:?`Yo11.lmvo as much fee1in'5gT"l;:sV`: :hV}' Jellysll. Flint." the other bro_ke : wnmfu surrnEnA TEN to Heth by Pinkl1am s vegeublaa Belleville,iU.S:Canadg,:..H1_ " 1 j did not t n. I % `W Igfii Pink!;1e:r(r!1'iIn" 3?; `cmP0unda `A A - ..--- rvl pmkam'. Vega ompound. ,.. . enevi11e,1u.s._,canada.- ten year for female _1 not get ell. read : ut Lydi E. Pinkham ; Ipound a decideg to tlj vi. `.1: ,, -- make any Invcstrg returns as to bail It is such a _god; the county to have Ther/1 your road tax : merely xpezzt. T` ', ey the amount they cos't,5"' ,`d_ increased valuation of " marketing your produg yUUl PIUBIUVV vehicles, the greater convennencgq of your commumty. _ 1: Concrete roads outlast all other kind!-pf` no repairs for mat}? 3'93"! Th7A[?`,.("} ,......LIn nIvPl'U (`RV In V 7\ ' 1'cpall'S IUI' mung, yvcuuqp in ply}. ggssablc every day In the YCICL. -.1. Wfitc for, free, Good Rondl 11!; Ill L_asn-. urn? ' I ` for, free, uoou nouns -uv,u,m_;p;`g will better your condmons. Canada ? sos t_I.:;I; `" CHARLES EDMQNDS._WAI'K- Aulor of "the Silver a_maj|g", "The l'IntcrnosterV-lu1uI"." Qtvcg mg And he did: succeed, gradually, in pulliiag himself together. The very idea was so shocking, so*far-beyond the pale of any possible experience that he might; within reason. ex- --.` .1...` 1.:- -...:....:...*.a..1.. :........-.;a-. ..k_` VII I! II? III I555 II `V I V5551` ""' I pect, t 1; his admirable unperturb- ability`was for the 1_n,o1_nentbshafke!.1. VH9 nally aa-id:_ ` `m.`;L LA..." 4... L. nIIU\`\I\- IYAIIW J-J. `CCQIQOIJ VI-IVA I . > 7`W11t have" you to support your belief? ~ % ~ I I 1- I `I I--,__ __- ...A~.. UUIIUL Y ' \ Not. much. .And I have no posige tive belief. I- gimply want to pres - ent a theory for w your consideration, suggested by such. few unsatisfac- tory facts as wfejhave,_. in the. hope that, together, `we arrive one mpr _pla\si1l}le; " 111i, 1. TI--... 1- 1-n'\yn1n;yy|. atj _pla1;`si!t}e; ` . 4 But 1?a:ge-k1dnapped! exclaim- edH._yan`LVechten,-~aghget.gV " - ' 'Ii!_-x_. 4.-.-.4.` `now-sans `A. A;-` SUIXDOPEGG at-Jsurullctza. i -Let `us go back to, yesterday, ghe -resumed, The episode of the `four men you saw enter the house ,over yonder was not mystifying ' 5to me. . Even. while you ~~w`ere- rev ` |lating itfI was pretty efertairi that they were "responding to ` an adver- Hisement, of some description. -The . on1yap.ecu1iarity lay in the fact that may _ arrived `precisely an f hour. `apart. `._- ;,. H _ . c 4. But--that jgirurris-.t1'nce.;. $139: ; is "easily xjilained. ; The ;edverti ser` had J f.`or _:7 jore, thanTi"on.e; Ixian. . and the" wrante ~ 1 -one `at i@f?~%i`m9iW!i9t:"m9Qn-f:'miI'i h.'nb`th"i"UP9iiri1n:!51!&;`3'h9311I~;.5iih i L of it r e And? r feresr;.;i9*1*d:. 1038 e*"dte?'w``*`V tea. vt,l.n_!/euxn1.vr:u;'i.*I!"'!'