Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 5

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I36; `G.ENEI&L PRICES "STE-A1A)Y --- -v .' . .-.-..-.~.-~x,. ..... Nsdc yelarf 1 .Ll.|.Loq vs \/u .-.>---.,-..,, months. Interment at | BORN Coinb inatio_r1_ Underwear omBihaon Underwear 1at30c '-Full range of Combination Underwear with ` short s1eeves or sleeveless, drawers with tight knee andPcurans quality, in ordinary style, extrzrvalue this week.... ......5oc White and Black ; Gloves at-29c 12 button Lis1e_Glovcs, Perrin s make, special this_ week undcrpriced `at ................... ..29c Gartner. Dr. A1exa11 left for his nwi home in Gmvenliurst on" Friday..i. Dr. E111ib1'eo is his successor here. . Mrs. J. H. Robinson of Penetag spent the lioiiday with her sister` Mrs. Ben Gartilor. - .\Ir. Thos. Sivbbald of North Bay` is visiting at his home onvBr'ad'ford St. _ The Allznidui-e Band is 7g`e1;tin.g. shape for the animal 12th of. July` ceieb1'ati01_1. . ~ ` \r_.. 1..T.xunn\1\0`- '\T ,.....,,,.,, 1 A doz.' W6menf Combination Underwear in full sxi, summer. wexght, a great bargain eachooooo 00-000 0) 900000 `-000: o.ooooo29C Church Parade Next Sunday `ade as follows: Re_giine'ntal orders have been is- sued by Lieut.-Co1. F. Sneath, com- manding 35th Regt. (Simcoe For- esters), for. the "annual church par- 1 . .1 (V. N` .1, I\.L'\.J O| .I.\J1l\J' V19 0 1. The Headquarters Staff, the Regimental Band,` and A and E Companies will parade at the :Market Square, Barrie, at 1.30 `o c1oc.k p.m., on Sunday, the 7th of June, for the .purpose of attending Divine Service at the Queen s. Park. DRES-S: "Scarlet and side arms will be worn. The Officer Commanding trusts that Oicers` commanding Companies will see that their men are warned to parade i sharp on time, that the parade may move o at.1,'39. `I fl I `I JLIVJV `lull Jun 1 2. An invitation is `henby extend- ed to the Veterans. Association and the Collegiate Institute Cadets to attend. ` Company pr@e'rS issued by Capt. `C. K. S. Macdonell, commanding tE. Company, are as follows: I. h11TTT - rnL- n-......-..-. --.:11 .......,..1... 1.3. \JU.l.u1.ra.11J, uzu u Lvaxuvvc DRILL: The Company will parade at`th-e Armoury for drill at 8 o clock p.m. on Wednesday, 2nd June, and 1a\ful1 attendance is required; rn-1-1-1-1-mr~1# -n A 1') A *r\'n , rn'1_ --_A.:_.- CHU-RICH P-ARIAD-E: The entire Company will parade at the Arm- lou-ry at 1.00 o clock pm. Sunday, With June, and will march o promptly at 1.15 and. join the Regi- mental Band , Regimental Stall, A Company, the B.C.I. Cadets and Veterans at the Market Square, from where the whole will march to `the Queen s Park for Divine Ser- vlce. . A ~ -- 1111 (._____A_AA_ __:]] __A___ 4 Every woman who cuts out from nypaper pattern knows of the bother of pinning it at to the cloth. Take jafhot iron and smooth "the tissue {will remain at -without . pins. V ICU. _ ' DRESS: The Company will par- iade in _Red with S_ide Arms. A- _ Juno -. Mr. M. 1`8l16W1Ilg' 1- 1___ ' ' W9`3l!5tineer d10lieos -.= ' s "11? COMPA 35th. Regiment. winners of the County Conn end McPhee cups hut year end the annual camp at tom the 15th to the 2711: I-get Shooting at the ; ..'.`.~.' ""3;-`:;` ..... 0 av - _ n . .' `Able. oeiel lien or character desiring gojolu thmcompeny an d apply to thiegtnder at the Armour)`; .frue,dey_g I t`,._-;-'_ at the undei-Iie'_ntionec_i pl` `. u 1 K. 8. Mg.` 't1`oiu'e`il._ _ 9;; '~ -.` . 1 '1 uiz V MIQTARY CAMP A ALEX. cowAN; Major, .-Aidjutant I 35th. R -egt. - 3. " :~}, .`- 4. 5. ;cu:.u- "': hohda)" 1I.. C ('e1L'.U1`u L luu. Mr .and .