Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1914, p. 2

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DR. H. A. DUG_LAY, .OSTEO-i 'I\'A FIVTTTIV 13`, _ ' - % ii ' ' ,,_ -v>,' L.R.C`.P. 8c S; Edinbufgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow --`-SURGEON--- ' Eye.`Ear, Nose 6 Tlu-oa_t.A I:I'.u.:.....-...-.... I _-___ rs--. A. _ . - _- - us. `using ggziithgpemi years Post Graduate work in osmtals and havin served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square or Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London: noyal Lond`on Ophthalmic Hospital (Moo:-elds) ; for a term as Resident Sluggon in Royal London 0'fhthal_mic Hospital; grin 1Eyo Hos tal,- -Bristo :and Birmingham Bile Hosgitals B in ham :Aformer Member of ` V tish phthalmol 011 Society. oFFICE-78 Donor STREET. BARBIE. - `Phone 51. P. O. Box,`9o. ' _....v-pg was I yugiig VV 3:038 , *_ Slgixhs pad Gutters. =l'-lomshwoeigc .- `lu~r| ms nu [- `pruuuw U1. wxua, guaxu.:auuu.y, uuu "ad " istgatidn, and General S6li- citfo' ,` Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Oces: Hjnds Block, No. 8 Duxilop St. Money to loan. l: D;:I`g%i1Es.~Garriagog; ma y u:-jau'1',Ul!ll (W` O - . V Wagons 1.3.1.. -.;...a n..u-A-- :-"`WnVib"S4 new" Ca hegi Liibrary "j`fWa.s `opened "On Fri ay last. ,. When may. we have an opportunity. to_ re- port a similar occurencein Barrie? `G. G. SMITH av 00., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869; Undertxkera. Open ' day. and night. Morgue and chapel _in connection. Barri V. Ontario. UNWIN, MURPHY cl; ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oce, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich~ ml : and Bay streets, Toronto. . e o no", Main, 1336; Instructions v-left with Strathy '& Eaten Solici- tors, ,Ba.nkr off Toronto uilding, Barrie,~ will'=be promptly attended to. . -} -uuvavuunu l\I LVJFI` Wehute 9. large amount of money to loan gtlovgeat current ratemeitherin small or in large mmpnntlhon the security of good farm mort- cCAR'l.`HY; BOYS MURCHISON. unlapsu-eet Barrie. .- v TEATHY as ESTEN, BAR] Solicitors in High Court 0 \ `n..L1:- fhununvana '1.'lSA'1'l;l.1 l'JD.llJrV JJILJUAIM.-us.-----v, ourt of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ccs over the Bank, of Toronto, Bar- rio. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. 3- H. Eaton. .1` A111} RUDD, I-Jllullo, - JJIILULULKJ 5 ac, Solicitor , etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio: Money to loan. -: \.a ovvulprvna ` St. ,Phona ` -155$; A_RN Fire and Life Inurarxc % V Real Estate: Agency % Moneyo Loan" The inci'ea.e of 752 in pop'ula.tion during the] past year is most en- "oouraging news-e-Specially in this period of .continued- depression in other places. ` - 53368 m0UA.'l.`H..' uxildp Street. Barrie. -`||I7l'|;lQOf: of '3! Farms ,I;Id_ Town Pro-V Ior_salo..on,oaoyvIorm. . 1-5'A7fi11 P1TyiiZ{ `iaof "1131}, 1 Barrie, Ont. Oice },EIours[--9 to 5; other hours by appointmeht. Phone565. _ -45-I3 v4vv..\./0 \.lI a..n.AJ.I.44LA.AL1J-I-l.JJ.U, 5Lur\A\l(lI4\7 of Toronto University, Member of theiCollege of Physicians and Sur-L geons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage .Sanatorium, Grvenhurst, Ont. Successor to Dr. J. A. C`.-Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale,AOnt. Tel. 269. 23ly _1_>5._J_. _.n'rHun ROSS .(uo9e_aor to thegldte R. L. , ?V'III IE 1 o%FFosu:r_: nqss ST. ~'W1;.3A.I'_li9 ow 8'.