Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 2

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DR. H. A. DU_G_LAY, osmo- `l\lf'I1TTT'lV 'I'\ _ ___ v-.v, . vings ` 1:4 y:ears :Post Graduate work in ' rltlnh ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat & Nose Hospltal, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hosp1tal(Moo1-elds) : for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; rlstol Eye Hos ital. Brlsto ;and Birmingham le Hos ital. B rmin ham :former Member of tie]: phthalmoloagcal Society. _OFFICE-78 Dumm s-min. _B.uu_ua.. V `Phone 5; 9. 0. Box. 96. -uv-val nu nun!` ' Wehave a large amount of money to loan ntlowest current ratemeither in small or in large amount .on the security of ood 1&1 -`tn 1118?- cCAR'I`HY. BOYS HIS . on Street. Barrie. Wions slams? ma_ _cuega. `- . . . ._ _-',.g_-- :---- vwg--:. g lm R33 R Q I Q Q R Q Q a An: M:- f` oroeshoeing YFIELD st! G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 32. ES- tablished 1869. .Undertakers. Open 3 day: and night. Morgue and chapel in connection: j` *_Barrie, Ontario. UNWIN, MURPHY O ESTEN, oN-| Inn RIIFIYAIIIIDG `D... aua.I\nnnau _ I`he eternal feminine V` assumed a very tragic role in` a Guatemalan district, where a beautiful `Indian- girl, through jealdusy, is. said` to have caused ,the death of hundreds of rioters. " T ~ KIIHUT - LLILLUO yavun, gs \ HDun 1ovp` St. Money to loan. NJLVAIJIJ IJVJDD, J.JJJuJJa, JJn.J.va.UL-u_A.a4a-, Solicitor, `etc. Ban of Toronto Building, Barrio. Money to loan. |%Jg>.:s. ARNOLD (Successor to `the me R. L. Barick) rm and Lif Insurance Real Estate Agency * * .'jM0ny toIioo.n ` lo onoaijyf ' "\ yr monto name ot andwti Pn- 6`;; .;'"'s+. R35. 33?` .4 :4 av`! Q-\I-v 7* Ey, Ear, Nonsg Throat. V o -.IJ.I.`lVV.lD, Jl.lo.lJo\JoA!.L-, Lluzau ';1n`E Diseases of Women especiz -l ly. Oce 58,C0]11.ier St. Phone 61. - V 35-- Ll. Ac RAUAVJL-`Au \I.nI-Aura; angry -"osionce corner of Toionto and` Elizabeth Streets. ( osite Fliza: [both Street Methodist urch), Tele- phone 167. . This is` t-heseasoen when many a man is perplexed by the disturbing. questions: Shall I -buy` a` six cylin- der car with what I `brought back from" the Woodlb-ine, O1""."'lb0I'1'0\V a . 091 Y;)', 1-:y'.' "311 `13; i1`os`,{t".."1, $v'11 `ii at . 67 Owen St., Barrie, everv Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear," Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 by appointment- lJr.Bosanko .A.I\J\JI.L4 '}'A?Eia:r5' Physiciar: `ices; 11'51}, ' Barrie, Ont; Office `Hours-9 to 5; other hours by appointment. "Phone 565. . ' 45-1y I Vvv,.Lv, All-\JLULJ.l.L WI .I2l|UJ.J:A1`l \J.LV' tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, ate- Entnhlinhn 191:9 nan..- tano Land surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Building, B. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructional left with Btrathy & Esten Solici- tors, Bank? of. Toronto uiming, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. ___.._____.--_-..__..___j-_. 1. J. ARTHUR ROSS %oSpsi5 '6s';'Er.` (X4) STAND ma mi rLnE'K MONEY ro Linn 5 n |Q_an4\ -...-.__L -1 ._,. , From an exchange- we learn that "9. young lady was ,hurt, on her .`birthday. .This is more painful than being tanned on o_ue s vacation, `but not so `bad as being s_un`burned V on o-nve s week-end. . UNDERTAKERQ. IUBVEYOEI. RING 263 .`n_uh_a_u'u1u.-w pay me price, "" 7.jAdvex-lzisementa are charg A . ed acc lines nonpareu measure ll Auuvmunvn. '_ _ L 'rn'ANs1EN'1- -Em Notices. Auctx n 5 1 `ego.--Il`i:_-at insertion 13 ccnutses'e1`.1laemem ;|_u A nentinsertlon 5 cents pernle "10. ea . . - per ne insertion 5! the same matte?