16 `V c1.s1uxL .l.'t3SU,fYt:ll. 5 - `J. H. Bennet claimed; thath~th-e assessment on_ the Bennett Block,- comer of `Dunlap. St. ` and PD. Squ_are;A--~is excessive. He claimed -that his property was put a_t'$85 a foot and A that the block bought :by the Bank of Commerce`, . across the stzjegt was assessed fo_r less. It _was_ QILU. '4'} V \a,_ 5111; U lulu 03% 1. UV. " The '..$1200-.assessment - on W. J. _St:e`g:gle s property on 'Bu1fton Aye. :' stands. ' `ll'I- I rt! Our JU nun n` tuuuruuy . ins u-o Ode > C`CII `O um... us` inn nan. sa 3 our Annual J osale `of Men : and Boys ; Clothingnndv '3 Furnishings will open ' fl` 8Q'Iu'd`yo ea, cu `he June 8aIe'l`lclxel Men's Blue g. , . $15.00. :1 e; ..sa1e `P1-i'ce$1~2.50 Men s Tweed; Serge `Suits, \wort:311\ ` e -Sale Prioe'~_$8.9(_) _erge -Suits,! wor'th_- $13.00. Ju sale` Price~$1o.o6~ Men_ $ r Worsted; .Serge~- . _Suits`, wbrt 20.00. June . ,.`,,.,, .i'$,17.9. V'~Ia;Ie1i aV Rain _ 138, 7 wbryh ,~;$;74;50- ~-_;m;1.:$g}e .; ;1vew,. .;,f.:..T.~ ..'$6_.98 M9h A:<;EnelJsh' , `ah . .'II'-fa-mn 1--;... Ba]; Ltnah 1:: an. .~ JIILUII D IIJIV FLIJOUO . Jixne -Sale aPric_ ;; ." Mews` , Work .. Ski` A lye; U \ 1 .L wccu. Dcrgc -Sn? Su11da_v, Jmw 7th, 1914; _ TRI ;`\'I'I`Y SL"NDAY_ , Festival of D.-dicutiou. . 8.30 a.lI1.--H0]_y (.?omTmuniOn_.' 11.0 a.m.--Matins mul Holy Com- _ wmgunux ~ 2:35 3-00 p.vm.--Even.~'ux1g" and Rev. E. R. J. Biggs, Vicar % Annual {E SALE BROS. J woitth if. , 1).:-2.. fdlsbj saidthat 0_tton s ` `block. was only {assessed at" $53 a , foot. ` ;--This "wl 9,1510 . -beffdecided on Friday, but Mr. f Bennett elaim3~he wil1` takfe it- ;.to7?'f?the jJ;ud-_g'e iwah-d ._haxfe; a _ =highe1_- -decision `on, thef'm'att_:r. - ` ` f\4.1..n.-. .........'..1.. .. _.. .'.L...J .'-- 1..-; L OELEB-RATE 12th 5 [L e _F N `A `. j T `AL A11` BR_.-AOEBR-IDGE ` \-A\lWIlJl\lLL `ILL L-llluvw V 4-..0;ther appea`1`as'} n . _ % 1'"'eVd". in :list wek sfAdvnce were left over until Friday for` decision. ' { " L0.L.` No`. 452 heid van. etiuigi-I 'asticfm-eeting on, fhursday evening! of_last' week,"15i'he11' `the almost un- anitwus decision to celebrate " the minive:sary- _,of the Battle of the -B'o'yne--at Bracebridge this` year _was arrived `-at. Invitations. had been received from ' B'eton_ and Aurora, nu. --n`` .. -LL.._ _.1..__-_ LUA. -_ 1.1-- V VJV'LI'l.I LLIILII JJDCVVJI GI-ILII ILLIIUL CI, l;sVrwell,.as other places, but as the - celebratiens in. many `of ` these places were to` ibe_ held on Saturday, oxiraccount of~t'he 12th of `July `falling onv. Sunday; the max.-lrers here felt that many would be un- able to leave their business on such 'a busy day. It was; `thereforve; de- raided to go 'to*Braceb_ridge celcbia tion. on Jul_y`13t_h, axide to arrange for special trains and cheap Vfares. _Tl1eAlodrge will betaecompanied by the popular Citizens Band, and a `big, turnout is expected. A1 `L. ' `-_L m1_,,_- 1__ ._- -AL_ ` `bounty uuL3v1|. AAAUU la.l.1\) vxucx Lodge meeting_ Wag held at. Stayner on Tuesday, Messrs, S. -A N. Hurst, Chas. Partridge` and J. Smith representing Barrie. Half Centuv . In ~ `I Bk ogforontoi _ IlIAALI\IKDll LU uayvuuvug _ V95 1 A}: the` meeting last Thursday :;.two candidates :were initiated and 74-before` the celebration a number of others will be tgkein into tlie Order: .m1,_ IV . U41 -I-Jtl-LL58 J U}, `:11. (I `Well-earned holiday. lrlape in the tne11er s cage was :ak*n-` `Mons! -.J...'