Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 4

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`$[ 5900606699660-066660: l Even the landlord may some day ,nd that there is a` limit to. rents a long-siuering people will pay. The goose which -lays the golden egg may become" sterile if called on to perform impossibilities. The Montreal Gazette hints at the prob- ability of such a thing having come to pass there: ' ' 10111.- 2..-; -1 1r--- 1;__ ______-n nu: twist MARKETS ;ALL` ABOUT GONG-RE-TE _NoN-_RE-;~ITgBLE HOUSES` Barrie, May 27th, 1914. -- v\" .1000- A26 55 oo -34` AA 11;. ,`,uq_nrI: .a1;D_0'g.lt_ we 1;qgq.,___ %A1`F'.% T 99}te:`w9A%%1 orqne=:-1t%~. Here s Plope: { for Bald Heads] -- v.`.--vvga. .'The twin sisters of economical milk production are good cows and individual `records; Cows may be` fed right and ,fed=` alike. yet fail to produce _ milk . economically, that is -at low `cost; `because they were not `built on dairy lines.` -But even with the average run of dairy cows that seem to. produce just about the same quality of milk, there are so many str'aI.i8 8 .variations that ' the keeping` n`f"rni "r`-rnnnwiln in nA4- .-.....1.. -.J_.!.-`-1-?- wvn uu_.5v VSIL xautulla yuan ' U118 Keeplng of 'm1lk ` records .i_ not only advisable from` the business standpoint, but of fascinating interest. .m,___.._ __ , ,_ , _ Budapest-, May 17.-A method of sewing hairs to the human scalp in cases of baldness has been success- fully used"by Dr. -Szekely at the` Hospital of Saint Stephane in this` ;city .The number of hairs planted [ in` the head of one patient has been I [ as high as 50,000. One hundred [hairs are drawn through punctures `in the scalp in every square centi-; meter, and as both end-s are leftl free this makes over 1,000 hairs to? each square inch. I - I `So `many dairymen iwonader what ' the -factory is going to pay, so many salesmen ght for another sixteenth of at cent on the price of `cheese, Vtliat some milk produoers in think- ing almost entirely oselling price, are apt` to overlook cost, ` mm... .....:.. _:-L__._ .- - - . - -._'__._..., I .,- -wvY.uuugu5 auvcscbo _ I _g.- ,s,i.mpl_e~ feed _. record is iketiin acul-ditioxn -to the milk record, In the` operation very fine gold wires are used .1-500 of an inch in diameter, and ne. long hairs from` a woman s head are attached to these. The gold loop acts a s an `anchor, which after sterilization is _introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, where it is slightly twisted, thus holding the hair in permanent position.- It" is claimed that` 500 hairs lean" thus be planted _in three-, quarters of an hour. A special! instrument has -`been designed by Dr. Szek-ely for planting. the goldl wires, which are so ne that after `the work is. `completed for planting 50,000 hairs there is only one` gramme of `gold left in .the scalp. The hair becomes perfectly natural after a capsule of tissue forms around the gold knot. The inflam- mation entirely disappears within! ten days after F the operation. and no evil results have ensued from any of "the planting. The hair can be treated in the -ordinary way after the operation; and the doctor s earliest patient, who underwent the operation seven years ago, has a beautiful head of natural, glossy hair. . ` _ ` ' VWOIVQVJI uu \.l;a6aJu U55 -Ala-00 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bell Jsp`:e;:v1:.,Vicr .toria_ Day at Hobart.