TIMBER SALE Contractdr & Builder liomoe TEWAB" a smw teu,`8bli`eit6rn, Notaries, Public, 1 Vcohvoyiinoorl. Money to loan any sum: 31:, 57per cent. Oiee, n..... it. Maria. 1!. D. Stew: n .' k -Zo- COWAN, SUC- cessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining `probate of wills, guardianship and admhistration, and General Soli- A citor, Notary, ' Conveyancer, V etc. Qogs: .nHinds Block, No. 8 `II ... A. 4,. Inn . 1 . , ORESWICKE 9 & BELL, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Couft of J udicatuze of Ontario, 75.I'1`i>ctors, Notaries , .,_Conveyancers, . fete. I[oney,to lan.` Uce, Ross /_.bloc_k,- Barrie. A. E H. Cres- wicke, 15.0., W. A. J. 'Be11, K.C. ` w" I *'IIl!IC`3| is lgixhs nd Cottrs. `\ ;4$n'3`F3%9m-??`-H0ruhoing `n. ; n..|'.ia'iII-I-.n.-< -- `AA belated acvcount` for snow- shovelling passed the Council on Monday night, when the tempera- 't`ure,w_as in the neighborhood of` 90' __ ._ 111.1. -__I 1'; .'I..,;;..,:I 1.... .......v DONALD noss, LL.B., nAnn1i*i1i, Solicitor, otc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio. Money to loan. -u-- 1&3 ya `V ` MA Vvuiug-ru_1;m qr D_uLuis,A Cirri gas.` .Wagong s'.;-k-j ___g - V - tau} '11) ' ' QC`-II C`CII\"Iu8 `c L`."~-`-9--155., s rm w. H. was csuoonsson go iI)R.l:ALLI;NG), Physician, A .-----.I... .. n...... L.R.C`-.P. & S. Edinburgh; M,F.P. 8: S. Glasgow - _--SURGEON-- Eye. Ear. Nose? Tl 1roat. uncvhsrn .._.._n _.--__ I`-A Having spent! years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for 9. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eve Hos ital, B rmiagham ; former Member of Ii-itish phthalmologxcal Society. 0FFICE-78 Dvxnor STREET. BARBIE. I Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. ood r In rt- Rgea cCARTHY. BOYS MU 53115 N. . unlop S ' Iuvllsl IU LUHN ' Weheve a. large amount of money to loan aowest current retemeither in small or in large amount on the security of treat. Barrie. ` DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON 3 f Tnvnnfn 1014-`: AC Dunnlrln (KT DR. W. A. ROSS, `PHYSICIAN, sun-1 Econ, etc., L.R.O.S., Edin., L.R.C.P.,' ondon. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Ba/rrie. Telephone 77. 3`g:e . wwz It lasted 1EI1g2I~ _-than a snowball would in-,-Owen_ Sound. - . U IJVJBJJUVJJJVVLL DR. 1_1. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND. ..A _ -_.J1 _ n \ G. G. SMITH &. 00., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakera. Openl day and night. Morgue and chape1~ in connection. Barrie, Ontario. I `W.-A. LEWIS, M.D.o.1E,_esurge1-yl and Diseases of Women especial- ly. Oce 58 Collier St. Phone 61." ~ 35- 5 DR. :11. H. EMBREE, PHYSICIAN ' % and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. C... Alexander.) " Office and resi- dence Burton Ave., Allandalel Diseaseg of women and children - and: nervous disorders a specialty. Phone` 269. . 22-ly. -- -_% .._,. _.._.....-_. DR. H. A. DUQLAY, OSTEO-j `I5 I fI`1T`I"l'fI T\I ' _ -._ -..---u uqquw IVIIJI rI'IP . pmlu tori sale on any Imus. .;l3NLD A number 0! Idol Farm uni Ton Pro- no.-AI-.1- llrfnsanko .,;The Globe speak-s `condently of `the enormous .fund of the organ- ized liquor interests, prepared to be spent in the- comin:g'i elections. Well, `it and its party should know if such a fund exis-ts, "after being` allied tothe liquor interests for over a quarter of a century. . ' adipiuu my am of Jiutijeg, Notaries Public Gonveyancerl 01- ten out u in]: of `Tnont, Bu- rio. Manny 30 1:1: lawolt enr- ' .II_ -4-` -Q6`: Ill. .lI-U19}; av urn. fg ,-v ront rates. (3. H.