Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Jun 1914, p. 4

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A ` . roll. % %peri:w: " 6 1, -: . ~ $2.3... \r.. l:].UL| auu._, Uaycs Avuuva 444; Avvv v \l Geo. Cauipbell, another applieant, has had considerable experience for several years in building roads and bridges. ' .-- . -\ 71' .o ~-v~-'-- I _At the Lilberal-Conservative con-' veniton_ held at Beetaovn on Wednes- day of last week,` Mr. Alex. Fergu- %son was ~ unanimously dhosen to re -T present the -Conservative party at.` -thejhcoming election. [Stirring ad-Z dresses were given by the candidate,5 James Fraser, of ~ Tiottenham; W. A. 3039; M.P.; A. B. Thompson, M;P.P, for North ._ Simcoe, and others. ; - ' ' - -_------- 'Want Deer Hunting -A petition signed by J. -0. Rich-f ardson, Wm. Mcldoo and forty-ve others, requested the Council to memorialize the Legislature to al- low deer-hunting. in Simcoe County` -this year. , 1'..............._ 3.. .-.'.\1.-..... cu"-nan -nnrcsaantl A` INIIIVVLJKLI Accounts from Industrial Schools were passed as follows :--Victoria, $74._15;` Alexandria, $40; St. JOhn s, $22.32; St. Mary s, $16.25. Coun.Train was instructed to en- quire into `the maintenance of Net- tie,Lewis, a. patient" in the R.V.H., who is `being `treated as a county gpatient. ' 'I'\L_ l"1,-_, L VI'V,__-__--., - ,,,,, , 41, ` "I313 ..yt:aL. ' ' Increases in s'a1ary were refused to Governor and: Matron of the Gaol; and grants were refusec to 'the Provincial Winter Fair and the National. 10 '1-1..o1t-:1 1 uuuunuauon Dcnool, $197.50. To Victoria Harbor` and Wau~ba- shene- public "schools were ' granted $60. and $50 respectively, this be- ing-ten per cent. of the. amount of salaries earned in ,do1ng`actual c0n-, Itinuationy work. - ' `Alex. Fergson the `servative Nomination v Irv! Vavalb VD '1`he` County Treasurer was auth-' orized and instructed to pay the fare of 7 any discharged prisoner from {the jail to his home provided he is a ' bona ;d`e resident of the county and` is/unafble to pay his own fare. VF]... ;;....J.._ 1-.. 1r:-1_.1- n__--,,L (L uuu xv: pvun vvua uunuyucu`. Having inspected the Gaol the Cou11ty Property Committee report- ed that they were impressed with its order and cleanliness. They found` fteen prisoners, including the three accused of murder, who will be transferred to Bracebridge in the fallfor trial. ' 1'1" 1 1 1-\ no . uuuuu.1vL uric, q)ul.1vJ. - {Plans for improved accommoda- tions for judges chambers having been approved by both judges, the committee advertised for tenders. That of ~Thos. Rogers, Barrie, at $1445, being the lowest and best. `was accepted and work will proceed as soon as possible. L T ` '- Education ` i vGrants` were passed as `follows: .hOri11ia eC.I;, $933.23; Stayner Con- [tinuation School, $182.25; Creemore, C0ntinuation School, $197.50. - i 1 W`- \T:..4.,...:.. TT___.`L, ` A Mr. Ward Cole is visiting at his `home here. ` f .11`! `I1 rn n Sons accounts |amounting to $182,83 for coal to qcourt house and $19.40 `for registry ioice were passed; alsd that.of . G Scott" .for tile, $37.15. "D1..--- .2... 3... _" U uuwvnv |l\J POI`, Lil \J'VV 11 .Llrl Co """fh tender for Mickle, Dyment & `Son for coal was accepted]. 