a` Bonnets on % Sale Glata Straw " I-Iavfs A in white and ycolord, ' ready trimmed, regular 65c and 7 5c, on sale atooofolt ooooon ogiooo oou'o oo Q0070; `.Fncy..Straw Bonnets, very ehie, regular price $2.25 an(L2.5_o, on sale. . . . . . . . .$x'.5o `Boys Wash Sui;s in Saiilr and Busfer Styles, `special values at 60c, $1.90, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.75 vyrunru -, cw:--- - o 0 o`o cVo` u u Boys AmeriE_an4Shirt Waists, weil made, good colgrs, both dark and light, special values; soc - . . . . . . . . -'..7:c A clearing line of Boys andGirls Lingn Hats at. . ..15c'. Boys Linen and Khaki Knickers, 000300 nfooo: oo00IfO0`OI aooono35C l Uy3 IJ\JIls VI \.llI\ll 5 minus; v v no-us-----. J `__ ,1 _, at 0.0.0.!;IOOOOOooOoOOoo|oool"ooon? Boys White Duck sums, :2 to I3`A.....'5oc. Boy Long or Short Sleev Summer `Jerseys, `L V _~__`~___`__-`.------ This year as usual we shall clos ` noons during `\ "Pxleefce : 6f .():ri_1.lia"i`sl ampgas fmusketry in- Jtih cVa_1'nps,. f1`o'm% J'1 1pe_ WEDNESDAY SARJEANTA & - Caiter kleas little 5 This is %.;hildren % a specialdispla niade for A ilivit cHi`d11b`t:- that` the `victory V win Be. his, with a largely increased majority. ' 0 '1 9 T-he Thornton Bai;d will accom- pany the regiment under the leader- 'ship of ,`Mr. H. C. Wi1son'of` Cliurchi-ll. They will furnisk music at... the Church. Parade on Sunday`! _ Riaxif V9IIOu- Mr. W. C. Thompson reports the :following sales: house and lot on Baldwin St.,' Allandale, owned *by Mrs.` `Carson, sold to Mr. Thomas Parr, ~G.T.R. employee; the cold storage property, south east, corner A 'rn`I_'_-_L_A.L ......J -`rdwrr Q11` ` nmnpd SLUFU-EU plug! -Lu-`y, c v u u u V u ~../__ .... -, `of Elizabeth and Mary St-a*.,' owned `by the `Lion "Brewery 00., of [Ber- lin,.so1& to 'D. TWaisberg', wlioh will build a pair of solid brick stores, _each. 18 feet frontage `by 60 feet deep, with modern fronts in them. ` 11.; rm..;.. ur..`..1 ..mm-ta th gale deep, w1tn_ modem Ironns m _u1cu1. Mr. Thos. Waijd reports the sale of _ the -house and lot on the south west corner of Maple Ave. and Ross Sta, j owned. by Mrs. 13. N. Tester of Sidney, B.C., to Mr. .A. D. G. Hanmer. ' ; . 1 {'BQAv'r% A DI=sAs'rERs ` l'\`l3 1313f`. `Year 7 h ' Steamship. 1890-_-Steamer Shanghai, 1891--Stghmexf UtorsLia,- ion b.'...` . . . . ..` /1u892-:'-Steamer N chow,1 ._..J `. -- Ufa! ` o - n c o o o o o o o - s . __1893-'-Wa'rs'h.ip Victoria, col- lision ;1894--,Steamer Hor'n Head, " V Bunk -by iceberg . . . . . A1895--Warship Reina ' Regina i-` aoollison . . .. .. . ., 1895:-,-Stegnietr 'Colima, wreck- K7lV U 0 1 <.... ..... 4,1898-_-LStea1 nr La Bourgogne, \ c -` o o o u o n "M"7F "T{1E TffI. .... `1~897--L-S1:eame1`j Kapunda, found- I was` avva 1995-A-Steamer `. 1_906-~Ste_am_er _...- .1 . vs.-up 11993-,'-.-I-Steniel: % -. ..-J' .` >4 ouoI' 0.300 0:90.01 `;1906~.-Braz?i1ian>> c`ruIser.Aqu1d- ____-"_ @190 f.`f, `mont , .05-t %TKn8 -V.""3.`.I...