Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1914, p. 2

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' --Men wel`1'in touh with political- 5fe_e_Iing in `Centre Simcoevare of the . _ V opinidn that th-e.p1aci_n~g - of _Pene- -tdng in 'Centm;'Simcoe will but add-' ti) .th`e majority-' pf Cantu . 5.: B. ':F.h`om1'gso11, the .'~prese:nt;;:". popular -- Wleniber. When Pex_1et`ang:.-for1'ni_ed . .'-part of Centre Simcoe, .J_.: I. Har.t,f T _'G_onservative, had .a majority bf 35, f "and kit is the opinioli of thoe `well -._; iormed that .A. Thompson? inc.-vease'this 1ead_ W100. T nozunn noes, LL.B., BABRISTEB, L "loeitog-,, oi. ` link of Toronto - Iuilding, ` _to loaf tau 1101 V U Phone 269. DR. W."H. OOHS (SUQOESSOR TO DB. PALLING). Physician, Surgeon and Aocoucheur. Spec- id attention 'toEyo; Ear, "Nose and Thmut. Glasses Adjusted. Ooe, ls ,__ (I; U`I___._ Ag. 1` '| DB. 1;. '1'. ARNALL. ormcm Am; DB. w. A. `ROSS, PHYSICIAN, BUR- V eon, etc, L.B._C.B., Edin., L.B.O.P., 4.2:... Mg nun` iAn:`nnnA nun- DR. H. .,A. DUGLAY, OSTEO- PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. ' Ofce H`ours---9 to 5;. other hours by appointment. ` { Phone 565. . 45-ly !W; A. T LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgery and Diseases of. Women especial- ly. Oieg /58 Co1'l-ier St. Phone ` ` 61. % * 35- 3. G. SMITH as 00., PHUNE 32. ES- tablished 1869. Undertaken. Open gay and night. Morgue and chapel ; _ In connection. Barrie, Ontario. . _ Once, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay etroete, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left With` Bttethy _&. Eaten, Solici- ,torI, 'fBllK= 1 or -Toronto Building, Bertie, will be promptly attended to. . . ,:. : -. _ ,. j `The sug~gestief1s and tlwar-nings given at the Provincial -*'I~Iea1th Moving Picture exhiPoit in. the `Town .H`al1 last `Friday in regard- to the y` 31uisa_nce, should result in a cur- tailment of the buzzzzness of ` this A .m"or_1ths`~.' "h'o1'1,seh0ld pest during` the next _ifeW_ . ...... upnuuumologlcal Society. % OFFICE-78 Dum.o1= S1-1:21:21`. BARRIE. Phone .51. _ P. 0. Box. 96. --La.---j 5 mm & nunMnps, FaQIi,ei..toz.o -in mg; curt of James, " :_`.. 15.1.11`. "1:-vnnnnf . (M. IJUIIII _Il.I. ulluvsvw, Nqtiiiu _ K `lib.-5 .coqvoynneen. - 01- lgu [over the Bali]: if Toronto, 3: :- Jlonpy to learnt lowest enr- ich` ntol. fl: `H; Elton.` ' )-R. M. H. EMBREE. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon (successor to Dr. C. C. Alexander.) Office and resi- " d`ence Bu'rton Ave., Allandale. Diseases` of women and children and nervous disorders a specialty; h nne 969 ' -"3 `-A 1 c1061 , Jxotary, U3 Veyuncer, mu. Oees: 'Hu;ds" ock, No. 8 `Dimloj; St.-` Mbqney to lQan.' Viva, Jaaiiavown, haunt. Idea-Iv\lou a, 1:301. Gce and rosidnco, Dun- lop street, Barrio. Tolonhono 77. as .1. 5A.|.vAv `A1510 \IS J; AVA! RLVJI "esiohoe corner of Toronto and_ Elitaboth `streets. ( site Eliza- beth Street Methodist` nreh), Tele- phone 167. O LIIIIIIUA uzuouvu azuquavwuo I Own St, Qyone #95 "1171? ._._._:__._...-_._:-.j_._ _ Dr. J. Al_tTr_i91} ROSS I111 _I nun. Scientists who>state that the.su_n g`raAdual1y_ grows co1der,- estimate that in ten -million yeirs, `it. ivill `cease to give light and . heat and then everything on earth _wi1lid=ie. Cheer up, we, may have the street tra'i`1way operating before that time, anyway. ` A . 4 I-ll U2 U0 uvuaunpauxuu nuurn, .11. E. to 5 and` by appointment. ______________.