{V ` . . I Mr. Flmt`. ceased, T t5,"_n8.t0,d`3', | abuse hi,s \..m1I1'di of Ants ffears. ~-by_, 1111' |supvported assurances. a ur.p..,~. .. at-....!. 4-n -vaa+1arnv- risk an "aavenvur..wMwvvz-v--ea --- --V--V _.';" .. _..'.`1 - _. bnnvv\A- icitlzv `I>%'_.'. `N van are ..~. ~ _. Adam ';X729 ~ "1 4 A mn: , .2111`:-ye` . .!w.,:'.3-ll` ardm Tf_L- I-ll I Evy. 4`-I. If fury--33>` .__k V. 1 w_ H V Npw,V Mr; `.`F1_i!1,_t ant :50; _ `-`_<:1`~.-V % B.i.q_,, obyius% ; <:on$lua.ion$ , . maxi 356. A 'Copyrlght\b) A. ':{.;ucc1m-g ap:0o...1'918' I ent }fdt}3W'hich: Ii. `returns and `fshfis--`. this mad. +?The;f. has`be`en*'suicie_nt . them all over i_t. ant every man in t_. and lam willing elp him `get it. L; tely ibeeniiugxs % County % -scnsc:statm5nt ompany Limitd ing, Mononl A A bd leuh `how good midi; gggamployed `. ir- M8,! ms Ti?$17iLap1:aI ;5.& fjiinaouxitedly M1-.. 4%i%X='20, d lu"'ged Viwah '-ap*pn1in,3$if._ ~_a'; * _ . 1 - VisF%1iis%'*.nextLvL .`nHvioub% 1et~ selection 1'.,1iQ::`j~_1ot. -`he ':_hoqs:a. tihe wiiizah s_tr_-ike `him 119"m3t;fay9ra:bIy;`an& makes a .`pointmehts_`. :vi?ith -_ the. writers; " The hbue `-`acfoss yonder was, secured as a .base'_of opera'tion`s.~ `; ' ~ ' ' T; : ... .. .. .4`. L ' ,1 - vww-Iv-`VA uypsnu.|yuas' ' C6 ' I 't,:`w`as~, "n'ot_renLt3df V `#811tf;:*`Van;A .Vechten siiddenly-.V.in+ jtriiosed, remembering. _a Ae'atur? bf 5t';he : `Powhatan "o'mmitte e s .c hl1 on %*`*E{`".`3.`Fi$`3` I [ ` u `n - .- - . - nndl 4.. ""`"'-"4" V 1 me'i\',fat-ofL -the advertiser having `se1erct.'d` so I .i'esp'ectwb1e .9 "a `neighbor "oiJerat``frQmv ; was no less :th_a1; a strc_wkegofTgenius. ~ Ndbody to "pry. i-I`1t.<'5""vvhi-s` affairs; nobody to suspect himv-.4`-it 7rwas on'1y by vacci- `diefut that suspicion was attached to him at .311. Mr. v]:`lint s- vision as"- sui_ne `a satisted exp-res-sion,. as he .re1l:;l1'g1:ked - ` ;.? ,:d3,d:hh:is`?.1$id}s;; `s.,e%s A egi~he;%v..af`We?l1a;;; aback t`,o>tha-t' 1,<`l;be1j. 11.vv`.as% going;` to ' say, "the `` ,-_ `.`.ia~ i..geni1ity-` command ` my >a dm_1ra-,tion;--. I '-apprehend that the :ease Will` V prove interesting-most jir;1teresting,V Ai-ndeed. . -`r\-__n... A.`;11 _..-n "___-.-.L-_L-.1 17.... oIA`._[JC V-I Villa, . Il&\.I\tU\lO "`-D`on: t tllu me, _ proltestaed Van Vehten, ` that ;' youwcan nd any- satigfagtion V in the d1iculties yqu are `expecting to encounter. It rw1ll Tbf {bad enough..." if we `have to.deal with `common crooks, but a criminal prodigy? Lordi defend us! ` . 4:1-y_;_ 1,1--.-.1 1:. 1'7... vnn`\#nn) psuuaggx -.uu_I.w utucuu uuo `.`I m afraid, Mr. Van Vechtem. "that-`you have no` very keen relish for" an < intricate p;oblem. . .111-5-1.--_1_|'n LL- ______ .. ....... L....'|u;.-I `Reli$h 1-_ -the young man barked. ` Withi my. "cousin at tho mercy of `a ` gang of . Iunpi-incipled knaves ?