V 7. ` `V-`.1 -,' ` smw urn, Bmnxs tars, Notaries. Pnblic, and ff:Cpnv6i_flgean. Money to-. loan in "`7'i1iy'ai1ma'at 5 _per cent. Oioe, 13 Owen 81:4. B81716. H. D._ Stewart, 1.3.11 'n"-"|t cu.........& COWAN,_ ' SUC~ vcessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, "1 Ba'rrister,- Solicitor for obtaining A probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Soli- cibor, Notary, Conveyancgr, etc. Oioes"; Hinds? Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. Money to loan. ,,A,, _ - l G. .1. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c.-- Oico, slot oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. JCRESWICKE & BELL, BAR~| ._.'-1..'_.... G-1:__' __.-, ,1- 41.- 0,4,--- I STRATHY & ESTEN, BARBISTERS, .,Solicitors_ in High Court of J ustico, ` Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- I rent rates. 01- II. Esten, DB. H. T. ARNABL. OFFICE AND; Residence corner `of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. ( site Eliza.` both Street Methodist ureh), Tele- phone 161. UNWIN, MURPHY J; ESTEN, ON - tario Land Surveyors ' etc. Established 1552. Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay street Toronto. .'1`elepl:one, Main, 1336.. nstructions loft with Btrathy & Eaten Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto nilding, Bu{rie,_ willbo promptly" attended to. _____________,.______> noNAi.1$ Ross, LL.1. (]A>RRISTER, .l|l{lI{"l\9 Afn non A`. 7|":-xunnl-A Beeton \Vor1d--:T-here is no crop `that the farmers of Tecumseth are realizing` more money from than alsike clover. Mr. Frank Wilcox of the 8th line recently marketed 191 bushels of the seed. for which he received $9 a bushel. , _ DB. W. A. 3088, PHYSICIAN, SUR- mn, etc., L.R.C.B., Edin., L.B.C.P., , don. Gce and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. DR. H. `A. DUGLAY, OSTEO-` PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, VBarrie, Ont. Office Hours--9 to 5; other hours by appointment. I hone 565. 45-ly -_._` - -_ wcu CITE? ' L.R.C.P. si. Edinburgh; M.F.P. an s. masgow --,SURGEON-- - Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat. nnvinonnn-Ll ----- "- ` gavivngs nt 4 years Post Graduate work in ritish ospitals and havmg served aeclinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat & Nose fHIg:gg.`)r:)d_ggid<:yfa:.)l London Ophthalmic r atexm as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic pital; rlstol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ;and Birmiglgham ye Hos ital. B ingham dormer Member of British hthalmologxcal Society. OFFICE-78 Dunno? STREET. BARBIE. ' Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. . v B. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON t St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. l ' Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be 1 at 67-[Owen S_t., Bnrrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 ..m. to 5 hjll . and B11 Q'lf|l|:i|`iI|nsu` k I ._____________________.. I lo. 6. smrrn 5 00., PHONE 32. ,ns- "tablis'hed 1869. Undertaken. Open flay and night. Morgue and chapel In connection. Barrie, Ontario. v --r inn. W.~H. ocns (SUOOESSOR T0 DR PALLING), Physician, - Surgeon and Acoouchmxx. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thnoat. Glasses Adjusted. Oioe, Owen St. Phone 95. . 14-ly , W. A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., Surgery r and Diseases of Women especial- | ly. Oice "58 comer St. Phone \ 61. . 