otithe corner and fill up :iltered Gasoline. KEETON CARS 1158 Store Recommends ~ V . V bgcause of Its convemcncc. TAnyone can` use it with `wonderful results. L vafft I . h, 1914. `W-est Simcoe F armers" I1_1st.i-tute -will hold their annual meeting at Stayner -on Friday, June_5th.' The District Womens . Institute. meets at the same p1ac_eA andg.time. North Bay s Chief of Police` is`! rstudying photography (for the! rogue s- gallery) thum'b` prints aud'_ Bertillion -identic~.a`tion measure-. ments. ' ` was ordained into the "priesthoodof `Mr. Terence Loftus `of 1 -he1p.s.ton the R40. --Church `at Boston ' last week, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loftus! of Phelpstou `attend-ing the.gcene- ' mony, , - ` 3 Z Capt. Win. Ireland, editor. "and propri-eto.r of the Parry Sound North `Star, ha_s- `been -granted the' rank of Major," upon his retirementl (having -reached the `age limit) as paymaster of the 23rd- Rgtt. Mr; and Mrs. Jos. Spicker and two children `were thrown from their buggy when their` horse be- came frightened at motor. cycles` on the 10th of `Sunnidale. Mrs. Spick- er -was bwd-ly bruised and shaken up. A . '7 Roibt. .Ste`v7va}`t,- Maple Valley, Nottawasaga .-Tp.', has _a 'cow.7that` has given 'birth- to four calves. in-I side of eleven months, twins `twice, all `bf which are alive 'and7 doing well; That cow is certainly .doin_g 11e1'_.part toward-V reducing the. price. 0f;j~5.0.9f; ` ~." " ` atli1fieiif9cirvah.:9.in L . -ft'o;i-:a; _s_mll'g.cqmmissipn` by'__all ratich`es at-`;the4 . Easily ttiegotiated ' anywhe `P-I-Y). -P as . 4+ :'PV"'*?W**:-v N Bii'k t;,' `indispensable to time traveller. . The Ihglder. is 15;-otectged in the event at ,{.`lo}ss ofyithe gheques, as ;a .~separ_ ev.lett_e:_'. of`idedii;atiop is iss_ued_-witli egthem. `Thereiis no safe: otmu "convnienti1e_thpd of carrying n:pt)'ey" when tra;vel'ling.-i _ BMRIE aANci '"-I a.` .1 . "principal couiairies :hewog3q,ii `A d` self-e'ide`t`1t`i`fyin'LvitIi_e". ' J. GRASE A public holiday was, proclaimed at New1narkevt ' yesterday to cel-4 {brute the dedication of `a new Odd- fellows Hall; .- Four canvto11s from Toronto attended besides .repre;=sent-I atives from local lodges all thro-ug*l1 this district. ' ` s=5;wa run wax in navmwg I9 `[4 %SPi3l\BaV33i5 Screen Dogrs. Screen Qw. Gr_ad_ V FV Lawn Mowers, Lawn I-10. . .'-.Gardeh:`_Tbi{' ' bcythes, .Sn_a t.hs, Ral 1 qw:;iapd pmA;.;; plcjte s`tock,ho,w otI haiid at .;S:6i'E = " Sm: ;.gnd Pfri.e4s betg r.purchas;:n,g? 1 A.P8_iO.l'.l|vl. --==4A; JOHN #.`!?-4-!*- 5i .$5. ` TH;-suais qr-" ` 'I"'to1i of To ron,to;= ,T1iis is"'the largest amount an record ever -offered` for a; ` Ca iiadihn-`bi-ed" 7a`nd.'d:o11*ble2~tha-t - of. a Provincebped -that, ever changed.` h`ands.. ` % `An onalysis of tho? autori1db'ile regis/trativon in Ontario -fo the-year `ending December ` 31st, 1 13,-`Shows, th num`be,r'.of automobiles owned by residen-t s* of L the Province `as 7 8,981, or accommodation for` orie -out_ of ._ `every 22 persons _in' the Province; 3,161 are .owri'ed' in rural parts and `villages, ' 1,000 `being `the E property of farmers. - `William O1ute, f[a11.old,_ a,;1,d'.muh respected resid_e_nt'_.,"'of` Elmyaie `and. formerly of ' Tinyg; died on `May. 245' Mrs. ACumberla11d;: ;of 3Toi-`O1`1to__is' 9. daughter % and` "-Alfred Glute of Tiny is a son, and George: Ol_ut;e: % of Camprbellford,` Yeter Clute "_of. Wye_-' vale a1d James Clute of Myxesing [arejb thefs. L . " _ _ - Orillia _Packrat--His Orillia friends will be sorry to read that Mr; Ger- hard Dreyer `is ill, at the home of- his son, Herman, at -Blind `River, _His `eldest son, the Rev.