Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1914, p. 1

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`Other Transfers fir, ; - tvex1dra - .___- ...-...'L Ajlllil -I-J'.LJJ- "METHODIST s.s . Asrtmx ` AT. we MEET on HOLIDAY ig Croxirds Enjoy Attractions! Put` up by Turf Club.-*- I V Bar;-ie Won Game ` 7` From Meaford-and ~ - o Thornton I Jlltlll, J. Lllb UGILAE. A 2.20 Class . I 1, Sidney Mac,`J. Graham, Allis- Lton; 2, Tony Brino, #1 . J.` Stone, C01-lingwood. rm-- 1vr`___--,1 1-)--- v_1:'.1 ..-; L..:...... `Monday :aftei'noou s sport, as pro- xzided by the Barrie Turf Olub, was _;t';E`orough1yt_ enjoyed by -a large num'- `lger of people, the attraction prov- the means of ma-lgiingt. W-hat xiruld otherwise have been '_ a dull 435'. one of brisk excitement ' in tQ.,wn. The steady downpour of the mbruing caused many to stay in town, and the beautiful, though ex- tzfemuely warm weather of the after-` n"o0n, was doufbly weleome. 7"`...-. .'_-A._..-..A.. -1. ;`L- A....2___`I1___;__'l -JWKILJQ IIVVJQO It was -not the privilege of every- one to_ attend the Wood'bine_ on M_onday ,and the horse races proved an irresistible attraction for a lare 111'1mber of people" who `enjoy the speed ev-ents. -The unsettled"- con- dition" of the weather in the morn- ing was the cause of several` horse .o\ $'f11-ers absence, but the track was ~fas_t and good speed trials resulted. Governor Harry Stoddairt, of the _Co_unty Jail, handled7 the bell to. the -satisfaction. of. all._,,.sThei results `were as follows: I\ np\- 1V1 ..vv. n no uUuuunJ yy \,L\4\I1LJ\Jo ,T-he interest" at. the Agricultural` Bark centred in,-{thelhorsie races. and the `ball games, Meaford`, Thorntotn 'ad.- Barrie competing in the latter cofntest, .whieh the` Barrie twirlers Won handily {by a score of .9 to 0; Meaford~and Thornton played rst, Mgeaford winning out by a score of 4; to 1. Barrie drew the bye -and were pitted` against vMeaford in the second `game, shutting out their op- ponents in _a loosely--.p1ayed game, in which Meaford-, although showing cd_nsiderable form -in the rst gamut, were distinctly outclassed by the Barrie `boys. " TL ___-- _._1_ L1, ,,,,!-_!1-_._ _l' __,..___. " 1 - 2.30'Class I 1, Joseph S., P. J. Stone, Co1ling- wood; 2, Birdie Welsh, H. Lead-lay, Cookstorwn; Major -Minto, D. Free-V man, Penetang. ` n AA 111.... \ UI.L I 115 `V UU The N`a{f1?ed Race did not bring }out `as many horses as expected, and on..a'vc1ose` decision the rst, and second monyA was divided between Mr. Frank _Wisema11 "and Dr. Bailey, with H. .R_o11and `of Elm-' vale third. -q'~.1.rs I _'.1`=he4 Ball Games` .- Not until the sixth innings was there a tally made in the rst ball` game, when Jimmy `Spiers of T'11orJ1t0 i1 ~ scored the initial. and only counter for 1113 team. Mea- *ford also got one in the"`sixth and, 4 succeeded in piling up . three more before the end of the seventh. The line-up was as follows: " 1.l'--.B-__J 1)...J .\.A.. 5.` 1.1115195 15 Ah- 1111C` lull VV (ID (la .|.u1.|u no u 1\Ieafo1~.d.---Bad'ger gp, Jucks c, Cor- hett 1'b, Oliv-er2lb, Mc_Mackon 3b, Barlow rf,. Marshall of, Moore SS, Paerson If. 11 1.