Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 May 1914, p. 1

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I Mayor Cowan announced at Mon- day s council me-eting_that the sur- veyors for the `Tqronto, Barrie and Ori11ia- electric line from `Barrie to the C.P.-R. would`.-ire in town to-day to resvumerwork and complete the survey of this branch - at once. .Representatives of the company are reported to-have `been in Orillia re- cently selling stock for the through line to Toronto, and it is also loam- ed; that negotiations will soon com- mence with municipalities to the south in reference to franchises-, etc.. Many Transfers % In Real Estate "H. D. J amieson reports the sale of the -C. H. Ross estate property on Toronto St., the name of the 1:-urch-aser not to `he made public at opresent, Also ve lots off the same property facing on Sophia St., to .Wm. Minniken, who will build ve modern houses, and two lots -.-:` E the saimeprop-arty to Geo. G1-,avc-s. WS Right! The Fit will s ely please you The Material are most reliable `The Tailorin is the best possible The Guarant is a. strong one If an Art it does not t - And please u in every possible Art s iwe senl . viray We do not : The Prices : . `Mi. `Ed. -Tyrer has purchased irtml the tPae:-estate the store and dm,1I- ,ing known as the Kidd ham-, up- lposite Bingham s Butcher Shop 0'1 Elizabeth, and it is said that negotiations are under way (for the purchase _of the Lion Brewery Cold Storage plant, cor. of Mary and E1;1`Eabetl1,hto erect (a pair of stores. 1! CVL-._....... Ian.-u ~n-u'1n.~.L\v\.V(.nt ] We take "yo Deliver 1 91-9 Dllzapebll, LU UICUD (ll pun V1. au\rA\..-vo M. Sh-anacy has pi11'cha%(*d the Rogerson Cot~tage,_/across. the ba ' ` A > l0uting Hats G e Vickers` S. Boehm & Co., Ltd., report in The Toronto Suhday World the sale last Week of 20 lots on Simcoe Heights Summer Resort, near .Ha;wkestone,- at $75 each, and two lots in Cedar Harbor, near Roache s Point `on Lake Simcoe, at $300 each. The purchasers are not named. Eve {$1 .ooAP`:n Annual m A0933: . IIIBLI go:-an -than can-to "HITS TH!-1' and is the k d mother used to make. Many, of our patrons p fer it to _ the mde-"at-hom article j ho1_1_ewife. Mother and" 7fg(}{tjdmdthers join i %fv{;g4::Lr,ieral`p:f:;_Lise'c1fv'Br}'s _ _.Cakes and; Pi 4 .22` BRYs0N*S` St. Factoiy ` *4 ` 7`?~9n-`= 1' measure " n. ten days ask for one trial-- hat s all. \ \ - P 1 : .;WV_`.,' Tennis, Golf, LawnoBowliog; Canoeing and Motoring! kyou to take it. e reasonable. All the Newest shapesm Linen, Duck, TowelliI_fg ,";1 Panamas, Straws and Feltgg: 18-19 All Trinity Church sud J `DOG TAXES 1914? .pI`S tent, regular any dolllars a week; season, in the _Un' nada, which makgsrff ndependenzt. The` all the more rapitily`,-=~ . of the Interest 'e.ry six mo11ths.T arrie Branch.A LIALLI VH5 83, 139}? owner 1)rosecutoTd`~.:= 1:` `n nxvxfnfrf llJ.\I9\U\IK5U "i:fDONNEI:i;*:: Fl` ..____- fl`..- - ..--... JJ\J&` L` Ll-I-`C4, ' Town LASSE.RT|0NS0F> Mr. Portitt ARep1 y to: . Rider inJV%emrdict ` 011" wool- ner Fatglity;--*-Hospital` Board Pane} Resolu- given `at -the Woo1xier.;1;;q`nest'y3nt and 1 the Herdict {r`endere_dn b"-the Co;-qn.` e 91` S` 1.11`! Seeljn .to~c.a, o`rasome"'com-. ment fromj` - `_`th_o'se J responsible` ' for the cgovernment and management of . the *.ltoyal'- Victoria Hospital,, and after personal -inv'estigation,]_ `I~ wish to state the `facts,- so far as; they affect. the Hospital,` in order; that the pulblic, may~Jbesf.ab1.e toforme an ` ' opinionon the" fjmatt.er'. rfrom'~:~a`n I un-p_rejud~iced point_. of" gview; The man was brought to the Hospital 1 in a dying condition,f-having ` found about midnight on Tuesday, unconscious, in the '.G.T:_R. yards at - Allandale and -died next` morning. ` Un his -person` `were found _ a promissory note, a. "time book, a- letter and cuff links, all bearing `~i-dentifying marks." In addition to these articles were a match, a small sum of money and the clothes worn " at the time of the accident, these i latter articles having no ,1dentify- ing marks. `Following the -rules of i the Hospital th_e `Siiperintendents .. took charge of all `the; property, the articles hearing identifying ` marks 5 being later `separated. _from the t others` and used in .g1v.1ng to the G.T.R. 'oicials the : .1nfOl'IIlM31OI1 which they required In order to nd the relatives of the deceased, whose wife shortly afterwards; telaphofled to the Superintendent that she would come over `from Colh_n8'W00d .93 the noon tram. Before noon Mr. Beardsley can: `to the H5?1ta1 and` without , p1`89.`ntm8- x. any Writtef`. `authority asked Etch-at the 5 man 3 eects be given to the `jundertaicer, -Mr. Smith,` `to he sent e.to'Coll1ng-` wood with-` the -bodyy stating that he was doing this at the rrequst '}?f D_,._ wa11w;n,s uhey Coroner. T e Superintendent declined to give up 1.1.. ....u:.-.1... an Inn unit} it was vnuav -'..-menu, ,'. IQ]I|'Lw V; mug ;-gygugglgg. .a ~5u'-perlnnenuem; uuuuuuu w 5..., ..,. the articles `as she said it against, the `r1"1les o*f the Hospital, and that -the; wife of the `deceased was coming down "at. noon. During the afternoon the` Crown Attorney, a .-'Iv.`..`l....... 4..\`I.l Han Qnnf. tn keen l3h9 31t61`n00netue uruwu uuw......_,, by telephone, told the Supt. to keep ' the effects until the relatives came. 5 Nothing more` was heard of the 1 matter `by any of the Hospital exe- 1 cutive until` the following Friday I while the -inquest was in session, ( -when the Supt . was asked by the `constable, over` 3'-`the " te1ep\ho.ne.,' to come to `the Police Court" and bring- the man s effects. She `didnotlr coin- p1y_ With-this` irregular and 7peremp- E toryhnotioe, as _it conictedj with 4 other engagements. +~In.t_11e"ahsence " A of the Snpt., f"her,`assista1it, Miss a McLeod, gave to `Dr. :*A1exander`-the letter, tirnegliook; promissory: V. note . who was thenphysician -in `charge of the case_.'. and: who-had been~as_ked* f by the Crown -_.Atto"rney~ for articles` bearing? marks of iden`_ti_catio_n.ll Dr. Alexander, : who zhacl beenj`.c_on_- A 11ecteg.withi the `case from ~the .;..he- * ginning, was ` able, `to? identify "these . -articles `as ,-those do vf011l'1.df{'fQ11 ; the per- . " son: ,of A thejdeceased; ~ um; d_id';sgA'.j:`at`1 'the~inqnest.-.1"`t~. j_?: _' = tyin*n?th:; rgzuhi: wayoatt9tee'itena1vh;e;;%.ottnianrnedninquesta ; *the upt. 1p1sod`ir__c`e`_ ff;`:1;"f_ tl1`ej_lffI ,5--; Hbuit, useas~whetex9r -V m.:t~ .;.....~.n.aaa:~:e.9 '?.idnti'cai!1i L0 11.5 .,,,..ul. -`. .gg'v53!3Vt'$'3#e3F% Thug ,w_m be pefre /or Salehy Pubo A notion on Thuxsd: A. theirs _a*. '191&_. qt-_fhQ,\1e en s . Hotel,` Buri',e.4;_t1_1;;8n `t 9 `totenopn by 170:-.~_ ahdat Bxowqieo;v..Au _ ear`-d-,intsrp_. &l`0313*jf-'~.< A ` ' I1`ei1,),t.~3ra tord;st.',; _ wild! ' su.'I'I:;ouiar:;;':.?;=.~` The " 5-it-tot ~0'f-Q1141 - _, `iOf.hQIl,!...13. V|'! .": `3n*s`i1:v-N1 "1 I .. ~ hz lm Th%: ;'fi.V' ion ftr I118 grave llllaucvxxv angle` by the-V. C`orci_ner. of` _- emoval. of` the `body gintication.` ; It. '- should. .mind that f the Supt-T4 ansilble rby; ' T Jfzard xts :of;~ a\1l 1' `patients 1; ,_9.vd-. 1eT_Hopita1 _ ,ai1dV is "np_t_- *rI -it m `r1'cI1_|n:_s__1'iI' `or -A ommzxoi my 7. 19,4 knot, a_z. --I know, 'co.u1d'_.-_th.iIs V 8a11x;]oe'%=done.% and: nd -no -ffpulgdatxon. whatever . for the V` sugr ,g`es1}o1_1 vhat the `Leencts were` held _f9i%';thhtP1.1;1"P8 in thig case. . inia `n ~wu-CA4-'6-nv-x -3 >rn11nr\On:.I _uuI.vv_~ yy'5'g\a1=vU Au. uug__Uq.ac. T :I,?V;`mgst.;;,,b., a:m*atz:~%=%%d of 5su1`p13i9e.: [to N_ he}*"_1:ate'q_1Qnt' ;in the, verdict .j:hat_;_`9;..1egal Ademanclf; was made ` 012-A t`he_.I*ee cts',~ and that the adjourn- produce all the. -eifects 'at. the.'rt `s'essiOn.. the fact 'being*that none of ~1;_he eects -produced` at. `L the nal sesfion } jwere .11-s-ed for identicatign. t6J-A`Lnyon6- -gcquai1'1`1:'edy` with the facts. ment was. caused. by the failure 't6 = 'In*co1'1cl.usion,` I have to sayithat the rider _ added to their verdict _by_ the]; ; coroner's -jui-`y" was without foundation and~`quite- uncalled -for; that ` the -G,.tT.,R.e and the Hospital executive together took very` com-` plete measures to estalblish the identify of -the "victim of the" aocia dent, and that the information which had_ -been dbtained `was at the servieof `the. jury when ' pfoperly cied, end that the production of the property. was rendered possible entirely `by the action of the Supt. ... .....-...'...... 4.. 1...: :. ....... 4.- +1. Vl1ULl.U5J UHU GUULULL UL ULIU uu in; -ref1'1sin`g`to hand it over to undertaker to, be sent "away ~w1th the body.V -Had she complied with this ' i1;regular4`*ord~er, it seems "very clear that no inquest would` have been possible. - - ~- V A 0.1 0-11 }R\:~:olution .' re Inquest` , ' At the _reg`u1ar meeting .of the BOa1'_d= `of the Royal Victoria Hospi- tal, held "on: '_1"uesd~ay af.ternoon, the fol1owing'reso1ution was moved by .Rev. Dr.) McLeod, 'seco_nde& by Rev; Dean" Moyna,' and unanimously adopted: " T " ' IKVIVL; _LL-..L:A.. -.C ALn: `annual A; Iu_Up ecu; . The, attention of thei Board of the,-Royal Victoria Hospital having been`-called to remarks alluding to the management of this. institution cattachecl to the verdict rendered by the Uoroner sp Jury in the case of the death of James Woolner. The_ Board commends the good sense eshoairn by the Superintendent in this.` case, in refusing to` give up the property. of the deceased without . a A proper legal demand. The Board and" ' its employees respect ` every legal authority when acting in har- mony;with thellaw and require no instructions on" that point, -The method of procedure at thehospital in all such cases has been the `same for years, and is the same as in other hospitals, and tl1e_D0i.11tWl)icl1 pres- ented a difculty to --the jurors was- clearly explained in, 5_"``the evidence. "The Board regards the remarks of. ~ -~ ' A..L-un1ou 111nn[I'I11D(`i' - `FAT F. T. SHORT. - - 1't3gtu'ua Ill.-IU lbluux Inc V- . the jury ? as` entirely . unc?a11ed`* for and A quite beyond; their duty. The Board -is gratied at the prominence this "base has given to, the useful- ness of the hospital and the `effi- ciency `wit_h which it -is'_ managed . B$.rrrieMe1?chan`t_s. Honest.Advertisers j,`|_iI_I_ _$=`$Ul15_Yi fO`f`;,3;[Mlbi;- Aim-_fr;-1|: oouln or` puma: oun cm'r|-man. 3U|-|-P`? ' `appear .-I 1 -'L:.-u .-u vv ed. 111- N16` Qswugsga. T A gaiii Days` -leA.ad_-mg _ts_to1fe_s.'> ._on V 1P.riday, Mal .__----v. Yoinvs` , faithfully, gaunt` "Prgj }'o:{ni of `T1-gu'ste, ' R.V. Hospital. .. ' MAKER OF W PORTRAITS '.`i`;4-i'_{`.`VVI -v(_)=fb I{I_TT, ; i>mvvix:%%a1I the f %%Aricia.ky%% 89di5F%$39 * I` -`"11 v ` Bar` ` 1.4;`-m 1 T0 ASK%CARNEc1E FOR ;$1s,.oo A ,ou}i. Suitable sites` 4 ~4 _ fibraryg 4 ~ 7.` :ALi"l)rary_'B :ajrcl`i4`Su88.'e:8t vM';.` l_etSq1nre Park,` of Army | l'-'or,;N'wA Curngcie " . -`"The Town Council, at their regu- lar meeting on Monday night, -were requested by the` Pmblic , Library` Board to "make application to the Carnegie'~'1`rust Funds for a grant of $15,000 -for anew library build- ing, the request being strengthened .lf>y- a deputation \ consisting bf Ghairman Frawley, Se y R. J. Fletcher and Mr. L. J. Salter, of .-the. Board. _ '- ` 7 1 I s-_r.~T"~ T. * T ;\ _ . % 1 ' The following resolutlon had been 1'manim.ous1y~adoptedL at thq r`e`g'uIar meeting of the Board on April 27th :V e `mfoved -by R... J. Fletcher and A. Hay and ordered, that as the pres- ent Pwblic `Library Building is. 1_1ot. adequate to ll condit-io1;seoocasion- ed by` the I$i!b1'a.ry having._been m2_1c_1e - 'I'..`_.,_- T !.L......... C-14\;\1nI\.`\rv -:~nn-wane.-rho` rgu. D.) but: 4I.J.l.`,Ul-GLJ .I..uvxu.5..yu.uu mugy 9, Free Lrbrary, ~the1'evby_1ncre_asf11 1g }1er1ssue`~of books fourfo1d;and- as -this Board has had ,before -~them ressing alterations, such as heating ghelving, and other necessary changes, and -as such taltertions. fvould cost $1000.00 without in- creasing the monetary value ' of the property, or having a library suit- able` for the ' Town of Bar:-ie;" ,,-_ -1_'_.- J L1....L 4.1.3.-. CTUIC .lU1' IJLIU .LUWLl. V1. .jJu.L;z.u, ` _ Be it therefore resolved that this Board request the Council to make 1 application to the . Carnegie Finan- ( cial .. Corporation for a grant of ( $15,000. for the purpose of erecting a Public` Library in the Town of ` Barrie," and that the Chairman of 2 this Board, Dr. Little- and Mr.` L. ~` J. Salter be appointed a committee to approach Council in furtherance : _o;f,this matter. - A. " e p - . . "" lhirman3lFraw1ey briey reviews ; ed the` growth of the library from : the days of the Mechanics Insti\ tute_, when, perhaps, it was not fully. appreciated," to its present status as- a,Free_ Library,_ with its more var- ied chara_cter of literature and in- creasing number of readers`. and scope of usefulness. Some time ago a poll `wastaken `-of the usersfof the library and it was found -that the ' institution was -hot fullling its.` mission, and it wassuggested that a -new` library -building `should be thought of at. once. Duringthe` convinced. that sometliing. `must be clone to keep the building in use and that the outlay would` be"_con- siderailr:-le. The, heating. apparatus was out of commission and {frozen water pipes. were the result and, the rooms. Jwyerel uncomfortably cold.- The present building is of unsuit- able shape, being. long: and -narrow-, with no provision `for asidelijghts, - and the r'eadaing is not first- .class._ b , .r. past winter the Board be.car_ne.more- Lzucon . to accommodate the.increa,sing num- `ber of ` books, both- old and `new ~(some of ` the old W01_`kS `being of great value) and` the` Board thought before undertaking all the. expense. necessary, `that it would be better to see if could ot..get>.a new building._ There had, in. the.past,- beeiia strong prejudice` ;agai_1ist`; accepting _but that 'had__ generally-wo1"n away,,m._1d their ,mi's-' sion was `to request the couhcilolitto .;a_sk,_as the"'town tmust mjIxiS,11`."a, ffeef sit'e,`_ ;a11'd~ _-guarantee `:10 "per "cent. - -.a --,. 4; 4.-'-.;1...:+.1:..*.....rm;' 511;` ,0 onsiderable `expense is ` necessary ` 1 free site, _am1 guaranwe ;u par w.A....% of- the cost of the bui1fding._;for, all upkeep, including the purchase of new-books. . ` L` ` 'Mr. Frawley , suggested `the Market Squaret-Park _ or f the jpreent am- ouries ,..o11 Mulcaster -St. as` Suijsable . sit__es47which wbuld cost Ache ~ T0,Wn ; `nothitigy-- ,. an`d:'5 augigetecl ' t11j'9.t~d `the -CquI1ciL1`;ta ke..thi Am;ttefr* _.o'_f `lqction mkist `,t11`6rourh1'y_`jntV_ I`their'j-consider--` .g1`t.ij<.>x'1;;~vT.a`fsvA.`.t;_he _ _ Board`. ~:.hadf { .aIredyV :*?1sme.; . % -new V A. " " -7-'11.. V -._1_-.1 Z. `":`"*'V* Reeve!` f."Ca1<'i;are1i,' A asked`-~if` the maintenance 0 of >"a;f. new $15,000 .C_a rnegige` _>ui1g1i;_1g would, be, more.` V 1 *7 Mr; _3F0.1:'aw1ey-- At1; 'f)re : tli `up-V _;993g. `as much or, 0';`nc_"1~.:};-' gfg $15>`. 00- ` .85 .0.r Cqwan, u:.-.;. ` ```- '- L-' V*""'_" ~'-- ~-.--- m_nch;' as 10 per, cent. of_$15,000. ';'@ayor Cowdh, wha` is` sgilto a. mem- `}er'i O`-"~th'e; A-Board .intimaed-:t;hat he ` Afnlly-1-._` %r1_eTa`.iAzed_ Lthe, diculty {the % I.3o1aii`d;1;*wa3?` iiow; .`.hp.,_` a`gairis1;,f'aj. A any is `=ixmn"9ven1enfS`;f4"r%the% % :;. J+L%%:;hni1axn2% COUNCIL DECIDBS 1 WHERE co: mom % SHALL ma SPENT] Be Uhder Supervision l` -Despihte Protest of Reeve. - ---. Many Sidewalks asked ' I" e_- for_-_-More Light in _ 1 . Ald. usimon, Wallace and Webb missed` at tiresome session `of the Town Council on Monday evening, wLl1ich,_ however, was characterized b y'a few _=passes vbetwveen ~Reeve .Cald'wel1 and other _mem'bers of -the Council, during which` the Reeve colile. off second A 'best. 'T~ha.t more sidewalks will have to be construct- ed is evident from the number of petitions ifrom all -parts of the town. `I1 .11` _ another column-. `(vvovovxv `av... w--- x--~_-_ A.` deputation, from ..the Public Library` Board was present. and ask- ed. that ._ Coun'ci1- __ approach the -Carnegie Einanqial Corporation for a"grant of $15,000 for a new pufblic library, `which is fully reported in 1 `I - _ I`. The mail bag was crowded to capa'ci_ty,:and it took over "half the time of the council meeting for the formal reading of petitions and communications addressed to The Mayor and .Me1nlbers of the Coun- ci1,`-etc. The following are the more important of them: \ TY . 3.30 a.1n.---Ii;J_3' Conimunio .`11.0--I\[-.11in~ 21.1141 Sermom V. 3.00 p.n1.~-S`unday VSc_hQ"o_1 % mic C1as.e- .7.00 p.111.-'--IC\'o.11S011g' and: Rev. J2. 1:. J. Biggs. I-LL\lA\J J.-Aorvcvw---y .... -7-__ Petiiion from Octavies Hooper! and eleven others for a sid ewa`lk on ' `East side of Essa St., from Bald-. win to Campbell, Ave.- W: H. Broadhead applied for per- mission .t'o operate a ferroty-pe camera on streets without a license. G!ri1nted.`_ V . ` V11. soon I u R. A. D9Hart applied for permis- sion to erect sign extending over .-si(!_erwal`k_. Granted . 1r 1'I'_1___..1--_. '-.._._...`I..!.._ SIUUW `gun, U 1 a. ucu. --Mrs. E. M. LI1{ic}_;ardS9n_. c0mp1aiI1-l ed of East St. sidew'a1k_;\ind.;11\;iked _that ge}n~e_:_nt wa.1kbe 2 constructed." .1 C'1_.'!..1__ .____1 -,..., UU Bunny; Lu. uuu. Dual ceuzeuh wax .1` ' Petition from. Eli Srigley and "six otheis for tq have ditch V0117 Essa Stoleaned out. ` 1- 1'n_..-__1_ T....l-...... 4-.u-Jim-mi L-Ia | DE.- 0u;a11ea uuu. f J. Frank Jacksbn tendered his resignation `as Parks Commissioner. - A (`V A'...Jn.-at` n{1`r\vr\':++Ar` f\]'_1r| fr`: I'BS1g'I1auU11 H3 .lLll'l\B\JU1u1u1DaLu.uus- `A. G.` Ardagh submitted plan of stvbivision of part of Archibald Thomson estate. ' ` '.". ' F*`*--- T ` T7 DAN.-1 n`V1l1 .L uuxuauu Goya nu. T A\pAeti-tion from J.`K. Ross and others asked that the street lighting on McDonald St;, between Owen and Mulcaster,` be. improved. ` -Martha V Hunter and W. J. Pig- gott, .Rossf_St., petitioned for a ce- ment crossing from each of their residen-ces; to existing sidewalk on `south side of Ross St. A Longhtirst and -26' others ask- ed` that Tiin S_t., from Thompson to Essa, be graded and rolled. _R.3W."Atkinson and 24. others vp'etition`edTto'havef -John St- south . gi-`azded and graielled and sidewalk o 1aid._ La1c_1.. T W . Giracey &'Son 7 and 26 others? protested. against bill for street oil-' ing: 0111 Essa St._ for last ;seasou,` as .t11'ey. claimed on1y.one `oiling `was (1529. _- V ` ` r` ' "~1 -- ----1` 19 A4-Lhasa nu`.-- (10119. . "Geo; C. (A3ol e`s in-nd`-13 otliers ask- edfor a .sidwa1l< on the south _side of Davis St., from Puget to John- ston` St., with agconnvection (from `Blake-to Davis. ' ~ 'Ir_-.-- A .J....,.:.mL. 'n*e1n:`iI. nor- maxegto Uuvls. \ Mrs, Marg. Adamson "asked per- mission `to erect cement steps N to `d{)orway'_ qf Ross b1'ock- on B-ayeld St. Granted during pleasure of the "Council. . '- _ ' Mr. Arthur Overs asked permis- =sioI`1 to_ .ierect_ a1}*e1ectric` sign in -frht of his barber _shop`. _ Granted. ' Wm; __Freel,`. asked, that some :Pe`:}t`g1;g' `St.A_o1V11_:-..of unty money. `Ix. `AI...-~n-Jznn whn -,pe`1'mane_ nt improvements be done on_ S1H1 '.\luy IV. .\'I'.\'IJ.\Y .\FTER___ _: F;~.o1'1_-`:1 f5*i* `wad V vi. and I Railroad Surveyors L Again on the Job owm-r< - 1'-}:1a1\1)O1`i3l`,3_ are re(111i1'w1 11;. registeraemi 1st May in each year-~-__. _ "Without cc11:11' and` tag be seized and ow11er`__p.1'(,J

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