This Slo re Recommends era Canad gin Comfortvla Canadian iacic . til 01- Ocean tickets I `Tinl-nf Ananh: (IF VV icoll ll ExPRgss_ blllllg 1l`Ulll {UN 11 call at Owen _ 10.30 p. m. same i Eailing from Port | H r-nlrl nr Oman .. on sailing days. with Steamers Inn`, see andhve a. doVmo;nst1-a.t1on of The Dor V I end TraI_I8formaildn. The}? give A 1; charm and attmotivehesa to ;n othbrwlsevggn, Afacp and will \|'ns'tst a'_ny wpliyan [to `keep , her youthful appearance. They are nuporloi-' ll others in effocta Vthy` pt-od,t_1co when M!` `justedin quaqty of bug and emoloncy of aqahip. ?:`l`1.1,is.'l>f J}i::)ee is pr-(`meted iAnVaTli oigly H ;}Do `not ~fa,ii"1:o chd .:se:At}1`t:`m;"`a i3`1-`ri:` A date. Wits. Tvdnstormallons. Pompadodta; g|_s.: in-outs, waves, iwliclvn-5. BARBIE BRANC % H. J. GRASET `Mgwanagcr; I-U` Pro'f.Do'i' wand 01'` TOR TO whowillbe the Queen : ote] Barrie, T 'l'ues., May 4 th ' With an im eflse .. stock cgf the Latest Fashio Hair Goods. Style to Su_it Evetfy I1clivjdI_1a_l._. makcs ev y woman bmutltul. a d all who desire to aka" the most of the appear- ance have t. e oppor- tunity o!'p:1y g a visit .0- iiuiwwtkr A At Creemorej ILadies With Tm Han-3| u _n prayeer, after which ii the following Presbyterial : reports were read. `by their. respective secretaries: Mis- sionary Tidings, -Miss. `Boston, Gril- lia; Northwest Su`pply,. `_ lM1`s. W. Hughes," C'ollingwood:;""i Mission Band, Miss,:-M Victoria H-ar- ibor; Scattered Eeipers, Mrs. Watt, Barrie; F-inancial; Mrs. E. B. Schell, Alliston . Mrs. Cameron of Alland-ale` offered dedicatory prayer and Miss Blackburn of Creemore sang a solo, followed by a memorial service '- by Mrs. e Cameron. . Mrss ` 'Foote of Collingwood sang a solo, At Eevntide, so very appropriate, and `Mrs-. Copeland, Collingwood, gave the closing words,` speaking very feelingly of this, the last meeting of this society (which is so `very dear to many. A text she wish- ed all to remember in Ephesians 6: 10, Finally, my brethern, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. '_Mrs-. Nolan `sang Will there be `any. stars in my crown-?p and Mrs. McLean` vclosed the meet- ing with pr'ayer.g - f, { CoIling'w-o`od--Mrs. Copeland, Mrs. J. F. McLeod, Mrs. Nolan, -Mrs. `Hughes, Mrs. `Urqghart, Mrs. Foote, VMrs.,McGregor, Mlss May Simpson, Miss Jessie Bell, Miss Kat111'een Peterman, Miss Emily Hughves, Mrs. MoFaul, Mrs. McKee, Mrs.` Allan, Miss MoO'aig`. - - I` \J>ll|.ll\)LIlll. JILLUI LUUIIUIU &IV V -Black Bank-Mrs. s. . i\Iv?ve11,;l Mrs. Moodie, Mrs. Ma`rsha11,_Miss` J. Newell. ' - `_ ` " B;$ri-;Mr;.'`Wat; Mrs. Morri -` son, Mrs. David Brown;_ . Midland-~Mrs. E_11i-o-tt, Mrs. Ney. Beeton-Mrs. R.:- J. McDonald, M :..1`2`A"39- % T? 'I` T'1`II LILLUO JV-I-ULLI U&lIpIl A11iston_Mn. W. T. "Ellison, Mrs. E-. B. .Sche11, T Miss ` "Bessie iD%391T- ' * 0.1 1 re 11- 1\I ' ' I'a. .LVu:-ucuu.. Victoria `Hanbot-~Mrs. Smyth. } =Or_o--~Mrs. -Campbell. _ " I . -East Nottawasaga--Mrs`. Patter- son, Mrs. Allen, Mrs.: C'o`ckli,n-, Mrs. Rankin, Mr-s. McArth1'1r,~M1*s. J. A. son, Banister `and =McQ.uie;_e1_1. V .` Churchi1l--Mrs. Robrt Bayes. rMc~Dermid, Misses Gadway; Patterv-` I T31- -1- 'l")__.I_. '\l'.;... G \T._.`' ggnidale Corners-Mr. Rise-`9 I-brough; Mrs. T. Burrows. .A 11-; 1-1- 11:..- 1.:--1-.._.'_.-.. -u"..