.. `L_ 11'.-- `LI 0 'n;_`_:_..=:._c-...__-._1_ u;vL1u\.( _ With almost haA.1f`aocent1Ir9y s ser- _ vice to his -credit, during which time he has always -been held in the high- est esteem by [the oicialgs, Mr. `L. D. Beatty. on Saturday retired" on superannuation from the . staff ,of the Bank of Toronto tf enjoy a I'I'Y`l_ILlIv\u'|4J LA1:Jnv- " `I332... ._1A-.. :.. QVVUQIEQIIU 'JL_ V3.1? LZIKIGIIKIIILC JJ1`uUu. It" is 1.sc_o;.long. since he came to the l`Barrie 'o3ee-=-some 37 years ago--d- that he was regarded almost as a xtum` here, and he will be missed by the hundreds of customers of the bank; nearly all of ' whom he knew personally; It was in 1866, the year of _.the Fenian Raid, that{ Mr.` Beattyentered the service of I the "Bank as a junior clerk in the Head Oice, Toronto, which was then. situated at `the corner of Church; and Wellington Sts. After one `a year he was sent to Montreal, and_ in another -year back to Toron- to,- and subbsequently ' he served in Cobourg twice and again. in Mon- treal -as `assistant accountant, from where` he *_ca1`ne to Barrie. v--v s.-vnavsu us to vvu-q yuguu. vu `day by Mr. S. DVi7~f0rn1erly 1 acgouptant of, thg Allairdale Branch. I vvalvlw L-l\.I V4ln~l.||\-` Il\J .lIIA&L\tI A Some offthe managers ~he has served under here" have been Messrs. M.- Atkinson, J. R Lamb, C. Hen- wood` and the -present manager; Mr. A.; Sims. ADuring his 48 years] g_as'~ teller` here: h has . handled ' mil- lions of dollars, and thre has never` a` breath of suspicion as to his made) hav'e`-I-been very rare" indeed`. `ll - 'l')_-.n.1._ ..--I._-_. _ L-I..L.. -.B ad he has. ` a little highercrown and less brim than last year. Panamas in some : Vndv them becoming. `Come in and ask to see them; they are very neat. Sailors` "with very new natty shapes. You will` \l IIIV\.r` `II\I\JIL VIJIJ IIrII\4 LALI.J\I\-r\.nI f"7isEr. L Beatty makes a hobby of] ;`ta`xide_rmy, of which art 11e`is'a.n expert, and is gin ardent sportsman `and lover.. of out-of-door exercise, and the xhatmts around: Little Lake [will find him an even more frequent. iVii?"t*3P`t ; . 0.` '~`ll' `_ 3 vuuuuxvus ~U.l. xuouua All uup-I .i1;g; bi/1a '.h- will` ejnjoy: tot he fun iegtj his_,_yve11`gamagf ho1`i~day. ` f A, l 3; . ;_nThe" Vban`1`-n;;of Mr._ `O. .1. Tracey, gnegr ;B"et9n_ J (motion; , wag blqwn ;;_dofwn.`.9n.-;Thea_vy afternoon, killmg n_Geo'rg"e sdn of ` Mr." John - Fedidnf, Junction, , and in- 4-,, Aihlff Walter ir- .1-Mn :; .` .w- r- . gaggu-f % ag? joins . with . 5 hundreds of friends in hop- -._~.; LL`-I.' LA` LA -nu`1-' Ill`, III . Himpr.` \0a5% CONSERVATlVES %CONVENTl0N 0N I TUESDAY, JUNE 9 L ."The _ announcement _ of the On- .