Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 May 1914, p. 3

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rio. "snap. . Unnished bungalow, John `We_t. Price $500, down. A -~-1 LL hm I '01 urana Lrunx. ; 8 room brick house, John St.` West. Price $1,100. This is a House and 101; V with nice barn ` and chicken house and 45 foot lot fronting ion Mary St., south side Q3 Elizabeth. Price $1,650. Can .~ A_`_:_` .1. ac... <|~:av\n. `:1! .;Q R ronto. ,- Can be bought; right -easy % ` _ nev'tr h$'r%c_l; v with all ~sre:a:iencsas%%.o::'%B1a1 % %Wi-n: - . .` ` ` .~~'-- . . -- -.. . . . F`: `-:._-.3 4._ OI/y .I'.'JuZ3DG13Il- Inca tp.|,vuv. Va... sh_gn(:you. .-thzs` at any.t1_cmfe, .1t_1s a "811 (of 1 .ictoria*_St',._ west; s1 ap `v - > _ % Sided _house;;11d lot, south side -ford. rnoe @020, cu: '"La`rge barn and .ca}fe`}n}d 2 full lots `on the ast side of` Toronto S,t`., owned by`Mr. Fraser `of T ;_v.--' (1.... 1.... kmnrht 1-urht `nn -an-9-V.-.-. __- - reai1nstam Agem,_'3gm,`_ * `-.`ls?'lt.';g %9.l!1.~1.59", 3* .~ axial. u IJ\rUI\Avn4-u- `(Continued or; Six) {C1 .00 PER Alill IN ADVANCE jail cant: 'Ih5Ill nnnvn DBO Dy mt. xxuaoa v... ...v -_ Can `bought; on .BAXTF.R VTADUCT SINKS av rat: I-IVIIEIIII ll` 39'? $83 CDPIII 1"hIl OX?` '5'\ |` .]st St. The Nat Boys 2-piece Norfolk Suit with bloomer _ pants; all shades of Grays and Browns, goodtwo;-eds, sizes` 231: 0.4.8. 9 . -_ - - - - . o o . u o o o o o u o o 0 0 9 o o u 0 0 u 0 0 0 I 0 'r$2,gm; Sizes 29 to 33 ......... ......$3..25. $3.50. $4.00 and $4550 Boys` 2-piece D. B. Suits with bloomer. pants, sizes 22 to 2$oo-coo gaooao oo0oo0IO00OIO$'3o5o SIZCS 29 to 33 . . . . . . . . . .$4.?oo,\ $5.oo.`_'.$6_.75 3-d.$_7-50 Boys Navy Blue Serge Suits, extra go o"d wgaring-qualitics, guaranteed real Irish Serge` and fast colors, . . . .,.e - .- - and.$9.75 DEVLIN & iwkcmson "we-Ion.-I Nd, 4.13;} \ UILICNII - ` an trestle. ` I in with , .. ISNOW DEAD on as the Thorwbury Hero.1d--`-A sud fatal- slow-speed ity occurred 011- ~t.he.grav'6l road`, on over the` Saturday lash .~It appearswhut. a Accord~] young man, -by tho -n'ame_ of Nor-_ will take man Montgomery, was` wheeling-_=over_ _...,...-.._j.._,.,, {about ten_ days to make repairs. Ii later despateh in_reference to the Baxter !bri'dge, says that accord- > ing to C.'P.R. oiciale, -it will take `weeks to repair the big steel trestle between Baxter and Utopia that ' swings ,over the - Nottwwasaga `River. Two more spans of the 1' `bridge have gone q down; This {makes the three` centre spans` miss- ',;ing. The `viaduct is over 200 feet `g long_ and the same. [distance above the ivalley,-~` _ , , ,. Men's Brdwri Stripe `or Small above ......... . O I I I I I O I QIIIOIOIIOOODO` Men's Su'its`of Navy Blu Wors- -in 2-button sack sty!e with 10 Men"s Pl_in Navy Blue or fancy . Sack styl. ..... ., ..... ..}., ...... .. Men's Tweed dr Worsted "Suits, 3 , good Tweeds and neat striped Men : Odd" Suits, only one or `t $7.50, to $15.oo. On sale. . .. . Men s-Odd Pants, Tweeds or Worsteds, neat patterns, at $1.50 to $3.50 per pair Overalls-We ere sole agents for Barrie for the celebrated Fast Mail Overalls. These are Uniongmade and are guar-l anteed t<'4),beequa,1, if not` better thaln any Opllers made. :FE~L OFF WHEEL allnshades of THC INTIRIITQA 0|`-',IA\RR|I. THI } MEN'S 4 `S ing will soon be `here, and if you - ave your order for Monua rrjent ork how. we will be Sure - ready assoon as the fine rnes`r.e .i.etusshow you te laifest designs in 'BA.R}RIET. COUNTY 'ON'I'ARIC`)` MAY 21, 1914 [1.'.TIZ..`.`ifiii ..ITfIT.sib.66.;E , with light hir stripe, made & rollfapel, cuffs on trousers. QCIII l\t'\ Q. 91 ck Suit, m`a`deVin same style as Q1n nn~ VII HJIIAII-, Illilklb III IlI\; 35,1`; .....