: -_._v....> We have the best varietiesin sortment and invite you to make y selection here, whether you_do so ersonally or by phone, your order will rece' our very best attention. L ` ' ` ` DRESS GLOVES by Perri Fpwnesand Pewney, 2 domes, all shades,` $1.00, $1.2 5 and $1.50; ' ` . KAYSER FABRIC G1; ES in Cham- oinsette and Leatherette ` Natural and White at soc, 58c. and 75 pair. . ` KAYSER FABRIC ' OVES in White. Ch`ampayn_e and Bla<;l t 75c, $1.00 and the AE A.-manna TsT}'.Z'" {a'i}. Easter showing or, port Coats in Navy, Tango and Rose, very popular styles at 21 . Q o O O I O O O O O I 0 c` Q o o o o o n o o o o a O o o o o ' .1000 popular pnce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . 315 Easter Showing f Samp1e`Suits, bought ".especia_l1y for the Holiday Trade at _.._1 -.. -- SAR JEANT EASTER K MILLINERY gj p1e Suits, vespecially $15.00, T20:_o"0, 22. 5.0 and 25.00. Markets and Parks Committee to spend $25. for Window blinds for the` newly ' decorated town hall was adopted`. } . r1 . { `..._-1.-_-._ I A "Annual Grants . This is the _time of year `when the annual grants are decided upon. , The RV. Hospital gets $350.00; Muskoka Free Hospital $15; S.A. Rescue Work $10; Horticultural -Society $125; V-Childrens Aid $100; Citizens Band $600 - (under same` coxiditions. as ' last year.) L--1 ,,1..,.,. ,_,_ 5,, \JUA1\.l. ULULICI uo `luau J Moose, I -Some discussion took place as to whether a grant should be given tol the Muskoka Consumpt-ive Hospital,` Ald; Lowe objecting on the groundl that municipalities had, to pay for` patients if they were unable to pro- = vide the funds themselves-. The Mayor pointed out that although` the act allows them to charge $1.00 1 per day against the municipality,` the authorities` had not taken ad-J vantage of it, yet. . More Police Needed , Queries, were numerous, the rst being one` from Ald. Hors-eld, who asked the Chairman of the Fire and Police what the reason was `that a police officer had refused to answer a. telephone message to lgo to the Five Points about March] 18th to separate combatants who -were settling their dierences in a f1fe_e;ght.`Ald. Lowe, the chairman, replied that `he could give no reason why the oicer should refuse to go. There Was trou=b1e`f_ on and} he should have gone. In answer to a query lhe said" the night police came on duty at 7.30. " ` - .1`.'-- `I. 0. 1' 1 ,.0 cl _\qu.-vu w. ---v. V The Mayor thought it high time "the Town should take up the mat- ter of `having the town policed be- tween 4 and 8; p.m. on Saturdays, at -least.;- The `matter was nally turned over to _- the. Fire and Police Committee, with the parting re- `mark from_ A161`, Lowe that if he -is given permision he will see that "there is proper protection. Ala . Gray enquiry as to the re-] placement `-of the .Bradford St. walks;-V was-{answered} by Chairman (if Works:;. Sprott. He said his; "committee ';1adnot' taken up the Sidewalk _agestion'-kyet, but that they 5 won-`lei m a_;_ report at next Coun- '.b Q: A meet1$' u ` I -.._ . ' 7 -T=he..ee: lights win burn an! night wgn the `system is com- pleted;, . Campbell was told in _answr'~j:p his query._as to dmvsing `:-thg midnight,` ` . 