\\'('i'L' IHUTC IUYLUIIHUUI U "'l.'-hc Staff, which included I) Alessrs. J. Laughland, B.S.A- and 3` Mr. J. M. Varey, was the next -toast. Mr. Latighland was agre6' tr uiiiy surprised on the organiation ea class when he had twenty`. 1:` ve students the first Weka but ~ (1 when this number -grew to f01'ty7 E ve, he remarked that Bari'eie_`W.a3 1 one of the best centres for Such A94 .t 4~uul`s() in Ontario. Some Of-the 1 . drove in ten _f1I}i1.35a . but-, they were always on hlld at 9 a.rti.,,` and few missed one day-_. va1tho1_1_81,1'.` the tuition was free and ,IiO_ 1)lusi0u in regard to 4 &W_!]1dn0f__;.. Next year, he hoped to "h8_V8 .'.33n:; wen larger class in ` Barrie." banquet was a ne Vway`to.'_i31`_11j!1P'% the course, and although-he. t1m!a`tp0ne another engageitieil would not have -misaed`_.ait." thing. Au-acre would be held this potatoes. The vVprize=.',i;f0_ 1:0 a` free two-week _s~_jf,epu O.A.C. for `two_t:epveiii1};t@,1i It will be `worth your whiie te take` advent` aegof these. prices, which are for These Two Da Only. Watchmaker, ID \, 11')` J. `ML 7 structor, also ma-def." L _ reference to ideal; Siii Barrie as " -. 3 ` B . . 11 compliment Persoga_11y= FI:}B Y -19jth. and had learned . as much as? many of the. students themselves.. The intelligent questions propound- '. ed_ by some of the students made * the. instructors think -`before giving. an answer. The one thing he re- gretted was that the course was at an end. r ' I Gold Fobs "for Instructors A pleasant. surprise during the even- -ing was the presentation to Messrs. Laughland rand Varey of gold watch fobs, engraved with their --initials on the front and B. A. Class, 1914 on the reverse. Mr. Hickling read the following address and Mr. T. W. Sharpe made the presenta- Dear Sirs:---We, the students of Barrie O.A.C., wish to express our appreciation of the very valuable instruction you_ have given us dur- ing the ,four week s agricultural }course that has come to a close. ,We wish to assure you that_ the course will undoubtedly prove to he -a very valuable and`-practical` assist- ance to-us in our chosen calling in ' life. We have long felt that `a course of this kind, if it could be given to us in a convenient and practical manner would surely` be, not only appreciated, but also en- joyed. ,We assure you that this ' is true in this instance, and we will long remember the pleasant and profitable time-' we have spent to- 1 gether. The practical parts of the 1 course, such as stock, judging, . Jl grain judging, etc., have certainly ; been very interesting," as well as 1 helpful, as the most of us are .en- - 1 gaged in mixed farming, ' ,_ t The Literary Society `in connec-. " tion with the course has also been ' 3 a potent factor. in developing .'the literary, as well as the social `side it e of the students ` in attendance. " Some of the -boys have, no-. doubt, *3 made their `maiden speech during" 3 the course, and as these a four weeks E`: Ina) , be the closing? school` days`, of. ktion: we are only aid as space Jewelry Sale :. ;$3.oo ach . . . 3.o%oLc5ac%h Q :. ..;I.oo_ each ,.. . I.oo.each pe. .%2..5o4 eaqh `l. .4.oo% 3} 2 ms Dptician Youhg Farmers Hold Banquet at Queiis "ou;- `l`ife s woil,w they |wi1l ever" remain a _pleasant memory with us. :1`. I Ki1s; ~'ian1 real . corn; Ivllb 1.090 s ' _' Before Hrs "wish 7_t>dr.show '; sin` ksdmer `tangible-`._; way, * jhpweyer 3 `slight it, ;maybe, the high "a`ppre- = ciaonlsnd esteem we entertain for you as` our. `instructors, and` would ask you .to please accept these Watch `fqbs as -tokens` of remembrance} and of our hearty and best.wishesl for your prosperity, as well as the prosperity of. the O.A.C. ` C13_..;_'l ._ L-L-1.E -1? 