` Eaton. INWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Byilding, S. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336, Instructions left .with Strathy & Eaten Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto uilding, `Barrie, will be promptly attended to. 'a.Uo LI.I.\/J.IIJ..I.4I.I.JJAU A-lL\lLV IJL \.Il.AU.|JJ.\lL` I St. Toronto late of Brooklyn (N. Y.)), Eye -a_n:l`Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen .-St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11` am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. LL! JJLQ .I.&.|.L1.LaLg.v_\a/, .:.a-gppo,-any... Surgeon and Aoooucheur. Spec- ial attantion to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thnoat. Glasses Adjusted. Oice, Owcn St. Phone '95. 14-ly 7! `Li I. O `I-.I.UuI-V `Lilla %J- J-' J-\l.IJ J-LA` .IJ Residence corner of Toronto `and Elizabeth Streets. ( oaite Eliza- beth Street Methodiet ` urch), Tele- phone 167. \JI.AJ4; .L P1`1Jy; ician, hos; U]1`oJc\1,<, Barrie,` Ont. Ofce .Hours--9 to 5; other` hours by appointment. Phone 565. V ' 45-Iy ___#.,.. -____....__.j..j_.:__ .. "D3-._J_. ARTHUR Ross` (snccesqr t6 the 1a?A?_R. W` - `, `ET! I `I >133," I `-OP-P~._0.3lTE.[ H{0_5SL 51'. J03 x__,nA-my srrajmn In. case some Barrie people` are having difcul-ty in getting - _ri-d_of `their surplus money (winnings it the Woodlbine) let us suggest that ai'o-und -Calgary just now thene is,.A apparently, a good . chance _to drop any amount of it in worthless oil stocks. ron? `-? MONEY ro LOAN A n. lnron nmn.._c .- __-_ , unnnlixnns. SUBYEYOBS. '19 5tp'::"n:."oi'a", "3' t If QL.'.--nC- RING 26:5 L1 to loan. L. Baxick) any tynuc l\W_T. `l'l_.,ll,}'$JLll aux-ug A4otVt," * ' :1shelpingvthou 3? 1`t 1* `?I{f1.gr_`'<,:1t ., 0:, n.d:.`0.t..herI ubntinatw f -f:`I;-1'h: ` Anu `largest; 03:61:18-ti Town. ' It has read tn. latter fact demon its no. If you have place-itmith the nbtitraid to PS1 1.11 Adverlgisements gpgoe_- -lines no 0318 on of-any pa 9. paper thatixrga e price. are charged ., npareil measure make D1 0V8n stratea t per in :1; also by far the_la.rgest an to bcripuol 'i',n.' ch. OOHHCRCIAL DISLAY V Rates will begiven on lvblication. TTEURSDAY, vvn uuurr CHANGES. " , will please bear ' o :2.`-;.:a*i:.:a:::," ., I. go,-';'urd ay at 10 o'clock and the co Mu gm the in THE ADVANCog:.m 2o"olock noon on M .1. - W yeotkgtherwile the veniu_er sa?1I;xouy.;n.'m may not be made pub ic unnl the week tan". hm` oounncszn Anvmnnsxunun, 3.`L`}.;2.?.n`n?s?.T7n'3.?.3 }3`l .?"....,,"` gr isle orto rent. soeqrc articles, etc., ch` pn.sbe.gcoompanied mm the cash. . Cuts for advovtiscmcnts mu _ St In eve, cue be manned on solnd metal base; ` MANUFACTURERS. / 0 advex-tigmgg ..u...5u uuu urcssea Lumber `` TlJool'$.8asll. Blinds. Interior Flnlslu columns. Tanks and Water Tron. P1 ' , Matching, Moulding. R-3,- mg HotBlastDryingKi1n. C n__.n._1 A " ` CRAIGHURST, om. |LlCENSED 4_t_J_Q1j1oNEEn 23!! -J-nun A--- T In! nu PLANING mm as Llmlte d Mann! t f - . ;%`o 3: i, `;n3%,?:::.`.:=-':..Lm Inna. Scotland goes dntario one `better, by .rigo1'_ously enforcing` a new law,- keeping' bars closed until ten o clock in the mo-rning. It seems the act is aimed at workers in shi~pyards__ there, partial to pre-breakfast diet of a gill of whiskey followed by a` pint of -b-3er-known in local par- lance as a .m_olders cookt ail." But the custom is ixmnitestimal heroat that early date. .,va ,,,(_ --an-vl-lJl\ ' FOR THE COUEJTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales - -u ---5 anlllln Lanlnt and Poll In H i . `s..2....;*:::'" ffnnh-not-Ina and D...