~'~~ I guess'not! _ . , _ Oh, well, _t11 etde.tective..oonced- ed, ``I' can t,`' of oourse, expect you to. view the. aair from a profession- al standpoint; `but I assure "you, this ucase is exc e.ed'in g1y promising,` and my enthusiasm and determination ; mount as it grows baling. ' -urn1_ _ L,,, _ --_.- .;.`L.'._ .. HUI-' I111 _II.1lIll\JG'lIU l.l_'U'Ul,ULLh AL A\U\uu Inn`A 1'epcu_Uu auuvrsy . "`-`Now you have hit upon the cir- cumstance that ` _ connects Miss j Carew yrith the affair. I found it hanging fr_o'm a nail, in 9. dark comer ~ of an upstairs closet, across the street--in your V precious. house of mystery.` ` ` * V ` `i rn1..` _-__._.. ;L_-..7.L. L'l.....1- :-rvu'vnt\`}\.=1-i _lll'UUl1l: til! 1|; grows wuuuugo "`T-hat s- somethi-ng,. at any rate,A Van Vechteri admitted with a show of reluctance. .. Your zeal will lose you nothing, I promise` you. But where did" you* nd pu1.`S8? . .lI'\L- _L_.__ .......-- lCIt\II ncnn V011 V"6I\II\J `IO !-L JV G-I-D\O V-' 3'-"`. ' ' 1 The sharp .- Eray 83*!`-`S Swept V9211 Vec11ten s earnest `face. `Mr. F1i ntv I replied soberly: '-`\T-._.. ...A'.- `gnuon IIM 0; - 01 xu,_yawr_y. " V . in The . young i'nan s blank immobil- "ity ' alone `betrayed his stufpefaction... After a pause: .. .. -' - `l'l:\-..... -...... 'I.'.`1-In-77 co?`-1.1: nn- V " 111068` is vpauac. I -Easy, easy, Flint, said- he, un- 'steadily. Kindly repeat that; this -infernal. snarl ,is dul1ing my .facpl- lv - v-1 -`. _.1.1:......' (us ue8."*~ \ . _ _ . The other dxd so, add1n8=- course it was left there--over1_0Qk' ed---by_ somebody; whether by_M1-ss Ca;-ew or. somebody else, I` am not. prepa-red-. -to say, iv-.. XIML4... an} .. Jam} Hmn (lean say. ( Van Vechten sat a -long time deep| in thought. A The ocvcasionalv glance} the directed at (the detective was: e_1oquent--in contrast with his im~ passive features--of the doubts and fears and anxieties that -were assail- ning his mind, and of ` at Aconioting `hope that things were not so black as they were being painted. At last," with a slidht gesture that fsignied his helplessness to cope with the sitnation, he leaned -back and sighed ; = T V ~ I "purs.3 to you,".h'nnt. uo on." Well, you ` have all `theidetails ' that: suggest a:. possible kidnapping coIisp1ra`cVy--rst, the uncertainty as" to the young. . lady's * whereabouts; `second; the: advertiseinenij`; third, the s>e_crecy. {and xtreme caution observed ~ t1_irou.ghout% `by "the. ' un- known cons`pirators ; ifoui-th, the. V atrera vat `_*Nu@b':ei-` 1313;, rfgh, the: ..-.;..-:1..L..". 'tr;...il.4'm." `hv;:n+.`1r] V-rianntlyfer .8110 slgneu. ` I paSs,, he -said' r_esign ed-ly`."The things utterly beyond .L me; it sW11P =you-, `Flint. Go on. * 11117-11 __.. `Laura. 1:11 Anian c,uusu1_-u[ua_....u.y}- .33, wnvunw ` -------v---, . 7"fOIf",:1feect-ion;-`Mr. `Flint medi- Vtatively1:continu_Cl, `lI was scarcely ji1s*tied.. iixjgasserting 1;hat`"the, ifacts ugest , the"'V'f'.posLs-ibi1ity' Of; Miss T-Gtireyi , haying`, kidnapped; i.t `mould be,. _`L1_i1orfe;`-`~. .t:`<;\`ii`b;te _to say: If itetui*i1s..Out?