.Iuupu.ll- Cl Suuc-r Pnnaozun. -QUIINTION PAID` `I'D ii` ` nu gxuownm or GI5 3 - H Sloihs Suuom -- rnagu. Wagons % and `Cutters. _ . Air:IE"'i7 nbnaurn Momzv ro LOAN Wehuve a large amount of money `to loan atlowest current ra.tos.elthe1-in small or in large Umount__n_:_ l;g_gg911lity of good rum mnrt. 4__._, _vc-w lIII\ h iliaviiiglsgpentl years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and having` served as Clinical assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8t Nose ospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic gospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident urgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; ristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ;and Birmingham ye Hos ita.l,B in ham :formex-M mbe 1! Initial: phthalmolescal Society. 6 r 0 OFFICE--78VDuNLoP STREET. BARBIE. Phoiie 51, . P. 0. Box, 96. _ . I is. G. sum: & 00;, PHONE 32. ES . tablished 1869. ,Undertakere. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. _____,..__________.___. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--`-Eye, ' Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 SL111, tn 5 TIYII O!!!` LI ? l}C\V\l\:w|`wU|Au--` use .I..;. .};a.; en . e;..e.;.ea;.; {o the sub` _.c_o1-lptlon but until the money is paid. ' here now in arrears (or three month: aver will be charged $1.50 perennum. 6176*. o. ALEXAND ER, gradluate of Toronto University, Member of the College `of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident A Physician Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhurst,` Ont. Successor to Dr. J. A. G. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel. 269,- 2315' __ --` $173- L.R.C.P. & S. Egdinbm-gh; M.F.P. 8c S. Gmsgow --SURGEON-- DR. H. T. ARNAEL. OFFICE AND` Residence corner of. Toronto and` Elizabeth Streets. ( osite Eliza-3 beth Street Methodist. urch), Tele- I phone 167. s-m*wAn':.' , 9- `-&=_8'1`EWA3'1`,'_ BARBIE- ot0Yl,j.'8dn__it0l'I ,` N otarios Public, and Oonvoyahcers. Money to loan in any sun: at 5 per -cent. Oco, 13 Owen St, Barrie. H. D.. Stewart, LL39, Do Mo ` ALEXANDER COWAN,o SUC- L, 1"._.,.__. IV____.,, 1'1,,_i,- G. .1, RADENHU__RST, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, kc. `Ofco, lot oor Bank` of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. STRATHY. J7 ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over, the Bank of Toronto, Bar- _riol. Money to loan at lowest cur- I rent rates. 0- H. Eaten. on. w. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, sun- eon, otc., L.R.C.8., Edin., L.B.C.P., Alhall nnn an`: untnnnn 13-u_I 001. Scott of Walkrton, who left there to assume his duties as judge of Lanark County, was presented with a -hynn1 book by Knox Church choir, of which he. `had -been a mem- her for ten years. He will now have an op-1:-01'tunity- of singing a hymn of pity to the co11vic'ted4 and a psalni of praise to the prisoner found not guilty. ' A DRQH. `A. DUGLAY, OSTEO-1 PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Ofce Hours-9 to -5'; other hours by appointment. 5 Phone 565. - 45-ly GRESWIOKE. & BELL, BAR~ risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie; A. E. H. Cres- , 77/` 11'!` `I 15,11 T7 IV bolhn Boss, LL.B. BARRVISTE17-`c, nA`,:A:`AQ A`4| ~ 12-... A` Tl`--.._L.. DR. W. E. 00118 (suoonssonj T0 DR. PALLING), Physician, C|---'._.-_ -..J 1.----- -'L-___. (V__ _ lw.`A. LEWIS, M.D.o.1E' Surgery [ [and Diseases of Women especial- i' ely. Oice 58 Collier St.- Phone e 61. ` 35- ARNOLD .__.__.;.. ._.___. JNWIN, MURPHY & EBTEN, ON- tario Band `Sun-ve ors, Engineers, etc. Estebliahe 1852. Oce, . Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay etreete, Toronto. Telephone, Main,` 1336. Instructions [left with Strathy 8 Eaten Solici- tore, Book of Toronto aming, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. I -k A) \J llv\JJ.