__tario `Provincial E1eetions- for June` 2'9th has set` the political pot aIboil- ing, yet there is '*but little excite- `men, as the result is. a foregone con- '_clusion that the Whitney Govern- ment `will the returned to power by - as "big a majority as in 1911, when they last appealed to _the people. Party conventions have been called in all parts` of the Province, and .many eandidat. are now in the elg. Centre Simcoe Conservatives have `called, a_ convention at the Lance _,Hall, Elmvale, at 1 p.m. on ,Tues- day, `June 9th, when it` is expected the`_ present m_er_n`ber, Mr. 'A. B. ~!Thompson, K.C., -again will be ehosen_ to contest the riding. I-Ion. I. B. "s Lucas,i Provincial Secretary; Ferguson, M.P.P.. `for :South Sim- coe, and others will address the meet- ing and ya -large and enthusiastic gathering is looked for. tion `at the same place on Monday, and it is currently reported that Mr; H. E. Jory of Barrie will get - the nomination, although Mr. E. C. Drury s name has often been men- tioned. : ' _Mr. W. ` A. Boys, _K.C.v,-M.P., Alex.` The Liberals hold their conven-. iwill Temperance Candidetes I Run in Simcoe Ridings? 1 South Simcoe Conservatives will likely hold their convention at Bee-.9 ;ton on J iine 10th,~ and Alex. Fer- `guson, the present member will like- ly -be,theA nominee again. Other names mentioned have been A. E. Scanlon of ABradf0rdT and[ Jas. Fraser of Tottenham. There is little` likelihood of a Liberal candi-` "date being placed in the eld. _ Simcoe Conservatives meet iin convention at Colling-wood on ~Saturda.y,' June 6th; when -Hon. Jas. L.DufI> will be the nominee, and he ;a1so_ is likely to be retlnmed With- !__o`11`,t ; ' opposition. Is. A" joint meeting of the Simcoe County Alliance and the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance is called to meet in Leonard s Hal]. s Creemore, on Monday, June 8th, at 2 p.m.,- to discuss the present poli- tical A. situation `and outline plans for the promotion of tgemperance in- trests throughout the riding in_ the coming Provincial elections. Judg- by the interest. taken in the Temperance aspect` of the present political situation the result of the `meeting will be watched with a. `great. .of interest by _ all ,,2,_, J, in` L-_-_-_.- -_ __-__ E_ast Sijmcoe Conservatives again `selected J. I. Hart at their conven- }tic'>n last Th1_1rsday. 7 The ahove9not.ice was handed in for pwbcation, am! it" is understood that an endeavor will be made to have a non-political, straight tem- perance candidate placed 1n the eld in each of the Simcoe County .'_2 .13-- ~_ . ; ecu-uu uvu- UL 111 uuxuuu :1. _friends of_ texperagce reform. ridings. -,--For ;Sa1e-- h.p. .Gha11n`- mars a1`1to,' in ` class shape. Price right,*_ terms "e " ,. or will 'exchange' ~fQ1{ property ' arrie. or Vicinity. . C. Tho O_wen St,` 5 T ` [Inca I-en Auuuu m Amine!` , _. UCCI-I ZN! `HIRII GENT. Ice Cream Bricks Tull attiral avour ;*f:fFreshFru'i: Pi` Delicious; I, 3[\Y sON S Trinity FOR SALE Yo havctft seen this 3'eai':%_, 5}; Models in j ' Vj _COAL PRICES,- G 90014 J, . Qt Straw Sailors Panama Hats _ Summer Months VIII coo Stove & Nut 00:1: o`oO Olly. .. 