`_` `A Real Estate ' T` 75c 7 v_vi'lI mnmg trying 3' car, care,- qually '- QADLJRLUD . _ 01` RECENT YEARS . . ' . V. ~ ._ Iiive-8 bur store on Wednesday after uly and August * I-IALF-HOLIDAY fliii, .s;1.I1'k. 4.? I `Vglenci-a`,found-. V f the big stdre of"i:liilclren s wear- is j be- Boys Girls. We P ispection. % -`This week. TWe. have bdughtfa lot at` reduced prices and placing them on sale at $7.50. 10 00, 13.50, and." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I5.oo Sirio, I ChiI&*ep s `Dresses, made from Anderson's Gin_ha;m, sizes 2 to 14, soc. 65c, 85c and 1.00 Cl1dten s'W}{itc Duck" Dresses, spcial at 1.50 Buscter Browffs Sister s Hose, sizes 4% to 7, 25 Children ~s Linen Uresses. natural shade, em- broidcrgd in rd, blue and white, special at 75c Childrnfs Surhmer Parasqls, 25c, soc, 75, (-I.}1il.dre r`| s Romper, heavy Chambray, Amer- ican makeJ.,....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4oc 1 11 `r 1': $700 cgiii-V n , a n o - n 509 % 171 I W152 30,01 % @540 7 50 , .123 955" 119 9501: fof ` ,5 made kstowm 225 212 ' 135 7 13: 62 berg in mi \1913-_~SS. Volturno, burned in ' mid-Atlantic . . . . . . . 1913-Storm on ` Canadian ` -' Great Lakes ` 191-_--S.S. Monroe, sunk in | collision o Virginia coast . . . . . . . . . . . . V. 1"9-14--S.S. Columbian, burned in Atlantic . . . . `chm-cf Parade Next %Sur`1da_y Regimental orders have been is- sued by Lieut.-Coo1. F. Sneath,' com- 7manding 35th Regt. (Simcoe For- esters), for the annual church par- ade as follows: nu rr--J--_..Z.;'.....) Qaml-`F -+1; aae as Iouuwa; I -1.- "The Headquarters Staff, "the Regimental Band, and A and E Companies will parade at the Market Square, Barrie, at 1.30 o c1ock p.m., on Sunday, -the 7th of June, for the - purpose of attending Divine _-Service at the Queen : |Park. DRESS: Scarlet andi side -11 1, ; _...... "FLA (\ 1'al'K. .IJ.[\LlIl'|DD- kjbulsuu unu -a-..v arms .w11l be worn. The Ocer Commanding trusts that Oicers ` commanding Companies will see tyat their r_nen are warned to parade ----Q LL_L LL- ..\n-ntln van`) move on a_B_:.l.0U. \ 2. An invitation is hereby extend- ed to the,_Veterans Association and the Collegiate Institute Cadets to .attend. . , . " ALEX. COW-AN, Major, Atljutant 35th Company orders issu_e& by Capt. O. K._ S. Macdonell, "commanding E. `Company, are. as follows: -n~n1-1* 'r . ml... -(V.-.....-mun mm n`n1-nan Iquulog uadiang VAL la-aaav p move off _a_t_ ,1`.3(v)..-` 2`; _L: ._ L. $JOIupuu,y, arc. as Lvuuwo. DRILL: ThefCompany will parade at the_ Armoury for drill at 8 o clock [p.m. on Wednesday, 2nd. June, and a `full attendance is required. A CHURCH PARA-DE: The entire Company will parade at the `Arm- rou-ry at 1.00 o c1ock p.m. Sunday, 7th` June, and will march off promptly at 1.15 and join the `R'eg~i- mental Band`,"_Regimenta1 Sta, A Company, the * B.C.I. Cad_ets' and lVeteran'Q 'at the Market Square, [-from where the whole will march to `,:_t1_1euQu_,een s Park fo_r Divine Ser- ; vic-e. "E" COMPANY35th. R ment. winners of the County Council and Mo hee cups last year are preparing to attend the annual camp at Niotara-on-t e-Lake from the 15th to the 27th June. . Drill and Target Shgoting at the Afmo every Tues say my . _ oild character desiring . rl V Able oied Men of go mjolu this Company a on apply to the under- -si ed tlh A '1` ad h *.:~c .