-`YD HIQHCB Ill` .[11J1'11 buuutu aqua guy. in the tropic. zone.` ,They- would find them there-.--a11d -much else` far le.-us desira.b1e. ` _ -' 1&1.` . f1{L1j.s7i:`iJi~4s`.c'r.t:nn:z J n . ' ' MONEY I'D` LOAN a A Inron gm'nn-a ..n _.-_ _ unnnnuxzns. "iunvmrons. T L. n_awio_1_n `,,.g\/`*1 14-}: I .I.|. I155 recei ts. Th 5 la Iv . G;rouchi11g` against the Tweat'her is perennially in orde1*. Tl1ose_ex-. puectilrg summer ca-nditions to com- mxxce in April `should seek` them 3;. LL- L_.;...!.. ...n..,. * Tknxv. 'nvnn1I` __su uuuu xuaeruon 0 cents per n ; _ng notices, 10 cents per ` insertion :` 5 cents per line for em `lnaeruon ot the same matter. obi .wDerliqe. , = v l'V(I`Il\l.l:I`l)nI' 1 v -5...- ;.,.,._ycg uuvo - v- * COMMERCIAL DISLAY ;.,,; .. ,CON'l'RACT CHANGES. _ Advertisers will please bear in mind .-n9t1cg.'_ofinfBnti0_n to change ad\'ertisem%: ;mu,t,.be_,ha.nded 1nto the ofhce not later um ganuday at 10 ocleck, and Que eop {cum engage must be in EH19 ADV AI\C .1gt er. than 12,o'c1ock n`oon _on Monday wek , otherwise the 9_,Qvert1s_er s announcgm -`may not be made pubhc unnl the week {ohm 3" fcownzxsmn ADVERTISEMENTS, ~ Gohdensed a.?\'ertisements on first I .3 want, of all _ kinds, lost and foundpage N gcale be mouxrzed on solid metal b , . . I Dlwen; A to rent, specic umcles. tc.. ggig ggcomvanied witn the cash. e eh` Cilts `fof adirstiserrxents must In ev 9'! 386 Ins am mums MIME, Llmlle d ---.- _>-,.__ . uvuuuuii IIIIL` uu/ Llmlte d Hilanufaetnrers of and Dealer; in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber >7 sh. Bllnds.lmerlor H I h, g.f Tanks and Water "'r3o..".,, [)1 Matching. Mo1_1ldin_t:_. fie-S . 1 . `Bing. Hot Blast Drymg Iuln. W nu | Iaaoln and Pgllsslgggigrdwood Floor; 'l'I....6.-...o:..... ......I D..:I.1.-___, n .- In my ovlullg ' Contracting and Bljilding Estimates gi\'en_ OFFICE-BAYFIELD S'I".. BARRIEONT CRAIGHURST. ONT. ,Ll,c:ENs1-gp AUCTIONEER F68 'rH counrrvwor SIMCOE? Most reasonable terms given on a}3;- Stock Sales JOHN JENNETT V A `Saskatoon dispatchhilirms that -the banks in that provin\ce-1a;re lend-" . ing "thrive dollars ` to a~`gricu1u`rist.a:- for Jevery dollar deposited. It is.hoped- this, at least, will tvandl to soothe their fretful `sp~i!1'it4s.- W-hat _miser- able manufacturer in the despised . cast, or me.rch'a1_1t either, would {ex- .pect or lrecewe such liberal treat-' iI,'!9..,'.'..9!!f2!'R'1V!1rvl NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNEI-{VI {St J_olm _& Oroolterl Tj` 0l'u8Is'ist. MAKES VYOUR SKIN LIKE` VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. "Has a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two applica- txons will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the lskinacquires the smoothness and softness.of a baby's. Glycedonia jiI_'_l10t Sticky, and gloves may be fwblfn a few moments after using Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. `A Entirely from the Finest 7`. ' Malt and Hops- 41 j_l'V)Ull`vl.OP STREET EAST 9 .% Bgn I E sums BBEWING cummnv `f g{% p*:.`;:3faScf" 1" It is much more pleasing tolearn the_ price o-f beef is dropping and may go 1olwe.r,. than the fufilment of a ?.report some lmontlis _ ago that it might reach a dollar .a pound. Clxop-pecl hay -is no satisfactory sub-A stitute for a carnivorous race. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and _stutionar_v machinery made and repalretj on shmtcst notice and moderate pnces. `.7. a Al wbrk done by expert machin- b in and guaranteed first class. ' l $I_en,.li'l' Au: and roman .` .'l'l_|e Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle jf,#.BeecroIt - - in CD. ~ 1-. t: . A . a; -. - ' . GI.-:0. MEJNKMAN. nu-.-J... n_._ IBANKERS - David s Templew and Churchl at Sharon, an old land! mark, -is being ?.to_x'n down. Many old and middle ;.,_a` people of the d.istrvict will 1'6- 111116 her wheuvDavicl Wilson helcl ion ; the.` rst. week of June and thresecond` ..:week of lSept-emlbe-r what he lctilled in? those? days David s Feast,._ and it a'ttract7ed;_ great crowds and `they had an enjoyable times, listening to ; David s sermons and -tl\ e = sweet. music of the S-baron->ba%nd. _ ____-:-: _ MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinists _PvI-lZO'NVEV ias 7th , Howe? 1, I B 0 Barrio. The. Canadian Northsern is to be linked up with the Intereolovnial,` `which is` only one of the` commentd-' wble features of the new wgroem-ent madoby the Bordon Government to ensure the completion of this road.` `~'1`oronto papers are already l` pub- zlis-hing pictures of `their [new Union Station-. At the opening of_ this building the family man may turn to his children, and iwithf _`remm1s_cent. air, remark, -I memem-, ber `seeing the. plans fdr rthis build? 1... ....L.u. n 1..-.77 ` Gratitude. has.ben aptly dened as a lively sense of favors to come. T; After thinking that over for a mo - ment or two, one may see a reason for the incident _`thus mentioned by w, the Winvnipeg Telograxp: . Was it -1 with delinberate intent or justrppre .`indi'erence_, thatthe 'f4i!bera1 ,'_,1 }__cial- `convention which niiet recently in W innipeg failed to make 'menti:_;n;_ of: their once: i adored. `-lgt`1`ded;;. leader, Sir Wilfrid :Lenrieg3:1~ii'.i`W 119 Ignored;-or gn~3t1;;ye*'iorsttenn!? Ifllpursqx Wonnw. DUI` Buulli vu\.:_'yu-o ."_ir_1.g when a boy. -ThevOril1ia Packet` pains: `Iarr_i`9` `is to `spend .$1,000-{n `its re_L`ala3L'I:1,1-j ,{system.A In the p`ast.V_. _ 1 report of. the ."Fire..I' fCh'_i.0f,` 5;-;_th;e % " county vtovwn s' .. immggrity T1ag, beex; `dyie ;rath"ex` ` 2.'a;t,her_.J;`..tha n `_ ` V ` k H ign_oresa;';.`- "NOTE `AND % /com-M.EN~i.`. Tunas or Swaabatrrxox. as , L { % My 4 ea ";sii6i1t %`%oni.;o-Liktbe nltes. o.A:::>St;*j since >L%,ehui~z:h%+;%o4n-%% % tzibutions; % and-.;%;itie s% .a* ledst; have lxig `(since ' casd? be A calculated on a`, copper` basis`, `it is reas_ona1b1y.certain\_ that the `_"goo'-d . _ brother who d13opped.' in the silverect _ .cent imagined e u....w'a,s.' `adding a quarter or hal _a dollar 't`o the church funds, V Please cease the pastime of plating coppers. It may -beffunny, /but it is not .wise. ffhe 4'-the C11i18`W00d 1$8ti`d7y*.e TNGWST` 3`=lS's..E--T-It isgratif`yi,ng to;jIea1"n that . all the L-towns ;of v_ the prbvinjciregere` not. affected` byhthe, tight '_mo,n:y and ~' ,-hard times `which have irdeveloped since the change -of 'Qovernmnt at Ottawva. __One ezthati apparently" is holding its own is our` ounty. town, Barrie, the, returns` of the` as(s`ess'o_r for the current` year showing an in- crease of 752 -in-.popn lation and advanceof $87,484:` in the _ assess-' mqsnt. T The population incllldiig Allandale is returned at"7215,_ while the total assessment` is. given as $3,959,580,` The roll return-ex about one hundred new aseessafble proper- ties. There is no envy on" our part at `the growth of our 'neisg'}_1lbor. Here s more luck to her. c The House of. Commons, h?y"a`vote of more than two` to one, ' `has re jected a "Liberal tariff amencl1nent- proposing the abolition of the Ganad-~ -` ian duty on American potatoes, in: order to- secure free access to ' the 1 American market for A Canadian potatoes under . the Wilson-Under-` ,' wood tariff. Of what use would 1 free `trade in potatoes .