Fawn and Olive. . ' L and `son, T guests `of I and Mrs.` vv 4!. Mii ma` `Every Lady Should}-lave . a Raincoat KEine~ V:a1e11_ie_rines and. Torch'o1'1Laces and A Inserbigns, i to 1 inch wide, worth regular- ly 5c. Per, yard .; . . . . . 1c U,Dozen.,_...'.; ...."10c ; Fine 4Ezi;rbroi}ity.Lsuitab1 fooorset ooex-3, ~.ve'ry jne `work ori Swiss. Muslin' and 'Oamsbric,',.6 patterns `to phoose from. E Special ..,,.. ...-,`29c Save nmbrqideries 9, _ - " $6.59 p _ to, $15-.00.` . 'A11Var"e 1feduced._. " Come and, See. Lon. Lggcgs, Ii: of; Miss - "Mabel . Powell in`; V the A Grand 'Opera H7ouse,V on 'M afternoon," . `wa's mos_t jinberesting. The attention of `the large a.udiend;e` . W-.- V ...a -u. .n.v.l..l\.{.|..I.`L.I.'J.J -The recital. given by the pupils I was" held.-f, .througvho1;tV and `many; `re -_ n1arke`d'_1;h_e% diieulty of the ;num-__ 4 here ` compared to th__e' youth of J "part Mis_8 :B,,irdiew. y: :Kmw1es %p1:gmns. of, . : f`:Saus f1j3; isA l~w*a `h9mn%%%*Wa1tzj[%:WereA extseme-&L 213%. .W11~fd6h-~:;.eTh1::Pii$>i1$:60h**?1.a9.;i V . i i, - 7 .~ ah ~.?;: |` Later a reception was held at Ardtrea,` the beautiful home of the bride s parents, `where refresh-- ments were served under a ma-rqueei on the lawn. Mrs. Harvey was` gowned in mauve brocaded crepe de che'n-e wit.-h a_.handsome "bouquet of I mauve sweet peas, and? Mrs. Al-port. mother ofthe groom,` wore black lace over `gray satin with bouquet of- pink roses. Throuughout, the ac profusion of e pennies.` Among th`e_T`hou-se -guests were: Mrs. May, of Oakla'nd,.-C'al., -aunt of the bride, `in black and white` T satin; Mrs.. Ewing of Edmonton, -aunt of the bride, in mauve crepe; Mrs. .Laffe"r- ty, of-_ `Springeld , Mass,` in ivory- lace, over white s~at in;`cM`~iss Grant" of"Scr_ant-on, P'a.,c in white a lace gown; Miss "Arthur of New ;York,_; in white {crepe "de chene. . L Out `of town g~uests'~~Aattencl~in-g `the wedding `came fro1n'Ori'1?1ia `-{(from` where. a[ special` car". was`.jrun)..' Midland; To?`-I ronto, ;, Ham_i-ltony `c C-oId?__v`v`ater, I 0.01- _;1'i"ng'wood, an .~`North :Bay; After} a. *110I1e.v-_Irx<>011.e 7 fj.f8i3i Weeks". o speilte `etc A A1e'xandria>~~:Bay`._}{a:ndin e '~ American Ar. ` ~ . _.. .~;H~. r* .. * ispacious home was edecorated With` r,- -' _n_,,, -A Mr. dllvllwort o?_Be,;nai and `the u;-ihers ~yve1fe,' Messii-s. Alan , , gtrie Of Edmhnton and Eric` >Harv ey~-of Calgary (`brothers of the'tbride); Dr.. Kirkpatrick. loft Orilli-a, and Mr. Fage1f"'Blair` of -Toxuulvo. The .vwed- ' `ding music was played `by, Mr. Fraser Allan,` cousin` of the Bride, of Toronto, -and Mrs. Anderson (wife of Rev. Mr. A Anderson). of Orillia, sang Because. during the signing `of the . register. .fThe church was profusely and ' ' soinely decorated with peon' " palms, and the beautiful weal `r of _'the day lent an added charm to the happy event. - OOCVVOOI-1|`-IO LI\4\f ' VV Kiln. `cl: M .