Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 19 Feb 1914, p. 8

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GEROLAMY--At ,Tara, Ont., Wed- nesday, February 11th, 1914, W.% A. Gerolamy, in his 82nd year, \/VALLVJIUB .l1.U1'I:1'lg'IlF, . The Bow Knot Club dance in the A Town Hall last Friday was thor- oughly enjoyed by the 160 guests who were. present. Addison s or- chestra furnished excellent f`danc_ing.. `music, and the only thing -to mar the evening s , pleasure wgs the [frigid atmosphere of the .Towh Hall. ' ' hr. and Mrs. Thomas `P. Ga1t- announce the engagement of their daulter, _Yvonn_e, to _Mr. Francis Her rt Kortright, eon of . Mr.` J. .M. Kortright,- Egerton, Kent, Eng-` land, and grandson of _ the late Sir Obrnelius Kortright, _Barrie, Ont. _` `[ evm... `D-.. Tr `Mr. and Mrs. Markham F. Twed- dell spent the week with Mrs. Twed- dell s parents, Rev. `anti Mrs.` Hip- kin on their return i from L the Old Country to their home In Winni- `nesr- ` Miss 'Macwatt, who has `been at the Queen s, Torbnto, for several Weeks, has returned, to Sarnia, and will shortly leave for Berinuda for. `the, balance of the winter. `I up ,_ -_- ..-uuuunu zuvu. k ~ TMrs. and Mi_s`s'Gwuise-Bagley left this Week to reside in ,Toronto, while Miss .Bag1ey pursues her musical studies. A ~ - 7 __,_ .__ ..-.V VI vvnxg . I Mr. J. A. McNeil of Montreal, and Miss M. K. McNeil of Toronto, were in town over Sunday. ' ' `I.f.\......_ 1'.` 11-7 rs ..-_ vvvs uuuu.uuJ- 'M'essrs.F. W; Otton .andvJ. R. Hambly have been in Ottawa this week, attending` the annual /-con-' vention of the hardware men. i V -.'-_V 1 '11-.` ~ E BARGAINADAY stEc1 and Mrs. Rankin of Tdronto.' were "renewing old acquaintances in town during the Week- lly: U u the guest ronto St. ._ Miss K. `McAvoy has i'eturned- toT her home in London. ' Mrs. Josh. Terry is recovering from her recent serious illness- Mrg. J. L. Burton of Toronto is of `Mrs; M. Burton, To- 1-nntn Q1- J udge Hewson of Gore Bay was in town on Monday. - . Q'OOOOOOOOO0OOOO0OOO`O0OOO: :vvvvvvvvOOOOOOOOOO [g socm. AND PaRs6'i' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A - - - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000: I Q ______ ____ ___ - "Remember . J l3arrie s big ar .McLgien--E1wqd COMES BUT ONCE] A HERE IS A G] GEO. ALL THE PRINCIPAI FRI. and SA ! com: W1 PPORTUNI7 To SHOP AT ~ VICKEI 14c. BARGAI Regular Value 20c. ai Mail Orcicrsj F iiled-Samples on` _;nand selected seed .. Gallon Spring What, grown from, [ j ye zselwted Extra. Fine Oxford Shirtitag arid Zeph i light grounds, all stripes, ' ' I 2 different -deTgns - fu-1132 inches wide, Superior quality, British make. _ For Shirts, Waists, Aprohs, Dresses, aisting T . V . mpers, etc., We `procured this from a manufacturer if . made-up garmentsjat a fraction of its rth .9... an -9116 UIl1C' ginspgtor,_ _Tof9`nt` xf Pi'ixv`_1/[1::;<-i ` tlggr ;i'pfo1"mat_ion ontaining ` fur- to conditions of Barrie Curlers won out in round `of the Collingwooc Cup} games on Tuesday. __ ..-..-..-.., auu u1t:_ ur1ae's cous1n sI lDr. and Mrs. Hamllton Cornwall. lMrs. Elwood, of Regina, mother of the bride, assisted in receiving the guests. - ' V -Miss Elwood was in charge of the Evangelia Settlement across the bay from Barrie, all last summer, 'hi1d- the groom is a brother of Major D. H. "and Mr. J. A. Mac- ' ,Laren of town. ' : r .....a. I.OA&\.