13'..-_:_.-_ _'_-._--L_.1 LL, n 1 .1 s0U'rH SIMCOE. ` :f._-I`-.,.;g.4_. ?F6*RF5iTlbj Com I L)`-ll-`L-l.LV`.I. .L .1.-711.1. AJune 17th.-Mrs. Jas. `Gaston, 'Craig'hu1_.st, who has been vHi sit_;ing ygr two hundred Pedple re;:,:a:3 invitation of the Orpheed us 3 Claxton Conservatory of Mtr of in the sch .;i:9fV.:_()o1her St._ Methodist Church . , . . on T"T11B.5d.3Y Ven1n2g of last week th - _ 0' ' ,0. 9 ,:\( bemg the annual recital :n,v8nW.n at the close of the Season 3, programme was the best vg rglven by the puplls, many of whom _Y'gl1s.plyed most pronotmced musica1 a_b}lity and all of whom D'hO`g\.ed the , Of careful pr0fe:~:.siona1 < ,t: ,ai.ning. No less than twent- l~p,lllHb6l'S were given, but the 3udb_ '_ jence did ~not.show any signs (f t Vwleariness, the arrangement `of -11:6 3 different numbers being such astm 9n lend variety to a form of e11terfai11- 1 ment which sometimes becomes dun ;9 nnnrnincr nnrnkon n . ic) 001-room J1i*.{ JJUNE 1am, Iva-avg: \IVAA`\JUlLLI\4|j `UCCUIIICS v Efhe. opening number, 21 (luett 1)`. Misses Bessie Boag and Isaibell MC... ,Le_an Was most daintily played. 3113; _'Mary Banting excelled in '.\'evin`; ,O0nz0ne Amorosa and Buon; Nott Producing fl beautiful wing` quvaljty of tone from the piano The Bohm Mazurka by Anhu Ellis,` was played with 21 l>x'igl1t fle- cisive touch, and the Gu `Ghromatique Was l)rilliantl__v 1,135-ed `by Missy Viola Ricl1ar The quartette -Spanish Dame" (M(,_;. 'k0Wski) by Misses Connie Cnles, _Claudia Stone, Th0ma.>'ene Sproule) Sandi Gnrace Fisher was mlxni1'ably _executed with correct COI1C(`ptlon of its tyle and character. ,3 ri'vI__ T--- uo_.__.,_,1- 27 .... ...... .......,.,....\., .,.(,,,. ing in parts, Ibolder in otlxer.-', aim} was a particularly pleasing` nu1n'Ix-r. |TheTMende1ss0hn Co11r:c-rto in (} Minor Was vbrilliantly perfunned by _Miss Dorothy Boys and the Mozart --Concerto in `D Minor (Rm1-uni.-3 and.'Ro.ndo movements) by .\Ii.. V,ioI et Tay1or, was :1 111111111-r of f musical charm rendered in :1x'ti.~tir: style . These latter twn 11111111!-ra .were`wi_1 orchestral act-nlm>;1nin1nt on a -second piano Pxcellmntly rc-.1. ered: by Miss Claxton. f\A_L___' .._-._Z`l._ 4-1-1-- . .... ... _. an... we """_"!"'J, `* V" * `The -Lou Serenadc." for two pianos-, by Misses Viola Ri(_`hzlI`(1~un .l;d- Edith Whitdbreafl, \vn.< (-}1arm- , _;,L__ 1-11. \Jl\l\.lI IIJ ....w _., ....... .. A Other" pupils takilrg part xv--rf` Gertrude W-allam, (lli-14 Burton and Margaret Sinvl-.1ir uni Mr; Rani'd`a1L` Richardson. up. 1-. 11 -I J-I-Ll. Lvupxuusu J.rA\.'L.|AA\.-uu;.. Miss` Gertrude Seldom. pupil `Miss E. Shepherd of the 'l'r~nt~ Conservatory of Mllsic. j_";1\'v H couple of charming contm1t.. ..1~~, -.'M~yTHeart at Thy Swwt (from `Samson and 1)o1i1.uh) with difficult accompaniment by .\Ii~~ C1aXtOI1,. being her ])(`. 11u1111>M'. Master Jdhn Sirkin. \`iu]i11i pnp of Miss Prest, A.T.C..\I., wt` ('n~e-r~ vatory.-of lfusic, quite ';l}>Ii\':lI:-ll `-. t'he au(_1ie_nce by his pIu_\'inu m Simple Aveu (Thmnm am] "This `Fift;hIAir' Va-ria (Dam-1:1). Btaween the first and *`."|n!`v1 ];1:'I}~ A0,f the programme, the \'i-v-'_>I'~~`:- dent-of the club. Miss .\I:11'_`-":""'~` Sinclair; gave a few \\`uM~' wt" :_'!