1.1.... ..'I.....n `1lLIJUtJ`\JlJVJ V1.` 011`: \lo4J.o\/q Signd on. behalf of _ the 41312135,! Roy N. Hickling, `Pres.; and T. W.` Sharpe, Sec y.' A __-L- -1 ..1_-..x-`- --_;- -1.*.'. ...,,....Jl I LJIIGL W, LIUU `[3 ~ - A vote of thanks was a1sVo r'noved~ by Mr. Hvick1ing"to Messrs. Laugh- land and Sharpe, for completing all; the arrangemexgts for the. banquet. : q ___-._ `.L`__.._...'L..,Il Ln and ha. , and anreading by Mr. IIIIU Oltl C1115`-711101105 LU]. vxau . IJ\l\f`U_|\4 `Excellent miisic `was `furnished _I-I`indl'e s -Orchestra,T an the toast;-Q1. list `was in-tersperseci wlth solos _by_.. Miss Coutts, Messrs, Barclay, Wlcey -..--... .\v.n:u\n- u young. farmers "to join. Oicers; unu ',DLll1I'-PU, yuuu u u;au:u5 u; .......,-__ E. J. Carson. .D_ancin'g followed.` until the early hours to the delight-:1 fuly strains of `Hind-le_ s orchestra. " e Literary Society I ~ ' The intention` -is A. to keep the young students in touch with each other, and by the formation of` a literary society which will hold` regular meetings, _this object will be attained-,` `besides inducing` other I were electedi 9% followszt P1-es_., R. N. Hickling, jarrie; 1s-t `Vice-Pr'es._, E. W. Car". Painswick; Se-c y- iTreas.', ' T.` "W. `Sharpe, Thornton -; C0mmittee,"`J. M. 'Gi1ch1`ist, Shanty,` n--.._-11 n..,.' Q+o+inn-E Liommlttee, 0- ill. `\J1u.;xu.uau, u.....--v,,.` Bay; L. W. Pearsall; Oro', Stat.ion;= Thos. A. A11a_n,v Vine; The. name} selected was" The` Young. - Farmers ; Agricultural Society, and it was decided to hold 21 big meeting in` the Opera 'House- some time in March, ,to. be addressed by Hon. `J. S. Du, .Dr. Creelman and others prominent in agricultural instruc- tion. V ~ -~- - -1-10 Last Thursday the class went to the farm of Mr. Geo. Crawford at Oro -Station, to judge cattle, Vpriz/es being` awarded as follows: 1st Eyvin, 2nd A. H. Wice, 3rd -3- :-1. n \T IJ:,.1.1:..... ml. _;_ `Ir in, Zml A. 11. vvxue, oru. -_- } .1ghes, 4th R. N. Hickling, 5th -`-- Mui'p`hy, 61:11 --L McArthur.' ' T I Council Turns Down Request for 30,000 (Continued `from Page 1): \.\`ixty-ve per cent. of the students who obtained their degree , -of lid('h(`l0I` of Science of Agricliltilre at the (iuelph Agricultural" College, a 1-euiained in Ontario to give'~ the benefit of their training -tothejfarm-I (`rs of this province. These-;`:$hort p courses were bringing in`Atlie;;.pyeL11_1g farmers and keeping them 'iT'nteres't-_,- ed in the great business . of agric- ulture. He complimented the in-' .~t1'uctors on the manner in .whieh the class had sheen organized. 'Wit_h nearly fty students in attendanee 1 this was one of the best cl'aSS6S N61 : I urganizc(.l in Ontario andthework ;-;` -.ucmnplished was of a high order. The Ladies were toasted, andj 1.. W. Pearsall and T. W. `Sharpe 1-e. in able manner on` their- behalf. Mr. Pearsall considered it an honor to speak for the ladies, -e and thought no social. gathering quite complete without the fair ' sex. Mr. Sharpe was of the opinion . that the num`ber present would have been much smaller had there been-p no ladies present, and although he,` run the risk" of hurting the "feelings - of those who had come without lady` friends, he eould not help but 1`-I`l11t1l'l{ the sombre look on tliose un- :-wzzmiipaiiiecl by a fair partner With. the happy appearance of those" who` were more foljllllate.` 0.1 V r4-1--J-Jl A (Continu-ed` from 1 _,a:ge' 1) . 225, power `13, total 927. $3440.34 was paid on Adebentures, leaving $55,755.06. to be paid ; `$3578.67 was paiid in wage, $1399.84 for meters.` coil $39'i'6.55,`and- for hyd-ro-e1ec`t1`;'_3 -- LL- 1nn6- Q vv-nt\v\+1`IE {VF 1g`11)|_| power for $6611.27. i0ou.z4. 