` Kllaulullu from -Sir Edmund Osler. After the, ceremony`, `Mrs. H. D. Warren held in small reception at_. Red Gables, Wellesley street, for the family con- nection, which included Judge Holt, ofi Goderich, and the_bride s cousin s' Dr- and M U " ' n.....1`I1..... 1` . tendant. -shaw and Mr. Oldham. The bride the ushers were Mr. and ermine hat, and seal furs. place of the usual boquet, she car- ried ,a prayer ments `Were a pearl brooch, ` 0111] n members of the Evangelia Clubs together with "the immediate family and friends, witnessed the cere- mony, and Miss Katherine Wright, who has been associated with the bride in her work, was her only at- Canon Plumptre read4 the service, and Mr. Georey Holt, -cousin of the bride, presided at the organ. The best man -was "Major Charles MacLaren, of Ottawa, and Le Clair Atkin- son, -Mr. Hugh, Heaton, Mr. .Berkin- was charmingly _attired in a cos- tume of white duvetyn,` with seal In `book, and her orna- and diamond `he gift of the_ bridegroom, .J. i ! n......_ _ V I` ~(j_}1->cV>w_xxv ._:.h,nd {seed . rlers out the last Co11ingwood-Barrie A W` .-..-J-__ VTHERLANVD, V ,In:spect ii ,7. 0 ~ 319: , 3! of Simcoe 2. Barrie. on at the hour }mpers, etc., etc, NEW ADvp;}'rWsEMENT-s }'r1cu>.A.'nnj lloise. `arch 7 and I | .`;l`'3.`u. security Irritation and rest.) The marvel; th wife!-roypmr ycurzs LU 11215 tillt` unnu- nczv `.'.`.N "CURATRlZS' Instant re1i<=f,re. and ers fail. It stpr-4 all every part to 2b` na- as it is used and for all es are thrown :`.'.vny._ s are absolutcIywltl1- st is small. ii--One 15-_-'0n`e_ I \I 137 ' J;jI"`'3X'Nf'E Cncc Thought Neg enough In- vmsc I nought No Search for Wonderfu! Math Without Knlf ' V . |`_f1 A II rv --:vaa Truss ` Bad at rink Thursday and Sat 1_`.i3[fTRDAY, FEB S J (SEE DATES in` BOTTOM) 8-One 9-One 10---0ne 11-4O n_e 5 12---"(`)_nVeA 1 Heated. no I-nfnn M an n [Days v-- -'. .-- P00 resentation 'to J. Y- POOI t, (omce,No. 200, 14 ) who will visit the ink every Tuesday, Saturday evenings. 1:3 are 3DSOlllI(`1)' Will! t is en. women and children y many ph) sici:u1s. ere I have my greatest mated. nn n.-ain nrirri~ . The following prizes In nv`|m:l-`:4-n.l 1.. .. - - A -. J , rturc is no longer neces- trusses and barbarous Ipture are done away Invention of a specialist years to this one amic- 5 -Y!!".`.' FCIAN oI.`lIDAT3lYC"' asary. but New Your lief ls Ended Retains Rupture `Danger or Pam O,IO`n AFI` . rrzu ie IIVIIUCU, IIU pillll Ul MU" Lietentlve method. teed. No fakes ories Do not lay this asxde. coupon now. tlon Coupon. -Aan-L_A1-_ 1.- `I 1.33 the Court of Dulnn (Icon and 3 my grczucan V pam or irri- mnthnd, 5---OneT 6--One py'r\ /Tong bu 3.0 o -o -o o-ado I0 I 101010 010101 010 0.0101`! IOZDXFXOIOXO 010 01010 010101019 101010101010 . % DIEP JA-MIESON--At Guelph, on `Wed-T" nesday, Feb. 11th, `1914, Arthur McLean Jamieson, fth son of `Mr. and Mrs. `James J amieson, of Barrie, aged 37 years and 3- months. T T - 4:--One H. H. Otton & Son Toilet Paper; large rolls, 5 for. .. Corn Razors, reg.- 25c for. . .. . . . . . . Hockey Sticks, Reg. 5oc'quality _for.. Padlocks, 2 keys, reg. 20c for. . . :13-IUD Q-vwuv, nvnvi IIIIVIIU I\l` ./`J l|I\pll'. reg. .I.oo per doz. for .... Perforated Fry Pen Covers, reg. 15 fo White Enamel Slop Pails, largcsize, reg. -`V " - medium size, 7` - Zbovill 5|} IAIILI 6' reg. 50c-`for Tungsten Electric Light Bulbs,` 60 c. p.,} 4 A FeltvSweat Pads, reg. soc for.,. . . . ; . . Set of Scissqrs, in cases, 3 to a set, reg. .1 -Extra Heavy Meat Hooks vfor _% ` inch ~-.. Ilnrl I an f\(\l AA: 1'... These are Genuine Bargains -for urday next. F or `instance, an on Lamph` nat25 per cL:e,nt}.