Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 Apr 1914, p. 4

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0101010101 \ntr:ro`\J\V ;]."ot;ii.:..`..H..U...$1L8:)3;: Main` Sewerage Works -Work was started on the con- , o A o-6.-oco-o-oncno uouo- -0-o-0-0-0 o-o-- -o:ojo-9-OIDZO!OZOZOZo __-ga- POULTRY 1-`on EASTER Sunday, 12th April, 1914 . Easter Day ` , Midhurst 11 a..m.--Holy Communion AVespra 3 ,p.m.-Holy. Collmmunioxl; LMinesing'--7 . p.m.--4Holy Communion R. POW ELL S 1\gg;T M KETL 5 Point 8. Barrie Prompt Deli ry Equipped with 1% , H. P. Mo Wringer. Both Washing and same time or separately. Cov arid belt. Mounted on ball-b hour to operate. Price . . . . . . - gg..- pu---u - H. H. O TT4 CALL AND SEE 11` ..v-um slnn at-vO\A ` ....$260` _ie Pointjs, Barrie R. L Five Points Wheat Barley Oatsx .. Peas .. Buckwheat . . . . . "Flour .. hind In..- ..-- -..4...-. Beef, (6 ..T'T'.'f 418 K. 14 40 ..$1s9 32} V-oQo-o-o-oQo-o-o-o-o-ono-o-o-0-Q -o-o-o-o-oQo-o o-o - 0-0-0-I0 . ouVono-o-o-o-o-_-o-- o-o-oo.o\_ 201010 IOZOIOI Ui 37 90 14 70 2691 165 205 Ihluvvv ssvu coco _.dressed` . . . .. .. Turkeys .. Geese Chickens, young .. . Hens, . per 11). . . . . . Eggs, per dozen . .,, Butter, roll, per 1b.. Lard, per pound rotatoes bag , Hay, per ton . . Cured Hides, No.'_ 1 Green Hides,` No. 1` ._C-alf "Skins, gxeen, .1 Tallow .. Sheep Skins .`. . . 1 Horse Hair ing more and more It is a welcome of wmte VVe have receiv- ed for E ter feasting a iotof the Choic tpoultry we ever saw,` - jus a 100k isa tempt ation._' .A Ste oftheir tend. ~,'er esh _is t fa feast_indee . beginning of lstruction- of the Bradford -"!!'L';i `sewer to the G.T.R. Station H11 :11.- 24th March and splendid 1>1'>3:rc~~ is being made, `and expect ~nme I" be completed on or about the 4th uf April, Ju..;`1ediately upon the mm- pletioh 'of\ which the ('011.~'t1'1I<-IiJ.'1 of `the. sewers on Maple Ave. wilfi -be fstiu-ted` as ordered by the (`cum- 9' ei1;`= * The American Emba. at ]',:1. `d0`Il;.Eng'., issued a \v;n'ninj: I Americans trecently not In \\':1~T` their `money trying to o.~t21Ni.~I1 claims -to estates in the British Chancery Courts. The 11uti<'0>iL"* the St-atute of Lilnitatinm` :IhII"" inva.-r1a!bly outlaws all such cIui1n<. These warnings have -been i.<. 1*?` .`_f01`9 by other `American p111Im.~:<;2- 'd0l'S,~ but, nevertheless. the 0111` ibassy is constantly in receipt 05 W` ..quiries as to certain estates. nmuv of which never existed. _'$ :`l"`-"07 Five plumbing permits xwrc i-- Suedf this Work du1'inj.1' :11: month to the value of .`i3TN.00. I"u~~. to the towxi $6.00. Building Department Four `building pnrnlits were i~` sued for this Work du1'in_: Ihi` mqnth. to value of $1650.00. LLESTATVES IN CILi.\(`I~?RY l. - ARE ALL 01"1`I..\\\'F.I> r and a ve year garanteed ringing can be done at the .. [7 ............. . .$55.bo DEMON STRATED T lift; irldependent 01 pulley ring Castors. Costs %c per A_.# *N & SON 'rwo Doll '3 Per Head Deductedl ~ Off ws Not Dehorned. 1 The new regulation regarding a `reduction 0- $2 per head oif cattle not clehorne came into fo'i'ce. on April 1st, 1 4, and is being strict- _ly_ enforced .t the Union Stock. Yards, Ww ` '1`oronto.." Therefore-, _Mr. Geo. Ca eron, drover, is" give ing notice to ll farmers and others sel-ling cattle hat he will deduct $2.00 per head if all cattle he -buys ':if they `are no ldehorned. 