` %511fil:1fbm lo petline. V Poet .COMM'ERCIAI. mm (17 ' lIllIu_II]_ -w-w memos easy.` linigs will be given on application. `must be handed mtt2%"ge he. cut, yv. anonvi .COMM-ERCIAL DISLAY ` - `_ + CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in notice of intention mi Hm . fl` me! Saturday at 10 o clock, and ltce not me `ha tb ' THE ' 9 `Wu &ht::8*?h::1u:2 ozlgck no AD` Axe ml12& week. otherwise the advon on Monday in "1! .mr- A , _ crtisc-r s ann may not be made public until the wmgs nnwnuman-n A T\\'t.`t)rr~vn .. __, - TISEMENT8. BED AD` 5 coxon . . - n rstpagesua ae~vews~=ma";:.3 m `3srda11 kinds. 105 9,5 mm _ 111nd. poem ic a,I'7.lC C to fntv spec `for 881 or t 1 Wm . lid me 3 ounmd on $0 .a5C bem ha, etc., etc. . ' the cue . valued wlfll must cC0:i11,.e tisement5 must In a V ' Cuts fof bases THE 11:11 P11111111; 1111171 Llmlte d Manufacturers of and I)ea1er's in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber Iinnpc nal. BIl...l.. l_4__-:_ _. _ -"*0" --`M -no-`Lu uuulUl' Door.8ash.BIInd;. [me i columns, Tanks and V';Ig{el.:.-"'~f-'3'? Plnnimr. Mafnlns um.m:.... n-.. . V. n . uusu` Planing. Matching. hiollltlig. Re-Suvlng Hot Blast Drying Kiln. Laying and Polishing Hardwood Floor; a Specialty ` Contracting and Building Estimates given A0l"l`|CE-BAYl"lELD ST..BARRlE.0N1 criAIc.Huns1', our. `LICENSED AUCTIONEER 5 null: |\o'lJ\JllC I `S't;cl-: Sales L FOR THE *c`ouN-rTv'o}-s'nn'co:. `Most reasonable terms given on 31} C+....I. c..1.... JOHN JE1"IETT 7139" `W M -rnnnn 1-n `run: _.. V5` VIII U`J\v ve spot ? V NEXT noon -ro THE TANNER'Yl |St. J_olm%& Brooke V GEO. MONKMAN. Druggist. Ban MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- _Monkman s Glycedpnia. U Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. Oneor two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skinacquirzs the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia his not sticky, and gloves may be Worn a few moments after using it.` Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. .41 DUNLOP STREET EAST B_A__RWI E BARRIE BREWING % GUMPANY 2: a",*_:s'p2:`:;:r=;:.#n Everything indicates that` the June bride crop` this year will` not be a fai111re, says The Orillia Packet. And this notwithstanding the denite announcement that peaches were ruined by the frost. Is 0 en for all orders ix MI L REPA1RS,&c. _. __-_-~,-.-. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of \ _ farm and stationary nmzachixwry made and repairec} on shoucsz nouce and moderate pnces. AI _ Al work done by oxpcr! machin- 1st and guaranteed first class. Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle >~ Accounts given T.Beecrolt 6:. CO. MANUFACTURERS. .l`BANBlEN'l' BANKERS One reason for "the present rebel- lion in Albania is an objection to pay taxes. That should send ..-an sympathtic wave ripp1'ing eastward.- But we re withheld from taking similar drastic measures for` fear of the police. - ~ , _ ` ' V Expert Machinists *PHONE 135 Barrie. V.1`ay.Towns11ip~ Council has voted $400 to the Midland Motor Club` for the construction of a permanent- . road ` from Midland westerley ;to_ the iPen=etang~ V-Road, the motor c1u.btto spend an equal amount. .' ` The".'c1ub' was also given-perm_ission_o to make` ` mecessary ve_pairs; on. f"_a ,_ny - ,, ,-;1 oading Jtoada in the` township gt;i:1tair .ow.n;. texpense. o , . o :_r_~ One thousand appeals have been enterect against the assessment in Sudlbury, where $3,000,000 `was add-' ed to the roll -this year. ` One would not give mu-ch for the opinion of the