1 -4 1-t?___1__ -;.--::| Special Easter Values in Lisle and Silk Stockings Radiuum Lisle and Penman Cashmere Hose V A `3 pairs for $1.00 ., :3 " .` Perrin s Lisle Hose, Black only, at 25c pair. Lisle Hose witiysilk feet, special for Easter. - 25c a pair Sarjeant & King's Best Silk Lisle Hose ' at 50c. Buster Brown Sister Hose," all sizes in Tan, Sky and White, on" sale per pair 25c. LI7M%ITED an. `av av \I v vv AL (A I"-The Mayo}? in"iz1Iated""t1{.{ `En- gineer Macdonell had private in- 'formation that the engineers would: be here on Friday. "TL... 1.... 1,--,_ _..___-' -.A._._ J`- Etion as to the Street Railway? L 1.1 VTVL- 112.---.. Z-_LZ__-..A...,J `_AL Ivy `n nv vnq .-.sA\.nu-.Ju There has been some" press dis- 'cussion as to the Engineer s ex- tpenses of $7.15 to Toronto and Ald. .Tay1or Wanted information as to _how the account. was made up. iThe Mayor said he could` not go to ;Toronto for less than that and he idid not think Ald. Taylor could `eit;._h`er. . run 1-! McL`ean-Lowe-That the request of theVW.V and L. Commissioners 'for permission to sink wells on lcertain streets be granted. McLean -- Campbell - That the Fire and Police Committee con- sider the advisability Qf installing: a telephone or other re alarm \.o| UAA\Jl- 9 The -Town Engineer was instruct} .,ed to notify the public that the Ontario Hydro-e1ectric'by-law as `to electriewiring would be strict- ily' enforced after 1st May. 1117 _ __ 1' -_-_ rnL_1. 41.- ....-....-...4- J. J. Nd 1 gysten; - -MEAN WANTED- [ care for stock' rried man pre- -ferred. y R. Moore, Allan- dale T 15-tf. '`-""J mu"--9 v-v v .;~--- ~o-. n itio11. Apply to d Oice, Barrie. 1FOR SALE OR TO RENT-12 .roomed house With. bath, electric light, gas, hot water heating; central location, glarge verandah and lawn. Apply Box 113, Bar- ` rie, Ont, _ 9-tf. ST`_:.RJAYED` OR STOLEN-From TT_L_1 __,___L i |D..I.'.L\u:1 ..L .LA.IJ LILD ... . \IJA.A the Wellington Hotel, about March 25th, a black Cocker Spaniel Dog, about ten months old, wearing collar. Reward? at `Wellington Hotel. 14-16p FOR. SALE OR RENT-]31ack- smi `shop at; Crown Hill, six miles r1e on rural mall route, veplent to churches and 9ua.I.1t1'ty , of 0 . , Apply to W._. G. _Luck, j ces St., Bar- A `l'1'_8. l , . - 15ftf..F , M__~A-RRI-ED _ g. `I SI1\IK_;[NSON;-AD; LM~--In- the [T _ *``111ape1 ,of ,-t. Lukes 'C111_rch.; _To- - ~ m.`rc1uq;M39th.~_1by the;f,B9v..% h; - % g,,: H2` \w. 1' .I.L.LA'.AJ.l. "1J\T`e;W1y calvgd: in. rssl-9/0 IV} NEW ADVERTISEMW years dld, Apply? before having you 9 Heating Syste Sole agent for 0my Hot Air -% Furnaces` Estimates fum bed fIfee We have now a co Iete line `of ase Econ- Plumbing F ixturesn "our sl1ow- YOOXDS 1e oice. mud Thornton`. A-- `*111 to forward `-an`=.f:;I_!,!t`irI1.145'a tate1nc11t o-f monies~ paid W5 a , 3, and-in" futur_e:.-..; 3` lzalfl gut of the -treasu~'1*,$:;' `V 3 2 Doors East. of Simmon sur_ Story. .......___ . . A 5. g Mail Co1ntrac`tA 1 u'.u 8 above of LICGIIEG ' di ..'I, . I ..": - ,, . .-_ 6 % 9.,,.; etngt - 'I"_ , SEE MING EPlumbing or : installed elandsl ` Nev?- < market` on Sunday. A `T G; o.Vv-I*1t;3;1<`%f;t;t;\;d ` into. his cottage for` the summer on Monday. 