Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 Apr 1914, p. 1

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Ar V9:-E! 23 _ 24 , J an.19- 89 J an.14- 9O 7 Dec. A_24i Dec. gluvn .Jan.5- 71 Dec. 13 14 15 30 J an.3- 92 Dec. 25 13 27 J an.4- 96 Dec-.. 22 ` ' ' ` 20 25 J a1:1.3-g Dec. 21 ' J an.2- (-ii U Dec. ` 18 | 22 A- 2%} Dec. 29 J 111.? - 13 28 ` 21 25 16 26 '13 13 19 19 22 I An- 31 27 24 19 16 29 19 19 IINNISFIL INQUIRY ADJOURNED FOR I owe wmax The inves-tigavti-on into the affairs of _Innisl Township was held at the County Court House on Saturday, before His Hon-or Judge Vance, and was adjourned until next Saturday. The enquiry opened at 10 a.m., and lasted .all day, but nothing` developed to show any grave irregularity, the deducting of extra percentages when payments of taxes were not made on time being admitted by former tax collector, VW. J. Latimer. Hearing Before Judge Vance on Saturday Lasted all Day. . +No Startling De- velopements ` _urer, in whom there has been the greatest condence reposed since his appointment .fteen years ago, was the rst witness. He explain- ed that it was customary for Col- lector Latimer to pay the taxes col- lected -by him into the banks at Lefroy or Thornton to the credit__(_>f the Township. Counsel drew at- tention to the law` requiring a settlement every two weeks, and witness explainedpthat this course James Black, the veteran treas- Ii had never `-been followed strictly. Wm. Latimer, who was appointed assessor at the beginning of this year, and who for eight years previous had been collector of taxes, underwent` a lengthy examination, during which he explained his method of depositing, in his own name, 7the taxes collected, and afterwards transferring them to the Township account, but the moneys he collected, he said, were never used for any other than township purposes, and='no funds left his hands until deposited in the banks. A number of bank hooks were pro- duced and checked over. Although non-residents in arrears sometimes did not remit the extra percentages` due, he always collected the inter- est on overdue tax-es. At Thornton the Union Bank accepted the taxes direct from the ratepayers" and credited the Township, but the Sterling Bank at Lefroy would not adopt this plan. 7 Judge Vance favored the former as the more `satisfactory method. - 1 1 I _ |~ The- small memorandum bookn carried by Collector Latimer for checking demands and payments had been destroyed for the years l1911and 1912, but the 1913 book Icould` be produced. I ` Collector Latimer stated that the total amounts collected after thelast previous deposit, were placed in the bank every two weeks. The statu- tory declaration as to the returns was unavailable, but _the one cover- ing the returns of 1912, and dated December 6th, 1913, was produced. T-he 1911 roll had been returned on April 8th, 1912, and the 1912 roll had not been returned until Deceme her, 1913. Some amounts may have been paid after the return, of the 1911 roll and "some ratepayers may not have paid on time in .1913, but (Continued on Page 5). The Proper Thing In {I1 .00 PER (ANNIE IN ADVWCI INNILI GOPIII Thilll GINTI E 7% T5 [ll . . - Z We have them in all the new `-shades and shapes--Serge Blue, ` Deep Brown and Greys. Come? on in and try one on. No trouble i `to show them. VOL. LXIII. NO. 16 momnsou cntw. 4 ` NOTICE; TO CR1-2Dl'f0RS%A 7.()( T. SHORT. - 9- Managf Trinity Church Rev. R. J. Biggs,` vicm.- weer, (1ecea.se<.l. ' i . " .'