35- A nlaibor 0! you rams nd~Towu Pn- - puma for salo on my Imus. An Oshawa. mail ihad bills, print- ed and posted up in all thej hotels forbidding` hotelkee-pets _to sell liquor to him. He said the reason. was that he did not wish anybody. to ask him to drink or sell` him liquor, therefore "he put himself on the Indian list. (successor, to the me R. L. Ba:-wick) \I"Ull` K176, -LIIIIJVO `IL LL.n., D. M. steward __ I DR. 0. C. ALEXANDER; graduate of Toronto University, Member of the College of Physicians and Sur- Ageons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon "Toledo General `Hospital, Toledo,""Ohio; `Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, `Ont. Successor to Dr.'J. A. 0. Evans; Oice vopp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. ,Tel. 269. 23ly 'J-U_dJl V [L-`J5-LJ-J \IO JILL-LU V ristrs,, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. `Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, `Ban-ie. A. E. H. Cres- _.__ _'I_- 77f` `I17 A 1' 13,11 T71`! wsvvnn, $055590 L1. .14; LL. \J.I\JI3 wicke, 130., W. A. J. Bell, K.C. LLJJI J-U%I~JKI, J-ILJOJIO, JIKLLIILUJ-KI J. JJLV, Eoficitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrio. Mopey to loan. Dr. J. An'rr_1g1_z_Ross nn -.5 nu- 65dsn;i'.7.5s- ST. J(lN ;nABR,$;9lD sum: MATI.Ui'A;TURlB. our Representative John L. Donovan, Mayor of Chinatown, says that the Back Bay, of Boston, has twen- ty dogs -to. every infant and a score of kennels to each A peravmulator. The Back Bay is the Hwb s fashion-_ able district. which is, possibly, an , V11 unecess-ary comment.` n V300 \IVIIDlIlUC UIUII "um, 11 5 p.m., and by appointment. i unnnuxans. SUBVEYOBS. ms-.ia:3}.' racei` ts; it latter fact clllemonstrates q patrons. you are an d pgace it with the paper t_hatyracv1fe:'fh8m n_otafraid to pay the prxce. 9 Deon _ Advegistnents are qharged accord` es nonparexl measure maa! % TEURSDAY, auuuuuy at 1!. change must b Innr than I9 (1 | cnAIc.Huns'r. om. T [LICENSED gc_T1oNm F33 tun; g;-- Orillia Packe-.t---}iTo furtheii pro- gress has. been made . by the 'C.N.O.R. in the direction of at- ~90 ;sma11~a matter. ~ ranging c`011ue-ction with Orillia. P.res1ima:bly the lieu-is of the Com- pany are too busy at` Ottawa these days, trying to arrange it `Quaran-tee~ of `l)o11d,-to give any attention to; - u-VA-Idll FOR THE e5u'nn"r'v_or suvacoz. Most reasonable terms given onail Stock Sales _-,, :.*:z'13'z'st3::`::]`;"{2an. *e-We Laying and Ptallsslgggigggdwood F100,, Contracting and Building Estimates given 0FFlCE-BAYI"`lBLD S'l`.. BARRlE.(`1> ms Bill mums MM 5| Llmite d M I t 7- ` . *`:{`JE?,`.ii..`i1`.?.$,*:.`,*:-mall I muuuuwnurers or and Dealer: in all kind; Rough and Dressed Lumber ` noon-s.8ash. Blinds. lmerio Fl i `columns. Tanks and Watrer "Ir?-h Planing, Matching. Moulding. Hot Blast Drying Kiln. "h v 5 Re-Suvlng JOHN ) JENNEH TheNewFou NEx1'Doon `-rn `rut: 1-... NEXTDOOR '70 THE TANNER Is 0 n for all orders in C.-\STI.\ (;s, MI L REPAIRS, 8:2 31` Druexist. MAKE_S YOUR sxm mu: VELVET- Monkmanfs Glycedonia. II ,__ WWI VIUII O . svoov v through 1a:1' of ixltergg? Tn: j Anuxcz rszmgt airnnlntinn . Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions` will remove the rougnncsi, and'by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia Via not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it, Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful ajter shaving. Brewed Entirely from the Finest Mal! and Hops. ' V 4 bum.oP STREET EAST BARBIE A BREWING GUMPANY T"'|llO a General Banking ..T. . . Notes .Discom1fed fuadnable rates. ". . .. Collec- Notea and Accounts gi-veil " payable anywhere. ` _ .0_n.bu&nide banks ccwhed, :` ``iA':At_~fdvora 1.: arms. spfendld ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In-`cask and Bottle Judge Patrick Mc`C.ur1_'y, of Parr)? Sound, who, has just, retired, enjoy- ed the unique "distinction _of not'_ havillg a judgment reversed in the 43 years he had been on t..heVbe_nch. T. Beecron , __, ___-.