8.00 . . ._. TELEP1-IVON-E 1 Barrie TENDERS 4 And he Bank `Mon;93=r , issue, you; $50 to any Vpom; on excepted) .or 'ta0; vipal _cties of thbj _ -v\Iu\1rV|I\IY\ 1115- up to $5": $10, 6c.--from 11 $30 t9_'_,850, 1j5 c_.iV A .- $80,O007.*000i ..x - ,_ 1. , . ia, miliimum absolutely `no Sranchl E: wno` g. 'U.I-IIWI,._' ` ; 86. cost risk 7.13? 7>.:szi; % 7.65` oven: aotias. aKidx1f or~ Flos % paid a Jbli_n MoGi1l<$400 for .sinki-ngwa well on. -his farm, and he claims that itwas unsatisfactory, that _he- had to pay another, contractor` $234 toidbtaixl a` satisfactory ov, also, that `it `cost him the sum of $75 for; hauling` water. . He` claims $318tand= coat of action. W ' ` . . ' ~... ` `to farm property by fref""said "to of VBazh`a"is-o`s{zihg the C.N;O. r' L 00ff,\ r .inju"ry` havejbeen jstltrtevi iby _efendan_t com- pany on _Au'g._2nd, 1913 Normand Raymond ` of Notth Orillia Tp; `sues the G.-'I`..R.o for $500 for team of horseg. "kilhd on railway: tricks near Foxmead , on] Oct.. 11th," 1913. L "n?mf'H'S'i`". 3?v`.3Za`{{;a"`-. `W15. Ry.--An action for $500, cattle `kill- ed near Craighurst`~'On Qctdber; 26,: 1913. -1-` run ' ---I 1 Grace J Rn8_ - T111-er vs, John and Giant VMoKn i'g_h_t--Action for $500 for wrongful -dispossessiqn and.1;re- pass on lands. occupied? Iby plaintiff on lot 1, Can." 3, Essa. A statement of defence and counter` claim has II`! `I Cockshut Plow 6;. x.v'1`hos .A and 3 J 01111 McDermo t1;, fa_miers" of Mm 3 Tp., County of 0ntario---[action "for 1 $130 for goods sold `and delivered 0 - III... 1'J'...._:u. ."p 11------ , an "'|`U7Y3l8 ll-{Chit ; _ Margaret.Bbaten, widow of Gril- `rha, vs. Donald `Boulton, agent of Barrie.-executor and 1g~atee.ofn letei Wm. M_cEwen of `O1-illia.--An ac.- tion7 for $350 for -board and `lodging and nursing of late Win. _McEw'an V for`35 weeks up to time of his death on Dec. 7th, 1912., A statement of_ defence was -1ed in which efend- ant claims p1e.intj s 1awyer`accept- ed $100. in full settlement, of any claim, and also c1aims`$75 forjfurn-. .itu1e 'hnd $25 for cash `which de- fendant claimsn plaintiff took 1103-` session of after McEw8n s'. flveath. _' Fred Morledj and Edwin` Talbot, Ibrickmakers of _CQ1dwater, vs. Cold-. water Brick & Title" `CO.---Action for $841.50 with interestat 5 pe1_- cent; from September .1913, aocordmg to eggegment for work performed. :` - -n..-n....... T.'J-A m. Tmmrvn 333331115111: 1Ul' WU 5&unnavu. W J . ' Bvothers, vs. Edmond I, Middleton ."o-f -'Qo1d'water-,-Action for $300 on real 1 estate transaction in Moose J aw, payment of cheque. havingibieen ptopped: t . -. ' Dr. Ainslie P. Ardagwb of Drillia vs. E; Blake W~,iutVer--Action for `$182 _,for` medical" - attendance: and.` operations on defendant : I` brother. Robt. Winter: .~-(iainoe' deceased-).. of._ Port - M_cNiohjo11._i in I-Ioyspita-I 'in April `ll . J. U_"IIIU.l'-|"U'VV -_r* \`s_'ya Ivlrwg .o clock,` the :%Bsm-is ; g vative .Asi9iatio';I;V" ` 1 their roorrfsain -Jthoal . 