`4\JL` "-"" Eye. Ea: Nose _6 Throat. 'nI7{ntu n-an-.6 ----- "`- ` JJOL'l\JO&IO CHOW I } VVCII VVUO, , I ` Landon. Oce and resxdence, Dun-I lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. 4.n...A.1.nJ'.l-a.n.v \.I v 55.5 NIIJ \l cessor to Lennox, Gowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- citor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Ofoes: Hinds _ Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Mdney to loan. ` ..-.,,-. 44-sidv auu uuxuu Uuuli 111 the game ! No wonder Franik Doyle wants a referee and a judge of play,` They she-uld-,_ alse, `be providedwith suits of armou1"." In Collingwoiod, tis dierent. Hockey is the game of war and -referee and players _(rwitl1 but scant police` protection.) gnarrowly escaped `being mobbed, and this is not ancient history, either. I Ilul-IJI 0 JJJALULUJ-Du A AJLU "gal-icitor, etc. :x;k of Toront Building, Barrio. Money to `loan. 1ZEi.I15v. I J`?-'B?1i, A cl- J&Z `\Jl, J-JIJFJIJJILLJ, Surgeon and Ajcoouoheur. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thnoat. Glasses Adjusted. Oioe, ' Owen St. Phone 95. ' 14-ly I Dr. J. Anrnyrg Ross nn 4.4-nu... IU " ' ` -z.--. -7` I 1-, _ OPPQSUTI R053 51'. nums,m.n 31-A.\m Ana vuu. vuuuuxuauxuu. LIUUIB, 11 E. E0 5 p.m., and by appoint_ment. .....-:u..-anuunaaeu given Wm 99!; supervision. L__. .:A_- _. _, UNDERTAKBB8. Are you re.g'ula1'ly L r`eacling' the a(l'vertisen`1ents of our local. mer: chants in The A(lvance?_ , Wise housekeep-ers have learned of the savings effected by keep-i11g in touch with t-heir local m7ex'cl1'a.n`ts, on whom they have lemlt to` rely. All orders by mail are now sent free to those living out of town. 'nnn;1".' ! CRAlGl-IURST, om. ILICENSED AyQTIONEER E33 run: A---- __- -- - a\aAVL.l.\ FOR TFIEEBUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on al`. Stock Sales Tn!" Anvuvcx xs 1 eat. circulation of any g also by far the To It E V lace gqtatraid to pay th ` Advertisements _ ged 399119.-12 lines nonparell measur nc --uuuuacvuylurl ne largest an Th latter fact demonstrates t.ro 3. Ifyouhavea d - mit:it.h'tbe paper pm" a " "' e pnce. are char ac 6 rn;ANsniN1- -rm... hemp; 7 cording u M TRANSIENT -mm . Legal,-Notices. Auctzon bales, A btc.-First insertion 10 cents er I?;`:1:m an uentinsertlon 5 cents per Rm, 3 ' Eng potiqea, 10 cents mar 1:..- . NI 1..-- O ocl 111361`!/10.1] OI be Der hne. the number of Wa1ke1"t4on wo- men` who are. showing` signs of in- sanity is `becoming a_larming, says The Walkerton Herald and Times . From time to time some sister is -lcising her stirrups and causing anxiety to hier friends and not in- :freque11t1y- a hurried mil to the police._ NORTHERN ADVAM .7 ya. oooavl 7-`, comm-mzcnn nxsuy `L retea will begiven on application. ` CONTRACT cxuxogg, - Advertisers will please bear ' notice of intention to change a:in\'er1!-]tiiL,n`hIt must beohanded mto the oice not later to Saturday at 10 o'clock, and th `M . e C0 for _ h; e must hem THE ADVAK ~ "ch teixlgthan 12 o'clock noo Jgom n on M d . 10t week, otherwise the IdVel`tis_ex-'3 aon 3 "W1! may not be made public untxl u~e`" w~en ` ing. V CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS, Condensed advertisements on first as wants of all kinds, lost and foundpage In for sale or to rent: speeic &rfic]eg,':9n3 must be accomvamed mm the cash. ' 1` Cuts for "lvrtisements must ` _ lll ever case be mounccd on sohd metal base, Ij- Juuuututsturcr 01 and veal . ' _. Rough and Dresser`; 'Et1]Irrl)b:]rl Iund D00fS.8as|I. Blinds. Interior Flnls 1 columns, `ranks and Water 7,2 Planinlt- Mfnhinn lI ....I.I:__ , - c'.:'.i.i.'5;,""r'..`.ii'.~."a ..'.'.':'W; {e$"$"'3" Planing. Matching. Mouldimz `R q" " Hot Blast Drying m'1,,_ '~"`*nz Lanlnt and Poll hi gn d I a sp3cIaft wood "` Font:-amino and n..:u:._.. n,.. 