` W. G. G. Dreyer of Creemorelw-and his daugh- ter, Mrs. -Jamieson; cf Th_ornton, "went north on Monday 11ig'ht,"lto be with .him. Should The ~ recove). strength while they are there _Mr. Dreyer will V" return with them to Crenemore. ' - ` ` - - | I ,1 , - | Orillia Pa_cl~:et--A despxtch from !Portland_,__ Oregon, ` announces _ the `death on" May 27th of the "Right "Rev. C'har1eS, Sicaddvingy Bishop `of fOregon. He fell a victim to p1euro- pueum-o11ia,. While a native of To- ronto, Bishop Scadding spent his` `youth in Orillia,` attending the `High A School her-e`. Maiiy of the `friends of his youth will learn with regret of Bishop Scadd-ing s death. As a young man he was `exceeding-1 ly liopulari in Orillia, rand friends here have watchved his `sju|b_seq_uent- 's1~.cc`e.ssfuli career with much . "satis- Ifaction. - V ' run, | Colliwgwood News -4 Yesterday .morning,_- a 1'unaway team came within an ace of _being the cause of the death of a young boy framed ` Keith Hi~ghtower.' -The little` fel- who is seven years of age," was left on Huron street when the horses Ifor a moment with a. team of horses. . took fright and dashed up the lane east of Hurontario street. Just at {the rear: of ,Bail'ey s_ groeerys they" struck a hydro pole, y releasing th-ems-elves from . the wagon, the- front`part of` which was` smashed to atoms, and throwing. the boy out to the ground`-.' Assistance, `quickly ,'carried' into a nveauhy house when a physician was called. 011 examina- Ition .it was sfounclw-that no bones- were broken and thatfthe Vlad had. lescaped _ with a > had shaking `up. `Thehorses were` uninjured. `V s rea-ched the little fellow and he was : Occasionally -we see a.ma.rried1 man sneaking through; -life looking as if -his wife had caught .'him smoking `:3, 'cig'aif6tt_'e.{ _ 3" L V W 1 kg with W.C.T.U.~ and`tl1e date ismanyozyniend` `riot-..,e1ily iU=iii9iii`iidv5iit.`.initsi`rwhbisgcmiian-if .Y`7i1res.;she;.` "is ikn"ow.i`2' .,_for:'her"-'1 iprame; {...Many.i.[`nf`ithe i anxfixdments a r: ~` `to `f. ourV pfrovi'nci_al`.. laws I liaifie been 3 ate; `resist `McKe s- work: along. .ithe lines '7: .`of lesislationr (and "earnest work.-jiiiss-theeai` of tem- I "1)etit"ioA1i'..,~ -'iA ;-'!'Ieat ..of ' the |..u-nions in Ontario were __organiqed` -' ; Mrsi' McKee. `The, _'Provincial, Executive-i in"'<`s7eniiing their gift ask- ed Mrs. De.tlor`,' corresponding Sec-I retary of; the] Proyincial.._U11ion, to -present- 'it. to. Mrs. McKee, `_ and on Tuesday `afternoon accompanied by `a.-number `of members of the North ' `Bay ~W.-O.T.U., proceeded -to Mrs. McKee s _ home. Mrs. BroWnlee,- oTre'a .sur_er,. of the` Local Union, pre- sented Mrs. McKee` with a beautiful` bunch of vpansies, sent Iby._ Mrs. J -'. W. Richardson, one of North -Bay s oldest and most `interested members,; being present, with the. request that Mrs. McKee wear them during the afternoon. Mrs. J. Bell then made a - bright speech- congratulating Mrs. McKee on , having `obtained the golden amliversary _of her wedding and recalled` the fact that 22 years ago Mrs. McKee` had organized the North Bay Union, and hoped she would "be able to celebrate her. dia- mond` anniversary among us. Mrs. Hicks,~on `behalf of. the local unio-n presented Mrs. McKee with a bou- quet of American beauty roses.` The hostessof the afternoon thank- ed the Union for~their kind Wishes and in a very happy manner spoke of her work in the years past which had been lna delightful `by the help and friendship of so` many earnest w0rl~:er.s. Mrs. Detlor, on behalf of the Provincial Executive, handedWMrs. McKee a small mail- of "the anniversary "in gilt letters. in acknowledgment of a Mrs. -M;g- Kee s good work for equal fran- chise. It was fasteiied with the suffrage colors.