-, , 'l\ C`L-..- J. CIDUCLEUIL 1-1.: W Thornton-F. Feltis p,. D. `Stew- art c, J. Spiers 1`b, L. `Stewart 21), IO. McQuay 3b, R. Adams rf, W.` |Bro1ey H, W. Stewart ss, F. Nixon: _ `By innings the scdre Was: ?Meaford`- 0 0, 0 0 _.0 1 T41}i_ornto`11-O 0 0 0! 0 V 1 '.L '1.|_U.l'Il DU11`-`U U U U .L v g. In the second gaine Meaford} weakened`, "and Barrie coming on fresh played a strong game, though throughout te play was loose and errors were numerous. Barrie tal- lied one in the second, three in the _ thirid and ve in the fifth, but Mea- -fovd' _were -.una`b1e to negotiate the" diamondzj The Barrie line-up` was: *Ba`rrie--S. Rowe 1), J.` Smith Tc`. W._Scan1on lb," E,`-~Co1es 21>, H.-.` tDy'er _3b, ' J. Coffey-Vlf. G. _Meeking cf,_E. `YVhite rf, W..Itt_ as. `- `I, (V...2J.L ....n..' &.1n.r cc-i-nu\:un cf, E. White rI, w..14eu as. `- Mr- Frank Smith was the umpire and he gave eminent satisfaction by |`his' impartial decisions. . i .'I'\-.'..:.... 4.1.... ntbnunnnn I-Ln (RH- Ill`! uupuI.'uu_1 uwususuuv. During the aftefnoon the Citi- zens , Band . gave..popu1ar selections anti Before `going: 1:9 the V grounds t-own. _ _ M. H] " % > `OF-F FOR LON-DON V is Capt. Richardson `of the glca `!S.,A. corps. who has just -been pro--. to the`-,-rank- of. Ensign,-A .~_ left. on?" .Wednesday for `London, Eng`.,v tq _`-ie great . ;.0_1'1d s -('}ongrea.s`* 19f. ;`$91Y8ti0ni9t-.. = .. `#5118 71159 * fie G9FP;5h eI1`9_v,wgilI_' be ,;i;1* Jf T sst-; '1 `- ;S-A4 _ `1tBREE`"1>HYs1oLm '.to.T ~.I:);-. 3 v:. Ti-I_:' commas` Ol}"ANADA. ouav cnrn:I_uoN. 'c0um COUNCIL A AAw1u. Acoovmo* A NIAGARA FALLS! L/arden s Annual Outing will be Held on June 18 and 19.--Council Meets on June 15 for Mid- summef Session _ The June session of the.- County -Council opens on Monday, June 15, at 2 p.m. Some matters which will be discussed will be the extension to the` Judges ` Chambers on the north` side of the Court House, the tender for which has been awarded to a Barrie rm by the County `Property Uommitt-ee, su'bject to the ratication of the council. The en- largement of the Registry Office, as `demanded by the Provincial Inspec- tor, will also be taken up, and of course the strikingof the rate will- be done at this session. `I 4r\.1 .1 UU uuxnu av _vu_Lor uyuuuu. O nJun-e 1 8th"and 19th the an- nual Warden s outing will be held, [when the council will `be the guests of` Warden Wood _on a trip to Niagara Falls. The West Gwi1lim- bury Agricultural Society will run an excursion there on the same days and it isexp-ectecl that York Coun- ty C`ou_nci.l will also go over to view thewonders of Niagara on the tame dates. The trip will be one of the `best yet given by in Warden of this county ; and" the privileged ones are eongratulatiiig themselves. " 7111-- (`1_,_-_A.A- `TI- -__-..4._- ~ f`1.........IA.L.... w...,.............5, ........W-...,. 1 The County Property `Committee! ;has awarded the contract for coal` supplies for the vCou1_1ty buildings '1-to Mikle, DymentT& Son. T1. 2- 'l2|__`IA- L1_- -- - ....--_.._- _-21`| "IAJ .LI.l.l.