\Ir.~'. Harcourt. .AV'em(m. and famlly came up on Tuesday to occupy their .~'u111mer cottage on the south shore. IYV . 1\ `L V _-.--..__-.1_ .,_ . Jlllllltlm. Ur. mu] .\Ir.~`. O. \Va1tOi1, accom- palxied by .\Irs._ T.0n,<:', left on Sat_ur;` day for N()l'\\'l(']1, Eng1and._,. sail frmn .\Im1t1'L'a1 at daybik- 9!} Tllesday. ' ' 1 o1..1 ru1.'I. EUULII Dlllko Mr. Wm; Dunnett net11r11ed' Vjtcil Toronto on T uosdzl y, after ,bi1ig home tl1mug'h llluess fqr ,W_twQ. months, ` 1 `II (\ *"`7_1L-.3. .L m.:uu.v . 011T11111'.~w1ny night the Cobalt "Special left the rails at T Trout. Creek. six <~ar.< being` derailed. For"-" tunately no p(31`:~`0I1 was hurt. Tmfc` Screen Dpors L have the largest assort nt of ` Screen]: `in Barrie to Our Stock of Screen. `D. on is very %coinplete.* We 1` .o_:ho se from. 2 V ' SCREEN" D00 %%aa*~%iI1us- trated is a bea [V f} L . . ' we have Fancy Screen". W65. $1/,._ 31.95:, aid A`- -._3A I trong O y` -lrd Arms L801]: - ` .1211`? 011: . 1 "here . . . ,1a't1"e " . I"- .. _, f . Hamilto, 46! , ore 0 ?'T110='- MO , Thea.- .hteI'9 . ' . (Mug mg hm "' , KT'dU'(lEUCL U1 \I DIVA:-Icn vv ww- ;- old acquaintaxi-ces`Over the. sit $2.0! Lee P?1 sCRl Our?! and child- I Torontcb l Bay ` spent: here. 3 _ | ZEN DOOR complete Hinges, Hook, A and Pull % 7It friends. of R{11ss_el_l "_E _irie,:? 7't_x .fdrIiier call A boy o`f1".the L(3`:;T;R\,j_'41eamed` `-on Monday :_;of. 1i.isV ~ Qeath, _ ` in M Totgnto aftrfifl Short i,11nes's. V L ~ At the = . Church 0n`e x , S1'A1nd'y,V"v_- ;ti1'e.' ;pasbor s` .su*bje'cts Will .1167: ~[% -mqmihg, ` I'\Tico- d-emas`---Hi\s Qharictexj 3 and Oppor.- tuni'oy; even;ng,. Iiicoemas `Ques- tion: `How- Can- , .K-ings_ 22}: , V _ B83: Q | -Mr. oromarty. s who t summer` resides; an lf-The :sGaB1e; [_ has . pu'rcha's_ed ?;ai"*;:cotta"g'j ne@ra;{`*Big Bay Point 8I'1 will Ta.g:a`.in,s here- for the summer,?ater an dbsence of ifour; years. A ' Owing to" general depnession the V G.T.R. laid 01! all th-smenv inthe` `Bridge and Building" Dept." for one day on Monday. It is also said that it is their intention to do this in. the` Car Dept. every week, thereby. saving quite an item in the pay-roll l aeaoh month. up _.The on T`u`esda' to lay the ` sewer connections `from - Ithe station and- .restaurant -to _ the` town main, A large_ portion-of the cement platform on` the south side . of the station is beihg"--removed in_ order to lay the pipes. Mr. Angus M-cLennan has charge of the work. The small son of Mr. Wm. Hunt, Bradcford 'St., -had a very-narrow es-V cape on Thursday `morning _ last, when he got hold of a bottle of `acid and playfully drank part of `the contents, `burning his face and mouth very badly. .Medical at- it-entidn was summoned and the `little suerer is now on his way to `recovery. The Meaford Ball team appear to be not only goodwlosers on ._the| sporting eld, hut also have" consid-' eraxble talent "as entertainers. {They `left a favorable impression of their "musical albilities at the` depot here on Monday evening, when, for over -half an hour, they entertained the holiday crowds waiting on trains. Jimmy ' Marlowe and Skinny Oliver are the leaders of the sing-. ing aggregation, who should be fol- lowing the theatrical profession. -., IT-he :S.O.E. of Allandale and Barrie and the Orange Lodges of Alland-ale and Barrie, '.to _ the num- ber of 150, attended divine service in Essa -St. Presbyterian Church on Sunday mornin'g.g Rev; "A. V. Brown preached a forceful sermon, `in which he pointed` out that the zenith of Great Britain s power had not yet heen reached, and `drew at- tention to manv exampla of Chris- ltiuan charity worthy of emulation $1.00 l0Ws= is our 2-. e]j_.ast_I-ZF`ri _1j1i ght V. , ye. pmvgnted `what atedlyrr V % _ at `to he Qabalt Exp ex detected? .tha'tt le A Awvx-Ann 4-.. 