`*'="' and little Misses B~~~i- H.;1.:` and Issvbell Mc-Loan. 1--`11'<*~-Ittiw -the club, presented .\li.- >2-I.i.-:1 .~u.-! .:Miss. Clax-ton with `m~.nmI:I1 b011q1_1ets of carnatinn.<. `TYNE .,J, L 1'3, _ 'I'\l'.- 1 _-u.vvs.us.I\,;-uuu \J.I. Luau: The Wrigllt H~<' {supplied by Mr. Jm. <;._ I and both were sold :1 ftcr lwnr `at tahevconoert. _ `EU ld'II\J \a\.IAI.\a`\.1l VI T.-his is the c10si.11_>' 1'0-'iI:\3 L_seas`On_b`y Miss (`luxt-m .~ ;and.her_c1asses wxll he 1'v~'I 1119 ` IIIJUQCIJ U V K/llclllsu Misses Nellie and Belle Binnie` _and -M. McLauug`11liu of Toronto spent the week-end at. J as. Binnie s; .1'\t_. __. .1 `Ir-.- - emu-2 FROM WHICH F: BEEF COMES 1 G. MD . Iiticul * ' R from C mld'an Pacific Agon Y. D.P.A.. '[`m`mm). - I\. ......\ Ixpross N0. 2% Iv.-1\'o.< \&`anc0n\`v1"|`nmmu ; orontn 11.4. : n m. g:,, a._11g`b EX ess N0. 7 1(~u\'ca Tor- ; `win x3Dt Su ay 10.50 p.m.. arri\'- 3.. 8 h" second 11) . Omarin Exp_x'n~s3 __ cl-om-nmvblg V inni 9.`. .5p.m. and .m-we-s - ~ . - P.I\..dai except 'l'm'. VII IJIIIIIIIHII l"CI Central R road Viz Michigan Central G amim-_ SI between Windsor am Ielrmt. Montreal 8.45 a.m.; To to 1;. 10 1* an ietrlgit 1%.l35 a.m. (`. (`hicmz to y. qua y vim` rqn r--`_'l'hNuugh El0(:?O htcd lam : - Betwee T _ . :llontreaI- l`oromo- troit-Ch*f.39 I` Vla Canadian Pacl and Michigan l\nn-onl vnn Nlfw LIMIT!-'.l)ATRlN sanvncr-: 1 T.:!!2-at.-Winni d - Vancouver ` ' `V ` `` V-~-I\'l\< . ; IAVI.l"'lI\l\ Delivery wyv;Av vuv vv\:ux\`\;.uu av Una. .lJ11.l1llC be `Mr; and Mrs." J. Stokes, Misses .E1sie and Lena, `of Toronto, are re- newing old acquaintances; here. .'u ._ ._...:| 1:. 1' cu,___-_-.1.-_; .-,1` Iv-----. 4,- V - . . - V` Fletcher, cal Agent. Barno -1i-.t'x:v+] nlnnudn - 10.50 nu.-V ay. Exprvss 9.25 p. m. arrives '1`uo. ll Vusu antic S1001 Tubes 'etroil. I.cm'inL; to 6.10 p.m.. urri\'- c`. Chicago 7.4! a.m. rvcturning. Equiuhm-nr. [\(' _. Agents rrtnff). {C0000 DOOOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOO: 3o.ooo.ooo 03 | WSW! L'Mrs.A Wt .Blo@an`1 Avisited frihds I1 .... 3.3,! nu: LATEST MARKETS -Barrie, ANTEN `MILLS s.HAN.1;Y B:}Y -cl-41 1 We have acom Doors and dows, Refrigera: tors, %-New Pe [_ctionV Oil Stoves, A fit lin 6}fS%<:reetq1L Lawn MOW 5} Lawn] H%ose,A Rakes. Cuf_.ass d ` Hedgg; Shears. Washiny Mac iunes and Call and se the latest "Water Motor and%E ctric Washers; f% Place your or r for" your Summer Requjreme s new while we have a large sto to select from. Hambly June 15-2 17th, 1114 97 1c - 55 9 J-ILL Do VV QJJIVJJIBIGJIL V I` It Gwenfel -on. Sunday. _ _ A. . , W :5\>:':r>;i-Orvk Wi 1L \I\I 18 -an: auwa-' on rrlgay morxung, June 12th; Deceased, whose maiden Tn`ame_ iv_as .Mary Duxniblebqnj, ' _ "as in hei;-_j51s\ year and was well :knawn.a-nd h=i`gh-ff` ly " ._by- a large xiumhexfof friends 7 i1>9i01>l``.f iW11% . Vthtir ?in31-Y9 A L. "3197 . T 351.15 91`; Mrs. T. Hart, returned home. Dr. and.Mm. T. M. Hart have re- turned. to Detroit. - - * L` IQ.-..`-r.....I .. LL- ....-......-.. V --A.A.-..-.. HOLLY -Iune A15th-.-\Mr. Robert Redfern has returned to Copper Cli, after spending his_holid~ays at 'his_ home_ here. . 1'YV"I\I -| ' II. I nn"'1 ~~ uwvvvw wv. wwss-~~ . L Mgrsg Geo. ,Wyne_-s, who has been" in very wpobr. health` for sOme_;m9i1th`S, died?