\4\.u nuuL rut: uIl.'l1Ul:`u` Not the least, 1fep1iQd The TIME LQ_K_ T CHAPTER V.-(_ContinueVc.l)A 1 the medisinp it: EH8!-f`fYp ~ ` Edmontgp, Alberta, Can.`-.- "I 18 nn mnln +1...- ..:...1_.. .3-.. ...- 1. . 4.`I.'a`.. b* 21315, A By J V. % CHARLES EDMONDS WAL_K Author of The silver Blaq" '- "The Paternoster -Ruby". ic. -`,`on1y wis I did. V But: she 'wps mighty serious and solemn about it, I can tell you that. -1 .-., -1 .1. Can uv1s`.yvu vuuw - After muolh more consideration of the difficulties confronting them, Van `Vechten ogred. the following `proposal: _ .. f IlA1n` I ' __.-7 Lag...` man` `A I I tlsvrvwuvo - i Although jo are bound not to Isearch _for.the . Ijocky Cove ho_1_1se,A I am not under any, restramt. There is no `reason -why Flint and I should not `run over, there - "and have` a try at it; ,.x_- .1 1-.. ` :;nV LICIVVI a! '13`, V `V. V . 7 Ruddy, I can t. stand for 1t,A l ]_`om .quie`t1:>'. but none the less rm` l1y,, objected. * . 441' .....1- 1"... 'l`}wn ' Van - Vechten 1 1y,. omecteo. Look here,- Tom. 'VaneVecht`en all at once grew. very gfave, and- there was a new tone ' In his voice thatcaught Tom s attention. I am- as interested "in one of those girls as you are in the other. Perhaps -hesitant1-y-we are both interest- ed in `the same one. rm-- -._---- A... .....-..+o aafnnishnq ed 1n `the same one. d T-imis 'wash1;heT moit dastonilshing T ivsc osure t at eom . a yet ear "You ? he almost shouted ~h_is amazement. ,- . _ T . _ I ` Van Vechten nodded. I saw her_ `in the `crowd at the `alley, Sunday 1 _-__._'-- ;.A. A\ cu-in/1nt;1 s amazement. - E 1 Van` Vechten herz [in crowd the "Sunday, g and again at a windov'v across the ( street while we were returning here. Whether she is the girl in the dark or Jessie, Ifdo not know; but-.- .Describe' her, Tom eagerly in- terr'upted.' ' . I ` , - *She is slender, her hair and eyes are dark. 7She1's very_ beau'tifu1=. . I But Tom "was emphatically ` srhak- 1 ing his head. 5`That--"except for the ` lbeautirful. part of it:--cvou1d _ not be the girl who ct_iane- to met in - 17116 I dark; I _don _t know Why I know it , but I do. Buxt`~go on with what y011. started to say}? * _ _ Ehatla-my | conxd;en1.;::I_4:j>"f;:_t11j.iyS..`gAirl?r~ I inv1ocer'1c_e_` of Cdpyright by A. . 7. Mocha-3 8; 0a.. 1912 \SlJU,i1'I.!'JLl uu uu:,._ , I was. golngto say. that I am consdent of 'thi's_ girl?s Innocence of the case, no harm J can befall either of them from anything lint and C j`It s the `sandy-h'aired.ehap that I; want t9 g'et,'a_ ; I, suspect 11e s the mainspring 9f the whole affair, and indu`b;ta;h1ye`-"Flint Vthinksi` 80, Fltinfs ta nretty tclever` chap;- I t re- spect hifm; t-mr%every . time f 1`-lgielieve he :._ is` ::_;tlj1orongh1y1~ `eenda . e _. ._ - `giy did you `not tell "me. that Miss was in E`ng1_and 9 com- pla',ine"d: Bobby,`-_.regardi1ess ._ of the number of we Do `not know 'he_r: present _addre`s8, but will nd it without` fail` before night. . " _ `["_}.,,'\`,'3 5,. )7 ...:L.L..J 17.--- 1'1 . 1,._ 7 wvvw-` v -"Bu-t his spirits vstadiiy -fell as read. h No use. If she: was now or ~h3.d~ been at anyof the places I have in ginind, some. of hese per- son4s,V > , tapping `j the `messages, `.Vyould be Vsur to know it. I shall tijy a cable" to, her Paris ` ddress and seejif it` i`s-.:fo1'-warded.