_ '- .. ... NOTICE is hereby- SW9 1?? suanfc to the ' ' _ . [1 creditors or oters `havmg .:_V . -against the esta.tc Of the~.3!`.1 ", -`Logue, who dd 011. 93' seventeenth day "3 Jan_\1-am: :are required on o`_ b'6f01fev day of May, 191 " `Or deliver to `Solicitor for the _ . ..`_8aid deceased, the' ` `dresses [I-`:LESCOPE Hats for Spring is Barrie %_ absolutely.` safe 11terest p.1l- the} NADA 33f1>$8a490o000 I ~ $80,000.000 ~ `LWAYS GET 1 PROMPTI.Y%I in the Union` When that un- ses,` or an-Qpupor- mke an exception-[, 1 deal, it is worth to get your "gash I Branch. T wHou:. vI'I o'.7 4651` PUILIIHII V: 4 CHlLDREN SAlD MAY HAVE New sunmx HOME In I Kelso pn Needs of Society. \_ -Permnent Agent 111- % so .Reommended " `.s.bauv JJHLJIV DllUU`lu a, 1y equipped -commodious (}h.ildren s Aid Shelter and` that a -permanent salaried g agent should be appointed` for the whole [County `were the leading" thoughts strongly` em- phasizecl in an hour's `address given by Provincial `Supt. J. J . Kelso be- fore a special meeting. of. the Children s Aid _Society on vTues`day afternoon. Mr. Kelso further stated` that he felt there would be little` difculty in raising L the necessary. money if a vigorous campaign were started now. There were but - few" present, a. and those who were absent, missed` an excellent outline of the great work, `forming as it does a great economic, and social saving to the Province, now ' being con- ducted by the Children s Aid -So-i. ciety. Mayor Cowan was asked to pre- side, and _in- a few words introduced Mr. Kelso, who` had to 'lave for Toronto in an hour s time. In the County or `Simcoe, I the headquarters of the Children s Aid Society is Barrie, and there` are two` things essential to make the work of the society more helpful and more effective. These -are, said Mr. Kelso, a good -permanent agent and a well-equipped- shelter. The ` de- siralbi-lity of this forward step is apparent, and "I .believe the time has come when this County should be more thoroughly organized in this great work of. preventing crime, .1-poverty V and desolation. There are wretched families .-growing up in crime all around u_s, and if we do- " not look saiftuer the children they will follow in` the same `way. I know of people in "prison from this County whose downfall can be traced to the degrading inuences of T g their homes-. At Port Hope and Cobourg they had a, society similar to yours here, dealing only with cases which came to them, and this meant that the `harm had'been- done before they interfered.` ` `When the agent went there, he found homes saturated with every kind of vice, `where little girls had been debauched`, andnow they have more -woxk._.than they can do. The people have hadtheir eyes opened. o V _ `I-,_ -_.L___ `- __.....-__._. ......-.. Instances of the successefollowing` the appointment of a permanent agent were given by .Mr. Kelso, Port Hope, Cobdurg, Windsor and Sault Ste. Marie ibeing pointed to as examples of places where "the move was made with fear and trepidition, but whene success is crowning their efforts. 1- an I .1 v` oooo vsav In Windsor` when a campaign was launched to build a shelter at at meeting similar to this, "one. business man after another subscribed $50, a. total of $600 -being raised in a_ cou-ple of hours. Just a year before that they_ could not raise `money enough to pay the board of ` the child. -ren thrust upon` them. Last year - the Windsor society had an income of A $6,200. ..'The Council raised its grant `from $100 to $1500 and other enearbyt towns gave $200` or $300. An agent was appointed at -$100 per month and new; -they .are.purehasing': him an "auto to get over his `texpfitorfy .quicker. A shel- jtei` was; -bought `for $4500 and `Was _furniahed almost like magi,c_.1_)yV the to wuspeopl_e." '0 an ney',;building is- pro posedi' V *'1`his V $1153V ifia` wortlw, howpasily mOu_ey `>9 : project; is_ taken ' 0' `spiri,t.' ` ` and Toronto" ~ makirig-V or : had made their moneyoiirindustries` an U116 vault, uuq gun .q:uu\ . .,.' $4000` from i them; They. needed $10.000,`qnd on,.