assessor held; by 0 the ratepayers of Sudlbury. ` Oil may truly be_spouting ninety feet in the` air from one of those A1'b'ertan wells; but -even this spout- ingisnft to be compared with -the, spouting done by the > numerous promoters in their endeavor` to tip the -bank rolls of the gul1ib1e._. Burk sv Fall's Arrow--_-The Toron- to. Star isrwbly assisting` Mr`. Row-ell to Banish the Bars by publishing, full page 1iquor_ adverti-sements. The idea, we suppose-, is to get rid; of wall the liquor wbefona `prohibition comes into force-t{,>:' [lot ' the poor downtrodden vubrewe rs.`j get out from uIide1', Ibeforve the. d'e11'1,g,_svo to` speak! . I .a`.nd.'escent_` 1igkl_1t.s;. The 1+;1%ectug ;Light% _jDBpa1igment": premise that: 'CQmp1i1int has been `made *that[ boys have been .b'reaking` street - in-_ . I. 911??? The Midland Free Frees` hints that in the_ event - of Mr,.?" W.` `H. Bennett, M1 . for East Simcoe, be- ing appointed to one of _-the va-can-. cies in the Senate, Mr. Dig`by Hor- rell, :1 Midland merchant, will can? test the convention with Mr. ":W. Finl-ayson, the well-kno-wn ,M:idland. lawyer. As ie market vafue of 'the7`rop in L. L- 1-`... 1..-. P-.-..w+'1nn1i anm. KOTE AND COMMENT Tuna or 3un_aonzx1""IP-6(:t.'v`. .-- A nu-svvvnlv I'\*I'- A 15!`. gummugapau 3 .|;_-.... `L. .1`; IX I i of vandalism -`and'_ 'ci!;ii9nsT`reL;V_i1fsk+j~ edir reporlrhny ca8es,:0f':e1ih ;`.`z2.v"an- Wit` Varf Vivllbish toVl1avbidV'a1gp'dlice court `liuld warn theii-,fhi1dren. ' ~ 1 *0 lic` uschbbl Bbard_ 0fh .V}':0 j, dispensed 0 with th6A`;Ste0WV8Jft`V& plans for .a new school 0bui1(l_1'; 1g',+- anti. `, called: four othetlplanti thaitqwee `before? the. B6a~rd"of A0las't` year; ` As. _ our forms ;_wer.e `being made, up _th Board `Was `an .ses_s1on `vs-t r 1v1ng fto make *'"a selection` a of `a ~ building that` would not exceed a cost of $35,000. ? There are some members, of the Barrie [B`oa'rd of Education who wou1d.d`ou\btles 6er- the Mid}-am! trustees congratulations I on -their_ deliverance from barchitecturiil evils such as have -been hearcl of` in Barrie during the past -year. Recently ` many ~, Barrie people have 'been._ asked to `buy stock in"a_ new fox ranch compainy-`one. _of- the newest forms of - the get~ric-h- quick artists manipulations, _ and the following frdm. the -Brogkville Times is timely: .* mm._ .1--n. -.c;_1.-1- 1:.'...... .1` r.....;. .1. uuwa 45- V iuuuwag 0' - I . The d_eath'otE whole litters most a on ranches is now reported, and has eaused~`a,_:decided, alarm in fox- breedingjcircles in Canada. The . loss is estimated" at $300,0_00,.~= The incident goes far to conrm the_oft- expressed opinion of the Brockville Times that 'black fox breeding was . a hazardous ~ gamjble, owing to the impossibility of breeding animals of this sort in captivity -with perm-' ahent -success.r Trying to get ex- pensive pelts in this easy fashion has but two results; either they can- not be bred in numbers large enough to makeibig prots, or else they will he bred in such great quantities that theprice will be cut down. So far, the fox-Ibreeders have made easy _money `by selling brood and stud foxes to new breeders` ` there has ebeenino great amount zoi money made `by selling the hides of the. animals `bred in captivity. ` HEALTH GRAMS HEALTH AI1M*A1\TAOS AN-D .Two of the States composing the neiglrboring republic prosecute a . unique -plan to improve sanitary i conditions `within their Tborders. Three years ago, the` Virginia State Board of Health issued its first Health Almanac, and` has yearly-` continued to do this. ` Other States have followed