` ~ No. 9 Wash Boilers, galvanized bojttognj Carbon Electric Light-Bulbs, reg; 2oc Tungsten V _ 25 and % soars mnnoszuzcranj FEBRUARY 20 Ind 21 SPE-NOE--KAY-At Port Sydney, on January 12th, 1914, John, seeondson of Mr. and Mrs. Thos; `Spence of Dalston ,to Jean, eldest ` daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kay, of Port. Sydney. Fire Hall, Barrie Satilrday, BARRIE WHCULTURAL SOCIETY PRIZK usr CLASS Will - awdrded on `best -s_arjnp1es _of- [109 !n1]n:-n ._.....-.... - .. '.. Q--->.'I , MARRIED % REID--McQUAID---T-1;&b the ;-esi- .1-.. ._.. I-`OR 513 ,Fie -.u 4.4. 1;. \..J.I.\ VVlU`M,' 7 Sol. for saLd of Inmsl. DATED 16 `February 1914. 8-8 um-ucu uu `U630 wsurupleb .01` `the. rules governing._ _ Ratepayers are re tested to s to,_ _or exhibit to-, t undersig all their `receipts _fo taxes for years 1911, 1912 an 1913, shov dates of paymept. . ' 9 1 items in respect of an early date. Pa ` quiry is to she held from the said Judg Clerk, any member or `the. undersign V able to. give any inf of said matters ma the undersigned by i considered condent in the scope of the `7 terial will be used. last, all sizes, wor Carey s Salg Price, $1.. To the Ratepaye ` `ship of In NOTICE.` is_ lgexgg .....-.--,._-L I `leaving! two daughters,` Mrs..I. G. : Bowles, North Bay; Mrs. .John- ston J ; Foy, Toronto, and one 4 son, E. A. Gerolamy; Calgary. - McLEOD-At 100 Owen St.,- Bar- rie, on the"morning of the 16th of -February, 1914,. at 4.20 o c'1ock, . Annie Shaw McLean, beloved `wife of Rev. D. D. McLeod, D.D. 7, March 7th WANTED-Young. women, ' over eighteen years of age, with at `` least one year of High School` training, to enter Training School T for Nurses, (}ermantoWn_Hospita1, Phi-ladelp-hia, Pa. Apply, to N. F. W, Crossland, Director of Nurses. ` , 7-10 FOR iSALE-House and 5; acres iv of good` land on 6th Con.- of Vespra,i lot 26, about 1-3- of a mile from" Allandale; also good stable and driving shed. .Can ', have possession at once if neces- sary. Also vacant lot, No. 12, on Tifn St. Enquire at prem- ises or No. 51 Essa St\. . 46-8p. &VK Peas" Fl HE POINTS DWARE ',d_y and Sat"- `F-ancyi Stand F3 for. , . . . bar, X 32:00 $1.00 FE for... 1st v 2nd 3rd .13: and: 81-50 $100 ....... ..15c " given `that of the Coun- estigation -will 248 , of _ the by the Senior , of Simcoe at molars of the an be learnt the Township f the Council hom it_wil1 be 3 lly.. If with- * quiry the ma.- ltested 1 . sent? `V-v vvul. UU UWLIU undersigne the showing ...%.%75 .....1o ..1.oo 39" ..49AcJ . .,,30c X 50c 50c soc 50c ..No. 1- SALVATION ARMY I .Brigadier' Adby of Hamilton is visiting. the Barrie Corps on Thurs- day, February 26th, and w-ill gifre a lantern service, entitled The Social Work of the Army. These` pictures have been shown at Mais- Hall, A Toronto.` Everybody ` in- [ befoi_'e' lhfavning ; r _Plumbin_g . :H__eting` teyn installed Special motion pictures `at the Grand Opera ,`House on Friday and Saturday evenings. The great Selig drama, , Invisible Govern- ment, in ' two -parts, witli three other comedy and dramatic pic-. tures, ve reels in ' all each show. _. ;grea~t sale `at s. of Watclies, , Clocks, Cut tc., at Reeve"s Jewelry, Diamo Glass, Silverware, Jewelry Store wi . continue each afternoon and ev ing. at 3 and 8 o clock until fur er n tice.