`,the .: -advice o`f -pa business..%..Ina11.f `V s"tur.tedj acamP1ikn' for `$15,000: .17o_`;thsgir;surprise thy "T ~9:.}.`.. f ":.s}.$n`l If I__I.. Paid-up (`apitul R cserv and Undivldud Prots Total Assets (ove .w.-.._ _-,, sot % % V . . .. .. j A. M1`- ` `;`-5933.073`: `.9183 .- 2f0!"` V SLi17A" -Sealevd "t ers addressed to. the " 3 `fw`% `%I5Ph the `*Wn' undersigned Aismeitcsrs for the mwnahip - -"LmAm5 1' fm` Honorable ": ~ V" v'.Attorn6'Genera1- crew: and bmrorab21i1d=;aLsh1 ~ .1-he me %..me: A_c9%*z98f4V % or 351.0im 3* ' 9 A g;1_;'nil*;-_-Mnooti on That` Barrie Should have a prbpef. ' I v nnnrrwus .nn-mam.-..Jl..g...'. r\L_-1.1,, 9 u "F11-gi:f.'|N1'nt.'q'ru` Qr APRIL 16, I914 %BARRIE4% COUNTY OF sI;McoE, ONTARIO "i-W3-ll if V ~ them i you %.1ca`nraisei.the standard of liiingjgand -arousoe the he paternal ' instinct}: ' M,an`y_ people cannot see the great work `before-V the , Chi1dren s Aid .`Society, `but they iciangsee people `going to prison and children "going to houses ' of correction eve:-y.d~ay. They will` iookj -upon, the asylum": at Ori1-lia with its 1000 inmates, and upon the oyrphans homes and say` what 1 xnoible, humanitarian people weare. Butt prevention is better than cure, and that is theiwork of thi.. `society, to-make vforeveri -impossible con- ditions such as exist in the older countries where `emaciated children go Slurefoot and in rags, and are sent forth to beg or steal. Atthe conclusion -Mr.` Kelso advised the "Barrie. Society to enter upon a. cam- paign at once, and if necessary, not to be afraid of .a debt, for many a church has prospere because of a `mortgage. - ' ' -Mr: .-hgsvvissons `moved a vote thanks and the President, `Mr. H. -E. Jory, seconded -if," the latter re? m'arkin-g~ that p1aris were' now being _'fonnulated fo14 the raising of funds to carry .o11t_the'sheme outlined by _ Mr. , 'Ke1so.' Trinity Church Is Prospering ~The "annual Vestry Meeting.` of Trinity Church was held on Mon- day evening, and a most gratifying report b was presented, -showing the -a airs of the church and all its. sooieties to_be 111 `a; most ourish- ing condition. The annual nancial report showed receipts of $3798.86, with expenditure of $3754.39, leav- ing a balance of $44.47 on hand, after all expenses had been paid and the mortgage reduced to $2000. T The Revv.UE. 1i.v13_i`g`gsYx`1v1-ctied ' the meeting of -his intelrtion to seek` rmission of the -Bishop to resign 4 he office" of Vicar and to replace the spritual `ehargecof the Parish in his handts. -Biggs, had declined 11' cal1.~tb California, and .has_ decidedf to return to England. . ' A 1` vs -\ - or l\l -Msrs. `and H.~ C. Channen -were reelected > Church- wardens, as well as the Representa- tives to Synod, Messrs. G A. Raden- hurst and W. A; Boys. 7 Other oicers elected` Were: ' Si'desmei1: Dr. 'Pal1i_ng, S. E}: Tu-rner, T. r's,, S; Mc::&da.Tr13,`| `'1' `II `I\-`_,'__---L 1" T\-,,-,- if it is deposite Bank of Canada forescxnrx need a_ tuxlity COIIIOS to ally ~p1'0ta.b1e ca `much to be ab] `without delay. Meanwhile it i mul is cm'm11g' Ttnne. 