1:... A -n -ru.. 1--- --\p---.; v ME A. E; pmggsg` 11; ; Sid `his house on `Willi-`am `St. to Mr~s._fDa1- ton.` . ' ' -v uxuxzxvv Uu uuuguy. ` . . ' ` ` . Mm! Richard (McBride, Essa st., .is_visitin-g in Brad-fo1"d._ . V V if;-rs. . McNi i ?left {on L Tues- daylto spend _ a few days -in Mon-g trea. - " ' - - ' ` T'Sidney. Fawoett Has Aben: [conned to -his` bed for several days with `la - grippe.` ~` 1` 4" ..',-u -- . of v the Desvpath- ers Oice, _i's. holidaying in the _.SQL1ther1} S_tabf3;S: ` ` Mr. Arch} Wilkinson; is able td be out again after several weeks illness with rheumatism. Mr. "Eliford "I-Iumphreys. of Den"- tal College, `Toronto, is spending his Easter vacation at his home here. ` . 2 . .-`Mr. and` Mrs. Campbell-Reeves of 'I.`or0nto were here on Tuesday," arranging for spending the summer here. ' ' `Mrs. I. _F. I-I,el1mu.t_h of Toronto was in town on Friday making `ar-, rangements for spending the sum-- mer at Strathallan, ` A SIAL]1;31) TIEN 119 uSt111z1SCI'A L 1t_E_eti\.c;1 at Ottaw until Noon,` F1~idu,v. tho_'2'.2nd lay. 1914, fQ1"' - y- - 01 ms 'Majesty s'= -ed Oontraact. Eor__? - .' [ imes` per` w_e__ek_ en} I\\'21,\,', uvor T vbert (Ea-st)` _ -.1 Mail Rout from the Post; ~ leaure; - ' containing` furtah-.} _ - to conditions Qfj 1n.m,(,_..(.._] (funtr-an may be seen a11di W111; forms of Ol1'dOi' may be `ob-; mined at the P( t Ofce of Egbert, and at the nfcc, 11,_qIm.t,1-, Tm'm1 . _ V . A. -S Tl-IEVRLAND, `V _P V t Qice Ixlspector. ' Rs, addrSsiid eueral, will. `- eu i1Ifm'n1ntim1 T-he G.-T.R. electricians are re.- placing all the carbon electric bulbs with 40-watt tungsten. lamps, which makes a deiided improvemei1t_ in the brilliancy of the illumination around the depot. ` Encoui"agin-g- rehearsals are !be- ing held Lewabh Tuesday evening for the cantata Fromv Olivet to Cal- vary, which will be presented early in May in `both Allandale and Bar- rie, by7a chor-us_of from 65 to 70 Ygices u`11de_ Mr. F. J. N01-'man'.` 1\I'I\'I'\`I'\ ;.o o%o_o o`ooo9ooo`;'5. [9&oo%coi9'ho:`i A a_.__.-. _`- .... " Sniith, who T was Sum.-it Inpnecl to court` by Inspector" Ha-gart fdr Iion-payment` of `the: '25`-'cent monthly `assessment for night soil removal, appeared before P.M_. vRadenhu1`~st on Monday" and -the case was remanded until. next Monday Mr. Smith. claims to have had: the work done the day previous to the visit of` the town s men. andrefuses to pay twice. ' ' Excitement ' ran high in the re- turn match between Barrie vs} Al- Iantdale ledges, which was played on Friday evening, April 3rd at Allan-. dale. T-he Barrie team returne_ honfe winners` by -two: points. I Euchre ... ` . A1I-,1A1_ Uul"ycU .uau. ~ F. Barker - ` A. Jay. ' M. G. Smith _ . O. Poucher W. Dodson. - 2 A. `Derrickl Checkers . . E. L. Po`-well `M6 "" " Mr. Milsdn Resyul-t--Barrie 7', Allandale 5. _. Pahmasters, ` Fence _ ` Viewers, Sheep Valuators and Pouxldkeepers for the year .1914. ? J PI... .c.-.-1I......:m.. nnnnnnta the 1914. T . _ I `The following accounts and bills were ordered to 'be paid: George M-aneer, refund statute 1aIbor,_ $1.50,` he having performed his statute lwbor; ..John' P"gvtteron,.-, road fto ._,.a _z. mrnn. '1` nnne 1. 9h1). Barrie .. Parker ~ 9. E.