` J---Mr. D. M. derson, the noted auctioneer, " conducting the T 3 Jewelry Store. _Ie1;1fieW'('3 1ir1ers have " 1`p almost everything in sight this winter, except the Tankard. `The Becktrophy and four- gold `watches -were won at Penetang bonspiel, the Govemor-Genera1 s Cup and` medals and the Oollingwood-Barrie Cup, makes quite a good showing for one season. ` _ 1 - ... uu .u.:uu vy Lug pl'1ZGS ,WlU- seeds exhiblted In accordance wit Fairs. ` [V --'-For real good owers+-weddzing or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral effects, put up in the most artistic manner, see `WM. TAYLOR,` Dunlop `St., Barrie. ' r and Wedding, `Ring! a riage License at E. .' Williams Jewelry Store, and I thoroughly satisfied that you` ' ue obtainable. _ A . ' * tf !Court Lady Grey Foresters carni- val was not so well -attended as similar events held earlier this sea- son. There were many counter at- -tra`ctions' on Monday - evening, which detracted from the - interest in the aair. Messrs. H. E. Jory, L. I. Vaii -and H. Riddell. were the judges. ' Berhie Kghieulttlral _ `Society Spring-L Seed Fair will be held in the Police Court on `Saturday, March 7th. S_ee the advertisement containing prize list in this issue. _- --4 Boys 1 , 9.-pair and Buckle Gum _ ;--pair. Look for 1311-. --*Carey s ; are selliv Buckle Overshoes for? Men . Maltese Cr Rubbers for $1.39 Carey -s big sale` Rev. G. R.. Turk will preach to the young ladies in" Collier St. Methodist Church next Sunday evening,` i.t being the second of a special series of sermons. 1 .-.. i The . Lyceum e Odurge t`.c16n_cert -in the Opera` House "on "Monday night was enjoyed by `a :large audience. `,`The Killarney Gnirls was j the at- traction .qncL theirprogramme. was of 9: high o_1`der. ` ' 11: "vs a 4 The. advisability `of `holding the Spring Stallion Show of the` Barrie Agricultural Society. at ..the` `park instead `of at ,the`_ Market; ' Square is being discussed by theV'directors. -w-`I __ ._ "The `regular monthly meeting, of the W.A.e of R.V.H. will in the Court Room` at 3_` o c16ck on Tuesday, FeHr'uary' 24th. ' ~ .goooooou6990996099W -I.a;......a.aa4.aa'nooVoaooo wow- -...-. - ' _-_ vwvg -_ _ Bufton Aye. Epwo1:f1i`League - will hold their carnivalf next ._Mo_ nfday '; e\r,e`ning.T -Good V prizes _are '}being . qered. , ` -J I, ' , , _. '11,- I4-l&-DJ T L U91` . dence S? Hddgh wlcforrison, Or-o~, uncle ofxthe bride, on Wed- nesday, February 4th, by the Rev. Neil Campbell, B.A., Miss Maud McQuaid, of Nevis, and Mr. John A. Reid, of Edgar. , `T `"`-T`[`_11`e;.SL-1JuV!`iVng' Assizehs adpeh at the Court House here `on Ma'rch '3rd,` with Hon. Chancellor '- Boyd pre-A1 si`dng. ` "O`='"`T", "' '.""` "'-`.'7`.`. ~ . . L0ooooooooooooo999900993I _W. Scoit lLarge_V .ic housev jusitf [ 6f" the: wate,1_'.wor_ksv plant on Mary St. _` .34- Monday, T A.pri1{ 13th, for the `Co er _~St. 'La;1ies Aid Concert. Mi Assie Alexan- der has been engage - - H Ahrvest is` progress with 16 Tinbches of, .good_, clear ice. . 1} ' ' T - I ;.....ooooootooiooogoqoz. ` . -L .-.4.- up A1: a a nnnnnnnm {SE3 Ai`HEANoRrHE,RN ADVALNc_E%

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