-u:-., . ,,,,,,,, ..., ....u uuuulIl`,. nsumates given, `oPnca-3AYrn:Ln s'r.. annnnaom }St. Jghnt __&% Orooke Druggist. u apcuany Contracting and Building: J NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERY Is 0 en for all orders in CASTINGS MI L REPAIRS, 8:2. ' MAKESLYOUR sxm LIKE. VELVET-- Monkman s Glycedonia. ttario, on June 29th, and ensure a. _ During the 11i11e-yea__rvterm of the Whitney Government` the grants to rural schools have been increased from $120,000 to $400,000. tUnder the Ross Government $5,990 was- paid in grants to Simcoe County rural schools; in 1913, under the `Whitney Governlnentv `$15,554 was` paid, an increase of $9,564. Vote; for the Conservative party in_On-W coIit`i11uance of the Square Deal for All Policy and. Honvest._Progressive' Administration. ` - * Hzas,a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two'applica- tnons will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin lacquirss the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia 3`. ..'.A _.!_1 - is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25C. Delight- -ful after shaving. { RTl3lN ix? -DUNLOP STREET EAST Brewd Entirely from the Finest - Mall and Hops. .4 BARBIE BREWING BUMPANY Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle a General Banking ffueaa H. . . . .NQtes Discomlitd . hibk, and Accounts given dtgution. ,__. , _ _ _ . vv, uvvo Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made "and repaired on shoxtcst norm and moderate prices. Al work done by expert machin- ist. and guaranteed first class. 4 Many*peoplje "suer the torture; of_ `Jame muscles a _ - stiffened joints because impurities in be blood, and eac1;.uc- nejjeding, attack ems more acute until gihegmatismhasi vad_edtthewho1esyS5tem._ L 3;; "1`_c_>`a:jxg`st_,rheI; atism it is.quitc,aS im- . t tit; imp_,~' ; " ' o.u`f general. hqaltlg a`_s__ 7* -2 wfertmlj T.Beecroft ` Laco, Ego. MbNKMA1~g. uurens or and ueale:--1 in all ' ..".`3 .".i`.`.'.`3..'.3 f?.fi _ .`i`F"E?'F QBANKERS Expert Machinists _B_A_BiR ITE In 1\90,4----under the Ross Govern- ment--there were 2,814 liquor `1i- I ? censed places. The policy of _. the in the Whitnuey Government--there I` are 1,600. a decrease of 1,214 li-`}" censed places. The policy `of -the ` i Whitney Governmnent has been to ;T enable the people 0-f any municipal- .ity to vote out the licensed places if they sodesired, and-347.mu11`ici-"f palities are now without licenses'6f 4` any kind. What was the. policy of the Ross Government 3-`--aTcrude at- -- tempt to ride both. the tzemper,ancef1 and `the liquor interests horses--`but . no serious attempt waeever made A -to minimize the evils of. the liquor 4 business. The policy of the neyj Government is one which every` ._ true/friend of temperance` A,refo1t'm,`_ .should vote to continue. 1 PZHOZNE 136 > Manager gkugono ta - VIISIIS - Lwlug Barrie. . %' ` 1 Last Saturday, June 6th, was the -twenty-th`i-rd anniversary Aof, -_ `the- death of the 'D0_mi11ion?s 'rs{t.g_reat- premier, Sir John Alexander Mac- . donald, who will always The .rmem4 '- _~bered by C`anadians of all schools of pol-itical -.opin.ion _L for it.he7 `shr .7 Wrkiout RHEUMHISM ARRESIE0 `Hail to the `beautiful Jne bride.1 NOTE AND COMMLI?3'NT `noun or Buniuxnml. .