- V.Btv;_Ii1T;?St-, Bafrrie. % % ml The` Ba.ptis`t T Conventidn is in jp'rogres `as we:go_.to press-,_ 9;;1d' 9. full report will be `g'iVe11--next Yweeka. "l`1..-..a.. ._.'11v L... =..` _.2.L4.l`2..;. ' ~._'.__`I' `white -peionies.` The best lan "I' T` Mlzgs 'fP.Q\?_I31]3:I.fS:.~. Rmmnj .H2mRT4+AIt,; g;mi;{nay, on sum` 9 L` day; J une [2"1`st,-~ `1914,f"`1`;hos. Hart, " 17 ',19_14, at Davenport Road Pres- byterian -Ohurch, Toronto, by Rev. F.- J. Maxwell, Alexander" C; Brown, .sdi1 ,_of, Mr. `and Mrs. J. N J. Brown of Barrie, to Alberta Caainpbell, daughter of ' the late, M John .CaI`npbell`;of Shanty Bay. ' K~EIJCEY--'RExA--At _ the Pusan- Mary _St.`_. on. Wednesday, June 24th,~ 1914, ~b`y Rev.`_ Dr. Booth; Francis . J ames Kelcey to Annie Vic_tori_aRea. _ , . "KELLY--_LUDL1()tiW=-4--In . Barrie, on J June .13th, 1914,.` by the Rev. .Deani -Moyna, :Mrs.- -Ludlow, James I) St., 'to1Mr. Bernard Kelly, Pene- _: `tangy . St,, "l`3_ar1`-`ie. `. . _ .[_ MURBHY+4I5?(7LAlRJ3+At` - St. ` Mary -s. C}iu1~ch-,_at[6;30 o_"clo`clg, `on *fWe`dn'esday fIn'ornin'-'g,l J une -;2a4th-,f t 1914,-` `llgy; -._t.he` 1 Very], Rev; D'eb.n. t ' =s*%4`nai I-Mhn tFr a`~n.:.ciS;":SM`.1*nI):1`)y" sonxor Mr.:;~-and: Mrs. Miles Mu:-gt: aplixs `of Bafriwg-.*eI`tJ ` dmhter Q`.=M,1:; . %Nap91rs ll `T _ /MARRIED BROnWN,-+OAMZBBELL--On June J.n;u'AA---Ln ne 1t.V. 1'1OSp1~tal,; on ; .June`19.th, 914, to Mr; and Mrs. ' Thos. Truax, a sor`1. _ ,WALKE'R-+`-At` Kenora, on June 14, \ `to -Mr. `and Mrs. ' A. G. Walker, (nee Miss Flofrie Hamlin), a daughter. _. . E'M=MS-In \Bar1':ie,T#Von -Jui1e`~ 16t~_h,v a son to Mr. and Mrs". Ed. Emms, Mulaster St. ` .` * . PAITTERJSON---In Barrie, ;on Sun- day, June. 2131:, 19-14, to Mr"; and ;' '-Mrs. F. L. Patterson, - Worsley L St., a daughter. - rn1-i.1rv- ; urv -`- TI?j;IvIVv A3{-:-"if--1'1;=:_'R.V. Hospi-t`a1,;.- Mrs. -The little `Powell and. bbuquets off peonies. ' lightful siivrzirise to those who heard Miss Powell. 1 . ` 441;; ;vyvxu ..... .,., am, am, m,,_.,A__ . There will: be 8; . -r1ttIi ng' g'c>.od'v bal.1 gp.me- at the Agricultural` .1 _.a,1-k. on the afternoon- of_ avJ_u1y 1st, '_ -tween . St` Mary s of _ Toronto %`an`.':1{ 1 '.Ba'rrie. A _ -:"yea;rs, . m --g-'u --` }A3`a3`K~'Blac1< ivSh mug Silk, full so snoixes `wide , good ring, very popular,` regular $1525. As 1 98(- 36 `-inch R1 Black Vailette " Silk, `with een, gobd weight, for Dress- aists. Our regular $1.50 qual- ` . $1.19 %Duchess7, 36 i1`1ches ,vi'de, heavy suitwble for Dresses, Waists and? Wear guaramseed`. Regular $1.75; 1 `$137 VHneavy _ Bamsley` Cfash Tgiwelling Vwith Red ._ border, 17'} inches wide, -a- good wearing : qgality; Our regular 1213c % . line. Spec- ` 2- ~ V . 