`Partridge I. R. Channen 1.. C`-howu 3. C. Channeu Hepplaitone Worsley . Lower _ 2 S.O.E. TvOU_-R1fIA~M'-EN 1` Ca;-pet Ball ? "Wit-st IIU Mlatldale G. -Richardson . 'I' I1... . W. ,Warde11 B.` Godden A. Jay, Sen. 0. Danners 3. 133313 -A. Hook 1 | VVVVVVVQVOQ-OQOOQQOOQQOOOO ;SOClAI. Mm %rnnsopq:A;i A1 A A A A A A A boQo6ooooo9600966 LL1-n-"___ ____.__ _, ' Mr.} A`; E. Patt'erson__ has moved his stock to the store next to.J..M. - Bothx_well .s, and contractor Garrett j;-_;i , -now demolishing the `drug `store. -; to make way for a new Ebrick build- ing which v_ will be ready `in ve months. j _ T" _ ' j _ ~ The debrieat the Railway Hotel , addressed" has all . been cleared away, and P31 Will be coiltracts have been let for a new til NOD11. 011 structure. `to; `be started . next week; Fridu,v, the 2.2.. T1 L ,, 1914: f01`- Mr. W. Rusk has the brick work, ' the cm1\'0,\':111co of `US MaJ`Bty 9-Tihos. Tooke cement and J. l\I-ails, on n propo` (1 Contract fol` Catlin. the Woodwork. 9` , f four .\'0i` Six es ' per, ' w`?ek rehearsals are Ibe- eavll \Vn.V 0V<`1` A1 dflle (Vm Vme Tuesday and 1T011.\') R-"W M311 Rome ~f"m. the `cantata Olivetto Cal- tlw 1e < >St11W-*'tC`1` e"a_1 ,3 ,P1eatS_" vary, _-will be presented early P1`i`1t*l OH `m""".`8."` f.'th' May Allandale` vI' if01"`i`e"` "' to -"dit`-.3 vf rie, chorus of 65 ]n`up0s(-(I (`ontr et may -be 'seen"and voices under" Mr. F. N01.-mane. blilllk W1- " Td"}' may` 'b" b' Mr. E. M." Moi-row, Ph.D.,D.D., of tuinod at the 0st Olces of .ll! i_I1-. Victoria Con-eg',e,r will V sing the am, Vine an Holly. and at the tenoreesolosa - W e r niw Of the 0st Oice I118-p80t01's Q Mr;A Geo." who sum,` '""`'- who + imonierl to com` by Insnector Haszart ; ,;<-;.-~-v \J:v`\-9 -Lvccuy was 111 EUVWIIAOIU ~`Sa_1turday .~ J " " ` ! `.Dr."` Roy Thomas of:A1`oronto- was" home? "for_.,' the. week-exdr L Miss `Jean Mingay is home f1-Vo1An \B'uifg1o for Easter holidays. ~ - | I .Mi'ss Aimie Powe1l,`.Owen St., 'Iefton "Monday for Niagara-FalIs., Mr. Addison Henry of Toronto was in town over Sunday; V -v(Mrs.~'R. A. Stephns, `Collier St.,. will not receive again this season. 1 -Mrs." J. A. McCullough o-f Cleve- land is visiting her parents, M1; and Mrs. H. H. Otton; Mulcas-ter S-t. ' `Miss Ruth Harvey left on Thurs- ` day for a -month-s _ visit in- Penn-. sylvania, Massachuesetts' and New York States._ ' ' ` Mr; and Mfs. `M. Lyoiis were in town for the week-end.` ' n l .'ll'..... `D A cu-__]_--,,_ /`C xi: (`L Mrs. T. R. Miller, Moose Jaw,` is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hud- son, Dalton St. *' ` Ald. Meaford Webwb is recovering somewhat from. -his illness and "is spending a few weeks in Cleve- land. ~- ` A Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D.` Mitchell have ` returned` 1)` C'hic_ag'0, after visiting `Mrs. Mi :che11 s father, J as. Reid, who is: seriously ill. -ur 11 I" M-r. and-Mrs. Peter Mellen, of` Elmvale, and Mr. and Mrs". Gilets of Toronto, were week-end _visit-ors of Mrs. W. Armstrong, Worsley St. LUL` .1. 1Iu1-Auuu\.\. o hotm or im"ormatio11 forms 0 T7! `Mr; Peter McArthur, who has! been living `in -West Toronto all winter, was in town for a few days, before going to Eldon to reside. He haslso-ld his property .iu the east end of the town. n Dr.