Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jun 1914, p. 4

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B rgain Store westofqueews H tel for Boys Tw reg. $5.50, for Boys Tw - Boys 3 for ............ .. .Boy a Bio '-reg. L25, for . 'ing sloiwly. 645 Jtadvvllavhu ab; van-Isl v Awonod U. I - Miss W-inni-e Young is convalesc-! ` I \ .... A G4...,.4.L,.__ `.'.. ..L.\..,1-A2.,.... 4.1.... 2v,0_V0 tos,A3_50, for Ladies Horus 'Mil1inery,eL est Shapes and Ix-insmiings, shapes, rm , hick sa1ee.......... :31`: All Trimmin at Half Price. "`I.a,dies` B uses Linens,Voi1es, Lawn, allover Em broidebred, latest a les, Kimona sleeves, reg_ from 1.2.3 to 2,50, extra speci for .. ...;.....vJ:~; Dresses, reg. 1_25for ............~'.'c Boys 1 5 P0!n! %P9- _'` Ladies Summer '_('}1qiId.r(gn _a Wool ,_-_ -__v-- _---._.- at 5`-IUVJIJ. Ava. v.UV I-\Il reg. 4,50 for Ladies Raincoa 75, , reg, 1 reg. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..`. rsets, Long Hip, reg, 65 pr. Iv!` 3 sizes 6 to 14, reg, 1,00 {Um 1.v"'. C_hi1d:fen's Dress ' ` ._.for` ..... .;...-. o Q a I u o ~ n - u o - n u o o o o n o u o n - o o o o o - - . . . . . . . ~ - - oats, reg, 6,00 to 7,-30, for 4.`-'7 'Lq.di=s An-o r Aprons, reg, 50c for A regular 350 for .... .. Jim- bLa._dios ~ Under ear, 3 pieces for `Zbc, reg_ `2-5c for 19 're at 35cfor .................... V dies *LineVn; d Pique`Skirts, regular, from 2_0L' to , - V L 3.50. for ........ ............... ..1.-""3 L_M!ie,s"_La.tasb' style, all woo] skirts, peg top M-T_. -in_ all colors. regular 7,00 to 8,0C for ,,,,,,, _,-`t.~-* I-3di_e8 oStI`t*et ' 9-ses. reg. 3.50 for ................ .33.?-3 Inn" A an A. '7: ..-_ :' =n K-.. 4 "' Men s So `Men s - Men s ' `Ladies er Pants, in` brow;1, grey, and d: .........79c, ` reg, 1.00 for reg, 75cV for .... ..59c iggan Underwear, reg, 25c garm lue Jerseys, trimmed with re ais'ts,.wit-h two collars, reg, 1 ` eg. 25c for me Wash Suits, reg, l_50 and 2,00 ash Suits, reg, 1_O0.and 1325 1 , special per pair Ready-to-W}',"J `ic_k at Prite. or nin .. l\..---;_ . _._ 1 n: c.`,. peci Ill U_l\J `V I. Q "iev. A. `Strother att11d ing .t11e meeting of the Synod `in Toronto thisweek. " ' * V 1: 111 ', `I , . D, _, 1'-__'.` centseon the TA dollar, less than ice the benefit of our good business -will pay you to borrow the in Barrie. This store is noted gai_n Sale everheld by us. Ihere at ridiculously low prices n s and Women s and % Furnishings Collars, Agll sizes, reg, 15c each, 3 for S erdlls, Blue stripe. and Black, reg_ .451; lie Overalls, reg.50c, for............ reg, 65c for nothing ind` Furnishings bdlsuit, tgrfblk style, in browns and d Suits, Plain, reg, 55,00, `Blue Serge Suits, reg, ;oNEY SAVED *:i'<%v3=_%-73'4 7 Mrs. Wciod spent a few d'ay:s: with._her par-e11Ats, Mr. and? `Mrs. ; Wm.TF1'alick. V - i T `he Toronto reg, 150 for ...... .. ` byer` "t this gtim` u = * . . ' :1 "cry 118 to cut O their . 