20, cents .'per `head Will 1150 !be deducted! jo all cattle for : overnment Tusber-A Zculosis Inspecti at all 'aJbbatoirs- in Toronto, and 75c off ram lambs `at the Stock Y a ds, West Toronto `(wether lambs a 0 ewe `J.a.111'l33 "80 free). ` ThS8 S11: '5 e (laced off the pr: e `paid ,in T the. - l~Atbrt'oie;.ooantyil .1 .i.1`?7}-'i'i~l`5'1:'lW' '. :sl >v V V"Pj1mn oinV'g Department rdware .5, u 1 uu LU. A1! A(;abfl_e.r -n1ust;__ . de_ho_r11;z7;:l`v in} !<?.I;?*~`:*f; 91`3P<*:',T.`.(11`4'r .-s*.;{th`fi15 of ` in I \ `Q U11 `.` -`V `. ' V.To`1{ont A1! -.' THE LATEST MARKETS "MR1-SH OF MI-N-ES~ING~ N0'T=E I To FARMERS >666oo`o'o.6`9 ! . . 9,7 .55 .. 100 heat .. .. 75 500 [nd quarter . . 14" 00 - .44 an Barrie, I o 0 0 0 o I lb: 0 9 select I o I O I mug` April 8611, 1914 1'15... 12 66 11 00' 10 00 Ann 8 75` 6 75? .11 00 .V 18 13 16% 12 18 25 75 15 O0 `E: 66 QVV VVVVVVVV-V Vvv yvvvvvv cg` . _ . _ . A;aaaAaAaAaoaodoooo06`I % 1%1o 1 00 so 45 85 5 50 15 O0 12 do 12 00 _ `A -v 15 I 18 15 20 28 1s 35 18 00 13 12 % 14 '5 66 15 t\l\l'\ smomslskmbu on TEMPERANCE -The follewiing sane. pmnounce- ment on the [Temperance -Question by the Very Rev. Dean Moynf in St. Mary s j(}hu 1`h' l.ast_ Sunda_y,; will, . ...no doubt, be inte,\'estingV to ' Imanyef our readers. _The occasion that called it` fdrth was the "ce16-J - bration- of Pa1ii1__ Sunday; Con~ ` rmation --had -been "held `on the preceding `Sunday .;._ by % .A_rchbis'1iop e MclfTeil1 of Toro11tQg I - There were `more :tha'n_ six hun- dred communicants, more than -half of {whom were men` _ of the . Holy Name Society (who make '-a_ special-2 ty of clean speech a11d`~, the avoid- . Mass, and the Dean took` Vadv1anta g'e of their presence to map " out for them some of the .essential A points of a Christian life `which deserved * serious T consideration.j ' `same of . blasphemy) :" at`_f_th-e. rs-t On the temperance ques~tio_'n he! "said in part: `The question Oyf in-1 toxicating liquors ' is` a matter of grave importance, and it" has much to do with our economic, social,` civic and religious welfare. ' First of all, the cause of temperance can the, and has been, very_'m_uch; in-` jurezl by an incorrect statement of" principles and by an intern-perate advocacy" of temperance. If tem- perance `be a virtue, it should apply to the treatment of the temperance q uestion,__` as well . as -all others. I11 0 `I One error has been the illogical 4 moral Basis on which it -is put- that the. making`, {the selling, the ; taking -or the drinking of intox'i- j eating liquors his in itself criminal.` There _is no theology for such a statement. They -are not. Neither the n 1aking,' nor the selling, nor the . drinking -in themselves are criminal habits. They may become criminal by association, by A. abu=se,c .by the various conditions suuhsequent to {the taking. The promotion of ten); perance, and " the inculcation of total, abstinence, encounter a most serious.` drawback when the` state- ments of the promoters are based- `upon untrue principles and made in a manner extravagant. But by this I do not mean that entlmsiasm, energ'y,and life-consecration in the cause of." temperance "is not worthy in itself, and a. vocation altogether Christian and ennobling. - ` `"11 36000916ou$boo3: ,.;;:- MIDHURST_. Rev. Arthur Strother will .(D}V.) . cogduct a short service in St. Paul s Church, Midhurst-, on Good Friday Inorning` at 10.30. ' V -. - Av that he died from` the` effect lon` Satu`rday.'.-..Mr. Arthur Innis of Edgar is pa'inti1rg. `and pa-per hang- ing in this` vicinity. .. .Everytho should -' turn out and help the `band at their `big -Box Social on April 17th. . .. .~Born--to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glennie, on April 2nd, 1914. a daughter. .M'is-s- Craig, school teacher, was called home to Brant- `ford last Week, owing to the serious {illness of her aunt.'.. .Mr. John Hill of Peterlboro is visiting his father, Capt. Hill. .. .Mr. ankl: sMrs. Wm. Binnie spent Sunday-at An- ten Millsi. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Si-blbald of Waverley were .visitors at Mr. Geo.` Ostrander s on Satur- day. - - V ' ---- uw.....5 -uUcul:kt_J1'|/113 can pu1'.cha_.se_s seed from` `gian Bay Milling '.w&,,- ,|_Me:1_ford,- to `V ` lj 1 Lt rjffarmer` `jwho Another error or rather extrava-.. gant misstatement is that total aibstinence means the elevation and salvation: of society-`that it has a `mono-poly. Vinthue field, that its is the only vi-rtne, that if you are a` total abstainer you must, necessarily, be a perfect human -`being. `Some of the greatest sinners,` some of the [worst members of society` are total (GRAIN cnqmuc cormasrl The Meafer Express % Offers $l50 in sh` Prizes on . Barley `zhe Walt- " % era F I : Exkhib--` ition '3 Year T-he Walters alls Agriculturali Society wishlto nnuonoe that the" Meaford `Express ewspaper will do- nate cash prizes - the extent of $150 on ibarley a the Walters Falls`! Fair, Septem*ber 22nd and'23rd.. I 1`he competition 1 '" scri`bers,. or 'perso : becoming sub- scribers: to; the -= o'i'd Express and the prizes are divi - as fol'lows:$50, $40, $30, $20 and I 0. Prizes only to `be won by paid- -advance sub- scribers to the pa" . must include one 4` open to sub- before the Fair, are =~ ' `pete. A1'l;g~rain- eziliih le propertyitof that = - ment..ju`dg'es "willfm`al'< [and this renews feature ' jbtter ..`be`7..- I ".,9.f3 =careuf1j~,se1ection; F * VlEi9.f1"* .t._in_d,; ` ililerl 8'1.`fa i ' * ;gbt`uin ei-`s`:'` V temperance is `not `the only virtue, 4r5ui;;:.;as ,$dr-unkenness_ .is % not -thej only vi;..;Vj15fQr.; will `the -aibsthining from f,i1$oxikatingT liquors be the `sole sa=1- _`:t;Itioi1 of 7a nation. . ' " 1 There are other "causes that make ` ."5*To1:;al:1~ 5 nations that history has recorded. ;.._:'_lIl_-IV U1. .uu`v;,vuo : ,.I.L\n,Vav.- rare -'1'1111`fc'hvmo'l1.:e _ predominant . and V muchgmore, eectlve` :th_an the use or even the abuse of l ~intoxiating = l'iquors.V 7 Immorelity leading" to" the devitalization `of a. nation has been, -as hsitory tells us,- the cause of the V decline._and fall of meet `Of, ` the To say that -' Vtempefance is the only - vi-rtue _`__drunkenness . the only vice, is to adopta; very narrow plat- form and to ba_se:_1:he ;provpagand=a; on a. very` narrow issue,` and-wvery false princi-ples. . \ f`l"L.. t`1..A.`I....1:.. F11:-nnln 4-.:s`anl*14:>.Q Qn pr-lllcrples. `I _. ; , -The Catholic Church teaches, and `] has always taught, that drunkenness j is a capital or deadly sin, morally ,' -offensive i to Almighty God, `offensive " in itself, and doubly, trebly", many, fold _offensive, by the: additional sins 5 that follow in its wake,` Whether it be blasphemy or murder or im- morality, or whatever follows in the Wake of this sin, ,'the man is , - morally responsiible, for he has o_m- c ]_mittedj.the first act, -and -in -doing so . is liable to all the other acts that follows through that. Drunken- . ness is a -species of` menace that is practically` offensive to the Chris- tian faith, because drunkenness de- thrones the reason. The_ denition ` ' of a man "is that he is a thinking, V 2 a rational.a.-nimal, It is reason that - ,die.rentiates him from the brute, ' Drunkenness takes away the dis: ry tin`-guishing quality whereby `he is a man_, and leaves him only an 1 animal. _ ` uwin 01 . 1 0 1 0 Q I . :L__T_c I be" called, an occasion of tuuxucu. . V , ~Whilst drinking is not in itself 7 a `sin, it is, what in many cases may i sin." It,` leads: to drunkenness,` "which is a deadly sin. A drunkandi does not` simply in a moments of enthusiasm or forgetfulnessget drunk. He is led to it step by step. Firsthe is a drinking man, then he is a, d-runkpard. In the very broad eld` of social life, national ' welfare, the welfare of the people, drinking has ever against it a long roll of crime` that degrades and destroys oiug civilization. 1 According to modern . statistics which j from the very nature of-the case are rather below` than above the reality, seventy peg; cent. of all crime` comes from alcohol. Has it ever been .den_iedr,~ or can it truthfully be denied`, that alcoholic drinking does not necesf-i sarily involve `loss of- character, loss of [health and loss of money? chief causeofg our public institug tions -being-.. crowded with vjcti " patients, andd1ients,'isthe. use a ` abuse of intoxicants. The `bars hind which the poor ,un tuna are -held, these iron rbars` - repres t` the other bars over which were formed the drink habit. . The `hale.-it of treating tolerated by our social custom is an anomaly `and should be `wiped out. There is no more. reason why` I should- allow my friend to invite me to partake of intoxi-` cants for which he is will-ing to pay, than that I should allow him. to `pay for my boots,` my hat, my clothes, my meals, or even deadly, poisonous drugs. We resent the one and 'tolerate the other. Why? 1\ e 7; ` - - BALS_TON; . g >.Apri1 6th.4- -4Sugar -`making is` inl swing in this ,,neigh=bQrhood... ML Coutts has stiarte_cl- his saw- ljmill on the 3r dlline of Vesp~ra.. Grafton" of Barrie took the{ `3D:lsto11` circuit on Sunday. .. .Miss v_Do_ane spent Sunday at, her- home liege. .. .All are glad to see Anthony V Kgat _around agailr with his sawing fmajchiixe. .. .We are pleased to hear - that Mrs. John Caldwell is improv- ing in health. , ` -. vs 5 49.3 J. HUM .l.)1'U'WLl, I _WrigHt, Bessie Wilson, Norman Wright; > Form I,, . Sr.-'---Cecil , Plowman, Frankie? Armstrong,. Fern .Win.- grove,` _Reta Wirfngrove, _Normau Brown, Ihizzie ' Niclmlson, - Sa:mmi'e Jfv`i3h;%A:%I.,% Jr. _(.)fJea npie W31-- %s1IIi;'7HaLrold 1?e_arS0n. ,Ethe1. Wright Ill-IJ\./I vi IIU Vll\.l VUALVL n v I Ila In conclusion the Dean spoke. 011 the best means to persevere in a Christian life. First to think, and thing} serious-ly-.-use the God given faculty of reason. "Second- to im plore through frequent _ .prayer the blessing, protection and _ grace of Almighty'God. `Third, . `to scrup- louslyi observe the Sunday and give the day iungrudgingly to the .Lord. Fourth: to .frequent the "Sac-raments.~ Fifthly `and: lastly not only- to `avoid drink, -but edrinking_ `persons and places... b = I `Form III,. J r.--L.ura.' Forbes," Riohand Armstrong, Harry Wright. Form= II.--Ruth ' - Forbes, Clarice Ferris, ' Theo Brofwn, VGeorg~e` _Wght, ` `Wiison, ` Norman 4W1-u7h ' MARCH REI -ORHTT `CUNDLES S01-IOOL ~ % .IV>7.;--`_Iean MoKever. ~ `Form III., Sr`.-.-Kenneth Garner- on, FrLee_da.1Ferris, Gladys Arm- strong,` Mabel Brown, `_ Jessie% Wil- ant -u , , ,,__V .,` | J r.II.--H~arol:1' Vaughan, Arthur Howel-1, ` Wa-rd Goodfe1low,. Mwble Wice, Bert Wice, -Llyle Lennox.` ` E V M. McA1pine, Teacher` 1=A.1NswmK SCHOOL REPORT} T s.f TII.--`M-a1ble' Hickling, Willie Taylor, Lloyd Blackmore, Bruee McGowan. . - ` Sr. AL IV.--Patricia Bl-ackmore, Willie Ridlmfrdson, Willie Cair, Andrew McGowan,_ Dorothy Vaug- han, Roy Goodfellow. ` ` ---u-o ---- J}. V I"\7.-lG}J. wIi;>opr. Harcgld Grey} - -- mm .c __.-_ _-_ A-N-TEN MILLS April 6th.--Mr; Leo Coug'hIi_ n has T'g'o _'na to Regina, Sask., where hei has {secured ` `a position; .. .Miss_ B. oR`e yno1ds has returned, after` spend-o .ing `a mouth at her home in Mid- la'nd. .. .Miss Laura Cou-ghlin spent akfevw days in Barrie last week. f. . Mrs. Curtin and family left for Toronto on Monday, where they in- `tend makin_'g their home..'..Born---4` "to Mr. and Mrs. A. Moran, `on `April T 4th, a. T son. . . .l\Irs;' Chas. Lafrellie visited -in Elmvale last. week. . - - T ` "T `NOR? 11E1;N" A)DVAC_I V 1I`T;Il11I' OX. - eacher JLES on SATURDAY %, ftlblic Before County ` `Judge at `lO'a.'m. of Charges ` Brdught by ._Deputy- I _ 1 ~,R_eev`e Wamicag 1 f ' At the`*Innisl nomination meet= ing 5 hefd at Stroud `int `December flast, _Counci'l'1or A. -W. _ Wa-rni'eae (now r Deputy-`Reeve). made some charges _.again__et` the ovfcers `iconduct-' ing the .business_A iiifairs of the township, ` and the new council at _its-- rst meeting in ` `January prompt- ly passed a motion icalling for an investigation before the County .1 udge. -- . A ' The request has been granted and the hearing of the inquiry has been "set for Saturday next, April 11th, at 10 a.m., before His Honor J wdge Vance, in the County Court House. a -Since the publication of the motion ` call-ing,for an enquiry, Mr. A. E. ~ *7 r~-.-_~:-L- 17/1 ....1:..:+n.. 43m CalllIlg`1Q1' nu cuquug, nu. 4.; H. Creswicke, VK.C'.V, solicltor . fl; the township, has published a notice` calling on all who knew of any "irregularities -to communiate with him. Little-. has `been heard of the matter until on Monday it was `an- ."noun_ce_d that the `hearing was-"set .for Saturday of this week at 10 \/\ILLlI\4 III-ll\Auuo av In-at .-v--v nu... - 1* H` .7 Allan-=Co1eman-+That' whereas Deputy'Warnica has in this council and `elsewhere made charges " and statements involving supposed mal-_ feasance, or breach of trust,.or other misconduct on the part of members -of this council and oicers. of this .corporation, in regard to the" duties V or obligations of such members con- nected with the good government of this m_unicipali-ty and the conduct of the public business thereof, the _subject matters of the said ..charges and statements being the following: i The inotion passed by Innisl Council in January is as follows: A 11 /1. rn`L_; . ___.L____,_ the years 1912 and 1913, namely "William Latimer, did not perform his duties as required by law-, among other things in paying over monies to the treasurer, as collect- ed, and in not making returns as to those making default in_ pay- ment of their taxes; ' .- . n A 1. iEbiIa{i"$eor eftaxes Em - CRAIGHURST ` _ .` April 6tl1.--.-Mr. Fran-k Hunter, , who has been at Ha1i!bur.tou for ;the past three _mont,-hs, returned `home on Friday.` .. .Mr. Mc~Cabe of \4Elmva1e was the guest of Mr. J as. Caston on Friday; ..Mr. J as. Read- Lnan was in Owen Sound on Tues- `Wday, `attending the funeral'of his `jbrother. who was scqldei -so badly. . 