... --- nJa..n.4J-I1 uuo LU 1`!-.l.`;LV 1'-'-12' roomed house wth. bath,-electric. light, gas, hot water` heating ;j . central location, `large_ve1{an'dah `and lawn. Apply Box 1.13.`:f.a- TORONTO Y.M.TJ.A. `WELCOMES ` STRANGERS The `Central Branch" of the To- ronto Young Men s Christian As- sociation .is-carrying on an active work for young men who are strang- ers in Toronto. `Outstanding men , are secured in every church who make i-t -a personal matter to call upon strangers whose names are given them by the Y.M.C.A.- . nno vnnn Inn- _...- =,...u..u u; ua11 1c~b IZIIICSE W0`? men. The music of Add_ison s Or- chestra was all that could `be desired, the rich tone of `the Wright piano,! furnished by Mr. J. G. Keenan zblend-ing perfectly with the well attuned instruments. About 200 were present. . _ , I -The Easter dance gxven by ~the - .~ - a Cltizens Band was one of the most` enjoyable of_ the n social functions given in the Town` Hall for some "the scene, enhanced by the beauti- time. The newly-decorated and painted hall gave a brightness to ful gowns of Ban-ie7s fairest wo-3 man "FLA .....--..:- -1` 1'11 ' ;; er_ s mother, Mrs. * "Watt, Worsleyi > 4 ` I b | . 1 Miss Taylor and Miss Ethel Tay- lor arrived from England 011 Sun- day evening, to join their 7parents, Mr, and Mrs-. ,A1fre'd Taylor, Owen` St. - Mr. Robt. Parks of Hamilton spent the holiday with his `brother-7 in-lazw, _'Mr.` J as. McLaughlin, Mul- cas-ter St. Missesv Alicend Edith Creswickeg of Bishop` -Strachan School, and Master Frank Creswicke of Oak-' ville, were home for the holidays. `|r_ -,. 1 `II '11- - M}. and M}; 3&1" EJ1Z}'of' Chatham and Miss Joan Powell of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr.` and _Mrs. D. Powell, Clapperton St. - `Mr. J._ Sarjeant and son, Fred! were in New York during the past, week, combining business and` pleasure. ' -` - z - . __ _ Mr. A. .MacNaabb, formerly station agent at Barrie, `has been` transferred from Lindsay to Peter- boro. Mr." Frank_ Sandy. of Peter- 'b ro _ succeeds `Mr. MacNabb at Lindsay: ` . { I Miss. Natalie and Mr. Harold! `Smith were hclid_ay guests of their}; Raunts, the Misses King, I . I Square. - n. n - -.4 - I -Miss Ruth Porritt. of Bishop! Strachan -School, Toronto, is spend- ,.ing' 7 Easter vacation at her home; lhere. E11130. VICKERS % % 1'Iz'"` QUALITY CLOTHING STORE ;i_. .guam-xesqn, Walter I tr.CG.C., Geo. Co1es:, . B. . Bucghanan and f'_]_Ireas;,gGe'o. Co1es'. t YOU!` order pr 3-Aeacly ' to put on. ' T CVVK BR\"S. Ev-I 131' currue: -.._ - , sizes V 6` to 11, worth $3.00 $3.25 a pair, but _ price is $2.39 a_ 1/ Come On In w DISTRICT or flu` . applletl f0!` 1 `n G` A` 9-_,, . ` I 1 n.-vvxfor` wt-I Public-., Notice is hereby gm" ~'thg_:1=*~_`the Board of 1.m>(~ _Con' .'1m,18s1oners for the almvc dnstrlc` in the oivc of the In`. _-on Thursday, .-\pI`i1 23rdr o e1ock a.m.. to consider `19131-1915. An. 1 o ,..n!`l*Ni licenses for the 1i095_ =xes1' .io.r 1914-1915. ted Q,t'8.l,;.njumber4 of licon.~'c SW Itlafmi 115. k ;9,t1!l:~;vnumber applied 191 LICENSE V IJTETRICT OF _` LQENTRE SIMCOE 1 ,-... .,Oi`i_llia Tin1es-I'p.m the inir} t_i_v.e of the Orillia '1m'c1s V represpntative h0r: from the ltQWnsin Central ()nt;1ri.; met as - the Orillia House h<-re 1;1~:t week and organized the (Tcntml Ontario .Ra'c',ing Association with thef->11-'n~ fing ofcers: I-I011m';n1v I ro `James Cowan, Ca1111i11}_"t:r11: Pra, `J. N. Brooks. Pt`Tr_`I`1wr< >; Sex- Treas.,, Dr. J. C`. .