-be to anybody ; - in Canada? The United States ` usually raises all the potatoes it needs. Whenever there is a de- ciency . in the American __ market, - some excuse is found 601' `the ex- clusion oft: Canadian` potatoes, as in the case" of those recently sent from New. Brunswick and rejected as diseased. Surely we do not `want .Ame1'ic~an potatoes in Canada. Can- ada` is able to raise plenty ._for its own con.~:umption.,` Early V American 3' T potatoes from `belts of-territory with` a warmer climate would destroy the Canadian- f-armer s home 1_narket7 ` for new_ potatoes. No .class ` ` more deci-(badly sopposecl the` reciprocity > pact than the fruit-growers of the- Niagara peninsula. No class should he mor-e opposed to rec/iprocity in potatoes than the farmers of. all_ 1 Ontario. . .~ ' l`R,E(.`ALT..S _CANADAS ~ FIRST RAILWAY % % Mr-. J nhn Harvey, '- the veteran` 1'ai1\\;ay1na11 `and ;-the conductor` who run the first passenger train over the old. Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Railway,` celebrated his -85th birth- day at his home iu- '1`or;onto on Sunday, _April -12th, mention of which was maa in The" Advance recently. " can 1 ' 1 . In an.` . `I If ji;?3%i"*""*!%i*!*i wv(S;;"\'7ec111esdhy, April 15th; John! Mosier, the first reman, on the road, -died at Newmarket. ` T 1 ' '11 .."-C \N'T. V`? *"7`V""'-""" I - The Ontario, Simcoe and _I-Iuron railway ran out of Toronto to Aur- ora, and was. the first railway to beg ~seng'er train to gowover the .road built in Canada. The rst pas- started from Toronto on -;May 16, 1853, at 8 a.m. for Aurora.` The train pulled out in the presence of a large crowd from a little wooden shed, opposite where the Q_ueen s Hotel now standsin Toronto, which station- The train was made up of engine, "two box `cars and a_-_pas- seng-er "car. , -There was .110 ticket oice, `Alderman John Harvie, of` Toronto,. the conductor o_f`the train,` sold the -tickets _on board. All '-along the route ; people turned` out in large crowds to see the novel `sight. Two ..-hears. after .. `leaving Toronto, the tram reached its ?> des- tination at Aurora,` ..a:` cl i`stan cei_jof 80 miles-, and the railway was call-V ed `-`a great sqccess. ?.__ _ l 4-; '- I\' 1"-no.6 had been` dignied `by the name of The iltim of tube` frailnxvtiy was soon changed to . Ashe Northern-, under wllfch it was ..known' until absorbed by the `Grand Trhnk sys-T dune..- On `May 24th, the` `Que~;m s Birth- day, the first -ra;i\1r oad' excurion took place "in Canada . -over T the _' same- road._ , " V V On Octolbre 11th, 1853,` the line was ; extended" "north to`_"A1land-ale, _"anc15l)y the end .of` the ye&r` -1854 the rails; reached Collingwood, the `rst train a1`ri_ving thyare from `Toronto o;} 'January_` 1Vst,jj185t5.J - wevwu vvuu-Iv: T usxvvc , : . ,. .:.ih`&hd'.17isi " agiqnfw.!.3:o-~%%lie1iev9 15t~ese;nis A . V own :69 yea} H . It was not until ten years later that the` line was built around the head ofgthe shay finto Barrie, and (then; only whenh the` town had _p;ur- chased` the right-of-way " far the company. The ~ornml V-o`iAi1ingi'of the .line into `Barrie ;fo.r~. tr-.a_._fc.