2.. -4.-. . .1.`.-1...a'.4-us`... .. 4 . N9`?-Try V 6&9? `nu; "_Ifl i'I, J pr ` 4.. 1914 11a'r9e`;~0f i%%i?r@r1ss,1;}s%;t9$v%B;r.ie` M1; by i:_`e~ut`di' ties, 'toHi1`wait fheir ~trial?"`i1 Mondatt : *Brotheifs' are charged: "w`1th~ imurderiug Rabt; Hhyde xieai-` `Mid: jjhnd, and Wm. Ruttan, fis . the self izonfessed slayer of Mrs; - Alf; Cd,urtema_rcIne and `her brother.-in`-C jlwg,.: Geo. Oourtermarch at \Hou$e`y s"' 3 Rapid s, near }_Gravenhurst, May 21, Wih.-}`R}1t*I'.7 ht1j%*awir~ I; 2 ..v` t1eMu`sb_koka. Fal-1' Aissizes. \ t-The He terrorized 3:119 wholga-' 'neighibor-., hoodjbefolj-e his" capture, but sug- rehdered gyhen` starving. `He 18 small- of "stature and much wigbn-_ AH \` ' ` Locagl S;A. V ~ Did* Not `-`in the ~history~ ofT"the Atlanti iva._s* inacted . early -on Thursday momifltfd .-wasvi rammed by the Collier Store` . *1`-he second man `ocean tiaigedii of last. week, iv`vhen~ the Empress of? Ir'e1and,= carrying , 147 9 pasengers, stadvt. _oi Father. Point in the "St; Lawrence, and sank in 'fourtee1;` miiiutes, 1024 `lives being lost. Word was received in Barrie on Thursday morning that everyone on the boat was lost and false -hopes were raised why. a telegram duringfhe afternoon that all had been saved.` The fuli details of the lost and saved are not yet to had, as `all identications have not "yet -been made. . ` | rm... 1-..-` __.__:-.1 , ,_.._4 1...... .--Wvv -uvv gwv `uuvu LlIll\J\7o' . __ T_he__, boat -`carried a very large party -ofgsalvation Army ' oicers, ~-including` Commissioner Bees and his..wife, and `many of them perish-.' `ed. .E'nsigFn~ and Mrs. Richardson of the. loco.1 c'orps_ were` to have sailed on this; boat, but altered their` i11tentions-and remained in Toronto.` intending to go over to the big `London `Cong-ress~ leaving : on the Teutonic on Friday._ When; the, disaster` occurred they `abandoned the `trip and remained wfit-h . Mrs. `Richards`ons sister in Toronto. ` A 1-. -1 1: 'r1'.,,,, ,1 _':I \'r-_n_ .specVia1.,r`eference-to the - great dis-3 ` a day will` bring`; forth. It was `lie emphasized the -needy now ' or when Agver, for `eta. ` ` .- ` "ul\7Io.Iuug - WSe1fgt.-- 'Aton, iin temporary charge of the local S.A. corps, made aster. on Supday evenin-g. basing his remarks "Ton. Boast Not Thyseif of T`o~mo_nrow`; For ve know ' not what .3-peci9;1 Cadet day in'_the army, and ' ." -I.IIlVJllC|l'\|\-Ill U D II]. .1. VI. KILL nu. , Adjt, a,up1.~ M`Hancoek of ,Norh, o I Baygand ' formerly. or `Barrie, were . also `detained in Toronto, and have can-celled the trip. = . ~ "Mrs... Wm. Horne, one of '-the local 7co1'DS. went on the , Tunisian on Friday, ' May .22nd,'_ and ' it `is thought Adjt; `McDonald, a former oicer -here. sailed ` on nther~~same- boat. .IIVL-.l!..__ ..._>A.`...'\ Q A (`:4-nrlcx` :3: ' 3 ,,A, SEYVIU3 IcllUI'b'o V e` ' Feeling referene "was made in all the churches` on Sunday. `In Trinity the Vicarpreahed a special. sern_1on on the .dis(as.ter` and. the `hymn `_`_Hus1i. Blessed A1fetheDe"ad? wa3.sun'g jugbefore the ngtl bene- A ; A.