` Jack ,Moni>gc;1ery,u son` of} Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Montgomery of [ town,` has recently purchased a well-estalblis-hed medical practice at Comax, Vancouver Island, B.C., and is now A located there. V Mr. Will R. King` is spentling his Easter vacation at Ottawa. Mrs. _'Kinig, who has been spending three weeks: with her father there, will re-._ tju'mi at the rst "of the week. at ` Miss Edith VE l1'i-tzeltgeati. vaoupil of Miss C_1axton).took part in a piano recital at the Toronto Conservatory 'of. Music on `Saturday, and received most favorable mention. A __ n oocvt-Iv avvv ovr-vs; -..`--_-v-_. J udge Daniel Fracer Macwatt of Sarnia and formerly of Barrie, was quietly wedded at Toronto on Mon- day to Miss Griselda McDonald of Glace Bay, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia`. - ._ ....--.. -3`, - Dr.; .3. R. .Gi1(:hi'ist, son of Mr. and 'Mrs._ Ronald Gilchrist of Shanty Bay, who has been medical oicer in V a `construction camp in ritish Columbia, is confined to Tranquill Sanitarium, suffering with tuberculosis; He is recover- ing and may come east to visit his parents. _ ` - ing 'a satisfactory recovery. V TI! .. `IT _...-.1. 3... `lunch- (`tnum I1 1'\\It\_ LI oi DI&vAL)a.Ut\tvvaJ a..n.vv\-oan I ` His Worship Ma_y__or Cowan pre- sided at a.,military night in Anti- quity Chapter, R.A.M., fforonto, on Friday night ~and~`r conferred the Mark Master Degree on a" candi- 'da;te. His` brother Arch Masons presented" His W orship'\vith a. hand- some clubv -bag. 1 1r,,_. r11___L__, -3-r(`1.'---. OULI VIM ll Major and8l.Irs. Claxton of Gren- fel, `Saek., are guests of the former. s- father, `Mr. Jo'hn Claxton, who re- ceived painful injuries when he fell from the roof of a Ibow `window he was repairing. Several ribs were fractured` and _ at first fears were entertained. that the fractured rixb `had; -pierced the lung, but _although suffering much pain he is now" mak- `I101; Hainiltou S-pectator-A` delight- fully informal evening was spent at the home of Dr. Victor Ross on Wednesday, when Dr. T. Cullen, of Detroit, was entertained: at dinner, together with a numiber of his uni- vendity classmates. . The table -was prettily decorated with LaFrance ` roses; After dinner the guests went to hear Dr. .-Cullen lecture before the `Hamilton Medical Society. The following gentlemen were present: -Dre. 1' Chas. Gilmore, W. E. G`allie._' and ,J .A. Oille, .of Tor-onto,,F. A; Ross, `Barrie; Ward: -Woolner, =Ayr; - and Dre. John Parry, Lungs. Scar- ` `lett, Greenwey, A Hess` anti; Kappele, - n .'I,!_._:`_'_`_ IVVIIQ \.Anvv.. vvvn f Ayhis city. .-\.. SI -'l`I*I.ERLAND, .. Post Office Inspector- T n~'t ()1'(ro Ixspectbr .-3 Ofee, I ` 'I`m'm1tu, ` pri] 3rd, 1914. '15"-17 The marriage of j Miss. Beatrice Rogamond Adam, formerly of Bar- -A_1!ie,` and daughter of - Mrs. J as. Aclamg of; Wors1e y`St., Barrie, to .Mr. A.-Ibert Sixrkinsolm of '.I.`oron-to, " ' " tly` solemnized in the ~F. ; 4B.; '-Dohterty. .V The` ;bride,- who Vwone .,b.J="tai1oreg1* . suf; of midnight- Ffb,lue,.;'i witzl_1l.;-l_ia. tq _m_a_;1>eh_, was at- % .te11`ded._,1cby`- Miss ,Gertru_t1e Horse1d, : ofALLBmie.:V ithefdfbom` hem assisted ` ` T 7 F-re;c1 Sinki11_.