1; - _'I ,,_ ~nesulte&`_' , _ regs, -. _. when jrs; of frders . ~:epres{ 6,. -car. in? would, pn- ._whe`1s .on `1 i A I a_\f.Ie_+.4u3 '1 g'.iV"e_n' 'a`wd1`*1&m_an-. in ";York State,` -$75,000, was 5aw'arded.q .at 0 ;ried,l who had i two arms burned` o while in the employ of ' the New York, New Haven and Hartford ,Rai1road`. Fried, who; is 30 years old, touchedf an_ electric wire at Mt. .Vernon-, N.Y.,' last December, and 11,000 volts of electricty passed through his body, _ . _ - ; ..'Eheq`biggest damageox ~verdie1fgt.oever 'ite Pluine- _-ieontly to Oscar. -.-.VVAI(JVb' ~,\l ~ 1.: .'-""'.':`jv`-:'~--'-'?`_".- |"f`;5',' ` V 5 express scar " had ;1_'u'bbed on _.thef Asrpialler . ones; and the` 50 tdnsef bagg1age_ ehad weighted` the springs against the wheels until a`ho1e `was worn -17hroug'h. ' The express was "tra.nsfrred' eto 'an`obhg1*~ car. before th t"rain* continued! . its northward jo.u_.rn.ey.__ vdorinfg uhtil _.they showing] throtrgh. _,Theoa`r.-.w as ; one of the down" and ~ the "body, ghad rubbed ` _ , eTO R`A-ILWAYMEIN _ -That a man travellingj on a second class ticket, withvseats to he had in a`secand c1ass.car- has no more right to -be in a r-rst `class coach than a man with no ticket whatever, `was. the summing up .of Magistrate Brodie in the hearing of an unusual case in the police court at _Sud_bury, Louis .-Sofrtier, a C;P.R. brakeman, and a res-i-d`ent_v of vSud'bury_, '~ was charged with assault. -by John Shep- pard of Ed-montonj,~ Alta. The case was dismissed .without costs, the bench remarking "that railway pas-_r sengers who, evade the law must take the consequences; The affair hap- pened` as far back as last Noveme her, `and. since that time- Sheppard has h-ad a grievance. -He, wrote various departments of the 0.1 .-R. asking that they press the case and nally received .a reply that if he (-Sheppard) would` institute proceed~ ings the `company would back him ' up. This course followed: T--_L 'L-... ....--..'l.. .l.`....,... -.-. `A nnnnnnuuv i H 3 I ! C`A:SE.\()F_ 1NTEm:s'_r U110 JLJJID UUUJDG LUAQVVVUUO ' Just how `much force is necessary to eject a man from one car. to am` other was the point upon which the case hung,and after it `had been_estab- lishedr that- force was necessary the magistrate, in his {summing up re- marked that the vbrakeman. was en-` titled to~use just as much. force as was necessary to accomplish his end. Sheppard was told three times to leave the rst class car and made no move. `Those who gave evidence` were Mr. Martin, -of Yorkton, Sa'sk., Conductor Hartley, Provincial Policeman Mack and; the princi- pals. _ . `tn-.~ . I `d ay, .. .provide the necessary means ` put in service if 4-Duval` `thinks the free time `privi- lege is greatly abused. He says he that .amount, depending At a meeting of ` the ' Canadian Railway Club in Montreal the other Mr.` J. E. Duval, general superintendent of car service in the Grand Trunk system, explained the arrangement whereby the railways are called upon to pay a charge of 45 cents per day for each `freight . car.