%that%%%8hi%hawbeen. why-. xen `the " . fatxs `we: >nvow,;; hmfi Agwomd ap:y,g:ai14Vwszh time-1 ~ ' : '_["z.' _~ V~:'=um<.::`;41:`;.v.;..v`? <'...eL- `\'A';.'..:- . "n';:.6m~.. 1 purse." `Van Vedhtn ..m eat1;e;1 Mae, ~ -sigh, oi1_e bf ' re..1iefQ . M$%t1`1'ying 15 an ;s,"to gbe; sIir, he said; .`b.utI' that Array lmightl f_undi?" _`A`oreg..{ fgrmidaxble %%if_ -it were .1i;orfe_ ,'ayd', :positiv;.%: ;..A4;* the` 4sazi`;,;t5m'e.~ [n:`y`;AA%an;:`;iety_ V about` my o9g::`z::.;hag;..,hy..A;nq;"means-;.aHated,? ` , ;_ A .!-.`.`-"5, ."'. ' ,./(.)_VA6`9.lal.|. yytuu ` gnu \.;f_uuu_... ` ' ' f`.`I`jw.as., .thin'k*ing~'of Mr's.j D,ev1er_-J` e`au:zx,_ . :;{<:`u1;? -in` jthg _ other--.-y9u `k-ndw ,Wh0*~8"l1e is iv,T' . Th5V=:d9$6I.?9- 310316611 `Van Vech -j g ` ~ 7'5.h9i'=` .h%Y`*-% .~.1iidnaP'v.e.d= ' A Vfjwst v u . %`n71:afr1d`%F,itYire is ATDVANCE, ;a,ll".'Jike1-ihood he` was; 9.`; _strai1ger_ _ 130: . `the advertiser; `t11e;1-,VV;:jW11`_3re' shall`we_ for a"%mo_tiv A _ _ ? .- =i'.d5h:bie on 1fi_ c111pls'_ `at. ' .`.`1imi[na1s, who `were thus; Vthreatend with exposuie and arrest` if they idid notf Timmediately Tsi_1ence7 tli iiitractable indi.v_id_al;' '1`-hey` .. L-chase .:th_e _. second ``alter1'1ativ`e',. , which would indic!_1te_ that t`heyja 1_`e. .d3PP gate enough. f 7 ~ an '_s n zthgi entetprie; -` he `det1r)unc"ed.E iith - made, me fats ..j_'su:pp'oi'tin~g t1ie"` imprdbwbilityd `that Mass Carew. has been, kidnaPP ` 1151-1 0 . -'-v`-mu_. .....- . $\:`C--'; `di.`i0,i1, 1f3' . o.fa: d9ii1`g-.-}Z}uhf ;-at;-thii1`.:;i` `.%II1Y`YentT-`the~*.::1ack jpf T0p15fr,>rf1inity- iB_1;rt;with.;h your-;`*'oi1'sij1 1gthe?;.?dii`u1hy d is.;even.. ` ;grea_1;er"' she is` in Eur_op_-e. f vw_iVth*a~ trustwort y` companion; and must -he materially. strengthened ~jbe- ` fore the` kidnapping hypothesis ~ be] accepted, `as a working` theory.-7 ; If the . deed `was r committed abroad, how was; the '_ young ; lady conveyed to d America Z. If; she -was :. first lured to this country,` how`W_a`s she perusaded to make" "such an portant move Without notifying "her relatives? And .a1'ways` there is Mrs. Devereuaux to. `be considered. If Miss C'a_rew was. `separated from `her, how is her silence, to be ex- plained? If she" was not separated from Mrs. Devereaux, then the_ old- er lady either must be regarded as ea. confederate, `or it must be`. as- sumed " that she was forcibly taken also-either assumption being ex- - tremely improha.hle.' um1--;- __ -_-- -n..'... 3.1.... :.L..L All- or -all; `then; ii a_ number of fuiilikelyf,_;_ assumptions ` |l1Ul1lC1.y 11111J1U`Ua4UIUa _ .f`T__hei'e is one other idea, V1;ha`t oc- curred to me, -but; a __pretty far- CHAPTER 1V.-(Co11tinued) J %&V (1 Van VOL-]1t g`1'uz1110d and 88111! limply bm:I<, .~`tz11`i11g' a horror he could not vuiuc. 11 I I for. fetched Bne; eI m. -bound to admit; we may have -stumbled upon "a rendezvous ofajnternational thieves. 7_ 3TK V 1L1I`A`1<?'i\i;siAg9nedV and mar_ked- en the %f9ge_ yiri11-be received by this Department up zfhe.-24th -`day of June, 1914, for the purchase ` '_,, ";L'_.` f\A...L...2..~ ... .13n:'-r 1vr':*r\rI- 1-\n+11'.7oc\v| T)ann+ann-n;e.]'u:>nn V; uuuv, .|.v._:.:r, .|.\.n. U1:-u tll.4lL\4LLtAs2\J OI `7.":V.V._3 ~l31l&UU'U.vJ'9- '-;>1IHD'.- ' 9'1-` >`:'i]`j,:}a~m-13L `ijzy, lying between Penetanguishene '_ ;1>`,(:~,'i';;_1;,g-"T*`-.`;i`;p`osite`the. Townships -Tay,` Baxter, Gibson,_ " G6ng`ejr,; Tijth`. Province of Ontario 1 " " 1; ; ' ` ' .rn: ',1'.__v_ Lg` 1......-...'."l. T.-11...".-.J nso'nn-u-Han n-F. Ta1n~nJ- wzna-I-afn1v and ifcrc `f-;-Ialaxid * _A{ deposit; of 10. L l X111 -J. Svysuup UL _\1uvr.u Ay. . ,.. ~- ,,,_ ?_l`.V`_`__-\ _.,4 or portion of Islam} 'pa1-ately, and to 7':3,.Ii1 Qij1;3it } `13,er511f" ten is preparig bay in cash H - cent. of the ,.zj,y'1oi;nt"" oj`?2the.,i;tzidep, 'T'inmc ash._ or accepted cheque o11 *"`a11y chartered.` "`accdm1)any;_;the same`, the `Balance . to be paid within .ten days `a1;e r`"`t_he _' .is',;1V1oti-iieditof` the acceptance of tender. v '~mL`_ .`r-`I.`....J..` :.. .....a+~2n.. nnnanu-icm.nn1~1-inn n'F H19, -Fnmrma 30,000 ;`17.1.e`-;.`~i P%`1e'..T'i7T`if;*13L'*3,1~,`_`.`.`f:`7`~:.F"-:3 `:.` -.`-`= "W `-VV1'W'-uvv in wu_u~s. Vj;'IsIig`nsi .`e'omprise -portion of the famous 30,000 and `are `Specially adapted for summer ~`?1 Bey`_.`are`-easy. of access on the south by boat from .M'id1iq1d'-er,Penetangui9hene' on the Grand Trunk -Railway, and on the Bay. . b I . H ` ,..i-`_ .`Lis_t o*ISlands. and `Plans may be obtained upon application to 9 the :u i1de1`*sigx1ecl.". 0 ; `The Islands` will . be sold. subject to a reserved pfice, and the high- i__est'? or any `tender -will _ not necessarily be accepted; `_ .un-authorized `insertion of this advertisement will n(_)_1_:_ be paid j,.1 1,i__'_._eh" ijy ~f1"om_iPa1'.ry Sound `the terminus `of the -Grand Trunk 1)epmmen<%3r Iaian Aaii, ~ ; * `Ottawa, March 31, 1914. GEORGIAN BAY _ "Tut, Mr. Yam Vechteil. v I, JV LIL`: Wtlolll I `barely p0,~'siMv. I meant 110- If you c~nn t <: yourself it Wiu.. he 1lS0]( Ss' fur Inc to talk furi9i`;,: Ibelieve y help would be. able, and I had hoped to enlist; ` ~c but I Inight us well [leave Lyon,-i 2 you cannot ;:i\ (+ your atteIition _`;:1:lf}:<)'g,;L ghe (']]zll1('-Us Hf ,\1iss Ca_rew'_be`1n,`__j_ Involved. HYY I - .. u n . [DUNCAN _C. SCOTT, A" Deputy Superintendent General ` ' z of Indian Affairs. purse -may `hav been stolen from Miss Carew in Europe, weeks or even months ago. 1 In (To be dgfinued) 16-18 uvnuu uuL \uu.L:. 7 _ I, {V "Flint! Du ynll really know whgti` you are snyxlnuf `T " Ml`... 11 \v X7, `I .,,', 1' ;-!;`l'a