`t":eln`:`xgae:?ii: "ss`3`r'35 'i?'I' e=~3' " ."`e `f mu 'K.s..u -a u. Lie t.._2.:':`..f. i3 -I _.;,q~wn_gnggu:_,': (|)m ; V . .4 ame am i ;;v1c-e. _ `" DRES'S: The Company will par- Aade in Rect` with Side Arms. MILITARY `CAMP .' ILIUII I116 Wasuuu uv time that the paradlemgza- . .'nA Eiment. winners bf I.-- nun: hurt vnnr . Lllf Ullljz DIm1op Su~'et.. 31500 -5 nu. high-_ 1316 250 Fhicago ve De- .nI Al. t;77o~` 4` position theI`e-- ~ 11191311; h I rick .;'es:deno '3. Embree of 1* her 5011.. D13 M ~H.- ,,Ell_1b \ ... _. dale. `- > . Wm. Greeneld l8ft.`fo1-J 0 on Tuesday nighjz, to .`~ ; ~ evme received ` 0roi 1t6_,i'e A bllcl Us - 3 Devine word? day of the death `qf land T1188 `Marsha at . `Mr Clarke. of the Calling 1 Ice.(`o.. ' spent Monday; day here with frien_dg_L , . MP8. Who hag . been~ _ `in Beeton. . 1-....n Illllllhfllv fro) ` _ !`e~ took t of her dzulghter, M VA 11, has returnd to hm; coming nadian y 31st, servioa among on of com- +c.ar- 1 eat Of 1181' uu.u;,'ub'.~`*s *`-" `~.~.9'*`<: E Marshall her hO!1_l 6" ' L A large 11m11b01' from `here took: ,' the eW,.__gm1 to Toronto yon . m ` Wednesdav on the special from Penetang"l1d liilmvale. _ I 1 Miss wice 1-oturned .011 Monday "to Toronto. after .-pend1ng a couple Squares, splendid . st} 131- parents, Mr, and__ r: e3::0,{\'1ic-:.L Bradford St. ..Tapestrv and Brus` j drpe ..~ ortment`1Ap_'; I design` 31] 0 OPS. For vamw. new 5 equalled, at Doug % on Mollday 11i,rht the Hamzltorr paggengver traill. X0. 63, struck and ~; "killed a lame bay horse near thv Vward. wice farm. on the outskirts `of th6 i . . -nu. .- 1! ,,-.--...4..-s.` u-nna IIAL. WHN. The Rite of (`.m1'111atio11 was ministered at St. (i`01`8'<-"S 0h1 h on Tuesdz1.\' <:`\'i11l' by the.R-R? W1), Reew. l).D.. Assistaiit `Bish- on of Toronto, `*4 - - ..1.~:.x..+_~ "llnnl-nu up U1 ;u-v--w. > The past-0r:.< .-u1jects in` Burton Ave. .\Iet11ml1.~'t (`hurch for next. Sunday will be zmorning, S0werS" ._ 1. &. M~i.~hae1 N` Witll A Yo srs. Luke motoxfecl jo, Win-0. Bradford St. apestry arpet: .5, splendid ortment_ ,of_ esigns an valu era 1 r Dougdl . > E. ' .1 -n-____2u'__; ill -0 be the Thursglg At Our Sto%I'%Q Yuu can ask the `W `..5hw. 1' you any Chi-Name! `.P1'0.,- . int<:r(,-sted in. 3ClU3)' 39, For instance---Whit:e_ iturc Enamel, Gold and 33"" Floor Wax. Furniture 2` ji" A Varnishes for staining.an;- one application. " " " mimlf ;C``S4; She will not mew 9 containing these `mater! 43;. L.5,"?5~, .:"".i"*` IN THE easy it is to, disappear bffOI'E ` 1` '11 be;a; for any Qne`3Wh0"} and good vappgar work ax_1d.fu _'N place yQL!`-:t.