-son ;Friday iI1or1`1'i`1`1`g,,. | *- _.--- --- A-- -- ` II\.ll'l1UL|.,> DU JJCUK9-7100 ISe\ ral of the sufnmer cottages areoccupied now. ' . 11'... T1` I`1___.`I___-_ 1'\--___!_ v 0 , 0,3. I Mrs. `W. Gray `of Orillia the rst. of `week. * 11+, .1, In` 4, V spent a day at 7Mr. ' Jno. Brandon s "II'__..- l"l-'_ J `NOV 38% IrOV\I JIVIVVVI TMrs. H. Gwrwham, Barrie, is fisit-I in-g friends in the village. TIT ! .`M'..-.....-, -__.1. in 1111.3`. -1- yau -Ll`l\JllV-AW J1! U110 V&L&WaVo ' Messrs. W. A and` T. White, of Bracebridge, called on their sister, Mfg; `Jag. Hgrt. ` _ . ' V ~;.i`=i1eW`;u;;i`l`sm leave to-day. for` Hawkestone, where -they will try} their entrance.` V _-,...--_. I m<`)r1:J5`v`v1:c`>`1':;;ort Mr. T. Heirt is. no better. - - _ DALSTON - The Dalston Woman s Institute will hold? _an open meeting on June 23rd, when Mrs. E. B; McT`urk, of Lucan, will give a series of lectures in the aternoon at 2 o clock, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Brown`, in jthe evening at 8 o clock in the Meth- odist` Church. ' A good tprogramjis being provided for both meetings. Ev-ery lady is especially invited to attend these meetings which will be interesting to all. . - * vu A-I.I\AIIJ uaau, uuucl: uuc a.Llbj_J.lUb5 of the L.-O.L. ~ .5 "* Mr. \`;and Mrs. Joseph Donle`y;of' vThornton3 visited friends here on Saturday. ' D____ (1__,A_ALA . n 11-v > 1. . ta ' 2 $sUv\4LJ.\A\.\.L vux }IJ\aJll\77'o r "Mr. Mitchell, who has been visit- ing his daughter here for some time returned -home on Saturday, accom- panied by his daughter, Mrs. B'ooth,l `andi little g`rand'son, `Cecil `~Booh.`~" :'!`.L.. ..c....a. 1--n_:11 ,,.-. "'Mr7iif` i31T"Z"d Miss Lilian ~IBee1!by spent the week-end in this vicinity. - - _ 'mL- 1'-_1.-.__9 A_'.`l ____ L-1.'l___ , u--2__ . , %EDGwAR - L June 15th._--`Miss Bertha `Clark of Barrie spent-t the week-end with 1 friends here.-U-_y-- ? _ ._ L \ Mrs. `=: D'.itt' of `Ho1ba`rt\viit~ ed with Mr; f.ai1d" Mrs. 0ha_s_~. `Leith hast week. 3 ` A ` ` -spent` a few days wi4zhfr inds here. th_s_ we,,ek._1 ; f " 0,; } 4 53-` you A. I Mrs. M. "AA,'V.C1,VvvVfo nci;,-of '-; bril l'ia- I mavvvub Q `Rev. Erugston of Woodstock oc- cupied the pulpit here `last Sunday and -gave an excellent sermon; _ _ I .11`... 1r_"r\_,;_1-I n. u.s1\.' 1J.VIJlL7 ELGLLUUUII, '\JUC.I1 ' The `first foobbzill match of the season was played here on -Saturday, `the score of V1-.0.__ J une- V 13, between the home team and T Dalston. The visitors won by EBAXTER ` V ' June '15th.--Mr. and; Mrs. Pringle [Rolbson attended the marriage ,('>f Mr. Russell and Miss JosierDonley of Thornton on Wednesday, J uner 10+}: " 1631;` aaauuvlo V ihe C'.P.R. bridge, `no1"th of Bnax-A ter, which collapsed} some four` weeks ago, is now `ready for. traffic` 1 and the usual number of _ trains are` on the line again. . A Quite a number from here attend- ed the- garden party at Elm Grove on Friday last, under the auspices 0+` H... T n T - ~ r U9AI>\-I B. I V lull` UAUCJICII L C.l'1llU.l.l- 1 `Mr; . ied fnends here for a few days and 1 attended` our picnic. x "If. .]I!.A...`L..'l"l `__L' `I _, 1 , 0 0- MoDona1d of Torento `_visit- ` unvvalo Mr. and Mrs-. Samuel R.uddick' "visited friends in - S\1_1nnid~a1e last Saturday. 