___________. $20! I I __ , _, 15,211?` ' wuc'ru3'm or` . ,__ , , `N. r.___ --&~ MONEY T0 LOAN ah Ian-ha amguna -1 ..._.., 263 EBTEN BABIISTEBB, can .21. -.._.L -0 T...b:-- L. Bpivgicic`) V '1`h'e" anti-tipping law has. been passed but it will be found "just as diicult to enforce it as it would be .to enforce the proposed. anti-treat- ing measure. Human nature is. so preverse, you know. ' - T uatlga 1;. 0 ` '22-ly. 'It=h'u fir - jntrons. If on plane it-with the! pa afraid Advertisements -0000-12 lin llbti circulation of _ by race`! ta.- Anvlxcn is prove tter fact demonsltrate have any Del` ghat 1-ta to pay the pnce. to 335 Paper in mg` QFCZU V ' ""16 'l'BAll8IEN'l' -nan` . ` Notices. Au t ate.-e-First inaeroncl1((>)ncet1:]aes Agemeu, -v,';::a`:::`*.;,.~s:*.';m;:,:2,2:.ve*`i?-}. - w inouuo :5 ts " "3 for: 9;: ..z,3..?`...;".`:: ..` .`.':.2* um.....': CRAIGHURST, ONT: - [LICENSED AUCTIONEER inn 1-up 4~A..-._.. -_ - _-c 11 Q A%l`I`-ul` FOR THEEBUNTV or SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all" Stock 4 Sales 86 IIe_rll,ne. ` , . , conmmcux. nxsuy . : wlll beglven on gppucmon ' `Ad "* CONTRACT CHAN9|I_'g_ ` `vertigo:-I will I - . mike of intention lt oe.:l?a111 93'? mm um nstbo handed into the o u, nvtemlegn may on o'clock, and the 3, ````~ ' In oh:-Izomu.u in mm: .u>v.u.'ci7 `'-an later than 12 o'clock noon 0,, Mo d`m90|o 09I0I'WiIe thcggvertige,-an n y In any nnaw -nhb L. -...1. __ nn0!1Iuu..._ , _ contmmsnn ADVERTlHt)lEN'r|, "Condensed tdvertisementso an .. wnnjlotnll kinds. lost ana'}ou..""'* for sale orto. rent specic mi 1 m"3 mint be accompanied win: the cm" W` ._ ' a - 4 ...v vu-Ulla " ` for adve*tisement must in ever, be moaned on sohd metal bun Now `that the Toronto Telegram has stated that it was NyIbuc`hadnez- zer who saw the handwriting `on the wall, it should, `"'in all justice,` admit that -it was) Belshazzar who `was condemned-tn...eat grass. THE Mam mums Mlu Llmlte d F ' . l?:::?1:f1:3ngrP.ae;]`13..'3L`[1 "169. ma-:.a:;:ns,2:;l:=;.:,:;,:2 Doorgsas Blinds. Interior?! I columns, cults and Water `B3 c . . 3 '1' ":::.;a:-.,t,**;;:.`;;1*s:a,..**-We pfpjnt and Pczussliggllaliadwood mom lI-..L... ..r.. .. 7 ----- --- ";"a':::.:.'r.:."" Cotmcting and Building Estimates given 0l_'l lCE-BAYl"lELD 51".. BARRlE.ON'r $1` Druggist. 3 Entirely from the I-`Ines! -'35 _ Malt and llops. 4: vJobAI_{__&__Grooke Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- ltzons will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the Skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. _G1_vcedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- finl after shaving. `.D_UNLOP srm-:57 EAST ].'Live merohants recognize _adve1f- tising not as an expenditure, but as an investment. Persistent" use of -'.l.`1ie_ `Advance advertis'*ing_ e column-s T {will verify this. IIEQPDEEH E.9!'.'1d7vl Tjuexfooon TO THE TANNERJVI '4. n_.._ A-.. -11 s (.11: MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Bumme muswms GUMPANY ALE and roman ' `Pie Best and Brightest '- Ii cash and Bottle ...0F... in-u .. -u g_ .____ , ____ __.---V, ggg. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and statnonary machinery made and repaired on shoxtest notice and moderate prices. `,__vv.-y 111 work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed rst class. ---uvun 52: Is oren for all orders in MI L REPAIRS, &c. 2.BAl-85 KERS MANUFACTURERS. a_5_3Ea I E EXP1 Machinists It requires the liveliest kind of optimism to predict any measure of success for ii Libera-1 candidate in any one of the ridings of Simcoe County in` the Provincial election On June 29th. 