3 u opcuuny "" Contracting and Building Estimates given, 0l"PlcE-BAYF'lELD S'l`.. BAR|E.o N1 ['.1_*HUvRsDAY, THE am Pumm; ME" Llmlte (1 Mann! t _ z%t: ?, 3.3;',?.$.*:`::*..mn mas JOHN JENNETT GEO. MbNKMAN. Druggist. Ban St. J_qlIn_ __&_ cracker ' Hae you. decided to fnov 0} pay. rent? I . . _.l T"9.!,9Y!E9!'_n NEXTDOOFI TO THE ' MAKES yous sxmi LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Brewed Entlrclu from the Finest ` Mal: and ops. 4 -Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and by its occasional "use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be Worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight' in] after shaving. DUNLOP STREET EAST BARBIE BREWING COMPANY a General Battling ;"`1"'|u. , .. . Note: Discounted rates. Collec- `f Note: and Accounts ga'ven fapordbla erma. Better get your garden tools " in shape advises The` Paris Review, for the rst thing you know some-` body will be- around `to ' borrow them. Ieiued payable anywhere. outside banks cached 4 cashed or Oollectcd Splendid ALE and PORTER _ The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle T.BeecrofI . moderate prices. ,, _-__ . _ . _ -o-a, smu- A Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stutxonary machinm-_v made and repaired on shoxtcst nouce and Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class Is 0 en for all orders in CASTI.\'Gs Ml L REPAIRS, 8:2. ' BANKERS M % 4 * ,.;3 vra-10 *0 4 MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinists . The old nlos-s:glrpwn Spanish prisoner letter is still `being cl-angled before the eyes of t-heu nsopl_1isticat'ed- -of-Ontario. A Toronto man received one of the decoys last week. B_A_l_R R I E WP}-com: {sie- 6. CO. I: prov 3 - of papeernin'{he C'"k . On`, at largest ubecHDh.i Qqmonstrates 11.. " ' Manager TANNERY `One way; to get -to .heav'eu-p--or the other place--buy an-Laeroplzuxe ticket- and use it.'_ _ V _ T 4 Barrie. A March thunderstorm `was ac- .cepted by weather phophets` as a. sure sign of a late gspring-and now the prophets will say I told _____ -- )1 9.`; vv voau you so. rnouraiai? `T The farming busi11ess is now com-" 10' +0` :1 u\n:u\4- ...l....... 1; 3, "- NOTE AND, COMMENT mam` ov 3UBIOB!P`l`l_ON. SEALED TEND .:1RS, `_addg`e`ss9d- `A -`kn 1):gnn~..\;-Ln... ---A -. '-aaa-s.a4J.'4uJ ;uu.\ .uu.wo, _uuu-IBSSBG to the Postmaster` General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday. the 22nd? 'M8y," 1914, for the conveyance of VHis MaJ'e8ty s Mails, on` a proposed.%C_`ontract for four year.s;~Six times". per week each wayuover Allandnle (Via; Vine `a-nkl Holly) Ru-1*a1:Mail` Route from the-, "Postmaster 'Genera1 s Plabdret ,. - '-;__L-'S_.,.` " Q . ...I"" V .wm.ag:u-:r ucuerars rleasuref, I Printed notices contain-ing` furth- er information as to-conditions < 1_f' proposed` `Contract may` be seen. zand, forms of Tender _be`o _;f nay, V lllC_V ` .oice' of ` t-he Post-;,O~ce Inspe,. cor,; ._ The Pembroke Stan-dard says the ?..;..-rVdes~ieg'11 ch-oseni for the new $13,000 `Carnegie Li~b'rary there is strongly suggestive of a J-apauiese t-ea house. Mr. Carnegie, it is said, has g'ro\vn tired of the Green temple style of architecture.. We, in. Barrie, would be satised with either style. ...w~-vv; u-uuuauxu .3,1Cu3u1C. _ Pru1te4;i- notices contaiulng furth- er `information. as to conditions of proposed -Con-tract may `be seen and '.b_1ank"forms- of tender may be ob- -tainedvat the Post Oice of Egbert, and A at the office of the Post Oice Inspector, Toronto, - . ' .u._..:__.____.._ . __._, vv -Atoawcwn 14-uv9o&\4 u Studen.t-.Yes,V sir; Guy Fawkes. ---I~Iarp_er s Lampoon. - V op: RI 9' L -A.-l..I..JJ.U'-I44-LA.