- a` N}! L: LIIALIVVVKF? _ ` `AllandaIe--aM1ss McLennan, Mrs. % Cameron. _ - `II .77 11. `II 1-CV A 1 The 28th annual meeting of the Barrie Presbyterian Woman's ' For- . feign Missionary Society"` was held in the Presbyterian Church, `Oree- i `more, on May` 5th and` 6th, -1914. The meeting opened by 'all singing the hymn, Come ye that love the Lord. The devotional service was conducted why , Victoria Harbor, `Auxiliary, `the relation,-,,of the Branch to the; Vine. -Mrs. Elliott of Midland, the president, gave an ` address and saidthe past year had been the best year in the history of the society. Miss Hisey of Cree-. m-ore -favored the gathering -with a solo, after which -greetings were re- ceived from the sister. societies, 'Method;ist,- Baptist, Anglican` and W.`-C.T.U. All very `gladly wel- comed: the delegates to their town and `ho-mes. Mission Band confer- ence was conducted by Mrs. Urqu- hart of Collingwood, who set out the aim and\ object of the Mission Bands, namely, to interest children and older girls in mission work of the church, as `a training school to take other places in, auxiliaries. She also dwelt on the numerous` methods of training, telling how her home mission band is conduct- ed. It meets every Monday at. 4.30 p.m., Monday `because it was more easily remem'bered. .-She invited others to give any-ideas or helps or" suggestions that may be benecial andall feeling free and unrestrain- ed many helpful ideas were ex- changed. The singing of a,`.hymn and prayer by Rev. Mr. .Budge brought the rst session toa `close. 1112;! 1 IStayner.--Mrs. "I-Iodd , Mrs. W. A. ~LDoner, Mr. D. G. Bell, Mrs. Mc_- ;Dermid`, Mrs. McQueen, V Mrs`. ?Spicher, Mrs. Bellwood, Mrs. `Swal- i1OW, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. W.` T; Bl`a`cldburn." - ' A 1-5` /1 " -Ir `U~`I`~111"`1 1`;:.1\[rs.~John Com-i'gan, Mrs. J. Mitchell, Mrs. -Ha1l. ' rn-u..._.|1_-... _ 1:..- '1r.2n._-:..- 1] -.. ; Totten'ham-`-Mrs. MdCuaig,' Mrs-. `McKenzie. . Duntroon-Mrs. [Tough. Ori1lia--Miss Beaton. - Efadfofd-:_M1S. Mc`-I:ean. ud see The _lI.oreu1eIIIl- Sunl- .a_tent"_I'o ; w `lab is a; per- tscngn :9 V e headu. Eurnamral strength. durability.` ilygonio ;.=thf.7~a_:e uneqnalledg. i 815.68 t ta,\t tl;ng`:'mak any.man_`xppear_ ._;I`he- Delegate; vvuro yvuupvsztu * '. . ' T"i'J.`lioi1,'Ii` do `Iiot~s'eem` to have . accomplished a great-:deaI__ ,;throug`h the year, yet. ,we 11av4JSe.1"s* ed' to the" beat`- of four a bi,lity.- 3* ,The'~~. greatest . -thing that was atbemptedgthe hring-' * ing in , >a1._l'_oca1_` f(_e`_to .jrof the was a1Sei9iin,% fatwe 15WW9. cafn nu A A little later in the same month. about twenty representative women accompanied Mrs. Johnston to the Council Ohambers where she ad- dressed the members of Council in _favor of the Ballot in the hands of the married women of Ontario, and the ladies had the satisfaction of knowing that their wishes in the matter would be complied with as `far aslther Barrie Council was con- InjMar'ch a Parlor Social in tljle interests of ~`anti-cigarette work was -held.` at 0 `Mr_s.e -Ball s ;.and Mrs. `Drury, offered ' -her _parlor-~we_~ for still nbther socxial. ? Ib.1it- Qwiligzto um ffavoraiilei aeirgurngtances 7tl1e_. latter ..3i"m`=L."_..>. " _- .x_`A_ 1" H ........,... ...- ...-. ..---.-.. VV .. ..