` Ewas . *c1Ubra te on; F-Kline 219ts%%?::1865;{ and. _thna' (Was? brought .i.t`o" a`viVf1oe Luz; *t`j e1n-., V wi:&1bsfgV %~%8??rb% ; % bf-.~ w.r.11>1ea6a11t:%. J3lvIl\-3 III-ll I131 `q|l\7l-l- VII UJ IJVJCFIM In `1871"'t_1Ie... Nor6he_rn~ _%rail:9gTa,y as; exfengled. to *-Orillia, thy:-. T tst 'aen;t ; tifgin - .9;x*1'iving!.;i7T _:` T %numm,of;,,ea.s, mJ%:s71;, _pas,engers` f61.'. ~ Grillizi c'am'e'"-32 to nan-is by, rai1-%~%and`y%~;t11en:. tmfby .~"I`..- ..1-I-db-I I`-/a.a.- mw....a~.1.....~.-.n. _..V..:J..:.-;.v ` ui.n.?.T-am the once. 12;TAi>m:1}: sorbet -l:I_n'rII-:1n`tM' `~m*v of Simone. ., oPro- : V unnnl nnnnn, fhnnnlninvnwv give .the` -peopl` 51` Canada V `such --4-l-IvI:.`:.nn1r\4- aovu1.:nt) 3 _ E Iqugu1'uumiu avL'v's_u\:. v . v . Frred jk G. `Capreol was the organs ,: izer `and? chief ` `romotr of our rst 1 railroad; `Peep e thought he was ' foolish and . when he , started ` for England ' to-_ get `Queen Victori_a?s r signature to- the bill granting a} charter for the road he was called, \Mad g'Capreo1. - : `After getting the , royal assent the -energetic, founder of the `Canadian system of railroads `lostino time in making arrangements with 0. Storey & 00., New jYork, contractors, for the con- struction of the road. On October 15t-h-, 1851, a "beautiful bright, sunny day, Lady _E1gin, wife of the then Governor-General,.` broke the rst ground with a richly ornamented silver spade, p"rovided by Mr. Capreol for the occasion. The func- tion was attended by a large as- sem:blage'and- `many. ags floated in the air about tht scene, which was just west -of Simcoe street, opposite the `old Parliament Buildings, To- ronto.. , g1VC uuu `pouyav V-L magnicent serv-ice. "I3......J- n r`1.......m'| ,.l-`ettLeLi? _s__ ,_C_relit I"o |f W_at-er-front Development _.will form the theme of discussion at one session of the International Con- ference on City Planning` to be held at `Toronto on May 25-27 next. Mr. R.- S. Gourlay,` representative of the Board, of Trade. on the To-- ronto Harbour` Commission, will- `g:i\:e an address on V this swbject, which -should the of illterest, mot; only to the citizens of Torontofbut to` the whole country. ; Our har'bour s are _nation_a1_ gateways, and the Do-. n1 ix1ion Govvernment is expected to! COl1t1'i'b11teVOVl` e$6,00'0 ,0'0O to this particular project. . ' FBL. -..;-CL`-.. -- l\II ...-. ~\I;t\\nIvt\.wI1 in`- \ .---'-'.--~- `-33,. ,v----- r. -.~ , _ `Travellers ` % Travellers Cheques and Letters oft. Credit are issued for use on the Con- tinent-, or in `Mediterranean. African. Asian 0 Australian ports. or in 7_Ves_t In ice, A ' ` b * bouaswfo cnanrrs are issued " to_1"oufdvel1ers in North Amzrices _ MONEY can tierobtalned on these Credits and Ceeques as needed,` with- out dela or inconvenience. Con-_ ' put our enager about it, ,,...u.-...... .,,.u,-... The works now in progress atl Toronto slioul-.d:'. prove of national importance in another respect" also, namely, `lay putting before other cities and towns an example of what may be done by . systematic planning for water-front develo`p- `men-t. The works proosed aa of three skinds: (1) Industrial devel- opment, (2) Commercial and dock development, (3) Park and boul ,e-' vard improvements. T-hey involfye the lling in of Aslnbridge bay and ` the establishment there of a model in-dustrial district with first-clags railway and lake `transport facili- ties; the. deepening `of the ' imger haribour and building`, of new docks"; and the construction of .a beauti-f`u l 12-mile driveway, extending` along g-the entire: water`-front,. 