0 . _ 9. V ' A Second Deputation. Mr. Frawley and Dr. Wallwin ap- i peared in support of` the Board of . Education s application for $30,000 ` for the Collegiate. The former re- V ferred to the various schools which ` were being _-reconstructed in Toron- ` to. They averaged $6,632.00. per room. ' ' The Barrie school will` be . composed of 20 rooms, and will cost $2800` after providing for the , sale of the debentures, or. $4000 _ a , room. He hoped the school would be a credit to the town. a , Dr. Wallwin explained that the `Assembly ,Room and _Gymnasium requirements were demanded by the - Department of Education `and the Board was only -the means. by which the work was to be done; The details had been carefully, `consid- ered and $30,000 covered all the re- 1 5 quirements. - , A A_1d. Webb wanted "to know if a portion of the alterations could not be left over to some future, date, and Dr. Wallwin explained : that the Department required it all tqulle done at once. mnn nnn ......m. n11n1011+]`|;11C'_" to be done an ouu;. . Does $30,000 cover everything` or will there be another call ask- edTA1d. Horseld. ' 2-, -1__.'I-.`l. nnnn uI>1-r:na- lip fag 60 A10. Lluruucsuo It included everything 116 W331 told. ` nnu ,___ __.'--,.A. `|-.~.un Roan envnt-`I, There - must have been some bad; calculatios in the, first place, re-` marked Ald, Taylor. . ~ 111- I 19A__A -. ` LL--- 1-Ann 1nnnrr\7\]l-`lf 73' .1 llylur. -. -'_ .5 I beheve they. were mcomp1ete,._ J admitted Dr. Wallwin. The matter was taken uplater. ports} the rst `covered wages, the_ 2nd advised no actipn _on- J no." f Smith?-s.~ request not to renew the liquor store license, " and the 3rd ' gecotxxgnended that $30,000 be raised? ' ' ~ 1'--- LL- ' I`A11nnn:n |by debentures for the `Collegiate- l'_6(.'0IllIl.lt:uueu buuu tpuu,uuu' uu .... .....1* The Trst two passed without com-` 0.01), ullu LUIV .ll`y'\.l'LU \J vvvvv ow` Af_or the last 8 months of 19%,`! Prizes for Judgihg (i%R.'I`HERN ADVANCE ~_._._._. ment, but Ald. Fisher didn t'3`Te1ieve` it- was a square deal to the people to pass such a sum without -submitting it to them. The school would be onejof the.nest~ in Ontario` and the people would no doubt pass it buti `tliey were entitled to be consu1ted.j --- LL- _---.: I ac----_ -, , `ind. Tay1or--That January vote} was the voice of the people and We! have no authority to` hand over. `without, consulting those who sup- ;,;ply the money. A V ' ' ` ' ` Ald. Wallace--The children of the `Central are suffering daily, and - as. we must'pay it some time, we 1`shou1d1 do it without any further |dev1ay. If " we .are getting value for ,['our money, 1et s help it along. II 1 1 //"11 _4_`|A ___A__,`_ ` VJ VV\.A.\4 V...--..-....,. -_, __ _ _ Ald Webb endorsed % these senti- } ments. - . _ V . . JIJL ll UK). 'A1d. Sarjeant `didn t '_ consider ; $80,000 was'too much .for' an. $3.0,-` 000 school; we have got to pay it; and might as well do it now. . - - 1 //rnl . 1',-,,_-..___ --A`-l\` II; it `G111. `a Es , V. Ald. Simon--There s nothing to be gained by submitting it again; `the school is needed and needed bad- _1'y, so pass it without delay. I Ct-_.-:.L -;.i.4..-..-`I. +1~.n+ 1-hp? ULKIV lllU1l\/J, l\aIl u ..\..r -- -_ Ald. Horse1d-The people won t thank you for another chance be- cause we have got to do it anyway.` What would you -do if they refused? [it again? _ `_ - 1 n--' urn) .--__9_ _....A.L:..... 4-A .-`J: w y-- -v ----~-_~-_ .. . Deputy Sprott stated! that the pupils of Central were not getting justice and the teachers were also `suffering. The adverse vote was_ an expression of opinion, . but he be-i `iieved it would carry now and should be passed as soon as pos- Silllf : `'7 ` '-~ ..