'M':,.._ `r_1'-___--1.` n-, ,. J1 'r\lvvV|JO\4I5O"I -M-issh Hannah Connell, _a_ returned missionary, . gave an excellvent ad- *dress in the church here last Wed- [nesday evening on mission work in !.F0,r1}1osa. h ~ A r~u-u\--` - .- - The Hard ware Man The Ladies Aid are holding their garden party and strawberry` festi- val on Wednesday, `June 24th, at `Mr. Geo. IBrown e.e Ivy _Band in at- tendance. Also a game `of -baselbal-1 between ,Holly and` Knox, and re- ireshments will be sold at thetent. Tea served from 5 to 8 p.m. A good time is assured all who come. Raeoenaegf &_ Wpall ; v-.1911,-s{(} eo.`N Kiasick, > Wm. R.__ A Best, _Jos.' Hewitt-.a1id Rich. Mr, Meem; Lauder, mu ..Qara_ad`: Walker, Bapst minister of Mitchel ` ~.Sq:1a1-e, conducted the services.-` ' _ -_....- .......J.:..... ...B &L.\ `UT.-......n-Ja -wqumv, b'V1lIu\J`UC_\|. uuv away-avvwo An *o'pen` meeting of the Women s Institutewill be halt} in` the Hall on Wednesday \ evening} June 24th,. when Mrs. Mdfurk will give a help- fill and` inteljesting gddress regard- ing the work of, the Institute. welcome. V` ' 7 T` j.Ji1ne' 1'5.th.~.-.-Mrs.` Geo. Crawford rhas been on. the sick, lisbut is` able _to be about again`. - ` V ""1`he many friends of. Mrs. S. Jacobs of Toronto are de1ig~h-tedsgto have - her among -them for a few weeks. . < 'I I` Q T` is J L" j BAP~T-ISf1` CvONVEN-TIO-N ' The 25th _annual session of the Northern Association` of Baptist "Churches will be held in Barrie Tuesday to Thursday, June 23-25. Tuesday, the-2_3`rd, will -`be Women s _Day, `and will be devoted mainly to the infer-ests of Missions.` -The opening "session ._ will be at,2 pm` and -ev*eningj_va_ti 8 pm. Ajne pro- gramme and list of speakers has .-been _ arrangedi. On Tand `-Thursday` *tl;e1_-e iwil-1` {sessions ..:nom_in_g',. "aftn1`oovn and'1".even__ing, ito * .h9l1`i.iddeiussi as; and ` V 3? iSom our VVV9DO Miss may of Ban-i is staying, for a short time with_ Young. `II ..- I`I`L__. `I'I-_'l_--_ _ , _ 1.--..- IVER? III IV; ."`$UIAQ\lO ' Miss Melissa "Campbell of Eden-+' vale `died on" June 8th. She had suf-` fered for months with a lingering and painful disease, but bore `he:-I severe `trial .with -fortitude and resignation. Her body was interred `in the Union Cemetery. II".1_'- _ __- - -__L `L -1 1 L`. -. -__-__ 2-- ., - \ Mrs. Ghas. Parkeris in a hospi- Vtal in Toronto... .Her friends are anxiously awaiting V the result? of an `operation, which is likely to be very I serious in`its .r1a1: 1_1re. .` ~ `II `D `I II 'I`\` CV5 BC UAJVJ II IIICLIV VV Avub Jlnannd -. vvnooav ' CROWN HILL - ` v June 1'5th.-`- TheV ladies of the Crown Hill `Institute purpose hold`- ing -an open meeting at the home of Mrs." J am-es Quinlan on the afternoon of July ' 2nd. Meeting will `be opened at 2.30. The lady! spegker, Mrs. `Mc-iTurk, will be. pres- ent and give .an address on one or more of the following topics: (a)' ;``The Care of the Eyesight; .(b) Child Tr`a.inin1g in * the Home ;.' (c)' `A`What that Other Institute is 'D0iI1!g; ((1) Sewing and Button- less Garments, demonstrated ; (e). Keep on the sunny side ; . (f) For: Home and` Country ; (g)' Held in Trust. `Every person welcome, refreshments} served, no charge.