\.al\A\., 4.J_ysuuuu u. noun.- l It.is likely the June session will llast all week, the councillors return-` ling from the Niagara trip on Fri- lday "afternoon, June 19th, and! hold- ; . . mg a sesslon that night and. one on [Saturday mormng. L ' ~ ;$1755_ _For ' I -The Woman s Auxiliary of \- the R.V. Hospital are making every preparation for-their big one-day canvass for the new electric eleva- tor, and you may. expect some re- presentative of this aggressive or- ganization to call on you next Wed- nesday. This `elevator has been much needed for a long time to` re- place the present hand lift which has done duty ever. since the build- ing pwas erected. The present lift is slow, and the noise caused ` in operating it is a source of dis- `tuI4bance_to other patients at `all [hours of the day and night. .-`|-__-4..... ...L2...L .211 kn HVUIG U]. [MIG GILLLL LLABJLIIO ' T-heene-_\v`e1evator. which will be an 0-tis-`Fensom j direct connected `electric passenger elevator, will_ cost! `$1555, to which must be padded $200. for cost of installation. -11 I `I .,0 y-tn ._._A.| ) '.lla `W111 uavc a pycuu Lu. uv .u.~.u per. minute,s= will be noiseless,- an will have acaryingcapacity of 1200 pounds, which may be. doubled if` nesssa:~~ p_--_-_ LL- 1_......;.......L +4. I uuu .urum:a. - _ r- . ' The motor will who a two-phase.` .220 volt, 60gcyc1~es ,and 9, two-lfght electric xture `will illumin-ate the car, which will be of dcorative `steel `(with rounded dome. The! front will be of iron grill work, with iron panel doors to open out-I wai. * ' . i 1-rv ,',,9_f A,,_2`I:...._. am-uinl-n11 _uv:Lv-coax. _y It willirim from the basement to ithe `top of the building, and will be `fully protected -by automatic stops 9 anf_l brakes. A j,,211 _1__ - 4...- ..L..,m The Woman s Auxiliary, assisted `by other ladies of the town, have iundertavkexi to -provide "the money`. `and will make a -special canvass of fthe"to'wn._next week. As the object} is a very worthy one it is to bel ihoped. they will meet` with a prompt aI 1`d-_li*_bera1 `response. ; R WaI'(.l. `Memorial For C-.3F.[ Henderson; Puiblie-spirted,l itizens have "sub- scribed $100 for a monument to . mark the last resting place of the" late BAandma_st_erV and Mrs. Geo. F. 7 H_p-derson, in the Union `Cemetery. Mz;gHede1"$0,n.wasA one of the men who.4%. 6his_ life-time, did] self- for the cause of 4T`in`*;~:Bax'rie, and -it, is fitting %:euow-citizens should thus } UUBD UL 1ll.Dl:bll1(.luA.u;L- 1 it `will have a speed `of 50 feet ' LA 1 '11 1-.. ._..:.... ,.~- .-....-1 New Elevator! 1 2111)! J1- `Lt . ._ 2': BARRIE womm BEREAVED BY I NIPISSING TRAGEDY Mrs; Mansbridge Receives Word of Drowning of Her San, His Wife and Two ' Children at North Bay V R on Victoria Day Mrs. Mansbridge received Woni from North Bay on Tuesday of the tragic. death by drowning of her son, Arthur, his wife and two child- ren in Lake N ipissing on Victoria Day. ` 71"! 1 (N. n F!` 1 ainogo 1 The Toronto Star of Tuesday } evening [says:-North Bay se Victor- ia Day was marred by one of the worst drowning accidents which has {over occurred in Lake Nipises-ing, a. I whole family being wiped-' out. ` 1P....1-- 7I"`--.....J..... ---......I-- -- _ - - - ~ H E. I v g V av _;_u.;;.;;;,. .