--..L...Jv -cnrur-n I-`jg sime. . His W_orship quoted from the Statutes` to show `the Mayor s posi- tion `in such matters. He was satis- as the school had to be completed, `so why go to the needless expense of submitting it .to the people? He -was retiring - from public life, for the present at all events, at the end of this year, but was willing to 1 share the responsibility of passing it to-`night: He quoted Mr Cres- ` wi-cke. s opinion in support of the 1; Board s ap_plication~._ . _- i l 'L - -- ..--......-.... -I-vlnn mnnnrl; 1119?`! E ied the by-law would` carry now, i ~ uampoeu, Uaxuweu, J.uU.ucauu*' u. u " .The vote bemg a he was declared Vilost. _ " N ' L ---..-..A....J 41...`. 4-Ln JJUGIVU D ayyllhuu aaaa u. . _ Those favoring the report were: .Simon, Wa-llace, Sarfeant, Gray, .I~Iorse1d', Sprdtt, May.or.--7. ; 'Daylor,. Fisher, Lowe, AWebb, Campbell, Caldwell, MoLean.--7, 'rm.- _--..- 1...:..... .. 4-in man Anninmd it IUSE. . Ald. Sarjeant reported that the! Bradford St. debentures had. ' been fsold at $98.79, thus saving about ,1 1'\_.._...`l17.. gain- .mo: n- s `Ole;-k_ Donne11?s saiary was in- reased by $150. _ - |" What salary will he draw now_3| H 8:331, BARGAINS IN Ev$Y DEPARTMENT Dress Goods, Coefs, Suits, Embroifleries, C `tons, Linens, 'Mn's Overcoatsa `Underwear. A gains as advertis, last week and pe the ! lasked V._A1d._ Lowe. * ' 6 "$1350 `said the Mayor. 1 Deputy Sprott reported that 25 per cent. o_f_ assessment of corner`j .lots be deducted from the frontage ` ltax of watering and oiling, streetsl `Where both fronts.` were assessed;l` lthat plans for concrete culverts on `Sophia St. _be submitted; also on. {Burton Ave.; also plans for sewersi {on Grove street; that the Engineer` \proceed with the sewer on Maple -Ave. by day work; that quotations 2.. for a ' rotary street` sweeper be se- ylcured, and also tenders for coal,` ,-v.blacksmithin'g, sewer pipe and} - `lumber. . ` ` , V. The Reeve` reported in favor of` papering or painting the Town Hall, and a1soApurcha`sing 300 fold- ---:LL'nu`& ' ~rv\t\1\+';I\YI;IIl'I' Q ing cl price. -xv o. v,...w. _ I Neither Ald. Campbell nor Ald. Horseld, though on the Market; `Committee, had been consulted and! declined `to support it. I I 1): That repo1't`1ooks bad to me,E said . Deputy McLean. The; penditures but `the. very rst report he brings in recommends a big out-| lay, a_nd:_w_e don t know how big. , The report was withdrawn. | A sum having been appropriated; by the Government for the im-3 provement of ` the space north of i (the station Supt. Lynch will be ad-i `vised, that the Work will be donei `early in the spring. _ T:_.LA...'...!11 Ln :n n11n.] run, early 1uV uu: oyxxug. :. Lightsrv-ill be installed on Alfredl: and Jacobs Sts., and` on `Alfred St?` and Campbell Ave. -` ` A-H c-u---..4. ..1:,.:...1 +1"... :n-I- auu Uulnpucu. nvc. Ald. Sarjeant elicited the in- formation- that the town ` paid $12.20 per light to the Department. His Worship learned from De- puty Sprott that he had been un- able to` get an account of the Town _Te'amster s division _of time. He] stated that. some member of the Council `had notied eMr. Beattyl not to furnish the required details; he. was a very: capable employee of the town but the Chairman of the! Fire and Police Committee had told ;him not to do it. That Chairman had exceeded his authority and Mr. Beatty was not to `blame, but he`l V could not say the same about A1d.. `Lowe, ` ` ' A`! `l" i 1.1. 