-belonging to another road that may be running or held up on their lines. The railways , were in turn allowed ' a demurrage charge,` to` stimulate the prompt unloading of freight cars. The regulation free -time allowed shippers was, he con-' sidered, very liberal. Intact, he said, this free time l ] s 3 c l 1 l l is considered j by some shippers r to be excessive. ` For instance, it is rather cold com- fort to a shipper, possibly a, farmer, to be told that you are unable to o transporting his "goods to market in order that he may realize the re- sult of his labor, on account of a consignee, holding a car that may be released._ Mr. knows of large, industries that have . within ten years . increa ma their , business by from , one to two hun- dred .per ' cent., ` and have `not _in- creased . their storage by one quarter in many cases upon thef,railw'ay . companies -furnishing stor88`i.~in their cars. ' DEMURRAGE A:ND_ STO-RAGE .l-.l.lI.`.a JL.L-I--5.4.5.; v---_ __ . From the . Census and St2;t~istics < Monthly, -issued Iby the Department of _Tr*de and Cbmmerce, we glean the following`: ` - `Our estimatepf the` total quatity ` of apples packeclfin Canada` during 0 2,906,400 ' barrels, the past, season is of whichjonta to supplied tw_.o mil- lion barrels, p ` ' ` is _ :`During? the` past`. mdnth"i5 hadian THE APPLE CROP: OF 1913 > `:1 or"l`?__$_aii_;It1"`)B,3n_-` Ticket. Acentr or 3_ 1_),':f:_~;0.B.= v . r.*.1.2.::`.-.9':`%:.F.`.*2L".`.:?31 Qai-:f%s,;I apies have been realizing very` high prices in the British markets.{ In Glasgow,` Ontario Baldowins have` sold wholesale for $2.75 per box and $7.90 per -barrel, and in Liverpool- `Ir--. -1- '-104.1... K9 Inn-wnn1a n Nn $7.90 'D'8.1`I'el, mm "111 Luvcrpuux on March 13th,` 53 barrels of No. '1' _;Spies from an Ontario packer fetched at auction $8.51 per barrel. The supply of apples has been `much below the average,` and the demand has theljefore been very keen. To the Editor-Wil1' -you allow. me `a small space in your valuwble paper to say -a few words re de- bating societies. I have been told that a few years ago Barrie had a society of a similar nature` to the a'boye'. Why has it been allowed to drop. into obscurity? I, for" one, would `say that a debating society would do. an unlimited amount of good in a town like Barrie. I am positive ~ e have. plenty of local talent. `-The educational properties of such a society cannot be disput- ed.` It fosters a spirit of inquiry, into matters political, social, his- torical, etc., ancient and modern, besides engendering a spirit :of con` dence in its menfbers. If thereis anyone interested in forming such ~ - -----_ z... 12......:.. {.7411 vnn Jzindlv anyone lnlzereswu 111 ;uuum.5 u...... E society in Barrie, will you -kindly `allow them space in your paper, to give suggestions,` etc. - '-` " --- ;.;.+:..:.-mnn T gzve. Euggcauuua, um... am, yours truly, Thanking you in_ anticipation, I W. S. ROBB. ` ' T 1:25 Worsley St., Barrie. _ [Ed.--We will lbe pleased` to pub- ;.li_~sh the views of others (if they are brief) in reference to the form- ation of a debating 'society,- and would suggest that our co1-re_spon- dent .'get in touch with the" princi- pals of the public schools in an en'- deavor `to ~ form a society from c the` senior forms of each `school, and. V that -a` regular ~prigrani'me of debates be carried out, holding one each * Friday aternoon.]. ' " * U3`-Ill. I [ whe_ S) U L 01.,` ]'_J"*`-'["` hande~eo ~ she -. "'0 ;._ 99 L..- 4'l*RlIl_` Thi`s',is %%at~`"S%;ii*' Txantf-.u_?.](ing%'s.% Stockings of all sizes `and qualites: at M%on ey A%SAa\ \king" Fri s., Buy yoursummer supply now~, We h'ave_ ',%aAvcomplet ralngeaof si{ suayou _.will be money in pocket and % % ' ` . F " %} lgehjpd ve}fy' sale. seq; Kare; Di>edaBle [Quality !* 4 *~Cott`on% Hose" for liildrjeh Ribbed Hose in fast` dye E sale this week 2 prs ..... W:/omen s 25 Hose for 13` 4. soles garters, reg. price 4 % off}-eguAlar pribe; lxo dQz.