-, us. Boilers. Engines and all ki-ndso! farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on shortest name and moderate prices. __-- t . _ . - up Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class __o. MbN1 BANKERS MANUFACTURERs_ Expert Machinists a_:A__n I E -........... _..,-..., `#3. ......w... ...... vertised for live `female mink, an The Orillia Packet thinks" if they` make it read In-inx, the order is as good as. lled; ' - Bare, Ont *pi+*o'u's' is}; _ 6:. CO. ' `iZ`. .":'.` 10.1 ! TANNERYI The Post Oice Dpti1'tmei1t has rescinded a recent order lprohivbit-_ ing; the sending` of money in un- registered` letters ,up to $1.00. Thus, _*there will remain no valid reason why delinquent rsu'becritbe 1*.x should \not ha-ve the labels on their papers read up to.the end of this year. If "the amount is over $1.00, send twat letters, Barrie. ---------- A desatch from London _an-V nounces that George Berni1rd~ Shaw thinks that child-Bearing ought to be a paid profession. He `told `a meeting of the Fwbian Society that if he were a woman his `fee for be`-. -coming a mother would be .2;'00O ($10,000). Mr. S-haw said a woman ought resolutely to; refuse. to have children unless ` she was paid for so doing`. This is advanced thinking. ~wi~th a vengeance. ` . Our old friend,. Speaker Chamg (llark, who was rresponsiible for an ,.outJburst of unpopularity ' at the time of the reciprocity V discussion, again has been L pewrajting. In re- % .fereu-ce to the Panama ' Canal bill, he is reported to. have said: We want -war with no nation, but rather % than surrender W outright to `_o.o;n-V37 pleta sovereignty overf-`eY,9!'5 - 34115`. ' ,' foot `of our g1dbe-ei1circ1ihg""do.mai1i- L ' we will: cheerfttlly aud_:.cour.ageo_'j] ` iff-ce a _wor'ld in_`_ar;ne;` ! `wasmr in, the...1%J.2~'2,I3.t1e~ .; f*ar.t,; of L 9IIe; '4`.`S4pqke. X A` 4Y3!E>-L.1`8:1?i':i-P1f" , th gm. f 31.00 mm ANNUM. IN>7.A"i`)'VA1IOBi ' UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERB $1.50 IN ADVANCE-. Rthvezl B;-os.,Aof .;&l1'iston.' Vlad- ,. _'_.1 n_,. 13__- _--!--l_ ___J `NOTE AND ACOMMENIV RBI! 0' 3UBIORIP'.|'!O!Co he ,7 a8;.~f7n0trn` = . I N , ;1?irryeS9tan,d=h9State}th8tn ` ` pr1is`o`ne1* SW31: p1_~ovided`.;._ with ...a`.` iiumber of` aiipendixeii 53 was. a ` ` man fi'om,-Pa'rry Sounduaffew `years 1 ago.- He went to a` Toronto. Hos? ` pital for treatment and the doctors put him under chloroform and ~~re- moved his appendix, showing it to him wfter his -recovery, Gredt Hea-vens,' -was ; his exclamation, how many of them things is a man supposed to have? I have one in a bottle on my mantle shelf at home, that Dr. out out, and- now you fellows ~ have V. found an-_. other. V ` -w .a.\.-7145515 \Jct1a\Jo L1`). Z]. 1331'" key and Emmer .. 2'b.--Tes_ting_ two varieties. of two-rowed Barley . . . .. 3--Testing two varieties of Hul- ` less Barley ._.. 4--Tes_ting two varieties of Spring Wheat . . . 5--Testing two varieties oi 'i3.u-oi<.- wheat 6---Testiiag two varieties of Field; Peas '5'-b--Testing" `two varieties of ' Spring Rye` .. 8---Tes 'ng two varieties of Soy," . -Soja, `or Japanese Beans? 9--Testing thze varieties` of I]'.. ..'l-!.. -_ I1 _ ME:.a'ster falls on April 12th this.- year. Q ` ' ~ EXPERIMENTS . WITH FA-RM ` V CROP-S . The members of the Ontario Agricultural ` and` E Experimental Union are pleased to state that for 1914 they are prepared to distribute into every Township. of Ontario {material of high quality for experi- ments with grains, fodder crops, roots, ' grasses, Elovers and al-falfas, as follows: ` . _ - [ N~o.- Experiments . ` Ptjots 1-Testing two varieties of Oats ,2 2a--Testing O.A.C. No. 21 Bar- 1.9`! A '1 wvnrnnu n amx I Q xlimui ;.%.;.{.a.;.; in the Sub aorlpuoex 13 untiltho money in paid. 1-:..L._..:|...... -..... 1.. .'-..-m 0... . chum mnnthn 11--Testing two varieties of `Sugar Beets for feeding" 'purpose;s .. 12.--Test-ins` three va.rie_ties of . -Swedish Turnips ;. .. .. 13-Testing two varieties of Fall Tum-ips .. .. 14---*-Testing two varieties ` Carrots -.e... 15--Testing three `varieties of Fodder audi. Sil-age `Corn. . 16--Testing` three varieties of -Millet . .. .. 17--Teating two varieties of Sorghum . .. .A ` 10.1 18:-'-Testing Grass Peee 'z'111c.l":tw<.>:r vvnu:AL:A.. - `V-L-`~ - -g -0- \.I1 vaaaa J.U`uL' VNFIUIIIGS OI I Grasses . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . 4 2&-Testing three varieties of / Fie1d'Beans ;. 24-Tesrting two varieties of _ ; Sweet Corn . .; . 2 28-'I`Ve'sting two varieties; of .---P_ota-toes . . ,2 .,. 2 29--'I.`esting three gt-ain mixtures , for grainproduction .t.- .. 3t 30-Testing three .g1_'ain1i_zixtur:eS" - ` T _for foddr. production . ;. . 3 Each plot .is<"to be two rodst long. by ,one `row except. .No} 28, Which is _tq,.' one -rod `squarep Any. ?`pe.r;son - in Ontario may: `*t 914 2"? 4v2!v.fr;t a.nU|in' - --+-`-~ --avoo yu -I.`\l_ LULT lulu same. _,The material will -be furn -V ished,-in the order _in which the applications are V received, while the- sup lasts. M It might, be well for egc applicant to make a second 'ch6ice,_ for fear the rst could-c z,1'_otc,- be grarfted. All material will _be_ furniahed'. `entirely ,`free `of ?to-rgachv applicant, and `the produce c -w_ill`,` of co11;1se;~ b'ecome ` the V ;of.tb'e person} - who _ * % vvolov uo aIAvvo_ouuo; |JU_ JJSEIIUL Jo 4. If the full moon happens on- Sunday, Easter shall -be the _Sunday aftfr. . ' -"21-,--Testing "two .V'\l1.`i.6ti;3.S ...., ..\.-nuug uxaaa JUGS u1lU'UWO `varieties of Vetches` .. . . 19--Testingv R-ape, . Kale and Field Cavbbage ,. .. . s . . . 20--Testing` `three varieties of Clover A ' ` Alfalfa .. 22-.-Tel;ting four va_r_ieties of_ 5% .1... ..........u.._ 51157 uuv uagme 0I Q`ounty_ in {v_vhi__g:h"';he__-l_iyw .'-_~~ Address`: i*Z_%o.v1t`z;fii.ZV ._f 3 " " % ' W--.. . w . I-S_ D-ET-EB!M_IN~ED . _ Ever since the. days of the Apostles," E-aster has been observed by. the church. Very early ta dis- pute `arose as to what day should be observed.` The Christians of T the Eastern -Church held that it should be. the day of the Jewish "Passover; those of the Western Church, the Sunda V following, ' since Christ arose on Sunday. The. dierence in time amounted often to a week, oc- casionally to .a whole month. The dispute grew bitter. At length Emperor Constantine summoned the celebrated Ecumenical V Council of Nice, 325 ,D., to settle this and other vexing quest-ions. Here is the rule then passed, which has ever since i;'e`g'u1ated the date of Easter: ,,LA_ LL; 1 'Il'--.,1- HOW DATE or EASTER, l I vacanv ovauouvvw vanu uvivu UL -dvvvvvo 1 1. The, twenty-rst T of March I shall be acgounted the Vernal Equinox. ` H11. 1' _.n . - .1, `I- - B .1; Q O-d\i cocoa!-I43 A 2. Time fourteenth day of . the moon, happening on or after the Vernal Equinox, shall be taken `for a [full moon of Nisan (the datexof the passover.) 0 VIVL- 'I'-_..19_ _'I_,.. _,-__L l',`I'|_---! _, In-'hI\( v vc I y_'1`he Lo rd s dar next following that f-ull moon_shall be, Easter day.- A TI LL- ..-1l ......._. L-_._._._- __- I Vurnhluhoa 11':-oin nag onIo$e`."fi:i's7- su-eoit [M:.._*.;'-.-:2;-...~.r_ % r varieties `Corn . - `I61 ll \IJOI\a\I Jl5\-`tl\I\a luv; 0 Posf Ofce vIns;Jector s Office, Toronto, March 26,- 1914. ` 14-1L6_ SINOP I/8 OI` CANADIAN NORTH W=9N .t*;"?PN3.tV`-`T101? -DQIIIR _ _ lMA'III'6lWRXTl V2 -v:wI $2-Qccoi ' THii;':oTe-hoad of afamily.or anymaleovcr 18 years old. may homestead a quarter- nnnllnn nl uun<"nI\h: I'\a-unnlnwlnn In-`.1 In \l....aL..I.... I V Hill! 5016 uuuu OI ll Illllly. 01' QIIYIIIBIOOVCT ` 1 section of available Dominion landin Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The Aplicant must appear in person at the Dominion ands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry b roxy ma be made at the oflice of any iooa gent of ominion Lands (not sub-agent). on certain conditions. i - nvlftlnn ,QIv nsnnfhn` ug.n'An~}un sun... ...A numaau-nu mspector on appglcunon tor patent. A homeeteade: who has exhausted his home- stead rl ht and .cannot obtain a. pre-emptlon may e- a m-chased homestead in eer- uln districts: ce 33.00 per acre. Duties.-- Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate tty bores and erect a house worth. samm. ~ ~ - ""' V ~ - w. w. cont. Deputy. of the Minister of the Ipteiior N.B.-Unuucfhoriaod publication of thiskad. vertieement win not he paid tor,--37os5 1-18 ' .|.oL.LJJ-Lad-I -L -5407-LJAJ UK) (I\.L\.IL U00 to the Postmaster General,gwi11 be received ' at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 8th eMay, 191;, for the conveyance of His Majesty Mails,` on a proposed -Contract for four years, six `times per week each way` over Lisle (via Randwick and Banda)_Rura1. Ma-i-1-1 Route from the` ?ost{naste}' Genera.l. s Pleasure. I illjil IJIIV \Iuvu~ UIIU auvuv; ow yuan-v 8 `bars now In due !'I for three months 0 over will be _ohu'atdv 1.50 perumum. vgov -5 vv vauuvvvs \gV4na\4&|0O 9 Printed notices containing further! information as- " to conditions of l proposed Contract may `be seen and `blank `forms of Tender may be ob- taiI_1ed= at the Post Ofces of Lisle, Randwick, Banda, and mt the oice of the Post Oice Inspector, To- ronto. . s A. SUTHERLAND, } D . . ` Post Oice Inspector. 1)-`L` I\.l.I2.... T--..'....,-A..... ,. I\.&-.. on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- UUDCU lol'JllBo _ , Duties -Six months` residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three ears. A homesteader may live within ninem es 0! his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres` quired in ever case. except when residence is performed in t e vicinity. . M In certain districts a homesteader in standi may re-em ta quarter-section f - ude his arms ad. . rice .00 per acre. ' Duties.--Six months real ence in each ofsix {ears from date of homestead entry (including he time required to earn homestead patent): and 50 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is suhyect to reduction in case of rough. ecrubby or stony land utter` report by ?."i.:f.::.:l::s2.'::?.:':.m':::.:"::::.:`..':',:.'*:.2..e:: .Hi_s muflderv .com`e` L V but yetez-day andx-took hlm -'home right off Lseooihd I-nanny ,,`__.I(nu1nnn T*.-...4..; -1 u~ vvvzp ussu -uuugv I: U was _ . raga VII basLe_.-_-Kansas Cxty Journal. own YOUR own ll0ME WtI;;ii::a;;\ayments. Balance 3 as rent. Fafms for V_SEle_.- Real Estate nd I nsnra`nce Phone 830. I88 Dunlob St. Barrie A wi"'-have $200,000.00 worth of houses and_ property in Barrie ans Alland`ale. ` ' _,_4_ "\_I _ jI.`a;t;j`cE`s_Vt" Ma a zins _ V UN-SPOR'DM-A:N-L1KE ` What s -de matter wid` J im'my*? T.Aw, '_ e feels ,di_sgr_aced; _for lifg. T`.`How s (lat 1171'. I U Has the camegie Library pro- position been allowed to- d_rop l.'L_..--...1. Inn`. A-0 :u1Awn:.I' .' LL- 1)-..J......,..J..... fV-..-..- SEALED TENDERIS, `addressed ..__21`| `L _ BARK o1=TORONTO Cease wasting your money man` INCORPORATED 1355 Barrie and Allandale Branches `r'HoM'A's Wib " Time" Accounts of merchants, manufacturers, rrns, corpor- ations, societies and, individuals are invited. All customers, of The Bank of Torontoare assured eve courtesy and at- tention;-. and the service I which at Ban with ample re - sources, wide connections and extensive f__aci1ities- is well. qualied to give. _ v_ . 4 I `uni; ecu: nnII`n` mm (m gag Noam: C<%>`%1ri1meric:ia`l H. A. `SIMS, Manager. Toroto is to have an airship factory. What a convenience _this would he to'Oril1ia. editors who go up in the air on the slightest pm- voc'ation. `Paid up Capital ................ ,OO0,0()0 R ed!` .............. .., 300000_ Art...;;..'`......,. .... 900,000 TE ERS Aaddressedi to the undersign and endorsed on Longford Mills, Ontario, and at ! rles Myers, Indian `Age , Ontario, and on application to the Department at Ottawa._ WILLIAM ""i`>".5 ":M1NNu - * Builder nd Elizabeth St`. Pho: $333`-tender by an accepted son or persons a contract wh so or fails to cotracted for. fully comple cupation by .1914. wuvbuv U unuluu nnanrs Department of dia'n ` Aajrs, -Ot}tawa, March_27, 1914 15-17 .\.-ya v, v vuvnua uv, UL U113 LUUIIJ, CIUKK room, plastered` sun room, 2 pressed brick replaces for `coal or wood, linen -chute, linen and clothes clos- ets,, broom closet o kitchen, china `cabinet in dining room, large pan- try with cabinet and `roll rim sink, best oak floors and trim down. stairs, 3 piece bath, also toilet and sink in basement, wired for electric light with every light on switch, :hot_ air heating, front and back verandah, front balcony, will be completed by first of New Year." Also `new 7-roomed brick house on Elizabeth St., with every con- venience, oak oors, 1 pair, sliding doors, pantry" and"a1:tic. -Possession at ;c_mce._~ . f `A ~ By 'regniarly rgading the adver- Vntisernents in The Advance you can effect a most substantial saving. All Jnerchants who advertise send parcels free within twenty miles of Barrie. T II V \ II\v\7O `Also brand new brick house on Toronto St., a few steps north of Ross St.. 7 rooms, every conven- ience, pres-sed brick fire. place, oak oors, 1 pair sliding doors, pantry and attic. Will be completed by end of March.` * ` Apply to I"A beautiful home, situated on Mary St., brand new brick hosue, 10 rooms, ne reception hall with seat, vestiblue, trunk room cloak`: 3 innnnn v\1na`nuA.J` an...` _A---- C` -- WV FOR SALE |lr%."Bosanko DUN D61-`uty Su I-'OR_ .._._.....--._....._......_.._._.___....__-. opphr? inc Boat once! Teners RING 263 Stratford Herald: J udgiug by the number of Tla-bourers who drew pay from the Trent Canal of- ce under Lau-rier, it seems surpris-' ing that the. canal was not, con- atwcted as far -at least as Edmon- ton. ` ' ' ust be accompanied heque on a charter- per cent. of the er, payable to the undersigned, which forfeited` if the per- ecline to enter into -411- ,1 , vvo--av vu Unxvux I called upon to do om-plete the work The lock-up to be A and ready for oc- 15th day of August, N C. SCOT-T, rintendent General Indian Affairs Phone 431. _,-_._ V..'.... 7- - 0IlcZ'{:0LylOV|;(;;).D,.oRr. r. ` , pl I.,.. ` N} ` `Q K*51`%j:;3i.iJIEf"f7 %aiqggh%LIN.4o.A.A. suuo-rpsnso. '"'-""-'""" "-" *""' "' . 5|.'|INnox.P:1_:>h'to Honeshoenng ~ . . __ \ yll... PF" ,l-u-'n`-- - - vac U83 C`.-`mt A Lslciglfgand Cutte U1 unlit IE` riaggs, Wagons ` I". Wm; Prout, formerly a hotel- keeper and later a -temperance work- er, fell dead in his chicken yard at Exeter. No doubt The Pioneer `will point out `a moral from this item.