its example,` a11d have vied with each other, in not only making-_their_ almanacs attractive in appearance, but combining with this lniuch valuasble and-(pithy informa- tion on scientic matters and dis- ease problems. In this year s Vir- ginia almanac, for example, January is devoted: to smallpox, February to A Pneumonia, March "to Typhoid fever, April to m`ala`ria, May to'in- fantile mortality, June to ies, July to typhoid, August to hook- worm, September to di-ptheria, Octo- her to scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough, November" to colds_ and December to tuberculosis. , . Ad- ditional pages contain information about the care and -feeding of in- . fants, `typhoid "vaccine and typhus] anti-toxin, and `birth and deathi registration, The -North` Carolina almanac follows the same general plan, "but adds` proverbs, admoni- = tions and- suggestions,f_ all of the nature of healthgrams. _ `Here are a few: ~Ventilate. don t hibernate ;~` An open window is lbetter than an ' open grave;_ Sunshine "is God s best germ destroyer ; Fresh air, ` rest and good "food are the only ' cures for consumption ; The only badair is-last ni'g~ht s air ; "`A city s , most valualble asset isu. wholesome , water; The--only good y_is. a ' deady. The,almariac,.idea_is all i. right,` and the'provin_'cial health de- .` partment might do worse than take `a__ leaf from `these `Health Almanacs. Jiadgcg :S gyi VIA{Tieye'r, _`Kn:.;w. . VL `0I_xe _1.so " ` -" .. `_`I _:.have Viiiai;rv"cr1i;V$1ec:l it is "a farce-VforL~ ;"t.w;Q1veT'grep:esenta-" W m.n= ethv wommrliits 4As1ewh- 13%??? the. nublw m.stiwtIn9% Parry Sound evidenstly is `in for a costly _lesso`neox1 the dang\er of bonpsing. The North_ Star says: It appears that Parry -Sound` was badly stung in -connection with the bonusing of the smelter. _ All kinds of wonderful ,thin'gsi were promised by the promotersof` that company in order to induce ei1s.,to part" with `$55,000, -and-' We appear to have been-,suckers,=._fo1', no it` sooner were `the debentu[r'es. `handed : over than the;ip1ant;'c1oged . tdqwn, , ;'and there. is no immediate` prospeist.-~oi its. resuming. Not only is} dfexnoney _gone,'_ but "also that of some other conidinge ` `people, 4 and. `at the `-*9a;ne- time `we have in'dt_1ce`d- `th'efDomix`1iojn- .u,_Gover-nment -to `put a, lot of gpuiblic money inteftl1f*_fwater\-"-in_fliejshhpg Of JURY U*SEi4Es;s THE `EVILS 01* 1 30N_Us1NG . . W A W, "I-nuuuomomuo mm g "'h.`2.`." a...a'. ~.=a'+ ail `ptesentment',fhe` tdeclatred, was, a survival of ancient days` when such I I a. commumcatlon was the only in-T strument through -which a; commun- ity `could make, its wishes known `to the .authorities, In these demo- cratic days Ministers of the Crown are Aapproachaiblee by `large deputa- tions and `much more inuential representations could be made in thxs `manner. t 4 -A ` 0` 05110 on However, if you -wish to go` around and inspect, the various pub- lic institutions vy`o.u may do _so. You` `Dej:;rtTieiIt % T` rys ahdCanals, to the nude igned and `marked- Tender for 'ction `No. 3, Severn Division, Tre ' -T Canal, will be re-1 ceived at thi jofce until 12 o clock n'oon,o'_n Tlu day, June 18th, 1914. _P1a'nS,. specations and form of . contract to V. seen on or -. "SEALED T DERS, " addressed A = entered into can be` fter this date` at the. I_.iett.:r_ s_._L of 'F Qredit 5|? ..W..,v_.. -... _ spe , ` on oice of th .7Chief Engineer of the Department " f Railways "and Canals, Ottawa; at 7 he oice of -the Su-per- ":~"v! - ----' -- ---2 ..