` Anti I also instruct"-Mr. Flint~_.to get "bu`s&Ei- . *1 b`el-ieve `he 1'vjvi1_1 wrgnt yto ,"n]y(\ n ....q-n. A---- `LA ` .,wwuUqVIall. .n1gnt. ? =;`I* -lmpje so, sighed Van 'Veoh'i:'en,V hastily tearing 913011 the other - en- velopes. . ` - \13__`_ lg; _ o c, . u.. . Q- - ' a. II\lO`l\I V vvquu `nu ."` V I \J' talge a `man over __fto Oove.. . . What Is `It; Alexander 3 .. :`* " _:I _L__.,,_, `I ......_ L ` `IV 1 0 u u; cu, `.L.ul\. /|(ll.._\-lUL_>3 ~ page - had approa<.z11Veii~ Vduring .th` speaker s -`concluding? words,-_ holding ostemtatiously in his hand 4a newspaper. ` . .'l3'.g. ..._.__`I_,_ `at V7 T7` 1 . ul . n Ivith 4-iv. tJy`(b1J\ /Lo . P1 1`.dV011, Mr. Vfan Vchten, sa.1d= Alexangfer, f`I_but ` I `saw you wasn t readmg a paper this mom - I]'..'.... 1.- J-.`_-9'.. _ ?a;-SLIIVV JUU accu. 5 ~p ere ' L _ ' -The name startled him. ' The Sphere? No; Let. me have. :4. H 'He. ung_ the sheet open. And, there in glaring headlines extending clear across the front page, was a question that struck him like, a blow between the eyes: ' 1TrTj"I11)1'.1,1'c1` 11117113 I"I.A1'I.T.11 70~ - .L\l `IL! `I ? ultlt: 11L` l.'.\\'l(l11llL'Llu _ To be .~'u1`9. And what has hap- pened to my cousin? `Those are two questiom that I am extremely anx- ious to have answered as soon as` pcstsible; qucstioxls that must an-I swered. in fact. Do you not how your 1n'mni.~:o to the uniden_tized< young lady has tied our hands at a vital moment { t t` t - `I O 1` 1 ___x_ "`7`V33i%`EVTIvS9:PKfE.* OAREFW?` TALENTED VIOLINIST MY- vSfD`EnIIQ-I_JSLY_` MISSING. `I I ' And below ~this was a smudxgved, two-column half-tone portrait, which may have `been made from `a photo- graph of his cousin. OHAPTER VI. 500 Reward. _W.hen Rudolph Van Vech`ten1ral- i lied from. the staggering blow of the Ibrutal scarehead, he contrived "by a mighty edrt to focus his attention upon the -_ sensational news story that lay below, and which shrieked as loud as a lavish` use of black ink - and red ink and double leads could make it. ` There were smaller head- , lines---font visitble enough, heaven` `knows-e-`which bore his uncle s` name andihis own, and most in- conspioiously of` al1--doubtless: as being the least important factor`-- lt Mas. ]?eveEeaux s1. Mrs. .IJ!:V\:1`l:u.uA D. V In the rst place, it was made ullmistakaable that 7 everybody who knew or should_ have known where Paige` Oarew was, either would not` "tell, or else they `did not know, and- "it was d'emon'strated how this re- ticence was conclusive evidence that she {had encountered some unto- L Ward fate. Every possible "change was rung upon..the1excited. query in the ,,hectic headline: .``Where Is Paige Carew ? `T `l)_-.1..`I;.."|.. `Tan TT.nn'I-mi-an nrnvntnonf. ralge Uuruw 1 _ Rudolph Vain V-echten, prominent clusbman and well`-known society favorite,the missing gii-1 s ance,had been si-gnally evasive in.his replies. The interview with hiI_n was quoted a 11 , .'I 1.1-- '..'--n.-...-. nn~nn~nnnu1+u .I._1.lU 11l.l4Ul.`VlUW VVJIILL uaux vvuu -iuvv-.. in -full, and the allusive comments__ made it appear as if he" were at the; time distressed-- to the verge of in- sanity.` _- . A recent- celebrated `abduction case was summarized, and certain similarities between 1t and Miss .C'arerw .s vmishment -were played up strong-5-the deliibera-te intention -1 .... ...,. 1..,:.... .+,. inszinnntp that the glrl Inel} W,lI:ll kl lint: Uuluuguo 3 In short, so adro1t1y' `was the `whole thing worded that the" Sphere -in no way ommitted itself; and however Miss Carew might` `reap- pear, and whatever the subsequent `explanation, it would `be good for another front page. story, and the Sphere Would. have nothing to re- tract. . ""- "T--'-L4.-.... .....`L:+n m~H-In 1-no-p__ U_U.l1~U?LalaC ILLUULLUJVJA of course be1ng_to 1nsn_1uate that the girl -had; met w1th a. hke outrage. tract. it L Van Vechten, g white with rage, lgnashed his teeth. Giancing up to `ascertain whether he was the tar- _ get of too many curious_ eyes, and discovering that the and` Tom were once more alone, - he "gave vent to at hushed -but heater} epression of his feelings. .. That, ` -gritted he, mutilating the sheet with -a `vicio1_1sjab of his st, is damnalble. If ;that. meddling little reporter were. here I d thrash him within an inchv of his'_ life. -r 1 -_-_u. -rr..,.1.. 'l`t..mAm-a 1-gage `nlm Wlullll uu nu. -u. V. ...-,,,_ _ ,, Lord, won t, Uncle The _ore rage and mat his hair when he sees it? Believe me, old chap, t_here 11 be something: `doing now. .-A1exan- der! Where. did "that boy gt)? A1,__-__.`I.._. ......`.= ~n'nn'n Han .Q09.1"lP, 3-- His friend .~;ta1'ed at him l{1af1k:1y_;. How the dickens did It `get there! he excl-ailned. /m u A 1 1,; 1--.. `L. ... der! Where am man Iuuy gut Alexander was. upon the scene al- most as if by magic, 'h's mien one_f of childlike innocenqe. - Van VVecht"en instructed: . . .;'1`e1epho`ne the Kenmore. `f garage and have` Ram71y. fetch my `,touri'ng car .,11'ei`e, inu;.ed=iate ly--`the ; largest , one. r V ` Ensoonceel one of u thei cluib 'boot;h q sAle_xa;1fd`eir soon got gar- ? ..and';1qxtiRam1ey,A whom he thus gddressenz * . .S'ay, you Ramley hick, your boss wants his` biggest `buzz-'wago_n" at the Pdwhatan; "0..Q.D._ J ge it`3'. J, uuu 5116 a . LICK D1115 1.l_' Have ' you ` seen to.-d-'ay s . 977 3 %sastL~keep man.:V:m. '1<'r'-' ' gencles. L , .. ' 141'-` n___._1_ -"T. -.1 L . .V`'`._LII " "`_Le_t Ramley` IQ Jfathr the machine" t1;an'1isten to you talk, 1?:h9'w, . rfeturnedn Tom, candidly." fellow might have 9. chancq to thi.I3.1s- % * A A ` *_ ;} .l"I1}e oer was - conslderecl` .:ser;ous,_- 137* and, to Tom sL `satisfaction, favor-_ _a`b,1y-' ` _ . 'T)-__`L _, . 91 T`? `1-7 1 . '3. V _ 1 ..,.,,.~ , , \ T- i "`P.erhaps,-9 Van Vechten - returned, it might be as well not to have too many witnesses in case anything "very private occurs; even the best qgf servantfs--inc1ud=ing Bamicle, of cdurse--can -be made to ' talk, if` cleverly manipulated. A1......._.1.-_. _..-_.;. LL L1-4-1. m-...7,. V VI SJ uxa IIU\I.o ` '-Alexander went tb `lfhetch Tom sU motoring gear . from` the cloalaroonn `locker, and Ramley was dismissed; `Under Ton_1 s ex-peyrt guidance! the" huge machine _g1id'e& silently oyer to Fqurth averiue, ' across Umon Q.........- J... n._-__1_-__ -...1 1-.....` A-...+l "You said that the gir1`who;oo1`1- uuu luUl1l\LllL . ` ducted you frmn the Rocky CQY9`. house ixxtinmtwl that you might 111"` deed see her soon--under 801110 Strange c011ditim1.~:.V Have you Idea what she meant` ` ..\` . .1 1 . II 10 .-1- r`l1-A_- - UV; -K-V/uluu avvuuv, k\_&l\I`DD` uu.-vu Sqpare to, Broadway,- and down that busy channel, as if it were held within the, speed limits only with the utmost diiculty; Arrived rat the New street oices, _ Tom .1-e-T mamed with the motor while Van_ Veghtexi hastened to his uncle. ,,-_ _I_'I.. V c\5_1-IIIVUII IIHUIICILULI DU LIID l.llA\a1\/n ;Tl1e Man of Iron, _it was quickly learned, had a1vI'eady.`seen the Sphere s article.` And E something was .