-t The "bag. contained a gift of gold amounting to over $85.00,._ numerous `letters and -post cards with congratulatory messages. Mrs. McKee "Was taken completely by surprise as` no hint -of thegift who was prevented by illness from` -had reached her. She then in. a few words told a what the `work. of the Provincial Union had meant to her of the great kindness she had al- ways received. from her fellow Work- ers in the executive. -After refresh- "inents had '-been served music wcis contributed. by severalgof -the ladies. Mrs. McKee `delighted all by her rendering of an" Irish and a Scotch song) `With many loving _ wishes for continued prosperity- and hap- piness ` and expressing their ` pleasure that Mrs. --McKee had M-decided to make her home in %North- B4y',i the friends departed`, having spent a de- ,"`lightfulTafternoon.jV . ~ j Aftr. a girl gets "4 marrieg she helps -her friends `to the. same sdrt or%troub1e % L % .-,5.%b_:nibp;N_I_hibn tnembad In _ 1` t` `in _' Jana mu %tI:f.'.{`ct: I`1:%s"`nf:epgm `ma Fluent-`Elias: ~. h - ' _ ;-. . i.n,eaoMllro$1'!.A. % .. % W ` of,` _.`t: g,_its`_ , ;=g:11i:` _lf{I_>_,-`3:1 ., .\3tbW|f1_, B95 ha: bezweeh `lldntreal gnd H. bnirqal. To;-,onto?. . >2 :. v`. .3:t`1`f{ :`. .x`:.P`%i.(:3l`!?""i %T' \ . Guliipartmlit-Oberv tin - i D_oti:It-('_l`o 1:7i;'3hIan cdm-, 1 f .. 0} 0 Q v v n 0 0 0 org u"ooo3- I D: 7m: .;-Atrlvdcmcqgocontratogna-1 - . % 4 % V % 1.? ~ is {.40 '0 ` '._.uq{);.n- -ooloiloc .no`o~;"ntloI`..u`s V _ _ IAQ1-In_ufJ1m :% Lghvo Montnnl (vlindugr st. ,0 66191:`: 9 o u o g`: 0`: n .pg E`CVCsT6l'_`O g`.|_o 9.3 `Lpav_ o Lohdon `3','*__5-3 ;_'.'*`---A,`-,.-33 p.l VArrinib.Dogrqlt(M1omxan,oni A _ u.p,"C'a>I`ooo ououovlo an!-.oo_ ..`I V .`7E321~3?\B1A1'7 x vzacinm. 1: TmcmcAN cs an D1 - cI'u,;;fA:v. 1-`mii '.-:A ..-.>'A`.;`4 ,_ 4 !PrV3*Trai Srvice ; '1-.I`5 ' 5.3.`.'D- ' 53'. 9-3 . 9.33 p.i W ppt:u1'Cu`.\ a\ a_ yauauxvuu ., ' 'AtiI this ~junctu're the _'circus,' men were seen coming on the run, and the elephants decided "to give them` 9. run for their inioney, for ` they "dashed fo towards Temple `avenue at 5a rapid, rate. - Before them, like _ a drove of wild sheep, people "on foot, in buggies, wagons and "auto- mobiles dashed at wild haste. Mar- ket wagons rattled up the street distributing vegetables, fruit , eggs and other articles at 'every `_ jump. But not, for long. The circus men knew their business and soon closed in upon the truants,_ and in `a- few miutesa the "monster creature rere plodding -peacefully towar ` "the circus` grounds. And their eyes- gleam'et1"with. a. look that said; plain- ly, We had a good time while it lasted. ` -_ ...- .19 t'belongi1_1gTi_"1;=tOF ; 'R01b!1lSon s . lShows`astock:::sa:2i;;str1>1I{%5?l1r0ul1 :l3'l?h:; flstfefs bf iS.,i1t',.' I.4.*.1$<`*"~`5LJ`.it`_' VV1.1.' `.3; 355 `ishovif wa_s`-sbeing*1inloay._ W trains .-~ They- hadwbeen gleft; tempor- ' arily in charge of .the`;- keeper s as-. sistant ,_Whi1_e the f . < ` g-ghrutes seemed tovjknow; that they were ._notf in ostfong hands," and they proeeded towards a the . produce market; which.` was only .a Vblpock away. A Wagon load of fresh .vege- tables, which had just `been backed up -against the curlb, attracted, their attention. The farmer and;'hisi?wi?fe immediately` vacated the vicinity with` remarkable fsuddenness, while the elephants proceeded to regfile themselves upon the delicious gar- den - truck. It took only a moment for the load to disappear, `when the market policeman appeared upon the scene, only to find that they had urgent Ibusiness at the tops of some tall` -telephone poles near at hand; {By this time the whole market space was in an `uproar, and-, the way. people, horses -and. wagons dis- appeared wasx a 'caution.