Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1914, p. 6

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INJo!ws Notes of Interest For 1` Busy Readermj Concre` Road 3` Depaiftment 3 1. r 1 1. k. as -JAP.A'!.vLR(c:.?: ..'..,1$'.? 1.33.1. com.-gte Road Exhibit I ` . 5&r.*':%`i &Q3 -'uZ..i~.uk' _ F 7' -'-1'; .u.'nrr -.....-.2.-.-.`...--.-.-. 4 . rdo'Il_ld I C f the little b0OKy - -A~l.`ACrP:t our local hard- .f'M.-: , ed limi Rev. J. A. Wilson, pastor of St. *Andrew s Church, Ham i1ton,`" son Qf Mr. and Mrs. John'Wi1son, Allis- ton, comes in for a legacy of` $1,500 bythe will of a Wea1thy.woman who had been armembr of his congre- gation. ' In narue "'`P"?l-ht: is so! by - "IIAI I'\I Economist " lug Barrie - . - A - I Visit the C3m31%~aE1} % `of `the -highways report, f.-)1-ezlmm. ing'an expenditure a" thirty mil- "lions of dollars on OH ()11t;11`in high- ways in the next fte~.:n ;.";1r.=, . ` ' I "Winim1-1* ; she \\ t'I1T mama her depth. -'-Judge. Q ]lE`ortune7favors the brave. Luz it s -'often t0 li` fxmliih. Eighty `bars closed in Ontario on May. 1st as the result of the Voting last J anuary, the subsequent action of several license `boards throughout the Province in .oLitting of some li- censes, and the, "cancelling of others` by the -Canada. Ten)-12-eijailce Act in Huron and _Peel Counties, Ed-na.-Did she sink in the swial 4-0 NO sW1M.\11e:1: woman who once. uses it. is pretty sure to come back for because we nd a JR?-RC This Store Recommend: :1 I September, October `and ' the Inland Revvenue Depvalrtment` ..a;du1terated, and" eight 1 mre...were V_-.t{i9p.V. ` Of the total` only 77) 'W76,;1fq: .9und1`8em}iI}_e. , ' ~ '- ` e `- November last year inspectors of` purchased 136 samples of ice `cream it? d-iifere-nt parts" of they country. -One sample was put asedf last "March. Forty-nine of t eae `samples. were found upon analysis ;to .:b97 slightly below the standard. Qhe sample was sold frankly] as imita-e. ,,1 1" {1',; `g; piepared by the -Post}, Oice Department at AOjttmfa on` CANADIA OF COMMER` M%%A?r1TAL,%s15;ooo,ooo f ` Dams 0N Co Ion thovprlnclpal cities in followillt 'c6I.Il_I . any: -- V 3 . 1.4-- `.4 _ ~ up-...I-..:- Y :,,=:.*-:2 " T =:;r. ;:,*::*:.r*"*'**% 3 ... Vszr o,(.`.h!na ` Iaiy T 2 Portugal II t, states Crete - Japan ` . W indlemetc. v- hoafo drafta can be drawn Id sterling, francs, >ma_1-kn. Ilr ;rkton9o; en; ugh. roubles. et`c ., according to the money (of the country 11 "which ' ey -; vaio payable; Thu onableo the payee to obtain the exact in mavusw] `~to,n.ic'or~r taxi-X . V 1 f tive in as ece` " __ % , fto grey or `faded ` ietitl dillatll,` I Africa ' Arabia ' ' V Argentine Republic, " Armenia ' Anal-1-an '1;'ew5:::fow;i '.'31W`i7 _"" Lwuzcws name-` ~ t. fllhllilill V3811- 3.33 "K5iiE"ihN'CH"L Bradford and West ,G~ vi'l1imbury 'lAgricultura1 Society will run anex- .;curs-ion 'to To1'~'on1:o and . Niagara 5Fa.ll:s'on June 1_8th. Cub. V genxutgark Fxylgnd. Hnvnu-ma ' V. x-ance . Germany Holland` ` Iceland `' Youlla Mxaxerg "llIlay.1s-t,`is:l1ow`a l the ii of rural mail routes actually in `oper- ation to be about 2,300,`.