7' .beca11S . a.nt1.tY . t .. ysuch small lea . I o a 6,00 4. the quality of z.:n:;.;.; A_N'1`LE-N MILLS June 9th.--Mr. and Mrs. Ben` Cole of Toronto are. spending a we`el<' witl11\`I1'.A Wvf->s.`_.Co1`e. ' TY`? `I F] B-`.00, 259 1,125, 79c 39c .49c V7 \l\4l\ TV 6 Ull JVLI 9! V V `L-JO Misses Ethel` and Pa Thos. Coey. .'Il`__ ___ .1 "Il -.'.' K1 0 a\;1`" Ward of V f Detroit are visiting`. their aunt, Mrs. 1 13--- 1:~,..;,1 'xr-..;-..A Q \./VJll\.IY o and 1\I1'. Percy Ford, Mastery Jack Ford and Mrs. E. Vickers, motored up from Toronto on Saturn; day and are spending a week at J as. `i Muir s. - - % `III :1 II ; &1 1 ` C I 1 u$LllIL L7. I The Met11o(1isf Church *;;tend hayillg a garden party on June 25. SUNNIDIALE CORNERS -3 [ June 8vh.-Mrs. G-. M. Moir is in Barrie, owing` to Tthue serious illness` ofjiler sis`ter,`.rMrs.V Black. ` ` A-._..'..'l,'l ,..c "r.... 34 uag Do A good .numbe14 from this `vicin- _i?t,v_ attended `the SS.` Conventiovnl held. `in Stayner last ;.week. _,_1 1:-.- 13-11 -1: 17.... 1T1;-'i- Jlclu 111 L) UGJ JICI JMDU `*nVV\i\i}\0 M19.` a.nd Mrs. Bell of Van, Vlgck spent Sunday at Mr. J. Buie s. 711.. .n.1:.. ..--:i 11:- 'u',.'r....... ..:._ `IL `CW5 WJVUUI -JILL Q0 JJ-LCOVIII -Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of Ivy spent the week-end at Mr; `S. Mc- .Qu3y s- % % % i I - ' BPUJIU tauuuug (lb .4.u.su U o -LIDIJVI nu Mr. Colin and Miss McLean vis- ited their uncle, Mr. Currie, of Col- lingwood, last week; 3 I `II . p... .1 -D .'t:.`.r1-nscvlncv :vr\A1\+ : 11,116 VVVULI Asia II VI vvabo Mr. and Mrs. R. MoMu1tray spehtg Sunday at Smithdale. ' A nu: Lm;sFMA1;xa1s `Barrie, June 10th, 1914 ;97 -1*o'o ... C55 '60 I` `.2 c u , o n o 0 o ` 0' o u o'Wo' can .`u` V 90 _ .. 90 & .1J.oo ......T5oo. 550 bag 20 125 ton moo %2ooo cl: quarter .`.V ..14 *0'0 '15 00 ` u quarter. '..'. 300 5.12 00 c 5 I` 0 in - 0.3 :-V9 -`- ' .. AA A AA qRA1_GHURs1* MLNESJIFG We gave; `comp: eT.1aneo%;scgeen`% ` Dors and tors, New Perfec n Oil Stov?e _, Lawn Mowers, %Hose, _ Rakes, Grass and edge Shgars. V\7ashing" MV5a%i:h%ines V% 1 Call and see the% I tgst Water Motor andMEIectric ashers. Place your order for % A Requirements now w '.|fewe have a large stock to selec from. ; ' Hambly Tv'v`\e .__`. iii J=are1y:;A_ est VSig'r;al' Corpsr--Lieut. R."W. Stew-` art and 10_men.V _ _ ` `Rev. E. R. J_..Biggs~'co'nduct:e(_1 the service and preachezi an`: elo- quent s ermo_n"'to. the men? A` few. drops "of rain fell, but `otherwise the weathejr -was V ideal. and lo` "SW33 "9. beautifiil` `one; Withv the T sqaif`-4 let tunica .%o;.T,.Athe - men'41i;.;~.and . ewe utiftil 4: K %%Jiv:ery.:1 _ meetings. _There are about 300 . in! attendance. `Messrs. Beatty of Bar- rie; McMu11in, Sylvester, `Telfer and MdCartney of Toronto are the speakers. * T "In... a--..:- 1:r:n :_ __:-a.:}-.. ..