1\ I Auvvsaavon V I I- .' 1 RIC LCI I T. Rogers. S. McAdam,` H. M. Dymerrt, J. .R." Doimellx, H. R. C-`hannen, J. R..Weaymouth, M. Minnikn, H. Balliston, 'A Sproul, A. Woo-dhouse. C. A. Mullen and "G-.`Living'st1one, J r.;' Auditors, H. A. Sims and H. R. Channen; Lay- men s Board, Miss Sneath, Miss 9F. .Armst_rong, H. A. Sims `and H. R. C'hannen. ' - Lad-y Cus't-omer-`V`HaAve you van- _ity` glasses? . V >` ;C1erk-`-No ,` V but we have _]ovely cut glass tumblers, __ ` ' CHURCH AND HOUSE BURNED AT UHTHO-FF A fire which started from `a de- fective. `chimney `in the residence `of `J. Antonia at Uhtho, on the 'G,T.R. Orillia to Midland line, on Sunday, destroyed the ' house and spread to 9. church` adjoining and also the Grand`Trunk yards, wiping o1it_ t1ie_edice and "800 cords of wbod `belonging to several `fuel `com- _iJan.ies.-. Th6 losses sustained in` the burned" ,properti_e s. were covered by insura_n`ce._ ;. __ > . T *' f'A BULL, IN A CvHIl_\IA SHOP -The `following \vas";x;1:i1ei{rd ?in- a. Iarrie store. the othr day. I 'I=`11e r($of& on the Collegiate will ibe proceed`gd"with at once . ' I} . A 7 ' INLIVA uuasov-. fenerable _L_4_ Ieu-uu:., TH: ccun or sqi|c6 ; Aup_1'H:Joommo or cnmoa` "gun bnnzmou. :-----2 1iQPULAfp1QN IN_0B:EA-SING_ '_County Covntidn _DeAci.ddM __ to Stick to Local Option. ..-Would Cut off Li- - quot Stores N0 SCOTT ACT CAMPAIGN FOR % SIMCOE; COUNTY ` That members of the Simcoe _.County, Temperance Alliance, which body held its annual meeting in the Y.M.C.A., Allandale, last 'l`1mrs- day, should be free from any coercion as to political views, was the somewhat reluctant decision arrived at after some discussion. There were about 7 5 delegates pres-`- ent and Mr.,H. Lamont, of Col- wlingiwood, presided. ` Concluding that their ' eorts to carry `the Canada. Temperance o(or Scott) Act in this County would not meet with success,, it was de- cided to postpone any action on this `question, and to. ght with re- newed vigor for banishing -the liquor trade by `the tried and triat- ed Local Option method. There are 25 'municipalities out` of the 30 in the County now dry, the ve where licenses are still issued Be- ing: Barrie, Penetang, Bradford, Flos and Adjala.' The discussion on .the Scott Act was lengthy but the delegates were not unanimous _ on the `advisability hf submitting the measure. A resolution was passed asking the Legislature to nr.'I,, `|_,i__ ___,J m easure.' the rescind the_ three-fths clause, and pointing out that local option` would now be in force in a number _;of places had it not been a"three-fths majority required. _ _ I `V V V O - O O The license commissioners of Centre and East Simcoe will be ap- pealed to, . with a` request that no liquor store licenses `be granted in Barrie or- Penetang. A similar re- quest `will be vmade to the South imcoe Commissioners V in reference to the Loretto hotel license. No Scott Act The following resolution was moved by ~G. H. Clark of Orillia, seconded by J. H. Pentney of Col- lingwood and carried.. That the Executive recommend thatno ac- .tion be taken in submitting the Canada temperance act at present; that more earnest effort be made to enforce the licenseact both_ in oli- cense and local option territory, and that places open to local opti_o'n con- tests be encouraged to enter upon campaigns. . '1 . 1 0 `I1 Oicersivere elected as, follows: President, H`. Lamont , Co1lin7g'-wood;I Vice-Presidents, J. T C. ` Miller, Orivl-lia; T. W. W. Evans, Bradford; Mrs. Blanche Johnston, --Barrie; Secretary, D.` W. Lennox, S-troud; Treasurer,` J. W. Henry, `-Thornton; Executive, Mark Vasey, Victoria Harbor; D. H. Church, Orillia; F. C. Beatty, Gilford. ` ._ .. [Mail Order. Showing co fmendalble enterprise and a desire V reap the full benet of the recent] iinaugurated Parcels Post system, ' r. Geo. Vickers has issued a ham ome catalogue and spring and su nier stylewbook. This book cannot f 1lto'be a Paying in- vestment -for "is" enterprising rm, with its hand jmely illustrated de- signs of ladie L misses and` child- ren .-: wear and elf measurement in- 1 `to `as a me]; ladi m structidns, A `and he an almost n r; liberal use . of ployedi by `this days `of keen ` 1-....- 4;, _1___'_' -wins. out, and 1; : `to realize that. _ad_vertising, T coiipl v-as UvOaAvvu asxavw liberal use of this - m. For in these of Vpetition by the large city depa entals, town mer- hcants are morend _more- becom- ing seized of th-fact that the per`- sistent adverti z`. V 1 public has ' come their business . E _ reasonable erchaiidise, ~ is imifthey have ..v;%it1_1s` * prifcesl - for quality the merchant _i_!1_". , cexideliee-f in_ __deal\'1-i is ' the one` who . % who. invites ' ._ `straightforward . Mr. Vickers, " tak' - " advantage of ` the new parcels`-p -`rates, sends all, parcels` prepaid, Vn-d_; oers to exchange any ~a1-ticl - i w1c_hV are ;unsa*tAisfactory.;. 'Atte `on; sis -also daire-ted` `to the a _: V1-ar'ge_ad_~ yertise_ment _whiVch,,a p 3 on 8c?b'_fc;<`:a_<:,h-. issue :}.6f : ?'1_`-_he,. . ` V__1QB,f;a1_1y.* % gcj;_tp`mrs A es; '_ % - . % & ldvertising` : Bradford Witness--T-he stage is again running between Bond Head and Bradford and the old familiar bell is heard once more. Bond Head until recently had no evening mail and the change just -made is the re- suit of a petition of the residents of Bond Head to the Post Office De- partment. An-inspector along with Postmaster Broughton went over the ground '-last week and the change came into effect immediately. lsixty Years FREE IL-LU-STRAT-ED, LEC- .URE`.- . Prof. H. L. Hutt, B.S.A., of the Agricultural College, Guelph, will tell us How to Beautify Barrie, zens in \.Trinity Parish Hall, on Thursday,` April 16th, at '8 p.m. `This lecture -is under the auspices of Bar,rie Horticultural `and Town Improvement Society, and it is hoped there will be a full house to listen to a `good speaker and one ( in his_ excelent lecture to our citi-i who knows what` he` `talks about! VV 5&0 4\AJ.\rvvu Iv Advil) 11!. Come and hear him. The Barrie Spring WSta~l1ion Show is being held to-day. When will the ice leave the bay? Here -is the record for sixty years, as gleaned from The Advance les: ' '- ` IIEAVYV FI-RE Mr. Timothy Connell of Vine sustained a heavy loss by re on Saturday, when -his house, barns and sheds, sixteen head of cattle, six` horses. pigs and all his implements were. destroyed. A number of; `neighbors and some mill hands worked hard to save some of the- property, but owing to the lack of any, Ire J` protection and .a heavy wiild fanning _ -the amm,` their eorts were of no avail. .. T-he re gis s1'_1mp0se(ii}to- have originated from :8} 5 .T1`1i=1:}:f.i`9lT!1?-`i. Jn.1"1L" Insurance 'tihev-'-Wgterloo Mutual, , ;Co_i1i_1e]1 s JOBS `-gwill , be 4 . ` % { .V To STOUFFVLLLE! ; ;.,3r;a}2oM,. .. ;. fghnzsah. has1;~ALa-2% X from ` ` ;S 1:ouivi-1-Tel % I '}m t. BOOTHGOES p,wuu '35 03-11 v- 9'! v..uu\.n. Opeped losed Ice Record` i 24 12 91 80 17 29 25 10 ii 22 19 18 28 `AA 5:} 24 The New High

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