'wtih a pro: tected 'channel ;for small, crafts for the whole distance, A lagoons, parls, is.lands,: amusement grounds, bath- ing_ 'beaches, and everythiiig '-`that could be desired: for summer plea`s- ure; , It ` is expected that the e_ntii'e. project -will be in `19 0 and at an{estiinatedicost of upwva~r_s of `$19,000,000. '_ ' emcompleted, sit ` ,shou 1d"plg.c_e Tor to in an enviable ,position,; giving it _one``` of% the nst _ l1w.bours,'on_`ie Great" stimtu -,latin`g`.\it-"9 ,?`*`ing,11;striale' and commer- ~ci1 .ex1`m.n.:sion; 0-.~ai1.1d' providing` * its` , fpeorple withi unrivalled. ;_re`crea;tidn' . ,f.acil-ivtifes it`. .their"'v_ety'_,` doors, 0. , >1` FRUITS R]5COMME*NDED roja! PLANTING ;-IN` LAKvE.,1SI'M- ' g con ])ILS"I.4`RI'-O'I`.`.. "mm" "' '"i7E"iii 'lii:'vA no`n4 Urrmo sums sunscanams %s1V.so VIN Anvnncz j 1 ANK*o1=TORTO <'o;n-Q|on_uo'Vat.f r,` i I ~ 'F.o11o.wing-His..-a}"1ist'j _commended by the Ontariq Deput- gmqnt pf` Agrlculture f_o1:.1.f'>1anting` in TI-NT-ER-NATIONuXL CONFER- ENCE O-N CITY PMNNING $W;1.t:t j`[MaJ ' -Water-Front Development` . ETHE:NbR1`m:RN;..A D.v%A%ANcE ` , I 7Mr. . _B.* T.11dAhope.has.-presellted 'the whit-e moose which he shot at` Martin River, north of North Bay L vla`-st fall, to the Roya1`Ontar_io Mu- . oseum of Natural, History. `The ' stuffed animal is now on exhibition In the bmloglcal museum of Toronto Unlverslty. - ~ - SIMS, Mdnaerf 11szcoapoaA`rn:x>4*:sss : Asset; ; .5 A. ._ r. the Lake Sirmcoe District, which `in- cludes .the northern and, vsouthem sections of S-imcoe, and `the north- ern sections of York amt`-*Ontario, bordering on Lake" blmcoe. Apples: Duchess, Peerless, Alex- ander, Wolf, Bhenheim, Pewaukee, 'Sta f'R`, -Baxter, Fallawater, Fameuse, Seek, and the following if top- 'worked on. h-`ardy. stocks: Green-ing, .King'-, -Ontario, Baldwin, Spy, As- "tral}1an._ \ ' , r\;._1 n1 n-n..-:.... 'l[,..+_ pracuurz. _ . _ T _ Cherries: Orel 24, Ostheim, Mont-. morency, Dyehouse_ and English Morello. ~ . _ ' ` -~ Pears; Clapp and Bartlett. Plums: Burbank, Sjzaunton, Lom- bard. V ' Grapes: Campbell, Moyer, Moore, `Diamond, Winehall. `Blackberries: - Agawan, Eldorado. `Currants: B1ack--Na-ples, `Victor- ia, Red-Fay; ` Versaillaise and Cherry. White-eG_rape. (. Gooseberries: Pearl, Downing. ` Raspberries: Mgrlsboro, Herlbert 'an- Cuthtbert, red," Hlillborn, Older 1 f1__.;._. `L`I'....L uuu. \.J U DINUCL U, 1 Cu, apd Gregg, black. The man who wants credit for` every little thinghe doesusually `is the -chap who can t aord to let any credit for good work get away. V I We don t like to be too critical, but did ever `a government package of ower seeds contain any variety of seeds that anybody ever wanted `to -plant"? ' - i For maps and conditions of` sale apply -to the undersigned` or` -the `Crown Timber Agents at T-hessaldn, Sault' Ste. Marie, ..Web7bz_woo-:1 and Sud1)ury. ' " -- V `T7 71" `I'1"l' A 1\.'1.rn Ave): I Jav if .; ..:u1;.,#'.aa.;.i :3 thesub 9jg untl the money is paid. L, `, `qvar will be charged 31.50 per annum. .. " burp now to arrearjtorthreemoqthav J TENDERS will he received by the undersiguecl up to noon of the 6t}; day of July, 1914, for the; might. to cut the Red . and tWhite- Pine} timber on Berths 1 B, 1 0, am} 1 D. in the Mississaga Forest Reserve tributary tothe north shore of Lake Huron, each Berth containing an fnrea of 36 square. miles, more or ess. T - - - . I 10.0 , '4 `I AIJIIIUD, .