` _ ... ..... -....... W...-....,,. . The concert held the` evening of Monday, June 8th, in the Presbyter- ian Church was very successful, and.- much enjoyed. The temperature was too warm- for comfort, but that was evidently a somewhat secondary `consideration to the mus-ic `levers of this burg. ' June. 16t11.-Mrs. J. F.` Dim-lop is visiting at. her home in Muskoka, while Rev. Mr. Dunlop is attending Co31rfere`i`1ce in iTor_Jnto._ . . I V` V Va`? IO`!-I 90 Mr, H; A, Callighan. of Algon- .quin Park, Mr. Wilfred .Ayerst, Fergus," and Mr; M. Ness of Guelph came here. the latter end of the week, to accompany the 35th band .t ,~:m.I>.- I The death' of Mrs, Wm. ' How-ie, of Simpson, '-Sask... formerly. of - Innistl Township, took place at "her home on Saturday,- May 30th," `at 3-p.m. A _ , - | As an expression of appreciation "of the deceased and `sympathy with the surviving members of the fam- ily, 5 mile-long procession . accom- panied the remains. to Lake City- cemvetery, where interment was lglnsade on Monday, afternoon, `June i Mr.` Benyon "is visiting rela- \t1VeS here. ~ - A {M1101 - A1 `UV KIN` E Onmonday morning` the 35th `Regt. Banid` left here for Barrie where they took the train to camp` at Niagara.- . T ` .'If_- (`I . , (W4______,A , `I. `The marriage was celebrated at three o clock _ on Wednesday after- noon of last week at the home of Mr. and` Mrs. W. Lane Bell,,Ga1ley' Ave., Toronto, when their sister, Ida Winnifred, daughter of Mr. S. `Rog- ers, Alliston, was married to Mr. Rudolph Charles Riedel. Rev. `G. M. Grey, of Alliston, Ont., iof`ci- ated. The bride, V who" was given away by her father, wore a_ travel- ling dress of blue moire silk and panama hat, with white wings and ribbon. `She also carried a bouquet of `lilies and roses, and wore a pearl and peridot necklace, the gift of the. groom. Miss Pickett, who at- .tended her as bridesmaid`, ' was in tango charmeuse wi-th black hat and ycorsage bouquet of sweet peas and lilies of the valley. . To her the groom gave a mesh bag, and to the `best man, `Mr. Ruiddick, a pearl tie pin. oMrs. Bell was wearing white ,sat`in and shadow lace with bouquet of beauty rosef Mr. and Mrs. Riedel left after the reception for Will mesid. in Riverdale- A New _Yor-_k, and when they return ' Uri! AV: l Mr.i"m Stewart nindi son ` are visiting the former s mothner, Mrs. 1- Jennie Stewart, here. ' TL- `-__.--..-__~, I` L`- - "l'-LJ, A 1'-LI VIIQVV `IO U JIVICI ";`evAappearance of the Methodist Church has-'bee_n much improved by a new platform and cement Walks.` `I ..- T --, C11_-__--_1_ 9, so 4auu 1.uuv;\.u;n1 Clvllkl uu1n;\.L1u vvudnco Mrs. Lou Stewart is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Read- ma`g1 at Cookstown. . .-.... . i T June 16.---4ThueV politial meetings "were well attended on Monday and Tuesday evenings. ` .'lI!.......- '\Y..11:- --,J. 11,11. 'n- may up \JUU`K'5l/U`WIl. _ ` -A Mrs. J. Carrol-1 of Thornfbury. ;visited, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. `J. L. Corbett, recently. ' 12.1% 11`? LS-5S_1.