*...;...s19.oo% suns Tre all mal by a firm ?i3~ . Fae found in our Boys" utton Sack style, made from rstgds ............ ... ..... ..$l0.00 yotsted Suit, made in 3-button , . Qi All ichi son to to"a line, sizes 34 to 44; were Q1 Ell L- QC AA this road, on his way to Meaford,i was attacked suddenly by a. sort of ' -t, which. the doctors were unable to diagnose. After ,fal1ing oif his wheel he rolled down into the ditch] where ,there were a few inches of water, and when found was lying face downward.` "A pa-sserby .gave the alarm an-d Dr. Bennett of Mea- ford was called and pronounced li-fe extinct. The body of the` dead boy was removed.to- the home of his parents. who reside in St. Vin- cent" township. Much sympathy is extended to the -bereaved" family. The` remains `were interred in Mea- fqrd cemetery on Tuesday of this ` two `Wek ` .' I 'l`oronto-L`nh1wator Trains- Have to (3., Via Burketon. ` ` . P-a`s'.~'cng`(*1' m1lTfr0ig'ht trafc 0I'1~ The C.P.R. tlsotw-ecu Toronto and Coldwator are being` routed ,vi_a. Burketon J nmstion since 183$ Th11rs on am-<>1'I11't of the sinking` Of a omxtrv .-pun ml the new viaduct: -at Baxter; nvcr the Nottawasaga. 1]{iV0r. Thi~' m`r't1I'I`~L~tl early T11ui'S- (ay_ ` *Ori1ii`a m_erchan held a success-3 fpl Do.11ar_D`ay on_,_.Saturday. % I. IIIIQ, J|C4%hl 9 VV ...... ..s4.`b` to $8.66 U, IIIIQEOII 4: .... .......:':.:3"i`s'.'5es COUNTY OF, SCMCOI hNQ Tl-II DOMINION OF OANADD O -CRITERION. - BARRIE PRESBYTI -RY PASS RESDLUTION ( j FOR Pkonusmonl The 1'.'M\' l1-i.l;_u- is 200 feet long; 151" m])1il('(`s, an HM woodentrestle. `T119 211)llt1]1{|li['v were lled; in with. W mt*:T`I'i:I1. 'J`hi:< is given as the `Gauss n43 Hm 1---; L .1 __ ....;"..J Hgld May Meeting at Orillia, _. V--Mr.J J. Archie Pue of Bar'- rie to be Ordained and Inducted At Brace- " `bridge on May 26th ` .Lu1us. ` ~ ' A -call. was presented from V the . Bmcebridge congregation in , favor Mr. J. Archie Pue, of Barrie, a recent graduate `of Knox College, and a nephew of Dr. Gilchrist. of Orillia. The call T was sustained an-d accepted_ by Mr. Pue, who was present. Arrangements were made for ordination "and induction at Bracebridger on the evening of 'l;uesday, May 26th, when Rev. .D. 1f_T_7-___ -L..... sun:-\:3:r1| Dav JVt||lll \J.L wwww \./gay. . . ~ . .. At 9.30 on " Tuesday ,morning Presrbytery met for `regular . ousiness in the Lecture room, with the` `Moderator, Rev; F. _W. Anderson, in the chair, and Rev, Neil Camp-' `hell, Clerk. _ - T Rev; Chas. Brown, of i Washago, tendered his resignation, on account of the diiculty which he had in properly ministering to such a scat- tered eld. _Pres'bytery declined to accept the resignation, but referred to the Home Mission committee the question" of making some other pro- iiin for the people at Hampshire 1 s. - 1` - -~-----L-J .B.......'.. `tun Orillia Times--_-At the last regu- ;l`ar meeting of _ Barrie Preslbytery,` gthe Orillia `Session invited the Presbytery to hold its May meeting in -Orillia,` in connection fwith the opening` of the new building erect-V ed for Saubbath School and Social ed, and "on Monday evening some "-twenty-ve. ministers .-and elders from other congregations of the --Presbytery were the ' guests of the `Orillia Presbyterian Church at the `splendid men s banquet held in the S8. auditorium. At this function Rev. Dr. `McLeod, of Barrie, re- presented the Presbytery in extend- ing cordial '-congratulations and `good Wishes to the Orillia congrega-' tion in connection with the open- woifk. This invitation was iac'oept- ' ing of such an excellent equipment `for the neligious education of the youth of the church. AA. { __ _____ liuesuay, llltly ULu, wuqu .|.u:v. -u. IA. McKerrache_r will preside, Rev. ]G-.- A. McDonald, of Coldwater, will iyjnfeach, Rev`, _Dr. McLeod will ad- -A--- LL- _..-.-....Ln... nv\aJ Dav A commission `was appointed, `consisting of Rev. R. C. McDe1-mid, lUlllIlp`U_Ul1 Luv lacuyxcg `Stayner, D. W. S. Urquhart, Coi-' lnngwood, J. J. `Elliott, Midland, land Messrs. H. Cooke, Orillia, and ivater..; Moonstone and Waulbaushene rto adjust certain difcultius which had arisen `regarding manse, etc. A , . -`._L3-.. fun. I-Ln 1 Millik-en, Midland, to visit Co1d-. `V Ill 16%| preucu, .[\BV.1J1'. muucuu _ dress the minister; and Rev. Nell Campbell the people. 1 A --........:-.-...w. Qna onhnn+nrI Ili1(1 ar-1-sen rcguruiu,-5 uxauau, no. .. A resolution from the Orillia {Session urging the importance of ' promoting a similar ideal to" that which had *been set forth in a pro- gram in the United States, looking. forward to the securing of national -prohibition by 1920, T was `endorsed by Presbytery, and it was agreicl to send a copy to the Assembly s Board of Social Service and Evan- gelism, and also to the -Dominion Al'1_i9-ncer. T V '1 -----._A.-.1 L....2....-.. . i.m_ 1llll:I.'lIUb'. - V `The Clerk reported having re- ceived notication of the names of some thirty ministers from other denominations, who were applying to the next General Assembly `for admission into the ministry of the .Pres"byterian Church in Canada. Thirteen of r this -` numsber ' were Cong`r_eg and" four - were napnsts. . 1 The vmeembers of Presbytery who I `were, present, are as follows: Revs. F. W. Anderson (Moderator), Neil Campbell, Oro (Clerk), Dr. Mc.-. Deed; Barrie; J. J. Elliott, Mid`-A land; '0. T. Tough, Duntroon; A. V- Brown, Allandale; A. Shepherd, Midhurvst; __ John Makensie, 'Upter-. grove; G. A. MacDonald. Cold-. water; W. J. Christie, Victoria Harbour; A. B.` Hubley, Wyevale; P. Lane, .Bonc1~he ad; T._ J. Jwitt, Bela ; D. A. McKerra.cher, Gravenhurst; D. W. S. Urqhart, . i _ l1ing'W00d; J .V A: 'Ret`1don,\ Severn`. e fidge; J ; R. Currie`, Port. Sydney; . MeKeniie,; ~Churg}_1;il_l,_9 ministers; and. Messrs. J. J. Brown. - Ed,1'r.ie;; H. C Ohefet. C`o1c1wat`er;- W,` A. Ma_1oo1m.'f -E1mva1e.s. H:- Ardtretit .eJ.a9e': < `=11. V ..g(3911ii.1&W0[0dA;: Jieie r R. C. McDerm`i-d`. . -Stayner; D. A. - . 10'W'spee ` v `cause of t11(1* '.\(t(1L1'C*11t;/)e1:t,SOV6l` 13110` Suturd y prdor has 11J(`*` 1" ` `brid . Mon , . - 111 taka W 1 mg to 0.31:, olclills It W ul,*`3?".`. v "` 95 an Ira S r[VUl1 _____ V_u,_ JIIIH 1 1- . .,---;'."" .. aunt ' Acc0!`dL"y- ` {0 sinvc last Slimmer ~1;u;'wson, .f\,iuLLug5'wum_., ....,,.. ...-, ttrthur. "Ono: .MeDermid,. Nott-awn, jand Cooke, A 01-i11iof.,;, elders. V ' ' Stwart new (_ Master Kerr Lodge A Kerrj Masonic Lod`ge `held their `annual; election of ofcers on Fri\ day evening last, `the following be- ing `the new oicials for the cur- rent year: ' --v-\-ur 1`-9 `V -I-\ In St. Andrew s Choir Concert \ if iv`-I :1SVIV.-.'-W.` N. Duff. W.M.+-R. .'Stewart. 8. _W.-.-`A.E. Stone. , J.W.`-~T. D. Redjfern. aChap.-Rev., E. R. J. Biggs. Treas..-H. E. `Jory . ` Sec y--R. W. Andrew. S.D.'--J. F. Craig. J .D.-J. D. Wisdom. 3 S.S.--+C..A. Kelsey. J .S.-A. E.` Lennox. I.G.--V. -Simmon. D. of G.--`-J. F. Palliug. Organ~ist--'W. J. Crawford. Tyler---Jos Leighton-. ' Auditors---J. E. Billingsley and L.mJ._ Salter. . 7'11 1511' rn I1 c K161 UV; a _ MT:'1'1stees--J Pa1lii1g,v T. Crew R. A. Stephens. -L_-!_.|. 1\_..__A._ 1') T C|.._._LA_ _.2 St. Andrew s Presbyterian` Choir ladded fresh laurels to their already [enviable ` record by their splendid concert in` the church on Tuesday evening of - last week, when the seating capacity was taxed to ac- conimodate the large audience which -had assembled. The pro- `gramme was chosen with care, and in the solo, quartette and ensemble numbers the painstaking training of -Choirmaster Morgan was always in evidence. Precision of attack, well marked gradations of, tone, ev-en balance and good intonation were features which -strongly appealed to the audience, and when volume was required the choir was never found wanting. _ 7`I"L.' -1] 1.1-- _.`I2_1_ `I,-'I'I__`I lI\ 1171;- `"15isi?ic"DZ `fi' J. Sprott will instal the ofcers `at the regular meeting on June 19th. ` "'i:'132."E2$1d English ballad, O, Who Will O er the Downs, arranged as a chorus, was the-rst humlb-er. It is Ibeautifully harmonized; and was sung in admiratble style. The Gip-sies Chorus, ' with `solo for- Mr. Geo. Brown as the Gipsy` King: the Laughing Chorus, and the -Soldiers Chorus from Faust were all given with an attention to detail such as is not "often heard in town choirs, the latter number being rendered with good spirit and plenty of volume. ` ' - nun, LL. ..._1.. `_.____.L.-.LL.. ,.-...,, \J.l. .........e. , vWith the male quartette, com- posed of Messrs. -S. W. Moore, J. H. `Morgan, Geo. Brown and R. Johnston; the audience was very familiar, `but they added` to their reputation `by their excellent rendi- tion of a new setting of Annie Laurie in canto style and Am- brose s One -Sweetly Solemn Thought. The -four voicesblended perfectly and `both numbers. met `with a {most favorable reception. "lf__ .f`1-_._--1_ L..__.... -1.` l\A.A._-..... IV CV51. st Allvuu .1001 \JA$l-IJl\/ L\;\.\atJuA\IAAo Mr. Garvock, tenor, of Ottawa, thrilled`. the audience by his splendid `rendition of I Hear You Calling" Me! Showing masterful. control over `his voice, he demonstrated the possi`bil_ities of the tenor voice as we seldom `hear it, especially in the softer passages in the upper register Fl`- 4.1.... ..A.`L_.... ....-.'l .-..,.L.-- .yunnJ- l'\ OULUUA 1.J(b0Ou5u0_1LL ung utrkpvn nvuuyx./; To the other soloists, most of whom are pupils of Mr, Morgan,. the greatest praise miistbe given. Miss Bessie Ness sang Angel Land, and Miss Lord`,who made her first appearance as a soprano solo- ist, sang I Love and the World is Mine, liotli making a most favor- able 5 impression. Miss: Bertha Mason of Elmvale, who possees a "sweet soprano. voice; sang The Sands` 0 Dee and My Redeemer and My Lord, and` Miss Gertrude Reeve, a recognized. favorite with Barrie audiences gave The Carni- val in `excellent style. Miss Florrive `Armstrong, contralto,` who shows much improvement since the last _ choir` concert, sang The Flight of A .=._-- 99 -;_ .1 -u-_..._ 11'-.. .`n---.....11 LI. \.`UlLUCl I1, anus .L.uU .1.` 116110 UL 1zAges/ and Miss Ma ougall rendered` Little Gray Home in the West, a number well within range. vM_es_srs. S. W. Moore,` Stew- art Douglas and `Chas. Bell also gave pleasing solos. IM-iss Allan of Thornton made a deid-ed hit with her` rendition of Beloved, It is Mom, and she promises to become nah better as a soloist of 4 IUPU LU: . Perhaps the best number on the programme was the male chogps, *COn_1'rade in `Arm. V L St. Andr.ew e "(koir'-11as a1V5'a&`1ieen noted for its male` viceag and this stinring num- `bex_- `was a`1_io.th'er ` testimonial to `their E. Richardson `arid Miss-` K. Hogg acted as accompanists, and Mr. Jory, ch.a,i1"man of the -;)i[31:;s;_i;g;'.:jccgmmivttee,. pxiesided _asg r;-ha-ir-_ ..mgx_1:.. *' L .-; .` V ~ ~'-' 4 " '_~ LL.