-p n -;-;-n Dub A It is generally rec.o~g'nized, how- ever, thato`su;`b.sta.x1tia1 and .pe1man-- gent progress towrds. t11~3.sohi=.tio11 of - `the questt-ion can be made only by ; an honesy enforced: liquor lawoand ,.Vby'm6a11fs of local option--,c1osing ' shops and: bars `al_ike,~ ` This policy ~l1.s_1~.e'suI oed durinVg_~'th e--lka_st_ eight < years in the red.ution_ v of ~ 1,214: ; ` liquor . licenses in- Or'1t_ario,, f: L being..' ' V a},b.O1lt. O,r1e4thi.1!dC.0f t.11e;`1.1I11iiib'er5or,I n% ' %" 9`1`o347 tragic story _ of the `sinking Empress of Ireland, and- that is the ,.imp'ort- ances of mastering the art of `swim- ming. Oneof the few ohildren who were rescued. owed her life to her albility to keep aoat, andt adult swimmers not only saved them- One lesson is Fblazoned out in the selves, but were enabled to` render` timelyaid to . their less fortunate companions in misfortune. It has been stated that among those whose business it .is to face the perils of. the deep skill in swimming is not only uncommon, but is deliberately uncultivated; Why learn to ,swim, is the argument, when it will as a rule, only prolong the agony. This from one point of view _may be good` reasoning, but all wrecks tio -.-.L a...1_- _-1_-._ - LL- 'I_2-_'I_ .UU.,pu\nfu.|'~'u, is cry ?i`~he Old.: Mung JuV&*u QJ Wylyvv -Iucuvvnv ichaold Policy,-." arid the `ow Fl'ag'._._. But it t soon to he whispered that the pr'emier .e health was failing. `He continued to attend the house, how- ever, until a. before the begin-L ning of his fatal illpess. "His death; which was due to paralysis, occurred late on Saturday, June 6, so it was not ' formally announced in the house till the 8th, when the mem- bers found the chamber, which had `L_-_-'1.`I.- _g._. .1 _. .......__. __ 4.]... 'UI7l J.\]uJ1\.L vuv vuuauuvs, wuauu uuu` been` the scene of. so many` of the} dead man s political tx-iumps`, draped .in mourning. .iSir John was buried with all public honors, `his parents, in the `burying ground V at Kingston. - ` "13 " 4`. I Q U. K`; VV I`J\4I\$ V 'i=1ortfta.l~;ew on the high seas,` or . even in storms when the strongest swimmer cannot combat the ele- ments; But atfb-est the plea does not hold good with those who `are only occasionally at sea,` or with the much larger num=ber who spend their spare time on lakve and river. For them, and indeed for all; the ability to swim is imperative, and fortunately the art has never "been -so popularnor has there ever been a time when there were so many facilities_for its acquisition. Youth" is the time to learn, and every boy and girl should be encouraged to at- tain prooiency. ` ' .C1'.Ys .61`. As the present Provincial Cam-A paign is to be largely fought out on the merits of ` the Whitney Govern- ment versus the Abol~ish the Bar cry of Rowell and` his followers, it} is `well to review some of the real. temperance- reforms brouglit about] since the "accession to power of the present Ontario Government. The policy of the government is one of stable reform_--t-hat of the "opposi- tion,'eph_emereal, .a mere election and thinking men douibt -very much if Leader Rowell would ever have the supportof half adozen `of his followers, even if there were any ren1ot"e.'ehance of him gaining pow- The Liberal cry is Abolish the Bar-and, one .'might add, save the liquor` store--but thinking temper- ance people know that the `VVhitneyl G~overnment has provided the ma- chinery t-o abolish bars, and liquor_ stores also, in any municipality, with the effect that during the" nine years of Conservative rule in .011-. tvario, liquor licenses have been re- duced as follows: ' 1904 . . . ..2,814 '1 19141 . . . . 