-.. i2... nnnnvnwv '..Hl91'_U` auuvu U11 'VlIU uuunu wvuvs }{1`he` ag on th S.A. Citadel -ies at half mast; and some of the local ,cbrps will `gogto Toronto on Saturr i day to at-ten-d `the public memorial }ser'vio there, i-- . --- :- --..- ......'l.-. .... IA Musical! V musiians or 1 to apprecxate Edison" Dia- > Whether you are not you cannot fai th e;treat that the . - mend. ._ Disc ~Phon _st9_re fox`- you. " Mr. ciison has pre- 1 fferred not.todic1 i V the in1idva- 1 1;-io>ns, A the ` wand ` improvements V` ;-that. 11`-fha_s 7 V s in this ne-*1 jpzegrkah-ble.-instrum_ 1- `,He empha- 4 aizgs-ffeqt, athq 1 `than 2 `details; your, p'leas`ure_,a_ndA . ment, rhther ~ .. , g . vor 5,.9u`.m _ iixweaufy *knJ5w f 1 ` s % max;assnd;_.Dis;s{4,;I'h ` - . i-fI;f_;-thokzg `iah. % - IAIVI.'II'I-`q_:,. 1":-17: jcayn or __..r' K:I`.vBARFIE urpnse musicians on`- . appnqciate . EdisOn %'Di?a- 3--A- `nA`n' u\`CA.. pl sold: an __1_'I-I; ooa(au`uN .{or cM~iAn oun :nri7'unor'c. anvtsmncoum |f'_f;1The"fv.Cou::tr (`of :-Rgvieifon cOxi `1*I'n`e gt ree . seeegments, reducednone. by ;>t).0;e ind `1`ee_1`vei.?`jn_dgment on e g1>u1ance'e of the 21 a1'npea1s-~at theii e aittine on: T.e`1\'5fi>ndax:=-% .m9 rIiin2% ;a%1dg-a_djoui"ned` to: meet 1 ._again on Ihiday. 4 AM. T A.` f ysarjeant i_' c_ airman, and the `ether members Qf he._Co'urt are ` Reeves Caltvell h,:n.1d McI.e`an zinil Al__d.: Fisher "and Wallae. `-The. prbeedingcg, were held the Council .Chain$ber, T and an` ,"ifprma1 ziir_ prevede. ' A _ ;._". VB_atty,` town `teamster, wa for the Fire Hall, and J ,- Bennett v_co_ntended ' th_t_ ash. -no. `VuL. `f'\l\f\I LU` ' &\IU\I VII. nlu IQLILL Kl U0 W. L. Harrisou s appeal against- $350 assessment for` lots on Eliza- vbeth St. was not.a1lowed, and Mrs. `L. Rainey s appeal from` $1250 as-- sessment on east part of `lot 2, Bur- tno Ave., met the same fate.` .~ "'I"`L , .b4nnn . . . . _ .....,._-4. -.. `V T 0. 1- qauasuvvv hvuvvvuuvu on no , any` ;are .paid- L on` th builxiing" ,no. e"ah`ou1'cl. be *assessd-. If v.thef 1%- Hall _ is assessable, why` not,`the ` Hall, the J ail. "or any vothef phblic build-ing, which is`. exempt Tbr` ~t:ixes?; Mr._ B.enne`tt'r enquiredg {Ehe jnatter was ,_'lf.t over` for decis- '1on`. ; " ` " 7 an an In I` " 1 1 .Mc\Conne1lT-` succeeded in` `having $100 _ `cut off the assessment `ofe`809 fgl-lo_ts en Tiini S-t. ` _L ` `M-1'. 5Gower whose lots in A .Van1 dale --have been greatly reduced `:1- vgilue -`by a railway crossing .,had his `assessment cut in two. T_ " . ' Mr;` Elliott fStr'a"thy a pp`ea_1_fedy for {B1 "St19;thy asking that .resi`t1enc'e' .atV~_'Loomer,T9f -Blale and " ,_K_e'mp`en- feldt.'Sts., assessefat $9,500, with 3% acres of land, be rduedg De- cis`i_on. reserved; T 71' 15 B. 1 , S,.. . J L1->..L _VLI.;.,`,. Miss Minnie Turner, was g:an re71 request .to have a`1o't on _SmaU.-`St., sold tow Geo. ;LivLing'stone, _ and an- other on Ross St., sold to D; Rrs:=., assessed to the new owners.` -I-- `A 1 , 1 ._ 3 A`l1.,`>