|.uLv1Lvv, J. .1001}, .l.U.l.'.t-_ N .B. No unautig-{zed publicationl of this 11oti:ce will he paid. for. .17- 27_| 5.1 I.I\.A'\Il4IO`] I A W._ H`. HEARST, 7` L Minister of `Lands, Forests ' and Mines, Toronto, April 18th, 1914 M12 `rm. ;.......4.]......;:-.._1 _.;_u:--L:'.'.. % I Cease wasting your money _rent.u ; . * A ` \ D IBIIIBIIIIEQ fgmatil cash paymen_ts.~Balnc as rent. . ' Farms for Sale. Real 1"Jstato;ndIvn`s1_1t:1 % V ,. Phone 530. - 18!! Dunlop Qvt.`-Barrie j own YOUR own Home ' I_ have $206,060.00 \'oi~th "of houses and property ,in Barrie ang A!!and]e.- ' V ` llrfosanko 3 TIMBER SALE %;jf;%`AiM`id1and, emulating T 13`:;srie's%T4-ex; [:=aa,;_:;ple, has" a- motor `club, with W; A. 'I` ;nlayson as .it s first president. wxiis FOR` Ema 26:5 anti tef , 8j6Ii c'tQ_rs,` Notanes Public, and 7,'O_>h`veyancers.- Money to loan in n|11\v|n Q" flf flt. _-o `V- ALE -ANDER COWAN, ` SUC- : ffcesspr to Lennox,,~Cowan &_;._Brown, Barrister; Solicitor for ~obta~ining -probate of wills, guardianship "and _`J__.d.;...'...J.....J.2...`... (`U141 rlnvabrn-l G. A; RADENH`URS'1f, BARBISTER, . Solicitor; Notary Publio, lac.` oma, lat oor Bank` of Toronto Building: VMonoy to loan at lowest rates. L ` It is propbsed -`to prdvidia the "Holy City--Jerus'alem----\vith' a mod- ern: -e-lectric street car -service~'-and, L`9&`'-xo-m"1)rese11t_ appearances, it may Vzhe operating in J erusalvsm before a similar line. is in Barrie.` -ORESWICKE j & BELL, am. risfers, Solicitors of the Supreme `Court of < J ndicatqre of Ontario, "-Proctors, Nbtarieg, Cnveyancers, etc. , Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- .-;wicke,` K.C., W. A. J. Bell, K.C. .__-.... ...-_.._. _._.._......-._._- -... `s'rnA'fHY iv ESTEN BABRISTERS, n_I:-2L`-.._ :_ 1:r:...1.. 1....-Q nl Jnnlxian- DONALD ROSS, "LL.B., -BA1znIs'f-xii, n-1:-:4.....' -4. Rank nf 'l`n1-nntn -DR. W. H. OCHS (SUOOESSOR T0 DR. PALLING), Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and .';I_`hnogt. ` Glaisses Adiusted. Ofoe, -IA`!- DR. H. T. ARNALL. omncz AND` ' Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. ( osite Fliza- ' both Street Methodist urch), Tele- phone 167. W A; LEWIS, M.D.o.M., Surgery -~ and Diseases of Women especial- I5; Oice 58 Collier St. Phone 6 ; [ 35- DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- eon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.B.C.P., . enden. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. I DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON -St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- `urday. Diaeases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. _Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and- by appointment. -- __-.::__1--_----_ _-_ __ --_. DR. .0. 0. ALEXANDER, graduate} -1 'P.........L- `rT..:..-..-::... 1r-._.1.-.. -1.- LL.D.-, D.: M. Stewart. . D_0fllY6y8nG_BIIag Jnvuvy. uv nu... u. `-any sume at` I-5f per. cegt.` Oice, 13 became of Noah s Ark? If one is to take cognizanceof remarks 3-'>f.`"`The Packet, the G. l.`.,'R. still`- use %_{i1v:'.'as.`a` station in Orillia.

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