10,` 1.35 vast -=Blac'-kv sh tung Silk, `wide; ring_, yuery popu`.: -Save otyiack Silks, 4 I 1.35 A [tots presented Miss Missv Dqngall .1;vi1>h_ Kiuarney. roses -and` `_B`_oRN ..L V5 uau-L '1 0000 03;. J3 av aaaavu }ooo33oooooo5 'o'o_u3. I keep up the big selling. .. ` >.L __v_ 2_-.. _-_.l` I WOMEN -S. INSTITUTE ME-ET- { H ' _' ING. NEXT . S`A.TURDAY' A "All lad:-ies interested` ' in Home _. and Country ? are cordially invited L120 attend an open . nieeting in the %'Police .fCQurt `C-hamber`s_, Barrie, on .Saturday: June 27, at p.m., when I R-,E9YLL s' MEAE - Fl:e arrie ibth .~--E. H .wi11iams, Va `has removed to dir Queen 7 arrxage hcenses is'sued.' 2 o 20-tf Dr. Booth _wiLl preach the closing sermons of his~ pastorate in the` Central Methodist Church, on_Sun- `day next at 11 am. andi"T pan. The new p~astor,WRev. .`Mr. Jord-an`, Will" preach.on Su-1_1day, July 5th.'4. 1P4.UU LU gp/. V Sample. Drsses nn-L... .1E.....A. savings ' Millinery epartment AV _ "D .... A.2.-11_ A...2............J- IT.-.L-. 2.. L. `lhdil-Ii the mm to yourself- _ -- and gaahiligy oftyBr:ntford I - '-tlI_e._Mlnen-at surface of .<. that doesn't g -_LooI;`;`over`the whole 08:1. 29 3" Non: 60 thm, ea<;1.1ra' dirent style, bought at '_`Ta1libei'a1 discount and selling at 40 per cenj:. -1ess_ reg'ul'ar. They are beautiful and pleasmg and are the latest summer . _sty.1s. _ On view first oor. '$2.5'9,"$2.79, $3.29, $3.59, $3.99, $4.79 ' V -A_ and 6.79. ' .{pg`_.a_pfeciatefthe full value and the usefu1~ ._ou1` Dress Department 1'C`(111ire_:; ;.qb;npiarison` -with others. See 0th<~1'.< first ,;. ftlien `come, to this Store. You'll be pleuserl '_ .wi__th 5the-assdrtment, the fit, and above an 'Valuves._ We are sh0wi11g some eects from the Xcw York in Crepe, Voiles and Ratines, in for Misses, 16 to 18 years and fun `_.f7I2a;dic:s,s`izes, 34, 36, 38 and 40. 7 $4.00 to $7.20. I 3 _}eauV'_tirfu1-lV5`Arw:s`,rir_n:;1e; Hqts in the . '_ newest styles. Rangmg in price from , $4.50 to $5.75_. T Special . .. .. . $1.9i~f ` Summer k at less Holeproof Hosiery ---Open. for the season. _v Little Lake Summer Resort. Bows for, Hire. Board by day or week, .aI'1d lunches and soft drinks at all hours. -Miss Lawrence. 2 - 20_tff A For `ga.rden _ 13-artwjsocials

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