1,600; Decrease, 1,214 ?Taxation of the Liquor Trade t--_- 1904, .$. 620,123 3 , 1913. . 1,240,945 ; `Increase $620,123 1 Confed`er'ation. In the? g9minibp_' elkgctions of Max-cAh,`;1891, "*Maodo'na_.1d,.. [then in his; .;s_eve\nty_- sign; year, was. once returned to paws; " r `by 9. ma.jorit_'y whose `battle -___ ._..- `rm.... nu 1\r..';. 4.1.... -n1.1 REAL TE`MPERANC REFORM, In fa ZI;ii1')`t;;rals. a1w}1y;s play-` `ed with .the ques'tion for - political purposes. The attempt to use the _the old game over.again. temperance question as a Party cry is, fzhvereforeg not -surprising. `It is I _ Local Optidnv 11m-i`tes_,.~aT11 classes -of -the poInmu11i1;jy, i.r;fespc_tive ,of1po~li - , tics, `not only when the. voito is taken, 3 _'but in` the.'. e_'o-rt, which is equally} _,import;a'-nt.,~-to Venfqrbcfe the law. Any lan. Whiehj d'i.v_.id6s' the` _temp-eranceh people` into diepent political ca.n1ps~ ; wou~1d+1mak the ;t9_;np,eran<:_e `;.q'i1es- Ation a`g2ain gthe ,,:the:_~. victim? A of APa%rty1;pq1itics.%%asT it %w@s`%f9rA':ye#rs." in i Ontasr `whey % ` V F 11 var *-wits` - ...----v-v~v -'r\r:v,1:"-l l\I1111icipalitiee imcier Local Option: 9140' 00-00 1914 . .. . . .. .347 ; In 251 The Liberal Party, in this prov-` in-ce, _when in oice, pledged itself to put into operation 1 as large ,a .measure of Ap1`0-hib'iItiOI.1 as the :Legislature 13-ad power to enact. On two` occasions` thequestion was. .submitted Why Liberal 3 Governments to the elecrtorate, accvompauied by .pl`0'n]i-$8.5 of prohuihitive -.1eg'islatiTon, ?and large majorities in th'e,air`m- suited in action. .It W a-tive were elicited. Neither V: the pr0mis_es- nor the pilebi-scirtes ever` re- _ _ never in;-. tendetlf they would. i '~ LEARN TO SWIM ougth enforcemsentt of the liquor laws, and second" by improving local op- tion. and making it eective. V` Improvements in the . Law , eVarious useful improvements have been made to the" "Liquor Law with a, view to making .%its enforce- ment very eicient. A V - `I .1 Inspectors are now under the con- trol of the central authorities and have to comply with the require- |ments- of the Department. - 1 Al O meptsj-Q1 wt: uepurAuu\n:uu. It is no longer possible for a [second and` third oence to be `prosecuted as .9. rst Aoence- I 2., Having a wife who sits V down "oh him occasionally is a wonderful help `to a man s self-control, states an -exchange. This depends on the weight `of the wife. A. .. ks `v- ~~--~ _ .Convictions_ tec|hnica1jties ;` UU\J'lI11{UIJlUl'Jo ` . Penalties. for infraction of the law have been increased ;. in some cases donlgled. V n '1 1, `I `I 0.` \JllLlDla1l1l.D .I.JuJ ulnxt \,Iuvu, .LL1\|uJ,o In "cities and town any one sell- ing liquor must have a bar-te nder s license, which is` forfeited by an oifgpce `against the law. on i Licen.se fees have been largely in; creased, one-half of the. increase going .to the munipipalities. ` 1.....--.._- ..A..-.L.\u.."uwu.- 01 I'|l'\wn I)l\"\" ca u1u5._ Licens ho1ders"ape foribidden to $0-ld` oice as Municipal Council- ors. . . ' - - - . 10 0. n o A_ 1_ >1_A_ LV 5 W. A limit of six ounces has? been placed _upon the amount of liquor [Which can be sold in a drugstore- IV` "I1 _' ___A_ -1`I___..J 1.