|.r\.A1l.5 IV Atl\4\_L' \JLlIl , Early Tuesday morning a young Icolli-e. dog came whining to 9. ~ Government" road-making camp near the shore of the lake a few miles 1 from North Bay, and by its peculiar pactions attracted attention to the [ lalie front. u 1 q q n `Boy Wounded I By Rifle Shot 1 . mother, who -1.1. `J11 iv`f`:tra`ig111v:. to a beach the dog led`, and there lying on the sand were the bodies of two children clasped in the rigid` death-grip of their V A remained with her ch i`1`(`1ren indeath as in 1ife:n `I \4A;4A\.IavLA MIILL (Av 151. J~AJi\4u The -1)`(:di:<;; were identied as `those of Mrs. Arthur Mansbridge, a young Womanof twenty-one years ` -_B __.- __-L- 12---`! _-_2A_L 1,--. `l_,__L__-J Us Jvuuls VVVLLAIAAJ. VA. UIIVALVJ UALL; Jvugu `of age, who lived with her husband iand two children in Lakeview Park, `North Bay. The fznnily were pic- nicing and shing on the holiday ..~_.,`l _'_- L1-.. ..__..._____... _--'l-...- mnauanne |.~:.A\.l._ \JAl&AL5 \lAL usnu AI.I&&\AI.A-I in a canoe, and in the evening`, when "they were returning home, the lake blew up rough and the canoe upset, father, mother and children sink- } ing beneath the waves. . IT, -__.. L-.._-_'I L1-._._. -__..-. LL ; LL16 LI\-Ll\.465 UL} L'AA\4 VI SI I \/Y. , No one heard their cries, the `noise of waves breaking on the fshore and Strong winds that blew up : overcoming-' (their `-feeble cries. 7 2 \ 1r_;_ `|r-___L..:.J,..,. .....-...L 4.... '\\T-..;L >Camer`on Gray, the 16-year-old [son of `Mr; and Mrs. T Thos. Gray 5 lia at his home on Essa St., suffer- ing from the effects of a shooting accident which occurred on V-"ctoria Day.. The lad, in company with a number of others, were having some rie practice, when a bullet from the gun of Mr. Geo. Spearin of Caroline St. struck him in the chin, and passing along the jaw bone ielnerged from the side of the neck. Gray was looking after the target, andithrough some misundcrst2_u1d- ing reachedi around just as Mr. _Spearin was about to fire. ' u was IT - Inewl-` :nvv\111nrI;n(? o. 1.-....` o-an ' U CI-\}\IL1i-l.I:I.5' ` Ill-INIQL VA I\./K10 _ Mi'.s. Mansbridge went to Norih Bay on*Tuesday evening. ]DPUul'lll Wilt wuuuu `EL! 1114.`. D No tune was lost` 111 summonmg medi-"cal atteention, Dr. \Vall-win making a record run of six minutes .in'*his car. The lad" is now pro- gressing favorably and no serious results are feared, although he may congratulate himsxelf that the wound was not fa'tal.,o If the bullet had struck an inch lower it would have meant death. -- _ ,_,..`=.+ [ ?RO0ES --Ladies`--The Chzi-Na monstrator will be at June 4th, 5th and the 4 _wond3rfu READY-TO-V store on , to show "you CHI-NAAMEL GRAINING _ LL- ....;;-'..v.auu. 'icIi is` very interestf . A-Posmi_Ielyv no _ {.1 .00 PER ANNIXJN ADVANCE uncut con-nu man CIIOTI ., V ,` 1` ,, ,r::.-1- `Lgd, :2 4 -.-,p `out VALLAI LAV \;I interestf economi- appear- I'\ Fl` 7!` I'\\T uyywus OTT-QN mlmt. .\l.\\.' zmh, 1914.7 "(L 3.3`) 1).111.