-1_ 1 WV1\Z'T`i`s;:-Susie Hill is isiting Vre1_a- tives at Richmond Hill and` Toron-' to. ` - - - I` I T\ .71 "IfT"`$ I` "'Mr. A. B.'Tho.mpson, M.P.P., of} lPenetanguishene was in this vilslagew ,a `few days last week. ` . rn.L- _._-_2_- 1:_.:_-__.1- --1- -nr.. 13' `III `G .l`~'VV uugv |Cl$V '7`-4\J3`| ' . ` l :The may friends 7of Mr. R. H. Jupp of Ori`1lisi were shocked itoj hear of his sudden death by falling} from a. bridge near Alliston on Fri-'; I dayo I ` ` V ` `'\r__ n A _-A___, ____1 n-- 'n2,,_-:_ ` ' "June 8;};.-The i3_i"e;hren `are holding their conference here. They, `f are using the Orange Ha;11}& or'din- ' iing pu_rpoes and the; pub1ic~ha11 for`! ELI-ll Still` KJQ -LI-I.\JLLVlII|LIl l4lll\4|l',IV, *`H ?_ Conipany. (E1mva1)[-?0aPts A -Company`-`_O'ap.t. Geo.--"`4.)d-4 gers; Lieut. N. You'"ng.and 38 men. "Vansicykley Lieut. TMdClint 0n , 203": % nu ',' -r '. 1-\,1'-I1 hu__,, RM`?'E`. =C0mpany+C'.pt. Ma:o_dpn,a1d; I Lieuts; E. R. .J. Bi-ggs,` J.` H. _Mor-- gan and` S. McAda1'n andi~,39.' me II. A n .... ....'.n..2....;. t1..,. *D..:L you.) O I L Mr. G.;C. Gaston and Geo. Binnie." `attended the L`iberal Co,'nvention at |Elmva1e on Monday. . ~ 11-- 'r-_ '1|r-n..- _1_--- A ~T.An:- 4|-43111 V DIQII U13: -L`-Iv\llI\al'IrI. O ~ 1 Mr. Jas. McCracken, A. J ary,] J as. Ca~ston, M. Gaston and` T. C. ; Craig attended the` Conservative `Convention at Elmvale on Tuesday, `I.I ,_ '|'T__A_.,, T172..- -1` C11. IV_A.1_-__3_- ` \./\-III V \vJI |J`I'\JIl. `I U -LJJAIJ V IQLIJ VJ-ll -L \K\I17\ol$VJ 0 Mr. Henry Wise of St, Catharine`sA was in this village last Week. II'_,.. 1"\ 1172111....` .I f`l`......--L_ 1.. IMILITARY CHURCHWARADE! '""Mrs. D. Williams of Toronto is C III V5113 V IIJIIBV ICIrIl VV \d\v5l 1 the guest of Mrs; Waltr `Wavtkins. Mrs. A. Ja_r_v_ and.Miss B. Jary motored? to Torontgo or_1 Saturday". ~ 1r-__. TIT 1-\-1-_ __ _-_:;.:_.-. 1_:___.1-i C \ \I\l|lU V`\JC-HI V\4L`llJGW|UVWL YV CIIUKIJ 0 The Army and Navy -Vete-rans ,1 including the following: Capt. Hun-4 ter of Toronto, . an old mem-her of` the 35th, who was` captain and pay- ! master for `the regiment during '-the North Rebellion; L Major Rogers, Chieof Police King, {Peter Soules, Donald -Campbell, E. Pa'_rks,- Geog Cooper,. Tho-s. -Douglas and otyrs.` " ` T sun`. in 1`~1 | JJIV U`-II \l\` U`- I.-`II `Ill U`, VII` RIC` U\C`-Iii. `I Mrs.`:W. Dales IS vismng f_piends_ at; Cookstown- ' . * That the military spirit is not one the wane in ABan'ie was plainly e_vi- I dencedy on Sunday afternoon when the annual churc-911 parade of the 35th V Regt. was held, with upwardsj of 140 officers and men in attendancei On the contrary 7 it was` donsidered by those in command, as well as; spectators, to be the !best parade of g the local headquarters companies` and stall held for years. j. . l nu. ...:1.-4.-...- ......-..:4..-::_..` an...- .` -around again. ` . DALSTON _ . June 8t`h.---Rain is muohneeded] in this locality. Beef ring starts this week. _ ' T 1 ' `Mrs. R; Toye, who `has; been un-: der the doctor s care, `is a:ble.to be . Rev. R. Toy-e. and. family leave.` this week i for the Toronto confer- ence. - T . 1 1:: ,'I1_____-;_ .--;_)__11 A LILIJ AI-Llglrd V5 .84 iSt_aff--Lt.