- L._-. 5 LI(IL\.{_lC|JIO _The 'Departme1rt has power to veto ilioensles which it considers` |should not be_ issued `and uses the , power. ' ' T__'..4.1..-- _.L' LLA -D;-\.\1\r\ an.` 1:-su-`(Haas -II-\dLI\J`I -Canvassing in local, option dis- tricts ` is forbidden. " : Hotels, have . been closed T on Christmas Day and Good Friday. I .._'L3.. __..1 4...... ...K_. A--- .~.-.11, \JAl\.ll\.\ (O-;3'ltl.ll~7U hllw .114. 11 g Keeping `liquor for Sale without :1` :license is made as serious an_ offence ; as for selling without a license, and [the maximum ne was raised from [$200 to $500. CVL-;.2,, -, 'I_`,.,-_,_ 1-- L....__,...._ __ -L'I,.,._ qlavv vu xyuvu. Storing liquor by brewers or other 'pers0"1s for future delivery in muni- cipalities in which no tavern or shop 11cense'1s m force 15 made an offence against the Act; 71------ __-'|-- - . --nt. L-....-. 2.1.. .~,-" i. .. . \LJ in I . 3'1-uuuuoau-omhoroasoo. um: wsmer 1'-r-...a':.r 3::-.-`.1 rnouuox onxw. ` BUAALE . UV Ubau JLJ\AOOd\ArUwu . v 4 V nu. ` ' .Al-l- liquor containing 2% per cent. of prdof spirits is`he1d to be intoxi- T:--_'___` 1._1.1-..-.`-..- 4-,....1-:,1,1.._- am WIJJCJL call LII; \?\J1\.l ' All `I \.ll- VIE ,`~lUVL\JO- `Children ;are not allowed to buy '_liquo.r, as they formerly were, on a "written order from the parent or guardian. Iv`- -' 'T\ ..__ --.A......-....L Ln ~ 1-\1\1Ivn-so `AN | yu vv:1.:. . - - > Justxces of the Peace no longer have the, rlght to give orders for hquor. ` " - t`\--___-..-!_- -. 1-- `I,.....1 .\-..J...-. J33 EVA U UL: 111- IIU l.al1\- .AI;J.J1A~J\-H450 The sale of liquor in the vicinity of pu:b.1icT works under co-i1.struction may be prohibitupdhy proc1a_mation. It is an offence for nerson to be in an intaoxicated Qondition o-w- ing to the drinking 0-f `liquor in a pulbic place in a mtxnicitiality in xvhsich the Local -Option` By-law is` in?f_orce.A ' ` . ,, inc"! 1. ll . - ` -Io UIIUJILU usuxsuzu. DIAL! 4.3 U0 Persons who .are. not bona-de owners of the liquor who allow. Jiquor to- be stored on their. prem- }ises are guilety of an oenoe against lthe Act. ' ` l 71- 11 n . I 1 1 1: L IJLIU `LU U0 Holders of` tavern. and shop li- censes are fo-r*bi_dden to cash pay cheques, -or orders issued in. payment of wages." ' T ' "KT- A.'.__A..- 1_--_..-.. 2- .... ...._`|1-L1_ V; \c\/Lo `Provincial Li_oe.11se Inspectof may inspect an un1i c-ensed hotel and: re- Iport on it. to the Minister. Fl`L_ _-1.. ;L 'l_`_.____. 1-- LL- __!-3_-_'1.__ Ill aI\ L\4\vC k. -Hbldrs of tavern .1ic-enses are re` stricted `to sales for consumption on the premises, -so that not jiquor bought in a tavern can be removed from the -licvensgd premises." _ .' HVL- .........-..-.....4.....-.. -1! 11...... L. ---._ .resortinp;._is prohi aited. -. - `The co~ns1_1mption of liquor in any livery stable or other '_ buil-ding. in which the public are in, the habit. of L1 `Jill UIIU I.l\.'L4I.l\J'\.'\.| 1.1` VQJIIIJL/OI ` "I'll... 1`.A.-..`a-. J ~A11:--.. ntu; .....1V.