` _.i1_lreaudy doing, too. Outwardly en- `tlrly unmoved, ironlike, inexible, showing . nothing of the annoyance that `stirred beneath his adamantine crust, he - had pulled this wire and that one, with the result that the Sphere s entire local staff, `from the `city . editor on down to the newest culb, `were `solicitously speculatingf upon the chances of landing new , jobs in the extremely -likely event \ that their present ones woul v inate next pay-day. A striking tri- bute, this to the Man of Iron s f_at- reaching power; for in all the wide world no other authority could-. so ---.._..A...L1.v u~nr|_ WUYIU IIU Ub.LlU1' uuuuux.:u_y uuuau ._ -av have shaken vthe appanmny Inr pregnable strengmh.T of thls gTeat j0urnaL .1l....-..--... `I'T....Jn "I"l-..vs.Jn~nn 1-sal Q]- Juuruau. _ Moreover Uncle T-heodone had 8}- ready ` very explicitly caliled hls n__..:..._:_...'| 1)....:.. .....J Tmmflnu worn-an-I I ISUGUJ VULJ VA'1.u1usu:.y x..uun..\.. ..-~ I `principal Paris and Land In repres-i West Wellington St., Toront , Ont. _ ' . _o. '0 - g_ in Y5AY?5.. IWO:WOMEN \ SA\]ED mom 1 QEj|_A_T|0N n]Oy Iuumuu uwunu concert or recxtal. T combine all three in _ one evening-and add vaudev e songs and dance. musnc for good measure. 'ced and the best low-priced mstruments Columbine. $650 for the Grand\and $32.50 for pse. Other models between these extremes. (1 free` trial in your entatives, who had, means of gather- ing intelligence beyond the scope either of police or news bureaus. All of which he succinctly and un- emotionally laid before his nephew. UT -_.- L_.....2.........n. 4-A -gnaw ]1n| emouuuuuy uuu UULULU .u1a 11C yuvvvo* I am beginning to- fear, he tersely concluded, that something very serious has happened to Paige and-' J 0; what, I can t imagine. But no more can be done than we are doing. I am a busy man; I can not afford to have my plans upset or in- iterfered with; I must delegate this lmner uuuu.uu. ;v.. -..-_ tan any single `grand operaiconcert recital. e \ ;est priced anti the best Bolumbias. $650 f9r_th'e _Grand\and .1. -_.. 4-.`,g.,.nfnpQV innr comfort- -you can ~- -3..zI.-. tenant` ner You can hear Bonci sing the great 3 sing gly one o . Italian aries-or any other tenor sing us that V any song on any disc Iecoxd. The fondle`. g _ Grafonola play: them all. incl: pl: A every disc record mode _ {tin--wi out a. single exception. own fireside `Mary Garden's wonderful rendering (if) Thais Love is (Virtue Rare" is yours to command -- cr any othcx famous star's interpretation of any of. your favoritcanas. enioy musical t1_-eats 'a, matter to you until active inter- ference by me will accomplish some denite result. Then I shall act promptly. Draw -on me for neces- sary funds; but don t fail to keep an accurate account of every cent spent--aboth exact amount and specic purpose for which expend- -_`I BY Lydi`; Pinkharrfs table 2. ompound Owljstories HereTold.` The only safe Way `When you`1ose your temper is to hold your tongue. (To be Cotmued) GARDEN BONCI uuu1UnI.(!l`l It is no mo`e Inn. I r ' in8m` female trouhles. I had r3m`c' ` v|IDD `' / galls ' ...,.., 4;|ubl. U0; . . to th! % it In e that` rgggt and L959 4 You for w t your k1n acompound have = E. Pinkha sVegetab` f J - don%s]f}(,)r te to you some time H ro . - .-I was 3 vemgick woman suerm ' a11"!.f.`.*7;- mation and ould not 9nd:;nd_fD71?y distance. _ last I W9-_8 `I would_.;hy bed, and the ~ doctor 89-!d_ -n} `-0 go throug an operatlo Q,-. . .. A _ `Pmkham s etable C0mPund' , ter us g three '0 ; \