1 J.L..L __...L:1 1n~`-l Uwe. .Ald. Lowe stated that until last} year such a division between the} Fire and __Po1i and Board ofi `Works Committees .had never been} -thought of. Mr. Beatty had asked him if he should keep the time, but i was told to ``suit `himself. _If De- -puty Sprett had, been giving me. it lsquare degl he would have consult-; For these twolldays ml` ceptionally 800d -bareaimy l`l'goll marked down forthis.special sale ,d will not allow us go jem_1tferate 3a we able to quote afewbpricesi. l A l b Ladies Un1bre11as,T'i`eg.L`il'_1r $530; sale .e..'. Gent's Umbrellas, regular $5 ob, sale pl-if Ladies Handbags, teglar $1.75 , sale p ce. Enamel Beltpins, regul1r$2.obO, sailelpric, . 1) HUU 'dl.DU puluxxuonnns uvu `V-.. chairs, without `mentioning a ' Miss T hem. last; week per" band bills. NEXT Underwear, ns, _ Blankits, host of bar- ed me instead of Mrl Beatty, said Ald. Lowe. I told` him to suit himself, said Aid. Lowe. It is not a very satis- ifaetory condition, and the teamster [should be asked by- the Council to ifurnish the information. \Ve shouldi know how much snow plowing ami other work he" has done for the dif- ; ferent T departments. I (IT _ L L1- _ 13.. ...-......-... nu...-\.-.1-- 4-`an in- .l.t:-.l Uu I: utsyax u.u\,u. no. ` Let the Engineer supply the in- formation, suggested Ald. Taylor. I 1111' 15,, ,---_-7;. .L._11 LI... LA - LIA`, ;u4.- K 1UL'1uauuu, ausscovcu J..LL\.ln Mr. Beatty won -t tell him--he s got to be out on the street, in snow `storms, and V cleaning water basins 1 . 9 .1 _ _ _ g__ ' ' _..1_-..... 3` lauuuxa, tllluvuluunxxnsb .......,. ..,.....---.. `So What s the sense in asking it than to divide his .time; he s work- ing for the town all the time, so leave him alone, said Ald. Hors- lelfi, - `,0 _ 71 o _,_ J.__.----... ]J.Cll..lo A mot=_ion was passed endorsing the application of the _ladies for votes for married Women who have property in their own right and the ilegislature will be asked to support: `then _me1sure. "1 - ,-11 1,- -~1_...1 Cut Glass Berry Bowls fag.` 50, 'saV1e%p" % doz. Tumblers,` regulgr 5;ooT. sal -p'ri` Cream`anc_1 .$ugar, (Cut }lass),_ reg.; $3.-v75.L `[113 u1Cu5U1'U- , The Town Teamster will be asked }to_supp1y an account of his time ;to' the Clerk every two Weeks. _ __-11 L- ..L:....'.....J Arm LU ylxu \/A\aLl\ uv \/A`) Legal advice will "e" Ald. McLea1"1 s motion, streets leading to the STROUD , 1 Feb. 18th.--Penetang sent two {rinks of curlers down yesterday, and ialthough they did not go home vice ing and voted the Stroud curlers most hospitable entertainers. Games ` ltorious, they had an `excellent. out- 3 {were played; both morning and after- noon, and `the players were enter- tained at the Orange Hall after-the afternoon game, when an enjoyable twohours was spent. Speeches were .'made and songs by Messrs. Robin- son and Flynn of Penetang and F.` Mathers and D. W. Lennox of Stroud. Mr. Palmer. furnished the ntrovphies. The scores were as sfollowsz` . ' "" - Cu.-.-.-..J `_ Peneahg 9 Stroud I Todd . Carlyle "C. Palmer 0.` R. Black J, Mara - F. Mathers G. Robinson, sk. 13 D. Lennox, 15 C. Darling` L. Guest J .`J . Flynn D. Boyes R. Beauleau ' ' B. Webb G. Coupkajld, sk. 11 S. Meredith. 12 ' _ Aftrn_Qon,Game A I`1......._ L.Lla\:1u._vuu. _ \,~ Darling ` ` A. Green. J. Flynn F. Peacock Couplahd _ H`. Meredith Beauleau, sk. 9 C. McConkey, 10 Todd 9*` ` R. Webb .. . . , m 1 flammab- 1000 H. ..-.,., Palmer T. Kissock Robinson. _ . AM-. Robertson .Mara, sk. 15. W. Patterson, .17; obtained, on: A I _ W 4 AL A \ |) |4QllJ\J\.A, VAH to have the Water` open- \.'!\4|.q O , \ ' "'.""' uoo`ooooooo9otooo'oaoooo sale price Kitchen Clocks, guaranteed,` reg`u:]a_`r $3.7 . .7,` sale pr1ce.............._............ .,3.ooe'ach- Cups and Saucers, regular $1.00, sale price Tea Spoons, regular $4.90, Sale price. . . . . . . 5%oc% each '. . 3.96 doz._;