` _, . COST REDUCERS W%a;shing Maghines and \` -Call and see the lates Motor and Electric Was! L Rakes, Grass and Hedg Shears. Place your order for your! - Requiirementsnow whil a large stock to selectf \ ' '15 Hambly 1"h W3 3% Hard Man " meats if you wantfo the household x- , For the sight of our suc- % V 2 juicy steaks and - win -t_empt him so : J That would be good .' V ` L. . "3-'--Well as- our own- I 5) L V ._]o9kin_g_ after. `I V 3` WC`? II`-IuIJ\UUU.] I ~ - Mr. a d Mrs. V-Sam. Ruddickgat-, tended: the funeral of `the late Mr. "James Davidson of .Angus`on May 20th. _ 1 .'\f.. ......1 'l.l'...~. Ga... f1,...J`A..-..3-AGAA Production is increasi11g at 1111 extraqpgdjnary rate while the quality .V0`f1 -the Eroduct shows w011de1`fu1 i111- brdveihent. The value of the ock depends" upon the production of the birds -selected, -but the productive ness of any bird decreases after :1 `certain age is reached. It is very important, therefore, that the breed- ..er' {be able to tell with 50111-3 degree of certainty the age of the fowls which the desires to retain or pur- chase\or 1breeding tp11rpo. other- wise he will be exposed to tl1e risk A . .`b'f having individuals that are past `their prime and that do not pay for Itheirikeep. m_u.m_=uuI; especlauy I01` Inc l)n'uu- - and `like judge, has been publislml "under the -direction of the 11011- .aM' 'nBurre1l, in a profusely ll` $111315` `ted lbulletiln, which is No; 16 ,S9Q0i_1d Series of the Central Ex- `;~p9rimena1_ arm. `Copies will `b9 ~`mai1e&- to those who apply for them- y`lgh9,"_P1ibli9ati0ns Branch, Depart- ~ Agriculture, Ottawa. There has been a great lC\'(-l<>p- ment of late years in the L`-a11a Ipoultry industry. This has been brought about l_\' lnamy factors, chiefl among which are the vuntiring and highly SuCcC. ef- fort' {ff (breeders; the experinlental "Work carried on at the va1'i>u< poul~ try -plants of the DOI]1ll1l and .Pl'_OViI1cial Experimental l*`;mn< and Agricultural Colleges, the i11f<>r111a~ .tiO11.,_ given out_ by these i11.~`titutiuns, the poultry exhibits, in wl1ivl1 the lpeople gia Canada are now taking a gjyeatiinterest, and, last lmt not a1_east,'.-; the `prots of the imlu. ~`BtBth011gl1t`0f in the palst. but now well recognized and appx-ociat~ . -zf_=m ~ ' the actual cost of milk `as produced :by each" cow is ascertained e2L-ilv, `so, that the owner may be assured that he is keeping only such cr>ws_ -as yield plenty of milk at a low ;cost. Can you tell offhand whether the milk of some of your cows costs, 62 cents or 97 cents per 100 poumlsl If your prot over cost nf feed is nowivonlye $10.00 per cow, you can make it $20.00 by keeping records. Send to the Dairy (`o111mi.~`. Ottawa, "fox: milk and feed remrsl forms which are free. T In-y are least" reducers. :~. A l Record` books have been 0. li~l1.` ` ed for horses, cattle, and xnany otllcl` lanimals, where information pertain- ing to pedigree, age, etc., am kept for breference, but it has 1'01m1i11e;1` for Victor F ortir, Assistant Domin- ion Poultry Husbandman, (`OIIWI -Experimental F arm, Ot.ta\\-:1. after !1_1_1,1Ch7..persona1 observation and` _e`tudy,= to publish . a method w11orab.V 9.10.886. oflhens can be z1(`('1l1`i1t9lY estimated. " This information w11iclx `?i8.m'eant especially for the bro0 `nan-`. +1.;-.. . ...J...`.. 1..-- 1...--- .\..1.`.{.~lwl How `To TELL THE Am; OF 2 AND PIGI{().