$1:' demonstratlo -_. :1,` 3;. pwblic; JULIIJIC V"`3 5 `````V` `VI VVUIW ` IIWl\nI| - 2. audl V -Arthur Mandbridgea was the. son ' of Mrs. Henry Mansbridge, a widow rpet _(w_ho owns her own home on `Innis-L ,t of ii] St., where she has lived _ab0u-tsix value years. ' `She came ` t6" Barrie _from ougan New Lowell`, where Wm. `Maus- -bridge, another son, and- M1-s.aPa dison, a` daughter,-' still A reside. nilton `They all attetided the funeral on k and u, the" Monday, having gone north on` )f the` Tuesday night of last -week. A..4.L--.. V -u......:|...:.:|'..... ......L on 1vuu~ Q ~ -'1`hFis' e!idv.;7a-zthe" ` six 7ft119V;..`;SV.9f3V_.t'.'sr~; Coi-;'V mitteo; went-;;oiV:r -Md-on.j.Mone day [qn .gan.`izj1speGtior1"-_1:_our; A want is far} as .(}ravefh111`81:~and.- `port._a1'1 . .saftyi_ cigeisices,-' Tin good shape; A . newv.i__com1niteee__.; wiil [bei appointegl,_ for} the _ensmn. _ six months- " FMPN'1r _y.q_y. v`v\:ooIOla Il- :`vl-.lIiIl\l|_'lI allay his mfe - 9.-ndw two children.~ 1v9a found on Sundgy momingA:?aftq'z-ya was found some; distance :where the .other`Ibod1es were ;`d,i_s- covemd,` nearer Rocky Point,_ wljere the failyv had picnicked V - . mu- 4-..........1:. -g. -11 4-_._., ..-.As, -week"s .pe'rsi'*ste'nt gra'pp`lin?g.; .-'1`he` voqv an I IUIIIVR !The ` i"un`e;:ly' of ' a1i7,u|four,. fatghent `mother and two children, were eld I at North Bay-on` Monday aftemoojz, atten`ded `by# members of the Grid: fe`llows 4 of `which Mr. :.-Mjans- bridge . was 9. member, and by em- ployees of the Ontario Governlilet Railway Shops, `where he wo_rked- a9" a -machinist. At the `request of Mayor Lee,; all business % places closed `between 2- and 3 pm. while the f1_1neral" _was;l1.e`ld. -.I vvvv '-.7 .u-auv va -wwv vvuvu. . Arthur V. Mansbridge was 30 years ofwage, his wife 21 and the phildrqn 5 and 2_ years.- He was most * favorably known in his old neighborhood around ' New ALow_e11-." You_nev What an inade- quate nose nature gave you until you try on your -first pair-of` eye- glasses.--Kans_as` City_ Journal. ' x-3; ` " ' . V T _ `?`,Bg.'..; .f;:",. _ _\;.--`:,?;,-A..,`;\,AFi;,(A . .._ - ~ ThrV`86% of got `ILI?ii*}1ic}.{hea1th was expo u"n,t1ed.Jin.`_pi`c- [ll-npun` .-..`.l L.a.-.'-;. . .. .. story at %3_h *'royn . E1411,` 'TmaaTy; .jwh__en` " D1f;. 0Iintoi1,. the ' i%i1i.gritv41:ea1th foi`!iber. _ xreptwentins V1t,11e 0hta.rio[ Bbaifd of .Hea_lth, "gave? =8 A.\I'!'108t .in31`.`I'1`1(A3ti'V,O gs well as .en.t'r+f gfpqiningf` ,ill\itrqxg;t. i,1;,g;;ir:g; , Thgayga % 490*.?iiohofhildren';;) -. eat` iqythe .afte';'nQo_n,..f_ax_1f La~b 0,4 mostlj::;;1ad1es~%a1i`d ch11dnen,;:9t 1_11g'ht.j "PL... ....-..S_- -V A o. . A. -..-.--m:~.-----v...v -.--av--v-.--2--`gt-__>.:; , -_+g*s}-_v.-L- ; .. -The;?p1$ovinciii1`;hoard of ` 'eal:th of ; which `J, W; S..~=M,cCullough . is": sorotayy and medical oicer, has 1 `to the reasonable and `laudable `conclusion that lowering the. mortal- . ity among the young and consm-`v"-' ing the physical V. gtxiength of the matured of our population is bet- ter work-' than promoting -emigra-` tion.~ To thisend; the pu*b1io.hea1thi not of-. :3 couple of years ago was passed! and `district health iyicers` `wow appointed.` `It is the duty of theso mefiica} `.me_n_' `to-gm_1fer v_vith vv vv your vs >`j\lIOl_ OI districts to see` that the require- arnany wayd`_the health of the_..;;eople who are .. not 80" alert about things medical "man whose training. is specially long that line. When not -.en_g'aged-otherwise these men go out on a circuit through their districts practical information which cannot iion, no matter how`, graphic it may 1 _' ` T "V" "` . ~"' . , EV """ Psezli` and;clistrict-'-`. health--` 7W8.!'&=;app0inted,v=It_.-`is the duty of . N98 medical ,.Inen->7 . .`o-confer. with. the bonds of health in their various mental` of the health act are ` ob-. 7 Slwedwherejdiseaseg threatens - to - lbecome epidemic and to g11ard,in"' hygienic and `sanitary. as is the- -with a moving, picture machine and" operator and give the people some. `he imparted` eectivelyc by descrip-' hie intmducfoey' remarks` Clinton briey outlined the work of: the Pr_ovin'ciaI Board since 1910,- `and `gave a; few hints on the value. of prevention; rather than :cu re{ in` A1 stamping out disease. .- 1`he` import-. 'ance of prevehtion `was emphasized when he pointed. out -that one child in ve who dies under 2 years of age is` carried o. by a; prevIentib1e- `disease. ' = L s--gcvvwgavu - -The` care of milk was `one of the . `points `well illustrated` by `motion pictures; The old-time A unsanitary methods of milking, were `strongly contrasted with the modern cleanly method,` with cows cleaned, milkmen in white coats, `and`"proper sanitary methods of handling the 'milk. a Another lm dealt in a graphic way with the tuberculosis protblem, showing rst how it spreads in in-' sanitary surroundings, and ,later , __.'.'-..-..&.A4J Anal: .-. v_ ' to care for their ,- {Cl \i\4O auu1wu'_y _ aul'I.\!Luu:1u5a, how it can `be prevented and, e- - cent `in. far. gone cases, cured. `An; r other lm produced in co-operatii n_' with the New York Milk Suppy Committee,-. portrayed the .many- dangers arising from the careless, untidy methods of handling milk, and then showed the modern, meth- ods of. controlling. the city supply of milk which permits the delivery` of a germ-free `nutritious milk throughout the city.` The lm, Summer Bosbies, brought out 1 "the. hot summer months in the large ..cities. _V In Toronto, some sixty medical,-_`_ health nurses are employed _each5 summer to go athout the poor districts instructing mothers how _ children in the best. way, e ' ` ` -` -' L.A.._...;:_... l\ ucau vv_u_yc Probably the most interesting of a all the lms was one `showing the ' development of the house-y from the "egg through the larva and ` p'u-pa. It showed "the dangers of. rt-heopen garbage pile insuch a way that no one, ~ however I careless. could fail to prot `by it, and it is 'p1edicte:l `as a result, there will he ,more;-covered garbage nails i1`sed'i'n Barrie this .-year. than ever . before. " Swatting the y, `said the doctor, V is `It"is not so good as re- moving --thej;haunte he `delights., to _frequer_1t.-the open vgarbage , pile. : {Here again, _".