-Col. F.. Sneath `(com- manding); Lt. 001. J .B. 1\Ic-.'Phee;. Ma;ipr D. H. MacLaien, Major Alex. Cowan' (adjutant)-, Paymaster Major ` W. Scott, Quartermaster \1V7hit;by. m1-- A_;._-__ _;_'_1 \'r-__-- ..A.._........ l.lw]3C1`1g.1e Major Gaugan a11d b1`1`5gr: lers-. V L . - ll IN` _ V IV A '|l' "11 vubu szuuu uuau .:.v Juusuo I. . - With military _exac.titude, the ! |F`fall in sounded sharp at 1.-30 iandi in a few moments the parade moved , aw'ay :from the TMa.rket"Square, de-T monstrating the. ability of.e the oicers to handle men (many of whom were novices). and form up in proper marching order in the short- I est possible` time. .. . ' ` V` The marching order _was: . -. i ' `Band . of 35th Regt. j(Thorn_ton)e under leadership of Bandmaeter H. C. Wilson, with 24 men and led by Drum Major E. Walton. 5 `- .CL_1! TA. l`1-1 1'3 C`__....J.L `l._...... u 7 ..., . ' iyw. - }._.-V , in - a forceful speech, accepted the` . nomination, and proceeded to out-1 Aline the 7`benecial legislation that { had` been..put through by the Whit`- . neyo .(__}'ovemment. .. Hg referred to _the speech of. thq.1eader;of the Op- position` in. Toronto` -re_eent1y and deIed.- tha.t- gentleman to ' refute the `.foIa,im`:5,`;hat ;-during` his (Mr. '_Du s) as): Minister: of ~:1`:h1ie;~.r. ` greater `~ progress - --`+1iZ}'d1`?;-35I11`y:.`,fi0i`Iil`8lJ`V` :Mi,Vnist'e_r.o . V 11?. fl` L i%i=~. :5--n*-; . V ; the: obent% of '.th9::fa1,-'.me"rA34 v,.wA`Il--.4 '.._;_.- ` '..'.'.- --1_.~1_ 1 L [H5355 U013. , LVLIIIUI -ill-lll.4|WU(7In , Mr, W, T.:-_Alan was re-elsecited pgesident of}; the association, and ? `shirt; made by. Gfolonel = amt "All-;9,x.-.;'?E9,1'8-`$139011; ' If Jianm L 2 _ Sim-coe, j;_h-e Hon. James `Duff was_'_i on Saturday unanimously tendered? the fnO_minaion in} the Libera.1-C on-'f ` gervative. iinte'1es_ts. ' The Minister, .... ~- .......`.~..t..1 ...;........1. ..-..-..;.-.1 L`. _:A U11 Ina-uu;uu_ya 11ae','.u~v, ..n.uvaa aoauuo `Alfred Wood is still -conned to% his bed with -r11eumatism. ' ` ova Viv`! I I-\lII\`. A 'Mn s Fine Dress hirts, reg. $1.25 for 79c reg. $1.00:-pfqr. 69. ' f;;`_` reg. 75c for-L59c;= reg. 66c 1%` 430, Men's Llama` and cashmere" sox. reg. QR!` man u\n:n `An . 1 n_ -.`~- - ` . - -`- l` _ E . . " ` - MONEY S we have purzhased a High-Class Bankrupt Stock at 33 P3 A wholesaleiprices, we have decided to give the purchasing} pu . e deal. Come and buy` and if you have not the cash on hand moneyito fill your summer needs at this, the greatest saleyet hel for Big Bargains, but this will be the greatest Price-reduction B Look carefully over Price List you will find many things youhee l W6}it3Ts'JI', {V211 {11.}:-'e'&,,ie2;f"$was, greys, etc., well tailored and wellemede, reg, $12.50 for..,'... 5.}...u...L......Q'..