` . . Post Oice _InVs:>< actor. `Post? Oice Inspector s Oice; ' , Toronto, April 3rd, 1914. ; 15-17 , . History Pro~fessor--T`he' A1neri -j cans" are the reformers of the wovld. Now,` can you even mention, my dear `sir , any En~gl~is'hma.n who endeavored to Wrarise legislation to a `hig-her. pil-ane? QA.--J......J. V..- .2... IV.___ 1I`___'_I_-.. _ ~~~~ 4454.3-I ,.a. .u4.A.1'.n.J`.1uJ.uI5J, auurcaauu to the Postmaster General`, will be received at Ottawa. until Noon, on Friday, the 22nd May, 1914, for the conveyance of `His -Majesty s Mails; on a proposed Contract ofoif. four years, Six times per week each w'ay, over .E-gbert (East) and Rural Mail Route from the Post- master General s I_ lea,sure:.' `I')..:-_L,|1 -' ~' Canada is" considered` a prosperous country, and while prosperity_ ex- ists, the people should be thrifty and provide for the rainy day that is_ always a possibility. The Italian people are making great progress in ' the matter of prov-idzing for the future, particul-arly in recent? years {and are setting a worthy` example to other people. In studying the methods ofsaving used in: Italy, iSim-on W. `Strauss, president of the American Society for Thr-ifut, was su1`prised, to learn that in the last thirty years savings have more than quadrupled, .havin.g risen froml $268,600,000 to .$1,200,000,000. The chief means of inducing thriftare the` ordinary savings banks, which number about 200, with nearly 3,000,000. depositors, whose deposits total $500,000,000, and the Post Office savings banks, with an aver-. age of 6,000,0,00e depositors," whos-e savings amount to $450,000,000. The remainder of savings are held by ico-operative societies of credit and by the savings departments at- tached to the" State _pawn~brokers Iostatblishnieiits. It is given on the authority the London Daily Mail,`/a" fairly re`- liwble organ, thatthe center of free -. trade England and the` metropolis of the world, is seriously concerned over the steadily increasing "cost. of living. _ Several instances. are given, such as new-laid! eggs at 75 cents a dozen, advanced _rents, and six` and seven cents a pound added to theprice of meat. The condition! is, sought to be ameliorated by the statements that -similar complaints come from France, Germany, ~ New York, -and even Toronto, But Great Britain, in its distress, can- not resort to relief by abolishing the duty on agricultural imple- inents, or to free wheat, a fallacious remedy that many of Canada s eager V to get-rich-quick w-heat miners are clamoring for. women: were`215 9Tdd on . the !A1tin-1 true `fhis reason is. ~ f `?;I'tt lat distr_ibute;' bills _, or; any" kin of l _wma`i_.. - .matter in rural mail boxes, unless fullpostag is . paid . thereon, 5 and couriers are instructed to-- _' -all such ~deposits and deliver `m at the, postoice, where ` they will be treated ` as dead `matter. Any person, however, can deposit a fully prepaid letter or parcel in a rural mail. box for any other rural mail patron along the same route and it will be. delivered by the courier as if mailed at a post ofce. It ' is necessary, however, that the courier obliterate or deface the stamp be-. fore placing it in the box to which it is addressed. SAVE UP FOR-A RAINY DAY ..uu Jtllllllllbr UUSUIUGS 18 now 00m- ing to a point where it IS generally ,,Ifec_ognized as the most `pI'OSp8I`0lIS jbiiei-11es_s going`, offering the best. ;future `and the brightest prospects. ;`That being so there will -be no trouble _V_'.,")'.bout' keeping. the boy on the farm the best place to make money, gain the respect of his fellowmen and obtain . -that standing` amougjst men, tewhich is the `ambition. (if every rigiht-minded boy. ' . "foi' he will be keen to-see-that it. is- `SEALED i'1`EN-D-ERS, Iafldygssed \ C-`an -Dpu-uL.~...;-.A.-.. I`! -___ Coniracwtwj Mail Contract? HE % `SURELY % TRIED A.