\[.mx-<-. 0.-illix `The Executive Committt-0 inr-ludwa {ydelegate from each mvn. Tae t(_)W118_ already in thv :1~`~'ociati0: are, Olfillia. Petex-buxw. clleviile. Beavertnn. (';nn1ing_rtoIL `B1-japebridge, Hun t ~\' i H-2. Burks Falls; 3 The next I11t"t`Iill,Q` will 56 h`1d a,t Orillia on liztm-r llontlasy whna schedule of rm-o~ far the sea son- will `be drawn up. T11??? Win P1 ilB51b1y"` be :1 three d;1y.~ 2neet_i3 Orillia, con1mencing_~ Dominlol pp"-"" . i - _ "~\q fithtlmb of his right ham] hm] `;1y.a. dynannte cup on Sad: ' 1?.}$':. $3.35 Th W` 1'1d. The - ii-a..`eIJ.3}.....0cc1.1rre in front of y; `Wm. C,.a.mpl111 s re.~'il<-m.-(.-, on (`Q _str'e't, TV-here Harri.-i haul stopmmn ,h-is". Wy'=` down the .~ t1'(*(-t` anal`; '.lIlg' fl'0IH- his 1;n)('-kgtbeg 0 ruib 157' on the ln~iu1;.<, the frim ipausing Fit` to explmlu. Mr. D? Watson, Who was .~,tz1mlinr m-1;, ' ithe'time, took him t. I11; sflrmg Hof Dr. Brewster. wlm (Ire.-5,1, wounds. Mr. I)r)1`.~c-,\'. Who logs,-. :good deal of blastimr. kept tl:-Q, -.1 .4 A. .1 .7 : (I IIOI1 f\I\ `,n`r\ .._.-. --- ---~-- ~- ~-~~---.-~- -um lll4_`[`a;q "In a can on the plzltw Hf t}m,.M It had fallen and tlu- ups (then, were only two) 1~lI<-.1 n11I0n1}` ground. It was rm uf tlu~:- {hm `Harris found and .~'1t1>p'>~'0l it `one that: had been 1m/-cl zmrl thron :FQI1gED RACING JTHURSDAY, =I-.. " .; ..pairs of all kinds .< I54 Baycid Street 3. - 16-tf 1 : %G.,S. RANKIN ASSOC. -\'l' ORILLUI lactor Builder V nw mu'sic 5.co1 ned5?, `M'ut & _'Je in `Pan`ama,, will v'be- seen at`1the' '-_'Gra11d` here on Apr`-il 30th. 's-1isY:Q ---Moving Sale` Price ev`omfg;>"1't:3' ~ Soap at Vair s-, 4c` V. . V M ` A A very large number of farmers did their shopping in Barrie on Saturday, and all_ the merchants re- '-port` a brisk trade. One dry goode house almost reached the $1000 mark. % L:;;te" +" St. A -`% ';3;oogQoo'3,3;'333wig-p;3j 3 ~*j; _L6_d,qe %win\v=%%?%ii81u % % thei.r annua1,'%P`astT Masters % Night . urn. `-1:-v pn 5April` 30th. L 'Mr. W. D. 1{1inniken`hasso1dLhis` house on `St.',' next to. Dr. `gprottis, _to M12 A;_Gooda1l,'-WorsIey + ` 1"` . ' , ' _.JMOving Sale H "V 7 Jelly Powders at pkg. `- 1 -Commencing on April _th'en19th*, the `Salvation Army indoor Sund`a'y night services` will commence .a 7.30 p.m., instead of 7 pm.` A ~ p1i`1in ;-iMovmg we Prigc 7 ' A x % at Vair s wrapper choice `But; `22 `cents per pou . . . *'~"".'1 ` DURHAJM OOW FOR. . A Newly calved, aboutf5 yea ;-'3 o1d, in rst-class condition. Apply stoq Adrvancc Oice, Bar.ri'e.\ V ! .FOR SALE OR TO 1-nnvnml `I1.-..m.. ...::.'L l-Ll -'- M_ovVing Ssile ,_Pri_c ' Lefndn at Vair s, 18c `V - .. ' 1 oooooooooaooo009306600390` `oooaocaadoaaaaqna annggnnnmi ' Id But-! - , all sizgs, 6 nd $3.00 a D811`; t~Rate. price is $239 3} \Jv4U [` v---- err: 16 Wellington V A 165179 ---.-- slaw?`-l- `U. ,w.u<:z. `was 1.9116 '-1m )t'h]er `of : efl:&feh seven boys; gnd four girls`-,: % ..\ivhom__.A a!8f*,~T.$ti11-AA i xing; ...... ouuvuvl uavutg 001116 111170 17116 township. when in .was_ In dense wildernaeu. She L` was married in 1.854 to G0.0rge.~ Vgrs, _V gh4Y A Iife s ;~Hatt1e%+V[sis!e. _' f ?h0;._' '8.ti-H . l1ves,_to.Tmctmx11i"`ha:-~1oss.. " " `and . On .Tuesd_ay, April ~.7bh,V `fat the home'stead izi . Sunnidale," Mrs. _George yRV ogers, -one of the oldest resicgnts or A the ne'ighborhp_od:' was {cal-le `away to her re'sta terf a"n.i1l-k- ,ness lasting about two. 7'weks._ - 1`;h.e ` was. born in; Sunni--; 19-16 011 April 9.5.,I1_333 .H6*i`f4i19ii1T and mother having .come:Vi.int1);._;d:1ei.1 `lznwnnhin `min ... :4. --- _ . V i Pou'1-trymen--Wihy not use print ad letterheads to advertise your` 5 No. 17 Sophia `St., on Wednesday, l;April 8th, of Mr. James Rei-d, who L had lived and was well-known`- in Barrie and this district for many flyears. He was born at Weston, and .-[had kept hotel in Stroud, Ivy and Angus in the days when extensive teaming. on the roads demanded houses of accommodation at almost The death occurred at his home I Tevery concession line. About 16i eyears agohe came to Barrie andlast n-`fall was taken sick with tumor of ithe stomach, and for` the past two `months he had been conned.-to the lhouse. He was a member of the `Orange Lodge of Angus and of the Chosen Friends of Barrie. The funeral was held on Friday to the Union Cemetery, Rev.` Mr. Perrin of Cameron, `ociating, and the fol- ;lowing -friends carried the pally C`. Horsleld,` F. D. Haight, Roibt. Mar- tin, - Thos. Nash," W. McCullough, '1 1Wm. Rdbins. . . 7 ' _ ` Besides his widow, a [family of ` ninie survive,,.as fo1lows : Mrs. Chas. F Mitchell, of Kenosha, jW_is.; James .` `R. of Barrie; .Wil1iam. of:=Colling- 1 ,w.o0d`;"and.Walter, cE.merson, Robert, 1 Isabelle, :tMay'_ and _Bes.sie at. `I10ml8.- l ' I in : -The funeral was held on Monday morning, High Mass of `Requiem `being held by Rev`. Father `Wed-_ . lock, a nephew, of Schom-berg, in ' St. Mary s Church, and interment -being made in St. Mary s cemetery. The pallbearers were: `Messrs. M. louinlan, J. J. Hanley, John Mc- *~Avoy, Edward i McAvoy, P. , Kearns and B. .D.sO Nei1. Among 7 friends from `as distance. were: Mrs.` R. _D. Hill and Mr. C. A. Connors of To- ronto, and a very large, number of * friends ofvthe family from_this dis- 3 trict assembled to pay their last mark of respectto the deceased. during the `past few weeks to see I All the family -had been home l their mother and most of_ them were here -for the funeral. --- -.----w-gI ., -Born: Kilkenny, Ireland, J nearly 75' years `ago, Mrs._ Byrne, whose . maiden name was Julia We.d`lo.ck,. ._ sailed for. Canada with her father, the late T-hos. 'Wedlock, over '62 years ago, I shortly after the death` of ' her `mother. They came directly to Barrie, and 54 years ago,` she was `married to the late" Edward V Byrne, - who died seven years . ago next month. -Mrs. Byrne has seen the town of Barrie. grow -from_ a small unincorporated - hamlet of a few scattered houses, to the proud position it now maintains as one of, the most prosperous and stable towns in the Province. ' A family of nine survirie, as fol? lows: `Mrs. Thos.i Jobin of Winni-` peg; Mrs. P. J. McAvoy of London; ' Mrs. N. Quinlan of Port Hope; Mrs. J. J. Hanley, Bradford _St.,- Barrie; `Mrs. W. Cuff of Winnipeg; Sister Justina of `St. Joseph s Con- vent, Toronto; . William P. of Cleveland ;" James `of Chicago and Edward J. of Barrie. ' The death? of Mrs-. Edward Byrne,- .'at*`i1'er home on Owen St., on Good 'Frida.y""`removes' one of the few re- maining citizens who have lived continuously in Barrie for over 60 years._ Early in- January Mrs. Byme suffered -a stroke of paralysis, and although` of robust constitution she never regained from the effects of it_ and gradually sank until ;the end came on Friday. V `I7!!! - - - bi1si;1gSs`;.; _.,T ins, vch_eag.X. bgying ' tint an) m ; f . "me?-.L -. I . .9 V?Y?1Eg Y .il11 *-.`3'.1`!"Ei9.i3iJ - 6r3i:i:#rrrous~:z3:2:aieiw%i<>u+w wa we _c an" fur-n`ih *f6'ii at " s`_z"zia11 . cost 5513 you are assured bf av `rstyolagss job: if you bring your work here. 13-tf . On undo -Saturday ~._: usual f [high-glass: __;nm.ti<'>n _' pictures i will befshowno at the Grand Opera. House." On `Monday [and Tuesday, April. 20 and 21,;the famous `Kalem "ve-reel production, From the Manger "to the Cross will be ex- hilbited, These pictures are said. to be wonderfully good," depicting customs and scenes . of . the - Holy Land, _as well as -the life of Christ. TOBITUARYL Miis. EDWARD BYRN-E JAMES REID 3. GEO. ROGERS` NEW AATBVERTIS-EMEN-TS The. Barrie Gun C1u,-b held a turnament for .'merchandise prizes Good- Friday` ' afternoon on the water front, west of the G.T.R. station. . The ,shoot was a big suc- cess from every "standpoint, a-bout forty -shooters being present and making `a total. of -about three "thousand: shots ed during the '3o00 Shots Fired I H Good Friday] U Aw I415!/Duo Would it not. be just. for` the County to put him back where .it brought him from? And while he '-.is in jail let him earn some" money [for his family and for the County.` 11' 1-vwas.-5 ..._v y... .u.u VJ mu: uvuub,y.` ' -When his time is up, he is sent out of jail. He has no money. He can only get Ibaek to his home by begging from citizens of Barrie, and in doing so is, I, understand, liable to re-arrest. * ' _..D ...V...`, vv Fug vy anus auu. A-us` penses, and sent to _-Barrie jail for twenty 'or `more days. His family are deprived of his Wages. The expense 7 of his arrest, his journey to Barrie, his board for the month are paid for by the ` County. .mnn 1'\:a 4-:`vnn. :1. ..--~ L- 3~ Miit he is arrsteii.' Being an ppor man, he is locked up. Next morn- ing he is -brought before the Court, pronounced guilty of being. drunk. i He is taken frogn his work,not hav- ing money to pay a_ ne and *s.-x- ` J . 1-. _ M 0 c -1 0 nnnnnn an .-....L L- '-Mr. Edi-tor.--AA In-iul in a nei'H-T boring town--a dry town--gets drunk. He is not-disorderly, nor ever -before a law-breaker. A couple of hours` would restore him to sob?3`r- Tl calls from hotels or anywhere else, `1I"m2im not complaining of t-his, knowing it is our dutyto respond to which we shall endeavor to d'6i n': the. futqre has in the past. ` 5 ' . Thanking you, Mr. Editor, . . A . Yoursftruly, _ _ R. KING, April 11-th, 1914. Chief Consta'-\b1e Brick house and side of Burton Tow of Toron $200 down IQBVVI |l\J\/IL \gb`l\l\.l-0 V I may say we frequently hiive calls, and when responding nd all quiet. _ ' 1 0 '0 .. .1. _'--.I`I"1'),'onwe1v1`<.1'\1l1i`1".\; .7found nither had been called. ` A ._,-vv .__.....v--~~.vv . _ Dear` Sir;I?Vi'1I you a116rw"me to reply to a statement made at. the last meeting of council? _As I understand it I refused police pro- tection to Mr. Gilmour. The facts are as follows: On the -Saturday evening men- tioned; I arrived home at 5.45. About `ve `minutes later I was ca1_1e_d to the phone by Mr. Gilmoilr, `who said: I want you to come down to the Wellington right away. I re- fused to go, and told him he could get either Con. Rayner (who was then acting for>Con. Lambie) or Con. Sweeney, both within a stones- throw of the hotel. ' - g c [THE LETTERBOXI \|nJ v I vbgv` 4|. uLsuLuu vt.l:e "good "qua Iit,ies of '.'tlie de`-` ceased. too - much could" not be said; Resvpected. ahd highly , est`eemed`_ by .511 the neighbbrs, whom she was at} ways ready to help `and serve,`- be- 'loved by those who knew her best, -a faithful mother, a loving and de- voted Wife, she leaves? behind her an example `well worthy of emula- tion, and of her -it may ` be truly` said She '1:ei11g_dead yet. speaket-h.. `To the Edirtof of The 1_d_vance:. ` y t ;`t`t}$< ,5. :2: thelr`.-o1den = weddmg, taud t It; `was the ixitention of the.tea1i1y,et92$!i3if `with. `them in. the .comeIhqration. of their, dtiamonil wedding `on T Satur-- eday, April 11th. The Vipla.-us; `how-if evei-, were frustrated by her death; which occurred three days before. `Mr.VRogers ienow in his. H88th year and feels very deep1y.fth_e-.lo`ss, of his faithf1'1_1"jco1'npanion.e_ A deep-` % er A tinge 0ft"Saa8`1i'e'ss was added to his grief when'"his '` son in British` C*o1umbia,7* not knowing of her death, had sent a pair `of diamond rings to be worn "by them on their, wedding day, and- these` `came on the `very day of the 'fu ne1'-al.1\' ` `rm: 1.1., _._-,1 ____1_.L_'-, _ .1` - y'.:gq:\_.o [sldes `in Essex. .o.:}`Q$` Vvliile '3 ' 15"` 'I'.`.":..-_."".". Y ."" `. 3.`. __ IS IT J SENSIELE V undertaker and emhalmer, is look I `Mi. I-Russell N eil-1-y, a competent -ing after Mr.. Meaford Wdbb s undertaking bu-siness during the latter s albsence in Cleveland on ac- couvt of ill health. Mr, Wetbjb is improving in health and "his friends are hoping for a speedy recovery. --For" real good owers-wedding A or table Bouquets, Funeral - Designs, or Floral effects, put up in the most` artistic manner, see WM. TAYLOR, Dunlap St., Barrie. `TH E .NoR 1'HEI'<-N` ADVANCE? D. D.` is1ci116i3: _\,-./__.._` nautvoyvuxa G_ .uvp_u.l'l1IlBDE, 1 ' ;_mp,to,' w_asV- home for the week-end . ;;Miss Day, of Hop_i.t a}. g . staff, atiohr } 1?.Pidii*i37Ti?i*77. 7' * ":J`(-39?-1-";..`. 1-" 3..A." ' Mr. and "Mrs, Stearns and A Miss Stewart of Hamilton were guests of Mr. and Mrs- D. "W. Eaa_t1faan;, . ' Mr. T-hos. Watkins o'-Hamilton ? taken charge of -a gang of ce-I ment men ;f(>_1f _M1.;,.Th0_8._e. To_oke.;;. - f S.` Wlsman; - confd1A1, of the Torolli` Srmrihony "0rc_h5t1'i%I1` ' ._wfas_ iniovwfn . over` the` ' My. Culibert -of .91`0I'1-t0 t}_1,7' g1_1e.t.s_.i.of Mr, and A Mrs Jhh;-"Cl1thb81t:A E 1 V-'7`1`i-g'h-1i_-t')f.ml'. t,;i`1T;`i.1.t;on_ `and Miss Belle Brown of Toronto, were guests of Mrs; John ._Doug'?all. -: -mt ; _-- .11 -Ir _ V __ .- . vv\1UVUI\ILDI Mr. aTnd%%Lm,' F. D. Einlmon and-Mr. B1-iscoe were holigiay `guests of Mr. and Mrs, 2 ._ EM-is; k;;m;:;.In "I31"1{ag fof St. Margaret s College, Toronto, is` home for Easter -v9,ca.tior x . ' Ralph` of Beanisviil was ` the guest of his, uncle, Mr. S; Wesley, over the holiday. ' $300 a 1t~R'ate. pric.e is $ Garden of Hamilton was a holiday guest of Mrs.` A. Goodall, Worsley St, ` - Mr. Guy L. Short of Toronto was a holiday guest at his home" on Bayld St. . _ Mr. and Mrs. _Georg A. Meagher of -Toronto were Easter ,visitors` of Mr. -L. Erly. ` 1-. u A --- Mis Thompson of Toronto was a. holiday guest of Mrs. Chas. Dev1in,_ 3 Maple Av. Miss "I:auro Belle Graham is visit- ing her gunt, Mrs. Geo, `Parsons, of Toronto. ' ~ Myissoherin of Toronto was the guest of `Mrs. .H. E._ Jory {during tho week. Vii.` Thos. McMil1a.n- `of Hamilton spent Easter vacation at his home, Mary St. ' dance. '=Mr. Clarence Bothwell of Toronto was a `holiday visitor at his home here. _ \ _...-. ....... ......u. _ V. .I.Uu\.lLCLll.- W '\.'L'C7 guests of Barrie relatives during the "week. ~ ' The annual meeting of the Barrie! Lawn Bowling. Olusb will be held on; Thursday, April 16th, at 8 p.m., in the rooms of -the Curling Rink,- Olapperton St., to receive the an-_ nual report and `for the election of, oieers. All lovers of the gameare`: specially invited to be .present. nu ----u -_-- 1Vlb\IL`L LL\.A(&LL UL LU` ronto was in town, over the holi- V`M_`r. J. B. ,B3yer and her two {sons have {gone to British Colum- bia. * T ' . Mr. Robt. `C1-uickshank of ' Te ronto spent the week-end _in town. Miss Minnie Mingay of Niagara Falls was home. for Easter holidays. Mr. Harry` Grasett of Toronto spent the holidays athis home here. - Jtxde Vance entertained his father from Petenboro over Easter. iMr.` Tom Creswicke `of Toronto was home for the holidays. ' -Miss Fuljames of "Toronto was a holiday guest of Mrs. Atrnall. `Dr. Arthur 'Ci'ease~ of` Providence is on a visit to relatives in town. Miss M. Kathleen McNeil of To- ronto was home for '-the"ho1id'ays. '- Mr. T. McCarthy was in New York for Easter vacation, Mr. Eustace Bird spent Easter! with his mother. Miss Gladys Dougall spent tbs holiday in Toronto. _ I _ Mr. and -Mrs.. W. A. VBc.)ys spent Easter at Atlantic City. ` Miss Emma King `spent the holi- day in Toronto. ` ' ` VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV socm. AND PERSONAL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA 3oooooooooooooooo990999.:I A drawing-r'dom social .in aid` of [the funds of the Women s_ Auxiliary of Trinity Church will -beheld at the house -of their president, _Mrs., . _ denhursrb, Pee1- -St., on Thursday vening, [April 16, at 8 o clock. A silver collection at the door. ' . up _ f. :oooboooooooooooo000000:7 Mr. D Arcy Hilids of Toronto 'as in town for the Easter Monday ana Mr. and M1-s..0. _Redfern.. w.e`r-e .-...-.1... - T'I-,,--S, 'Mr. }_Io1fdrd Ardagh" of `To- .. L.-4...... ___ 0 '\I'I"t\ Iuvn n uAIrl_I` nut? CIIIIPCD. Thousands of these names are sectired , from immigration secre`-j taries and from `key-men in munici- palitles throughout the province from time to time. This is` a, good`. work` and one in which every risrht-' minded man should beinterested. ; T------A- C-HRI-SIT 515611 DHCIII. `Dy 1.31.0-Li.` -' One man from Eastern Ontario ` was_ invited -by one of the key-men in Toronto to visit his church. He: ing class. He later took a denite `stand for the Christian life and is: noiv a member of the church` and an -active `worker in the 'Men s Bible Class. Another young man from a distant point was visit- ed- by a. key-man, and as a result the young man, as well as his father and mother, "were united twiith the church. ' .'IL .... -L` _ went, and joined -the Sunday morn-i Young - 2nd, there _ will be an auctio `e,\at Williams rsday and Saturday evenings`.- ll chinaware, jewelry, _'watche clocks, etc., to be cleared` *outw--`""" " - V13-tf ' --Men s good solid workin `Boots at asaving -of from 35 75013. pair at Carey s 0 ate Shoe Store. Prices- as . 9, $1.45, $1.59, $1.89, $2.00 2.15, $2.25, $2.38, $2.50, $ ' , $2.65, $2.89 and $2.95` 9 -no