-u.u..u ovoocuouooooooouoooouoonoaoknouo n. Blue and Black serge suits. nicely cut,we11 tailored, latest styles, good linings, 3 button, a stylish suit, reg. $_l5.00._for.." ..... ..... ...... $1`l',95, T Navy Blue and Bloacleserge _ s,ults,, No.1 quality, rst-class in, every -respect, a top-notcber-, regular from -$l8,00 to $22.00, for $15.95 Melfstworsted Trousers, In stripes, cuffs at bottoms, V peg top.cut, ne linen pockets, satin hned, well tailored, reg. $4.00, for $2.95 Navy.BIue Serge Trousers.` Tailored same as above, reg_,$4.0 .), for $1_95 Navy Blue Serge "Trousers, Tailored same as above, four pockets, great value. reg. $2.50, for $1.95 Tweed and Worsted Trousers, well tailor- ed, abig bargain, reg..$2.'25, $1.69 reg. $1.75," for reg, for . . . Ic-.. -vat-U C jun!-IIIUU UUIIZ %%IIIll9l l\) ID5- C 35c per pair, ...19 -VeryvFine Grey Pen Angle Wool Sox, reg, 25 pair, "I"- vv-J cannu- `for grown. for -T!~V'~l1<=;~at . Men s Merino` Underwear; fg,` 65c for ,.. ' reg, 35c for . 19c MeL'a s Silk and Knitted Ties, reg, from 35c to 509, 'IIOIOIIIIUO-IIOOICIIOOIIIOOOOCIIII. OIIIIIOOUOOI ocooccIn\ V It"_1en;s `Stra.w.Hats a.n;i_ Ix`11'i'1:'z;zion Panama HTa.Zt:V$,W1"evg: from 75 to $125 .LVIexi s Balbrigan Underyvearv, reg, 50 a. garment. `nun :~ --ova. -a cv a---auvu for LU! I|l_IOlI 'p'*.UIJ Tan colored, reg. $10.00 fot`........................$7,50 ._ _ Tan colored, reg $13.00, for .$9e95., Tan colored, reg. $15.00, for A ........... ....... "$11.50 Men. s Sxfmmer Caps, ranging in price reg. from 50c to $_1,'25, all colors and sizes, for .............. ........ ..` ..... ..39c Men e_Felt-Hats, latest; shapes, allvcolors, reg. froAm $1,50_to $2.50. o;...`......, ........................... .. ....... ..79c' Don t miss this Bigichanceto Save 1Vloney---The stoclgissneviv and up-to date and A . the articles offered is the best obtainable--Come arly. , SALE OPENS cmcus DAY, FRIDAY, JUNE 2th ~Bargains in all lines "of Dry Goods and M `seasonable Ready- to Wear Blolhin Men s Ready~to-year-Clothigg" Illgndggnl-nnI`n n-...`l ..":'l..'.....-J in ..L....In.-. Very Special ; . ~ - T Meu s Raincoats, guaranteed in all: climates, reg, $7.50; an {IE . Men : Won-|("lnVg'sI'1lrt s:, reg. $1.00 fbr ...'..7'9c '7Rn `An KO.-. ....... cK-.... A0- wiizlstoxx {amt Midhuist foovbal teams will p__1ay a match at Midhurst 7 on ISaAturcTay night, 13th inst. A'I--_,'I n7_-J 2- -.:'n- ..,....:.....:I 4.-L Union Sex. 3 pair for ...... -- . .3'9c, vrgg, 50 for;..;.`?. 106 Dunlap St[-.-One_Dbor . -- -l-'--- v. iii: 5 J uue .8th.--The Pfesbyteriaxl. an- niversary services on June '7th were very successful. The church was ll`el at_:bot-1} iservicrgs. V V JUNE 12th to : ldnce in his. prdgressivp and effi- cient administration of the aairs "of the province was adoptda-`by a. sVtd;1diI`1g"\_7-0.te. ` ' _ T 7 - `FARMERS! ARMVERSU EXCU IDN~f1`O_GUELPH, 5&8. |'Auv\I LVL IO! rg, 65c for v__w ..L0- nnel .... $I.3:\ ..1'7' ..25% .`.'."'t`:9c` `tII`\J`-C `WU `ll\`.lIr'-II \'5_V JVVGO `Mr. Donald of Toronto 15 v1s1t-V 1ng'relat1ves in thls v1c1n1ty. (112,... YI7.'---.3... \7....--... in 1-.4-\u.\-:4-\11\.ilI

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