2. `That this 'cou_nci1 knowing _of his default and the irregularities a-foresaidi, again appointed him collector for .the year 1913, and- in the year 1914 appointed him asses- 4. That changes in the minutes of. this council relating to the said appointment were made -by the pres- ent or past clerk of this council, so as to make it appear that members of this council, other thaxr the actual mover, proposed "the said ap- pointments or appointment, and that the minutes was recorded of the meeting a-t which such appointment was made do not correctly set out the motion` made for `such purpose; 1:` 'l`L..a. ..-_4.2,...z..-- -1 -_..._:_,; 3: -That the motion for his ap- pointment as collector in 1913 was, in fact, moved` by members of,.this `council other -than the names ap- pearing ii1.\_t'he "minutes of` this council. V ' ' y.` Annv vavsn Anasbuv L U Llbll kl usyvau , -5. That certicates of appoint- ment `of Scrutineers of agents in the election of_ 1914, voting` J an; 5th, 1914, were improperly and ir- regularly issued by the ,. present lclerk; n 7`I"L-A :1 - . MINEST'N-G 7 F. Ronald, Barrie, spent the" 'week.-end with 1'e1ati\?~es in. Mine-. -sing`. .. ...5.Mrs. John Kerfoot, who has been visiting friends and rela- gtives during: the Winter, is home `again, .'. .~Rev. "Arthur Strother will -v(rD.V.) conduct a service in S-t. Peter s Church on Good `Friday evening at 8 o clock, oifertory to -be `devoted to the work undertaken by the church among t-he Jews in Can ...'I.. ,6. That the insinuation` was per- sistently circulated. that the col- lector was about $2,000 short in his accounts; H T'I"I-_L - , ,1" - - " 0-` uungvv , 7. T-hat a motion to extend the ltime until 1st February, 1914, for the return of the collector's roll for 1913, was not moved` or seconided by the Deputy-Reeve; and 'any other charges ' which may be preferred `by anyone respecting the minutes of this council or their ioicers respecting the` conduct of `the business of this corporation. I11` ' vuilan-nnnn :1. 3- .1-__,',..,J `|- lwi\I uuc uumuuas UI HUS VC0l'p'OraT/IOH. _'And, whereas it is desirable in the interests of good government of ' this municipality, that all matters I -O10-C IOXOIOI OfO10-O1OIO -`one `r W'?`-'58-'"3'?-."%=-'32. sonvuugga . vv nnvvs IIID ford. Etreet . . . . Sanding Streets . ;. . Snow Removal . . . . Cleaning Dunlqp 9 St. %'.'.'.'. Ii Oleanmg -brush - off Brad'ford' QA...--L hould `enquired into by Judge of the -County Court of C_Oun-ty of Simcoe, T5- 3 _ _ L LL-__-,_E__. ___-1_,_ 1 LL-L i>'Se'1-3; CY `devoted ada. TOWN E`NGINEER S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1914. Board of Works Department |C`leaning Waterways on Brad- .-..J .QA.__--L R: A AA \J\II;IIl II`, v Be it therefore resolved that the Judge of the County Court `of the County of Simcoe be requested, and he is hereby requested, to investi- gate the said matters arising there- out and inci:dentia_l thereto, under the provisions of Section 248 of the Municipal Act, 1913.-4Carried. | K.)lI.Ll\'\I\/, Street Cleaning brush off Brock St. Cleaning brush off Ellen St. Spring_Floods Repairing- Culvert o Mul- suppnes _-`.r._--_--.. \I\.I-V vs V U11 AV! |-ll` caster Street .. .. Cleaning Crossings in Allan- . dale Repairing highways on Dun- lop and Worsley St. . .. .. . Cleaning Water-tasbles on William, Essa and Blake `tStr`eets -u.lv\..a. oaJ&\l \1LIu& Lvb fore .quarter.".... Mutton . .. Lambs, each .. Lamb, per .. . Hogs-, live, . .. V. '"So)vs, live . .. . . . .. .1_.-._-- J

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