\'.\` Summer we have JJUL J1 UUJI J1 NI-7lL\U -IOU`-VII VV \J\-I630 1` T-he W.M.S. spent the afternoon of May 20th at.the home of nMrs. `Sam; Ruddick. They are busy, making quits to send away in a -`bale next ~Sept'ember. . `1l'_. A_-.1_-_._'{`I-_',J..__ __3:.:a.-,ZI ..L 1.1.... ' ho?` JILHJ GU U51. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. (}ord`en-`visited -.'1`l}_c`>`1'11ton friends last vgeek. F 11711` (1 `J V43 II $1 \-/tl Mr home week. UKIOIUN '90 O .Andrew'Gordon viited at the `of -Mr. Sam. Gordon last TV` TV 1: 3 1" W UVBI M-iss Eva Holt has returned home` after visiting her aunt, Mr. Herb. Cormell of Everett. ' ; May 25th..--Mr.[ .,M-a.n1:; Pai'ti5idge' of Torontois at home `for the holi- days. T , - - 'II:.. A 1:`-.. n-_:...1`.... ..'.......; 4.1.- `W-E339 Alice Quinlan spent the holiday with Miss Jean Quinlan at Niagara Falls. 1rg__ 111-.-" -0 m-__-__.L, __.-- - 'L..'I! | 341 L (@4550 . ugisg Wray of .TorontQ. Was. a holi- ` day `guest of Mrs. Simon Chapel}. .2 VI` . 'll !,.... 'll'....L1... A--!,..-.... 4'; .-...,...Ln vyyvv v 4 VVVVVVVVV v v : 5C9RRES'Pi)NDENc u . ,ooooooooooooooooovoo4 g,, . `ll B VFW VJ. &B-ADO KIJJIIUJO xlootiyuoov hiss Myrtle Avison of , Toront was the guest of Mrs, Egbert Avison over the holidays; ' * T ' -_,JI 'II'.__. A_..!.._.....__ ._._`I `III... UJJLCW \IV|J$ VJOV .. ,,.a. Mr. and Mrs." Anderson and Miss `Anderson of Gralt, and VMr. and Mrs. Rix and: son of J arratt s were guests of Mrs. Rix 'andTMiss Rix las-It; vyeek. ' 1 A n1 II `[0539 `V \-l\/DUI Quite a number of the mem'bers.. of the Methodist -Church met at `the home of Mr. Roy "Partridge and- gave Mr. and Mrs. Partridge - a Iniscuellaneous shower on Tuesday` eve'n'ing. ' - 1 W H JJUJJJV UOIU J46 D!) `J; IMIU V1 Uvctg Miss Lily -Slesser of Hamilton and` Mr. Glen. Slvesser of Shanty Bay were home for the holiday. IIVI..- ....--.-..1' .........4..... .. 4.1.... 111.. (May 2A5th.--$zIfis;":'M'aud. Miller of 1`or1c{mtQ visited friends here this wee . A 'I' I1 I I R I 1 V7 @9639 {Miss L. Cavanagh and friend, Miss 0. Andrew, of Barrie, spent a few days at the for-mer s home, re- cently. v 111-- 'n._n. 13..-_..a-;. .-1`1'\.-'I..;..._= Ruth VBra.ndon of ` Dalston` was home"the first of the week. VVUJV JJUJJIU J`-ll UODV JlUJJ\C(QJI u i`yhe annual meeting of the W0- men s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. G. B. Jamieson `on -Wedmwday, May 13th. The ofcers. of last year were re-eleczed as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. Blueman; Vice- Pres.,t Mrs. Best; Sec., Mrs. Jos. Hewitt; Directors--Mrs. - R. E. Slesseer, Misses Kate Coclcburn and Elizabeth Patterson; District Direc- tor, Mrs. Joseph Cockburn; .~Audi- tors--aMisses A. Ratterson and` Kate` Cock burn; Look-out Committee`--4` Mrs. C-has. Leith and` Mrs.` G. B. Jamieson. . . .- *- ', Miss Florence King of caning-:3 wood has returned home, after spending some time with -her grand-_, parents here. L ` . ` ~ . 112;- 11-2.. -_ 1. -In;-_, `rs . ` , '43 . May 24th.--Mr. .An gu$ Buie of Collingwood spent.-Sunday with his 'mQt}1er l_13re." _ ' J V MINESING I `spent? a week with Mrs. o(Rev.) R. A -Forde, Toronto. * oi Ma 25th.--Mrs. s. F. VA}T1';ac-,1 ` 1-4* n.1-n -_n rI1..'_....4.'. :. ..`..a.:,....u-'l- OGIV UIOVJ I`\I Mrs. W. Gordon and ' daughte_r,. Jean, are vis~it_ing friends in'1`o- ronto. 