`"`_ 1 L`I_3_ _____ `I _A.--..- 1.1.- -...,...~ ...,..n-n .frOIf1v$1.1??' ` _ _ keeper I W113. 8-iiaig f91"i?9.s:,%few `minu1i9? The 15 I Robinson s Famcus `Shows! will exhibit at Barrie on Friday, J un-e 12th, afberndon and night. . . a v s Notes of`, liiterest Fhr ' Bury Readers " % BEWARE OF OIN-TM'ENT'S T'HsAT CON~T:AIN MERCURY `as f mercury will surely destroy the. sense of smell and: completely, de-.. range; the whole system when enter-' ing it thro_ugl1 the mucous surfaces. Such artic__les shou1=d= never {be used except 011;. prescriptions .from re- putable physicians, as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly` derive from them. Hall s Catarrli Cure. manufactured contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly upon the `by F. J. Cheney & 00., Toledo, 0 blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In vbuying Ha.'ll s, Catarrh vCur~e be sure you ~getthe `genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, 'by T1`. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. W-Sold` Price 750 per bottle. ' ` - 1 . . Vvliaie I`-l'Ia-1l s Fami1y.Pi1ls for cn':1-I stipation. _ L T - . ' A The Canada Gazette gives. notice. of a Scott Act vote to -be taken in the provisional jud-iciale district of i.Muskoka on June '19th. - T The Col;1in'gwood police on Wed- nesday of last week seized an egg-1 case that had" been shipped by. ex4 press from Torontoto 9. Mr.'Jan1'es- Miller there, Nvhich on being opened- was found to `contain not innocent 11en`.Tr1.1it, .. but about four gallons of , whiskey. The "case was- conss-` eaVted..-V - T -, snsfhnu V but A no menu I "a'n?ran53g}c) "" ltfi;Ouos.-`uh: Ill; _av9,`vhondon .........`.A.-a`.oa_p_. up. 52- nevv-22%} C1fea`t_ Much Exgioemgpg T - pal attraction. . ' EE1mv_a1e s oivicv Holiday t V t was ysberdsay, an excursion to '.[oro_nto by the A.-O.U.W.t .-being the `princi-.; _ _ - -4 .. - amen. -nu; A QL-_ _ ; I- p. in wewnx sen gt from $100. ~.Weh.av.Aa'limitdVnu (Of SECOND.HA-.\ D CARSt11at to $500.00. '- Drive to the Red Pumj %with Specially; VVLI Vulcanizef. No. backing in "or 0117; of Gar __.-'.- l% :.Bradfbrd ine;~A;:iumts wi11" ous;we Thursday afternoon as a,ha1f holi- day for the next three months, - ' You7A_re Invited To Shop _vULcAMzE. @012 'I_`IRES..with a Schaler Steam ._Cbr_ne it: and ee us you want repairs for any car. FORD CARS , JA_P-:5-I i` -5 The `Ladies rBo\.vvlin g' Oilulbr of - Bradford has - reorganized, 'and.' ar- rangedo 5a schedule for -the 'season s games. 5/ iBra(fc_>rd Presbyterian 5 Ohuroh will instal a new $1500 pipe organ; half ' the cost to` -be borne] by ` ..:a' grarcllt from the Carnegie .[`;ru's_t` un . 5 `I Acc-ordiing te the returns of, As-5 sessor S. Martin, Brad-fprd s p"opu-5 -lation is now 955, an Increase of '68. The total assessmenteis $405,- 507, an increase gfa $51368. 5 '?ii;creases' favor. tlmt .1j:v`o:" 3 .:,that multiplies cus- -V7,'8l',y `:D,l'0II'e_1'1y regarded as . inve3t1i'1_'ent.V -. _Adveffiin` is jg good _investment-- .,j_u's_t afs` plate g-`lass -Windoyvs are, `- sells_ more gooas tv; `. moi? bp_r.son_s ' thn shop-windows (1-). '3 o 7 _ st on _bette 7` A w --~ .. L ' . Do you resent havmg a merchant address his message to you in the 'fo'rm_..of an advertisement in our ..colu-mns.d?. On .}the_ contrary, is mt _yourrifnpul8.e to V nespond to his! friendly .ove1_-tu`r'es ? A woia/to The `Public . `DP-A-l.a_c is sold by ?LHAM13LY V -A 3 ln_Barrie sold by FIG: ` just -`pu1l"alcvmgside. Try it and Y yoig Mays do it. _ Harry` Guiddings bf Oakville" has` .,ir/_fu se_d` an oer of 810,000 for` -=h`1_s fK~iug s"Pla-te Win11er:,,Beehive.' The" ?.iTf?`d5*.?3`1! h" Mn Laxt.