- -TSTI`JV"1`HER`DAND,` D...4. nm..- 11--..-. cunun.10nI!. Duties :--Six months` residence upon and! cultivation of the land in each of three ears. A homesteader may live within ninem es of` his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in eve:-K case. except when residence is petrtormed int e.vicinity. : n am-min rllnirintn A. hnmnnlnndmn in man!` u. 4:6 Lu 1.110 \I1UUU- J. A. Macdonald-,V L.L.1)f-- What, only one! The shee't s Thaiin an 03 `day. I ve been a.w ay in Washington, in fact.-~'Toron'to Telegram; . T g \ \ vu :uw- :n--`3 -v2vs:-Qhnci THE sole head of a family. or anymaleovcr '8 *3 .?`%. '3" ;'?"':`3`.* %a*:*.*;::*' sec ono two a e om non an n.-an a. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The A plicnnt must apgear in person at the Dominion ands Agency or uh-Agency for the district. Entry b roxy me be made at the oice of any loos gent of ominion Lands (not sub-agent). on certain I conditions. i "IntInn'__GIv n1nn'l-nu` nnnialn-nan Dunn-n ....Ai pBl.`l0l'!Il6ll In U|8VlCllll(y. V 3 In certain districts as homesteader in odl standi may pre-emptaquarter-sections. 3- I ado his omsstead. rise .00 per acre. Duties.-Six months res: ence in each of six- years from dateot homestead entry (inolu ng the time required to earn homesteadpa _nt| and 50 acres extraicultlvation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case; of` "rough. sornbby `or stony land aer.report- by Homestead Inspector on application for patent. A homesteadar who has nxhnnnmd `hi: hninn. i_?49!*hvv"%%3e!l _ .1`. I1) I'n__ nomeswau IIIIDBOIOT on appucauon to!` patent. ' A homesteader who has exhausted his home- atead ht and cannot obtain a pre-emptlon guy to e_ a _pu_rohqs_eg1 homestead in. oer- uwuur uu unu uulnut Oouun II. pre-empuon may e urcheeed homestead taln districts. tee - 08.00 per acre. Duttee.- - Must reside: six months in each at three years, cultivate fty acres and erect a house woxgth. saocwo. ,, L . . ._ W.` W. ,CORY. 2 Deputy of the Minieterot the late or N.B.-Unuuthox-ia'ed publication of this ad -Avertieement win _not be paid fox-.-s7Ao86 I-18 AN -OFFADAYT A T: Mayor Hocken--I ve found a blasted lie in; The "Glol33. ' 'D-_ T A- 11- -.- ._ ._ `- smorsxs or GANAISIAN NBnrn' l_?.E(}UIaAT1ON_'B | nuuvivn _ \.llll\}v -Lll\7l Post: Oi-Ce I11sE><:<:tuor s Ofce, T~oronto_. `March '26; 1914. val ;. vu Vlll$4\7U\IL \A\JlL\.41uI-A O .L '1UlD |.lL\Jc Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may 'be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- 'tained*-, at the Post Oices of Lisle, Randwick, Banda, and at the oice of the Post Ofce Inspector, To- : ronto. ` i rs-vrvuv---rs-rs . . av.` |M.E.TcoNTR`21"cT! r.:.a.moa..n.a.n-1.1.1 .1. dd-L` .l.l'.Q.4.I.Il\J, a\.l\.IJ.\.JDD\J\.l. to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa unti1.Noon, on Friday, the 8th May, 1914_, for the conveyance of His Majesty s Ma.i1s, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week each, way over Lisle (via Randvwick and Banda) Rural Mavi1- Route` from the ?ostma-ste_r` Genera.1 s P-lea_s-ure. I % E`b{imd7mm the 08. 15.53: ! Emit 4 _ ~, 3."-iamln 0'! an M Suwanee oPro- .-...o nan-m lhnnnnjnh-r ~ have $z6o,ooo.ooV Xvortlm of houses "and property in Barrie > and Allandal. Small Cash payments. Balance as rent. Farms for Sglg. -any--V -nu anauu n Phone5.;;.- V we DuII_lo;:stv.vBarrle `Cease wasting your money rent. .n" . OWN YOUR OWN HOME `S-EA-LED TENDERS, addressed . `L- 'l)...,.;........a..__. I`1-_.-....1__1`I 1.-- For the ham! Nv`e| or 5*?W'dWork8 to ,~lHE$--]% BANKo1~'TOR'ONTO % " lNC(%)RPORATED%1855 [Barrie and Allandale Branch. a\II I.IIOl\v. ""r"Ho1a"A"" WARD Real Estate and Insurancle Rfer1'ing' to the 1eviva_11of_la- crosse, The Collingw-ood Messenger /says: Barrie and Orillia back in +111. .......... 