-{and the _nuniber- of boxes erecteaa on .. these routes to Ibe 95,000;-. There have been 587 post offices closed in On- tario owing to the establishment of rural mail delivery since the yfor`ma- tiqn of the rural. mail delivery branch on the rst of April, 1912. The _nuniber of post ofces closed in Ontario owing to the establish- ment of rural mail delivery during the last month alone was '46. t\ -11- rnn ,,1 A11A_,_ [Ill UV IILUIJ U11 GIIULLSJ VV BIC XVI :)r`io1.v1ia Ti-mes--`T-11_e", shareholders_ of the Couehichinsg Country Oluib," Lirited, who recently purchased th-irty-six `acres on North Street fgr goilf grofmds, met at `the Council Chambers on Tuesday at /1.00 p,1n:, for election of oicers "and direc- tors. The election resulted; as fol- lows: President. Dr. ._Ains1ie P. Ardag'h_; Vice- President, Mr.` H. J. Bartlett ;` Secretar`y-Treasurer, ' Mr Robt. ,Wade;l Directors, 1 the ofcers and. Dr; Gilchrist, Messrs.. J. _ B. Tud`h'o1:-e`, S. E.` C_`~arss and, `John Scott. The Oouchiehing Country Club Ltd_;, has a capit,a1 izatio`n' of ~ $40,000, $10,200 being su`bscri1bed,"of. which .25 per\cent. has been paid up. About $0,000 was the purchase priceof the new property. - . State of Ohio. City ofT_o1edo, - ' " Lucas County_ ` 1 A. T ss. `Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is- senior .partner of the ; rm of F. J. Cheney & 00., doing business in the Civty of Toledo, County and State afores-aid, `and that said rm -will pay the, sum of V ONE. HUN-_ DRED DO-LLARS for` each` -and every case -of Catarrh that cannot be` cured by t'he.;,u_$e of Ha11 s _Ca_- taxrh Cu.r'e.~ - `_ . T. ' FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to tbefoyree -me and sub- scribed '"in ' my ` presence; this 6th day of December, A.D. 1886.` " A Y1 ? :fI`l'1 .`A(1f\'\T .1. av L4 stipation. REGRETTED To % Losn MR. CRAW ; Hall s Catarrh Cure _is taken in- } ternally, an& acts directly on. Xle blood and mueous surfqoes of the system. Send for -testimonials free. F.J.vCLHENEY & 'C.O .~_, To1edo,O. V _Elos Muni'cipal `TeIep11one system lhas338 phones, with 53 of them in 'EElmva1e. -A large gathering. assembled at `the .(_)range Hall-, Ivy, on .April- _23, to bid. farewell; to Rev. and, Mrs. G. :I. Cr;w'"befo-re thir. departure for"th'eir new home in `S=prin g'ville. Mr. C1;a_'w'11as*been pastor ., of .`the Pres1`oyteriau churches: of- Iyy, ' Bax- ter and T)1'orI_1to_n for the past` thir- _teen yars.` _1,`he jfo11owivng ., address. was; read:. ' ' 4 ' -.'1`0_ Rev. I.` ` Dear Pastor:--Whe.n "it became known to us that y_ou were. about to leave us, we in-d~e'ed fe1t"sad and awakened to the fact that xnaniy golden `opportunities and Apriweges, of. the past are gone. It p1e_ases jus to know that the cghangve. you are` making is ~ fonlyfron_1'.` -9. s`en_se of` duty, .and we know` only` too `yell that our loss will. be ggraqt`, gain`: to those _ gamong whj5>'In'.~'yotf1' 39- 1 'ing-V to._ * la:bo1:.A ;In ;feview,ing;`ni1;eA`:5 jpas,t%thi`1"beVen.; years you ~_hgv'~'pe1t t with u,... we: 7fe,1., V_tliat_T 'y6u1i` ; tei` };as"=:`~`beeri...;atxz:;q`gjt_ \_ `ideal; '11;-`ne , . ` Macedonia Malta . Mnnchurio. Mexico ` New zealand` - Norway ' Panama. DA!-n`n . glezmpgin Tnlaha Polau 'BAc-banal mnp nu: r Polau a11_ Druggists, -'775c. _Ta1x:e Hal-1 s` Family Pills` for con- ..__..-L--.` A y(`Sea1)i K. <{r;'m;mso1:, ' ' jNotar,y Pu1b1ic_ In %, 313,500,099 NTRIES \ ` 'Rdbe;'.tson Bros.,' plumbers- of |01`illi.a, have made an ass`-i-g'11ment to. `Geo. H. Clark, and a meetin-g of the gored-i-tors will be held next Monday. has .1_a'st;e_.1} vvithov\n` mam V lgervia _ BIB!!! . iberltr - . outh"Aftica. , V. ' eden :t_ze:-land In A .-.. raits Settlejneplti .tc1*1;set :quaIitisVi ,liiave'fiiiia&'9rIj`1.the. V gef '_so-eiaalf 7"'4lHe1"`i1i" the `ct tnity; L Yeu_'e-have?` ;taken5 hold -v f workfand ~{1,iv"ed7 ' .i_nt all _1iru_87?n`gn1-iness,- - and` ; :ha ,v e f been`. an inspiration` and -: blessij`11g7_'tb"thosey ' whose tlives ;have been" '_ teuehednby 1 yours." Now` that you are a!b_out"to `leave `us,-` we feel -we -;ohght- to7te1l. youi theselthings and express _to~you , our "gratitude for the `great help gyouthaveieen. to us; andjwehope and pray that in `the future, as in the -`pas-t, the Master may bless. your laibors in lbehalzf of others. In all that is pure, _ndbIe and good you have -had the help of Mrs. Craw. She will -he missecl in the church` and the W.F.-M.S., for `right loyally V has `she done her part. In recog- n.it~ion,',and as a. token of our grati- tude, we ask you to accept ,_this chain, Mr_'s. Craw this mesh-bag and the boys these 'b'175'[es, ant} may `they always` remind you of the many friends you leave in Ivy, and we pray that God s richest blessing may rest on you and yours. ` -- . l'1`nere are `briars Ilbesetting every rn.n4- ` -1.113!-l.\J' I-lI\.I . Ill 1919 `IIIIJW/U Ulbls `CVCLJ S That call for patient :cane;~ ` 7 There"i.s. a cross in every lot, And, 'a.n earnest need of t_ prayer;_ But [:1 Jlowly heart. that leans on \J\I\-I Is happgf anywhere. cT>Tnubeh;a._1~_f- 6f the ccng1fega- tion--W. A. Thompson, C. Nixon. Ivy, April_ 23, 1914. ' V Moving Time For ,AEs- T I tablished Business Firms] J as. Vair & Soiy 21? strong. .4 `.`FlV`L,_ --_,.,,_-. - I" uvavn-5. M ' The corner of Clapperton and Owen `St. was the first site of the Bank of` Toronto, - -the manager at that time being A-ngus Russell, who kept a general store 5 also. Later Patrick Smith kept a store there. This old building, which was `de- stro'y`ed- in the re of 1875, was the first brick building ~in~ the north side of Dunlop, between Owen and Clapperton. Just previous to the re of 1875, it was transformed from a store into the Bank Hotel, by Chas. -Clarkson, who had previously sold the Simcoe Hotel to M. Shan-I acy." ~Francis Stevens put up, the present baildiing, and Thos.fS_omer- ,s who was a blacksmith and one- time `leader "of Barri-e Band, `open- ed it. as- the Somerset Hotel,-` Later on D. Kirkup, now_ of Sturgeon Falls, -was the proprietor, and after he left, Cashman and Perry again transformed" the hotel to a clothing store, and fteen years ago Otton & Son moved their hardware `store there. I f . `'10! A. -- _ ' D'r, A. H. Beaton of Orillia has inst `celebrated his ftiueth year as a medical practitioner. ., On Friday morning, June 18th. .1875, the whole of the north side of Dunlo-p St... -I from Owen St. to Clap- perton St., was-_wiped out by re, which also spnead to the south side of Dunlop St., `to Owen St.`,_ and able damage, was done. The Northern Advance of June 24th, 1875, gives ,a`length/y account of thisdisastrous ve, which destroyed over $200,000 its=ox'igin in Mr. Woods, drug store, which was then situate a. lfe"w`.d_oors east of the Bank, Hotel` (formerly the 0 Ba-ink; of -T-oronto and later the ,Somerset- House ), which was one of the very` few` 'brick buildings in the block. ,This hotel is-tood on5 the site of gthei present V Otton &,Son store at _- the comeraof Olauppertpn St. and Dunlop. St. \.,The re-.bu1fned fro'm...2` a-._mi. until *8 a.m_., the old ~woode'h', buildings` _'? .'being simply ~kindli_"ng_ `to. the. raging flames. "The 2-`. re: engine, from I -Collfiiigwood , was 'b`1it'. iftoa save . adjoin`iii8_ linii.ldings" on _ ;g_he._'.south- side;o' Dunlap St., the .e,ii'..I5r1:"s':id'e'_~..Cl,>.fir*0.i."04r_e`1.1 S;t. i'andj the Mz st~ :sid ote=:oIappe:tun 0 ' .~ mL;;`.1.|-1-`I'.;._:..g- 1_-_'.- in .1"? 2- .. also; to 'Collie1" St., Where consider 0 worth of proberty, the re` having" ' Vsentgdown Tfbiu-it Ii-ttle `could, `be -'done . .g.\,.-g, V; \J-uyyvbuvll \)U. `The following list of those who lost `by the re gives a `good Eindx of` those in dbusiness pre_vi-ous. to 187.5: ` ' . 0 F. Stevens, ~!b1dg ., $5,000; __ C. Clarkspn, fumviture, $2,000; ~ B. 1H&nds,' b1dg.,, stock, etc., $8,800 :0 E. P,.:;Eyans,`0 sAtock?,]$3.90O; Wm. John- son, stock, 84600.; John -Lee, bld,g., 5$2;000.; Jof1nAWoo_1s,_'stoclg, $7;0O0`; f-J51 wstephens, $1200; Dr. vO1i0vr,0. :bld`g., $2,000; Chas; 0R.os, %st;bc'k;. $6,000; `John Plaxton, stock, ($1200; V D;,~ Thompson, stock, $1200; `I "A; . 0.: ..Graham,-_ stock, --$1600; C01. 0.153% Wat_d_,:: stok`;} 'MKenue, at0`c_k.` 06259; ;Dr. 0 Macon- fk8y;'3b1d.8,- $2.000`; ..-Edman~son &, Son`, $2099;:0000:s 5 `b1dgs..A 37000:; 4Don:;' .;Tl1%a1sh?;;0i`<:e,,.$2o'; _L _ y `has. Kig, 0f9rn;ztur-:0,0:090:% 0 ,... ` a . . `s,.: : ` , s`.;;;W;r:1ght; `00 ; (Confinud raavmmyrxaau Anvg from` Page Thee) Ioore & Arm- ' Formal prorogation of the Legis- lature, probably the last at which his` `honor ' the `lieutenant-governor will oiciate, took place last Friday. afternoon. The `ceremony of dis- solving the legislature `is never so e1a~'borate or so :`brilliant' an event as the o'pe`i1ing; but the gathering of notables and fashion was impos- 1ng enough "to gii*e inter_est`to `the occasion. ` Premier Sir James Whit- ney was in -his seat-. ' He was ac- Icompanied by" Miss Whitney. "PL- ..L2.. .Il.-A._.' -3 02.. T..L_. fill- , VOL?` 11 ALAULLLJQ w"i.`1'e veh\iefUJdut';w;f. Sir John G1-b-' son the `giving of royal assent to 'a( hundred odd measures that have` been .-passed during the .. strenuous session that closed" on Wednesday. Altogether the house considered 199 bills, but of these only 140 were passed, although a nnmlber of others were incorporated in -related bills or grouped, as- in the Municipal Amendment Act. On three -0.- casions during the session his honor visited" the house" and informally gave assent to various-bills, so that the list to come tbefone him on Friday afternoon was shorter than 11993]. ` ' T o\ .1 . 11 1 n LEGISLATURE mu Ti BUSY SESSION] {Bradford Horse Show will be held _next -Thursday, May `-14th. A large klumvbex` will go `-down vfrom ~Barri-e and vicinity. -- A ` Long List of Bills Put Thfeugli ---Premier Whitney Pres-L ent at Close of Session }S. t`rk:iig. Sltolc $6 . . , .~ 0 b'1d};s,:. `S $65DQe:i 1 ~iUn0ccuI>1<{ stbre -`of '_Gi'a`ert'y.` .Co.,L ,.M9};1_1;_reg1_,e. Hunter, Hoz_re[1l,,_& 00., fund` stock, $7009; ' G;a'vil1e'1"~ .& Tho{mp- son,- stock, $50`: . G-oo`d" " '1`_emp1ar'_3,V" stock, `$600 ;; Odd-fellows, stock, $250 ; -Orange ." Lodge, stock, $100; Harri- son; & - Son,` 'b1dg. and stock,` $1600; J. "Cooper, stock,- $25; J. M. Both-_ well, stock, $250; W. Mansell, stock, $200; John ;Culv.-erwell, stock, $25.; Wu` D. `Ard ,*dam; -to bldgs., $600; E. Hinds, `Q ldg. and stock, ~.$2()0; M. Moore, .=b1dg., .$1500; Ed-wards & Laird, stock, $1000; H, Bennett, stock and dam. to *bldg., $450; `J Farquarson,r stock, - $600; _ J ohni Montgomery, stock, $600; Miss Morton, stock, $100; H. Bird, .b1dg., $1000; M. Hi-ckey," stock, $1000; McNabIb &` Son, stock, $1500. ` Not sin\ce the. memorable days of the Gamey sensation `has the house gone through such a session as the .one just passed. The members were called together on February"18, qan` although the house was in session but for -little, more than ten, weeks, there werertwenty-th-ree it night sit- tings,`or aIbo_ut,on-e night sitting to two in the afternoon. Some of these sittings were practically all- night affairs_, the house sitting until dawn on `two ' occasions-in passing the hill under which G. Howard Ferguson took shelter * and under which Mr. Rowell `lies " sheltered without admitting it," and the ses- sion of Tuesday` last in which a futile attempt was made to -wind up. - e "' V n'7_;1.' __- -5I-_L:--_ :_- LL-` _--___ (with. . uyiV_1t}i an .eA1ection, in that near future there was naturally a disposi- tion on -the part of the members to "get on the records, a fact that made many `of the night sessions neces- sary, but apart from that some very important legislation - was dealt .I II . V .1 'III .1 stage Leading `the list--proibavbly the most far-reaching measure in many . yea.I_b_-was the Workmen. 9' Com- pensation -bi1l. 'W=hen the draft came from the Commissioner, and met so thoroughly the wishes, of the workers,_ it was freely stated: that the bill as it _stood- would never become law;. that the manufacturers would get in their ne work before that was reached." ' There is no - doulbt the manu-facturers wvere not satisfied with the bill .and used ` every eiortt to -ha.ve`;.it . modied, but Hon. I. B_.jL1`1ca, who had to carry practically the Aw.-hole hvurden of handling the _bill,- `was `deterrnined to see i that _ the ` yworkere; got i~just.iee._ As, a requ1t`the"! bl, 'while it was amend_d in some ways, is ,reg'arde,d; by_ the laiboii-.`.. represeiftatives as" even better than the ._ .`Com'niiesio_ner s draft. -~ - W ` r` xheadyv for 4 the Radialb .. * '~ Next-+in ..;po_i,nt.`V-of?iiiiportane` i.s_ Hem. -. Adamie 39431; ; *1fca'_1.ia'f Lailswawy. V bill? While #509 'fSh9Ih9`r3'*.95i9 rea'=I1y,-: la` ; ch-ed aifgessio '_ ago,;._+ tho; |:.:11A`; ..a:;1`% .'....`--. ~_r......~-.-_ __- .- ..v.u..5w._x -my 1G: 'lu-lalU!-Vl E11313. _W1`De3- out t_he_.n9cess1~t;y `of township . by; Iavqgs in` caseg-wghqre <;9tta1n..d1str1;cts` u.\.q. uxgg xnuqxxgvu gulnt/Ly. HydrO` V lighting in T'bhe rural` seb- tions` of ;the ]p1_'o'%vince-"w.ilI` be *en- . com-aged ` fby legjl`ationA ? that w.pes 1... out th1 nm-nmi+..y -.e.~ - + ...'.......1.:.`. ` ~- v`--- ------"v.7 V4 W,5`.I. Dy.` laws ca;ses41;v'here'. certain. distarictsl only {want to light their *_str_eetf-3 or -ro_a.d,s., ._H`on. Ada.u i Beck s __ jbiII,'to;_ ` meet` _th'i_s _wja_nt_ `allows the mak.ingV "(If ..contracjtr fupon:..;4.1ixajprit`__`_ `pe%ti.~_ tions-.5. , A - VWels~h family, `who have been `dependent on _the -town of Col1ing- .w9_ for some time. were last _we_k deported 'by the. Government 'Immi- gration Officers. v i . - ~ \. VJL xuuvl. auyl ll tionsw z~ I. V" : VRedisi_tri:butioV'` a:h1e but '-3?. 8 9`3'1?3:4LT.` reauy xauncnea a _sess1on ago, - the, bill did not ; make proper provlsxon` for~~~nan'cing niunioirpal `radia-fa ~ and `was weak in La-espect_ to -provision`; for operation and conti-bl. `The new .__1egi's1atio1iv put.` through by tho nin- ` ` T...-'-A...`.'.._`.._-~_..!1I.`.`n ist; of power opens the, `way fox- 9. vigo,rous I thebxiildoin of apA;`proszi'g,ce-jwide. ;sysf>ir1 of ~ rag controlled jgnd opexjated ;`b3r com- missioii. owned - by, the municipali- ties, and ngnged _-jointly; * - up ials, ' Hydra lighting_;in she L rur11`__se_fc_- L '*t`o;`kA ._ _<$;>ns~ider+ W33`-V{fa1`}__f1`Om: [being me. up --uysug '5auuULCLl. _ . I ` The liquor license laws were tightened up, Good Ffiday being made a` . dry -day, and provision made for.enfoi'cement of the Scott Act. Ticket`, speculators received `a knockout iblow, as did" the proposi- tion to submit the Toronto street railway purchase. to the _ ratepayers beforenext January, ' the `Geodet- ham bill {preventing any vote` until Ne}: Year s. ,a dozen ridings- outside Toronto w'ere eected. `The net result is a gain of ve - seats, six being - added and one wiped out; The Liberals lose a hem-ber by the elimination of Monck, and probably another By the shift..in the `Bruce iridings. The six':n-ew tidings are considered like- ly to return Conservatives. With the exception of Cochrane, the new -one in the north, they are city rid- ings, covering normally Conserva-` tiv._e districts. I c :11 `I. VEGA @- '71;-Ihe season produced an intima-A tion -by Hon. I. B. Lucas that the" nancial affairs of the provincial university would have to be put up- on a sound footing, and that a thor- ough, investigation of the whole uni- _vo1js_ity problem would he made. It w asnota1b1e also `by the suibmissionl The new revenue bills are impor-I taiit in that they will mean prob- ably a `-half-millin-dollar increase in receipts, `but the general public will not know that extra taxation is being -gathered. "FL.. 1:___._ 1.--_,,_, 1' I ; andglearnl `with t cost the advantages, the prac- ticability and e notny of the best good road\ the Concrete oad. A. , [Our stalf of r d engineers will _be in attendance V to giveyou tee fullest detailed infofmation of the eco'LnomyUof' oncreteas a road building xmterlal. .;Don t_ Wait or someone else to take the lead, Come 1n Tp_ on and get fxrst-hand facts, or write `Rv. G." S.; Scott, B.A.,` of bol- iingwood, has received a call from Kilsyth and `North D'e1*by' Presby-` `terian Churches at a salary .of- $1,000, payalble monthly, with yma-nse and four weeks holidays an? nual'ly. _ ` Canada Cam eat : Aljen %,"3 Montreal t0 inclusive is i rested in the welfare of this} co1x,nu1iity: should ' ke advantage of this un- j pataallcledfiopportunity _ obtain information about able him to intelligently roads that "will ggssist -innp`romoting greater prosperity for that otnmunity and hi _and moreeconomi If as Well, by creating better living conditions. All` kinds of Good. oads will be demonstrated but WC want you to SC 0111' __ll09 VH raid Bziiigzg, Fiszntrcai " nu I0!` 4 7 _ V three distinct kinds of l dollars and cents , effected through the C in your home.- e and wearing quali- JAP- -. " 4 to thee nee` of replacing ex- cl like new-- . 4 `A, r you} every fe- ' Tina beannztlw Jiohn Hen11ing' of E11p~h1"aSia 'died on Saturday, April 18, in his 103r_d_ year. He was, born in tIre1an_d. :When `he came to Canada he settled rst near thesite of the town? of .`Al}isto11; A`fte1*w'ards~ he went to .IEu4pshr`a.sia, settling there when it `wals `a forest wildernvess. ;He .was\ (probably the oldest t Orangemean i-n_ Ca`n-ada, having`joined that Soc-iety. "more than `eighty years ago, M.id1an.d- Free-P1'ess--A "man by `the nameof Dave Ounninghar was` sentenced . by Police Mag-istrtate Hewson at Pvenetang 'a few days ago for holding up a farmer _ of Tiny, gand` r-alievinirg him of `some ' cash. He `had an accomplice by the name of Sager, who was let o on~ sus-. pended t sentence. -`When arrested` Cunu-ingham "had six bottles. of. _.whis.1_ .' : -1 ran .' I 4\ . In ;- -`I

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