`_ Vvsinee "-ieehecause the 1 Jfireadl; of? the 'i?summe_r* '1/n on.Athse in Ontario than rirnnnre water-~7and. milk `tazether. the 1 3a;bo1iti_pn- of _._the oily is what every l gone ehouldjaimtf.`V_f]_ L` T . 1-` -.`..n:`.-.|7-`.=';`.~..1 `D0l't`8tiMOTl OIA 'l.1n(1',BSl,l'wuIca, _l(un . me` taking` the gmecare we shoa "to conserve, ,t1_1e.jfI1ea1th of .o_ur A-own people"asked~jDr;i"O1inton; L * ;_..._;. '....a..:.l...1` 143 ;ff.;g` `thlisi .vez.`yr :tlueu:;L 0118 snuunu ` uuu Van F -The` importation sf catt1 x_5'1d -horses was ;safe2uardd= ,bv- "wise =lawsI and `even Anni the. immigration .1-eg'1i1a_tiAon_s "the; hivv prov-ide'd-'{o1;" de-I *port_ati;dn_ bf _Tun`ds3sira:b1es,_ zafe .....~ .L.-31.3.-mi-`4|11n- mama` mu-a -we -should "`7'E," 9.??? ` V0--V lgirggr atte_d?ance. .> J.J_ aaaaaa .- fMa.vo1?` V-_'1>1.`3`s'i`1~ ,";3_-I`; `#3? %reg;etwb1e&_that% ` there} was 11 \ 1;;...-.`. Athaknjhnno '.lI1'l`J .l3'|.U1.I..I\n.J.'a ;_.n, ...----._.___ I ` A railway et'1gineer,7h`as. g'iven the _4 fol1owinu';detai1a' of;.the' construction: .of_-the bride at ,Bg1igter`whic1i_.co1- . iapsgd week._}1go:. ,'1 h e`re were '_fiv4:_ s'cu;nf_.ji'n. fth struct`ur_e_..t11e two `.,d1V1tside_;ends.'_,rsting; on_j V1;11'e]'V~bax1_ks. , ;'l?he .. `approaghes, `had -~bee,n.. .. lled in. 1`wi~t&i .:ii'r&V61igan1 it Vwns%%th% shifting %amv'e1 %tha; [ 9 ; ` ,',`L' L -' . " p1;9araujc-e- } % . ii me `st.r.ucu_u,ru,, a ..,..,,_ [ 1BA_XTEK . '~ *' `L--6;:--A 3-1- oronto~ Paci- ilroad, 313$ Regiment M _ L Preparesfor The Niagara Camp opvened._ on Monday, and the following corps` will comprise the- tented. citv` from June 1st to June -12th: Two regi-; ments of the 1st Cavalry Brigade, Wvinvthe 2nd 'Dra.goons `-and the 25th -B-rant Dragoons; the 5th Infantry Brigade, consisting of the _ 37th Haldimand Ries, the 39th N or-`] folk Ries,[ ; the '4th Lincoln and Welland: Regiment,- [and the 77th. Wentworth ~* Reg'imen_t.` No. .9 Company Can. _A;-my {Service Corps, . andfthe XI and XII Field Amhul-1 ances and the eXI II "Cavalry Am- bulance. V . . - - as '9 0 `NI . }}.l1 Zt'ajo Wi.m$n,= +oha'p1ain`of the AT8'5uth ,Regt.,' .'s Englglld _a'n d_ will |.uo't` `attelid camp` this year`. ~ `It is rumored that Lt.=-Col. F`red. Snea t`h may" retire? after tghis camp. `If ' hVefdoes" the; command .`of the '`regime;1tI* :` automatically _.nass es to `Major Grant of uuntvlille, `with . Mdjor. _D. ` H. 4' ~M_aoLaren (-sfei1iO,r) *.'ang1` Major `Alex: Cowan L (j-unior) Ingxt in` line %for~fpromotipx`1. ', ` I ` Major .'John` ` Prat `.a_t 1\Tia:.g*ara \Ca,m;p 'tructpr`..fbr:ibo_t;h Tc ,1st`U.to iJune%_, 261;h,~ j` _jCa-pt.` _Thpmpegm , `,M.P.-P. ~ for `Centre gS_i_fmc_oe; has retired from ,s1ze*sa-ai1itiaLarterL4:an %ac,tise service J of .an<'lA `men.V.j.s.ri11T ar.-9 ri_v hqme `o ,n June _26_th, in time to` stL;,:n Mi`r{`bAal1otsV in the Prqyincigl` . ,-, ._. -;. ;9.'T.nn: Qnfk.` "cg8t- VH8]: 'DuLuva_ `LIL nun. 'e1ecb1o_1`;s`- (me 29,th;.[ e'1`he2nvd? carrfp'.for tlie rural corpg ` n A`,- _t|_-.`I' .`:-.:n:1\v-5 nnnnu nn 11119`