<'AT'9_HE'VYz`\N. M-I-N-ESING RIE%DEL--ROGELRS .TH9.RM;0N A15vANcE= Tvhiv * VOTE%`{fli0MPSON= Capt mlemberi of they vLegiisleture; fo:` Centre Sim- ` 7c6e,i is _appe'elinlg"i .'t0 the: electorate` for their support -at the forthcoming `election on Mondhy, June 29th, " after b _.repre_senting the- constituency for - 20 years, and there, is little doubt` but` that he will in-. A oiiease his niiajority" _hy s~ several` hundired; This ifonecast. is not prompted: by any spirit of belittle- ment of his opponent nor in 9. boast- ful manner, but rather by the self- evident fact that at no time sine V his first election to the Legislature has Mr. Thompson been held in higher esteem by people of all creeds and.` opinions than at the present.` Never -has he been more ,in touch with his constituents, Vespecially of the farming commun- ity, whose interests he has always been so anxious to look after. I A ~ A .-.4... A AL nun:-1.114-1);. nkn onvvv cane \J'-l\aL IJ\~\1LlL$'l1lU||rIL\.aU LJUI-U. Mr. and Mrs. L. Shan11ahan,*iofA` P-helpston, Mr; and Miss Grilbbon `and Paton of Vigo,s spent Sunday at; J. Shannahau s. - '15:: on.n'.u. vlu u\.\.l.1 uvtixsa . On the temperance question everyone knows where to nd Mr. Thompson. He is. a-bstemious 1n ` his habits personally and -he has given the temperance people every - support. He believes in the efficacy ` of local option, supported. as it, must be, bv strong` enough major-` ity to make it Workalble, and has* ` supported every amendment brought! 1 into the house which tended to make [ the liquor license laws more secure: and more workable. Temperance people, who are anxious for local option, should not throw away the discard Mr. A. B. Tho1np_son`for a Liberal candidate a supporting Rowell s Abolish. the Bar policy+- something there is no.1-ikelihood? of coming to pass through the Liberal party--ifor there seems ' to be no .7do-ubt`"tha't the Liberals cannot get, , into power in `Ontario again ' for I .many years, ,9 and if there `was any` remote `chance of Rowell getting in-. to` power, it `is doulbtful if he could get half a dozen of hisfollowers to support him in the. Abolish, the Bar question; Since the `Whitney Government Went (into power nearly _' _10 years ago, the number of liquor ` `licenses has -been reduced from 2814 to. 1600, and the number of munici- palities from which bars have been * banished '-by the local . option, route ` ~ has incneasedi from 96 int 1906 to substance `for a shadow---shou1d not i347. `Surely this is "tangible proof _v that the VW-hitney Government has .prov__ided? the saniest and ,1 most staibleg policy ?'of y`-abolishing ,the" bars, ` 1* . well as `the cl-iquor_ s tores,};--a policy` for which. every: _j._temp,ra`jnce I, man" a should," vote in preference to at ` I election cry ?_of abolish .th e"':bar~5.`by= the same `party '3 -`?iY.".hi`-'*h,' fooled; .2-the far! .many,e :. t years i when:e,H_ "`G cW- Rom. " O1?i11iaoPatck(t--`~At tho Ameeting, ._of the Water, Light` and Power Commission on gMonday morning, xing the hours for lawn service at from 7 to '9 a.m.,tandf. from 6. to. 9 p.m.. It was ;found~ last. year than an "11nrestrictedv.A=use -of; the lawn jserviqes `could f iiot-`;_;be( permitted, ` v`.cau`s{eo;-it was; -.a.'bu$6d;rto;' such an; Iei-_ . '*tnt:4itha't -.th:- ip1iiii>.A . i.r1k: n0t7`5'k_Ii. . vu auaxuuo uu A whvvnt 'i7As a man