` 1_;_.:-..L. .....,p.,._ .1" uluu. ' . l -, In `ev.ery~..wa.y the emlcert was :1` :,;ige`,v;id'ei`f.7A.;,s1z and. a;; repetition. :;:p9pu1"s.1- gpprqval.-_ ` Fe" " aixxomed-to 2% CITIZENS BAND scam-:s success AT FIRST CONCERT Finest Band North of.Toron- to, Says Chairman Jory.-- Proceeds to Start Fund For Much-Needed New Instruments -That the Barrie Citizens Band under the direction of Bandmaster Addison, has reached a perfection never before attained -by` this popu- lar musica1_ organization was the verdict of `those who attended the benet concert in the Grand Opera House last Thursday evening. From the opening march, Old! Comrades (Tieke), to the last number on the programme, a-` dainty Spanish march, El Abanico by J avaloyes, the concert was a thoroughly en- joyable one, and it demonstrated in an unmistakable manner What splendid effects may be produced by a company of amateur musicians under good tlutelage and with conscientious rehearsal. There was not a large attendance,l' but many who did not attend showed their appreciation of the band by pur- chasing tickets. A_l.'1.-,, 4.`L.. ....._-...Z . . _ _ . . __._L ...`L.:..1. . ..... "5 ...... VI After the ope-ning march, which Was` played with a spirit and bril- liancy not often equalled by jamateur organizations, the band rendered Wet-tge s splendid overture, Mysora. This is the same" over- ture the Citizens Band played at Orillia Band competition last sum- _mer when they captured the first prize. Although -not played with the same condence as was display- ed at Orillia last summer, this number was rendered with good effect and received hearty applause. nu _ . ,4- LL- -_....:_....7 ........ ULIUUII _au.u Lcuclsvuu. uuuxug uyysuuuvn -The gem of the evening s pro- gramme was the cor-net . solo, Kil~ larney, by Mr. Vivian B. Sim- mons,` than whom there has been heard no more pleasing cornet solo- ist in Barrie. With pure, sym- pathetic tone, correct phrasing and true intonation he gave a masterful renedition `of Balfe s beautiful Irish. melody, the accompaniment `by. the band having the effect of a large pipe organ. It reached the hearts of the people and they de- manded a `repetition, `Which was modestly acceded to by Mr. Sim- mans.` `I `I ',;1' _, ________,`,],_ U 5. -The popular whistling serenade,- 1Ba!by s Sweetheart also won the approval of the audience, but when the Highland patrol was played, contianued applause demonstrated the `partiality of the people for Scotch music, and a repetition was given of this number.- The effect of a band marching from a distance, -passing and retreating was admir- ably sustained throughout, and the nuniber was one of the most pleas- ing on the program. G1'1ngl s beautiful wa1tzes,~Cas'ino 11 , C\Z_\ Brick house with all conveniences, south side of Worsley S-13., owned by Mr. T1103. Black. Price $3,100, terms arranged. N` 2-- L .... - .....1 1.-.:. 1-noavf 5.1.. `terms arrangeu. SIX room house and lot, West slde of Sanford St. Town `water and nigg lot. _ Price $750. A eas'y terms. night room cement house, stable. and chicken house, and 2 lots, well fenced, with good water, calling dis- trict of Grand Trunk. Price $1,500. New 7 roo1_n`_house, 1 acre_ of rt-class land, on Owen St. -Price $1,650, small payment down. New 7 room house, Innisl St., corner lot, good water. Price $1,200,-` easy terms, in calling dis- trict of'G1-and Trunk. ~ `~--- -A`A-o Ava D100 10$. I1'u:c quuu. New brick house and lot on Brry St., all conveniences. Price $2,300, - -.___ J.n-.-u,_-\ good water and nice lof. Price $850, $100 down. In calling district ' of " Grand Trunk. n ~---. L*..:..1. Jnzxnnn .1'n.}`m St; =-aaaammarmnin

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