-._,..,. A pwblic meeting was held in the evening at 8 o clock. Rev. A. L. Budge gave an address of ,we1_come and Mrs. Nolan of Coliingwood sang `very sweetly, lfhe harvest time is passing , the summer days are endin The speaker of the evening was v. D. F. Smith of Central India, who was listened to with the deepest attention for two hours. He has lalbored with Rev .and Mrs, J. T. Taylor and spoke in the highest terms of them; In February Mrs. Hyfslop, Do- minion Organizer, visited us and -gave the address on the `Uboasion of -the Frances Willard Memorial meet- ing. A reception was held for her at the close of- the meeting. All present enjoyed to the` utmost both the -address* and -. the -social hou'r which -followed; - . - -~- ----vv,----vf V tiepeiiixieiits ef work have been cazgried on as usual,. exceptizIg in times of sickness or bereavement, when superingendents were obliged to lay. outside duties aside fox-`a time. ' ' - ~ In May, 1913, the annual meet- ing took place with election ' of oicers and` reports. This was con- tinued `at the June meeting when Supts. '-of Depts. were appointed and" a new President and Rec. Sec. were elected` in -the place of those retiring. . V ` - I 1- 1 run ` A very happy Loyal Temperance Legion picnic was held i11 Ju1y;-anid as the Legion ha-d grown" to such large dimensions that the W.C.T.U. rooms would -not ` accommodate them, a request was `sent to the School Board for,t_a_ room in which. tohold the meetings. This was not granted`. until April of this year, when Capt. Richardson.of the Sal- vation Army came to the "rescue and offered the use of the S.A. Hall. - ' . K. Ross; gave .her usual invitation to have a Parlor Social at her home in January for Mis- vsions. Mr. Clark of the Y.M.C.A. gave a very interesting address `on Work Aniong the Luinbermen of `Northern Manitoba, and 4 Mrs. Johnson spoke on -The Signicance of the Won1d s- ,W.O.T'.U. Conven- tion." `~ wlyeven reglar meetings_ were held,, and; nine special meetlngs for `social, evangelistic and. [Local Op- tion Purposes, besideenine or"tn meetingsl` for prayer. ' .4Aa4\ C .....- .,..., uuunp w....... .,,..i...,... _ 1" -women put forth evefy`- pose sp'_1e effort to win in this `campaign and this wasone way ofvpg-i.ving in- formation and ` arousing ? interest. One*afternoon' was spent at the home of the President, `folding, ad- dressing; sealing and stamping cir- cular letters which were` distributed among the -voters; Too much can- not She said for the hearty way in which all the women of the Union took hold of the work of canvassing the `women-voters. Very few were left unvisited and those few were considered quite hopeless. Even some of the quite hopeless ones `were o'bligecl"to listen to the persuasions of earnest `canvassers. .Also during election day the Union *women made their presence felt at the polls. As our. part of` the Local Option ex- penses, the free use of the W.C'.T.U. parlors `was presented to the Citi- zens? League`, also a contribution of "$5.50. i -We are th1ankfu=1~ to say that the work has gone on steadily through- out the year and that there has been no abatement of zeal anql earnest- ness on the part of those who have been able to attend the meetings. I`! :1 I : l S-eptem-berthe work of prepar- ing for the Local Option campaign was begun by a parlor meeting at the `home of Mrs."Edward Brown, Blake St. Later in the year this was followed up by a Parlor Social and Medal" Contest held in. Allan- dale with the samenoebject i_xr.,view.I f.\--..~ __'__._-.. --__L .E-__LL .._'_-l_..7 ...