- ne} ` slc Hose, ' sizes 8% to 10. ne Sheer quality ith double nd 45c for '10!` Io doz. -ne Cotton. an Lis1e,Thread Hose, 25c and 3 5c quality, me of them slightly` faded, tn clear this w k at I 3c, 2 prs. for 2 5c Men s Blacll Cotton Hose Imported lines. in zes`Io, 10% and II, on sale this week ...... ..I5c, 2 prs. forzsc fo This week we aremaking our great proposal of giving a subscription - ` a V _ to Woman's Magazine at Ioc a copy worth $1.20, a quarterly and pattern worth I -, this $1.3 5 value weroffer for 35. But act promptly if you want to take advan- tage of it. Mis Child's of New York is conducting the campaign until Thursday evening. SAR1IEANT& IIIIIII, LIMITED `BEBATING `SOCIETY Wome_n s Lisle H` No As__s1$irA110E H3 .'WnD'- -:_y.l.l.l `-,u.I_.:_u7 `W!-I 5.: =T=ivh%1:;3n* %1%* ?931it:[t11i%4 Lek. all sizs, on ..... ..for 25` I1011un.r- ` , `It '3' . 1 =. Mooxe of Harm on 1 i:;\It1iT;'gTh?z3(:' dallghter, VV Mr. -_Thos.. a .4 . .1 - .V Erav, E553 St` V M}. Thos; Layvr ' of _ Hamllton _ Spgm the holiday w1th h_1s brother, L ,1,` 1 A _ . . M{rA`,\[.mZ%al]ag'}1er of _ Guelph was. . ...:n+an-noarnvnso [CAR-RU'T_HERS-At the R. V. _ Hospital, on May 21st, 1914, to Mr. and` Mrs. Carruthers, Victoria - St., twin sons. ;. ,McK`E=EVER-In Barrie, on Fri- day, May 22nd, 1914, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKeever, Maple Ave., '{1sIj<:)1:'Hi~r'.HAL1-At the R. V. W1 - -.. `IL... 11:41. 101,1 +n .L`I'\I L ..I..L.L\\.lJ..I. 21.1. ....v Hospital, .0; Ma;rw1'5th, 191;," Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nottingham, a daughter, *SCYT`H`ES-.-At Thornton, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Scy-thes, a daughter. ` YOUNG-At Grenfel, on Sunday, May 24th, 1914, to Mr. an'd- Mrs. - . Geo. Youlgg, a son. ` g - MARRIED. TRICK'ER--IC*ROGHAN--At `the * Central Methodist Church Par- sonage, Mary St;, on Monday, May 25th, by Rev. Dr. Booth, Catherine Louise Croghan of Barrie, to Robert John Tricker of A11 ___L- "DOUGL'A`S-In~ I-B:1;rie; on Safur- day, May 23rd, Mary Ellen, be- loved wife of Mr. George Doug- las, in her 82nd year. Interment at Mount Pleasant Cemetery on May 27th. K e . "-""" -' - rn,_-_.`l.... .AlJ..UI'J - II..- I-IIRONtS'--:in`~.'1`or`o,nto, o Tuesday, -May 26th, Margamt J ean, daugh- tar 9f and Mrs. J. C. Hirons, _L1__ ECU 3 `nova: VOA-us .-._ - -.__.__ ___ , ' Grenfel. ` V _. PIRIE--'-At Toronto, on.__,Monday, oMay 25th, James Russel Pirie, o formerly of the G.T.R., Allandale-, ' in her 22nd year. _ ` VV*A_LLW'IN-At his `late residence, . - 7th Con. of Vespra, on Tuesday, '- -May" 26th, 1914, Alfred Wallwin, V .. 56 years. . ?WlALT0NL-A-t Minesingz`. on ,.May \ 18th, Mary Susannah, wifeof Mr. _ Norman ' W-liaton, in her" 71711;` Hiiinxi IE Lbp: s= `in- dex .numbgr ' of wholesale` A j_p_ri'ces pafedj with 136.7 for .1\I`irc_h `and 136.3 - in April, 1913. and butter declined steeply, gi`aiti aver- 89d::10`WPa' .3tt1,fI3 and bef W91"? Teasiet;i,11og;% " 1`>0t..at.0s.` -ssf and ` Ia, declied while Eqme Tmetals s;v<>`=eA%A'1L,~;~:er; .Edr; 1-91ii1*1` '_`_'A<`>n,[ omens, our- oa`i:`mea1,u `raw i>tt9n;` .;Iii:1 .837#nd; stood at 136.8` for April . "as; chm: ' O \a,;~:*.1nmtsi}.zzg{.n)es%;;a;ge;;ef91~d 1ir`i*<$ ;.iMj.9:89' -:11%- ~}:'7i3 ?.`the7i331i?[f :;igtu._ne'.,_j Beef advdu5d~ `iii * evez`: wk sugar nd `.115; A 4`; Alberta." h0i\i[(:.i,w'(}'eo. Lowe of Meaforci is! visiting his brother-in-]aw,_ Mr. Ben`; n, R1n\'-)I\l]Il31' `FOP

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