with a cviiiiracter above wsau Ireproach, -Mr. Thom n may easily be classed with the znest public men in the province, or Dominion, and no man can point` the nger at , him,` either in` his private life or in T his capacity -as the representative of the people of Centre Simcoe. A.n- ` `other strong feature of Mr." Thomp- son s character , is his . unwavering loyalty to his ' own County and rid- ing--not the kind of so-called loyal- ty which is only apparent preceding an election, but rather the kind! kind which works every day in the year. _. You unconsciously feel that you can safely trust him to do your business, public or private, and that seems to be the kind of man whom .you` would rst select to represent you iii the Ontario Parliament. Not the man who changes his opinions. to" best suit the occasion, who has nomind of his own, but rather fol- lows blindly thedictates of some party leader, and who is known to be an advocate of one thing today` and the opposite thing to-morrow. ` `.,.,.During the last session.of Parlia- ment Mr. `Thompson was able to se- cure grants under the -Colonization Road` Act, amounting in all to near- ly $7000. This included a grant of $4000 for repairs to a road in Sun- nidale which was damaged by oods` [on the Nottawasaga River, and an-; other grant of $1750 for repairsto road and for a bridge over the Wye River in Tiny Township. The conditions under which these grants . -a e always given are that the munir ' 7 palities supplement them by an equal amount. This is only one of `the ~ many ways in which ' Mr.- Thompson has been assisting the farmers of Centre _Simcoe, and the prediction is that he will again be elected to continuethe` good work he" has been doing. f\.. 1.1.. 'J...__-____.-__-- _.__,l'_ I ~ P~age_i 1) it it | thought.- the k_eeper s t_roul)les would `just a commenee when` an inmate commenced-to pay.. . . I The question was sent on to the House of - Refuge committee. for ad-' justment. ' w ` ' - l . . Engineer Must Be Competent . -1 Reeve Simpson again referred to the appointment of a County En-i gineer by quoting from the statutes to the e-ect that no grant shall be given: by `the `Government a until a competent person who is acceptable to the Government is appointed. He also pointed out that no County -Council member could retain his seat if appointed-. ' l ""---- 7l"-... ......\..AA` -CA1. nrtrinnlvn- wnicu Uuu. Lcu. fit the Monday evening session two applications were received for the `position of County V Engineer, made vacant by the death of Mr. Robert Jupp. Harry M. Jupp.has had some years experience in road `building in British ,Colum`bia. and also in Ontario, and is prepared to furnish details as to his qualica- tions and_ experience. Ex-Reeve n .1, ,-n _, ._;L..._ ........`l:,m..4- sewn 11 uppvluucu. Reeve Tom moved. for adjourn- Iment until Tuesday morning, but the Warden .ur`gedf that an evening session `be held, and Reeves Bethune and Simpson made a second motion in L compliance with this request, which carried. ` o - _-A A--A._-..n.n A.-\nn.1t\v\ ILVJJIIJ J.|_L7 I Go -LM-iss Rose Tonuer o-f . Aptio: spent .fSu-nday with Miss V. F. -Mc`L`a:u5g'h-' lin.

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