'p}{o'rJ:' 1' 3'5" Barrie. ,It is said that Mr. H. E. Jory will again contest Cntre Simcoe in `the Liberal- interests. After June 29th it will -be .said: Mr. H. E. `Jory also ran.__ PELNNUH IN ADVANCE. -` I'Y||IonnI\ dun A man nevus.-.-.---..-... 2` 'f'A?1`=l1e high" east of - living .prob_l`e.m is one which we all must solve. Shrewd buyers read the advertising" in The Advance and thus save on their purchases. ' . A . :I'fI`l3 Provincial .elections have Been announced for Monday,` J une a wellselect-ad date for` -the '_.`_l'dming~ community. ' T T * . The dailies tell of a couple over 70 getting married after eloping. `Well! Well'!! There are no fools like thdold fools, after all; - '- 10}-i'11ia, wialsv fo'l_l'_o'kir'1g" .Ba;1'_1ie s example, will oil a nu"m_`ber o' the : p?::i!,,1'Qip_l streets. - A. ` uuyuuuu; zany. Ufns, nognvIo1t answ nyv otlnv QOISIVIX I5` '-UNl'l'l`.D BTA'l`lBS + SUBSORIBEIS i 31;,-so m Anvancl j .j. " .n1ioa .ui"ms 1: . `*"":;.`"..?""....."'. ".:."`' 2'. : `Qua nu .:.u1;.x~1`ua_-1'10 gug We;a1e%`7?4k%ns%% . `riionstxte `#59? *hxf%r % %W3thA}Jus&In _. uuuqu .I.UL`> wuqxu "simnice% -to -;vd ,: The Collingwood Saturday {News hasa rather l_engft'hy bit of advice `to retail merchants who fail. to take advantage of the opportunities af_-, forded by the local newspapers of combatting the A ever-increasing` en- a croachments of the. `big city stores on the local trade. The "Advance can, to a large extent, endorse this view of our _contemporary,. at the" ' same time .acknowledging the loyal support of, some of our" most pro- gressive and most prosperous retail-' ers; _who through their continuecl aggressive pulbliicity policy,` are do- . ing`-much to hold the trade of this district not only for themselves, .but also for -a number. of other mer -V -chants in town who ride in free on hev|hand wagon_ "of the other fel- _lows aggressiveness. The attitude of some of these` -non -advertising . merchants is not only .reprehensi1ble, -but has lbeen "shown by the largest and -best rms ~in~the country to -be suicidal to their chest interests, for_ they allow ' their" city . competitors. to oubtain a great :_ advantage --over them by advertising their goods `in . such` a way that `purchasers are naturally attracted to the city mail order`-house. _ . .- . The.` Colli_ng~wood- News says: . I . It costs money to adhere to polic- ies and principles. We hadajlearned this . by experience. 5 `For~=. "years, ` many years, we `have beenwaging a ' `battle "for the `home merchant. At V times it is; often. discouragingthere f wbein-g` so little evidence of 'apprecia- tion by those-we endeavor to benet; r I A-While:"u_rgin'g_: the Home. .-people _.`to._l 1' spend their;money..at home-we have ;- ;` -time :and`vtime again-a seen the-self-; same-Vfmerchants '~?fQ_1g., i wl1oin;.:;*.t1jiq ! ,;i6~`*'SPa1=er. a:P.'-d....,'.We.L`. 'iZ?1l_.319lei`. ha. 861- ` -. l~;'$l_1. 7ou1`,_H!l1'ontai`l. :_st"".'t ` eaten`:- . iporaryg too; iityrttfns-up` make purcha T swim an . automdbilev -on tithe` highrway_at. a " ~in`hisj 1with liqu&>r_`- and ajtte`nipt_'s` to run `a .qar,v containing. other- occupants, on -One of the occupants during the. The , The,n1an; `:."iss~ nhinailias _tha'n: a 7crirnin'al;';_` but 1'1`1ustlJe `j8`ai_d of i tl1`e`I!1"8':I.1'i who `lofads `himself. up one of "our much ' travelled " j-`hig`h- ways? An incident- of this , ` kind happened" one; day last week, whenf a number of men under` ` the in-" vuencje `of liquor were. on theiryway to,_ Betenborough from Lindsay. They had a most` diicult "time in operating ,the ear, -and when` near Realboro, in/a}tem`pt'ing .