--I!u!, liitw of Conrma-9` tit?!) will 11' zlllillisteled by 15116 Rlght RM . _Ui.:])nl) `V. D.'?R03Vei;{ 3.00 .p,m, 7. SI,';\'I).\Y. .\l:\Y 31st,1914_.' \\'l1ir.-un-D.ay A T` A ` .--? 1'u`1_\' Co111111uniQn. Intin:< and Se1fmon.~ --9un(1aV School and: Bible mass, . . 03 p.In.---]Cvo11s011gA and `(e1'!!f |Panama Hat} this Summer? if so, we want you to see our line of Imported?- Genuinc Panamas. we buyre-= them direct and are able to give. you a hat at $3.75 that we will % guarantee cannot be duplicated at lessthan 5.00 elsewhere. ' Let l.b Show you. A, en kill- tempt is ' AI. .25.; Simmons &Co.- Trinity Church t.hdt`fl;` ' " Ill M` ' .:`_ _COAL PRICES: J. c. SCOTT S Are you going to wear a U J-"Cl ll` [story of dians. of .'B,,I l.'.:E|ElEEIEl%% J. FRANK Q JACKSON Summer Months. . MAKER OF. PORTRAITS or W` POI` IIVIII Stove lmportr --]`}v m1:~'c->11g` `Serm01} % R. J. Biggs,- Vicarg. ronto. .. ._ a cut of is iuo, .` & Nut ve$8,400,0 30 _ $80.000.000 WAYS GET PROMPTLY that unforeseen Jortunity comes nally protable much to be able I out dglayi olutcly safe and he Uuion Batik . Wwt-`ion: -N`O. 4155.1 FUILIIHII __ 20-ti? V1.75 REVISION coum Will CONS|DER `ASSESSMMPPEALS ll1ull3- V5 utiful 1th, "for CI -.-a.`l.. Number of Ratepayers Think They Have Been Rated Too` High.---Bennett, -Hinds L and Webb Black; and ' % Queen : ` Hotel` _ afar! me Court of Revision for" avp-I `peal-s against assessment will sit on Monday next, June -1s_t, at 9. a.m., when the following appeals will `be heard by Reeves _Caldwell and Mc# Learn, and Aldermen 'Sarjea.nt,. Fish- er and iWal1ace`;< ' ' ` . ' W * assessed $3300. for property 011' Blake and Kemp-enfeldt ;Sts.; claims too high. ' `F. A. Lett (Queen s Hotel) assess -T ed 3338,4000 for Queeen _s' Hotel, .A. J. .Tuck s store; Thos. Ward s ofce, stables, etc., including business tax` on all; claims too high. L" Mrs. Julia MacDone11, assessed $2200 for block occupied by Jas. .VIcsC`~andless; claims excessiv-e assess- ment. A \J\.l LII VII U G. K.T.RadenVhurst (for Martha` Kidd, Toronto) assessed $1200 for Jot 12, Sophia St.; claims too -high.` TT T)...-...;\ *1 * In ...-....\.~.-.4-`.1 Q1 mezn .0-.. f`J\Jll` JG, Lluyulu LJuo, uauA&uo vvu annaan ' `W, H. `Rouse, asse sed $1950 for property occupied-`by Edward Arm-' strong`, Bayeld --St; claims. .too `high. * `II... T` 7b.`:..n-9 -`l\R(`.4\."\f!l\f1| F. S. Mc:Coune1l,- assessed $300 ifol.` 1ot.s;o11 Tifn St.; hould be in inalne of wife of Rev. W. M00011`-V 1 nell, Toronto; claims too high. 1\..-.2.J T.-..-..2..: ..e:..~..-us;-..-.J dmnn ' 4\w| \ {LVv`l, -I-V5`-"VLU\J WOCQICNIQ U`- \J' lllslll , David Lewis`, asessed $200} for } lot 81, west side of high St.'; claims too h_i-gh. " IV A ' -n- ,1-_.'1-,,_--;. In-.. 1r-._;_L_ l TT Dr. BairIbe_r_, -Sintmcoe Hall, Awrong.-' ly assessed for bu_s1n_ess~. -r 1--r as - - -- ' V J. H. :]ennett, that M. E. B-aatty was wrongly assese& as tenant of town property. . vvv 0 ' - Winn-i`;_~_ed L V iia}ri's&i,T assessed $325 for property: on Elizabeth St..; claims too high. ' ` --- , -. 