-,,-~ catmns entered intending gineer, Trent V Canal, Peterboron, , 0nt..; and at the District Engineer, Pub- ofceof t T lic Wor W Department,` T Mid-land, 0 1 - ,1. 4 ,`_.`.c_- .`iTUII 1: in yw--V ,`_ -_ Tratrellerst ' I C 5 Trt\ve11ei's' Che uea arid` Letters of. Croditare issue` roruseton the Con- tinent, or in Mediterranean. African. Asian qr Australian ports, orgn . West Indiea'.~_ - . nomnu-no citanrrs we issued` tor travellers in North America. . _-5 ` MIIIIY can Be obtained`. `on `these Credits and Ceequea at needed.-wit, out delay or `inconvenience. ` Con- aultour Manager about it. . W -uuo. -- . A A_~Copies "f plans -and` specitca-` tions ma'_ the obtained from the De- ` partmeht`. n the payment `of the: sum of ty dollars. _To. bona fide tenderer this amou11,t,_wi1l.be re- funded .on the return ef the ye in goodjcondition. ..._ * * {Patti " tendering '-__bej ` -f the fair wages N M; E . l , ?.Sjthe A-Depart nt of Labour, T which `schcedul; will form .pa_rt of the `con- prep-are or to the prepared: .Luxua,. uyu u c`5ntract f enderer _ . 0 lschedul f` fr` U!` fun! I: nu! -l\Ii`.n R'l`A'l`I! SlTBECRIBmS V etors are requested to bear that tenders will not be _` (1 unless made strictly in ce with the printed forms, he case of rms, unless attached` the actual _sig'na- nature of the occupation, 1 An ceptecl bank cheque on) 1 a charter 1' bank `of Canada, forfthe sum of 5,000;00 made payable to the order` the" Mtinistere oft Rail- ways. and I na1s,must_\ jaccompany each,t`ende_r, 'hih.sumevyi11 e for- feited _ if Q-.`party;/tendering` de- Velinesaentyer gr into contract for thawork, at he rates stated in the o_e3_v`su'13mit d.`; r ' I1! `De 3'1-_tment_` w -it. |\ .1920. . 9 7 Asst. Deputy ' Department `o A Q~ttawa,_` 21st Newspapers . ti'sen_1ent miwitho \JIl\-II U LU llllll U The cheq returned to ' tors whose `t uf;.1`h checj tenderers wil or part secur ment of the `` iiltq. . _ Th-3" loxivsg` -necessarily `ac: - 13 Latest HE RN Auvmcs {BIN and-vavvqn an ----.>........-._v um-wn snvrms sUiasoR.13-ms $1.50 IN ADVhNCE. ' -* 'th 8!) CR0 MW name will beadad $9 .9 u` ; V Iwlmwn but until the money _ Siaurlbarl` now `in meat: for three month; I .4 `(NB r will he charm d` 81 60 per Iillllllll. $11115 sent in will be` e. respective contrac- ders are not accept-' . of *the- successful be `held as security, y, for the due full- ntrakct. to be entered` __1j * any fender . 116t_ pted. `A _ (order. 1- 12 `l't\ '\T1'a`r1 . 5 . Ra1lways.aud.Cana1_s. _ay, 1914; _ "1 erting this adver-1 ....';L 4.2;... ,n___ ,, , .1 "31{i{ri{`}roI` '5I IV ` not be _ paid for 22-23% H. A. suns`, Managgrv. Wmay` oknoovv -of soxne hinstanhces in which a grand jury` nding has done A _some good, although in all my judic- ial experienoe I have never seen anything come of a presentment. _?You may report whatever you deem advisable and I will forward it on to the Government. That is all the judge s function amounts to, he in- formed the `jurors. ` I-- IL. .]_.L.. A: 4-`an _t.I.uAuavu vbow ."---,-., _ . _ Referring to t the duty of_ the "grantdi `jury `in c0n_n'ection- with in- dictmen~ts. - His Lordship informed the jury that it was the most irre- -sponsible -body among ~ British Vin- stitutions; and if it went wrong and made mistakes there was -no way of` correcting its -`errors. ~ In cases where the Crown presented` a case - which appeared to require an ex- planation from an accused `he ads vised the jurors to put the accused on his trial, but where there appear- `ed to be no possibility of a convic- he advised the return of no 1 . ' A 118IUB Iuufvh VQIMV U1 uuv y9vy_ is` likely to be low, the flfrthet sow-V V ing of wild oatsv by C`o1ling3wood h`n`d Orillia young men-is no,tad-` !.._L1._ Truth is stranger` than .ction. I That is why I give my wife c- tion. eShe 11 barely bel-ieve _ that.