- 1:vxKt1_}. .23;-. ~.v `F3: r; `Geo, ICAEIII ` `Reedy 'was in toWn'_ on, sIi\T~IcI-1~1IsoN-,ADA:M;s 11- _L__: THE}; 1%:.C:Rir{%H.E*R"N` ADVANCE, }*.IM-BROVING `lire Artisian `Wells Needed] ` ' (Continued from Page 1)` on Bayeld street near the Electric Light Plant; if the supply at that poit is inadequate then one or both on Maple Ave., both near the south end-s of i the streets named. He aglded when the works was rst -put in a pipe was laid from the works into deep water in the lake and` is still there if required. The pipe was locked and the key is `in the possession of the Mayor and is only to "-`be used in case of `emergency. um ()i('v lii.~*w tor s 0fce.% , Tm'out0. April rd, 1914. ' -'.l_5--17 L U L \JAao\.\a -o~oo-I-vvwvv-I - LU l.I\J L|U\.ILI. Ill. \JIA\J\/ UL Vnsnvcby---V.) u AT-wenty years ago there was` no Board of Health, no contamination- of the water, but _ now we could not use that for household purposes. So you _see the necessity _of an ample . supply from artesian wells, was his concluding sentence. , `Il',., 1r A 11--- 1]`... T Q`- W D `L115 L'Ull\) IJLIJIIIE QVJL vynnv Mrs. M. A. Bryne, Mrs. L. Ste- phens, Alex} Milne, Thos. `Hickey and Mrs. Culverwell asked for a sewer on James street A from Mul- caster to Berczy. . =T. Bol-ger asked for and re- ceivedn permission to erect an elec- tric sign over his new restaurant. Onvvtzher north sid'e_`of Dunlbp St- a _ `L -1. -11! .-.B 1.1.... `U11 `tun: Hut 011 axuu U1. 'J. H. Bennett in b:1`s;`1.`i:'vHo:f}he_l Golnf -Club, asked for the A use of the horse-roller. This was granted`on the same conditions as last year. 1-: -In`! -,,,_'l2_J J3-.. -__ 2.. Q IILIU BHIIIU UUllUlhlU1La an Au-an J\/us. J. B. Edwards applied for an in- crease of salary as municipal audi- tor, the duties having -been consid- erably increased since his appoint- ment. On the recommendations 01" Ald.` `Sarjeant, the Chairman of Finance, and Deputy Sprott, he will` be paid $170 a yeavr,'annd $30 by the Board'""of Education, and `willy-be 1_'e- lieved of -the auditing in connec- tion with -the Water and Light De- lpartments. _ ' - " - T ---1- In n 1-u'H";nr.I nixnnf. gnme puruuuuus. '1 In reply to a notice about some ` arrears of taxes, an irate resident I of Allandale wrote: The Chief` gives some `instruction about A11an- dale; .let him give some about Barrie; if you sue me for-this, I I will sue you for $2,000. ._It_ is un- 3 9icia11y understood that this. rate-__ payer objects" f to the 1payme'ntV of A `thesoitax arrears on 'the _ _g;'ou`nds] . that on, "aoount of lack? of owdequaott ` \ .1'-oj jprotegtion jhg .1931; property by, V l \ .a;.1'e,w_ offer special inducements to ready The inuence of Parisis everywhere a arent in our Easter Millinery display. Not on Hats which are copies, many of them di Parisian Moclels, but the creations Workroorns show scarcely less ` of touch and taste. ""ro assist our W kroom we V TH'ats in` smartest Spsing Styles; I tablefo se- lect from, for Eastsr Week only .50. 19: `W?:111 -0:1. - `=.F"".~'*_r--A .. "h * ` eeommendar'eio`n;... Women's New GI es for East_er_ J