111511: . .Mrs. . L. _Rainey, 9 ' 'assessei1- `$1250. for e.p. lot 22, Burton vAve.; claims too high. - ,.r ' r\!J,-_, C`1--..L..._n.J ._-',.....,....1 moahn. buu xugu. Gideon Shortreed, assessed $2600 and $8100 for old abretwery property ?at foot of Mary St.; claims exces- `sive assessnxent and that buildings are not w'oT1'th half. wvv L`Q;-.._.1-L. ....;-nn.~.\.JI UFU IIUIJ WU1'bll IN-UL: _'Wm. J as. Ste les, assessed` $1100 for property o1 South Burton Ave._; lainlg too high. ' W 11 C1A.....L1..... ...-.puu:n.Ar". 43:. {kg oh` \' $115150 G. B. .Strathy, assessed` _ for the property corner of Blake, Louisa and Kempenfeldt," (taxes $272.50) which, as. it is unoccupied, he claims` .tobe too high. V James, Vair (na R.vH. Wefbwb) as.- sessed for $6000 for store formerly occupied by. Ottcn & -Son; (claims too liigli. " `N ` - ._ R. H. Weibvb, asspssecl $4400 for MacLaren s drug store; claims too .1ur_~.....`;. 'l`....m.mo /rnqnantifinrl Geo. mgn. _ _ . . Minnie Turner (respecting Geo. Livingstone and David-Ross) wnong-* ly omitted. T . T- . 17.-. 3 n .-. aunuqn $2500 for T ly 0IIllBI;eu. ; J as. Vair, assessed $2500 `house and lot`, No; 15,. Mary St.; M1130 $3200 for lot 10; -claims too high. . ' J. H. Bennett, assessed $11,500 for the, Bennett Block, `claims it is too high.` It is made up as follows: Alex. Mi'1ne_ store, $4,000; J. H. Bennett"s oice-, $1.900; . Beecmft _s bank, $3000, . and Dr. _Brer.eton s , oices (2nd= and 3rd oors) $1600. Anna. Hinds, agsessed `for Hinds, Block, -Dunlap St., as follows:' Sut- clie stoic $7000, 211-d!' at $2500 -and 3rd at $1000.: Also for pro pertyon Mulcaster St.,. as follows: .Si"tibalds , store.` $1"T00,- Gottr s =,StO1`6 $1200, 0 oats _aJbove_.$139 and We _$650. C1.aims""toOhi?gh.;~` 0 0 . . n. n .cu`..,.+.1~.v_ assessed. }.for_ 8650. Claims too nlgu. . G. B. Strathy, assessed A_ for Dougall Bros, `store `$5600 and 3rd at $800; also` Gaug'han s_ liquor store $3200. _ Claims too high. A 2s`}i'is E toxi . i `Gun Club. won 1-5 `out ..of gered at O:rillia _on\ V"ic- - `TH! _ INTERESTS i:.. I0. ~of.;them` roilcations % tmarv 9% ..'r -` for [REAL nsma ISt_e'a;dy Demaqcl and Good A_ Prices Being Paid` For . _ Town Properlies.- J New Residents Coming Real ,esbate` continues to change hands in town with greater fre- .`quen`cy,_tha.n has. been known for a num`ber of years, and the prices re- imain rm, a most healthy sign. '~1\.r... In nr.....1. _....;..r. 4.1.. run-.. -toga wubvrgl uunutg hut?` yuan WCUAS . | W. J . `Crompton of Reeve s Jewel- Vry store, has purchased Mr} `Geo. R} WOQd s house oxi Olappert-on St., now occupied `by Mr. Sutcliife. (1.... U .`n`.._.... 1.-- ;_-_---1---- 1 `Ar. V " V\"""fL"V`-` ' "J -5311: K)`JlI`4"vl_llUo Geo, H. `I-Iuson has `purchased Mr. D- Ross house just west of "the Islgmderhill Shoe Factory 011 Dunlap J9`. An. \.uuu.J \1\,\;\.IlJ-I1-4\.l nu`, 4.u.L. .LJ.uu ..|.;.1uvxo Mrs. Alf. Hunter is moving to their"Qwn. home on Owen 7 St., `re-` cently occupied by M1". .Todd,. and Mr. T. Crew is moving` `don the house "on ,W_'e11ingtAonu St.` (necent1.V occupied. by Mrs. Hunter) which he recently purchased `from Mr. D61)- son. ' ` ' ru 1- r: -1-. .0 n -r '1 W-1'Ir..C. J; Banting of Ivy`: has purchased the house recently erect.- ed on the Ormsby property, `Bay-? _ eld. St}. from? Mr. Thos. Rogers. 'lf__ f`\;- l`1_____.._ L-.. __`|J L3,. Mr. Chas. S`immQ1_1s, carpenter at the G.T.R. rbundhouse, -has `pur- chased Mr. G`. H. Esten s house on. 'John'St. west (formerlywthe Leia-drl property. ) `Mr--- 7.. `r n ,._ (`An 1 1 118 VFW` VJ I / Mrs." Jas. L. Burton, ofAI1anda1e, thas purchased Mr. ;G. H. Esten s :lS1ouse,_corn'er of John and Innisl ts_ . 7 am.` -u n Mr. W. Ed. Todd purcmsed from Mr. McKinley, of ` Midland, the house at the head of Owen St., re- cently occupied by Mr. Dan. Fisher. ' "I.I'_..... A11.` TT,___A.-_. _.. _____.S__ .. ;_ J-I\JI\.[` &1Ul| LLLIJIT JILL! J. -IIIJUO -LU\I5l'L\7I ` '-M-r. Geo. -Gravoes has sold his house on Toronto St.. [to Mr.;.Rey- jnoids of_Stroud. `Mr-. T. Ward: reports _the follow- ing sales during the "past week: ' W T .n..,.......,_A.,.-- -1 13---)- 1-___-_1` \ ooo_In~o-I. dllbll, U. LLAUBU LlV0:_L|4ll-`y oxgu. COLLIER, STREET 'll"I1FI1 ' VThe annual meeting of Collier Slt. % Methodist. Sunday School," held on *_Thursday evening last, was - largely attended. Rev. G. R. Turk was in the chair, and a` |banquet was pne- pared -and served by the Ladies Aid. Dr.gRichardson,` who` has -been an able and -. punctual superintendient -fore -twelve years, -"tendered his re- signation, and Mr.` A. J. Sarjeant was the unanimous choice as " his successor. The treaSurer s "report showed a balance on hand, and other `reports _conr_m_ed the gieneral epin- ion that the sch`oo?L`is in a"o1u'isl1- ingancl prospering condition,. With the exception of Miss Clara Rodgers, \vho"l1as resigned, all the? teachers ` and oicers were. re-elected, Moving Picturgs ._&InTown,5 Hall iThe'"Pro-vincial Boar of V Health Free Moving Pictures exhibit will be seen in the.fTown all, Barrie,` to-morrow (Friday) e suing, `follow- `ing up the Ontario. Government s poTi7Sy "of spreading ei gospel of prevention agains disease. The pictures are said ' be both inter- esting and educat e, depicting con-~ sumption and` 110 to prevent it, care in milk prod tion,. "ba'bies_ and diseases . whi ' many other k ' ures; The afternoon ' ` " 9 5 -is especially for i , `and . the `evening " _ 8;o"c`1ocks when adults ._childlren- are. `invited. L ' ill be given by D1_`.=Geo. ,"_e,'distric1;g Oicer of `Mayor *~0o_wan_ will oc- ' 3a`fthej:pn',b1i is cordial-' .e`i.t9!1.d L - V ,- -P_ubliegS_hoo1 pro1, no_if.'_ion exami- < _tions`_ throughout 'S.Imcoe, County `#`??1.*``` `% % 1?1%`" "`3"i`.A555 `W 93' The_' time fbr mceiving tenders ~%f91`"ihe no'w .,Govez-nment * armouries een s ._.I_ _ar1_< Iqldsbd i 'y$ste'1_-day. ,l`=heI~'plans-;ca1l for if Ye_1'y..I`;,1e st1j1c- mu ifit is deposited in ogcanaga, When u_nfores'een need arlses. or an o_ ortumty comes to make an except: cash deal, it is wort be abie to get your cash wi ~ Meanwhile it is a olutelysafe and is earning Interest at the time . Barrie Br nch. ' p. T. suom`. - - Manage; ,,, - `A

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