-' TEsND~ERS win V be received by the undersigned up to] noon of the 6th day of J Jy, 191;}, 31; 17116 right .4... ,.-.4. A..- D :;_- 11:..- U0 , For mapg and" condiioIrsA of `sale apply` -to the undersigned or. `the. nun... l"....FI...\.. A.......J... -4. 'I"L--- _ VJ. u'uL_y, .I.'UJ.'I LUI) 11$ `.l'1'5,lJ'Il |"c, <;"`c:`1-rtxlle R and, White Pine timber on Berths 1 `B, 1 C, and 1 D. in -the Mississaga Forest Reserve tributary to the `north shore of_ Lake Huron, each Berth containing an area of 36 square miles, more or 1188.9; T n I/ll`? l.( I IV Cl. D 15 ll URI U1` IJLLU Cliito`\~J'x1 Tuliimber Agents at Thess,a_lon,f Sault -Ste. Marie, Webbwood "nd Sudfbury. - , `Minister of Lands, _ Forests, and Mins, Toronto, April` 18th, 1914. `_ _ N.B. No _unan-thorized publication W. H.i.HiEA1%s'r;, on of this notice will 'be paid for. 17-27_ iowu Your: own nomal hc Real Est(h;;e?a:t'11'dI'n-surance Phone 530, __Iu'Dun_lop St. G. S. RANKIN R'ep.airs bf `kinds Residerice ; -164 Bayeld Street Phone 627. - i- 16-tt V06-J`\_L \(oa , vjsable. T;H9l35iWXB ,Contractor Builder . HIS METHOD 0IID.*,th9, ` 300 K S~T`oRsj ~ TE`-W. 131', BARBIE- ..t5I. 8I1lzi.%9rI.-.-Nt89%.Public. and (-}d1A've'y.a'_i5`e1-9.: Money to 310811. in any Innjlu at 5 per cent. Oce, 13 Organ ~B_t., Barrie. H. D.w8tewart, COWAN, ` SUT- . -clesaor to Lennox; Oowan & Brown, Barrister.` Solicitor for `obtaining iprobate of `wills; guardianship and : administration, `and General Soli- citor, Notary, `Conveyancer,' etc. Qiegs: "Hin(1is Block, No. 8 1--.. CRESWICKE & LBELL, ` BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme 1 Court` of Judicature of V Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross _block, Barrie. A. E. . H. Cres- -, wicke, KC.,_ W. A. J. Beil,.K,C. STBATIIY & EsTEfr,""BAnR1sTEns, ren_ rates. G. H.` Eaton. _ Solicitors _ in High Court of Justice, Notaries;Public, Conveyance:-s. ` Of- ` ices over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rio.` Money. to loan at lowest cur- L Galt Reporter---One_ of fthce best wayg of forgetting your worries ._at this time of year is to bury th.em~._iVn-, the garden. ~ ~ ` J , DONALD `Boss, LL.B. BARRiTER, QXI2 `ILA- 461: `Dan 1| DR. W. H. OOHS (SUOOESSOR _ T0 DR.` PALLING), Physician, Surgeon and Acooucheur. Spec- ` ial attentionxto Eye, Ear, Nose and Ehnoatz Glasses Adiusted. Office, at 1-n__..- nu 1;1__ LW. LEWIS, `M.D.C.1f.:-Surgery F 1`. ' V - A ~ 3 `I A----__ 4\fa\l\Ix:l\14 I nn; w. A. BOSS, PHYSICIAN, SURJ _ on, otc., L.B.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P.,] ondon. Omen and rbaidence, Dun- .` Lop street, Barrr_i9. Telephone 77. _nn. H. T. ABNAEL. omxcn AND ~I-_-2:I-_-_ --__-.. -3 __-._;.- ___.1. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ' St, Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. V 13-A mint` `Dan `ling-`:1-..I -.-.:H- I... ._'-" tn.----s v-A-un- ; `Hi :-Iacunccr V 291.3 -2;` `Q! i ' 5 .,.'"`.' ... L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & `!}1a:agow ' ---SURGEON---- ----::< }. A. RADENHURST, BARRIQTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, lac. Oico, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. . Money to Joan at lowest rates. . Notwithstanding Victoria` "Day; the 24th of _this_'month, has for long been a_ statutory holiday, it ;is_ strange how some continue to coffn-. fuse it with Empire'Day, `the ~23,rd;

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