1 to us`: nu. . .." -- . VD QICVOU Icllvll %Cn;-. .an ?.i:'.M:a. `iiechk "and .c%.;.. .1li`-;"__.: H];[__oir ..'? % of Churchill spent ov'er Su4ndy _a,i`- :31: V44 yw ..Miiss i&7i' an Rage o __Ghu~1-chill `spent the hO1id7.y with .the, ` formers parents here.., ..'ll'.. -...1. 1:... A1I._.__'L'; '.-.~- ._.-' `f`V5Vvl`1`-e'n`r L, `hams L fxfom chqrfh on. Sunday, 'aterqdqn ,: 11-. p;ah.er _`fhorse`, ; which ..w_a.s' vheiug f3*V"**7 %1*?3`.b7-9%%% % -SUNNIDALE COR_.NERS= CRQWN. _III_II 1?:I?G 1? 4 May 25th,--_Mr'. K. `> Gibsqny and was yzzie Gibson attendedm the] n. ..'L-__ L__-'4.L....- `LA ' 1-4.- A. I: u_1'u'U, .I.u:;vuuu. Mr? Odell `of Toronto isv.sfationed' -. oere,or the} summer as Baptist stu- `de!`1t;:'in charge. ` '% ` S _.-!A.L L __E fl`.-;_.p...LA ;unuy* urday. er` 1:. V1! nruay. - -Mr. .'Miltc;_n 1 "B.r6wn Toroqfbj visiting under` the parental; roof. 11".. . 'r.`_._..1_ mA- aunt: p1'n1upuL+ah A` Vlbluu uuucr uuv yuuvuvuu. pvvsa .- i Mr.?Frank Dyerland daughter 0` \VElmva1e visited friends herre -over ' unday. -. . ~ 'Il"__ 'l.`_-.`I `D...'......... .....3.' `#355. (an-no" `and 1IiSs: Clara Browii visited friends at Edgar over Sunday.` " ` " - 1:..- n..,u.....; ....:1.. .'u'.;.. 1' Quinn. `Radian am} Mia. J. Srig-V '1ey_,bpent _1:hse holidays at Stroud; . `I1...-"'KT - $1.3 mnnAnn :5 w:G:4'.. hla _b.llU J.lgUuur,yu` an uuuuu. `1U)f_,B _ n ' . . 'Miss"N.' Ke1lj'~o Toronto 19 v1s1t-. i I _ ixng lg;er_pa1}fe}11;s_ ._here;.. . ex" [M-ay_ h.---The much needed ri ` v... H. v... -`has. come T1? last,` `which! means a great _d,ea;l to_t1i_e farmers. .'II__ 'E`Js..-.'I 7";-.....at `ll ... l'I!\I` QIVCHJ _Ul ` DU _>v &us;uv&wo Mr. Eldred figs", Mrs. Gold `and Mrs. Murray Sanderson were gpests at--.the.`Par1sJoiihge for the 24th. . .1rI,, 'I'\__,_1 13_;__'l .._-...... ... "I".-....-'...._ all '. UIIU. * I31-VIIGEU `U1 U8`? E -Svblo . Miss Pearl Ford, nurse in Toron- to Hospital,\ called) on, friends here on`"Monday'.L ` ' ' - _ `I':I'....;.-._. ;._J. 1`:;ua uuM:fwfIu;:'Qp and Mis. Wiisn of Toronto" spent. a few -days `at 0. M. Do'g.`r1e s.` ' - -. --__`- t'g..- A..- J-A uuuv ". 111 Uuus 5U- Mr`; Smith of *'.l`oro1_1to. preached in Presbyt:erian`Chureh `on Sun-3 d'y,-Tin the absence of .Rev. Mr. Shepp`ard.~ `Mr. Smithtis, on. his way 3".to the foreign eld and `hqpes. foo` be -in Ffbrmoaa in_ a few months. ` The people Here are plesed , to welcome _A. J. Key. to the neighbor- hood again. ;- H purposes working wi1;l}_ hisV fa'ther'-thvis .apm3ner. - ` -I-nu! ` 11 . _n"_A___ -L `II FIJI UV! Miss Annie `Keat has .gone to Winnipeg for a `two months visit with _'h"e1_"` sister. ' ' -.I.;--_1_-_.- .;__.'4- 1.4...- "1011 111$ JGVLIUI uugu .uuuuuvAo ` _ `Miss Rill Watson isA_1 1_ome_ from Toronto. . 1:: A 0 "-_L 1--- ..-__- .. 'VVlllll IIUI B15001: ` > I '~ _ '1`he- school `I teachers were home for the holiday. - .1r___ .1 13.13.11 1...... ..............l `Al -LUIV UUU JIUJJUGJO `Mrs. `A. E.` Bell has. returned to` Sunderlanvd`, after spending a` few wel'< s Awith her mqther. ~ ;1;2J. 'If.. _ wV_7`7`e J; "01335 t;;`:.aU'- that_ Mr. Hpfred `Wood is vbedfast with IIJC URI Ululo >The Dalston boys have organized a football team and will be pleased to play any" neighboritwg teain. They have a `number of thuelr old players with `them this year." Any team wishing to play will kind`1y_. write to Howard Bertram,` manager. 4.LIJ~6U\- VV \l\.d rheumatism. K)-5&5-I-6` -L J. -I-I66-L May 27th.--_Mr. E. and Miss "M. Palk of Toronto spent the holiday at their home. -Mr. Eby and Mr. `Edwards and families spent the holiday. atthir summer cottages here. 4* - ` ` Sorry to report Mm. A- A. Flaiherty is in poor health. _ Mr. Glen Slesser spent the holi- -1. 1:3... 1.-.`.-- POTATO DIS-EASEIS `There has _ Dep-artrnent of "Agriculture at Ot- tawa a remarkably well executed folder, Farmers Circular No. 4, en- titled Potato diseases transmitted by the use of unsound tuloers, showing in natural colors, repres- entations of specimens of diseased potatoes. Diseases and other blem- ishes represented are -potato canker, powdery scaib," hollow potato, intern- al brown streak, little potato disease, dry rot, wet. rot , common potato seal), and stem end rot. Special `re- ference is made to potato canker, and powdery scab, the` latter of which occurs already in Canada and should be carefully avoidedl. V!T he folder points out that, `under -the destructive Insect and Pest '- 5Act of Canada, any person using for seed potatoes infected by potato canker or powdery scab is liable to prose- cution. Potato growers who sus- oect V the presence of either of ' the latter diseases are requested to send specimens, to the Dominion -Botan-A ist; Central` . Experimental, Farm, Ottawa. " This folder, * prepared. ,-by Mr... H. T. Gnssovw, Dominion. ist,` will `Poe gsent free `to .:-who [ I i l l Branch ~o1s_ the `i__;D,9pia'rttr:id_IiAt_f.,:(rj_f rmly for 4 it} to the eP1i1b1iations- i `been issued `by the l 1 % Miy. 25m;._Mrs. %vVMi3inie re..- oeiveil word -on Monday .q of the -sudden death`. of. her: .sister, Mrs. N. _-'Walt6n, at Mineing. V The sym- .path`y- of this n~eighoourhood- is "ex- jtended to the bereaved. "II..- T-.. I`l.. ...A.....' .....n...& ....:...L -3 .qqt:blU1l_0I.l.'Uu1_1uuuug uuv Jllubnvnu Lakes with ; the Trent Valul-ey Canal was diqcuhsed. ' The B,anner%.s4LI_.ays: -By A folloyjng the co1iree of a__ creek dz,-a.inin_g' into ong of the -southern pays` "cf Muskoka Lake; ,3, comphratelv efasr oana1%*% ~cou1d.4b c n"stn;c,t_ed_* xnakirigj. Aoonnctibns -.Y,139y Canal... The M L 5. V Miss Douglas of Toronto" spent the holiday Wvith her sister, Mrs. Goulter. T .' ' ,. Mr. W. Patterson leaves to~day for a trip in; the north country. JWAQULD`-`EXTEND TRENT V ; CANAL -T0 MU~sKoKA the annual meeting of the .f qqestio ` Giavenhtpgt Board of Trade'- the I; o T `-L'__ ._:J.`_ ` In`-A VI`-....& ,connecting the `Muekoka; . -A`-Iv` U \'l\JC` WNICEIUUNIV clay at his-` home. ' IN--- _'___-1.'...J.:.._.. Conug;&$1il;;i:;I1V to . Mr. and. TM'rs.` A. Hvwbbert on. the arrival` . of a young daughter; I . 1:. `KY 17,...`\'T...........-- -1.` fI`....,...+.-. , Jvuua uuuguvvso I .Mr. N. VanNorman of Toronto, }spent the holiday at his home. :'II3..... ~{v`n.....Ln.`n1A l\ 1)nuu`:.r\ 1I:J_ JIUII Cl U11 In .wc]`5'Jr., T. W. White of .Br.acet`br.idge visited` his daughter, Mrs. J; Hart . 'Il'_--_ GA.,___.A. _'--,II 'II..,."I'..:,.1....-.n... VISIDUU 1115 UKIUEQJDUI, .n.5'4c. uq -LLIRJIII Misses Stuart and Misa`Leishn1an entertained` a num`be'r of friends over the holjiday at their summer cottages. L ' 'II'._ T TT-..4. -1 V`l`........,. --o.-"L.-J \/\ UUCl6UO Mr. J. Hart of `Toronto visited his;_Ahome.. . . - Miss E. Hughes of Toronto Visit- ed1L'I\3[issM. `I-`Iart. o - T - _,,A. 1.1-- 1---12.]--- 4:31 ouua uuuuug yang. Miss A. Craig hasmeturneci Tfrom Brantford and- has resumed her `~dutis as teacher.` ,_.,_.I.`__ , 0 "-1-.'-_L'-_`.c_..._..`1...v\_ . i Miss G. Adams spent the holiday |with friends in_ _Wy_ebridge. - 1r_3_ ._--_;_ L`... L-'I:,J.._. .1. 1.2. ! Cu JJLJBD $11.. .L;cu In ' wwu .u`1Uu.ua 1u_ .VYJ_V3_UL1\.lUo 1 Mr. Mo-ir spent the hohday at his home in Toronto. T I R -are II` 7!`, ---,L;-. ____-___L upcuv vtxv JIULLUMJ uu aou: ;avuovu *Mxiss;'M'=; `Constable of Barrie .vis- itefl_ he}; aunt". - - :17 1113 0., n~11____-.L_.:J..... _HA_1\]TYq'_ BAY` ~ T_l_1e_ aCol1i"ng'wood'_ Enterprise ays: y _Reeve McI.`e6d and Deputy` Reev. j.Cra1wfo1~d, of Orillia, visited" Cel- ; lingwood on Tuesday to `nd out some particulars in regard to Tyar-V tvi`a for road purposes-. -They werer met at the station by;;_Mayer. `Barr -;ai1d__were,,giv_en f1`11li1i9lrticu1ars*`( of the i3,ia1_1y.ad`vantagesi of;... 1`arvia by Alderman Carmichael, Chairman of the Board of Works and went away fully T impressed with` its usefulness as a road preservgtive. They did not think much of Barrie s oiled stneets which they had also examin- `-139 .Uu.o _ ~-_ 1 > , . Now `what do.yo u`think_ of `this? The Orillia Reeves do not thifnk much _ i of . Barrie s: oiled streets! Well,. it may {be simply `a matter of opinion, anti yet t Iie1"e'-em.'to be quite a few points in "favor of oil- ing macddqm roadways" in prefer- ence to the old watering cart sys- tem, A `few of them may here. be mentioned as they have come,to the writer s notice since oiling was rst ingoducefl `in Barrie.*: ' ` i '1 A-, _,,,_L 111 Ill UKIUUGQ ll]: JJIIIJIUT ' The oil has ~- been found to `most effectually dispense with `the dust nuisance when it is put on `in the right condition-- not too thick nor too thin--and it is considered to be much more sanitary` than water, even "if the odor is somewhat noticeable when rst applied Flies _ are"not "attracted, - but. ratherpdis-. `pelled by` its use. Three applications during the season are suicient on `business streets, when the roadway is rst swept clean of dust," and the total cost is less than _the old water- ing system. ' ` m1._ _:1 -__- L- -.....1:_'J, --. - ._--.1 Mortgages " on farm property A in Ontario are becoming `fewer accord-V ing to. the annual report "of Hon. J as. Duff, Minister of Agrivulturein the Provincial f-G.oyernm-ant. The Minister estimats that a`b`out. -45 per" cent. of -tall` the farms, in Om usrib `are -"!l.101't888.0d-'7' `He. seemed -;hiaestima,te as thkiresult. of a. can.-:~` +vafs*' made` .by7; 87 t representatives. of `f -the; A .kA-ci9;par'tmentn : * yptvn 1 Que ` VWI-`HUI; I0 PRU V "Mgs. J35. A,Caston"_Asp_en_tV pzirt_ Of. lastaweek visitiixg relativs at Bar- rie -and Shanty Bay. ` .1n__ A n_-:._ L..- ....;.-.......,1 -1..-... ` `I15 3`, UUQIICI .The oil can be applied on a road- waysin a short time, and the daily rounds of` the water `cart, with its inconvenience and often d'an-gier to drivers - of spirited horses, `are done away with. The oil acts as tn natur- a1- `binder for the surface of the roadway, whereas the water tends to wash away the particlesofthe sur- face and:.1eave ruts and exposed stones. After several -years oiling, the surface becomes bound together with a scum which is elastic and not injured to any appreciable ex- tent,'by they suctional; tread of even the heaviest motor car; tires. _ This surface coating. is subject `to very- little variation in consistency due to ,temperature changes. \ I\__ . ... .._..- A...J..-. -1 -.nnn1uv Annuvv AUUa`uD II) 183 van):-vau U lllvionv -ug . 1' Oili-nge has been a decided success in Barrie and the residents of many streets arenow enjoying its advang tages` on which it was formerly .im_possi'ble to have the watering lcarts make, several rounds a day. ' Some 15,000 gallons of oil will he used up in the rst oiling, and a second application" will be given all :the streets named below with a third__ an_(_l even a fourth on.,`some of them. Mr. L. Wood Becomes. Peesidentl of Chemical Co. The entrance of further English interwts into the 4Sta.nda.rd= Chemi- cal, Iron . &' Lumber Company, Limited, has, resulted` in .the retire rnent of Lieut.-Col. A." G. Peuehen as president, and the election of Mr. L. M. Wood, of the rm of J. & L. M. Wood. The company manufactures various Wood Achemi-0 cals. It has `four factories in On- tario and two in`,Q_uebec,' and re: neries `in ` Can-ad'a, England`, Ger. many and France. The securiaties` of `the `company _ largely held in`7 England and -consist of ` $2,250,000 `ordinary stock, $2,727,900 preferred stock, and. 200,000 of i'st mort-'3 `gage debenture _stof_ck; 0 o J . Lvuxycs a nu: U ulluL15\aa - On pavements of nearly every ` .kind,...su,ch..as- aspl1a1t,._concree, top` = via, _.etc., the _dust gather ,- in watering, sweeping` or usliing Tin be resorted to.~ On oiled roads` what dust `blows on is largely }l(3l(14`l)y`tll_J somewhat sticky nature of the oily surface and the road is as near dust- less;as it is possible to make it. l\_'13__--'L-_ 1...-.. - .J..-2.],..J ...... an J-lIIQ\L\J`\I Il\' \J\JVV5QllQ Those to be oiled ares Bayeld from Worsley to Dalton, Blake to Rodney, Burton Ave. to Reed, and }Park from Small to High. '- - DVD`! (0 .|.vuav:s Ull DUJAIV VJ. IIII nun "`1he streets now oiled are: Dun-- lop, Collier, Louisa, P.O. Square, Bayeld north to Worsley, Clapper-4 ton and Mulcaster north to Collier, Maple Ave. north to Ross,` Elizabeth `from Bayeld to High, `Toronto from Park to Ross, and: Essa from .Br_glford ;to `Gowgnz T` I` H` MAN: `A FAVR.-MS . MORTG-AGED SUCTCEEADS PEUCI-mN "\u.u_uvn an A."numb:5:':;u;ie1egates` from hem- rwi~11".fattend the Conservative con- vention at Orillia on May 28th. 'II'.. ...,J `If..- I`! "D.-.11 n...-...J. "7-n, '- 'Flqu1g_ . . . . .. .. Rmmmm,J H_ay, ton ._. . . . 1 Beef, hind qg;rge_;_.,. [1 fore ' quarter. 2.. . `1 LMuj:ton' . ;--. . .j:`._.':.`f.T_.,l.. 9 hmewh%?u}5m; ;LambaV P91` `I1L`1 $`. !""f.", -. -'Hoss.~live. -f 1.75 . %:3W?; < Taz911i;;1>9r;?;1'> Vnomzj RULE sunisni I?arry , North V Stiazr-4-Prob1-,_ .--a'1')`1;. j7 the mQst".ainus'ing- 'sc'e'n'e1~ V: w_`it-` ne'?a,sed on 7a`;_ ' Sudbury 1 tret `~."1fo`r=T n%a_i,ny`wa -mojo'n* `happened A. Mondgy -_...-.... ,L..&e-nnnn -Grin" onk` a1v i a ternoon fhe_vfeen{{` .-,__'v`ei'.`-_ t o _clook when Pixtrick` t0 .Lea1`y,r: .,_;ex- ?. hiljrated by - substantial _.deooctions of:~1`ed eye`,_ proceeded to deliver Aanf oi-`ation on Home Rule `from; the i street `curb near the "Balmora1`. At- tracted. by the loud and - dramatic ut'ter`ances,* Joseph Laurie:-7 Beau- din, .w`ho V is also some orator, took up his p`osition% at a pointon, the opposite. side of the ` -street to 03J;.eaafy and "forthwith" the air - was sujoh `rgir? with -Canadian political issues.` Amidst the maze of oajatory stood quite three hundred people, mostly for,eignwers.. The "scene in- ,creased in volume and -eloquence un- til; P.C. .Roh-artsovn -broke up the meeting. Polling took gplace the following morning when both candi- dates lost- -their deposit, Magistrate Brodie assessing each` $2 and `cost. 5 six as Invented bywthe Romans an gp ' Adoptedhy _Us. - ~ ;~3.Concrete was used by the Romans, who also invented the celebrated Roman nose, -which is still used with such great success. Concrete isfcomposed of .cement, and broken stone`,5 which are mixed with water by a~"tired man in overalls and a recl annel shirt and converted into- a so_'rt of geological Irish stew- The is then` stuffed into a wooden m:o1d, and when` it dries` it is so -hard that when Time attempts to fni-blhle it with its justly famous tooth it has to go to the dentist s with a low shriek of agony. TL- T3-_---_.- __-..A.-J 4.14-1- -....-....L.. Uvvu. IIJ\) \/VLJVAUVV AU |aI\Jv\.n great. success ,, in building `houses, skyscrapers, hrisdgeg, xbasdball parks, V.p.avements_-, sidewalks, wormless tombs, boats, artifical legs, tele- graph._.poles, water tanks, artical pipes, false teeth, vcatherdals, smoke- stacks -and eating-house sandwiches. {Concrete has, in fact, become the VVLVQJ gmany a mountain. which has only sheen an obstruction to` traic will be fground up in the next` few years and sold in sacks to cities to build. " , .' Thomas Edison has `recently in- vented a method by which concrete houses can `be poured to `order by two" strong inien while the family is unpacking the furniture. This will men who have may expect to `buy our houses at thestore `by the gallon and to draw -a cute little Queen Ann garageout most useful thing in the world, and- be a great boon, and hefore long We VVAIIJI GI JV'vv lJIl&.l\Jl\ VJ. wavy`). The Romans wasted` their concrete building bridges, ooliseums and roads. Had they built their emper- ors of this material they would have been more durable and the empire would have lasted longer. A rein- forced concrete emperor would have. been less fatal to the populace, while the sight of a Praetorian guard pecking away at the impenetrable crushed stone thorax of his ruler with a valuable sword in an effort to create a vacancy; on the throne -woud have been highly diverting. *. Nowadays concrete is used - with ....A. ...... ..,. 2.. L--21,]2....... `L .... N. -u_ 0 o"o' (4 _ o1o'-yo a o o Bee_f, quafxjeg-' . . - " quarte1*.`2.. . o`:_:._c`o q_o -`..>`..` Lambs; each .. `I -...'L __ _. 11, l , . Concrete, reinforced with steel, isl the strongat material yet` invented-, but science thus far is only building bridges and skyscrapers with it, and has not yet used it in providing practical rbackbones. for public men-. When `this. has been accomplished the grade of statesmen available will be vastly improved and the old style oiceholder with the . gutta percha spinal column will walbble into 0`b- livion along with the wooden hotel. U\J R3509 UIJVJL The rst ofyMay has passed and there are a number of idle dwellings in` various-parts of the city still to let. In many of them the rents have been raised year after year for some time past.. The limit of _what- the ordinary citizen can pay in rent has A evidently been reached-. ` BAXTER . ` . -V M/ay 25th.--Miss Minnie Smillie Lof Alliston visited Baxter friends pver the holiday. `I11. .._.,I `II..- C(-.,.. 1)_-..].!!-1- -1.

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