- _- .1 1v; Hugue- } `No tavern keeper -is compellable `to supply liquor except on a docrtor s `order. ' ' T 1-: O 0170 1' FNIIII III` UDI|mr1'uw_qp! I1.w-jl -BB ANNUM IN. _ - UNITED STATES suaacnmms 31.50 IN ADVANCE - Clio now ' will be` and tothesnb Iulpuanhlotun the money paid. -- han now hiuwnuu rm-than month: ov9r'wlll'be churatdm-so not unmun. Amos 993`-IL V5111. I5 1II.VJ`lll.IIlI,;C7Llu ` _ ` ' The hours of _ selilmg are, reduced [so that liquor ca1mot_ he _sold mitil .;miv caq.t;e'bum" W Mof71".f:":71:eae C-`Oesq neaded with `out dole or mcxnienco. '_ Con`-V suit our nager about it. nolsf . IIDI ins ed !ortrve!leIr`a:i`i::1iorxh ` mg-Eon vLett`e'I"s of -Crefdit `Fcyr Tttvelldjrs ."lrnvellen" Choquo and Letters` of Croditpre issued torque on the Con- tinent. or in gleditar:-aneur:t.. Ah-ionin. Asia` nor ustnliu: .0:-Tn Iweat Indies. am and Aliandale Branches or--` - _Lat_e$t 1IM;.a av;-zinLes ~ rm` For ihe%% Latest Novel or mlstandar Work to IJJCIJI-lliltllll uaa I V HENog@r%Him A1)irA%Nc`E Tc:;nnTot' be upset by. ;Aj. SIMS, Manger Those` Well in toudh .wit h the political situation in Centre Sim- `cooe are of the opinion that H. E. vTJory, the Liberal hope,"wi11 not make as . good a" run as he did in .1911. Even his best friends and" political supporters do not believe. iheuis as strong as at last election. g . ' .. eight ? d cIock in the morning, in- 'stead of at six. . ,.......... -- .. ...... . I . A person who supplies liquor to, another _-person known to him to be on the prohibited list can himself be prohilbited for twelve months. ' ,A-1:1 nes imposed in local option ~municipa~1'i~ties are "now made avail- able for the enforcement of local option in the -whole License Dis- trict. It is an oence ' iagainst the Act for a person to be in an intoxicated condition /_ in any municipality, whet1h_e; local option or otherwise, where no tavern or shop `license is issued-.' ' an-. .0 nr.'I,`I,,' E. The administration of the law in Scott Act counties is faciated by _providing that one-hawlf. of any de-_7 tciency in the expenses for enforc-' ing the law will be made up by the province. . lUULlU\La I TENDERS will be receivenl the undersigned: up etc noon of the 6th day of July, 1914, for the right to `cut the Red and White Pine` timber on Berths 1 B, 1 -C, and 1 D. in the Mississaga Forest Reserve trilbutary to the north shore of Lake Huron, each Berth `containing an- area .of 36 square miles, more or lIesTs`.A, 6 _. _e _ I AhcHI`n:cT ' Pians prepared. Estimates given with or with- out personal super\'ision._ AV-r\7\7l For'maps and conditions of sale apply -to the undersigned or -the Crown Timber Agents-at Thessalon, gault Ste. Marie, Webbwood and ..}1i....--- r\.l\.I\.vI\.av\A`, I . ., , `W. H. I-I-EARST, v. Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines, -Toronto, April 18th, 11914; KTD "KT.-. ......-.'..4.'L...... _..,'I --,,. 3- xi LII U KJ'U\. I Sudbury Immes, '.LO1'ODt0, Aprll 18th, 1914;: _ No_ 11na.uthorized publicatxon lof thxs novtlce will be paid for. 17-27 I T was a stiinghot day on Mon- day when Hampton Edgar Jory was nominate ' as Liberal candidate for Centre Simone. P.ned~icti`ons, how- ever, ar that it will [be a cold day fog; Hampton on June 29th. -----x---.-- ; PHILIP C, PAALIN, O.A.`A. mI3EZEs6'.' [own mun own uomal I have $200,000.00 worth of ihouses and property in Barrie Vand Allandale. Small cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sale. :n--g_-- _ _._i . ' Q I ` ` Cease wastmg your -money rent. I A f Real Estate gnd Inxisumnce - ` Phone 530. I88 Dunlop St. Barrie I-lead ome. conuivcwoob. om-. |I_ -.___ nrn . G. S. RANKIN Repairs of all kinds , Residence. I64 Bayeld Stret Phone 627. V - 16-tf TP9_M3'5 W-55> _ The race is on.-A. B. T-honnxpsoh 15 prime favorite, with" H. E. Jory as a 30 to 1 shot. ' The last heat Will` `be run on June 29th, and the result is not in .doubt.