-_ C. T. Union 1_ % Annual Report cam. s15.unu.wnTa mun, 313,506,000 SAVINGSBANKA COUNTS` |`%`NotAFailur'e, But `Low & Aim. ' ls Crime, I9. Repqrt in Re! ference to Failure. of. L. 0. Vote In - presenting the annual 4 W.O.' T.U. report, I might say that -while we- regret " the departure df `om President and a nunrer of earnest workers early. in the year; the re- maining members rallied zealously to`the cause, and ..with the assist-' -ance of several new .members,_ work- ed. faithfully - throughout the year. We are -sorry to . report the loss of one `member by death and seven by removal; We added six new names to our roll during the year. i__1`HE NoRTn"ERN%ADvACA1z -._ ----- ---3` ---v-, T-ai1he,: V; nu1_nber. which is found; in the repertoire _of -all" the best bands and orchestras, was i the best concerted number given by the band, the various gures being rendered with a,` lightness and sprig1htliness seldom heard .outside of an accomplished orchestra. A... -..L.... .........1- ('I1L_ f1I_J_'_L-,,9_ V4. veal. I4I\J\o`\ILJ.ItIl-JIJJAKI .1. VA \rLI\lU III. as An extra; march, T-he Gladiator s Farewell,: with /brilliant piccolo variations by Mr. S. Smith, was given, and the closing num`ber was ElvA bani'co, a characteristic Span- ish march by Javaloyes-. The latter demonstrated "the capabilities of the conductor and musicians in the production of dynamic effects, the sudden, though never displeasing, changes from sforzando to pp being a_`reve1ation of the band s ability -along` th' line. V `[2,- (`I _, _-,A T1,, , A` A 1 unvua unto 11 V. ' Miss Gertrud'e- Reeve captivated the audience with `her two `soprano solos, and Mr. `J; H. Morgan was never heard to better a advantage than i-n his two tenor solos. Misses Richardson `and K. -I-Ioggavbly as-V sis1t)ed`__as piano accompanists. Dllw IJVJLL LNG IJJKQLLQ bI\/UULLJIILILIIU UI Before the -programme com- menced Mr.- H. E. _ Jory, President of the Citizens Band" Committee, explained the object of the band members in arranging these bene- t entertainments. Many of the` old instruments in the possession `of ' the `band have been in use for overi thirty years and their day of use- fulness has gone. As the band aims to.be_ the best north of Toron-1 to (something which Mr. Jory said they had now attained) it-` was de-i cided to purchase -several new in- struments at,_once,V and-' to" start a subscription list to pay for- others which are badly needed. Alreadyl 1 $200 had been ` expended in new instruments and this method of raising funds. was adopted for the double reason that it would let _the people see and hear what a really splendid band Barrie now has and to -add to the new instrument fund. About $35.00 was added to the fund by the net proceeds of the concert, and any who feel that they would like to . supplement the fund by a Citizens Band Scores ` . Success at First Concert, IJLUJ-'l.lJ J.l`\J'JJ.lJL1.l-UkJ .l.V~l'l` vuvu unnu- every ` of Catarrh -that. cannot be cured By the use of Ha11 s Ca- tarrh Curre. ~ FRANK J. CHENEY, DI ,,-,.,, 1'. .'I. _J!-__ ._ - _._J' ___L' `State of T()7hio, or -...... no-Z6... At the Wednesday session deVOt-2D ional exercises ' were conducted: by West Essa Auxiliary, after which the reports of Auxiliaries `and Mis- sion Bands were read. Rev. Mr. Smith again addressed the meeting.` terna I I 1 Lucas _ 2 KJIIGIIU UL ` \l'&l'l-$1, \J~lUJ v '-IuVI\Vl\-_nv_ . ' AF`:-a1.1k_ J, -;Cheneye_m&ke_s oath: -`he is senior partner of -the rm of F. J. Cheney & 00., doing bus-ifnegs in the City of Toledo,` County and State _'&fOlf6S8Jid, -and _.that said rm Wi-11 pay the sum -. of ONE HUN- DRED D0LnI1`RS `for each and , .A_`L-L_ -_____ V(Co;1tin_ued` from Page Three) -V ` _ fi bd mine than doubled--cracked and `A ;_ Apypqnej p.rodI`:ccA these wonderful results _"`v_'i_ f liarware stoic. and ask for a 1 g . A Thousand and One Uses % HEN JAP-A-LAC ntrs ` ' dirt. and dangerous geruilita` -- used. Old floors can he give `wiping with_,a cloth, n..n -1--_------ I - - -- I L31}; ?}.o}5`xhe $ing io;;/tV1e .-1.30 o clock -by singing the hymn, O God: our help in ages past, our hope -f-or years `to come. .Ivy Auxiliary conducted the devotiongl s-essic-n with a Bible `reading; and lsufbscription may` do _so. Band- master Addison has the .Subs'-cript- ion list, or V contributions may be [left with the Editor `of The Ad-I |_ A couple Whose combined ages laggregated 13.7 years were married Vance. Ill Barrie 2'I.l& in by A 11:: setting _Com`petition Be [.oya| To Your Own Community OF COM _ hom.lGloom makes a hasty ex-it. For dust. . _ .l_i0J3lin8 place where JAP-A-LAC has been ` IShed*s1_Irf_ace._easily kept clean by occasionally girl A to look. like new. Tarnished gold-or "almninum nish. which will it : wearing properties increased-- eiegf agap and I--the Gloom-Chaser [when you send you? money out of this com- munlty. you enrich thsgreat shops and impov. erlsh this community. 8trengthon-not weak. fen-tho" merchants of this community. It will all be returned to you In the form of better service and better values. `The poorest way to offset this compe- tition" is fdr our" local merchants to remains silent. For them not to speak H1` 3 up IS to give the mail-ordcr houses a betteif chance toget business from this community. `Theeerious competitors of fhe retailers of `this Community are the big stores `of the big cities`--those that send out cata1dgus~and' have mail-order de- partments. thi;.g'V`for the merchants of this oom- :"'m 1nit` do in their own interests is to advertise faithfully, and to make their printed announcements interest-`cj,helpful._Ato. those whose trade and favor are desired. A WORD TO THE PUBLIC &_-... in_yShe1burne rec-ently. T11o_vwe;.3 Henry Ron11ell,'ag*ea1 T2. of Gglt, and Mrs. -S. Irwin, zlgod r..'._ of E4. monton, Alta. The c~:1'c-111n11y was performed on Saturday mm-ningat the rectory -by Rev. J. .9. .~\dz1111s-on. [They will reside in Enhnmxton. I 1 amianuunn wAi.xn1i.c.v.o.L n.. n.c.I... .Pr9ouoac .II.llANDlR_LA!RD.GonenlManIII' : zA1nn.\Auvceng:-gmu-as Steamers will leave Port M ' Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Saturdays at 4 p. m.. - .....May' 9th, f_ Marie. Po _ Authur and Fort Wllligm 'ico1 Mondays \1rsdayq and om mencmg i day.- The Steame; Manitoba. McNicoll. `Wednesdays Sound. ieaving that poi F ,5 5T5AM$'1". . l'Bl'Ivl_0ull`8 regaralng lill OI` UCQIIII HCKELB from Canadian Pacic?Tickct Agents or` \'wnte M. G. MURPHY`. D.P.A., (`.P.Ry.. Toronto. ` . 1' GREAT LAKES NA:VlGATl0N To Western Canada Dnnndlnn I Particulars regarding ] from Pacic nu - up-o nnvnnlllll `I will leave Tor nto 12.45 p making dire t conuecti _ at Port, Me. Fltcher. Local Agent. Banie. Because it is the recognized leading household varnish. imitated but never really equalled. JAPJME .'!nterest at the current rate is .nllewed";e_ :11 de;5 os`its,A'nf.\ $1 _a_nd i A " qgnts rnay'.6e fiened-`in the names oftwo nfwards. Careful attention is given to-feveryjv _eount.' __ Sniall accounts welcomed. Accqnnts may be op_en'e"_ and-n rated by mail. `. * _ A . rnore persons} with- " to_be"`mede.`_bysny;o'ne,of thernlor by the urvivor. ' " - 331