-to cross the little `bridge at '- iWatson s Corner, the-car took"to the ditch. and smash- ed into the fence. It was placed `on. the road again, and: the bridge was crossed With` safety but a little farther on the car-`again left the road and again crashed into a fence. The machine was badly dam- aged, and those who came up on the sce1_1e._soon realized that not only were the occupants drunk, but that the, car contained -a goodly supply of. wet goods. It was hauled to the village,` where it Was temporar- ily repaired .until- the party could: make the trip to Peterlborou-gh. trip stood out on `the fender while the v car was-. going atga. tremendous clip. ' 3 ` \ l `N '. dtationg . Afou,-nod j-=2-that: =a.r:1::-5 . `N I smenit` was thejonly tbi `would, stead. the s t'1'gi11""o;`1"g,a,,eI.1011gh ` to make -iiicaixdiescexit. 7'i`Huminatio; aa commercial L success.` -`Now; even V bamboo is `passing way. "in .favor_` of; tungsten. Swan was a` great. inven- tor in a other` `diiiotions. jtslthe originators of dry-p18te,%photog`rni>ly." he made the -kodafk; Vpossitble,` and- . paved theway ion` the development of the oineinatographg The moving picture machine V was inventedlopg E before dry-plate Iphotogrophy ifwas, but it could not be to prac- tical form until that came` along to . make it the enormous success it has smce become. - T ~ WHY NOT BE- A LIV_E ONE? The chqu of fth Sucessful -tenderers will `-be -held` as security, or part sc_uArity,- for the duefu1*l-, Zment of the co'ntra <:tT tb*`b'e . entered` into. I , I `_ '-The `lowest -'or7 any tender no_t_ neessarily .accepted.:j, . . f 5 :"'-', % `By order.. A ~A Asst. =Deputx,Mi-n;ist'r -_-`;Secrgt_a!ryT% ._Dep"a'rtmentL~A rof ~RiA1ways';7a1idV(5'_a4i1,al_s.f{- >_ _,_ V _Ottawa,r`21$t M,y`..-{14. - ` J Newspwi w%iI189r,in :th%is<}9 :~'advi*- % ,'ti'senient5\with ;%aiithorigy`f1*oiri the % jD9part_inei,w`7-r5`Will;;1ot"`,`Jbbe. pfaidg f " vuui`-`l1e_;'_cheque thus~ syyent in _wi'1lVl)e ' returned t_o .[.the' I respgctive contrac- .tor.s._ whose tender are not acgept- -2 uqlslls uvcu. I ml. `sum of $55;000.00 `made; payaible to *the oxder of the {Minister of RaiI-- W111: L'a:c: tQd: fba-nk cheque - . on `a chartered` bank. of 'Canada,_ for the ways and--`Canals, must accompany" each tender, which sum will be `for- feited if the party _`tenderingt de- clinesf entering into contract " fo1` the. work, at the rateb ated. in the o"<'3_`i"Ls1`i!l:mitted._ ` . " Parties tendermg __will be required to accept [the fair wages schedjglel prepalre"-di or to :be prepared' by the 'Department of `Labour , which schedule `hill form part of the con- _trac~t.-` I . ` 4`\ . Contractors are requested to bear in; mind that tenders will_ not be c8ni`deredqunIes's made strictly in accordance with the printed` forms, and 'in_th_e`case of` irms, -imless there are attached the actual signa- 'ture, the nature of thevtoccupation, ,a'ndj'place of_1'{es\i'dence5"of each mem:- ber of ethe..r,m. V ' ` A... ..._...~...;..-.'1 1,-,,1 ..1. ` `Copies: of-T- plans and` specica- tions may%'be obtained from the De- partment on __the payment of the` sum of fty dollars. To bonan _de toenderers jshis` alno-unt will be re- funded upon the return of the above in good condition. I51-I.ao&.|.a4.a.J -I. JJAIJJ Uni, HUUIUOGUU to the undersignelci` and marked? Tender for - -Section No. 3, Severn- Division, Trent 'Canal,_ will the re- ceived at this oice until.12.o clock noon on Thursday, June 18th, 19,14. `Plans, specications and form of contract to be entered into can be seen on or after this date at the office of the Chief Engineer "of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa ;- at the oice of the Super-. intending Engineer, 7 Trent` Canal, IAPeterboroug`h_. On_t.;' and at the office of the District Engineer, Pub- l(i)c `Works .' Department, Mid-land-, nt. ` ' >-:'-:.'r~ Depu_'t_Ineht of Railways ind _ racy? cA uu.`.. A \ ~8ectIon 3 , gveru lllvlslon. V ' " NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEA-LED TENDERS, adaresseq 1.. LL. __-__`l___:..__-_'I -__ J {Every one` is talking these days of the prots in celery, ` pickling` on- ion"s, potatoes, and_ many other lines of --vegetable growing, but when it comes to seed -`time, we find the, same old rotation, wheat, barley, clover, : -wheat. (or, rather_ no wheat) their oaterobalbly "a `A half crop and so\ on,- says The Bradford Witness. A gentleman from - Bradford who has been travelling for some weeks` CHANGE HI:_ 'n?nvene:'a' c`;oguu';iid"`1.etters .4: Oman fqr uaazon ..the.Con1- tlaent, or in Mediterranean. African. or rA`usu-nllsn~porta,. or .in Wellndies. % Ill8'l` c'IIi,ny's'u`r`u: issued for lrnimllnrn in Na" Ann:-hm ~,.l-ll! . tor `crodtttaun _ , out or inconvcn 1:0. 1Soi1-H, $_D'I'lIu'- I5lI_Ul l'B II`! IBBIICQ uavgllqn in -h`o_:_Ih Aug;-i6_jc. V M ' bebtunea. 4 ' ""a-a...,:.... M .s.=.::*.`.'.:'..L% % Iultouf _ ,`rtl;)o;x_tlt. N Ljetteis ofnciedit For `Barrie Alhfidale Branche r!-A.sxMS.Mnsr~" mzrnons %iiii;W"Y %WKL31W5$?% ADVANCE A , . suisogia . ~ vv.__n_. nvnA10b"'1', _ Munster of Lands; _ Forests and Mines, `Toronto, April ` 18th, 1914." .` 'N.B. No unauthorized publication of this V1`19rtice`,'vvi11VIl>e'pai:d- for. 1;:7_~27 -{Wfor maps :and co1id'iti0;1S of sale` `apply -to the undersigned oi- Crown Timber Agents at Thessalon, gaggf `Ste. Marie; an_d_ KJCI Lllll _'BJ'LC Sudfqury. I TENDERS` will be received by. the undersigned up to noon off . the few day of July, 1914, for the ght to` cut the Red and ' White Pine timber on Berth$ 1 B, 1"-C, -and 1 D. in -the Mississaga ' Fofres-t Reserve,` tgributary to` the north `shore of Lake Huron, o_ each. Berth `containing an area `ofx36 square miles, more or I hie: .uccu nanny pun msulfqnce ` ` rnansso.- __ ` A hgafunnnop sg.~yanse EYIICIAIIEIUII `I I155` `II {j;Overw9rk, wot 1 as `rent. ;'.~.-5."... Farms 161* Sale; Jinn`-n_ - .. ___ A ``i*' have .$2m,ocsp.oo `worth bf? ghpuses` and) prp'e`x:t_y` in_- Barrie.` ;a.n`_`Allar1__dl.'. % ` 1. mm mun ownk Hamil *rqt%. L . , 1 ARCHITECT . Plans prepared, Estimates given with or with` out personal supen-viu'_on. IL`-Ll-IJVI-I `JO LII '7 V -farmers of nSi`mooe if they would charter a. car and? take a trip V into some` of these `sections where agri- cultural operations have entirely lchangedidui-ing the last _25 years owing to changing conditions caus- .ed by Western development. ` ! 11' No wonder 'Simo6e farm` lands won t\ sell. _ Land the sam distance from Cleveland as we are `from To- ronto and even for 50 miles sells at from $150 to $200 per acre, while ours sells for about $75 to $80. and @110 ha; 7'}~m;;dl,- , The`farmers' of this section arewnot farming at "all. Think of one` hund- _red_, acres having only, in many cases, one man working, or rather trying to `work _it. The same amount ' of land in Ohio would have 4 men in eonstant employment, the prots rare , uch as to guariintee the expendit .` . It would pay` the -......\-.. -. 0-..--- -1! J.L.._. .....--'I.1 PHILIP c. PALIN. O.A_.A. Head one}. couliuzwdon. cm. I Phone_350- ` 1 we g-ton bf than 350 _ A L _ `i'U13 1t;(1_ y jfew relize_tl1eii gxaiiyje. ; O_g%d1tl0n-untzl. 11: Lcritiizal .peri6d1ifriv3fa1 verwnrlrf 'mr'\i-` ` -dinnbna ..n.....-".:.:..1..~_`-- ) Cease wasting your ngbhcy -Ari? ` Repairs of all `kinds- Resitdence. 164 Bayeld Street Phone 627. 1(;.tf G. S. RANKIN ~., _., _._ .._- av: tawny.` T%H0MAS 1 Alli` 'II'; i1Q'm:A- "~. ` 7""-"' '7,'.a"e ,.,."'. Real Estate and Insunfance T 5391.. k .a``u'n`i\--..n_.. -- - `TIMBER SALE Contractor & Builder jtljuquv I +7~,Rawer1 s* Ready ` Re1ief--1:h'e 9153h f:?.3.l.1"'~2 1_3ar,.l. .e1ecti9}1 _9.?t+' 7_!5ll1"9.gali1 workd overtime 1:n`_-an ;~ 'e:iiiTeavi )1-, tc catch a few i `vcfes ,_o1; I;ibe`ra1 candidates. `The wise tam -L" `g_g_n`c" man will not be `deluded , gwver, by this old el'-ecticn dd:l`g`e.' $hp;:progressive . telmperdnee. legisla- V the double: ad;va."x 1take_~*of\ _; \s.t'ro11g enough exldcxsatigi e people to `make `it wcrkigfqle, ' = 7W'k_=_;ll_; ggxwbei g in Vt_;Wl1eA bet_`,-intc,e17.l" 39 ff5"33`1'3;-'7 9mm1miWa. `-53 .500 1 T fa`. 1` policy. turned`. foi` J ilicyoutlJ-1iadl' by. fa` would. never have, the support of hlf L down .0f~'h5$fQ11WVer8Ii1f:$he'clHc1ik;'- _v;`5V_9I1' if\ 3 $11830 f Wire :5; aiiit l .-.;.j;'em4f.`.>tT' A_;i3}_;`ax1ce . of P `him, ;bcing T; '{co;7`1hA,ff lrxemieyshipc Q1 A L ,..`? "`4U'1'UR.{ _ /G;Wg 5h.ishu?an4;;cutgggg. 3" ----2 u uurnun -- , Ey. Ear, Nofg `Th:-oat. .11 .-n.:..... 3......` a ._-_-, :pgssed' away -_i`h' Eziglfapdg.` 1:} Fyi`re%a..nd Life I1;1s1;a .i1te"% A%-ReV91"EStat%e AS9325? Mm! _ _ _,_, ._---v w naJI\III9 E Having pent 4 years Post Graduate wo_rk_ in British Qspitals and havmg served as Cluncal Assistant In Golden Square Ear, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, L ndon' Royal London Ophthslmnc Hospital} . oor ds) ; for a term as Resiqent Surgeon xn Royal_ London 0? tha1m{::_uI`Ipsp)tal; gnstol Eye Hos Ital, Bristo :and B mgham .e Hos ital, Big-mingham ; former Member of 'tish phthalmological Society. ' nrvnrt nu L`------ "` ` ""` ___-__ __ v-` -avian! i L.R.C.Pn&`S1A.` Edinburgh; M.F.P. &. S. Glasgow i ---_SURGEON--- A. BABBISTER, " so1ieitor,Nomy:.l'nb1ie, ac. Oko, ` Jib` oor Bank. of Toronto Building. Money `to at lowest rats. JCOWAN, ~-SU-C"- _Lenno:_;, Cowan & Brown, >Ban'i4ster, .Solicitor_ for obtaining -. prQb`ate of wills; guardianship and admiiistrat-ion, and General Soli- citor, Notary," Convyancer, etc. 3". I 7 T1'_'__ .1. V U1` Q DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St. Toronto late of Brooklyn (N. Y.) , Eye an ?! Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday; Diseasea-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 8.1!]. *1! 5 I'I`I`I`I nun]. `mi! nqmnn:-.6-an-& llr.. Bosankoj %bBEsViKE & I BEL; _ N 13.53! 2 T.;1-ister8,- Sdlinitoie, of `the"`Supreme L L`-`b c1it""`"`~of JuHii:ittn"eof Ontario, Procfors, Notariels, Conveyancers,_ ' ,,etc. ' Money to loan. - Oice, Ross mock. . Ban`-i'e. A. E. H. Cres- wicke, K.O., yv. A.` J. Bell, KC.

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