11.7- ------_L `rs v 1` ` The `Accounts of merchants, manufacturers, . rms; corpor- anions, societies and individuals are invited`, All customers of The Bank of Toronto are assured every courtesy and at- tention, and the service which a Bank with ample re- sources, wide connections and extensive facilities is well qualied to give. . . ~ 15-2.1 ____ nn-._:;._II aaznnnnnn THE _NORTHERN ADVACEA A. SUTHE`RLAND, Post Oi Ilxspetor. -.......L..L. .. {\.lD-- TV Commercial H. A. SIMS. Manager. Paid up capital ...................... ..:g,0N,000 R P d ................ ..' .... .. 300 000 A3aYf5...'3.'1.f,.* ...... .... 460,900,600 14_-16 The Shelburne Free Press tells of .a ght between a farmer and his `L wife on the main street. The`ama- V. zon knocked her partner o the ` sleigh into the snow, and then pum- rmelled him severely before she al- . lowed him to regain his feet. Here T we have another argument-'A against equal suffrage. ' At .present,. _yond a doubt, thnthudband votes` -as ',. he is told, and -the franchise. alregadyi is exercised by the '__w_if_e'. ;Under `.`wo'-L" gman suffrage the `wife ; would. hiive ,two votes, and the ` husband r`iene..j. 1 er_y . unequal % su_re`g'e.' in` Builder ;n'd Elizabeth St; Pho: `brick replaces for coal or o _ and attic. . Ross St.. 7 rooms, A beautiful home, situated on Mary St.,, brand new brick hosue, 10 rooms, ne `reception hall with seat, vestiblue, "trunk room, cloak room, plastered sun room, 2 pressed wood, linen chute, linen and clothes clos-l ets,, broom closet o kitchen, china cabinet in dining room, large pan- try with cabinet and roll trim sink, best oak oors and trim down stairs, 3 piece bath, also toilet and - sink in basement, wired for electric light with every light on` switch, hot heating, front and back verandah, front balcony, will be completed by rst of New Year. Also new 7~roomed brick house on Elizabeth St., with every -con- venience, "oak floors, 1. pair sliding doors, pantry and attic. Possession_ at _`once. 2 i A , Also brand new brick house on 1 Toronto St., a few steps north of every conven- ' pressed brick re place,` oak 1 pair sliding - doors, pantry Will be completed? by end of-vMarch.V - ' ' i - AADIJIJ (150 `III!-"I luau" /-- ience, oors, .-`K Ea-ch tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charter- ed bank for 10 -per cent. of the amount of tender, payable to the I `order of the undersigned`, which amount w-i]l`be forfeited if the per-' son or persons decline to enter into "a. contract when called upon `to do lso or fails to complete _the work cotracted for. . The lock-up to be fully completed Vand ready "for oc- lcupation by',t.he 15th day of August, |]914. _ . DUNCAN C. SCOTT, Deputy Superintendent General A of `Indian Affairs , Department of Indian Affairs, `_ -Ottawa, March 27,` 1914 .15-17 SEALED . TENDERS _ addressed to the undersigned and endorsed on -the envelopes Tender for Concrete Lock-up, Rama. Reserve, Ontario, will be received up toenoon of` the 27th day of April, 1914. ` 1)1........ .. M- L 1 A -'i;Iva1`i.;.. a1`1r<`i `sgeeiiicetigris may be seen at the Post Oices, Orillia and Longford Mills, Ontario, and at [the office of Oharles Myers, Indian `Agent, Atherley, Ontario, and on application to the Department at I-Ottawa. 1 - - - |lr%."kBosanko FOR SALE FOR { Peterboro Rueview-A--The - . Orillia ;Pa_cket, of the 'bi_g:`,pag\es, has about j five feet of type `in < 1't.s`~ last. isue , devoted -to a r_eport of -an qddresp, by t M-rs; . Loosemorej of Toronto to , . the W ix_:gn . 'Cai1fad1`53n _ G1ub. T i* in: `M. gnfutrzf M . 5:: .-1'" .011! persons m`It:.m:v:in.I::.th or Tenders RING 263 E:a1so" ` %.`?`n.`Z'3 I tiNwIN, `nu t\11unL..:- A- _C hes ah . 1 Pc. PA LIN, O.A.A. I Annuwn-4 `two rm: Ammm ni "'5"vmoa UNITED S'l`A'l`ES SUBSCRIBERS - . $1.-so IN Aovamc: